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By Tricia Mitchell

Intelligence is the cognitive abilities of an individual to learn from experience, to reason well, and cope with the demands of daily living.

Or The ability to analyze, evaluate , and

compare Ability to create, imagine ,and invent Ability to apply, implement, and utilize

In the early years the (g) base on mechanical, musical, and artistic abilities by Charles Spearman

Some Psychologist think that there were other abilities, the Primary Mental Abilities to justify this theory (Howard Gardner)

Linguistic Logical-mathematical Musical Spatial Kinesthetic Interpersonal Intrapersonal Naturalistic intelligence

Standardization-administer test the same way to each individual

Norms-used as basis of comparison for scores on a test

Objectivity-lack of subjectivity in a test question so that same score is giving regardless

Reliability-a test ability to produce similar scores if test is administer on different occasion

Validity-the extent to which a test measures what it suppose to measure

You only get out of the brain what you put in it for intelligence

Chapter 9 in Benjamin Lahey, Psychology: Introduction (10th) edition
