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•••^><**mx>,mgmi&m? • mmmmm—m -4,.,<»,H1»l»WTr» T-T"-.1 • w s s a w w : .-VWMWSWJ : - ; i i i, U P — < i i i ' "" '"!

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ELPMASSEN ^ i B J p ^ S E N A O i l S E i v ^ B . M & g i ^ A , NEW tUfik, TMUBBlMr iJRBjpL, 19,1917;



'[Sflgi^tt^S**^"''3"' -*





l^orfenesi of Bonis,, Stet&ter School; $®«U«iet ! & & f t w & e X

sanies^ cigars? aM .Ecffiahere ft nav<?in fern?**-.'. iwftfe,. .&rffA*c&~f^dsfc«SsSL5P a f ® *


Water Street. Tgwaffff* ? M W W 8

. - • * ? * • • • . ' - - • • § ^ . 4 k , 9 , ^ J P f l t ^ « | W » r as one

• ?.*!.

*!(£«** S **»<• vi» %<_», '


; ^ ' ^ B s ^ v ^ ; ! H % ^ B i N i » ' ' D^paibaent-fiet EveryDt dy Boost for

fitespemu t*y Massena MerchantsJfesMBe LoyaMjiire ^oar

, i - Ho»ie Merchants First Cfiaace.


• a-* . ; ' ,.

f» f te f * ! .


ice • > - :


Yon are sure to be satisfied when yon ouy groceries, teas, cunees, etc, at ma spate oLU. ii. Li£JSS,ia„ Center St. .enone S3.

Mil l l ie




Expert repairing, automobile supplies and accessories, tires and tunes. Agency o± woitee Cars. Main Street

Epidemics of This Malady Have jieen Constant, Though Scattered, Sinfe

1907, Coming Late in Summer Lasting ,'llntil Frost.

The panic abowt infantile paralysis Agency 01 wottee Uars. Main Street is due to its mystery rather thai to r^Mic Health is Pnvat tocage],£.iA.JUiNiitS. Fauna iua-VV. its p e r f ! . in its kud$enaess i t f i s lke ' '. W>Bc a|nd private cJ*anJ A Cordial welcome awato you at' the! "* n e pestilence 'tint walketh in daps- kest antidote we knqw. If Hatiaem Mouse, Massena Springs, Sol-! ness," Its& medium of spread, 'i»hur isatas. Aew steam tteating frankly baffled oikr best physicia .fiant installed. WiLauiv, Cuoii Ss j The mam facts: that are known McWUWSa.?. 1 ' feese

foymat8jil.s^re.in_ accord-witli the de­mands of the most" enlightened medi­cal science., ;

•The supplemental acts of local boards a te often foolish andl occasion­ed by loeal panic. To paraljyae busi­ness, intercourse and commerce by a shotgun quarantine is usuajUy need­less, except perhaps juj a ,fsw, border localities.! To close sm opan-iair Chau­tauqua aftd allow an indsjor latu.-• to go on, as1'happened in one town, was senseless partiality. The, effects ol such local arrangements ''has often been unwitting cruelty on the one hand and bold and perhaps dangerous running pjf the gauntlet 04 the other.

Pu&Bc Health is Private Safety. .nftnpss is the l£ ja (town, has

s a- thorough. and persistenjt clean-up j campaign, it is janli|dy to develop an ' epidemic. To keep down ?he dugt is

SoH,€lei*,Braaa& Sldn Comes WKfti ' The Use Of "FRUIT-A-TrVE^". '

9 W H W H B

If you stee to 2ke,,it



I •'-


/ i

ISeiiflizesSihSrass: B&e5 «Seid[^ j t €osto±^ < ^ L

i S i i ^ IP6oae 63-1

'OQ&, Sal^. imm? &ed»

m Meed led

< B 0 R E f , will fell you where to buy in town.

If w:Ii tell you wkere to sell.



ome Piper Boosts pome Trade

BOOST. THE BOOSTER \ •"•T"1 1-! r : i n 1 " , •• 'i' '

SmpDrfjfl'sfja ©omestic- ' ^ a Pfo-GBC& mmm& dlstElbnftas 6f Chase „& %a&om$gfe^ ttm& CoffiEeal: ^ n a l

nej-gete, a , & PATBBESCJNW.

Onrstoeli gad service are na£xceHed. Prescriptions a special^. The Eesal Sfem The Bed' Fteont Hiarmaey. R

I? yon are particular as to ffieisort of shoes you buy, yon will find a pleasing assortment fefe and rigMly lafcei

BjmQBmi&mm. ' .

