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Instant Postcard Wealth

Marketing Guide


Thank you for purchasing your Instant Postcard Wealth guide. This postcard marketing guide was designed for you to take advantage of in order to build wealth for you and your family.

This guide is a straight to the point approach to making money from home mailing cheap little postcards. Postcard marketing is very simple and doesn't require any guesswork at all. If you can lick a postal stamp you can make a fortune with InstantPostcard Wealth.

The resources in this guide are all proven to get results. We cannot guarantee anyone's success, and results will vary. Everything you need to be successful with Instant Postcard Wealth is right here within this guide. Take massive action today. Don't wait for tomorrow.


(hint: the higher the price item you are promoting with the instant or immediate postcard wealth system, the higher your profits will be....



I do not want anyone to spend any more money than they have to - so let us takea look at what we are going to do in order of importance.

Read the course thoroughly.

Then you need to decide on what your domain name will be.

Purchase your domain name.

(that is where you are going to send folks to when they see your the name has to be on the card) and you must have your domain name (www.________on your card before it is printed up.

Once you get your domain name, then decide which card you are going to start

with...or you may decide on three or four cards, but make sure your web address is

on your cards.

Then have them printed for you...or you can

do it yourself at Fedex Kinkos.

So now you have that web adress and it is on the cards and the cards are printed up.

Get you some BUYER'S NAMES on a mailing list. You DO NOT WANT a mailing list; they are not good. You

want a buyer's list and if you want to, give me a call. But when

you contact the resources I have included, make sure you mention you want a buyer's list.

Now get your stamps and you are ready

to mail out.


Introduction –

Look, let's get real here. I am a seasoned citizen (it used to be called Senior Citizen but I don't like that term...) and I have tried everything under the sun to make money online....and I have failed year after year after year. It was just too rough trying to learn SEO, HTML, website design (although if you look at my sales page, I think it looks rather great, but I did that with a site called. – so really I did not have to know anything...)

But here is where I am going with this. I just kept failing and failing never making any money until postcard marketing came along. Here is why: with postcard marketing you do not need to know any of those skills and techniques that all the internet gurus know.

Forget SEO, HTML, website design, if you can lick a stamp, you can make money with postcard marketing is how I phrase my business.

Postcard marketing is nothing more than direct response marketing. This is a business that you can start for very, very little money and start making money right away. When you compare the cost of starting up a postcard marketing business vs. every other form of businesses, the difference will astound you.

Here is another reason why I like postcard marketing, It does not matter whether you are old, whether you are young. You can be a seasoned citizen

or a teenager. You can be rich, you can be poor. You can be handicapped (or maybe these days I am supposed to say challenged, but you get the point) you might be house bound. You might be a wannabe hippie with long hair, or maybe a crew cut from an Ivy school setting. It just does not matter.

Even if you are on Social Security like we were you can make money with postcard marketing. For me, I started out by placing my postcards on cars. Every time I found a bunch of cars parked, I was out there.....

• churches• schools• colleges• malls• shopping centers

anywhere I found a car, I was slapping a postcard on the driver's side window. Look, I did not have time for excuses like, oh, I cannot afford it. Itis too hard. What if I cannot do it? It did not matter to me, I was going forit...and it worked.

This is why I am sharing with you my postcard marketing strategy in this course. What you do with it is up to you. I can give you the details, I can share with you what has worked for me, but you have to find it in yourself to get out there and do something with your life, with your desires.

You can give me excuses....or you can me results.

It is your choice!

Mike Cobb

Setting Up Your Business

Setting up your mail order business is very easy to do, and only requires a few simple steps.

Step 1, you need to create a free Paypal account if you don't have one.

Go to: and create a premier account. This is very important. Thisis how you will receive your $98 commissions online.

Step 2, you need to set up your marketing website. This will be the website that your prospects will visit when they receive your postcard. To set up your website, you must first purchase a domain name for your website and create a hosting account.

Note: If you don't want to deal with uploading your site to the internet we can takecare of that for you for just $59 annually. We will handle everything.will handle it for you for just $59.

