Integrated Skills Unit 5 ORBIS UNICEF WWF ……. Integrated Skills Unit 5 ORBIS UNICEF WWF ……


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Integrated Skills Unit 5Integrated Skills Unit 5





Integrated Skills Unit 5Integrated Skills Unit 5





Integrated Skills Unit 5Integrated Skills Unit 5





Questions about “ORBIS”:

1.How many people does blindness affect around the world?

2. What’s the good news for the blind?3. And the bad news?4. How does ORBIS help?

5. Why should they work on the plane?6. Why do they train local doctors and nurses?

9. What can we do for “ORBIS”?

7. What do they need?8. What do they use the money to do?

Exchange the information !Exchange the information !

1.When was the First Flying Hospital set up?

2.How many blind people have they helped?

3.How many local doctors and nurses have they trained?

---Partner A

1.How many persons are blind in China?

2. What’s the difficulty to solve the problem?

3. What’s the goal of ORBIS China?

---Partner B

1.When was the First Flying Hospital set up?

2.How many blind people have they helped?

3.How many local doctors and nurses have they trained?

In 1982.

23 million.

Over 93,000.

----Partner A

1.How many persons are blind in China?

2. What’s the difficulty to solve the problem?

3. What’s the goal of ORBIS China?

----Partner B

9 million.

80% of these blind people live in the countries while 70% of the 24,000 eye doctors work in the cities.

To make more and more people know the importance of eye health and make sure that more and more blind persons can be cured no matter where they live.


Questions about UNICEF:1. What is UNICEF?

3. When was it set up?4. Why was it set up at the time?

5. How many countries and areas does it work in?

2. what’s the purpose of UNICEF?

Part of the United nations to help the children in poor area.

To help government and families make the world a better place for children.

In 1946.

At that time, many children’s lives were changed because of the war?


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Listening and Questions

1.How does UNICEF raise money?

By selling Christmas cards and organizing other fund-raising activities.

It provides clean water, food and education for poor children in the world. It also pays for them to go to a doctor.

By making a donation or doing some voluntary work.

2.How does UNICEF help poor children?

3.How can we help ?

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Page 87

Say something about “ UNICEF”

•Competition:•One sentence, one score.

银行电汇开户行名称: 中国银行 总行营业部开户行地址: 北京复兴门内大街 1 号, 邮编: 100818帐户名称: 联合国儿童基金会 北京帐户号码: 0042 0418 0930 01请附言于电汇单上 ( 例如注明所捐项目:艾滋病 /卫生 / 教育 / 流浪儿童 )

Two ways to donate the money to “UNICEF” :

选择邮政汇款 收款人详细地址: 北京市三里屯路 12 号,邮编: 100600收款人姓名: 联合国儿童基金会 北京 请附言于汇款单上 ( 例如注明所捐项目:艾滋病 / 卫生 / 教育 / 流浪儿童 ) 热线 800 820 3595 联合国儿童基金会驻中国办事处地址:北京三里屯路 12 号, 邮编: 100600

Questions about “WWF”:

What they do

How they work

Who they are

What we can do

WWF - who we are

Established in 1961, WWF operates in more than 100 countries.

We are funding around 2,000 projects and employ almost 4,000 people across the planet

WWF ---How the organization carries out its workWorking togetherAfter many years spent actively pursuing the protection of the environment and the life it supports, we at WWF have learned that only by working together in willing and honest partnerships with governments, business, other organizations, local populations, and society as a whole can we succeed in alleviating poverty and conserving the renewable, life-sustaining resources of our fragile planet.

What we can do?

The first thing:

To look after ourselves

If we can't look after ourselves then we cannot even begin to think about looking after anything else.

To look after everything else---To look after the rest of life that shares the earth with us.

The second thing:

Pair work• Do you like WWF?• How many charities do you know?• Which is your favorite charity? • Why?

•Which charity does Kitty Which charity does Kitty like?like?•And why?And why?


1. Make up a dialogue according to “Speak up”

2. Two short passages about two charities we learned today.