Institutional Repositories & the Need for “Value-Added” Services Susan Gibbons Associate...


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Institutional Repositories & the Need for “Value-

Added” Services

Susan GibbonsAssociate DeanRiver Campus LibrariesUniversity of Rochester

April 4, 2006CNI Spring Task Force Meeting

University of RochesterOne of the smallest research institutions- FTE of 7800Three campuses

MedicalEastman School of MusicRiver Campus

Provost-driven IR

2200 items

26 communities

800+ downloads/day

Over 260K downloads Since Jan 2005

Pre-/post-prints, audio, video, images, theses, e-journals, music scores, technical reports,white papers- 90% library submitted

Understanding Faculty IMLS 2003/04 National Leadership GrantStudy faculty’s work practices

Research processDigital toolsDisciplinary differences

Ethnographic methodologies Discipline = tribe

Faculty Problem Areas:Authoring

Working with co-authorsMultiple computers/localsVersioningBack-upsControl access

Potential Solutions:Merging of IR with document management system

Check-in/Check-outMore flexible authenticationOne-click to publishOptimal system likely to be discipline-based

Potential Solutions:How graduate students research and write dissertationWhere library does and can fit into processBuild an IR authoring device to support this IMLS Grant application

Faculty Problem Area:Research

Not enough timeCan’t keep upWant to be read, used and citedTake ownership of self-presentation

Potential Solutions:Zero learning curve

“mapping” to desktopUse familiar metaphors

Personal OAI-Metadata harvestersResearcher Page

Combine open access with published

Total downloads since Jan 22, 2005

Additional FeedbackDownload analysis

GeographyDomainPushed to author

Citation use analysisISI Web Citation Index

Some services you justcan’t predict!
