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Introduction 11


1. Overview

The Review of Particle Physics is a review of the fieldof Particle Physics and of related areas in Cosmology. Itconsists of “Summary Tables”, “Particle Listings”, and“Reviews, Tables, and Plots”. The latter covers a widevariety of theoretical and experimental topics and provides aquick reference for the practicing particle physicist.

The Summary Tables give our best values and limitsfor particle properties such as masses, widths or lifetimes,and branching fractions, as well as an extensive summaryof searches for hypothetical particles and a summary ofexperimental tests of conservation laws.

The Particle Listings are a compilation/evaluation ofdata on particle properties. They contain all the data usedto get the values given in the Summary Tables. The ParticleListings also give information on unconfirmed particlesand on particle searches, as well as reviews on subjectsof particular interest or controversy. In this edition, theParticle Listings include 3,062 new measurements from 721papers, in addition to the 35,436 measurements from 9,843papers that first appeared in previous editions [1]. Becauseof the large quantity of data, the Particle Listings are not anarchive of all published data on particle properties. We referinterested readers to earlier editions for data now consideredto be obsolete.

The book version of the Review is published in even-numbered years. This edition is an updating throughJanuary 2016 (and, in some areas, well into 2016). Thecontent of this Review is available on the web and is updatedbetween printed editions.

We organize the particles into six categories:Gauge and Higgs bosonsLeptonsQuarksMesonsBaryonsSearches for monopoles, supersymmetry,

compositeness, extra dimensions, etc.

The last category only includes searches for particles thatdo not belong to the previous groups; searches for heavycharged leptons and massive neutrinos, by contrast, are withthe leptons.

In Sec. 2 of this Introduction, we list the main areas ofresponsibility of the authors of the Particle Listings. Ourmany consultants, without whom we would not have beenable to produce this Review, are acknowledged in Sec. 3. InSec. 4, we mention briefly the naming scheme for hadrons.In Sec. 5, we discuss our procedures for choosing amongmeasurements of particle properties and for obtaining bestvalues of the properties from the measurements.

The accuracy and usefulness of this Review depend inlarge part on interaction between its users and the authors.We appreciate comments, criticisms, and suggestionsfor improvements of any kind. Please send them to theappropriate author, according to the list of responsibilitiesin Sec. 2 below, or to

The complete Review is published online in a journal andon the PDG website ( In addition tothe online publication, the Review is available in differentformats:

• The printed PDG Book contains the Summary Tablesand all review articles. In contrast to previous editions,the detailed tables from the Particle Listings are nolonger printed.

• The Particle Physics Booklet includes the SummaryTables and abbreviated versions of some of the reviewarticles in a pocket format.

• pdgLive ( is a web applicationfor online access to the PDG database.

• Files that can be downloaded from the PDG websiteinclude a table of masses, widths, and PDG Monte Carloparticle ID numbers; PDF files of the entire PDG Bookand Booklet; individual review articles; all figures; andan archive file containing the complete PDG website(except for pdgLive).

Copies of the PDG Book or the Particle Physics

Booklet can be ordered from our website or directly at For special requests only,please email in North and South America,Australia, and the Far East, and inall other areas.

2. Particle Listings responsibilities

* Asterisk indicates the people to contact with questions orcomments about Particle Listings sections.

Gauge and Higgs bosons

γ C. Grab, D.E. Groom∗

Gluons R.M. Barnett,∗ A.V. Manohar

Graviton D.E. Groom∗

W, Z A. Gurtu,∗ M. Grunewald∗

Higgs bosons K. Hikasa, G. Weiglein∗

Heavy bosons S. Pagan Griso,∗ M. TanabashiAxions K.A. Olive, F. Takahashi, G. Raffelt∗


Neutrinos M. Goodman, C.-J. Lin,∗ K. Nakamura,K.A. Olive, A. Piepke, P. Vogel

e, µ C. Grab, C.-J. Lin∗

τ K.G. Hayes, K. Monig∗


Quarks R.M. Barnett,∗ A.V. Manohar

Top quark R.M. Barnett,∗ Y. Suminob′, t′ R.M. Barnett,∗ Y. Sumino

Free quark S. Pagan Griso∗


π, η D.A. Dwyer,∗ C. GrabUnstable mesons C. Amsler, M. Doser,∗ S. Eidelman,∗

T. Gutsche, C. Hanhart, B. Heltsley,J.J. Hernandez-Rey, A. Masoni,R.E. Mitchell, S. Navas, C. Patrignani,S. Spanier, N.A. Tornqvist,G. Venanzoni

K (stable) G. D’Ambrosio, C.-J. Lin∗

D (stable, no mix.) J. Rademacker, C.G. Wohl∗

D0 mixing D.M. Asner, W.-M. Yao∗

12 Introduction


B (stable) A. Cerri,∗ P. Eerola, M. Kreps,Y. Kwon, W.-M. Yao∗

Stable baryons C. Grab, C.G. Wohl∗

Unstable baryons V. Burkert, E. Klempt, M. Pennington,L. Tiator, R.L. Workman∗

Charmed baryons J. Rademacker, C.G. Wohl∗

Bottom baryons A. Cerri,∗ P. Eerola, M. Kreps,Y. Kwon, W.-M. Yao∗

Miscellaneous searches

Monopole D. Milstead∗

Supersymmetry H.K. Dreiner,∗ A. de Gouvea,M. D’Onofrio, F. Moortgat,K.A. Olive

Technicolor K. Agashe,∗ M. TanabashiCompositeness M. Tanabashi, J. Terning∗

Extra Dimensions D.A. Dwyer,∗ T. GherghettaWIMPs and Other K. Hikasa∗

3. Consultants

The Particle Data Group benefits greatly from theassistance of some 700 physicists who are asked to verifyevery piece of data entered into this Review. Of specialvalue is the advice of the PDG Advisory Committee whichmeets biennially and thoroughly reviews all aspects of ouroperation. The members of the 2016 committee are:

A. Seiden (UCSC)T. Carli (CERN)L. Hall (UC Berkeley/LBNL)J. Olson (Princeton)A. Slosar (BNL)J. Tanaka (Tokyo)

We have especially relied on the expertise of the followingpeople for advice on particular topics:

• E. Accomando (Southampton University)• D. Akerib (SLAC)• J. Alcaraz (Madrid)• A. Ali (DESY)• B. Allanach (University of Cambridge)• L. Althaus (La Plata University)• V. Anisovich (Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute)• F. Anulli (INFN, Rome)• S. Aoki (Kyoto University)• S. Arceo Diaz (Colima University)• M. Artuso (Syracuse University)• S. Arzumanov (Moscow)• H. Bachacou (IRFU, Saclay)• H. Band (Yale)• A. Barabash (ITEP Moscow)• W. Barletta (MIT)• R. Battye (Manchester University)• J. Beatty (Ohio State University)• C. Beck (Queen Mary University of London)• R. Beck (University of Bonn)• Y. Bedfer (CEA, Saclay)• M. Beneke (Aachen)• J. Bernauer (MIT)• M. Bertolami (MPI, Garching)

• V. Bezerra (Paraiba University)• E. Bloom (SLAC)• J. Blumlein (DESY)• D. Boscherini (INFN, Bologna)• T. Bose (Boston University)• C. Bozzi(INFN, Ferrara)• A. Bressan (Triese University)• R. Briere (Hawaii University)• P. Brun (DAPNIA, Saclay)• O. Bruning (CERN)• D. Bryman (TRIUMF)• M. Buckley (Rutgers University)• A. Cabrera (APC, Paris)• J. Cao (IHEP, Beijing)• J. Carlstrom (Chicago University)• M. Casolino (INFN, Tor Vergata)• D. Cassel (Cornell University)• F. Cerutti (LBNL)• J. Chou (Rutgers University, Piscataway)• W. Chou (Fermilab)• M. Chrzaszcz (H. Niewodniczanski Inst.; U. Zurich)• D. Cinabro (Wayne State University)• G. Colangelo (University of Bern)• J. Collar (Chicago University)• J. Conrad (Stockholm University)• J. Conway (UC Davis)• N. Craig (UCSB)• K. Cranmer (NYU)• O. Cremonesi (INFN, Milan Bicocca)• M. Crisler (FNAL)• C. Csaki (Cornell University)• P. Cushman (Minnesota University)• G. Cvetic (Santa Maria U., Valparaiso)• M. Czakon (RWTH Aachen)• T. Dafni (Zaratoga University)• S. Davidson (IPN, Lyon)• C. Davies (University of Glasgow)• D. Denisov (FNAL)• A.V. Derbin (INP St. Petersburg)• S. Derenzo (LBNL)• G. De Rijk (CERN)• P. De Simone (Frascati)• A. Di Canto (CERN)• S. Dobbs (Northwester University)• A. Dolgov (INFN, Ferrara)• J. Donini (Clermont-Ferrand University)• T. Dorigo (INFN, Padova)• V.P. Druzhinin (BINP SB RAS, Novosibirsk)• V.A. Duk (INR RAS, Moscow)• G. Edda (University of Geneva)• G. Efstathiou (Cambridge University)• G. Eigen (University of Bergen)• D. Ejlli (Gran Sasso)• C. Enss (University of Heidelberg)• R. Essig (SUNY)• W. Fischer (BNL)• K. Fissum (Lund University)• B. Franke (MPQ, Munich)• K. Freese (U. of Michigan; Nordita, Stockholm)• B. Fujikawa (LBNL)• G. Gabrielse (Harvard University)