- -[ to imvmmxe cmis mesfs,

* B » ! JOSEPH

1st Masseaa sad ss good: .Bread


riTteei l i t e ' ' •• ft A«^a ifflass. F % ^ ' > W 3 ^ ' m r a a # : | •'rail'

M^ESlie WEBCAM. 'j',", ^ley-fetyonaldBJooi.

e Jbxpeii! t t t the face of advattcsdltir*

HOW? ,

H. I. VAN Potsdam, JUL Y.

grpsg, Palats, Oils, and 6roci Bring yooB jteesSptfcps to oa ~ sm?eTcareMricoBj]

ssuHsr Bveijytog.itin-to-astB and'firsi A cqcaal •wPeome awaits yo' WSiis's Hotel, ©. S. mw PuoprietOR. j .

Shoes,. Knftbi

peleed, W. Springs.

jncs Groeerjes. i< Mlpy-es, Nb^elf

merchandise, WILSON,

Refreshing cool- drinks of all

orse Shoeing and Genera U. 3. M ANION, Andrewa Massena Transportettaon

Headquarfr ware, 'P | EangesJ


for everythii 'g in

Groceries, meat and,

Curtains, Curtain Poles, Picture Fram­ing, Ulass and i'urtutuxe. JAiUiiS L, PtiiLLiFS, Undertaker. Phones 34-J, i8-J, H4S-J.

Tfiminj, Sitoves, . Spor rag i Seeds,

Anto Sujpher, etc. "**"* Phoael(7-W..


Suits made to order and f of s High Class Cleaning, Pressing. BONM & Tailors, Main Street. Phone

A Few Goog ;CASS

'. H. CUteLEY, Central a n e W f Masiiena,

Cars For

GaKge. N.Y.

\G& place to eat. ^very-cooked and best of ser-meals 35ew - ©pea' Day

gw Massena Eestajcsaat, T,P^op. Paone.©rM.

and Staple Groceries at Garden Seeds MlJalk Fnnt and vegefeWea.

Phone-2(j; ~

Choice Fancy and Staple Grocer es at the right prices. Headquarters * -Croakeiy and Giassware. jFrnii Vegetables >'ia fiseai® JP.nJti

Where yon can buy Kne of wearing ant Gentlemen and Children. VINE STORE, North Slain

MEN'S SUP'S, hand-1 testures, the color and fa! the season. PHILLIPS,'

ajGBEST CASS PRICES: Hye or dossed jpoaltiy. HOTEL BESfABBANT.


moneys wortn, , „ , „ ^ - , , , (ienerat Merchandise. Ask lor our ! m *his country have, been somewhat taraflmg stamps. A. SMAJfr JSB, Center constant, though Scattered, since 19p7. Street. 1 A'hgne 11.

in this contineiit! is confined chiepy to the northern states and to Canada.

Of children from one to ten yeess of age but 4 per tent die of it. It is rarely fatal.' Secdnd • attacks do i[of oceor. Only a very ^mall number bsf the attacked are left severely a|d helplessly crippled ,

What Biffles Us. • The things that baffle are matijy. Supposedly it is; contagious, yet evi­dently it is lighttl|r sd. At its heig it

We are after your trade in Groceries, Butter, lard, Teas,, Coffees, Canned Goods, Fruits and vegetables. For re­liable goods at tow prices J, A. & A, J. LACoSia 'Phone l l W .

When it comes to Carriage and Sign Painting in ail its branches it will pay you to call at B, C. WOUDWAKfi'S. shopf on Andrew^ Street.

For refreshing beverages for the hot .days we are at your service. "Con< gress Beer."') .JOE SOMEO.

Make Your Home Modern Electric Fixtures


The First National Bank of M B H ^ ^ is one of the strongest banking insti­tutions in the country. Bank your money here, FlfiST NATIONAL BANK.

In Massena and for miles around peo­ple know for Sellable Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Furniture and Stoves at popular prices that they will be pleased' at SPAVIN & SHULION'S.

We make our lee Cream and Candy and know how real good it is. Fruit, Candy, Cigars, Delicious Soda Water. The popular ice cream parlor, Crystal Palace. GE9EGE MIE&AS.

Pirs«>Class Custom Tailoring. Also Ready-to-Wear Clothing. Latest In Gents' Furnishings. B. COHEN, Cloth­ier and Haberdasher.

Headquarters for up-to-date Wearing Apparel and Footwear for men' and women. Reliable . goods [at popular prieesT STONE & COMPANY.

Men's, Boys' and Children's Clothing, Hate, Cs£3, Shoes and Furnishings. Reliable, up-to-date goods at very rea­sonable prices. FRIEDMAN & CO.

FOR Fine Footwear at correct prices you are sure to be satisfied here. *'Net-telton" Shoes for Men, "E. P. Reed" Shoes for Ladies. Up-to-date Men's Furnishings, J. F. McCABTHY.

