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Functional Specification

Family Law/Property Settlement – Application for Information

Table of contents

1. Introduction...............................................................................3

2. Notes for testers.......................................................................4

3. Wireframes...............................................................................5

3.1. Preliminary question..............................................................5

3.2. Main form...............................................................................6

3.2.1. Header and Part 1 – General Information...........................7

3.2.2. Part 2 – Personal Information.............................................8

3.2.3. Part 3 – Payment methods...............................................11

3.3. Checklist..............................................................................14

3.3.1. Section A – Declaration - Header....................................15

3.3.2. Section B – Declaration...................................................18

3.3.3. Section C – Declaration...................................................20

4. User Interfaces.......................................................................21

4.1. PSS......................................................................................21

4.2. CSS.....................................................................................22

4.3. DFRDB................................................................................23

4.4. MilitarySuper........................................................................24

5. Field properties.......................................................................25


1. Introduction

This document details the functional specification for the conversion of a ComSuper form, 'Family Law/Property Settlement – Application for Information', into a SmartForm to be hosted by the AGOSP SmartForms Solution.

There are currently separate forms for each of the five Superannuation schemes associated with ComSuper. These will be combined into one form with five varying user interfaces, making form maintenance much simpler.

ComSuper receives about ten to fifteen of these forms a day. It is a form which members or their ex-spouses print, fill, sign and send.

There is only an approximately 40% return rate because:

Applicants fill out both A and B of Part B of the Application rather than just one of these;

They often miss the mandatory Part C (Payment methods) of the Application; and They fill out more than one of the 2 or 3 options at Part B of the Declaration

It is envisaged that the features of SmartForms will aid in far greater submission of correctly completed forms by using data validation, displaying only the required sections of the form for the type of user, and allowing users to electronically check the form for completion before it is printed.

The conversion will also provide an easier user experience with the user only being shown the fields they need to complete following the initial selection of their scheme membership status.

In this pilot of ComSuper forms, it is important that the printed SmartForm closely matches the current printed form.


2. Notes for testers

As five forms are using the functionality of one form but being displayed in five ways, it is essential to test the display of the five forms separately. Field testing for data validation, error messages, and hover text can be tested on one form as fields have the same functionality on all forms.

Please test:

For each form User interface is correct for the selected scheme

- logo and form heading (yellow banners in wire frame)- heading colour (heading marked in yellow in wireframe)- header and footer- background colour (all grey shaded areas in the wire frame

will be custom colours)

Text changes

- check fields labelled Text 1 to Text 14 (highlighted yellow in the wireframe) display correctly for each form

Field validation

Check each field listed in the Field Properties table for the following:

Field name Field validation Validation error message Hover text Check form error message


All text is the same on form as in wireframe Field layout is same as wireframe

Printing the form

Customised checklist is printed with form The printed SmartForm closely resembles the printed current form

Tab order

Fields are able to be tabbed to from top to bottom, left to right. Note that the product used for creating forms will recognise the changing text fields in the tabbing.


3. Wireframes

This section provides a mock-up of the layout of the SmartForm content and the business logic used in each section.

3.1. Preliminary question

The first section, with a preliminary question, will be the only active content of the form when the form is first opened. This question is required to tailor the main form to the user's needs.

Business logic

1. Only one scheme can be selected2. The 'Go to form' button will only display when a selection has been made


3.2. Main form

The wireframes for sections of the form are displayed below. The view of the form when first viewed by the user is displayed first, then the expanded view is displayed. The business logic is explained under the wireframe for each section.

The form for the selected scheme will display with the following features customised:

Header Heading colour Text referring to scheme name, address or other scheme-specific details Background colour Footer

Yellow shading represents fields which will be customised according to the form displayed. Grey shading will be replaced with the selected form's background colour.

When printed, all fields must be printed regardless of whether they are hidden during form completion. The sections which have been added as instruction specific to the SmartForms will not be printed. These sections are noted below.


3.2.1. Header and Part 1 – General Information

The display for each scheme requires a different header.

Part 1 layout

Part 1 – General Information [Heading colour]

Text changes

Name of scheme Text 1 Text 2 Text 3

PSS ARIA, the Trustees of the Public Sector Superannuation Scheme (PSS)

the PSS the PSS

CSS ARIA, the Trustees of the Commonwealth Superannuation Scheme (CSS)

the CSS the CSS

DFRDB Trustees the DFRDB and/or Productivity Scheme

the DFRDB and/or Productivity Scheme

MilitarySuper the Trustees MilitarySuper MilitarySuper


Logo and headerApplication for superannuation information

The Family Law Act 1975 allows an eligible person to request Text 1 to provide certain information about a Member’s superannuation account. An eligible person is a Member of Text 2; or the spouse of a Member of that scheme; or a person who intends to enter into a superannuation agreement with a Member of Text 3.

