Introduction Jalan Raya


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  • 8/12/2019 Introduction Jalan Raya



    Bridge is a building from wood, iron, concrete and others that is road

    cross river, road, railways line and so on. Bridge is structure built from

    various types of material that function linking two places being divided by

    building or different structure such as river, channel, road, train, track and others,

    without cover up building or below route. Bridge need not only

    for vehicle path and pedestrian but also was used to place a few other services such

    as water supply pipe, gas and also electricity supply. Apart from that, bridge has

    aesthetic value that high and capable of becoming tourist attraction.

  • 8/12/2019 Introduction Jalan Raya



    To know types of road structural.

    To know the causes of road structural failures.

    To learn the maintenance techniques of bridges.

    To lean the maintenance locations of the bridge structure.

    To know the damages of the signal gantry and maintenance method.

  • 8/12/2019 Introduction Jalan Raya


    QUESTION (a)

    State six common types of road structural.

    1) Bridges.

    2) Tunnels.

    3) Subway.

    4) Underpass.

    5) Retaining wall (flyover)

    6) Bailey Bridge.

  • 8/12/2019 Introduction Jalan Raya


    QUESTION (b)

    State five causes of road structural failures.

    1) Material related defects.

    - Steel defects.

    - Paint and coating damages

    - Damages to timber structures.

    - Damages to concrete.

    2) Damages to structures.

    - Defect of the bridges.

    - Damages to the deck of the bridges.

    - Damages to the pavements.

    3) Long duration of the structures.

    - The span of the roads are too long.

    4) Less maintenance to structures.

    - Less inspections towards the road.

    5) Misused of the structures.

    - Vandalisme.

  • 8/12/2019 Introduction Jalan Raya


    QUESTION (c)

    Explain maintenance technique for three types of bridges.

    1) Bailey Bridge.

    Inspection works are carried out with tighten the joints and replaced theold woods with the new ones.

    Inspection towards the welding works. Replaced the old bridge to the new one. The closing girders are made by woods or steel. Make sure the surfaces

    are rough for slippage resistance.

    2) Flyover.

    The cleaning works are carried out in a periodically routine. Cleaning up the bridge deck work. Cleaning the drainage system of the flyover. Used the suitable equipments for cleaning works.

    3) Bridges (pedestrian walk way)

    The cleaning works are carried out in a periodically routine. Cleaning the bridge deck. Use the suitable equipments.

  • 8/12/2019 Introduction Jalan Raya


    QUESTION (d)

    List five maintenance locations of the bridge structure.

    1) Expansion joints.

    2) Bearings.

    3) Welding failures.

    4) Cracking.

    5) Drainage system.

  • 8/12/2019 Introduction Jalan Raya


    QUESTION (e)

    Briefly describe the techniques for tunnel lighting maintenance.

    The designs of the lighting are considered to the safety and comfortableaspects.

    Light flame arranged so that not happened revulsion that endanger driver. Light bulb burnt must be replaced immediately. Minimum level lighting long tunnel such as night time driving. Light bulb compensated according to service life3 to by 6 months bulk to

    avoid replacement that is haphazard.

  • 8/12/2019 Introduction Jalan Raya


    QUESTION (f)

    State the five common damages of the signal gantry and provide a suitablemaintenance method.

    1) Collision from the tall vehicles.

    Replaced the broken signal gantry to the new one. The maintenance is carried out in periodic routine.

    2) Collision at the support column.

    Removed the broken signal gantry immediately for safety to users.3) The damage from strong wind.

    Repair the signal gantry. Carried out in periodically routine.

    4) Vandalisme.

    Cleaning work is carried out so that the signal gantry is in good manners.5) Weathering.

    Periodic maintenance : paintworks

  • 8/12/2019 Introduction Jalan Raya



    From a maintenance point of view, most agencies feel that these structures should

    never collapse. The consequences are higher as road link loses its function,

    replacement costs are high and the collapse itself may impair the lives of the road

    users. Thus corrective maintenance of the structure is simply not an option and

    road agencies invest heavily in preventive maintenance.

    Maintenance is undertaken to extend the life of the structure and to ensure that the

    structure remain servicing its functions without impairing risks to road users or the


    This means that maintenance may be needed to avoid that parts of the structure fall

    on road users. Maintenance may also be needed to ensure safe fish passage at

    culverts and bridges.

    These requirements may affect the timing of maintenance activities. To avoid

    unnecessary congestion, maintenance works may be carried in the night.

  • 8/12/2019 Introduction Jalan Raya



    Chapter 2 - Highway & Rail Transit Tunnel Maintenance &Rehabilitation Manual - VTRT - Bridge - Infr
