Intelektualnost i Umjetnost Renesanse



Intelektualnost i Umjetnost Renesanse

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Chapter 5 Section 2 The Intellectual and Artistic


Renaissance (Classical) Humanism• The renaissance emphasized the role of the

individual. This idea was called humanism.

• Humanism covered the grammar, rhetoric, poetry, philosophy & history of Ancient Greece and Rome.

Petrarch (1304-1374)

• Father of Renaissance humanism.

• Rediscovered Latin manuscripts in monastery libraries.

• Led to the rediscovery of Virgil and Cicero.

Cicero Virgil

• Petrarch said intellectuals should live like monks.

•Humanists in Florence thought people should be involved in civic life.

Renaissance Literature• Many people could not read because

there were not many books before 1455.

• Gutenberg’s printing press made books more accessible.

• Intellectuals wrote and read in Latin.

• As books spread, people wrote in their own languages, or vernaculars.

Famous Writers of the Renaissance• Dante Alighieri –

The Divine Comedy (Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso)

• Geoffrey Chaucer – The Canterbury Tales

• Christine de Pizan – The Book of the City of Ladies

Education • People were educated in the Liberal Arts (the

arts that set you free).• Liberal Arts consisted of two parts:

– Trivium: grammar, rhetoric, logic– Quadrivium: arithmetic, geometry, music,

astronomyPhysical education was also important.

Sound mind + Sound body = good citizenWomen received little education, except in

religion and morals.

Renaissance Art

• Painting, sculpture, and architecture were dramatically changed during the Renaissance.

• Frescoes (watercolor paintings) added new dimensions to painting:

– 3-Dimensional

– Realism


• Donatello (1386-1446) copied the Greek and Roman (Greco-Roman) style of sculpting that was realistic and anatomically correct.

Donatello’s David


•Buildings featured classical columns and arches.

•Churches were warm and welcoming, where Gothic cathedrals were overwhelming and cold.

Masters of the High Renaissance

• The High Renaissance was the period from 1490-1520. Three of the most influential people of that period were:

• Leonardo DaVinci

• Raphael

• Michelangelo

Leonardo DaVinci (1452-1519)

• Favored Realism in art

• Scientist - dissected bodies

• Inventor – first helicopter design

Raphael Santi(1483-1520)

• Painted ideal beauty

• Famous works include Madonna (Mary) and the School of Athens

Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475-1564)

• Saw beauty as a reflection of God living in man.

• Painted the Sistine Chapel (done mostly lying on his back).