Our email is

Uploading Your Website To The Internet ~ Uploading your website is very simple to do. All you need to do is copy and paste a small amount of HTML code into your website's index file using your Cpanel account with your hosting company.

This whole process takes only about five minutes and your website will be live and online. Just follow the step by step instructions and you will have your website uploadedvery quickly without any complications.

Setting Up Your Cpanel To Upload Your Website ~

Once you have received your welcome emails from your hosting company which will include your account log in information, you will want to log in and head on over to

your Cpanel.

To do this, just type in your domain name into your browser's address bar and then add

add “c/panel” to it so that it looks like this:

When you do this a box will appear to insert your username and password to access your

Now all you need to do is go to and put your mouse

***********************************************************************hint: the longer it takes you to set up your website, the longer it will take you to start making profits....

*******************************************************First and foremost -

You will have access to a wide open market, because our product is geared toward the make money from home niche. There must be a demand for the product you are attempting to market. With Instant Postcard Wealth you will accessto a wide open market. The make money from home niche is the largest market you will ever have access to. There's over 40,000,000 people each month

turning to the internet looking for a legitimate way to make money from home. With millions of buyers this niche has huge potential and it will always be a profitable money maker.

Number 2

The key to postcard marketing is selling high ticket items. It does notmake any sense to market a $30 product with postcards. That is aguaranteed way to run yourself out of business.

There is absolutely no limits to the amount of money you can make with postcard marketing, because you will have millions of potential buyers at

your fingertips.

It is crucial that the product which you are promoting is paying a huge commission up front. Postcard marketing is not cheap soyou want to market a product that covers your marketingcosts with just a few sales.

Example: The average postcard campaign costs around $400 per 1,000.

Therefore, the price of your product should have a minimum price point of $100that means that with just four sales you will break even. Every sale afterthose four you are now making 100% profit. For every 1,000 postcardsyou should generate between 10-20 sales.This gives you a huge ROI.

Number three --

The program or product which you are marketing has to pay you immediately. Once again postcard marketing is not cheap, so when you make a sale it is vital to your business that you get paid immediately so that you can re invest some of your profits back into the business.

If you can't sustain your business because you're waiting on a commission check, you will be out of business before you get your business off the ground.

Quick Recap

1. You must have a marketable product. 2. There must be competition within your niche.

3. Your product must be a high ticket item. 4. Only market products that pay immediately.

Postcard Design and Layout Basics

The design, layout, and color can be very important and can dramatically increase your response with the right combination.

With Instant Postcard Wealth we have pre designed postcardsavailable for you to use within this guide.

These postcards have been proven to get a 1-3% response Rateconsistently.

Typically when it comes to the design of the postcards, unattractivefonts have always worked better for me. You do not want to haveover the top, over designed, flashy, fancy postcards.

These are the postcards which seem to always make it to thetrash bin first. These types of postcards are always sellinghype and most people are sick of that sort of thing.

Postcard Designs

Here is a sample of the five postcards that have proven to get a consistent 1% - 3% response rate. We strongly encourage you to use these postcards, but you can re create your own based off of the examples below.

When designing and printing your postcards is the best place for you. Also is a great place to design and print your postcards. can print your postcards for just $99.

They have tutorial videos on their sites that show you how touse their online design feature. It is very easy and simple ifyou take your time.

Just plug your text into any of the postcards below when youare designing your own postcards to use.

Postcard One

Don’t Be Stupid Read This…

Sorry About The Headline, But

I Need Your Attention!

There’s A Home Based Business That’s Sweeping The Internet Right Now.

Average People Are Making Thousands Weekly Mailing Out Simple

Postcards…Will You Be One Of Them?

Be Smart And Spend 10 Minutes At My Website!

Postcard Two --


I'm Sending You $98 Bucks...I get This Email Everyday,

And You Can Too!

If You Can Mail Out Stupid PostcardsJust Like This One.

Average People Are Receiving Cash In As Little As 7 Days...

Don't Wait Go To My Website Now!


Postcard Three --

This Is Too Damn Easy!

Simple Postcards and You Can Do It Too! Spend 10 Minutes At My Website

I’m Making $392 A Day Mailing Out

If You Can Lick A Stamp…

Postcard Four --

Never Been Done Before

$10k In 30 Days. . .