When it cornea to Men's, Ladies' and Children's Wearing Apparel, Boots and Shoes and Women's Stylish Mil­linery it pays to trade with J. J. K A r

Ilea 3. Milieu, his wife, s a l Anto' " r to Hutchinson P. Onjemoi

on November 6th. 1901, in L,_ . lawience County1 Clerk's' office to Hber IBS _. | of Deeds at page 093. *Eie last atx ve des ribed

J premises is subject to the maint nance of ' a good mid sufficient fctice on -tho ei otherb side of-said premises and on the easter y bomi 3d of said Sooth Street ^Bsted March raou.isijr. • ^ ^ ^ Ammm 3. H A N M B ^ Beta SOBS 0. CBAPSBS.

Plointffi'a Attorney, Blassena. N. V, Il9w7

— , . auNt : «» « l i ife WW Worfc



SE&SEB off iteii? mss, SOPEEHB COL . County of S% tawrccce, Usss Wateon, Pjain-tifit SsainatjFohn P; Effipt*. Henry O. Ocdeit-wood, £ra Oinderwobd, Fred Underwood, ,aSd Gearge W. ffinjae. as Ainiiaattator e f !&e Goods, ehatteb and; CreSSia ofHattie EL, El-liotti Eeceasa^ BaftedanST • ,

. PosttanD to ». InasmeM tof teKslosute Ignfl sat? rendered! nereis on the 2nd das of «|s!rei>,

" '~ ' 38^3S«S»

pointed -faft. tsmSh stepoae Br 'esfit ladgnl wijl sell t * BubHe s»i»on to tte.higneat.j, der oa Weda!s«tef.!*Se ;seeonp Sssg of ffl SSST,- & twoi 'tfaJBaW in tBe afteraoon of day on the premises .hereinafteD described

j FOEECliOSOEB SAW STATB .OF MEW'VOBK, SOTBJPIE COtTBT. Coanty of St Lawrence., The Fisst Katonai EankofMaSena, New York. Plain 12, As tta3t WBliam. SlcCoilnni, Ststcia McColln n, his ' sife, and William Connely, Eefendantsi

Pursuaijt to a jutement of fort closure and sale, tendered herein, on the- 2nd das of Btoroh, >1917j andiduls enteral in the Clirls'o office of the Comltjr of St. Lawr<nco on the 12tb day-of ISsrch, 19K. I, the, > ndersig ae4 referee, dnfcr fcEpdjoted tcs am nnrpese by aaM isdanenfc, v«]l wn at mMs gcsSn to ©B highest Iddei on:%iestiM§?, the Fiat dsj of may. 1917. at two! o'clock in the alternocdi of that day at the law office tS John a CraJ3er. is the viE3ee of Massena,St. iawrencs (Si ty. State of Hew York, thtTreaJ est He " by the- said iudsffiieiit to be sold i nd described as JeUowss

All that tract a* parcel' of land, situate in theToWD of Stockholm, Saint Lawienco Ct On-ty. Net? York State, being, toown es pars of mile eanstte lot 6a. »n sa5a town a td b o s ded ttrmti [Beginning In the center of the High-

a%the point of beginning mgnioned Si a — I^JJJ, j ^ B ^ jtetaff md

Jason. *nd: Hose a. Blcki eO, - iril 25; ISO. ,inj

Boo!: No. 3$ of in St. Zdtwrehce

enee south 84 3-4 tics ce: iter of JEhe

_E. 8 34 chasm. a 1,30 chains,

Thence South 6Q.7fido£T£esi W. 8.8( chainsj to .». * . «._ «*._,. -hence <onfij 84,76

the eei iter fef

ste in the TOwai of! IaUJ3viHe»cCounfa5 of\S:

the center of t i e _. degreesjE. 1.60 cha" road; Thencs S, 62 degrees W. £U9 chai alons a line.for thi center bS a road to the B. line of the stmt S$>& mill lot; Thaco N.J7G Bnte to flte » i EL Cornei of. eaHTmai ThenceJT. ftSB deg«L 4.47 bhainsTp 2.60' oMn9 to-the jaladte of I the rive r. Thence Wor&TJS.?! E, 4.7S. chaiat down the ti?| Thence JSV 61' degsete B. 9 fhains U the pfl

tJunJnB Sight, and one hspf B f c . m p ' k , l e s s . ; Alto ria-sKoate ioisatff tcrfyn and pn

said lot.Mow 63 and; bounded thus: at a joint in the middle of the ffig

_ Beginning

l^Wiene i ' ana ' s ta^ l i f^ew' lyOTk^^i^Te^ S s T ^ S S ! Mnb"detSm~%X^a c |Sns Wm estate' directed *y said judsnient to be Solii &%^&> °? begjnnipa of «. deed Stem Jason

