Intel Threading Building Blocks - Aalborg Universitet


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Intel Threading Building Blocks

Alexandre David 1.2.05

09-05-2011 MVP'11 - Aalborg University 2

What is TBB? n  C++ library for multi-threading.

n  Internally uses pthreads (Linux). n  Abstracts from threading details. n  Based on tasks. n  Offers concurrent data-structures. n  C++ n  Dual licensed GPL/commercial.

09-05-2011 MVP'11 - Aalborg University 3

Benefits n  Specify tasks instead of thread.

n  Thread programming: map work to threads, do the load balancing etc…

n  Task programming lets the library schedule threads for you.

n  Abstraction on raw threads, more portable. n  Threading for performance.

n  Higher level simple solutions for computationally intensive work.

n  Compatible with other threading packages. n  Mix with OpenMP or pthreads.

09-05-2011 MVP'11 - Aalborg University 4

Benefits n  TBB emphasizes scalable data-parallel

programming. n  Data-parallel programming scales well with large

problems – partition data set. n  Special constructs to do the partioning.

n  Generic programming. n  Write best possible algorithms with as few

constraints as possible.

09-05-2011 MVP'11 - Aalborg University 5

Important Concepts n  Recursive splitting.

n  Break problems recursively down to some minimal size.

n  Works better than static division, works well with task stealing.

n  Task stealing. n  A way to manage load balancing.

n  Generic algorithms n  algorithm templates.

09-05-2011 MVP'11 - Aalborg University 6

Overview n  Algorithms

n  parallel_for n  parallel_reduce n  parallel_scan n  parallel_while n  pipeline n  parallel_sort

n  Concurrent containers n  concurrent_queue n  concurrent_vector n  concurrent_hash_map

09-05-2011 MVP'11 - Aalborg University 7

Basic Algorithms n  Loop parallelization

n  parallel_for n  parallel_reduce n  parallel_scan n  → building blocks.

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Start & End n  Need to start task scheduler. n  Declaring: task_scheduler_init init;

in main does the job.

n  Can be tweaked but the default is usually good enough. n  Number of threads automatic.

09-05-2011 MVP'11 - Aalborg University 9


void SerialApplyFoo(float a[], size_t n) { for(size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) Foo(a[i]); }

Original code:

09-05-2011 MVP'11 - Aalborg University 10


#include “tbb/blocked_range.h” class ApplyFoo { float *const my_a; public: void operator ()(const block_range<size_t>& r) const { float *a = my_a; for(size_t i = r.begin(); i != r.end(); ++i) Foo(a[i]); } ApplyFoo(float a[]) : my_a(a) {} };

Algorithm class:

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Algorithm call:

#include “tbb/parallel_for.h” void ParallelApplyFoo(float a[], size_t n) { parallel_for(blocked_range<size_t>(0,n,GrainSize), ApplyFoo(a)); }

09-05-2011 MVP'11 - Aalborg University 12

Recursive Splitting n  General form of the constructor:

blocked_range<T>(begin,end,grainsize) n  [Setting the grain to 10000 is a good rule of

thumb. The grain should take 10000-100000 instructions at least.]

n  This range is used to do recursive splitting automatically. n  If currentSize > grainsize then split. n  It’s not the minimal size of the data-sets. n  Minimum threshold for parallelization. n  Concept → minimum block size.

09-05-2011 MVP'11 - Aalborg University 13

Automatic Grain Size n  New version of TBB support automatic grain

sizes. n  The algorithms (parallel_for…) need a partitioner. n  There’s a default auto_partitioner(). n  It’s using heuristics.

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Aha - Recursive Algorithms n  How to implement recursive algorithms using

parallel_for? n  Define your own range splitting class. n  Call parallel_for. n  TBB will split recursively as needed.

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Original code:

float SerialSumFoo(float a[]], size_t n) { float sum = 0; for(size_t i = 0; i != n; ++i) sum += Foo(a[i]); return sum; }

09-05-2011 MVP'11 - Aalborg University 16

parallel_reduce Algorithm class:

class SumFoo { float* my_a; public: float sum; void operator()(const blocked_range<size_t>& r) { float *a = my_a; for(size_t i = r.begin(); i != r.end(); ++i) sum += Foo(a[i]); } SumFoo(SumFoo& x, split) : my_a(x.my_a), sum(0) {} void join(const SumFoo& y) { sum += y.sum; } SumFoo(float a[]) : my_a(a), sum(0) {} };

09-05-2011 MVP'11 - Aalborg University 17

Reduce n  Associative operator. n  Recursive algorithm to compute it.

n  Schwartz’ algorithm.

n  TBB: n  splitting constructor n  non-const method to compute on blocks n  join to combine results

09-05-2011 MVP'11 - Aalborg University 18


Call: float ParallelSumFoo(const float a[], size_t n) { SumFoo sf(a); parallel_reduce(blocked_range<size_t>(0,n,GrainSize), sf); return sf.sum; }

