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N. d’Oreye

(1), F. Kervyn

(2), C. Wauthier

(3), V. Cayol

(3), and the GVO team



Geophys./astrophys. Dept., Nat. Museum of Natural History, 19 rue Josy Welter, 7256 Walferdange, Luxembourg, (2)

Dept. of Geology, Royal Museum for Central Africa. Leuvensesteenweg, 13, 3080 Belgium. (3)

Université Louis Pasteur, Lab. Magmas et volcans, Clermont Ferrand, France. & , (4)

Goma Volcanological Observatry, Goma, DR Congo


This paper presents the ongoing efforts developed in

North Kivu (DRC) for the implementation of the

understanding, the monitoring, and the management of

the risks associated to the activity of the Nyiragongo

and Nyamulagira volcanoes.

Most of the ongoing activities in the region have been

motivated by the eruption in January 2002 of the

Nyiragongo that had drastic consequences for the city of

Goma situated at the foot of the volcano and its

inhabitants that had to evacuate in difficult conditions.

In the framework of the SAMAAV (Study And

Monitoring of Actives African Volcanoes) and

GORISK projects, InSAR monitoring coupled to ground

based measurements has started. Ground deformations

associated to that January 2002 eruption and the more

recent Nyamulagira November 2006 eruption are

described. A preliminary model for part of the

deformation associated to the Nyiragongo eruption is



This work is performed in the framework of multiple


1.1. The SAMAAV project

SAMAAV was developed based on an ESA CAT-1

(CT3224) project dedicated to the study and monitoring

of active African volcanoes using ERS and ENVISAT

SAR data. The four sites under concern are the Fogo

(Cape Verde), the Ol Doinyo Lengai (Tanzania), the

Nyiragongo-Nyamulagira (DR Congo) and the Mt

Cameroon. SAMAAV that is coordinated by the Royal

Museum for Central Africa (RMCA, B) and the

National Museum of Natural History (NMNH, L)

involves other partners in Europe and Africa: University

of Liège (B), the University of Ghent (B), the Instituto

Superior Tecnico of Lisbon (P), the University of

Clermont-Ferrand (F), the Dar es Salaam University

(Tanzania), the Geological Survey of Tanzania,

(Tanzania), the Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia e

Geofísica de Cabo Verde, the Goma Volcanological

Observatory (Dem. Rep, Congo), the University of Buea


1.2. The GORISK project

Based on the positive results obtained in SAMAAV, the

GORISK project was set up which focuses on the

Nyiragongo – Nyamulagira volcanoes. It aims at

implementing the local ground deformation monitoring

capacity using both spaceborne and ground-based

techniques. Ground measurements of geochemical

parameters are also involved; they include the

monitoring of water quality as well as gas emanation

from the sub-surface.

GORISK collaborates with two external initiatives, the

US-VISOR and EU-NOVAC projects that are providing

respectively spaceborne and ground based

measurements of the volcanic plume. The type and

amount of gases are monitored in addition to the plume

dispersion path that is provided to GORISK for further

GIS integration.

GORISK is a service-oriented project dedicated to three

local users: The GVO, the United Nation unit for the

volcanic risks assessment and management, and the

CEMUBAC, a Belgian NGO active in the health

domain and wich performs an epidemiological study

based on the volcanic plume dispersion maps provided


GORISK is supported by the STEREO-II program of

the Belgian Ministry of Science Policy and the

Luxemburg National Research Fund. The project is

coordinated by the RMCA and the partners are the

NMNH, Univ. of Luxemb., Univ of Naples, Univ. of

Clermont (F).


The Nyiragongo and Nyamulagira volcanoes are located

in the western branch of the east African rift system

(Figure 1). Compared to the eastern rift branch

characterized by a moderate seismicity and intense

volcanic activity, seismicity in the western branch is


Proc. ‘Envisat Symposium 2007’, Montreux, Switzerland 23–27 April 2007 (ESA SP-636, July 2007)

very high whereas volcanism concentrates in four

provinces: the Toro Ankole in western Uganda, the

Rungwe in south-west Tanzania, the Kivu, and the

Virunga in East DR Congo. Nyiragongo and

Nyamulagira are the only active volcanoes of the highly

alkaline Virunga volcanic chain which started to

develop ~11 Ma ago [1].

Figure 1: Location of the study area in the east African

rift (inset). In red are the lava flows produced by the

2002 eruption. Cyan: fractures extracted from the

geological map. The ground based network is composed

of seismometers (triangles), tiltmeters (stars), and GPS

(dots). In background: LANDSAT draped on SRTM-3.

The Nyiragongo (3470 m asl), a steep stratovolcano is

characterized by silica-undersatured and ultrapotassic

lavas as well as a permanent crater lava lake. Located at

less than 15 km from the city of Goma, the last eruption

in January 2002 caused significant casualties and

damages and had an important socio-economic impact

on the region.

