Intelligent Lighting Control User Interface through Design of … · 2013-04-20 · IV. INTELLIGENT...


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Intelligent Lighting Control User Interfacethrough Design of Illuminance Distribution

Tomoyuki HiroyasuDepartment of Life and Medical Sciences

Doshisha UniversityKyoto, Japan

Akiyuki NakamuraGraduate School of Engineering

Doshisha UniversityKyoto, Japan

Sho ShinoharaGraduate School of Engineering

Doshisha UniversityKyoto, Japan

Masato YoshimiDepartment of Science and Engineering

Doshisha UniversityKyoto, Japan

Mitsunori MikiDepartment of Science and Engineering

Doshisha UniversityKyoto, Japan

Hisatake YokouchiDepartment of Life and Medical Sciences

Doshisha UniversityKyoto, Japan

Abstract—Many types of artifacts can be connected andcontrolled over a network. However, when a lot of artifactsare connected, it is very difficult to control with conventionalinterface switches. The interface of these systems should besuitable for each individual user and should be designed forease of operation. In this paper, a new type of user-friendlyinterface for a networked lighting system that can be controlledover the network is proposed. In the proposed system, theuser operates the lighting system by designing the illuminancedistribution, and the system learns user’s sensory scale tosupport this design.

Keywords-user interface; lighting; illuminance distribution;network;


As technology is becoming increasingly ubiquitous, weare surrounded more frequently by many types of hardware,such as computers and sensors, which are connected tonetworks[1][2]. Networking such equipment can improve thefunction of the system. However, as the functionality of thesystem improves, user operation will become more complexand diverse, increasing the burden on the users. Therefore,it is necessary to improve the usability of the user interface(UI) of such networked systems.

The operation burden for lighting systems will increaseas they are connected to a network. Lighting systems haveadvanced such that it is now possible to control of multiplelighting systems individually by networking[3]. However,the operation of such lighting systems has also becomecomplex. Consequently, traditional UI for such system willcreate a large burden for user operation. In this paper,the requirements of a UI that is suitable for hardwarenetworking will be described, and an example of a UI fornetworked lighting system that learns user’s sensory scaleand allows lighting control through the design of illuminance

distribution is proposed.


The UI for such a system in which different equipment isconnected through a network has two requirements: intuitiveoperability and personalization features[4][5]. The formerrequirement is necessary because if the user can intuitivelyunderstand the method to obtain a desired result, the burdenof operation will be reduced. The latter requirement isnecessary because if the method of operation is optimizedfor each user using the preferred display or frequency ofuse, the UI will become easier to use.

Thus, it is important to facilitate the users reaching theirdesired results through the UI. A UI should be designedtaking this concept into consideration while connectinghardware through the network.


A. Networking the Lighting Equipment

In the past, lighting systems controlled multiple lights atonce, and all that was needed as a UI was a switch to turn thelights ON or OFF. On the other hand, in the current lightingsystem, the lights and control devices that can control theluminance of individual lights are connected to the network,allowing multiple lights to be controlled individually[3]. Inthis study, we constructed a laboratory equipped with sucha lighting system, as shown in Fig. 1.

All of the 48 lights in the laboratory shown in Fig. 1can be controlled individually. An overview of the lightingsystem network in this laboratory is shown in Fig. 2.

As shown in Fig. 2, each control device is connected tomultiple lights, and can regulate up to 5 lights individually.By connecting multiple lights and their control devices tothe network, individual control of multiple lights can be

2009 Ninth International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications

978-0-7695-3872-3/09 $26.00 © 2009 IEEE

DOI 10.1109/ISDA.2009.198


Fig. 1. Laboratory Equipped with a Networked Lighting System


Control Device


Fig. 2. Overview of the Lighting System Network in this Laboratory

achieved through a computer. This function allows a diverselighting environment as well as offering different level ofbrightness to individuals in the same room.

However, as mentioned in Chapter 2, user operationbecomes complex in this lighting system because the numberof items that must be operated has increased. For suchlighting systems, a UI that sets the luminance of lightsindividually has been suggested[6][7], but the operation ofadjusting the luminance of individual lights separately is alarge burden for the user. Therefore, a lighting control UIequipped with intuitive operability and the personalizationfeatures described in Chapter 2 was examined in this study.