All .that certain piece o»- parcel' of JSHOM is!. ? f ? « ^ STth, |S|B, laad'wcksded Awust.Su,. in?-and being fc the ^ppa.o* Loute^tejLln | ^ ^ ? a # o o k J S »-Jo£g^3(Ea?«» S43_«na Sft* SS-CotaM? o r s t tiiwrenhe anH State of New ™ . ^ - KISFSS S^^^^^K?

and bounded as followa Be^Einl ra t .a w a t

*B _ .«

of the".Owi? Moon.'lot (sow Jflhn.'H«.TOJ4eS Kty.asd tunninE! tHlitice South 59 degrees 3Q minutes, West 2 chains and 60 links to a post: thence South 23 degrees,80. minutes?.JEasti'2 ehgins .to a1 posts thence North 69. WEreeS.' 3 minntea Eait 2 chains and 6D links to the cen­ter' of said hishwajr; thence Jfprth g9 degrices •3d -nnntJtes.*ei^ aibtag' ttoej centey, of .said hipi-: Way* to the plaee'Of beginnins: >eoritainingf one. half acre of land, be the aanje inore or less, a& deeded by^utsBinson P. tJnderwood i to, 3Btetie-H. -5Eaiiatt by deed dated J»ne 1st; 1905,, and , recorded & ,"the : St.. tawrence &ni(B;: 18SLJS»c2 i"- I* &•££ P^JSSP 3 0 8 ' :, i —-— ••-•• - w -)g_ i-oXMetteS Bxeepttjg an* re«rjins a certatin parcel: ot CierkTs-biBce-iott Jtme 14th,-I90! A« of JDeed> at.pase 433. "•; • • ' . . - ' • • ' .''

All that other^tract Brp'arbel of laad,'aituat«in-the town of Lonisijille; County of S t I^awrence ;aafc State of SSfew york, being part of 3118 acres of land heretofore deeded by,..James J»c--VfeKar *° l*5^- Miller* in Mile Sguarfi No, 20' in said Town, and bounded as tbllowas BeSnhiBB at o.poat in the Southerly: Uae. of (William Daves^s. tot (now Hattie H. EDiotfa lot) a t the Soathesw corner ! of Sloses • PreWO?i<j lot and rtrinins thence $outh 69 desreei 30 liiin-utes .West 2 chains, and GO links along the southerly line of said Premo's lot to the center of South Street (so called.), thenc* South. 29 degrees 30 minutes along the center of said street 30 links to; ».point; thence North i69' .degrees 8 minutes' 25 links to the eastern; Verge of said South Street:, Thence South S23 degrees 30 minutes., 13ast a'lohs the, Teres of said street one chain and twenty links to a post, thence; North 59 degree* 3 minutes, Easf-Z fchains and .25 IinKs to the Southwesterly corner of -&e atpresald. Elliott lot; thence South 2S degrees 30 minutes West jiiorisr the Westet-:iy line of s a^ Elliott Jot 1 chain and SO-' finks to the place if beginning- Containing :«bor^ 3-S of an acre of land,, more, or less, be-hig "flje same premises described in a deed: dated March 1?, 1901, ihade by WOTim fittlle*

W. 5^5 ichains *> tHe. cente] highway; the center „_ of the above mentioned land deedid too; iemuel B. Eldridge, (thence W -60.76 iletaae*-' %•$$ chains; Theace "N, S4.7B. degree* W. fcfi» chains. 'Thence South.,80^5 .degrees W. S.iSi chains tcithe center-of the, atforesaidlhiBhTfiiytt Thence -SV 34.76-<!eBifees W. 8i60 chains jdong the cente* of the highway to fhe pllce of be--•ffitaninjf.. .Conteinini -Wet ..aeres stod flfw-three- one hundredths (5T.5S)' of an acre of land.: be the'same moretatt lessj ,beiajr'lthe eaia premises conveyed, byl SU iW* iHile *nft wife to Mary. M. MeColluns by Waiteanty dieed;'dated October JtOtb,. lg-M^ and. reehrded„Apra SSUj

the above mentionedf.tet d*serib»d ipmnises: to wit: BpuiKledras Iollaws,jBeginnln» at S. E, corner of a -ertain five acre lot deeded by Hezekixh B.' Kerrepoht to Giorge W! Eldridg* And Sunning thence South' S3 .degreea iW. alons the IK, lias of said •Eldridge lot M feet to « stake and stones: Thence S* 'ST degrfces E7 54-feet to a stake and stonea; Thence N. <SS de-i grees E. to a stake and stones fa- the center of the ;hi«hwi«y Jeadftig from; Bktaoldville. to Sotrthville; Thtnce1 » , WesteHy along th» cetder of said h.ighway 5< feet to tha-place, of, beginning, cohtfttoihg ohe^-Biileehth of an acre of land, be the'.same niore or less afed beirigi the same .which was ffeeded to Horace Pumly by E. W.Hale and wife and j , Croeker and his wife which bears: date February 2?jUi. 1856 which parcel of land has since been conveyed by H, Puinly ind wife tfa. Jasan Bicknell.