Introduction 13

• P. Gambino (INFN, Torino)• A. Gando (Tohoku University)• I. Garcia Irastorza (University of Zaragoza)• R. Garisto (PRL)• A. Giammanco (Louvain)• S. Giovanella (INFN, Frascati)• T. Girard (Lisbon University)• T. Golling (Yale University)• G. Gonzalez (Louisiana State University)• M. Gonzalez-Garcia (SUNY)• E. Goudzovski (Birmingham University)• P. Grannis (SUNY)• G. Gratta (Stanford University)• M. Grazzini (University of Zurich)• M. Gumberidze (GSI)• F. Halzen (Wisconsin University)• D. Harris (FNAL)• F. Harris (Hawaii University)• P. Harris (Sussex Univerisity)• M. Harrison (BNL)• K. Hayasaka (Niigata University)• H. Hayashii (Nara Women’s University)• J. Heitger (Munster University)• D. Hertzog (University of Washington)• K. Hicks (Ohia State University)• J. Hietala (Minnesota University)• R. Hill (Chicago University)• A. Hinzmann (University of Zurich)• A. Hoang (University of Vienna)• K. Homma (Hiroshima University)• A. Ianni (Gran Sasso)• P. Janot (CERN)• X. Ji (University of Maryland)• C. Joram (CERN)• J. Jowett (CERN)• A. Jung (Purdue)• J. Kaminski (Universit of Bonn)• S. Kanemura (Toyama University)• L. Kardapoltsev (Novosibirsk State University)• D. Karlen (University of Victoria)• S.G. Karshenboim (MPQ, Munich; Pulkovo Obs.)• V. Kekelidze (JINR, Dubna)• Y. Kharlov (IHEP, Serpukhov)• J. Kim (Seoul National University)• Y. Kim (Sejong University)• E. Klempt (University of Bonn)• T. Kobayashi (KEK)• P. Koppenburg (NIKHEF)• A. Korytov (University of Florida)• T. Koseki (KEK)• A. Kronfeld (FNAL)• A. Kupsc (Uppsala University)• G. Lambard (CPPM, Marseille)• G. Landsberg (Brown University)• R. Lang (Purdue University)• L.B. Leinson (IZMIRAN, Troitsk)• O. Leroy (CPPM, Marseille)• B. Li (IHEP, Beijing)• J. Libby (Indian Inst. Tech., Madras)• E. Linder (LBNL)• C.-Y. Liu (Indiana University)

• J. Liu (Shanghai Jiaotong University)• P. Lukens (FNAL)• X.-R. Lyu (UCAS, Beijing)• L. Malgeri (CERN)• G. Mandaglio (Messina University)• G. Marshall (TRIUMF)• S. Martin (Northern Illinois University)• R. Martinez (Colombia University)• P. Massarotti (University of Napoli)• A. Melchiorri (Rome University)• H. Merkel (Mainz, University)• P.D. Meyers (Princeton University)• C. Milardi (LNF-INFN, Frascati)• M. Minowa (Tokyo University)• A. Mirizzi (INFN, Bari)• K. Miuchi (Kobe University)• K. Miyabayashi (Nara Univ., Nara)• S.-O. Moch (DESY)• R. Mohanta (Hyderabad University)• P. Mohr (NIST)• S. Monteil (LPC Clermont)• D. Morrison (BNL)• V.M. Mostepanenko (Pulkovo Obs., St.Petersburg)• B. Murray (University of Warwick)• T. Nakadaira (KEK)• M. Nakahata (Kamioka Obs.)• T. Nakaya (Kyoto University)• A. Nucciotti (INFN, Milano-Bicocca)• T. Numao (TRIUMF)• D. Nygren (UT Arlington)• V. Obraztsov (IHEP, Serpukhov)• H. O’Connell (FNAL)• K. Oide (KEK)• J. Olsen (Princeton)• S. Olsen (Seoul National University)• R. Ong (UCLA)• Y. Onishi (KEK)• M. Owen (Glasgow)• P. Owen (Imperial Coll.)• G. Pakhlova (Lebedev Inst. RAS, Moscow)• N. Palanque-Delabrouille (Paris University)• A. Palladino (Boston University)• D. Parkinson (Sussex University)• J. Paul Chou (Rutgers University)• G. Paz (Wayne State University)• M. Peloso (University of Minnesota)• A.A. Penin (Alberta University)• W. Percival (Portsmouth University)• A. Pich (IFIC, University of Valencia)• L. Piilonen (Virginia Tech.)• M. Pinamonti (INFN, Udine)• A. Pocar (UMass Amherst)• A. Poon (LBNL)• J. Portoles (IFIC, University of Valencia)• M. Pospelov (Perimeter Inst. Theo. Phys.)• J. Pradler (OAW, Vienna)• S. Prakhov (UCLA)• R. Prieels (Louvain University)• N. Priel (Weizmann Inst.)• F. Proebst (MPI, Munich)• G. Pugliese (INFN, Bari)

14 Introduction

• P. Pugnat (LNCMP, Toulouse)• M. Raggi (University of Rome)• A. Read (Universiy of Oslo)• M. Redi (Stony Brook University)• R. Reesman (Ohio State University)• G. Rico (ICREA, Barcelona)• T. Rizzo (SLAC)• K. Rolbiecki (IFT Madrid)• M. Roney (Victoria University)• G. Rossi (Rome University Tor Vergata)• L. Roszkowski (Sheffield University)• D. Rousseau (LAL, Orsay)• B. Sadoulet (LBNL, University of Berkeley)• B. Safdi (MIT)• V.D. Samoylenko (IHEP, Protvino)• V. Sanz (University of Sussex)• X. Sarazin (LAL, Orsay)• M. Schmitt (Northwestern University)• A. Schukraft (Fermilab)• D. Schulte (CERN)• C. Schwanda (HEPHY, Vienna)• A. Serebrov (INP St. Petersburg)• K. Seth (Northwestern University)• Q. Shafi (University of Delaware)• B. Shwartz (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)• P. Sikivie (University of Florida)• E. Solodov (BINP, Novosibirsk)• Y. Stadnik (New South Wales University)• S. Stapnes (Oslo University)• I. Strakowsky (George Washington University)• A. Studenikin (Moscow State University)• O. Suvorova (INR, Moscow)• A. Suzuki (Tohoku University)• A. Svarc (Boskovic Inst., Zagreb)• A. Takeda (Tokyo University)• A. Tapper (Imperial College London)• R. Tenchini (INFN, Pisa)• R. Tesarek (FNAL)• J. Thomas (LBNL)• W. Tornow (TUNL, Durham)• D. Toussaint (Arizona University)• K. Trabelsi (KEK)• T. Trippe (LBNL)• S. Troitsky (INR Moscow)• K. Tullney (Mainz University)• V. Vagnoni (INFN, Bologna)• J. Valle (IFIC, Valencia)• C. van Eldik (Erlangen University)• R. Van Kooten (Indiana University)• J. van Tilburg (NIKHEF, Amsterdam)• G. Velev (FNAL)• K. Vellidis (FNAL)• L. Verde (ICREA, Barcelona)• N. Vinyoles Verges (CSIC, Spain)• M. Whalley (Durham University)• G. Wilkinson (Oxford University)• S. Willocq (University of Massachusetts, Amherst)• M. Wing (University College London)• H. T.-K. Wong (Taiwan Inst. Phys.)• T.T. Yanagida (IPMU)• Q. Yue (Tsinghua University)

• G. Zavattini (INFN, Ferrara)• G. Zeller (FNAL)• D. Zerwas (LAL, Orsay)• C. Zhang (Inst. High Energy Phys., Beijing)• Y. Zhang (Caltech)• K. Zioutas (CERN)• R. Zwaska (FNAL)

4. Naming scheme for hadrons

We introduced in the 1986 edition [2] a new namingscheme for the hadrons. Changes from older terminologyaffected mainly the heavier mesons made of u, d, and squarks. Otherwise, the only important change to knownhadrons was that the F± became the D±

s . None of thelightest pseudoscalar or vector mesons changed names, nordid the cc or bb mesons (we do, however, now use χc for thecc χ states), nor did any of the established baryons. TheSummary Tables give both the new and old names whenevera change has occurred.

