Instructions to TERM Cells.PDF


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  • 7-12007-s-IGovL of India

    Mfuistry of Communicatiotrs& ITDepsrtment of Telecommunications

    (Security Wing)909, Sanchar Ehavan'

    20' Ashoka Road' New DelhiDated: 29.101009


    A|l DDgG, TERM Ce[sSub: Service Terting by TERM Cells for roll'out obligstlong

    Kindly find enclosed herwith, the Test Schedule No. TERI4/TSTP/SAI forService Apgoval of Mobilc Services of Telecom Service Providers ald detailedinstsuctions.

    It is requested that the Service Testing from New Test Schedule trIay bimplementd with immediate effct and the cases for which t$ting is in Fogrss maybe completed as per existing test schedule(s)'


    M.K BansalDircctor ( S-l)

    Enclosure: l. Ilstuctions to TERM Clls2. Test Schedule along with structued matedal

    Copy to:

    l. CMTS LicenseesruASl Licensees

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    Instructions to TERM Cells

    Service Provider will submit form A, along with complete test results and all therelevant technical documents, as per Test Schedule No. TERM/TSTPiSA lSeptember, 2009 for Service Approval of Mobile Services. TERM Cell shallexamine the documents along with test results and if all the documents and tesiresults are in order, TERM Cells shall issu letter within 10 days from the receiptol Form-A lo lhe service provider for making payment for lhe test fee. lf all lhedocuments as per document verification schdule are not in order, the applicationmay be returned to the service prov;der. The intimation letter shall clearly indicatethe reasons for the same.The requisite test fee in the fonn of demand draft / banker cheque with thvalidity of six months, in favour of CAO(Cash). CCA pavable at respectiveheadquarter of CCA shall be submitted by the service provider to concernedTERM cellalong Form-B, duly completed in all respect.On receipt ofForm-B with the requisite test fee, TERM Cell shall register the casefor testing and allot the unique registration number on the same date.TERM Cell shall communicate the testing date(s) in writing to Service provider,at least l0 days in advance for making the necessary test equipment ready ondate(s) of testing. If Service Provider is not ready on testing date(s). the date canbe extended by l0 more days by DDC (TERM) on a written request from ServiceProvider, after which the registration will be closed and Service Provider willhave to again register by paying normal fee. Service Providers will make all theresources available for testing.TF)RM Cell shall carry out the testing on the above scheduled date as per TSTPmentioned above. lt may be ensured by TERN4 Cells that Pre-requisite Checks forCoverage as per Part-l of TSTP are rcsted and passed, before carrying outcoverage tests. Minor deviations in pre-requisites can be approved by DDG(TERM) concerned.Date ofRegistration ofthe case by TERM Cell is to be treated as date ofmeetingroll-out obligarion. in case test resuk. are found in order in the restinq carried ouiby the TERM Cell.Generally, testing by TERM Cells should be completed as per following table:

    SNo. No. ofBTS in the networkTime period for testing by TERM Cells

    Up to 50 I month

    2. Up to 100 2 months

    3 . Up to 250 I months

    4. Up to 500 4 months

    5 . > 500 5 months

  • Since, the testing takes certain time, the Service Providers should apply rnadvance as per above table, so that TERM Cell can carry out the test in time forissuing of test results.

    8. The service provider shall process the data/details of test results as per testsconducted by TERM Cells and submifihe same ro rhe IERM Cell, withi; t5 daysfrom the date of testing. The TFRV Cell shall examine lhe tesl reporttesulls &process the case for issue of Service Test Result.

    9. Iftest results on examination are found in order, the case shall be approved by thDDC of lhe concemed ffRlM cell and Service Tesl Resulr nri l i be issuei byrespective TERM Cell as per Perfonna. with copy to Security & Licensing unit ofDoT.

    10.If the test results in the testing conducted by the TERM Cell are found to bEdeficient in meeting the roll out obligation, except for deviations approved, thecas shall be rejected by the TERM Cell and the test results still will be riven toService Providers with a copy to Licensing & Securiry ofDOT and reg-istrationwill be closed. The concerned Service Provider shall re-register the case onceagain by paying three times the normal test fee.