The Nyamulagira is a shield volcano located at ~10 km

NNW of Nyiragongo. It is the most active volcano of

Africa as it regularly erupts every two years [2]. Most of

the time, the eruptions are producing lava flowing

northwards in uninhabited areas.



The eruption of the Nyiragongo on 17th

January 2002

occurred along an opening fractures network on the

southern flank in the direction of the city and the

airport. Two major lava flows reached the city

destroying about 15% of the town. In total, the volume

of lava erupted has been estimated to ~25 million m³[3],

[4]. Most of the 400.000 inhabitants evacuated the city

towards neighbouring Rwanda although many of them

came back two days later immediately after the

eruption; about 170 people died during the eruption.

The eruption occurred following sequences of tectonic

earthquakes that occurred in October and later in

beginning of January. These seismic events with

unusual magnitude for the region were accompanied by

significant changes in the phenomenology (e.g. dark

plume and rumbling on top of Nyiragongo, lake Kivu

level change…). The fractures that started to open from

North towards the South has produced three main flows

partly following the last flows of 1977; two of them

have reached the city and one of them reached the Lake.

3.1. Deformation observed from InSAR

Interferograms computed with ERS data acquired before

and after the eruption display complex regional

deformation with large fringes wrapping around the

Nyamulagira volcano and narrow linear fringes

suggesting a subsidence of Goma following an axis

parallel to the newly open fissure (Figure 2). This

subsidence was also detected in the field with asymetric

lake level changes observed along the shoreline in the

weeks following the eruption [4].

Figure 2: Deformation ERS interferogram (Sep. 2000 –

July 2002). The subsidence of the city of Goma (dashed

white line) is suggested by the narrow and linear

fringes. To the West, the fringes are wrapping around

the Nyamulagira volcano as a result of a deflation.

A signal possibly associated to a dyke injection bellow

the fissure is also observed (see modelling section).

Although the time baseline is unfavourably large (2000-

2002) due to some ERS technical reasons, another work

realized by [5] using RADARSAT pair from December

2001 and February 2002 shows similar pattern

indicating that the deformation took place in a short

period around the eruption.

3.2. Ground based monitoring system

The development of monitoring systems started in 2002

with the deployment by INGV of a seismic network that

encompasses the two volcanoes [6]. Networks of

telemetred tiltmeters and permanent GPS have been

recently implemented in the frame of the GORISK

project. The network configuration was driven by

InSAR observations and field safety considerations that

impose a concentration most of most equipment on the

southern flanks area.

3.3. Modelling

The complex pattern of deformation shown in the

InSAR ERS interferogram suggest that the deformation

is the sum of different contributions from several

phenomena such as a dyke associated with the eruptive

fissure, and probably a normal fault(s) close to the city

of Goma (Figure 3). In the Nyamuragira area, the

fringes could also contain atmospheric artifacts.

As these sources are close to each other, their

contributions add and hence are difficult separate. In

addition deformations from once source will probably

also influence the deformations of the others sources.

Thus, the different sources can not simply be

supperposed but must be taken into account

simultaneously. This can only be done using numerical


Figure 3: ERS interferogram (September 2000-

July2002, Bperp = 62m) and the trace of the open

fissure (in green).

The modelling is at a preliminary stage so that only the

signal attributed to the dike is taken into account. Only

the data close the dyke were considered and sub-

sampled using a circular point pattern with an average

distance of 250m between the points (Figure 4 left).

Figure 4: Comparison between data and best-fit dyke

model for the January 2002 Nyiragongo eruption.

Subset of the ERS interferogram (September 2000 - July

2002, Bperp = 62m) with deformation attributed to a

possible dyke below the fissure.

In order to determine the best fit model, a method that

combines a 3D Mixed Boundary Element method [7]

and a neighborhood algorithm inversion [8] is used [9].

The modelling method takes the topography into

account and the inversion method uses a misfit function

that takes the data noise characteristics into account.

The inversion has two stages : Search and Appraisal.

We assume that:

- the medium is homogeneous, isotropic and elastic,

- the dyke is submitted to a constant overpressure.

We assume the dyke is a quadrangle with its top part

corresponding to the trace of the eruptive fissure and a

bottom line determined by 3 parameters, dip of the

dyke, the depth of the middle point and the angle the

line makes with the horizontal. The dyke overpressure

is a fourth parameter.

The best-fit model determined during the search stage

(Figure 5) corresponds to a sub-vertical dyke

characterized by a Dip angle of 76.8°, a bottom line

lying -590.2m below the sea level (the average altitude

of Goma is about 1400m asl) and a sub-horizontal

bottom (9.9° with respect to the horizontal). This dyke

is submitted to a 6.6 Mpa overpressure, leading to an

average opening at the surface of 2.1 m, which is

consistent with field observations (fig 5).

