Intro · To learn more about some of the supplements and protocols in this book visit To learn more...


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Criteria For Being Diagnosed

There are three types of IBS: •

Cause(s) of IBS?

Traditional Medical Treatment

Why in the world would someone prescribe this crap? (Pun intended.)

Functional Medicine And IBS

The Functional Medicine Approach

to Digestive Health : 4R’s 1. REMOVE




Food Allergies

Food allergies are known to cause numerous unwanted health conditions including:

The Elimination Diet for Testing

Food Allergies

For the next two-four weeks, eliminate:

Pinpointing the Allergic Food

Dr. Coca’s Pulse Test

Testing Foods

The Rotation Diet

Common Food-Group Items:

Your Rotation Diet

Sample rotation-diet menu:

Day One ➢

Day Two ➢

Day Three ➢

Day Four ➢

Protocol for Treating Food Allergies

Natural Remedies

To learn more about some of the supplements and protocols in this book visit To learn more about IBS, GI, and other health conditions,

please visit our website (205) 879-2383


Symptoms of parasitic infections include:

Testing for Parasites

Treating Parasites with Prescriptions

Treating with Natural Remedies

Avoiding Parasites

Protocol for Parasitic Infection

Yeast Overgrowth Syndrome

What is Candidiasis?

Signs and Symptoms

Causes Candidiasis


Die Off And The Herxheimer Reaction

Protocol for Yeast Overgrowth

1. Test for the Problem

2. Control Yeast through Diet

What can I eat on the Candida Diet?

3. Treat Any Intestinal Permeability

4. Improve Digestion

5. Replace Good Bacteria

6. Supplement with Natural Remedies

7. If Natural Approaches Fail Then ConsiderPrescription Medications

After You’ve Healed

Our Digestive System - Our Fragile Ally

You Are What You Eat

How Poor Digestion Contributes To

Your IBS Symptoms

To learn more about some of the supplements and protocols in this book visit To learn more about IBS, GI, and other health conditions,

please visit our website (205) 879-2383

Reflux, GERD, And Digestive Enzymes

Are Antacids the Answer?

Here’s Why Your Body Needs More Acid Not Less:

Protocol for Low Stomach Acid

Pay Attention To Your Diet

Supplementing with Hydrochloric Acid

To learn more about some of the supplements and protocols in this book visit To learn more about IBS, GI, and other health conditions,

please visit our website (205) 879-2383

Stress And Optimal Daily Allowance

Be Warned

A Few Vitamin Facts

To learn more about some of the supplements and protocols in this book visit To learn more about IBS, GI, and other health conditions,

please visit our website (205) 879-2383

Nutritional Therapy And IBS

IBS, Serotonin And 5-HydroxyTryptophan

A gasoline additive isn’t going to help!

To learn more about some of the supplements and protocols in this book visit To learn more about IBS, GI, and other health conditions,

please visit our website (205) 879-2383

The Need For Probiotics

Probiotics help:

L. Casei -

Longum -

B. Bifidum -

Saccharomyces boulardii -

SB and Diarrhea

Intestinal Permeability: “Leaky Gut”

Protocol for Intestinal Permeability

If you suspect that you have intestinal permeability (if the protocols for low stomach acid and for IBS aren’t giving you intestinal relief), take the following steps:

To learn more about some of the supplements and protocols in this book visit To learn more about IBS, GI, and other health conditions,

please visit our website (205) 879-2383