Simply Mailing Postcards

Run To My Website Now and Be Shocked

Postcard Five –


Mike Made $5,978 Last Week Mailing OutSimple Postcards Like This One

And He Did Nothing Else!

Mike Didn’t Talk To Anyone… Mike Didn’t Sell Anything…

All Mike Did Was Mail This Postcard!Would You Like A Simple Way To Make

Money WithoutHaving To talk to anyone or sell anything?

Now just to let you know that I am starting a new campaign

targeting a new demographic, the millennials and I went out andhad a new place design my postcards for me.

I am giving a try, so you might give them a try. They can come up with some great beautifully designed postcards and they only cost five dollars.

Now, here are a few closing remarks and that bonus I was talking about. First of all, check out my two bonuses immediately following my writing here for they are important.

With those two bonuses you can learn how I am able to do my postcard marketing on a shoestring and it does not cost me around the $436 per 1,000 postcards like everyone else.

I did not even hesitate in giving you these two bonuses for I want to see you profitable. But here is the real catch, with those two bonuses you can take anything, not just postcards and be very, very successful.

So check them out thoroughly and learn everything there is to learn about that concept. You can make this work. You can start earning great money with postcard marketing....or any other item or business, or product you like.

Then you too can be your own boss and work from wherever and whenever youlike just like I do

Now as far as the local business marketing, here is what I do.Go to and have a couple of postcards designed for you which offer a coupon or a discount on them.

Here is why: what are the two things a business owner needs and wants to improve on? He wants new customers if he is going to keep making great money.

And he also wants his past customers to keep coming back for return visits.

Here is where you come in...with your local business postcard marketing.With those new postcards which you had designed for you (if you did not want to do it yourself) you can approach a few professionals like:

• dentists• doctors• chiropractors• churches• non profit groups• even for profit groups

approach them and offer your services about how they can create new customers by sending out these postcards and you show them what you have had designed. offering a 10% discount on FIRST TIME VISITORS, you can easily get new customers to come in the door. (honestly, it could be 15% off, maybe 20, but you get the point...)

Or you can offer a FREE teeth cleaning to FIRST TIME CUSTOMERS.

See my point?

By offering FREE services, or a discounted service, or a coupon for FIRST TIME CUSTOMERS your professional will be getting new clients. They are happy; you are happy.

But here is the deal, they pay for the postcard campaign, they pay for the stamps, the cards, the mailing list. And this time you use a mailing list which is geared for their zip code, for you want this to be local.

The reason I said that if I almost always stress purchasing a buyers list and only a buyerslist, for those are the folks who have recently purchased a work from home business opportunity. And you always want buyers....not lookey loos. (hope I spelled that one right)

But with working with local businesses you get a mailing list of the folks in the surrounding zip codes and mail out to them so that they can give your new client their business...or at least try them one time. What the professional in the office does after thatif their business.

I mean if they have bad customer skills and cannot keep customers, then that is not your fault and you should not feel bad. What you are doing is driving new customers into their place of business.

And the cards say, must present card to be used as a coupon. This way the professional in the office can track their results and know how effective this form of advertising is. Remember, direct marketing is the cheapest form of advertising and postcards are by far the cheapest and best way as I have mentioned many, many times in my videos.

Now for the second part, the keep the customers coming back, you can do the same thing. Offer a coupon for returning customers.

But the entire thing rests on this: they must present the postcard in order for the offer to be valid. This works to your advantage for it helps validate you as a professional and it give you and the business owner a way to track your results during this campaign.

Payment: this is what I like the best! My son used this method and got his braces...and now his invisalign for FREE (I might have spelled it wrong, but you get the point)

You can trade your services for FREE! Maybe your kids need braces, maybe you need some dental work done. Maybe your back is out and you need an adjustment from time to time. Barter your services. You do not always need to accept cash (although cash is good and comes in handy sometimes, right?)

Now that is all for the course.

Here are some guest articles fromsome of my friends I have been talking

with on postcard marketing.

I have asked these folks if I could share these with you and they all said why sure. This is just extra knowledge you can hopefully use in your new adventure of postcard marketing.