JDated March 10th, 1917. ! . , ANDREW J, HANMEB, neferee, ' JOHN C. CKAPSER; ( ,, PJainflfl"* Attorney. i

-Masse'na. N^ ,,Y. \ i9VT Charity ceases to be active jvhen it

is satisfied that i t is ftfeing ipiposed npoa* f


N O T I C E ^ CONTEACTOES Sealed proposals \s<n be received at Hie of-

flce of the Town Cleffcspf the Town of Mas­sena, St. Lawrence Couaty, New fork, unto the 20th day of April. 1917, at 2:00 p. tn., foe, the buildias of a concrete-steel areb bridge o*S the GrassS Biver at Massena, and will be pub­licly opened and ^ad at that tiT"**.

plans and specifications may be .seen at the Bee of I 1. Prank A. Hdush. Town Clerk of Mas­

sena,' a t Massena, St. Lawrence County, New fork. ! 2. Comrete-Steel 'Ensineerins Company. Parte Bow Bmldins, Nef? York, N. V. ,

COPSES of the plana and specifications Includ­ing form of proposal may be obtained from the Concrete-Steel1 finzineerins Company upon making a deposit of $10.00 which will be re­funded, upon the return of the plans and

eases, than females, yet

i ts prevalence is navefr anywhere fce|r as great aa°that of]

Males are

epeciflcations i s to othera xetort receiving bids.

Each, piroptaul

^3 order, to all bidders: and > aame before ^tlis date of

be aecompsnfed' by a s check on a National

of the contract price, of, "Snpewteor of

:«• evidence of good itea to the Town es

to case of failure on the part of the bidder to enter into a contract tor the ocecution-. of; the work, and to' lurniah satiafsctonr gursty Jxjnd as hereinafter stultz*

fpr'five per Me to

tee TOWS of " faith, fend to liquidated dam;

boe& BmSeof ht turned after consid: check of the ex as soon as the

The successful bi nish a, bond sena, in a sum contract. •

Bidders must

Slaps and specific,1

ejaonaT ensatninar nature.

icbetiks will be re-. of the bids, and the

bidder TOHI be returned is. signed.

will be required, to fur-ile to the Town of Mas-

to the amount of the fhemsetzes with the _ for, and by

,._. aaffife themselres of tho wuuiti, character, and location of. the pro­posed wbtk, that1 qo nii3tmito3tandins may onse in tesard tpi the character' and quantity of the work.

The blank form of proposal attached'-to the specifications shafl be used in malrins out the bid. The prices Oust be written in the pro­posal and also stated in flsurra, and any pro. posal not in accordance with these instructions, or-not on the blank, furSuhcd, will be rejectees

If any discrepasqles occur between the writ* ten and figured prices, those most favorable to the Town win be taken as the intention of the bidder. 1

Proposals will be entertained only from parties who have a t thdr command the nec­essary capital, plant and.experience far prop­erly doins such wotk.

*EiiB peenies or pefiitms to whoa the contract may be awarded will be required to execute the contract with snretj,- wjthin ten days from the date of eegdee of notice to that effect: and in case of failure or neglect to do «q, he or they will be considered as having abandoned it.

Bidders must state in their proposal their fug. names sad ""

^JmrelopM coal endorsed thereon

any proposal, or to

proposals must' have "for Grasse ffiver


«fftff by tSte Town to accept ._ rejeetrany or1 all proposals. Tqm_ OF MASSENA,

' Sy Ivan B. Denison, < Town SnperinttBdent

The condition of winter wheat in NeW York was below the ten year average on April I , showing 78 per •cent of normal "While that of the U, S. as a whole was1, 63.4 per cent of normal. •

other cotnmon dib more subject to It it is females wl o

have the care of the, sick. The naif jority of cases cannot be traced |o any known contact, either direct or i: direct, With any previous case, fact, it is not uhecmioon to hear babies being stridkm who never away from their hemes in their live!

Jt does not seem ito follow the ma: eries of t ravel For1 instance, epi

demies in Minnesota, Kansas, low and Nebraska followed the epidem in New York city, but Chicago, (,h| point of transfer for aH these stati was free. Its rapid spread ,over widj areas is as noticeable as it is uiii plainable

Its most Striking] peculiarity is i confinement to the very young. Mos| of those wh<> have it are between si months and three years of age. Ninei per c e n t r e under sax.