To obtain information about your superannuation account, or a Member’s superannuation account, you must complete this application, together with the accompanying declaration (Form 6), which is made in accordance with subsection 90MZB of the Family Law Act 1975.

If you are requesting information about yourself and your spouse (that is, you are both Members), you will need to complete a separate application and declaration to obtain your spouse’s information.

3.2.2. Part 2 – Personal Information

There are different sections for a user to complete, depending on whether they are a member of the superannuation scheme they are seeking information from.

Part 2 layout

Text changes

Name of scheme Text 4

PSS PSSCSS CSSDFRDB DFRDB and/or Productivity SchemeMilitarySuper MilitarySuper

Business Logic

1. If Yes is selected, display Part 2 – for members2. If No is selected, display Part 2 – for non-members3. Do not print


Part 2 – Personal Information [Heading colour]

Are you a Text 4 member?

Yes No

Part 2 – for members – layout

Complete this part if you are a Text 4 member

Text changes

Name of scheme

Text 5a Text 5b Text 5c

PSS Surname Given name/s AGSCSS Surname Given name/s AGSDFRDB Full name (do not display) Service MilitarySuper Full name (do not display) Service

Business Logic

1. Part 2 – for members – only displays when 'Yes' is selected for Part 22. Up to four calculation dates may be added3. When another date is added, a button for 'Remove date' is also added, next to the new date4. At least one phone number must be entered – Phone number (bh), Phone number (ah) or



Text 5a

Text 5b

Phone number (business hours)

Phone number (after hours)


Text 5c number

Date of birth

Date(s) calculation to be made

Note: a fee of $150 is payable for each calculation date requested

Add another date

Part 2 – for non-members – layout

Complete this part if you are not a Text 4 member

Text changes

Name of scheme

Text 6a Text 6b Text 6c

PSS Surname Given name/s AGSCSS Surname Given name/s AGSDFRDB Full name (do not display) Service MilitarySuper Full name (do not display) Service

Business Logic

1. Part 2 – for non-members – only displays when 'No' is selected for Part 22. Up to four calculation dates may be added3. When another date is added, a button for 'Remove date' is also added, next to the new date4. At least one phone number must be entered – Phone number (bh), Phone number (ah) or




Given name/s

Phone number (business hours)

Phone number (after hours)


Member's surname

Member's given name/s

Member's Text 6 number

Member's date of birth

Date(s) calculation to be made

Note: a fee of $150 is payable for each calculation date requested

Add another date

Please select the payment method you are using

Cheque/money order Credit card (Mastercard or Visa)

3.2.3. Part 3 – Payment methods

Part 3 – Payment methods - layout

Business Logic

1. Only one payment method can be selected.2. If Cheque/money order is selected, display Part 3 – Cheque/money order details3. If Credit card is selected, display Part 3 – Credit card details4. Do not print grey section


Part 3 – Payment methods [Heading colour]

Part 3 – cheque/money order details – layout

By cheque or money order.

Text changes

Name of scheme

Text 6d

PSS Note: A three-day clearance period applies to cheque payments. Your application will be processed after your cheque has been cleared.

CSS Note: A three-day clearance period applies to cheque payments. Your application will be processed after your cheque has been cleared.

DFRDB (do not display note)MilitarySuper (do not display note)

Business Logic

1. 'Number of calculation dates requested' is calculated as the number of valid dates entered in Part 2. This is read only

2. The 'Amount enclosed' is the number of Valid calculation dates x $150 and is read only.3. Text 6d changes according to the form which is displayed

Part 3 – credit card details – layout


Please complete the following payment details

Number of calculation dates requested

Amount enclosed ($150 per calculation date)

Text 6d

By credit card (Mastercard or Visa)

Business Logic

1. Only one type of card can be selected (checkboxes are consistent with paper form layout even though only one can be selected)

2. 'Signature of cardholder' cannot be completed online


Please complete the following payment details

Number of calculation dates requested

Amount enclosed ($150 per calculation date)

Type of card (please tick one) Mastercard Visa

Credit card number

Expiry date

Name of cardholder(as shown on card)

Signature ofcardholder

Checklist [Heading colour]

Follow these steps to send your application:

Complete the Application for Superannuation Information

Complete a Declaration to Accompany Application for Superannuation Information (Form 6)

Enclose a cheque or money order made payable to Text 6e or credit card deduction authority

Send the Application, Declaration and payment to:

Text 6f

Note: if you are requesting information for you and your spouse, you will need to complete separate applications and declarations. A fee of $150 applies to each calculation date requested.