Do not just stop with one campaign. Try different postcards, different buyers lists from different sources. What I always tell folks is start with a list with just one thousand names at the beginning.

When you are working with a list company whom you have never worked, you do not know how well the lists will pull in, so go easy, do not go out there and spend $5,000 on a list until you know that they can provide you with an up to date, good list, one that works well.

How to Market Your Network Marketing Business With Postcards

By June Collier

Are you tired of struggling with marketing your business opportunity on theinternet? Does it seem like you need a Masters degree to learn social media marketing? Are you sick of competing with online pros who have the know how and money to beat you at marketing?

How would you like to guarantee that your marketing gets seen and not your

competitors? I will share with you the secret to getting your message in front of your targeted audience and eliminating your competition at the same time.

Internet marketing is a terrific way to market your business opportunity, however, if you are not creating profits from the activity, you may need to think about employing a different approach to something that may actually work for you.

I am not suggesting yet another "new" super marketing method that will solve your problems. Instead, I am offering a old and tried system which has already proven to get results for the average Joe who is not an online marketing wizard.

I am talking about a method that is adaptable, effective and can reach a crowd of people that you genuinely wish to target. The marketing method I am referring to is good old fashioned postcard marketing.Before you disregard this method of marketing because you think it's outdated and no longer effective, consider these few facts:

With respect to other marketing methods, post-card mailings areextremelyaffordable. You can invest just a couple hundred dollars and reach a multitude of prospective customers.

The alternative is the popular pay per click (PPC) model. Google made this a popular way for experienced marketers to get their message out to masses of people. But guess what? Chances are you are not a PPC expert which means you could end up spending thousands of dollars trying to get the sameresults the pros are getting. The learning curve for PPC can be very costly. It is not a method recommended for amateurs.

Postcard marketing however, is a lot simpler approach. The learning curve isnot as steep and you can pace yourself and have total control with the amount of money you spend to get results.

Your message is seen immediately. With postcards, people don't have to open an envelope. Your message is right there on the card which means people will actually read what you have to say. This is a contrast to internet marketing where people have become blind to marketing ads.

A postcard with a solid ad copy that is simple in design, will yield you a greater response rate than other online marketing campaigns. It is highly likely that your postcard will be the only postcard your prospect receives that day in their mailbox. For this reason alone you stand apart from your competitors and get a fair shot at your prospect taking action on your offer.

Post cards are less expensive. Pay per click campaigns can be really expensive, especially when you are bidding for the best types of keywords. With postcards, you are getting the very best mailing rate offered.

•Postcard campaigns are extremely easy to assemble. Unlike letters, you arenot required to collate, stuff, fold, or lick envelopes. Merely place a stamp and a label on the postcard and you are ready to mail. If this task is too much of a chore for you, there are even places where you can outsource this activity.

•Postcards allow you to be very specific in your target marketing. There are large mailing list companies called list brokers where you can purchase names addresses from. Those list can be sorted in a variety of ways, meeting your specific needs. This level of pin point accuracy can make the difference in how well your mailing pulls leads.

•Duplication is extremely easy with postcard marketing. If you have ever been involved in a business like network marketing, you have heard the wordduplication. Teaching others how to duplicate is not an easy task. However, postcard marketing is one of those methods that is very easy to duplicate.

•Members of your organization can easily use the same postcard ad copy and

direct traffic to an online marketing funnel. The only requirement is that they get started in mailing postcards on a consistent basis. Anyone with anylevel of experience and instruction can quickly get up to speed with this method.

Article Source:

Postcards Can Be An Effective Marketing Tool For Your Small BusinessMarketing & Design Tips, Small Business Advice

Whether you have a business that is conducted strictly online or a brick andmortar storefront, postcard marketing can be a very inexpensive and effective marketing tool. Even though most of us fire up our smart phones or head to the nearest computer when we need something, an attractive postcard stills gets customers attention when they sift through the daily snail mail. If you want to make your postcard stand out and create sales, here are a few tips to help make your postcards become better marketing tools.

