Interview Questions



Interview questions

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InterviewsSlimming world meeting organiser (Kerry): Tell me about signing up as a new member; what is involved in signing up and being a part of the diet plan? Convince me on the success on this diet plan. Give me some success stories that represent Slimming World. Are you personally on a diet? Slimming World or something else? Has it worked? Have many people left the diet at their target weight and had to return at a later point to lose the weight again?Slimming World Members (Emma): Do you have a certain target that you want to meet? What made you choose Slimming World? How long have you been on it? So far are you happy with the outcomes? Do you enjoy eating the food and recipes that are given? Would you say its hard to stop eating foods that you ate before you started Slimming World? Is it worth the money and time? Would you say there is pressure on society about how people should look?

Members of the gym (Hector and Lydia): How many times per week do you go to the gym? How many hours a day do you spend in the gym? Do you care about what others think of your body? Would you say there is someone that influences how you want to look? Do you eat any unhealthy foods or just stick to healthy? Would you say theres a pressure on society about how people look?Person who opposes to diets: Why do you oppose to diets? Do you think they are a waste of time? Would you say you oppose to healthy foods or would you just say you have a balanced diet and dont see the point being on a certain diet plan? Are you active? How often do you snack, eat takeaways or fatty foods? Do you care how some foods affect your body inside and out? Are you worried what people think about your body or what you eat?Bulimia (Georgias Nan): Tell me about how it all started and how old you were. Tell me about what daily life was like? What would you say triggered off the bulimia/ body issues in the first place? What did you eat in a typical day, in comparison to what you eat now? Did your family or friends ever notice youre eating disorder? If not, how did you manage to keep it quiet? How did it affect your family and friends? When did you realize that you needed help? (If not mentioned, ask how she got help) What kind of professional and medical support did you get? Who did you go to first? Do you regret doing it or was it something which was out of your control? Would you say you are fully recovered? What advice would give to someone who is now suffering with bulimia? Would you say that society and the media are influential to peoples body image and dieting? Especially for people who develop eating disorders. How would you say things have changed over time with eating disorders? (society and support)

Diabetic (Alex Wilcock): When were you diagnosed with diabetes? When you were diagnosed did you know much about the condition? How did you know something wasnt right and that you needed to go to a doctor? Did/ has it change daily life dramatically? Has it got easier as you have got older? Tell me exactly what routine you have on a daily basis? What diet do you have to stick to? Do you have to cut certain foods or drinks out? What rules have been given to you and do you stick to them? How important are the people around someone with diabetes? What advice have you had? What advice would you give to other people who have diabetes? Would you say theres a pressure on society about how people look?

Eczema (Kyal): What are you not supposed to eat and do you know why? Would you say having eczema affects you especially at your age? Do you find it uncomfortable? Do you get it a lot or know what triggers it off? How do you treat it?

Miss Tone (Lucy Worthington): Tell me exactly what Miss Tone is? What made you want to enter the competition? How many hours a day did you train to get the ideal body for the competition? Once entered tell me about how your daily routine changed? Did you have to make any sacrifices? How did your family and friends reactions and opinions change from when you first decided you wanted to compete to the day of the actual competition? Do/did you have a person who inspires you? What foods did you have to cut out completely so you got the best results? Tell me what you had to eat on a daily basis Was it easy cutting out foods? Once the competition was over was it a relief that there wasnt as much pressure on you and you could now go back to a normal routine or have you stuck to the same routine? What foods do you eat now? Do you stick to a specific diet or eat whatever you want? Would you say theres a pressure on society about how people look?

Juice Plus diet (Tracy): What exactly is the juice diet? How did you hear about the diet? Do you know anyone who has been on it before and has it worked for them? How long have you been on the Juice Plus diet and are you happy with the results so far? What made you want to start the diet? Tell me exactly what goes into the juice? Can you eat any solid foods whilst on the juice diet? If so what do you have to cut out completely? What other diets have you tried and did they work? Would you say theres a pressure on society about how people look?

Psychology Teacher (Hayley): Give your definition on eating disorders? What would you say triggers an eating disorder? What are the signs and symptoms of an eating disorder? What is your opinion on dieting? What would you say the reasons are for people going on a diet? Have you ever been on a diet? How are people helped to cope with eating disorders? Why do you think eating disorders are associated more with women than men? What are the physical, mental, and emotional effects of an eating disorder and dieting? Would you say theres a pressure on society about how people look?