3.3. Checklist

Checklist – layout

Text changes

Name of scheme

Text 6e Text 6f

PSS PSS PSS, PO Box 22, Belconnen ACT 2616CSS CSS CSS, PO Box 22, Belconnen ACT 2616DFRDB ComSuper DFRDB, PO Box 22, Belconnen ACT 2616Military Super ComSuper MilitarySuper, PO Box 22, Belconnen ACT


Business Logic

1. This checklist will only show when the form is printed2. Text changes 13 and 14 will depend on the form which is displayed3. Auto tick the checkboxes for 'Complete the Application for Superannuation Information' and

'Complete a Declaration to Accompany Application for Superannuation Information (Form 6)'


Section A [Heading colour]

3.3.1. Section A – Declaration - HeaderAlthough this section of the form has its own header, it is still required to be completed with the first section of the form so the two have been put in the same form.

Section A – header layout

Section A – member - layout


Logo and headerDeclaration to accompany application for

superannuation informationThis declaration is made under subsection 90MZB (2) of the Family Law Act 1975 to obtain information about a superannuation interest. You must tick one box only in each category

Text changes

Business Logic

1. This section shows as above if the user is a member of the superannuation scheme they are making an enquiry about (ie selected Yes at Part 2)

2. Given name, surname and date of birth are prepopulated from Part 2 – for members3. Text 8 changes depending on which form is being displayed4. Do not display State and Postcode fields for MilitarySuper or DFRDB5. Only display 'or' when printed.


Name of scheme Text 8

PSS ARIACSS ARIADFRDB the Defence Force Retirement and Death Benefits

Authority (the Trustee)MilitarySuper the Trustees of the Military Superannuation and

Benefits Scheme (MilitarySuper)

I, [Given name/s] [Surname]

Of postal address

State Postcode

Born on [Date of birth] make the following declaration in support of my application for superannuation information to Text 8 for information about my superannuation interest.


Section A – non-member - layout

Text changes

Business Logic

1. This section shows as above if the user is not a member of the superannuation scheme they are making an enquiry about (ie selected No at Part 2)

2. Given name, surname, member's given name/s, member's surname and member's date of birth are prepopulated from Part 2 – for non-members

3. Text 9 & 10 change depending on which form is being displayed4. Do not display 'Member's date of birth', 'State' and 'Postcode' fields for MilitarySuper or



Name of scheme

Text 9 Text 10

PSS ARIA the PSS SchemeCSS ARIA theCSSDFRDB the Defence Force Retirement and

Death Benefits Authority (the Trustee)

theDFRDB and/or Productivity Scheme

MilitarySuper the Trustees of the Military Superannuation and Benefits Scheme (MilitarySuper)


I, [Given name/s] [Surname]

Of postal address

State Postcode

Born on make the following declaration in support of my application for superannuation information to Text 9 for information about a superannuation interest of:

[Member's given name/s] [Member's surname]

born on [Member's date of birth]

who is a member of Text 10.

Section B [Heading colour]

3.3.2. Section B – Declaration

Section B – member – layout

Text changes

Business Logic

1. This section shows as above if the user is a member of the superannuation scheme they are making an enquiry about (ie selected Yes at Part 2)

2. Text 11 changes according to the form displayed3. The check box already contains a tick (read only)4. 'or' only displays when form is printed5. Do not print the NOTE


Name of scheme Text 11

PSS Public Sector Superannuation (PSS) SchemeCSS Commonwealth Superannuation (CSS) SchemePSSap TBADFRDB DFRDB and/or Productivity SchemeMilitarySuper Military Superannuation and Benefits Scheme


I am a member of the Text 11;


NOTE: As you are a member of the Text 11 you do not need to complete any details in this section.