The scheme is described in “Naming Scheme forHadrons” (p. 130) of this Review.

We give here our conventions on type-setting style.Particle symbols are italic (or slanted) characters: e−, p,Λ, π0, KL, D+

s , b. Charge is indicated by a superscript:B−, ∆++. Charge is not normally indicated for p, n, orthe quarks, and is optional for neutral isosinglets: η or η0.Antiparticles and particles are distinguished by charge forcharged leptons and mesons: τ+, K−. Otherwise, distinct

antiparticles are indicated by a bar (overline): νµ, t, p, K0,

and Σ+

(the antiparticle of the Σ−).

5. Procedures

5.1. Selection and treatment of data : The ParticleListings contain all relevant data known to us that arepublished in journals. With very few exceptions, we do notinclude results from preprints or conference reports. Nor dowe include data that are of historical importance only (theListings are not an archival record). We search every volumeof 20 journals through our cutoff date for relevant data. Wealso include later published papers that are sent to us by theauthors (or others).

In the Particle Listings, we clearly separate measure-ments that are used to calculate or estimate values givenin the Summary Tables from measurements that are notused. We give explanatory comments in many such cases.Among the reasons a measurement might be excluded arethe following:

• It is superseded by or included in later results.• No error is given.• It involves assumptions we question.• It has a poor signal-to-noise ratio, low statistical

significance, or is otherwise of poorer quality than otherdata available.

• It is clearly inconsistent with other results that appearto be more reliable. Usually we then state the criterion,which sometimes is quite subjective, for selecting “morereliable” data for averaging. See Sec. 5.4.

• It is not independent of other results.• It is not the best limit (see below).• It is quoted from a preprint or a conference report.

Introduction 15

In some cases, none of the measurements is entirelyreliable and no average is calculated. For example, themasses of many of the baryon resonances, obtained frompartial-wave analyses, are quoted as estimated rangesthought to probably include the true values, rather than asaverages with errors. This is discussed in the Baryon ParticleListings.

For upper limits, we normally quote in the SummaryTables the strongest limit. We do not average or combineupper limits except in a very few cases where they may bere-expressed as measured numbers with Gaussian errors.

As is customary, we assume that particle and antiparticleshare the same spin, mass, and mean life. The Tests ofConservation Laws table, following the Summary Tables,lists tests of CPT as well as other conservation laws.

We use the following indicators in the Particle Listingsto tell how we get values from the tabulated measurements:

• OUR AVERAGE—From a weighted average of selecteddata.

• OUR FIT—From a constrained or overdetermined multi-parameter fit of selected data.

• OUR EVALUATION—Not from a direct measurement, butevaluated from measurements of related quantities.

• OUR ESTIMATE—Based on the observed range of thedata. Not from a formal statistical procedure.

• OUR LIMIT—For special cases where the limit is evaluatedby us from measured ratios or other data. Not from adirect measurement.

An experimentalist who sees indications of a particle willof course want to know what has been seen in that regionin the past. Hence we include in the Particle Listings allreported states that, in our opinion, have sufficient statisticalmerit and that have not been disproved by more reliabledata. However, we promote to the Summary Tables onlythose states that we feel are well established. This judgmentis, of course, somewhat subjective and no precise criteria canbe given. For more detailed discussions, see the minireviewsin the Particle Listings.

5.2. Averages and fits : We divide this discussionon obtaining averages and errors into three sections:(1) treatment of errors; (2) unconstrained averaging;(3) constrained fits.

5.2.1. Treatment of errors: In what follows, the “error”δx means that the range x ± δx is intended to be a 68.3%confidence interval about the central value x. We treatthis error as if it were Gaussian. Thus when the error isGaussian, δx is the usual one standard deviation (1σ). Manyexperimenters now give statistical and systematic errorsseparately, in which case we usually quote both errors, withthe statistical error first. For averages and fits, we then addthe the two errors in quadrature and use this combined errorfor δx.

When experimenters quote asymmetric errors (δx)+

and (δx)− for a measurement x, the error that we usefor that measurement in making an average or a fit withother measurements is a continuous function of these threequantities. When the resultant average or fit x is less thanx−(δx)−, we use (δx)−; when it is greater than x+(δx)+, weuse (δx)+. In between, the error we use is a linear functionof x. Since the errors we use are functions of the result, weiterate to get the final result. Asymmetric output errors are

determined from the input errors assuming a linear relationbetween the input and output quantities.

In fitting or averaging, we usually do not includecorrelations between different measurements, but we tryto select data in such a way as to reduce correlations.Correlated errors are, however, treated explicitly when thereare a number of results of the form Ai ± σi ± ∆ that haveidentical systematic errors ∆. In this case, one can firstaverage the Ai±σi and then combine the resulting statisticalerror with ∆. One obtains, however, the same result byaveraging Ai ± (σ2

i + ∆2i )

1/2, where ∆i = σi∆[∑

(1/σ2j )]

1/2.This procedure has the advantage that, with the modifiedsystematic errors ∆i, each measurement may be treatedas independent and averaged in the usual way with otherdata. Therefore, when appropriate, we adopt this procedure.We tabulate ∆ and invoke an automated procedure thatcomputes ∆i before averaging and we include a note sayingthat there are common systematic errors.

Another common case of correlated errors occurs whenexperimenters measure two quantities and then quote thetwo and their difference, e.g., m1, m2, and ∆ = m2 − m1.We cannot enter all of m1, m2 and ∆ into a constrained fitbecause they are not independent. In some cases, it is a goodapproximation to ignore the quantity with the largest errorand put the other two into the fit. However, in some casescorrelations are such that the errors on m1, m2 and ∆ arecomparable and none of the three values can be ignored. Inthis case, we put all three values into the fit and invoke anautomated procedure to increase the errors prior to fittingsuch that the three quantities can be treated as independentmeasurements in the constrained fit. We include a notesaying that this has been done.

5.2.2. Unconstrained averaging: To average data, we usea standard weighted least-squares procedure and in somecases, discussed below, increase the errors with a “scalefactor.” We begin by assuming that measurements of a givenquantity are uncorrelated, and calculate a weighted averageand error as

x ± δx =

iwi xi∑

i wi± (

iwi )−1/2 , (1)

wherewi = 1/(δxi)

2 .

Here xi and δxi are the value and error reported by theith experiment, and the sums run over the N experiments.We then calculate χ2 =

wi(x − xi)2 and compare it

with N − 1, which is the expectation value of χ2 if themeasurements are from a Gaussian distribution.

If χ2/(N − 1) is less than or equal to 1, and there are noknown problems with the data, we accept the results.

If χ2/(N − 1) is very large, we may choose not to use theaverage at all. Alternatively, we may quote the calculatedaverage, but then make an educated guess of the error, aconservative estimate designed to take into account knownproblems with the data.

Finally, if χ2/(N − 1) is greater than 1, but not greatlyso, we still average the data, but then also do the following:

(a) We increase our quoted error, δx in Eq. (1), by ascale factor S defined as

S =[

χ2/(N − 1)]1/2

. (2)

16 Introduction

Our reasoning is as follows. The large value of the χ2 islikely to be due to underestimation of errors in at least oneof the experiments. Not knowing which of the errors areunderestimated, we assume they are all underestimated bythe same factor S. If we scale up all the input errors by thisfactor, the χ2 becomes N − 1, and of course the output errorδx scales up by the same factor. See Ref. 3.