Establish Your Target Audience – before starting any advertising campaign, a business owner needs to decide on his or her target audience. Having the proper focus increases the effectiveness of the campaign as well as increasing the conversion rate.

Designing Your Postcards – today, designing your own print media is extremely easy. In most cases, the online printers offer a vast array of templates as well as allowing the consumer to download his or her own graphics. Whichever route is chosen, it should be fairly easy to create an attractive and eye-catching postcard that demands the consumer explore the business further.

What Do You Want to Get from This Campaign – different goals require different approaches. For instance, offering a specific coupon code on the postcard allows the business owner to track the effectiveness of the campaign if they have an online business. If 1,000 postcards were mailed out yet only 10 codes were used during the valid period, it is a good sign that something needs to change with the advertising approach.

Do Not Be Afraid to Test the Market – testing out your advertising on a smaller, focused group within your target audience is a great way to get a feel for how effective the campaign will be. Before printing up thousands ofcards and sending them out, try them out on a list of about 10 percent of the expected mailing list. Continue to test different approaches to find the most successful ones and then put your plan into full swing using these campaigns


By Leigh Schindler Powell


Good things come in small packages, and the diminutive postcard is no

exception. Not only are they easy and inexpensive to produce, postcards do what bigger marketing missives can't: They get through to even the toughest direct-mail customers.

Once relegated to appointment reminders and changes of address, these smart marketing tools are taking on jobs far larger than their size. Sales messages, invitations, coupons and correspondence adorn postcards as small as --

4 inches by 6 inches. These days, every small business with a computer and laser printer can create winning postcards for just pennies apiece.

To integrate postcards into your marketing mix, all you need are mailing lists of customers and prospects. Design your offer with customers in mind.Here's how:

Headline: Think of your postcard as a miniature billboard--fit the main idea into one short, attention-grabbing sentence, such as "Five shortcuts to greener grass."

Body copy: Keep it short and simple--only one idea per postcard. If it can't be read in the time it takes to walk back from the mailbox, it's too wordy.

Call to action: Emphasize the urgency: "Sale ends Tuesday."

Response: Make it easy for customers to reach you. Include your phone and fax numbersand street and e-mail addresses.

Design: Remember, it's a tiny billboard--use uncluttered, easy-to-read, clever graphics.

Postage: Bulk mail is the least expensive, but it requires presorting by ZIP code and mailing a minimum of 200 postcards at a time. Regular first-class rates apply to smaller quantities. Need help?

Try Postcard Marketing for Direct Mail Success

What type of marketing produces a measurable, accountable and data-rich transaction that can help your business assess its marketing ROI with accuracy – and provide a viable list of interested customers for future marketing? Direct mail remains a viable marketing tactic, especially for small businesses marketing to a local area.

Figures released by the Direct Marketing Association in 2012 indicate that postcard marketing is second only to oversized envelopes in terms of response rate.

In 2012, postcards achieved an average response rate of 2.47% when mailed to a house file (a file of current customers or customers who have personally chosen to be on a firm’s mailing list) versus 1.12% of a prospect file (a file of names and addresses rented to acquire customers.)

Let’s take a look at the data that the United States Post Office, probably the single best experts in direct mail for businesses, released in their 2012

Household Study report.

Source: Marketing Real Estate

In this study, consumers were asked which shape of mail would elicit a response. Note that postcards were the top choice among respondents with 23.4% indicating they would respond to an advertisement or request for donation if it was mailed via postcard.

Why do customers like postcards so much?

•It’s easy to see at a glance what it is about.•It isn’t perceived as ‘wasteful’ like a lengthy or elaborate direct mail piece.•It doesn’t take up too much time for customers to read it.•It’s easy to keep handy if a customer wants to respond.

Business owners love postcard marketing for similar reasons. Postcards are an effective marketing investment, and one of the lowest-cost methods of direct marketing available to a small business owner.

Key Take-Aways

•Use postcard marketing to promote sales, store events or special occasionsat your small business. Keep the message short and sweet, and use eye-

catching images that you take yourself or have legal permission to use to make the card attractive.

If you’re all thumbs when it comes to design, hire a professional, or use an internet-based printing company that offers free templates you can customize. You only have a few seconds to make a great first impression with your postcard.