09-05-2011 MVP'11 - Aalborg University 19

parallel_scan Methods needed:

class Body { T reduced_result; … x & y data public: Body(x & y)… T get_reduced_result() const { return reduced_result; } void operator()(range, tag) { T temp = reduced_result; for(i : range) { temp <op>= x[i]; if (tag::is_final_scan()) y[i] = temp; } reduced_result = temp; } Body(Body&b, split) – split constructor void reverse_join(Body& a) { reduced_result = a.reduced_result <op> reduced_result; } void assign(Body& b) { reduced_result = b.reduced_result; } };

09-05-2011 MVP'11 - Aalborg University 20

parallel_scan n  One class to define the operations for both

passes of the algorithm (recall 2 passes). n  Differentiation with is_final_scan(). n  prescan computes the reduction, doesn’t touch

y. n  final scan updates y. n  reverse_join: this is the right argument.

09-05-2011 MVP'11 - Aalborg University 21

Advanced Algorithms n  Different kinds of parallelizations:

n  parallel_while n  suitable for streams of data

n  pipeline n  parallel_sort

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Original code: void SerialApplyFooToList(Item *root) { for(Item* ptr = root; ptr != NULL; ptr = ptr->next) Foo(ptr->data); }

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parallel_while class ItemStream { Item *my_ptr; public: bool pop_if_present(Item*& item) { if (my_ptr) { item = my_ptr; my_ptr = my_ptr->next; return true; } else { return false; } } ItemStream(Item* root) : my_ptr(root) {} };

09-05-2011 MVP'11 - Aalborg University 24

parallel_while n  The class acts as an item generator and

writes items where specified. n  The pop_if_present does not need to be

thread safe because it is never called concurrently. n  This makes it non-scalable – could be a

bottleneck. n  It makes more sense when parallel_while can

acquire more work: call to parallel_while::add(item).

09-05-2011 MVP'11 - Aalborg University 25

parallel_while class ApplyFoo { public: void operator()(Item* item) const { Foo(item->data); } typedef Item* argument_type; }; void ParallelApplyFooToList(Item* root) { parallel_while<ApplyFoo> w; ItemStream stream; ApplyFoo body;,body); }


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data stage1 stage2 stage3

data data data

TBB: One stream of data – linear pipeline.


09-05-2011 MVP'11 - Aalborg University 27

Filter Interface

namespace tbb { class filter { protected: filter(bool is_serial); public: bool is_serial() const; virtual void* operator()(void* item) = 0; virtual ~filter(); }; }

09-05-2011 MVP'11 - Aalborg University 28

Building Pipelines tbb::pipeline pipeline; MyInputFilter input(args); pipeline.add_filter(input); MyTransformFilter transform(args); pipeline.add_filter(transform); MyOutputFilter output(args); pipeline.add_filter(output);; pipeline.clear();

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Non-Linear Pipelines






Topologically sorted pipeline






09-05-2011 MVP'11 - Aalborg University 30

parallel_sort n  parallel_sort(i,j,comp). n  Types i and j are compared using comp

(functor). n  Types i and j must be accessible randomly

(are std::RandomAccessIterator). n  Uses quicksort internally, average time O

(nlog n).

09-05-2011 MVP'11 - Aalborg University 31

Concurrent Queue n  concurrent_queue<T>

n  no allocator argument, uses scalable allocators. n  pop_if_present, pop (blocks). n  size() (signed) = #push - #started pop

if <0 then there are pending pops. n  empty() n  no front() or back() – could be unsafe.

n  Inherently bottlenecks, threading explicit, passive structure.

09-05-2011 MVP'11 - Aalborg University 32

Concurrent Vector n  concurrent_vector<T>

n  similar to stl

n  Iterators supported.

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Concurrent Hash Table n  concurrent_hash_map<Key,T,HashCompare> n  HashCompare is a trait.

n  static size_t hash(const Key& x) static bool equal(const Key& x, const Key& y)

n  Read/write access by accessor classes n  const_accessor

accessor n  ~ smart pointers. n  Accessors lock elements.

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concurrent_hash_map n  Interesting methods:

n  bool insert(const accessor& result, const Key& key);

n  bool erase(const Key& key); n  bool find(const accessor& result, const Key& key)


n  Iterators supported too.

09-05-2011 MVP'11 - Aalborg University 35

Memory Allocation n  You know of false sharing. n  Scalable allocator allocates in multiple of

cache line sizes and pads memory.

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Locks n  Support for locks.

n  scoped_lock object, keeps exception safety. n  Can use constructor argument to avoid lock-unlock, like

synchronized in Java.

typedef spin_mutex MyMutex; MyMutex myMutex; … { MyMutex::scoped_lock mylock(myMutex); … } or MyMutex::scoped_lock lock; lock.acquire(myMutex); … lock.release();

Different types of locks available, good to use a typedef to change if needed. mutex, spin_mutex, queuing_mutex…

09-05-2011 MVP'11 - Aalborg University 37

Atomic Operations n  atomic<T>

n  some simple scalar atomic operations supported, n  compare and swap