When combining data with widely varying errors, wemodify this procedure slightly. We evaluate S using only theexperiments with smaller errors. Our cutoff or ceiling on δxi

is arbitrarily chosen to be

δ0 = 3N1/2 δx ,

where δx is the unscaled error of the mean of all theexperiments. Our reasoning is that although the low-precision experiments have little influence on the values xand δx, they can make significant contributions to the χ2,and the contribution of the high-precision experiments thustends to be obscured. Note that if each experiment has thesame error δxi, then δx is δxi/N

1/2, so each δxi is wellbelow the cutoff. (More often, however, we simply excludemeasurements with relatively large errors from averages andfits: new, precise data chase out old, imprecise data.)

Our scaling procedure has the property that if thereare two values with comparable errors separated by muchmore than their stated errors (with or without a number ofother values of lower accuracy), the scaled-up error δ x isapproximately half the interval between the two discrepantvalues.

We emphasize that our scaling procedure for errors inno way affects central values. And if you wish to recover theunscaled error δx, simply divide the quoted error by S.

(b) If the number M of experiments with an error smallerthan δ0 is at least three, and if χ2/(M − 1) is greater than1.25, we show in the Particle Listings an ideogram of thedata. Figure 1 is an example. Sometimes one or two datapoints lie apart from the main body; other times the datasplit into two or more groups. We extract no numbers fromthese ideograms; they are simply visual aids, which thereader may use as he or she sees fit.

Each measurement in an ideogram is represented bya Gaussian with a central value xi, error δxi, and areaproportional to 1/δxi. The choice of 1/δxi for the area issomewhat arbitrary. With this choice, the center of gravityof the ideogram corresponds to an average that uses weights1/δxi rather than the (1/δxi)

2 actually used in the averages.This may be appropriate when some of the experimentshave seriously underestimated systematic errors. However,since for this choice of area the height of the Gaussian foreach measurement is proportional to (1/δ xi)

2, the peakposition of the ideogram will often favor the high-precisionmeasurements at least as much as does the least-squaresaverage. See our 1986 edition [2] for a detailed discussion ofthe use of ideograms.

5.2.3. Constrained fits: In some cases, such as branchingratios or masses and mass differences, a constrained fit maybe needed to obtain the best values of a set of parameters.For example, most branching ratios and rate measurementsare analyzed by making a simultaneous least-squares fit toall the data and extracting the partial decay fractions Pi,the partial widths Γi, the full width Γ (or mean life), and theassociated error matrix.

Assume, for example, that a state has m partial decayfractions Pi, where

Pi = 1. These have been measuredin Nr different ratios Rr, where, e.g., R1 = P1/P2, R2

= P1/P3, etc. [We can handle any ratio R of the form∑

αi Pi/∑

βi Pi, where αi and βi are constants, usually 1 or

0. The forms R = PiPj and R = (PiPj)1/2 are also allowed.]

Further assume that each ratio R has been measured by Nk

experiments (we designate each experiment with a subscriptk, e.g., R1k). We then find the best values of the fractions Pi

by minimizing the χ2 as a function of the m− 1 independentparameters:

χ2 =Nr∑





Rrk − Rr



, (3)

where the Rrk are the measured values and Rr are the fittedvalues of the branching ratios.

In addition to the fitted values P i, we calculate an errormatrix 〈δP i δP j〉. We tabulate the diagonal elements of

δ P i = 〈δ P i δ P i〉1/2 (except that some errors are scaled

as discussed below). In the Particle Listings, we give thecomplete correlation matrix; we also calculate the fittedvalue of each ratio, for comparison with the input data,and list it above the relevant input, along with a simpleunconstrained average of the same input.

WEIGHTED AVERAGE0.006 ± 0.018 (Error scaled by 1.3)



22.0(Confidence Level = 0.107)

−0.4 −0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6

Figure 1: A typical ideogram. The arrow at the topshows the position of the weighted average, while thewidth of the shaded pattern shows the error in theaverage after scaling by the factor S. The columnon the right gives the χ2 contribution of each of theexperiments. Note that the next-to-last experiment,denoted by the incomplete error flag (⊥), is not usedin the calculation of S (see the text).

Introduction 17

Three comments on the example above:(1) There was no connection assumed between mea-

surements of the full width and the branching ratios. Butoften we also have information on partial widths Γi as wellas the total width Γ. In this case we must introduce Γas a parameter in the fit, along with the Pi, and we givecorrelation matrices for the widths in the Particle Listings.

(2) We try to pick those ratios and widths that are asindependent and as close to the original data as possible.When one experiment measures all the branching fractionsand constrains their sum to be one, we leave one of them(usually the least well-determined one) out of the fit to makethe set of input data more nearly independent. We now doallow for correlations between input data.

(3) We calculate scale factors for both the Rr andPi when the measurements for any R give a larger-than-expected contribution to the χ2. According to Eq. (3), thedouble sum for χ2 is first summed over experiments k = 1to Nk, leaving a single sum over ratios χ2 =

χ2r . One

is tempted to define a scale factor for the ratio r as S2r =


2r〉. However, since 〈χ2

r〉 is not a fixed quantity (it issomewhere between Nk and Nk−1), we do not know how toevaluate this expression. Instead we define

S2r =






Rrk − Rr


〈(Rrk − Rr)2〉. (4)

With this definition the expected value of S2r is one. We can

show that

〈(Rrk − Rr)2〉 = 〈(δRrk)

2〉 − (δRr)2 , (5)

where δRr is the fitted error for ratio r.The fit is redone using errors for the branching ratios

that are scaled by the larger of Sr and unity, from which new

and often larger errors δP′

i are obtained. The scale factors

we finally list in such cases are defined by Si = δP′

i/δP i.However, in line with our policy of not letting S affect thecentral values, we give the values of P i obtained from theoriginal (unscaled) fit.

There is one special case in which the errors that areobtained by the preceding procedure may be changed. Whena fitted branching ratio (or rate) P i turns out to be less than

three standard deviations (δP′

i ) from zero, a new smaller

error (δP′′

i )− is calculated on the low side by requiring

the area under the Gaussian between P i − (δ P′′

i )− and P i

to be 68.3% of the area between zero and P i. A similarcorrection is made for branching fractions that are withinthree standard deviations of one. This keeps the quotederrors from overlapping the boundary of the physical region.

5.3. Rounding : While the results shown in the ParticleListings are usually exactly those published by the exper-iments, the numbers that appear in the Summary Tables(means, averages and limits) are subject to a set of roundingrules.

The basic rule states that if the three highest orderdigits of the error lie between 100 and 354, we round totwo significant digits. If they lie between 355 and 949, weround to one significant digit. Finally, if they lie between950 and 999, we round up to 1000 and keep two significantdigits. In all cases, the central value is given with a precision

that matches that of the error. So, for example, the result(coming from an average) 0.827 ± 0.119 would appear as0.83 ± 0.12, while 0.827 ± 0.367 would turn into 0.8 ± 0.4.

Rounding is not performed if a result in a Summary Tablecomes from a single measurement, without any averaging.In that case, the number of digits published in the originalpaper is kept, unless we feel it inappropriate. Note that,even for a single measurement, when we combine statisticaland systematic errors in quadrature, rounding rules applyto the result of the combination. It should be noted alsothat most of the limits in the Summary Tables come from asingle source (the best limit) and, therefore, are not subjectto rounding.

Finally, we should point out that in several instances,when a group of results come from a single fit to a set ofdata, we have chosen to keep two significant digits for all theresults. This happens, for instance, for several properties ofthe W and Z bosons and the τ lepton.

5.4. Discussion : The problem of averaging datacontaining discrepant values is nicely discussed by Taylor inRef. 4. He considers a number of algorithms that attemptto incorporate inconsistent data into a meaningful average.However, it is difficult to develop a procedure that handlessimultaneously in a reasonable way two basic types ofsituations: (a) data that lie apart from the main body of thedata are incorrect (contain unreported errors); and (b) theopposite—it is the main body of data that is incorrect.Unfortunately, as Taylor shows, case (b) is not infrequent.He concludes that the choice of procedure is less significantthan the initial choice of data to include or exclude.