Section B [Heading colour]

Section B – non-member – layout

Text changes

Business Logic

1. This section shows as above if the user is not a member of the superannuation scheme they are making an enquiry about (ie selected No at Part 2)

2. Only one statement can be selected3. Text 12 changes according to the form displayed4. [Member's given name] and [Member's surname] are prepopulated with data supplied in

Part 2 for non-members5. Do not print 'Please select the correct statement regarding the Text 12 member you are

seeking information about.'


Name of scheme Text 12

PSS The PSSCSS The CSSDFRDB The DFRDB and/or Productivity SchemeMilitarySuper MilitarySuper

Please select the correct statement regarding the Text 12 member you are seeking information about.

I am

the spouse of

Given name/s: [Member's given names]

Surname: [Member's surname]

Who is a member of Text 12; or

intending to enter into a superannuation agreement under Part VIIIB of the Family Law Act 1975 with:

Given name/s: [Member's given names]

Surname: [Member's surname]

Who is a member of Text 12.

Section C [Heading colour]

3.3.3. Section C – Declaration

Section C - layout

Business Logic

1. Both checkboxes can be selected2. At least one check box must be selected3. The signature field can only be completed by hand, once the form has been printed4. 'Save form' will save form to a location of the user's choice

'Print form' will check the form for valid entries. If there are issues display a warning box where user can select the field which is showing an error. When all information is valid display pop-up message with an OK button on it: 'Personal details entered into this form are not stored by ComSuper. They will be stored on the computer that you are using and will be deleted when you print the completed form. Once the form is printed please sign the form and

send it to the specified address..


I require the information to:

assist me to properly negotiate a superannuation agreement

assist me in connection with the operation of Part VIIIB of the Family Law Act 1975.



Important Note: Section 90MZG of the Family Law Amendment (Superannuation) ACT 2001 provides that false declarations served on a Trustee may be subject to a penalty of 12 months imprisonment.

Save Print

4. User InterfacesFor each form, different headers, footers, logos, background colours and heading colours are required. Versions suitable for use by the developer are stored separate to this document.

4.1. PSS


Logo and Form Heading

Logo and Declaration Heading

Background colour


Heading colour


4.2. CSS


Logo and Form Heading

Logo and Declaration Heading

Background colour


Heading colour


4.3. DFRDB



Logo and Form Heading

Logo and Declaration Heading

Background colour



Heading colour



4.4. MilitarySuper



Logo and Form Heading

Logo and Declaration Heading

Background colour



Heading colour


5. Field properties* = required field ** = required under certain conditions

Part 1

Field name Field properties

Field validation Validation message Hover text Check form message

Please select the superannuation scheme you are seeking information from:

Radio buttons.Values: Public Sector Superannuation Scheme (PSS), Commonwealth Superannuation Scheme (CSS), Public Sector Superannuation accumulation plan (PSSap), Defence Force Retirement & Death Benefits Scheme (DFRDB), Military Super.

A selection must be made before proceeding


Go to form Button N/A N/A Personal details entered into this form are not stored by ComSuper. They will be stored on the computer that you are using and will be deleted when you print the form.

Part 2


Field name Field properties

Field validation Validation message Hover text Check form message

Are you a [name of scheme] member?

Radio buttons. Values: Yes, No

One button must be selected before rest of Part 2 is displayed.

N/A Please indicate if you are a member of [name of scheme]

Please indicate if you are a member of [name of scheme]

Part 2 – for members

Field name Field properties

Field validation Validation message Hover text Check form message

Surname * Text 50 chars. Required.

Must not be all spaces, no non-text characters eg. #$&^%

Please use only alphanumeric characters for your surname.

Please enter your last name.

Please enter your surname

Given name/s * Text 50 chars. Required.

Must not be all spaces, no non-text characters eg. #$&^%

Please use only alphanumeric characters for your given name/s.

Please enter your first name/s.

Please enter your given name/s

Phone number (business hours)


Comb fields 2-4-4 If data is entered, all boxes must be complete. At least one type of phone number must be entered.

Please enter the full phone number, including area code.

Please enter your business hours phone number.

(If no phone number is entered) Please enter a business hours, after hours or mobile phone number.

Phone number

(after hours) **Comb fields 2-4-4 If data is entered, all boxes

must be complete.At least one type of phone number must be entered.

Please enter the full phone number, including area code.

Please enter your after hours phone number.

(If no phone number is entered) Please enter a business hours, after hours or mobile phone number.

Mobile ** Comb field 10 chars

If data is entered, all boxes must be complete.At least one type of phone number must be entered.