Don’t forget to include obvious information on your card such as the street address, a telephone number and a website address. Make sure that any sales information on the card matches what you have on your website. Have someone else double check the key information for typos; you’d be surprised at how easy it is to mix up digits in a phone number, for instance.

Build your own mailing list (house file) of names and addresses. Keep a notebook next to the cash register or on the reception desk and invite customers to sign up for your mailing list. A house file almost always performs better than rented or prospecting mailing lists.

Track response rates to your postcard mailings by offering a special that is only available to customers who bring in the card or provide a special code only printed on the postcard. Keep track of the responses and divide the number of responses by the total number of cards mailed. This figure is theresponse rate to your mailing. Use it as a benchmark for future mailings andtest different designs or offers to see which ones generate the best response.

Talk to your local post office business office or visit the post office website to read the guidelines for post card mailings. Depending on how you group your mail, you may be able to obtain better discounts on postage.

Need to rent a mailing list? Mailing lists aren’t sold – they are rented or leased for one or multiple mailings. If you want to reach customers just in your local town, a list company can generate mailing lists based on zip codes.

There are also more sophisticated methods of generating lists by customer likes and dislikes, shopping behavior and more. Talk to your list broker (company or individual who rents mailing lists) for assistance.

You can print your postcards on your office printer, but you’ll quickly run out of ink. Instead, visit your local printer and compare prices for local printers versus the many internet-based printers. Internet printing companies print and ship postcards after you upload the design to their website, and some even provide templates that you fill in with your company information and message. Several also mail the cards for you for an extra f

Don’t forget to use extra postcards as bag stuffers and counter cards! Get additional cards printed and tuck them into shopping bags or a card holder for the countertop.

Here are some examples of postcards you can use with local marketing:

Now here are some more bonus articles which I will include. These, of course, I havenot written, but I feel that they are important for a lot of folks are just not aware ofthe awesome power they are holding in their hands when they have the power and knowledge to do postcard marketing.

So, here goes:

Using Postcard Printing To IncreaseYour Local Business

Marketing & Design Tips, Small Business Advice

16 Jan 2014


In today’s modern age letters, fliers andtraditional “snail mail” are things of thepast. Using email marketing tocommunicate with customers has becomecommonplace for businesses big andsmall.

Although using this kind of technology may seem like the most cutting edgeand efficient method for growing commerce, postcards are a tried-and-truemarketing technique that is making a comeback. Here are some tips for effectively using postcard mailings to grow any business.


Unlike traditional letters that are enveloped and sent to current and potential customers, postcards offer an “already opened” alternative. Bright colored, glossy print will catch the reader’s eye among a pile of othermail. Also, not using envelopes cuts down on overall mailing costs and the card’s smaller size makes them prone to being hung on refrigerators and cubicle walls. Because of this, postcards have a longer shelf life and

messages will be in front of customers for a longer period of time.


One of the most important elements of a successful postcard marketing campaign is the design of the card. When putting together a layout, make sure to use high quality images and bright colors that synchronize with the company’s brand image.

t is also important to make good use of both sides of a postcard – cards that only have printing on the front can come across of flat and uninteresting to readers. Overall, an effective postcard design will be eye catching and intriguing to the recipient.


Postcards can be a great vessel for a number of different messages. Business announcements, special offers and coupons can all be communicated using postcard marketing. An effective postcard message should always include a call to action for the readers.

This may contain timely messages such as sale deadlines or a request for a service or subscription renewal. Ultimately, postcard mailings should move current or potential customers to interact with one’s business.

With email and social network marketing services paving the way for fast, modern customer communication, it can be easy to forget the foundation of traditional marketing. Postcard mailings are a great “old school” marketing strategy that can yield great results and facilitate business growth. These inexpensive, simple mail pieces will catch the eye of customers new and old and help bring interest to local business.

Why Should You Use Postcards toPromote Your Business?

by Martha Retallick, "The Passionate Postcarder"

Have you priced display advertising or Yellow Pages listings? They can add up to big money in a hurry,

can't they? What's worse: if you decide to spend your hard-earned cash on them, there's no guarantee that

you'll get any response.