We place much emphasis on this choice of data. Often wesolicit the help of outside experts (consultants). Sometimes,however, it is simply impossible to determine which ofa set of discrepant measurements are correct. Our scale-factor technique is an attempt to address this ignorance byincreasing the error. In effect, we are saying that presentexperiments do not allow a precise determination of thisquantity because of unresolvable discrepancies, and onemust await further measurements. The reader is warned ofthis situation by the size of the scale factor, and if he orshe desires can go back to the literature (via the ParticleListings) and redo the average with a different choice of data.

Our situation is less severe than most of the cases Taylorconsiders, such as estimates of the fundamental constantslike ~, etc. Most of the errors in his case are dominated bysystematic effects. For our data, statistical errors are oftenat least as large as systematic errors, and statistical errorsare usually easier to estimate. A notable exception occurs inpartial-wave analyses, where different techniques applied tothe same data yield different results. In this case, as statedearlier, we often do not make an average but just quote arange of values.

A brief history of early Particle Data Group averagesis given in Ref. 3. Figure 2 shows some histories of ourvalues of a few particle properties. Sometimes large changesoccur. These usually reflect the introduction of significantnew data or the discarding of older data. Older data arediscarded in favor of newer data when it is felt that the newerdata have smaller systematic errors, or have more checkson systematic errors, or have made corrections unknownat the time of the older experiments, or simply have muchsmaller errors. Sometimes, the scale factor becomes largenear the time at which a large jump takes place, reflecting

18 Introduction

the uncertainty introduced by the new and inconsistent data.By and large, however, a full scan of our history plots showsa dull progression toward greater precision at central valuesquite consistent with the first data points shown.

We conclude that the reliability of the combination ofexperimental data and our averaging procedures is usuallygood, but it is important to be aware that fluctuationsoutside of the quoted errors can and do occur.


The publication of the Review of Particle Physics issupported by the Director, Office of Science, Office of HighEnergy Physics of the U.S. Department of Energy underContract No. DE–AC02–05CH11231; by the European Lab-oratory for Particle Physics (CERN); by an implementingarrangement between the governments of Japan (MEXT:Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technol-ogy) and the United States (DOE) on cooperative researchand development; by the Institute of High Energy Physics,Chinese Academy of Sciences; and by the Italian NationalInstitute of Nuclear Physics (INFN).

We thank all those who have assisted in the many phasesof preparing this Review. We particularly thank the manywho have responded to our requests for verification of dataentered in the Listings, and those who have made suggestionsor pointed out errors.


1. The previous edition was Particle Data Group:K.A. Olive et al., Chin. Phys. C 38, 090001 (2014).

2. Particle Data Group: M. Aguilar-Benitez et al., Phys.Lett. 170B (1986).

3. A.H. Rosenfeld, Ann. Rev. Nucl. Sci. 25, 555 (1975).

4. B.N. Taylor, “Numerical Comparisons of Several Algo-rithms for Treating Inconsistent Data in a Least-SquaresAdjustment of the Fundamental Constants,” U.S.National Bureau of Standards NBSIR 81-2426 (1982).

Introduction 19

Figure 2: A historical perspective of values of a few particle properties tabulated in this Review as a function of date ofpublication of the Review. A full error bar indicates the quoted error; a thick-lined portion indicates the same but withoutthe “scale factor.”

20 Online particle physics information


Updated Nov. 2015 by T. Basaglia (CERN), A. Holtkamp(CERN).†

1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

2. Particle Data Group (PDG) resources . . . . . . . . 20

3. Particle Physics Information Platforms . . . . . . . 20

4. Literature Databases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

5. Particle Physics Journals and ConferenceProceedings Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

6. Conference Databases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

7. Research Institutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

8. People . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

9. Experiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

10. Jobs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

11. Software Repositories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

12. Data repositories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

13. Data preservation activities . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

14. Particle Physics Education and OutreachSites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

1. Introduction

The collection of online information resources in particle physics andrelated areas presented in this chapter is of necessity incomplete. Anexpanded and regularly updated online version can be found at: physics


Suggestions for additions and updates are very welcome.†

2. Particle Data Group (PDG) resources

• Review of Particle Physics (RPP) A comprehensive reporton the fields of particle physics and related areas of cosmologyand astrophysics, including both review articles and a compila-tion/evaluation of data on particle properties. The review sectionincludes articles, tables and plots on a wide variety of theoreticaland experimental topics of interest to particle physicists andastrophysicists. The particle properties section provides tables ofpublished measurements as well as the Particle Data Groups bestvalues and limits for particle properties such as masses, widths,lifetimes, and branching fractions, and an extensive summary ofsearches for hypothetical particles. RPP is published as a 1500-pagebook every two years, with partial updates made available once eachyear on the web.

All the contents of the book version of RPP are available online:

The printed book can be ordered: our products.html

Of historical interest is the complete RPP collection which can befound online: publications/

review particle physics

• Particle Physics booklet: An abridged version of the Reviewof Particle Physics available as a pocket-sized 300-page booklet.Although produced in print and available online only as a PDFfile, the booklet is included in this guide because it is one of themost useful summaries of physics data. The booklet contains an

† Please send comments and corrections

abbreviated set of reviews and the summary tables from the mostrecent edition of the Review of Particle Physics.

The PDF file of the booklet can be downloaded:

The printed booklet can be ordered: our products.html

• PDGLive: A web application for browsing the contents of the PDGdatabase that contains the information published in the Review ofParticle Physics. It allows one to navigate to a particle of interest,see a summary of the information available, and then proceed to thedetailed information published in the Review of Particle Physics.Data entries are directly linked to the corresponding bibliographicinformation in INSPIRE.

• Computer-readable files: Data files that can be downloadedfrom PDG include tables of particle masses and widths, PDGMonte Carlo particle numbers, and cross-section data. The files areupdated with each new edition of the Review of Particle Physics. read.html

3. Particle Physics Information Platforms

• INSPIRE: The time-honored SPIRES database suite has inNovember 2011 been replaced by INSPIRE, which combines themost successful aspects of SPIRES - like comprehensive content andhigh-quality metadata - with the modern technology of Invenio,the CERN open-source digital-library software, offering majorimprovements like increased speed and Google-like free-text searchsyntax. INSPIRE serves as one-stop information platform for theparticle physics community, comprising 8 interlinked databaseson literature, conferences, institutions, journals, researchers,experiments, jobs and data. INSPIRE is jointly developed andmaintained by CERN, DESY, Fermilab, IHEP and SLAC. Closeinteraction with the user community and with arXiv, ADS,HepData, PDG and publishers is the backbone of INSPIRE’sevolution.

INSPIRE is integrated with ORCID (Open Researcher andContributor ID), a persistent identifier that enables researchers toconnect services and get credit for their works.

INSPIRE is currently developing a new version of the portal,maintaining its quality standards and introducing new functionality.The INSPIRE Labs site is available at:


twitter: @inspirehep

4. Literature Databases

• ADS: The SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System is a DigitalLibrary portal offering access to 11 million bibliographic recordsin Astronomy and Physics. The ADS’s search engine also indexesthe full-text for approximately four million publications in thiscollection and tracks citations, which now amount to over 80 millionlinks. The system also provides access and links to a wealth ofexternal resources, including electronic articles hosted by publishersand arXiv, data catalogs and a variety of data products hosted bythe astronomy archives worldwide. The ADS can be accessed at

• A repository of full text papers in physics, mathematics,computer science, statistics, nonlinear sciences, quantitative financeand quantitative biology interlinked with ADS and INSPIRE.Papers are usually submitted by their authors to arXiv in advanceof submission to a journal for publication. Primarily covers 1991to the present but authors are encouraged to post older papersretroactively. Permits searching by author, title, and words inabstract and experimentally also in the fulltext. Allows limitingby subfield archive or by date. Daily update alerts by subfield areavailable by email and RSS.

Online particle physics information 21

• CDS: The CERN Document Server contains records of morethan 1,000,000 CERN and non-CERN articles, preprints, theses.It includes records for internal and technical notes, official CERNcommittee documents, and multimedia objects. CDS is going tofocus on its role as institutional repository covering all CERNmaterial from the early 50s and reflecting the holdings of the CERNlibrary. Non-CERN particle and accelerator physics content is inthe process of being exported to INSPIRE.

