International Teaching Fellowship This project tracks the processes involved in introducing the...


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International Teaching Fellowship

This project tracks the processes involved in introducing the Sister School concept to the students via pen pal letter and video sharing activities. It looks at introducing the concept to parents and teachers using a power point presentation to highlight the many benefits to the school community. Additionally it indicates the challenges and seeks to gather input from parents and teachers to overcome those challenges. This project is on going, some of the progress that has been achieved is discussed, as well as the steps yet to be taken.

What are the Key Drivers of Developing a Sister School Relationship?

International Sister SchoolsTuc-el Nuit Elementary, Oliver, British Columbia and Pleasant Street Primary, Ballarat, Victoria

Pleasant Street Primary • School on Lake Wendouree in Ballarat, Victoria,

Australia• Approximately 330 students, in 14 classes • 5 to 12 year olds

Two Schools, One GoalEducating and supporting students to reach their full potential

Tuc-el Nuit Elementary• School near Tuc-el Nuit Lake in Oliver, British

Columbia, Canada• Approximately 230 students, in 10 divisions• 5 to 13 year olds

Aims of the Sister School RelationshipStrengthening Global Community





Establishing relationshipsBetween schools

Increasing global awarenessIntercultural Understanding

Broadening knowledgeGain understanding & appreciation

Developing friendshipsthrough regular communication





Teacher networkingSharing curriculum, practices & ideas

Promoting both systemsB.C & Victorian education systems

Facilitating potential student

visitsFacilitating teacher visitsand exchanges

Global awareness

• Intercultural skills• Acceptance of difference

• Tolerance of other cultures

• Broadened understandings

• Authentic communication• Access to new ideas

• Improved confidence and competence

• Purposeful learning


Benefits to StudentsMultiple and varied gains Real world


Benefits to Teachers

Sharing:• Methods & practices• Curriculum• Knowledge

Increased:• Motivation• Confidence• Morale

Professional Development Opportunities



Challenges to overcomeSchool calendar differences

Victorian School Year

BC School Year

Students are never in class at the same time.

Further ChallengeTime zone differences

• The program is a documented priority within school• Full support from Leadership team and School Council/PAC• A champion with support of the leadership team / team of champions to drive the

program• Succession planning within both schools for when critical staff members move on• Matched expectations and objectives for the relationship (these may change and

develop however should be mutually agreed upon/acknowledged• Reciprocal benefits for both schools• Relatively equal level of commitment between schools• Regular yet flexible and accommodating communication• Ideally face-to-face communication between school staff early on in the


Key Elements for SuccessTaig, C. and Bouchier, L. (2012). DEECD Sister Schools Relationships – Final Report

Pen pal letters were exchanged.

Some of the linking activities we did between TeN and PSPS last year!

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And short videosUsing iMovie

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And anotherSharing local sights

Over to youWhat ideas do you have for fostering a Sister School relationship between our two great schools?

Sample of Ideas:

Who Ideas

Teachers • Short teacher exchanges• Student home stays• Buddy classes• Video taped assemblies• Record cultural programs• Art work exchanges• Shared website• Web tours of school & events

Parents • Dedicated noticeboard in the school • Visual displays, photos, art, video• Email exchanges• Piloting similar initiatives• Collaborative assignments

Students • Helping a 3rd World country together• Fund raising• Visiting each other’s school

Feedback from these presentations

Student thoughts

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Working together and helping a needy school

Pleasant Street

• Willing to take on the Sister School activities

• Provide opportunities for student led projects

• Have an existing structure for developing ideas over time

• Opportunities for student voice and student action

Junior School Council

Pleasant Street Primary SchoolStrategic Plan 2015- 2018

And the Journey Continues …

Special thanks to the authors of

DEECD Sister Schools Relationships – Final Report (2012)

C. Taig, and L. Bouchier
