Invigor8 Your Pupil Voice



Subject councils Action groups eMe nto rin g Set a day of the week when members of the school council will be available in the same room, so anyone can come to talk to them about anything they want to change in the school. Sports councils work really well in many schools, why not have other subject councils help run clubs and talk about the curriculum? Set up a simple database to track which pupils are involved in which activities. Great for monitoring and for personal statements.

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Sports councils work really well in many schools, why not have other subject councils help run clubs and talk about the curriculum?

Subject councils

Set a day of the week when members of the school council will be available in the same room, so anyone can come to talk to them about anything they want to change in the school.

School council surgery

Student newsletter

Get pupils involved in journalism, writing about what they think is important to them. A blog or pages in the school’s newsletter would work really well too and might be easier.

Overlap positions For each project you want to do, set up an Action Group reporting to the school council. Let people volunteer themselves on to it. You’ll get more people involved (and it sounds a lot better than ‘sub-committee’).

Action groups

Student research group

re-invigor your pupil voice

This is a free download for subscribers to School Council UK’s newsletter. © School Councils UK 2009.

Year 7s can answer questions from Year 6s by email to help with the transition from primary to secondary school.

Train up a group of students as researchers. Allow staff and the school council to commission them to carry out research projects, particularly gathering students’ views.

Have terms of office for your school council, year councils, action groups, etc. overlap so that new representatives can shadow the old ones.

Set up a simple database to track which pupils are involved in which activities. Great for monitoring and for personal statements.

Involvement database