• INSPIRE HEP: The HEP collection, the flagship of the INSPIREsuite, serves more than 1.1 million bibliographic records with agrowing number of fulltexts attached and metadata including authoraffiliations, abstracts, references, experiments, keywords as well aslinks to arXiv, ADS, PDG, HepData and publisher platforms. Itprovides fast metadata and fulltext searches, plots extracted fromfulltext, author disambiguation, author profile pages and citationanalysis and is expanding its content to, e.g., experimental notes.

• JACoW: The Joint Accelerator Conference Website publishes theproceedings of APAC, EPAC, PAC, IPAC, ABDW, BIW, COOL,CYCLOTRONS, DIPAC, ECRIS, FEL, HIAT, ICALEPCS, IBIC,ICAP, LINAC, North American PAC, PCaPAC, RuPAC, SRF. Acustom interface allows searching on keywords, titles, authors, andin the fulltext.

• KISS (KEK Information Service System) for preprints:The KEK Library preprint and technical report database containsbibliographic records of preprints and technical reports held inthe KEK library with links to the full text images of more than100,000 papers scanned from their worldwide collection of preprints.Particularly useful for older scanned preprints. KISS links areincluded in INSPIRE HEP. prepri.html

• MathSciNet: This database of almost 3 million items providesreviews, abstracts and bibliographic information for much of themathematical sciences literature. Over 100,000 new items are addedeach year, most of them classified according to the MathematicsSubject Classification. Authors are uniquely identified, enabling asearch for publications by individual author. Over 80,000 reviews onthe current published literature are added each year. Citation dataallows to track the history and influence of research publications.

• OSTI SciTech Connect: A portal to free, publicly available DOE-sponsored R&D results including technical reports, bibliographiccitations, journal articles, conference papers, books, multimediaand data information. SciTech Connect is a consolidation of twocore DOE search engines, the Information Bridge and the EnergyCitations Database. SciTech Connect incorporates all of the R&Dinformation from these two products into one search interface. Itincludes over 2.7 million citations, including citations to 1.5 millionjournal articles. SciTech Connect also has over 400,000 full-textDOE sponsored STI reports; most of these are post-1991, but over140,000 of the reports were published prior to 1990.

5. Particle Physics Journals and ConferenceProceedings Series

• CERN Journals List: This list of journals and conference seriespublishing particle physics content provides information on OpenAccess, copyright policies and terms of use. publish

• INSPIRE Journals: The database covers more than 3,400journals publishing HEP-related articles.

6. Conference Databases

• INSPIRE Conferences: The database of more than 20,600 past,present and future conferences, schools, and meetings of interestto high-energy physics and related fields is searchable by title,acronym, series, date, location. Included are information aboutpublished proceedings, links to conference contributions in theINSPIRE HEP database, and links to the conference Web site whenavailable. New conferences can be submitted from the entry page.

7. Research Institutions

• INSPIRE Institutions: The database of more than 10,800institutes, laboratories, and university departments in whichresearch on particle physics and astrophysics is performed coverssix continents and over a hundred countries. Included are addressand Web links where available as well as links to the papersfrom each institution in the HEP database, to scientists listedin HEPNames affiliated to this institution in the past or presentand to experiments performed at this institution. Searches canbe performed by name, acronym, location, etc. The site offers analphabetical list by country as well as a list of the top 500 HEP andastrophysics institutions sorted by country.

8. People

• INSPIRE HEPNames: Searchable worldwide database of over112,000 people associated with particle physics and related fields.The affiliation history of these researchers, their e-mail addresses,web pages, experiments they participated in, PhD advisor,information on their graduate students and links to their papers inthe INSPIRE HEP, arXiv and ADS databases are provided as wellas a user interface to update these informations.

9. Experiments

• INSPIRE Experiments: Contains more than 2,700 past, present,and future experiments in particle physics. Lists both acceleratorand non-accelerator experiments. Includes official experiment nameand number, location, and collaboration lists. Simple searches byparticipant, title, experiment number, institution, date approved,accelerator, or detector, return a description of the experiment,including a complete list of authors, title, overview of theexperiment’s goals and methods, and a link to the experiment’s webpage if available. Publication lists distinguish articles in refereedjournals, theses, technical or instrumentation papers and thosewhich rank among Topcite at 50 or more citations.

• Cosmic ray/Gamma ray/Neutrino and similar experiments:This extensive collection of experimental web sites is organized byfocus of study and also by location. Additional sections link toeducational materials, organizations, related Web sites, etc. Thesite is maintained at the Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics,Heidelberg.


10. Jobs

• AAS Job Register: The American Astronomical Society publishesonce a month graduate, postgraduate, faculty and other positionsmainly in astronomy and astrophysics.

• APS Careers: A gateway for physicists, students, and physicsenthusiasts to information about physics jobs and careers. Physicsjob listings, career advice, upcoming workshops and meetings, andcareer and job related resources provided by the American PhysicalSociety.

22 Online particle physics information

• A recruitment service run by IOP Publishingthat connects employers from different industry sectors withjobseekers who have a background in physics and engineering.

• IOP Careers: Careers information and resources primarily aimedat university students are provided by the UK Institute of Physics.

• INSPIRE HEPJobs: Lists academic and research jobs in highenergy physics, nuclear physics, accelerator physics and astrophysicswith the option to post a job or to receive email notices of new joblistings. About 500 jobs are currently listed.

• Physics Today Jobs: Online recruitment advertising website forPhysics Today magazine, published by the American Institute ofPhysics. Physics Today Jobs is the managing partner of the AIPCareer Network, an online job board network for the physicalscience, engineering, and computing disciplines. 8,000 resumes arecurrently available, and more than 2,500 jobs were posted in 2012.

11. Software Repositories

Particle Physics

• FastJet: FastJet is a software package for jet finding in pp ande+e- collisions. It includes fast native implementations of manysequential recombination clustering algorithms, plugins for access toa range of cone jet finders and tools for advanced jet manipulation.

• FermiTools: Fermilab’s software tools program provides arepository of Fermilab - developed software packages of valueto the HEP community. Permits searching for packages by title orsubject category.

• FreeHEP: A collection of software and information about softwareuseful in high-energy physics and adjacent disciplines, focusing onopen-source software for data analysis and visualization. Searchingcan be done by title, subject, date acquired, date updated, or bybrowsing an alphabetical list of all packages.

• Geant4: Geant4 is a toolkit for the simulation of the passageof particles through matter. Its areas of application include highenergy, nuclear and accelerator physics, as well as studies in medicaland space science.

• GenSer: The Generator Services project collaborates with MonteCarlo (MC) generators authors and with LHC experiments inorder to prepare validated LCG compliant code for both thetheoretical and experimental communities at the LHC, sharing theuser support duties, providing assistance for the development of thenew object-oriented generators and guaranteeing the maintenanceof the older packages on the LCG supported platforms. The projectconsists of the generators repository, validation, HepMC record andMCDB event databases.


• Hepforge: A development environment for high-energy physicssoftware development projects, in particular housing many event-generator related projects, that offers a ready-made, easy-to-useset of Web based tools, including shell account with up to datedevelopment tools, web page hosting, subversion and CVS codemanagement systems, mailing lists, bug tracker and wiki system.

• QUDA: Library for performing calculations in lattice QCDon GPUs using NVIDIA’s ”C for CUDA” API. The current

release includes optimized solvers for Wilson, Clover-improvedWilson,Twisted mass, Improved staggered (asqtad or HISQ),Domain wall and Mobius fermion actions.

• ROOT: This framework for data processing in high-energy physics,born at CERN, offers applications to store, access, process, analyzeand represent data or perform simulations.

• tmLQCD: This freely available software suite provides a setof tools to be used in lattice QCD simulations, mainly a HMCimplementation for Wilson and Wilson twisted mass fermions andinverter for different versions of the Dirac operator.

• USQCD: The software suite enables lattice QCD computationsto be performed with high performance across a variety ofarchitectures. The page contains links to the project web pages ofthe individual software modules, as well as to complete lattice QCDapplication packages which use them.


• ASCL: The Astrophysics Source Code Library (ASCL) is a freeonline registry for source codes of interest to astronomers andastrophysicists and lists codes that have been used in research thathas appeared in, or been submitted to, peer-reviewed publications.