    I L TERM Cell shall make comprehensjve list and recommend the case for issue ofService Test Certificate for particular license area, after TERM Cell has tsted.passed and issued requisite number of Service Test Results. Service TeslCertificate for roll ou1 obligation shall be issued by Security Wing DoT aftergett ing recommendation ofTERN4 Cell A copy ofwhich wil l be sent to LicensingWing. DDG (TERM) Cell shall send the draft Service Test Ceftificate lAnnexurel & AnnexureJl) to Security Wing along with other details.

    12.TI]RM Cells may check and ensure that all special instructions issued bv theLicensor from time to time, related to mobile services in areas near the Li;e ofControl (LOC), Line of Actual Control (LAC) and International Boarder anqother areas notified from time to time as applicable, are complied with, by theService Providers. The same should be recorded in the file, while processing anJcase for approval ofDDG (TERM) concerned.

    13. The following format may be used for nurnbering any Service Test Resulr.TERM/XXX/SA/TSTP I/*. * * Dated:XXX- Abbreviated Code of TERM Cell like GUJ. WB etc.+ - number of Service Test Result for particular TERM Cell starting from I**

    - Month and year of issue oftest rcsults like SEP 2009TERM/CUJ/SA/TSTP ] /IO.SEP 2OO9 Dated 5tr' Oct 2009

  • Ref. No.:

    Govt. oflndiaMinistry of Communications &IT

    Departmetrt of Telcommunic|tions(Securify wing)Srvice Test Certificate

    Service Test Certilicate for l0yncoveraee ofDIIOs/IownsDated:


    Details of Service Test

    1.8. Date of Meting Coverage Requirement for latest DHQ/ Town:The licensee shall take necessary action for rgmoving the non-compliance asindicated in Service Test Result issued by the respective TERM Cells within theprescribed time schedule.

    Director (sA)

    To,(Name of the Service Provider)Copy to:1. DDG(AS-II) DoT' New Delhi2. DDc(Security)' DoT, New Delhi

    l . l Name & Address ofthe Srvice Provider( As per details given in Form'A')LiceNe Details (No. & date)

    1.3 TVDe of LiceNe/ Service1.4 Total No, ofDHQS in the LSA1.5 Total No. of DHQs/Towns covered

    Test Conductd ByfName ofthe TERM cell)

    1 .7 Name ofDHQ/lown

    Date ofRegistratiotr

    Daie ofmeetingcoveragerequiremetrt

    70 streetlevelradiocoveragcprovidedin themunicipallimit ofihe areaundertesl

    WhetherthecoveragePrcentageis withinthe norms( Y/N)

    ServiceTestResultReferenceNo.issued byTERMCell



  • Ref. No.:

    Atrnexure-IIGovt. oflndia

    Mitristry of Communications &ITDepartment of Telecommunications

    (Security wing)

    Service Test Certilicate

    Service Test Certificate for s0yocoveraee ofDHos/TowtrsDated:

    Details of Service Test

    1.8. Date of Meeting Coverage Requirmeot for latest DHQ/ Town:The licensee shall take necessary action fot removing the non-compliance asindicated in Sewice Test Result issued by the respective TERM Cells within thprescribed time schedule.

    Director (SA)

    To,(Name ofJhe Service Provider)Copy to:1. DDG(AS-II) DoT, New Delhi2. DDG(SecuriE), DoT, New Delhi


    l l Name & Address ofthe Senice Provider( As Der details qiven in Form'A')License Details (No. & date)

    1.3 TvDe of License/ Service1.4 Total No, of DHQ! in the LSA1.5 Total No. of DHQs/Towns covered1.6 Test CoDducted By(Name ofthe TERM Cell)

    1.7 Name ofDHQ/Town

    Date ofRegistration

    Drte ofmeel|ngcoveragerequirement

    %o streetlevelradiocoverageprovidedin themunicipallimit ofthe areaut|dertest

    Whetherthcoveragcpercentageis withinthe norms( Y/N)

    ServiceTestResultRefrenceNo.issued byTERMCell