Think of it: You could spend hundreds and hundreds of dollars on a nice newspaper ad and not hear from a

soul. Or maybe you'll just hear from people trying to sell advertising in their publications.

These salespeople will tell you that it pays to advertise—that you must spend money to make money—but

you've just spent a big chunk of your money on that newspaper ad and have nothing to show for it. Since

you're not eager to sink even more money into advertising, and since promotion is vital, even for the

smallest of businesses, what can you do?

I've found a way around this dilemma by using color postcards. They have been an essential part of my

marketing toolkit for eight years, and they've brought thousands of dollars worth of business to my Web

and graphic design studio here in Tucson, Arizona

A Little History

Eight years ago, when my studio was stuck in the Starving Startup phase, I sent a postcard to announce

the grand opening of a website I had created. That mailing was phenomenally successful.

Back in those days, success of any sort was hard to come by. So I sent out another card mailing a few

months later. Alas, that mailing didn't do as well as the first one, but since I'd tasted success before...

...I kept on sending the postcards. I still do. Why? Because those cards bring in business, and because

postcarding is fun! And when was the last time you had fun with your marketing?

Seriously, experts say that if a marketing effort is to be successful, it must be repeated. So, if you're

enjoying your postcarding, you can't help but keep it up. Now that's fun that you can take to the bank!

The Top 10 Advantages of Using PostcardsNow, you may be asking, "Why should I be using postcards as opposed to some other marketing tool, such

as advertising in my local newspaper?"

Please don't stop advertising in the paper, if that has worked for you in the past. But if you're like that

business owner described at the beginning of this article, you don't have a lot of money to spend on

advertising experiments. With this thought in mind, let's look at the Top 10 Advantages of Using Postcards:

1. Postcard marketing is affordable, even for the smallest of businesses.

2. When you're marketing with postcards, your competition doesn't know it. But they'll sure know it if

you're advertising in the newspaper!

3. It's easy to track your results. Your card can tell recipients to bring the card into your store for a

special discount. Or it can ask them to use a special ordering code when purchasing from your website.

4. Postcards are versatile. In a single mailing, you can seek business from prospective customers, and

solicit repeat business from existing customers. Better yet, a postcard isn't just something to send through

the mail. You can use postcards as oversized business cards, hang tags for your products and mini-

information sheets.

5. Your postcards can "brand" you and your business in ways that most marketing materials

cannot. If you start and stick to a regular postcard mailing program, you and your business will gain quite a

reputation, perhaps even a little notoriety.

6. Testing an offer with postcards is easy. Just send your card to a small group of people and see how

many of them respond. If you're satisfied with the results, then roll out a bigger mailing!

7. Postcards don't waste people's time—they don't even have to open an envelope to read your


8. Postcards don't take up a lot of space. Your customers can carry them in their pockets, or carry them

in their pocketbooks, for that matter. Hey, some of them might even create a postcard display on their

refrigerator door!

9. Postcards are inexpensive to print.

10. Postcards are easy to redeem. If you're asking your customers to bring your postcard into your store

for a special discount, all they have to do is show up with the card.

Or you could include a special tracking code with each card mailing. Just ask recipients to enter that code

into the order form on your website, or give it to the operator when they place a telephone order.

The idea behind "Bring this card for a discount!" or "Use this code and get an additional 10% off on your

order!" is to give people an incentive to do business with you.

Two Keys to Postcard Marketing SuccessI've found that there are two keys to postcard marketing success:

1. Being persistent. I send 10-12 postcards to my mailing list each year. I'm also pretty diligent when it

comes to staying in touch with key clients and prospects between postcard mailings. Over the long run, this

effort does pay off.

2. Planning the mailing before doing it.

Postcard Marketing: The Low Cost,High Impact, Small Business Marketing

Weaponby David Frey

The humble postcard can be one of your most powerful yet inexpensive marketing weapons. Here are 4

reasons why they work so well, and 4 tips to make your postcard campaign a success.

A couple of months ago the season for political campaigns were in full swing. The television and radio

airwaves were full of political ads. I picked up the paper and there were even more ads. And it seemed that

every billboard on the road was being rented by a political candidate.

