Introduction Our lives are full of perceptions: –How we perceive ourselves... and others. –When...


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• Our lives are full of perceptions:– How we perceive ourselves... and others.– When struggling with self-righteousness we

typically look better in our own eyes than others who believe differently than us.

Jesus wants to shape our perception of our lives before

Him as well as how we perceive others whom the

world despise.



• Knew what others (especially, Pharisees) thought of him: one of the most despised among the Hebrews in the first century. Matt. 11:19; 18:17

• Perceived an urgency to follow Jesus. • Invited the outcast to honor of Jesus!

Lk. 5:29; Matt. 9:10

Scribes of the Pharisees

• Scribes of the Pharisees: They saw and judged Jesus – a teacher/prophet – for eating with tax collectors and “sinners”. Mk. 2:16

The Disciples of Jesus

• Knew they were not the “cream of the crop” (Note: “sinner” equals “irreligious” Jews).

• They were aware of how the scribes of the Pharisees perceived them.

• Still, they were not without times of similar attitudes of an exclusivist mindset. cp. Mk. 9:38

Jesus’ Perception

• Came to save sinners (those sick).• He wanted these “judges” to learn: “I

desire compassion, and not sacrifice,’ for I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners.” V. 13

What We Need To Perceive Today

The Need for Healing

• There are those among us who need to “follow Jesus” today.

• Unfortunately, there are those who do not see this need in their life. cp. Prov. 30:12

• Today is the day of salvation... you are not guaranteed tomorrow.

Looking Upon the Outcast

• Many Christians have similar perceptions toward the “irreligious” and “look down” upon them.

• Those among us with this mindset need to “Go learn what this means.” cp. Matt. 12:7

• They are rebuked because they strive to justify themselves before man and God. Lk. 16:15


• Our Great Physician came not only to heal us of our sins, but our sinful perceptions.

• We – like those who have yet to be immersed with Christ – need to seek out the “tax collectors and sinners” among us that Christ may call them to Him.