Figure 5: Best fit model for the dyke below the open


The appraisal stage of the procedure involves

calculations of model marginal probability density

functions using misfits values calculated during the

search stage. The diagonal of figure 6 represents the 1D

marginal Posterior Probability density functions,

allowing the determination of confidence intervals. As

only one radar look is used, the 95% Confidence

intervals are large. It also shows that botang is not

uniquely determined. The off diagonal terms represent

2D Posterior Probability density functions indicating trade-offs between parameters. In particular, the

pressure and the dike depth do not seem independent.

Figure 6: Estimation of the uncertainties of the model

(appraisal stage).

The preliminary dyke model fits well the data close to the

dike (rms error = 9 mm). The next stages of our study will

be to correct the interferogram for possible atmospheric

effects to the southwest of Nyamulagira and model the

remaining signal.



Six months after the 2002 Nyiragongo event, the

Nyamulagira erupted in July the same year and again in

May 2004. More recently, in November 2006, an

unusual eruption took place on the south-eastern flank

from a fissure located between the two volcanoes. The

surprisingly short eruption (about a week) produced a

large amount of lava which flown southwestwards in the

direction of inhabited areas including the village of


The eruption was forecast after an important seismic

swarm was recorded during the weeks before.

Figure 7: ENVISAT deformation interferogram (Sep.

2006 – Dec. 2006) of the November 2006 eruption of

Nyamulagira. Fringes elongated NW-SE from southern

flank of Nyamulagira up to SW flank of Nyiragongo. A

concentric deflation is also clearly detected at the East

of Nyamulagira as well as deflation fringes at the East

of Nyiragongo.

4.1. Timing of the crisis and activation of an

emergency InSAR procedure

On Nov. 27th

, shortly after the first announcement by

the Goma Volcanicological Observatory of a likely

eruption that begun the day after, contact was taken with

ESA in order to fasten the access to the ENVISAT

acquisitions routinely planned by the SAMAAV project.

Because of the heavy fights in the area and poor weather

conditions peventing helicopter flights, the location of

the vent or fracture as well as the lava flow extent and

progression rate remained unknown although strongly

required for risk assessment and management purposes.

Because of ARTEMIS failure, an image that could have

been acquired two days after the onset of the eruption in

the most interesting and richest mode was cancelled.

The next image acquired on day +8 was collected on the

ESA FTP site immediately after the notification of

availability i.e. 18 hours after the image acquisition. The

first interferogram showing deformation signals was

produced within an exceptionally short time (less than

1h30 after that notification). This was possible because

of a good knowledge of the terrain and the best

parameters for the processing of InSAR data over that

area. A refined interferogram was computed after the

delivery of preliminary orbit data 2 days later.

The computed interferogram (Figure 7) shows a fringe

pattern suggesting an inflation of 22 cm (LOS) and 17

cm (LOS) in the axis of a fracture linking the two

volcanoes. To the East of Nyamulagira, a clear

subsidence pattern is also observed.

The location and the fissural type of the eruption were

clearly detected on the imagery.

4.2. Lava flow mapping and volume estimate

By comparing the averaged intensity of all the images

available prior and after the eruption, we estimated the

location of the erupting fracture and the extent of the

main lava flow (~16 km²) (Figure 8). This allowed to

estimate the minimum volume erupted i.e. 16 to 24

x106m³. These estimation will be refined after more data

becomes available.

Figure 8: Colour composite with 18 averaged images

pre-eruption (R,G) and 2 averaged images post-

eruption (B). The main lava flow contour is marked in

red and the change in intensity due to cinder deposit in



Despite the dense vegetation in the area, coherence is

preserved on recent bare lavas flows. Elsewhere, in

savanna type areas, coherence remains for reasonably

short temporal baselines. In certain cases, with short

baselines, the coherence can sometimes be preserved for

period longer than a year. This underlines the necessity

for regular acquisition planning to enhance the chance

of suitable interferometric pairs.

Moreover, to efficiently constrain the modelling of

source parameters the use of various acquisition modes

and look angles is strongly recommended.

The emergency InSAR acquisition and processing

procedure activated for the 2006 Nyamulagira eruption

has proved to be an appropriate tool for crisis

management. The deformation map has been

successfully produced within 1h30 after notification of

data availability on the ESA FTP site.


The data provided by the ESA CAT-1 3224 were

processed by DORIS TU Delft software.

DEOS and ESA precise orbits were used in the


This work is supported by the STEREO-II programme

of the Belgian Ministry of Science Policy and

Luxembourg National Research Fund.

The permanent GPS are provided by the National

Museum of Natural History.


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