I t does not seem p develop as orn would expect among exposed groups. Of 2,070 persons known to be exposes only 6-10 of one p^r cent developec the disease in frank paralytic formj This is less* than 1-15 of the numbei that would be ex'pec^d in similar ex­posure to scarlet fever. Seldom does, one, in a thousand lake it who' has been exposed. > i

I t is not strange tl ia£ there are still those' who claim i | s not contagious a t all, or that in England it should be felt that quarantines I are useless.

The Bright Side. Some reassuring facts deserve to be

stated. ., i ' Even when there are a number of

genuine eases there is no* doubt that many supposedly s id | of it are really ill from another causei- This is always true in a panic. The secretary of a certain board of healtjh stated that he was: certain thai malny incompetent physicians who lost children reported their deaths as due tp infantile paraly­sis, knowing that the hasty burials would conceal their own ignorance. The malady is easily mistaken for rickets and scurvy and congenital paralysis. More, than one scare . has been occasioned by an isolated death from some entirely different .disease.

Towns that have suffered from an epidemic seem usually to be immune for two years. Nobody knows why, but it is suspected that it is due to the exhaustion of susceptible material.

Mow I t May Be Carried. Our best' knowledge a t present ig

that tiie disease is borne from place to place, occasionally b;r those affect­ed, possibly by flies ahtjT fleas, probably more often by adults not themselves ill who are unconscious "earners." . When so caTJed, it strikes only those few among little children who are for some mysterious reason "susceptible." • S i , '.

This is, not' the place; to discuss methods of treatment I t is so far a disease that chiefly raraires good .nursing. If i t comes to your own home, your first care should be to se­cure a nurse who is skilled, obedient and acceptable to the sick child.

What About Trevtention? It is our duty to be loyjal to the man­

dates of our own state board of health. The state boards now are in such close communication with ea<th other tha t their regulations are practically uni-

„ „ ^ . I t is a disease that ateopbfes, *° k eep.down diseas^. Flies,, bedbugs The store where you alwavs eet y o u r ' t h e s P i n a ' c o r d a i l d produces p a r a l y l i s , ' a n d rats_fthe carriers of fleas,, a |e sus-ine store wnere you always get your, TOogt c o m m o n i y 0jr ^ l e g ^ ^ M e ^ | c s ' pect and ought to be slaugh|te|ed on

many accounts. If the disease is pro--u. a Wvc *»ii<*. Po r t ' .o n a 'e ly more prevalent in small

They occur usuali; sr in thl" late sum-1 * ' , a n ra ' a r ? e places there is po known mer a"nd early aitnmn. The diseSiSe r e a s o n except tbat large cities tqday

spend mor$ money an keeniijg clean. In the home healthiness is a defence.

The little, children should be guarded from debilitation by the i so-called, "spring diseases." In 'sdminer we should avoid overeating, ovei heating, fatigue and; injuries/Make yo i r home inaccessible to flies. , Keep| the chil­dren's noses and ttiroats sprayed with a mild antiseptic. Sep that !tl e bouse. is always wefl aired everywhere, pbr those who have reached sc|h.ool. age there is practically! no danger


Many Will Be Released From School to Help TiH Soil. ,,

Washington, April 13.—ijPioposails for enfistment of a work arfn; r of 2,-000,090 men and Jboys for agricultural service and other drastic stejps to in­crease food production during (he war were given enthusiastic ' encourage­ment a t the department of igricul-ture today. - Secretary .Eouston ordered wide publicity given io resolu­tions adopted at the recent St, Louis conference of agriculture ; e sperts, looking to production of greate: • crops as an emergency measure". Thoy rec­ommended that congress appropriate $25,000,000 for use by the settetary of agriculture in such a campagn.

."Upon the farmer rests ih large measure the final responsibjli 7 of winning the war," declare the resolu­tions made public here. "Beeaise of the world shortage of food, it is scarcely possible that, the production of staple crops by the farmer w the United States can be too great this year,"- .. •, j ]

It is recommended that boyslunder military age and men beyond ,tbe age and those physically, disqualified should be enrolled in the fictional army for labor iri*j>roduEiion '0 food, munitions and supplies. Other: leeom-mendations are for creation of an ag­ricultural body under the cotjmci! of national defense to supervise agricul­tural matters, and for the vesting of wide authority in the secretary of ag­riculture to regulate and stand irdize food production and distributiq:

1 t



„ . NORAH WATSON 86 Drayton Ave., Toronto.