Please enter your full mobile phone number

Please enter your mobile phone number

(If no phone number is entered) Please enter a business hours, after hours or mobile phone number.

AGS number/Service number

Comb field 9 chars

alphanumeric chars. Must not be blank

Please enter your full AGS number/Service number

Please enter your AGS number/Service number


Date of birth * Comb fields 2-2-4 All boxes must be complete.

Please enter your full date of birth dd-mm-yyyy

Please enter your date of birth ie. dd-mm-yyyy

Please enter your date of birth

Date(s) Comb fields 2-2-4 If data is entered, all boxes Please enter the full Please enter the date for Please enter a calculation


calculation to be

made *must be complete calculation date dd-mm-

yyyycalculation to be made dd-mm-yyyy


Part 2 – for non-members

Field name Field properties

Field validation Validation message Hover text Check form message

Surname * Text 50 chars. Must not be all spaces, no non-text characters eg. #$&^%

Please use only alphanumeric characters for your surname.

Please enter your last name.

Please enter your surname

Given name/s * Text 50 chars. Must not be all spaces, no non-text characters eg. #$&^%

Please use only alphanumeric characters for your given name/s.

Please enter your first name/s.

Please enter your given name/s

Phone number (business hours)


Comb fields 2-4-4 If data is entered, all boxes must be complete. At least one type of phone number must be entered.

Please enter the full phone number, including area code.

Please enter your business hours phone number.

(If no phone number is entered) Please enter a business hours, after hours or mobile phone number.

Phone number

(after hours) **Comb fields 2-4-4 If data is entered, all boxes

must be complete.At least one type of phone number must be entered.

Please enter the full phone number, including area code.

Please enter your after hours phone number.

(If no phone number is entered) Please enter a business hours, after hours or mobile phone number.

Mobile ** Comb field 10 chars

If data is entered, all boxes must be complete.At least one type of phone number must be entered.

Please enter your full mobile phone number

Please enter your mobile phone number

(If no phone number is entered) Please enter a business hours, after hours or mobile phone number.


surname *Text 50 chars. Must not be all spaces, no

non-text characters eg. #$&^%

Please use only alphanumeric characters for the member's surname.

Please enter the member's last name.

Please enter the member's surname

Member's given

name/s *Text 50 chars. Must not be all spaces, no

non-text characters eg. #$&^%

Please use only alphanumeric characters for the member's given name/s.

Please enter the member's first name/s.

Please enter the member's given name/s


Member's AGS number/Service number

Comb field 9 chars

9 alphanumeric chars. Must not be blank.

Please enter the member's full AGS number/Service number

Please enter the member's AGS number/Service number


Member's date of

birth **Comb fields 2-2-4 All boxes must be

complete.Please enter the member's full date of birth dd-mm-yyyy

Please enter the member's date of birth ie. dd-mm-yyyy

Please enter the member's date of birth

Date(s) calculation to be

made *

Comb fields 2-2-4 If data is entered, all boxes must be complete

Please enter the full calculation date dd-mm-yyyy

Please enter the date for calculation to be made dd-mm-yyyy

Please enter a calculation date

Part 3 – Payment methods

Field name Field properties

Field validation Validation message Hover text Check form message

Number of calculation dates requested

Read only. The number of calculation dates entered


Amount payable Read only. Calculated from the number of date calculations to be made x $150


Please select the payment method

you are using *

Radio buttons. Values: cheque/money order, Credit card (Mastercard or Visa)

N/A N/A Please select the payment method you are using.

Please select the payment method you are using.

Cheque/money order amount

Read only. Calculated from the number of date calculations to be made x $150


Type of card ** Required if credit card is selected for payment method. Radio button. Values: Mastercard, Visa

N/A N/A Please select the type of credit card you will be using for payment.

Please select the type of credit card you will be using for payment.

Credit card

number **Required if credit card is selected for payment method. Comb field 4 x 4

All boxes must be completed

Please enter a valid credit card number

Please enter your credit card number.

Please enter your credit card number.

Expiry date ** Required if credit card is selected for payment method. Comb field 2 x 2

All boxes must be completed

Please enter a valid credit card expiry date ie mm-yy

Please enter your credit card expiry date.

Please enter your credit card expiry date.

Name of cardholder (as shown on card)


Required if credit card is selected for payment method. Text field 80 chars

Must not be all spaces, no non-text characters eg. #$&^%

Please enter a valid name for the credit cardholder.