• Astropy: The Astropy Project is a community effort to developa single core package for Astronomy in Python and fosterinteroperability between Python astronomy packages

• IRAF: The Image Reduction and Analysis Facility is a generalpurpose software system for the reduction and analysis ofastronomical data. IRAF is written and supported by the NationalOptical Astronomy Observatories (NOAO) in Tucson, Arizona.

• Starlink: Starlink was a UK Project supporting astronomicaldata processing. It was shut down in 2005 but its open-sourcesoftware continued to be developed at the Joint Astronomy Centreuntil March 2015. It is currently maintained by the East AsianObservatory. The open-source software products are a collection ofapplications and libraries, usually focused on a specific aspect ofdata reduction or analysis.

• Links to a large number of astronomy software archives are listedat:


• arXiv mobile: Android app for browsing and searching,and for reading, saving and sharing articles.


• arXiv scanner: Scans downloads folder for pdf files from arXiv.Adds title, authors and summary and makes all this informationeasily searchable from inside the application.


• aNarXiv: arXiv viewer.

• Collider: This mobile app allows to see data from the ATLASexperiment at the LHC.

Online particle physics information 23

• LHSee: This smartphone app allows to see collisions from theLarge Hadron Collider.


• The Particles: App for Apple iPad, Windows 8 and MicrosoftSurface. Allows to browse a wealth of real event images and videos,read popular biographies of each of the particles and explore the A-Zof particle physics with its details and definitions of key concepts,laboratories and physicists. Developed by Science Photo Library inpartnership with Prof. Frank Close.

12. Data repositories

Particle Physics

• HepData: The HepData Project, funded by the STFC (UK) andbased at Durham University, has been built up over the past fourdecades as a unique repository for scattering data from experimentalparticle physics. It currently comprises the data points from plotsand tables related to several thousand publications including thosefrom the LHC.

The data from HEPData can also be accessed through INSPIRE. Anew enhanced service, rebranded as HEPData, is under developmentand will be available at:

• CERN Open Data: The CERN Open Data portal provides datafrom real collision events, produced by the experiments at theLHC; virtual machines to reproduce the analysis environment; andsoftware to process them. It serves almost 30 TB of data andencourages use both for educational and research purposes.

• ILDG: The International Lattice Data Grid is an internationalorganization which provides standards, services, methods and toolsthat facilitate the sharing and interchange of lattice QCD gaugeconfigurations among scientific collaborations, by uniting theirregional data grids. It offers semantic access with local tools toworldwide distributed data.

• MCDB - Monte Carlo Database: This central database ofMC events aims to facilitate communication between Monte-Carloexperts and users of event samples in LHC collaborations. Havingthese events stored in a public place along with the correspondingdocumentation allows for direct cross checks of the performances onreference samples.

• MCPLOTS: mcplots is a repository of Monte Carlo plotscomparing High Energy Physics event generators to a wide varietyof available experimental data. The site is supported by the LHCPhysics Centre at CERN.


• CfA Dataverse: This astronomy data repository at Harvard isopen to all scientific data from astronomical institutions worldwide.

• NASA’s HEASARC: The High Energy Astrophysics ScienceArchive Research Center (HEASARC) is the primary archivefor NASA’s (and other space agencies’) missions dealing withelectromagnetic radiation from extremely energetic phenomenaranging from black holes to the Big Bang.

• LAMBDA @ HEASARC: This data center for Cosmic MicrowaveBackground research, a merger of the High Energy AstrophysicsScience Archive Research Center (HEASARC) and the LegacyArchive for Microwave Background Data Analysis (LAMBDA),

provides archive data from NASA missions, software tools, and linksto other sites of interest.

• The NASA archives provide access to raw and processed datasetsfrom numerous NASA missions.

Mikulski Archive for Space Telescopes (MAST): Hubble telescope,other missions (UV, optical):

NASA/IPAC Infrared Science Archive: Spitzer, Herschel, Plancktelescope, other missions:

• NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database (NED): An astronom-ical database that collates and cross-correlates information onextragalactic objects. It contains their positions, basic data, andnames as well as bibliographic references to published papers, andnotes from catalogs and other publications. NED supports searchesfor objects and references, and offers browsing capabilities forabstracts of articles of extragalactic interest.

• SIMBAD: The SIMBAD astronomical database provides basicdata, cross-identifications, bibliography and measurements forastronomical objects outside the solar system. It can be queried byobject name, coordinates and various criteria. Lists of objects andscripts can be submitted.

• Virtual Observatory: The Virtual Observatory (VO) provides asuite of resources to query for original data from a large numberof archives. Two main tools are provided. One runs queries acrossmultiple databases (such as the SDSS database) and combines theresults. The other queries hundreds of archives for all datasets thatfall on a particular piece of sky.

General Physics

• NIST Physical Measurement Laboratory: The NationalInstitute of Standards and Technology provides access to physicalreference data (physical constants, atomic spectroscopy data, x-rayand gamma-ray data, radiation dosimetry data, nuclear physics dataand more) and measurements and calibrations data (dimensionaland electromagnetic measurements). The site points to a generalinterest page, linking to exhibits of the Physical MeasurementLaboratory in the NIST Virtual Museum.

• Springer Materials - The Landolt-Bornstein Database:Landolt-Bornstein is a data collection in all areas of physical sciencesand engineering, among others particle physics, electronic structureand transport, magnetism, superconductivity. International expertsscan the primary literature in more than 8,000 peer-reviewedjournals and evaluate and select the most valid information to beincluded in the database. It includes more than 100,000 onlinedocuments, 1,2 million references, and covers 250,000 chemicalsubstances. The search functionality is freely accessible and thesearch results are displayed in their context, whereas the full text issecured to subscribers.

13. Data preservation activities

Particle Physics

• DASPOS: A collective effort to explore the realisation of a viabledata, software and computation preservation architecture in HighEnergy Physics

• DPHEP: The efforts to define and coordinate Data Preservationand Long Term Analysis in HEP are coordinated by a study groupformed to investigate the issues associated with these activities.

24 Online particle physics information

The group, DPHEP, was initiated during 2008-2009 and includes allHEP major experiments and labs.

Details of the organizational structure, the objectives, workshopsand publications can be found on the website.

The group is endorsed by the International Committee for FutureAccelerators (ICFA).

In July 2014 the DPHEP collaboration was formed as a resultof the signature of the Collaboration Agreement by seven largefunding agencies (others have since joined or are in the processof acquisition) and in June 2015 the first DPHEP CollaborationWorkshop and Collaboration Board meeting took place.


More formal and advanced data preservation activity is ongoing in thefield of Experimental Astrophysics, including:

• SDSS (Sloan Digital Sky Survey)

• Fermi Data

• IVOA (International Virtual Observatory Alliance)

14. Particle Physics Education and Outreach Sites

Science Educators’ Networks:

• IPPOG: The International Particle Physics Outreach Group is anetwork of particle physicists, researchers, informal science educatorsand science explainers aiming to raise awareness, understanding andstandards of global outreach efforts in particle physics and generalscience by providing discussion forums and regular informationexchange for science institutions, proposing and implementingstrategies to share lessons learned and best practices and promotingcurrent outreach efforts of network members.

• Designed to serve as a central resource forcommunicators of particle physics. The daily updated site provideslinks to current particle physics news from the world’s press,high-resolution photos and graphics from the particle physicslaboratories of the world; links to education and outreach programs;information about science policy and funding; a glossary; and linksto many educational sites.

• I2U2 (Interactions in Understanding the Universe): TheI2U2 e-Labs use the Internet and distributed computing in high-school classes and provide an opportunity for students to organiseand conduct authentic research; experience the environment ofscientific collaborations; make real scientific contributions. It issupported by QuarkNet, NSF and DOE.

Master Classes

• CMS physics masterclass: Lectures from active scientists giveinsight into methods of basic research, enabling the students toperform measurements on real data from the CMS experimentat the LHC. Like in an international research collaboration,the participants then discuss their results and compare withexpectations.


• International Masterclasses: Each year about 10000 high schoolstudents in 42 countries come to one of about 200 nearby universitiesor research centres for one day in order to unravel the mysteries ofparticle physics. Lectures from active scientists give insight in topicsand methods of basic research at the fundaments of matter and

forces, enabling the students to perform measurements on real datafrom particle physics experiments themselves. At the end of eachday, like in an international research collaboration, the participantsjoin in a video conference for discussion and combination of theirresults.