B. Intuitive Operation

In a UI to allow intuitive operation of a lighting system,the most important factor is the operational object of theUI. The expected result of the system is the illuminancedistribution, i.e., the brightness around the user. On theother hand, existing UI control lighting by regulating theluminance, which is the brightness emitted by the lights.Therefore, the user must estimate what luminance setting

will give the desired illuminance distribution. Therefore, itis more intuitive for the user to operate the illuminancedistribution rather than to operate luminous intensity toobtain the desired illuminance distribution. Here, we setthe illuminance distribution as the operational object in theproposal interface. Illuminance control at a given locationhas already been realized by utilizing a networked lightingsystem[8][9]. By incorporating an illuminance sensor into anetwork, this system can provide arbitrary illuminance at anarbitrary location based on information obtained from thesensor.

In the proposed UI, the illuminance distribution is vi-sualized by 3-dimensional computer graphics (3DCG) toallow the user to understand the illuminance distributioneasily. In addition, to make the operation more intuitive, theilluminance distribution design is realized through drag anddrop.

C. Personalization Features

As described in Paragraph 3.2, the user designs theilluminance distribution through the UI to obtain a desiredilluminance distribution. However, as the sensory scale tobrightness differs for each user, there is a difference betweenthe desired illuminance and that offered by the system, asshown in Fig. 3[10].

(2)Distribution the User Designed on UI

(1)Distribution the User Wanted (3)Distribution the System Offered


user’s scale system’s scale

Fig. 3. Differences in Scales

As shown in Fig. 3, there is a difference between Fig. 3(1)Distribution the user wanted and Fig. 3(3) Distribution thesystem offered due to the difference in scales. Therefore, theuser must learn what type of distribution should be designedon the UI to obtain the desired distribution. To reduce thisburden, the system should personalize the scales for eachuser so that the system can offer the appropriate distributionin response to the user’s design parameters. Consequently,the proposed UI is equipped with the ability to learn thesensory scales for brightness perceived by the user [11][12].



In this paper, a UI that improves the usability of thenetworked lighting system is proposed. The requirementsfor improving the usability are shown below.

• Designing the Illuminance DistributionThe illuminance distribution, which is the result wantedby a user, is set as the operational object to realizeintuitive operability. And, the system is equipped withthe drag and drop operation which allows the users todesign the illuminance distribution expressed by 3DCGmore sensuously.

• Controlling the Illuminance DistributionTo set the illuminance distribution as the operationalobject, the system must control the illuminance distri-bution. Therefore, the system controls the illuminancedistribution by simulating the illuminance obtainedfrom the luminance.

• Learning of the Sensory ScaleAlthough the user designs the illuminance distributionby drag and drop operation, the sensory scale for bright-ness differs for each user. Consequently, the system canlearn sensory scale of users.

A. Designing the Illuminance Distribution

The initial state of the proposed UI expressing the illumi-nance distribution by 3DCG is shown in Fig. 4.

Fig. 4. Initial State of the Proposed UI

The UI in Fig. 4 models the laboratory introduced in Fig.1. The mesh-like object at the center of Fig. 4 (referred tohereafter as the illuminance distribution object) expressesthe indoor illuminance distribution using 3DCG, and is theuser’s operational object to adjust lighting; the closer apoint on this object approaches the ceiling, the higher theilluminance becomes at that point in the room. When weset the two axes of the floor surface of the laboratory asthe x- and y-axes, and the axis perpendicular to the floorsurface as the z-axis, the coordinates of x and y indicatethe position of this illuminance distribution object on thefloor surface, and the z-axis indicates the illuminance at thatposition; the higher the number on the z-axis, the brighterthe illuminance. The sphere on the illuminance distribution

object is the object that maps the position of a mouse pointerin 3D space, and is used as the reference point for drag anddrop operation.

The proposed UI displays the feasible illuminance dis-tribution, which is the result of simulation. Fig. 4 showsthe illuminance distribution simulated such that illuminancein the room is kept as uniform as possible. In this UI,the user changes the shape of the illuminance distributionobject by dragging and dropping at an arbitrary point onthe object. This drag and drop operation can be performedin two directions; vertical and horizontal. When the dragand drop operation is performed in the vertical direction,a concavity/convexity is created, the depth/height of whichis determined by where the user drops. When the drag anddrop operation is performed in the horizontal direction, theconcavity or convexity is widened or narrowed horizontally,and the width is determined by where the user drops.The illuminance distribution object, which was designedarbitrarily from the initial state in Fig. 4, is shown in Fig.5.

