

INTERIOR DESIGN. By: Megan Manes. What is interior design?. You decorate and change rooms according to peoples needs and wants. It can be anything from a regular house to a restaurant. They decorate these areas by using fabrics, colors, flooring, walls and more. Why did I choose this?. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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By: Megan Manes

WHAT IS INTERIOR DESIGN? You decorate and change rooms

according to peoples needs and wants. It can be anything from a regular house

to a restaurant. They decorate these areas by using

fabrics, colors, flooring, walls and more.

WHY DID I CHOOSE THIS? I chose this job because I have a huge

imagination and I love decorating rooms and thinking of different ways to decorate.

Its exciting to me and I think I would be very good at it.

WHAT QUALITIES DO YOU NEED? To be an interior designer it is good to

have..Artistic abilitiesBe creativeHave a good sense of visualizationHave good problem solving skills Be able to communicate well with others

THE DIFFERENT TYPES Sustainable Designers-improve energy and

water efficiencies and indoor air quality Universal- renovate spaces to make them

more accessible (special needs) Kitchen and bath Lighting designers- lighting for home, office,

or public spaces Closet Designers

WORK ENVIORMENT Most people who are interior designers

work for a specialized industry for architecture, engineering and other related industries.

PAY The median wage was $46,280 in May


JOB OUTLOOK The employment of interior designers is

expected to increase in the next 10 years by 20 percent.


Interior designers held about 56,500 jobs in 2010

There are many jobs around the area but the best place to go is eastern United States. There are many more opportunities.

SIMILAR OCCUPATIONS Some similar occupations are…

Fashion DesignArt DirectorsLandscape design Floral Deigners

IF I HAD TO CHOOSE A DIFFERENT OCCUPATION….. If I couldn’t do interior design I would

probably choose Landscaping Design.

I love seeing houses that have great decorations on the inside, as well as the outside!

If I chose landscaping design I would make around 62,000 a year!

THE END Thanks for watching my power point!