Please enter the name of the credit card holder.

Please enter the name of the credit card holder.

Signature of cardholder

Cannot be completed online.

N/A N/A Please sign here once the form is printed.


Section A – member

Field name Field properties

Field validation Validation message Hover text Check form message

Given name/s Read only. From 'Given name/s' in Part 2 – for members


Surname Read only. From 'Surname' in Part 2 – for members


Postal address Text field. 60 Must not be all spaces Please enter a valid postal Please enter your postal Please enter your postal


Line 1 * chars. Required. address. address. address.

Postal address Line 2

Text field. 60 chars.

Must not be all spaces Please enter a valid postal address.

Please enter your postal address.


Suburb * Text field. 40 chars. Required.

Must not be all spaces Please enter a valid suburb.

Please enter the suburb of your postal address.

Please enter the suburb of your postal address.

State * Dropdown menu. Values: ACT, NSW, VIC, TAS, SA, WA, NT, QLD. Required.

N/A N/A Please select the state of your postal address.

Please select the state of your postal address.

Postcode * Comb field 4 numeric chars. Required

Must be 4 numeric chars Please enter a valid postcode

Please enter the postcode of your postal address.

Please enter the postcode of your postal address.

Date of birth Read only. From 'Date of birth' in Part 2 – for members


Section A – non-member

Field name Field properties

Field validation Validation message Hover text Check form message

Given name/s Read only. From 'Given name/s' in Part 2 – for non-members


Surname Read only. From 'Surname' in Part 2 – for non-members


Address Line 1 * Text field. 60 chars. Required.

Must not be all spaces Please enter a valid address.

Please enter your address.

Please enter your address.

Address Line 2 * Text field. 60 chars.

Must not be all spaces Please enter a valid address.

Please enter your address. N/A

Suburb * Text field. 40 chars. Required.

Must not be all spaces Please enter a valid suburb.

Please enter the suburb of your address.

Please enter the suburb of your address.


State * Dropdown menu. Values: ACT, NSW, VIC, TAS, SA, WA, NT, QLD. Required.

N/A N/A Please select the state of your address.

Please select the state of your address.

Postcode * Comb field 4 numeric chars. Required

Must be 4 numeric chars Please enter a valid postcode

Please enter the postcode of your address.

Please enter the postcode of your address.

Date of birth * Comb fields 2-2-4 All boxes must be complete.

Please enter your full date of birth dd-mm-yyyy

Please enter your date of birth ie. dd-mm-yyyy

Please enter your date of birth

Member's given name/s

Read only. From Part 2 – for non-members


Member's surname

Read only. From Part 2 – for non-members


Member's date of birth

Read only. From Part 2 – for non-members


Section B – non-member

Field name Field properties

Field validation Validation message Hover text Check form message

Please select the correct statement about the [Scheme name] member you are seeking information

about. *

Radio buttons. Values: I am the spouse of a [Scheme name] member, I am entering into a superannuation agreement under Part VIIIB of the Family Law Act 1975 with a [Scheme name] member.

N/A N/A Please select the correct statement about the member you are seeking information about.

Please select the correct statement about the member you are seeking information about.


Required for non-members

Member's given name/s

Read only. From 'Member's given name/s' in Part 2 – for non-members


Member's surname

Read only. From 'Member's surname' in Part 2 – for non-members


Section C – Declaration

Field name Field properties

Field validation Validation message Hover text Check form message

assist me to properly negotiate a superannuation

agreement **Checkboxes. At least one check box in this section must be selected.

N/A N/A Check this box if you are submitting this application to assist you to properly negotiate a superannuation agreement.

If no checkboxes have been selected in this section: Please select the reason you require the superannuation information.

assist me in connection with the operation of Part VIIIB of the Family Law Act

1975. **

N/A N/A Check this box if you are submitting this application to assist you in connection with the operation of Part VIIIB of the Family Law Act 1975.

Signature Cannot be completed online.

N/A N/A Please sign here once the form is printed.


Date Comb fields 2-2-4. Can be completed online or by hand when

N/A N/A Please enter today's date N/A


the form is printed.


Field name Field properties

Field validation Validation message Hover text Check form message

Save Button. Saves form to location of user's choice.

N/A N/A Click to save the form. N/A

Print Button. Validates all fields in form requiring validation. Prints the form.

N/A N/A Click to confirm all required fields have been completed correctly and to print the form.

Please ensure you sign the form before sending.