• MINERVA: MINERVA (Masterclass INvolving Event recognitionvisualised with Atlantis) is a masterclass tool for students to learnmore about the ATLAS experiment at CERN, based on a simplifiedsetup of the ATLAS event display, Atlantis.

General Sites

• Contemporary Physics Education Project (CPEP): Providescharts, brochures, Web links, and classroom activities. Onlineinteractive courses include: Fundamental Particles and Interactions;Plasma Physics and Fusion; History and Fate of the Universe; andNuclear Science.

Particle Physics Lessons & Activities

• Angels and Demons: With the aim of looking at the myth versusthe reality of antimatter and science at CERN this site offers teacherresources, slide shows and videos of talks given to teachers visitingCERN.

• ATLAS @ Home A research project that uses volunteer computingto run simulations of the ATLAS experiment at CERN.

• Big Bang Science: Exploring the origins of matter: This Website, produced by the Particle Physics and Astronomy ResearchCouncil of the UK (PPARC), explains what physicists are lookingfor with their giant instruments. It focuses on CERN particledetectors and on United Kingdom scientists’ contribution to thesearch for the fundamental building blocks of matter.

• Cambridge Relativity and Cosmology:


• CAMELIA: CAMELIA (Cross-platform Atlas Multimedia Edu-cational Lab for Interactive Analysis) is a discovery tool for thegeneral public, based on computer gaming technology.

• CERNland: With a range of games, multimedia applications andfilms CERNland is a virtual theme park developed to bring theexcitement of CERN’s research to a young audience aged between 7and 12. CERNland is designed to show children what is being doneat CERN and inspire them with some physics at the same time.

• CollidingParticles: A series of films following a team of physicistsinvolved in research at the LHC.

• Hands-On Universe: This educational program enables studentsto investigate the Universe while applying tools and cocncepts fromscience, math and technology.

• Higgs Hunters: A web-based citizen science project to help searchfor unknown exotic particles in the LHC data.

• HYPATIA: HYPATIA (Hybrid Pupil’s Analysis Tool for Inter-actions in Atlas) is a tool for high school students to inspect thegraphic visualizaton of products of particle collisions in the ATLASdetector at CERN.

Online particle physics information 25

• Imagine the Universe: This NASA site is intended for studentsage 14 and up and for anyone interested in learning about theuniverse.

• In particular: Podcast about physics and the process of discoveringphysics at the ATLAS experiment.


• Lancaster Particle Physics: This site, suitable for 16+ students,offers a number of simulations and explanations of particle physics,including a section on the LHC.

• LHC @ home: Volunteer computing platform to help physicistscompare theory with experiment, in the search for new fundamentalparticles and answers to questions about the Universe.

The Test4Theory allows allows volunteers to run simulations ofhigh-energy particle physics on their home computers. The resultsare submitted to a database which is used as a common resource byboth experimental and theoretical scientists working on the LargeHadron Collider at CERN.

The SIXTRACK project allows users with Internet-connectedcomputers to participate in advancing Accelerator Physics.

• Particle Adventure: One of the most popular Web sites forlearning the fundamentals of matter and force. An award-winninginteractive tour of quarks, neutrinos, antimatter, extra dimensions,dark matter, accelerators and particle detectors from the ParticleData Group of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Simpleelegant graphics and translations into 16 languages.

• Quarked! - Adventures in the Subatomic Universe: Thisproject, targeted to kids aged 7-12 (and their families), bringssubatomic physics to life through a multimedia project including aninteractive website, a facilitated program for museums and schools,and an educational outreach program.

• QuarkNet: Brings the excitement of particle physics research tohigh school teachers and their students. Teachers join researchgroups at about 50 universities and labs across the country. Theseresearch groups are part of particle physics experiments at CERNor Fermilab. About 100,000 students from 500+ US high schoolslearn fundamental physics as they participate in inquiry-orientedinvestigations and analyze real data online. QuarkNet is supportedin part by the National Science Foundation and the U.S. Departmentof Energy.

• Rewarding Learning videos about CERN: The three videosbased on interviews with scientists and engineers at CERN introducepupils to CERN and the type of research and work undertakenthere and are accompanied by teachers’ notes.


Lab Education Offices

• Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) Educational Pro-grams:

• Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) EducationalPrograms: The Office of Educational Programs mission is todesign, develop, implement, and facilitate workforce developmentand education initiatives that support the scientific mission atBrookhaven National Laboratory and the Department of Energy.

• CERN: The CERN education website offers informations aboutteacher programmes and educational resources for schools.

• DESY: Offers courses for pupils and teachers as well as informationfor the general public, mostly in German. services/education/

• FermiLab Education Office: Provides education resources andinformation about activities for educators, physicists, students andvisitors to the Lab. In addition to information on 25 programs,the site provides online data-based investigations for high schoolstudents, online versions of exhibits in the Lederman Science Center,links to particle physics discovery resources, web-based instructionalresources, what works for education and outreach, and links to theLederman Science Center and the Teacher Resource Center.

• Science Education at Jefferson Lab:

• LBL Workforce Development and Education: This groupcarries out Berkeley Labs mission to inspire and prepare the nextgeneration of scientists, engineers, and technicians.

Educational Programs of Experiments

• ATLAS Discovery Quest: One of several access points toATLAS education and outreach pages. This page gives access toexplanations of physical concepts, blogs, ATLAS facts, news, andinformation for students and teachers.

• ATLAS eTours: Give a description of the Large Hadron Collider,explain how the ATLAS detector at the LHC works and give anoverview over the experiments and their physics goals.

• Education and Outreach @ IceCube:

• LIGO Science Education Center: The LIGO (Laser Interfer-ometer Gravitational-wave Observatory) Science Education Centerhas over 40 interactive, hands-on exhibits that relate to the scienceof LIGO. The site hosts field trips for students, teacher trainingprograms, and tours for the general public. Visitors can explorescience concepts such as light, gravity, waves, and interference; learnabout LIGO’s search for gravitational waves; and interact withscientists and engineers.

• Pierre Auger Observatory’s Educational Pages: The siteoffers information about cosmic rays and their detection, andprovides material for students and teachers.


• Asimmetrie: Bimonthly magazine about particle physics publishedby INFN, the Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare

• CERN Courier:

• DESY inForm: inform

• Fermilab Today:

• LC Newsline: The newsletter of the Linear Collider community

twitter: @ILCnewsline

26 Online particle physics information

• IOP News:

• JINR News: index.html

• News at The InterActions site provides newsand press releases on particle physics.

twitter: @particlenews

• Symmetry: This magazine about particle physics and its connec-tions to other aspects of life and science, from interdisciplinarycollaborations to policy to culture is published 6 times per year byFermilab and SLAC.

twitter: @symmetrymag

Art in Physics

• Arts@CERN: The Collide@CERN residency programme bringstogether world-class artists and scientists in a free exchange of ideas. Accelerate@CERN is acountry specific one-month research award for artists who havenever spent tine in a science lab before.

• Art of Physics Competition: The Canadian Association ofPhysicists organizes this competition, the first was launched in 1992,with the aim of stimulating interest, especially among non-scientists,in some of the captivating imagery associated with physics. Thechallenge is to capture photographically a beautiful or unusualphysics phenomenon and explain it in less than 200 words in termsthat everyone can understand.

Blogs and Twitter

Lists of active blogs and tweets can be found on INSPIRE:

• Scientist blogs:

• Scientists with twitter accounts:

• Experiments with twitter accounts:

• Institutions with twitter accounts:

List of physicists on Twitter at TrueSciPhi:

Some selected particle physics related blogs:

• ATLAS blog:

• Physics arXiv blog: MIT Technology Review blog on new ideasat

• Life and Physics: Jon Butterworth’s blog in the Guardian.

• Not Even Wrong: Peter Woit’s blog on topics in physics andmathematics. woit/wordpress/

• Preposterous Universe: Theoretical physicist Sean Carroll’sblog.

• Quantum diaries: Thoughts on work and life from particlephysicists from around the world.

The US LHC blog gives a vivid account of the daily activity of USLHC researchers.

• Science blogs: Launched in January 2006, ScienceBlogs featuresbloggers from a wide array of scientific disciplines, including physics.

• AstroBetter: Blog with tips and tricks for professional astronomers