Nov. 10th, 1915. , | ' A beautiful complexion is a handsome . woman »s chiefglory and the envy of her less fortunate rivals, Yet a».soft, clear skin—gjswing with health—is only/5ff_ natural result of pure Blood. '7

" I was troubled for a considerable fime~with a very unpkasant, disfiguring Hash, which covered my face and fof ' which I used appHcalionsandiremedies Tsithotit refief. After using "pToit-a-

*iives " for one week, Ibe rash is com­pletely gone. J am deeply thankful for ' the reKef and in the future, I will not be without ' rFruit-a-tives".

NORAH WATSON. 50e. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25c,

At dealers or sent by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ogdensburg. Ne™ York




The Readers Proof That Massena Cannot Deny.

What could furnish stronger evi­dence of the efficiency of any remedy than the test of time ? Thousands of beople testify that Dean's Kidney Pills have brought lasting results.

Home endorsement should prove undoubtedly the merit pf this rem­edy. Years ago your friends and neighbors testified to the relief they had derived from the use of Doaa's Kidney Pills. They now confirm their testimonials. They say t|me has com­pleted the test, j

Joseph Sheff, blacksmith, Main St., Massena, says: "My ~b4ck gave me

[a great deal of trouble. The secre-! tions from my kidneys-Were too frs-



jquent in' passage, particularly at •night I t>cgar. looking around for a 'good .medicine'for these.ailments and \ when. I , heard,. Doan's ..Kidney Pills '.highly -recommended I -bought a box ;'at Stearns-& Snaith's-Drug Store., •As; soorj a? 1 began taking them, the "backache, left me an<i'mf,kidneys,ibe-! came normal. My appetife'improved i a'hd I felt beUer in every way."

Oyer six years later-Mr. Sheff:said: "I-ahyays .speafc a-good, word:,, for ^Doari's Kidney Pills. '.'They, cured"mei ahd-1 hardly ever have ;any more of my former trouble.;"' ' . ' " , : • .

Price 50, cents at all dealers.; ;D'pn't fniriply ask ,fb,r a kidney remedy-^gei Poan's Kidney Pills1—the same that Mr. Fheff has twi(*e publicly recom­mended. Foster-Milburn Co., Props., Buffalo, W, T, -



Chicago School Children Wo: k. Chicago, April 13.—More than 6,000

"boys above the age of 1)6 will he re­leased .next Monday from the high schools of Chicago, provided the} take a pledge to work on farms in Cook county or enter some erriployroe i t by which the food supply of the rjation may ibe increased.

Jacob Loeb, president of the board of education, signed'the order r« leas­ing the. boys from school work and it

to be read today, in every school in the city. |

The county superintendent has authorization to the 200 school boards Of Cook county to close immediately all grades above tfie sixth in! rural

IOOIS, in order that the pupiljs. may be utilizd on the farms. !

Urges Self-Suppirt. Harrisburg, Pa., April 18.—Ah lurg-

mt eaB for increased priodueqon of 'bodstuffs in Pennsylvania was Ssgued ©day by Charles E. Patton, state sec-"etary of agriculture. Mr. Patton, who Returned yesterday from the confer­

ee of agriculture chiefs ap St. ois, said that Pennsylvjania'^ .part the emergency call for greatejr pro-

uction of crops is to raise oats, corn, arley, buckwheat, potatoes and, navy eans. , ; / t " I t is very important," SHr. Patton

lid, "that the farmer devote his, prin-pal efforts to the production of such

ch>ps and the employment of' such Methods as ^re likely to yield: the ntaximum return in food and clothing naterial.

"Our plan for public defense must ii .elude provisjions for mobilizing farm Ujbor. Tare $re hundreds i of thous­ands of boys in the cities and towns between the agesi of 15 and 19 years not engaged in productive work, who slfould be available in .this emergency.

|"A11 communities should take, im­mediate steps for district self-support and no community should be without an ample supply of canned and pre­served perishable products.*'

Jobbers Trying to Buy Back Goods They Have Already Sold.

The war Shortage on foodstuffs has not seriously affected local conditions but probably will before many weeks. • pass. The most serious trouble was caused by the short crops of last sea­son, which caused a shortage of all kinds of canned goods, vegetables and fruits. A local jobber, who rebejitly ' visited New York city, was urged by eomnjiission men there to spare them some canned goods, being willing to pay him an advance upon what be ha<f bought of them as they needed goods ' and price was not considered. Asojther , local jobber recent ly visited severa l / nea rby towns in an effort to purchase *

•from the count ry merchan ts canned goods for his t rade . Wholesale pr ices have advanced as follows: Tomatoes and corn, SI a dozen; peas , 50 cen t s ; pumpkin, 50 cents, gallon apples , 75 cents to $ 1 ; baked beans , 50 Cents; soups, 30 cen t s ; o leomargar ine , 2 ceMts a pound.-

Lard is wholesaling a t 22% to 23 cents , compound, 1 7 % . F lour is selj ing a t $12 a bar re l and pork, $38 to | 4 8 ^ 0 *""" a barre l . F lour is likely t o go h igher and pork will probably go to §50 a bar re l . All kinds of soaps a r e also on the upward t rend.