Fig. 5. The Proposed UI after Design

The state in Fig. 5 indicates that the system sets up theluminance of lighting so that the left side of the roombecomes dark and the right side becomes bright.

B. Controlling the Illuminance Distribution

In the proposed UI, It is necessary to compute the lumi-nance of each light to realize the illuminance distributionrequired by the user. Thus, the system realizes illuminancedistribution control by simulating the illuminance distribu-tion using the point-by-point method, which theoreticallycalculates the illuminance from the luminance [13][14]. Thehorizontal illuminance Eh calculated by the point-by-pointmethod is shown in (1).

Eh =h√

h2 + d2· En (1)

En =lθ



h2 + d2 + m2+

1√h2 + d2



h2 + d2

))En : normal illuminance

lθ : θ directional luminance per unit measurement

m : measurement of lighting


h : height of lighting

d : horizontal distance between right under lighting

and measuring point

Eh obtained in (1) indicates the illuminance at a certainmeasurement point by a certain light. When there are anumber of lights, the illuminance of a certain measuredpoint is expressed by the summation of the illuminancegiven by each light. The illuminance Eh depends on theluminance lθ, because m, h, and d in (1) are the constantsthat are uniquely set when the light and measurement pointto simulate are determined. This illuminance distributioncontrol is considered an optimization problem that calculatesthe luminances that minimize the difference between theilluminance distribution submitted by the user and thatsimulated by the point-by-point method. The object functionf is formulated as (2).

min f(Lθ) =


(Ehi(Lθ) − Ehi



subject to Lθ = { lθ | 0 < lθ < maximum luminance }

Ehi0 : target illuminance

Lθ : a set of the luminance in all lightings

lθ : the luminance of certain lightings

n : number of measurement point

Ehi(Lθ) in (2) is the illuminance of the measurementpoint i by the luminances of all lights. Ehi

0 is the targetilluminance of the measurement point i. As shown in (2),the object function is expressed by the summation of thesquare of the difference between the illuminance determinedby simulation and the target illuminance, and the luminancethat minimizes the evaluation value of the object function isthe optimal solution. This object function is solved by themethod of steepest descent, because it is a monomodalityfunction[15][16].

The flow chart of illuminance distribution control usingthe method of steepest descent is shown in Fig. 6.

As shown in Fig. 6, the method of steepest descent is atechnique for searching the minimum in the object functionbased on the gradient information on that function.

C. Learning the Sensory Scale

As described in Section 3.3, the proposed UI learnsthe sensory scale of brightness for each user because itdiffers between users [10][11][12]. The learning functionwas formulated supposing the situation were only one userhas the discretion of the brightness of the room. To performthis learning, the system updates its own scale so that thepeak in Fig. 3(1) and the peak in Fig. 3(3) match. Thissystem has a two-dimensional array E as its scale. Eij ,which is the peak illuminance of the concavity or convexity


The user showsthe illuminance distribution



Generates initial luminance LθLθ : A set of the luminance in all lightings


Gradient = 0 ?∂Lθ


f : Object function

i = 1


i ≦ n ?

n : The maximum of the loop count

i ++

Lθ = Lθ - α∂Lθ


α : Parameter


Fig. 6. Flow Chart of Illuminance Distribution Control

formed by the user dragging the cursor from the drag startpoint i for a drag distance j, is stored in the array E. Thescale is set for every drag start illuminance because evenif the user drags the same distance, the quantity of changerequired may differ depending on the starting illuminance.The flow chart of the learning mechanism of the proposedUI is shown in Fig. 7.


The user designsthe illuminance distribution


The system changes the illuminance distribution


(3) Is the user satisfied ?



The user redoes the design(4)

The system learns(5)


Fig. 7. Flow Chart of the Learning Mechanism

The mechanism of the learning in Fig. 7(5) is described


below. Eij is defined as the peak illuminance of the illumi-nance distribution which the system offered first to the userin Fig. 7(2). e is defined as the peak illuminance of whatthe system offered last in Fig. 7(2). At this time, the topilluminance Eij is updated according to (3).

Eij = |e − Eij | · α + Eij (3)α : learning rate

α is a constant, and fulfills 0 ≤ α ≤ 1. To increase thelearning speed, this system transmits this update into thetwo-dimensional array. Initially, the update propagation istransmitted into the sequence of the drag start illuminance iin the two-dimensional array. This updating is expressed as(4).

