Introduction to Remedial Class


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  • 7/29/2019 Introduction to Remedial Class


    Introduction to Remedial Class

    The purpose of our primary education level is to build a person that is stable and

    progress holistically in terms of intellect, spiritually, emotionally and physically according

    to the National Education Philosophy. To master the basic skills of reading, writing and

    counting (3M) enables the pupils to communicate and gain more knowledge. Thus, the

    Special Remedial Programme focuses the principle of solving the problems at the

    earlier stage so that the problems will be less chronic and continuously affects the

    pupils until the second level of the primary education or to the secondary school level.

    The difference of interest, experience, talent and the pupils way of studying

    causes some of them have the problem to be slow in mastering the learning skills as

    their other classmates. If they are not given the remedial lesson, they might be failed to

    get the knowledge that they supposed to and they will have no potential in study. Thus,

    through the special remedial program, the pupils needs in certain area of knowledge

    are able to be known and fulfilled.


    The Special Remedial Programme is an effort to curb the problems faced by the pupils

    whom have problems in learning especially in mastering the skills of reading, writing

    and counting.


    The Special Remedial Programme is prepared to help the pupils to masters the basic

    skills of reading, writing and counting (3M) that have not been mastered in the times



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    After joining this programme in certain range of time, the pupils will be able to

    a) Masters the 3M basic skills

    b) To continue the lesson in class

    c) To boost the pupils confidence and positivity in learning

    (Translated : Buku Panduan Pelaksanaan Pemulihan Khas, 2003, pg 2)


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    The Characteristic of Remedial Class Pupils

    a) Emotion and behavior

    - Always worry and low self esteem

    - Very melancholic

    - Easily feels bored for their study

    - Scared of learning new things

    - Stubborn, brakes the rules and always fights

    b) Socially

    - Restless and always lingers around the class and disturb their friends

    - Other pupils hates them

    - Have some weird behavior such as sucking or bites their finger


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    - Always absent

    - Lies and steal things

    c) Health

    - Weak and less eating nutritious food

    - Unstable growth (fat or too thin)

    - Their focus in study is limited

    - Still weak in using their sensory-motor

    - Always sick for long a period of time

    d) Readiness to study

    - Not ready to study

    - Use less vocabulary

    - Weak in comprehension

    - Low self-esteem

    e) Observation

    Unable to recognize the shape or the difference in order

    - Weak in hearing

    - Confuse about the concept of space and direction

    - Slow in categorizing things


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    - Unable to link the previous lesson with the new lesson

    - Unable to make statement

    - Hard to take part in game activity actively or unable to understand the rules and


    - Unable to do creative work

    - Weak in thinking

    - Unable to memorize things

    - (Translated : Buku Panduan Pelaksanaan Pemulihan Khas, 2003, pg 7-8)


  • 7/29/2019 Introduction to Remedial Class


    Diagnostic Test

    a) A diagnostic test is an important test in the Special Remedial Education in

    Programme. The test is used to help the remedial class teacher to spot the

    weaknesses and the strength of the pupils in their study

    b) This lesson is made not to evaluate the level of achievement but to remark

    the problems in learning difficulties and recognize the pupils failure mastering

    the learning skills

    c) The diagnostic test result will show the weak and strong learning area faces

    by pupil in mastering skills. This is the way that helps the teacher to identify

    the pupils according to the group of the same abilities and area of difficulties.

    d) The test analysis helps the teacher to plan a teaching programme individually

    or for a group systematically.

    A diagnostic test can be done either verbally, practically and written. In

    mathematics diagnostic test, the test is done in written with 18 skills to be tested. The

    test must follow the table of specification for diagnostic test.

    (Translated : Buku Panduan Pelaksanaan Pemulihan Khas, 2003, pg 9)


  • 7/29/2019 Introduction to Remedial Class


    Mathematics Diagnostic Test


    Diagnostic test is very important in a remedial process that are about to be held upon a

    pupil. This test helps the teacher in identifying the problems faced by the pupils. Then,

    the teacher will decide whether the pupils are facing a complex or a minor problem in

    learning. Through the analysis from the diagnostic test, the teacher will plan a well plan

    remedial activity for each pupils that needs remedial class.

    The preparation of the diagnostic test through E-ReEm context is the same as

    the diagnostic test in Program pemulihan Khas Tahap Satu (PKTS). However, the test

    in E-ReEm Programme includes the counting basic skill items and translated in English.

    The test is done in written form.


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    This test consists of 18 counting basic skills in a domain cognitive usage stage. To test

    the skills, 160 items are build.


    Before preparing the special remedial programme, the pupil or the group that are

    identified as the pupil who needs the remedial programme through IMA 1, IMA 2 and

    IMA 3 needs to diagnosed to ensure the level of difficulties that each pupils faced in

    learning. Pupils need to sit for a diagnostic test either in groups of 5 or individually.

    Every response or answer state by written by the pupils need to be recorded in the

    record form together with the diagnostic test paper. After the teacher had finished given

    responses to all the tested items, the remedial teacher will analyze the response given

    by the pupils or the group that had their diagnostic test.


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