S u g a r has advanced 30 cents a hun­dred with indications of a much h igh­er figure. The wholesale price is $,8.50' a hundred in bulk, while 25-pound sacks a r e $8.70, ten-pound packages $8.80, five pounds $8.90 and two-pound car tons $9".

The l u g a r b rokers have issued cjreu-lbrs in which they announce t h a t fu­tu re sales will be conditional upon a probable t a x on r a w or refined' su -

;gars . Cuba's e n t r y into the w a r m a y "result in t he commandeer ing o f t h e s u g a r - b o a t s , t hus cu t t ing off the r a w „ s u g a r importa t ions .

The retail trade has not yet been • compelled to limit the amount of goods sold t o any one' customer but they will have to do so if there is any rush • for goods by people who have a little ready, cash. Steps will be taken by dealers to prevent hoarding by house-bowers.

I t pays to advertise in the Observer.



•m j?\




I Food Riots and Farming, j !The above is the heading of an- edi­

torial in a leading farm pajper. ,The editor points. out that food for iman ana beast is of first importance yet th | se who live on farms where food is [abundant can scarcely appreciate t i l pangs of. hunger that caused the reient riots. All surplus food should be canoed, evaporated and stored for future use. While poor distribution coupled with an under production was thd! oa>j?e of the preser.^. condition it should serve as a warning' this year. There should be a concentrated effort toproduce feed for man and stock and build up the fertility of the soil for. better production in the future so as to avoid food riots in a land of plenty.

. J v ;. Special Notice.' "•.. Foley Cathartic Tablets thoroughly.

cleanse: "the bowels, remove undigested wasjte matter, sweeten the' stomach andftone up the liver. Do not gripe nor; nauseate. Stout persons praise Foliy Cathartic .Tablets for the light, free and comfortable . feeling they bring. Will not- addict you to the "pill habit," E. L. Fxegoe: ' '

til payi t o *dS*tr±i«« in the Ob#*rrir.


Thousands and thousands of people, says Peterson, are learning every week that one 25 cent box of Peter­son's Ointment will abolish Eczema and banish piles, and the grateful let­ters I receive every day are worth more to me than money. 1 I had Eczema for many years on my head and could not get anything to do it any good. I saw your ad and got one box and I owe you many thanks for the good it has done me. There isn't a blotch on my head now and I couldn't help but thank Peterson for the cure is g rea t Mrs. Mary Hill, 420 Third Ave., Pittsburg, Pa.

I have had itching piles for 15 years and Peterson's is the only ointment thai relieves me, besides the piles seem to have-gone. - A- B. Ruger, 1,127 Washington Ave., Racine, Wis.

TJse Peterson's Ointment for old sores, salt rheum and all skin diseases. Druggists recommend it.

M A. 4 ,

\ i

— t

* 1


Alne H. HemmaJ*, Surrogate of the County of St, Lawrence, a#d according to tbe s t a tu te in sucn cases made and provided, .Notice Is Hereby stveo, to ^all persons Harms e« ims against toe estate ai itusn M. Ityte, late of Norfolk tn said Count}, deceased, Lnat they a r e ; required to exhibit the same, with the vouchers Werecl, to the subscriber, a t tae late res,dence oi deceased in toe Town of Nortoile in said County, on o r , before tbe 1st day of October next.

Dated Mareb 19. 1917. ESTHER KYUB. •

ANDREW J . HANMEK, Administratrix. Massena, N. T , . . .

Atty tor Administratrix. Slwzo NOTICE OF SALE PtTlSt lANT TO LffiN

.LAW, - , -..-. . 'Pursuant to statute -notice 13 hereby given

.that t,h*> * p*»r*onral. property hereinafter: r-de&-eribod will be ..sold a t , public auction, to' the, hurhest bidder- at the-Central;. Garage in the -village and' town of Massena in St. -Lawrence , County.. New York., on the 2?th day Of April. 1917, at 2:00 "o'clock in. the-'afternoon.- That the-property to be solo is described, nsi'folldws,: A Ford automobile With lensine, end body number 469762. and 1916 number plates A56-&58 with, the- tools and equiprrteht, therewith. That the name, of the owner,and person for whose account said property is td be sold is Sarft Durham of Masfeena, N.. Y.

Daited April 7, 1912. „ ^ _ , V?, § , CUBLEY and HALBE&F CUBLEY, $SwS • Xaepors