One day I

went to pick

up my mail and got a huge postcard. It was from one of the local candidates. It almost read like a special

report it was so large. Needless to say, it got my attention and I ended up voting for the gal. But it was

amazing that big media like television, radio, newspapers, and billboards couldn’t sell me on a candidate.

But a humble (albeit oversized) postcard did the job. It was the postcard that had the ability to deliver the

candidate’s marketing message in a way that convinced me to vote for her. That’s the power of postcards.

Let me tell you why I like postcards so much.

1. Postcards are a low cost way to get your message out. In fact, standard sized postcards are 38%

cheaper than using regular sized letters.

2. They keep your mailing list clean. One of the benefits of using first class postage for a regular size

postcard is that it will be mailed back to the sender if it has a bad address, which helps you update your list.

3. Postcards can have a high impact. Because letters are enclosed in an envelope the consumer gets a

chance to decide whether to open the envelope or just throw it away. Many people will just throw the letter

away without opening it. However, with postcards, there’s no envelope to hide the message. It’s almost

impossible to throw the postcard away without looking at its message.

4. Postcards are simple to create and send. With postcards there are no assembling, collating, stuffing,

licking envelopes etc. The hardest part of sending a postcard is putting on the stamp. And there are

services that will even do that for you. But if you decide you want it done for you go to

and they’ll do it all for you. Even the postal service will do it for you. Go to

Here are four tips to make your postcard marketing campaign successful.

1. Keep Your Message Very Brief

Only use your postcard for lead generation. Don’t try to explain all the details just give some teaser

information to get your reader to take the next step, which might be going to your website or calling your

office or a toll free recorded message.

2. Design Your Postcard in an editorial format.

I’m not a big fan of four color postcards. I’d rather use all the space I can on the postcard to give the reader

an irresistible urge to take the next step. The best way to do this is to make the postcard look like it came

from a personal friend. But make sure you use a compelling headline. That will be the most important part

of your entire postcard. When I want to send them to a website I show a picture of my website and if I want

to send them to a phone number I make the phone number as big as I can.

3. Don’t spend a lot of money on printing.

For almost all my postcards I use an 8 ½ by 11’, 110lb fluorescent yellow cardstock and I simply print four

postcards to a sheet by cutting the cardstock into quarters. I use my own little laser printer. Its that simple.

4. Make Sure You Send Your Postcard to a Good List of Qualified Prospects

Remember, no matter what type of mailing you’re doing, it’s usually the list that will determine its success.

Any in house list will outperform a rented list and if you’re wanting to use a rented list make sure you use a

list broker to help you.

Postcards make sense for most any small business and using these postcard marketing tips you won’t go


© Copyright 2003 David Frey

My Thoughts On Using Postcards ToPromote Local Businesses –

Ok, here is what I have always said on this subject.Head on over to your local doctor, dentist, chiropractor,or any type business for that matter.

Tell them what you do and even offer some proof. It doesnot take very long to design a postcard for this to showthem.

If you cannot do it, then you can have it done over at thisplace here. This is a MUST for folks like me who cannotfigure all this stuff out.

It is called: and it is where I go toget such a huge majority of my work done.

So you have a couple of designs to show a dentist and theymight say something like

FREE teeth cleaning when you bring in this postcard.

Or to past cusomers you can offer a 10% off couponwhen they bring in customers that have not been inawhile.

This gets them to come back. The dentist will love you for it.

For a chiropractor offer

FREE Xrays when they bring in the postcard.

There are so many different ways to offer discountsor coupons on the card IF THEY BRING THEM IN.See, this is the way to track the results.

Offer to run the campaign for the client in exchange for either cash or services. (maybe you need dentalwork done, or you have a bad back....see what I mean?)

You can take cash,or you can barter for services.

And the doctor, or dentist, or chiropractor,church, or organization pays all the costsand the stamps, etc. and then you go out andorder a mailing list, but in this case the listis comprised of only folks in your zip code areas

Pretty cool, huh?

You are making money,the professionals are happy forthey do not have to take the timeto do the work involved.

And you are making a nice incomejust from the local side of postcardmarketing.