En j = |e − Eij | · β|i−n| + En j (4)β : propagation rate on illuminance begun drag

n : 0 → imax except i

β is the constant, and fulfills 0 ≤ β ≤ 1. Next, theupdate propagation is transmitted into the sequence of thedrag distance j in the two-dimensional array. This update isexpressed as (5).

En m = |En j − E′n j | · γ

|j−m| + En m (5)

E′n j : illuminance before update

γ : propagation rate on dragging distance

n : 0 → imax

m : 0 → jmax except j

γ is a constant, and fulfills 0 ≤ γ ≤ 1. As this systemlearns the user’s sensory scales, the user learns the scalesof the system. Therefore, the system has the learning rateand the propagation rate to prevent the conflict between userlearning and system learning.


This chapter describes the results of the numerical ex-periment regarding the illuminance distribution control al-gorithm and the learning function described in Chapter 4.

A. Numerical Experiment Results of the Illuminance Distri-bution Control Algorithm

This experiment was conducted assuming the laboratoryshown in Fig. 1. However, the 48 lights in this laboratoryconsisted of 24 pairs of lights, and thus one pair of lights wasconsidered as one light in this experiment. This luminance lθis 0 ≤ lθ ≤ 3633. This laboratory measured 8.26m * 6.15m,with a height of 2.75m. The number of the illuminancemeasurement points was set to 1681. Under these conditions,the object function of (2) was optimized based on the flow

Fig. 8. Transition of the Evaluation Value by the Method of SteepestDescent

chart shown in Fig. 6. Transition of the evaluation value isshown in Fig. 8.

The horizontal and vertical axes of Fig. 8 show the numberof evaluations and the evaluation values, respectively. Asshown in Fig. 8, the evaluation value was converged andoptimized by the steepest descent method. There are twopossible reasons why the evaluation value did not reach zero.The first is that lθ and the light distribution angle is limited,while the second is that feasible illuminance distributionis limited because light spreads. The target illuminancedistribution and the optimized illuminance distribution isshown in Fig. 9.

Fig. 9. Comparison of two Illuminance Distributions

In Fig. 9, the x- and y-axes of the bottom surface ofthe graph indicate the coordinates of the point at whichmeasurements were taken, and the height indicates theilluminance at that point. Fig. 9 shows that a difference existsbetween two illuminance distribution in the same way thatthe evaluation value did not reach zero.

B. Numerical Experiment Results of the Learning Function

To conduct the numerical experiments regarding the learn-ing function, an agent was created assuming this agentwas a user. The agent had a two-dimensional array similar


to the system’s sensory scale. The elements in this two-dimensional array were set up to have nonlinear character-istics in each dimension. The results of the system learningthis agent’s sensory scale (average of 30 trials) are shownin Fig. 10.

Fig. 10. Transition of the Number of Redesigns

In Fig. 10, the horizontal axis shows the number oflearning steps, and the vertical axis shows the number oftimes which became ”No” at processes (3). The learning rateand the propagation rate were set as α = 0.5, β = 0.5, andγ = 0.5, respectively. As shown in Fig. 10, the system couldlearn the sensory scales of the agent because the numberof redesigns (failures) decreased as the system repeatedlearning. Hereafter, there is a need to verify the effectivenessof the learning mechanism when the user is an actual human.Although improvement of learning speed is also an issue inthis learning function, it is possible to make improvementsby increasing the learning rate or the propagation rate closerto 1. Therefore, It is necessary to examine the parameter withsufficient learning efficiency.


In intelligent lighting systems where lights are connectedon a network and can be controlled individually, operabilitythrough existing UI is associated with a large burden onthe user. In this paper, we proposed a UI to control lightsby designing the illuminance distribution in such a lightingsystem, which learns the sensory scale of each user. Inthis study, it was shown that the illuminance distributioncontrol can be optimized by the steepest descent method.In addition, we described how the feasible illuminancedistribution is limited due to the physical limitations of thelighting system and the lights themselves. Therefore, we aimto improve the system such that it can provide a distributionsatisfactory to the user’s requirements. We also showed thatthe system is able to learn the sensory scales using anagent. In future studies, we will verify the effectiveness ofsystem learning using human subjects as well as adjustingthe parameters to further enhance the learning speed.


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