Innovation activity in 2008


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Innovation activity in 2008.

Within the limits of realization of the Government program of Innovation development of the Republic of Belarus for 2007-2010 in 2008 according to the schedule 34 Innovation projects were carried out by the organizations of the system of the Ministry of Communications and Controls. 13 projects - are directed on creation of new manufactures at operating enterprises (II - level) and 21 - on updating of operating manufactures on the basis of introduction of new and high technologies (III - level). The common investment expenses coupled to realization of Innovation projects for 2008 have made - 448,1 billion roubles.

RUE "Beltelecom"Introduction of a hardware-software complex for rendering of service of

interactive-TV (IPTV).IPTV is the unique product which arose from electronic media and an

information technology which became closer. Subscriber of IPTV receives a packet of interactive services from the operator. The technology gives the chance to look programs and telecasts at the time convenient for the spectator and not to be pegged to the schedule of airtime.

Creation of networks of wireless access with the use of the equipment of the standard Wi - Fi.

Technology of Wi-Fi is claimed by the consumer and moreover as the possibility of payment for service. The given service becomes more popular among foreign citizens coming to our country. There are more than 300 points of access Wi-Fi which work for today in Belarus, 135 from them are concentrated in the capital, the others are placed in regional centres. 197 points of access were established in 2008.

Building of a network of data processing centres.

RUE "Beltelecom" has finished the project of construction of regional data processing centres, having coupled data processing centres of regional offices with central in Minsk.

Date-centres "Beltelecom" became a platform for development of the Belarus content. For today RUE "Beltelecom" gives platforms, provides with guaranteed power supplies, systems of safety and fire-extinguishing, access to information, the qualified service of big quantity of the equipment. Central date-centre in Minsk except all aforesaid lets on lease the huge disk space on which large private and state information portals, by the way, take places.

Creation of the network of data transmission with the use of technology Metro-Ethernet.

The project provides the maximum approaching of the active equipment of telecommunication to subscribers of a telephone system of public use by its installation in the street in closed electrical cabinets. Thus the length of a user's line reaches 800 metres that in turn allows to use technology of broadband access effectively. It is guaranteed speed of access to a network of data transmission not less than in 20 Mbit/s to the subscriber. It will allow to render services as interactive TV (IPTV), telephone communications in data networks VoIP, video on demand (VоD).

For 2008 under the project of «Building Metro Ethernet» of networks of RUE "Beltelecom" installation and commissioning of street telecommunication cases in the amount of 335 pieces were carried out.

Port capacity of access to a network of the national operator of telecommunication (including broadband access)

The total installed capacity of broadband ports at the end of 2008 is 234 682. Following the results of work for 2008 the increase in port capacity was 167 686.

For fuller satisfaction of applications for phone installation the project "Entered capacity" in the local telephone system (including Modernization) is realizing.

On the local telephone system during realization of the project for the purpose of improvement of quality and expansion of the spectrum of rendered services of telecommunication for 2008 installed capacity has made more than 290 thousand numbers, including more than 187 thousand numbers on urban telephone networks and more than 103 thousand at village telephone networks.

Modernization of local networks of RUE "Beltelecom" including replacement of the analogue equipment was carried out along with installation of user's capacity.

Capacity of digital long-distance/international stations, transit knots, ports of connecting lines.

In connection with increase of the load caused by expansion of number capacity of urban and village telephone networks, development of highway and zone networks, a network of operators of cellular mobile telecommunication and Internet services a necessity of expansion of port capacity of Automatic Long-Distance stations arose. Following 2008 expansion of port and channel capacity nodes of outgoing/incoming messages as well as support-transit station of the republic, the indicator of capacity of digital long-distance/international stations, transit knots, ports of connecting lines has made 77432.

Building of Fiber-Optic Communication Lines (FOCL).It is constructed and placed in operation more than 3 thousand in km of

fiber-optical communication lines. Thus long-distance FOCL and FOCL to radio transmission stations have a length of more than 600 km, to agrosmall towns - more than 1300 km, to local network of village telephone networks and urban telephone networks - more than 1000 km. On the main network the optical capacity and reliability are increased because of possibility of reserve approaches by FOCL to regional long-distance stations have been made. More than 130 km of FOCL to new radio transmission stations were constructed.

Creation of networks of wireless access with the use of the equipment of standard WiMAX.

According to the decision of the State Commission of Radio Frequenciy Resourses strips of radio frequencies have been allocated to RUE "Beltelecom" for operation in the territory of the Republic of Belarus of radio-electronic facilities of wireless broadband access. The business plan of building of network WiMAX was prepared and confirmed by RUE "Beltelecom". The beginning of building of network WiMAX is planned for 2009.

3 Innovation projects were carried out by RUE «Belarus Republican Radio and Television Broadcasting Centre».

The organization of an on-air broadcasting with the use of the transmitters produced by the newest digital technologies.

In 2008 installation of digital television transmitters by capacity of 1,0 kw in Gomel and Brest for the purpose of broadcasting of the digital channels has been made: «The First Channel», «СapitalTV», "Harmony", "NtV-Belarus", "RtR-Belarus", «Belarusian National Television».

Building of new radio television stationsIn 2008 to increase the number of broadcast TV and radio programs in the

territory of the Republic of Belarus unattended radio transmission station was put in operation in settlement Zaschebya of Rechitsky area of the Gomel region.It is prepared for commissioning unattended radio transmission station in settlement Luki of Korelichsky area of the Grodno region.

For the purpose of reduction in power consumption and material costs during creation of television broadcasting station with higher qualitative parametres the project organisation produced with the use of the newest digital technologies has been realized.

The given transmitters have appeared more energy efficient. Such transmitters are produced using solid-state elements with the up-to-the-minute digital technologies and provide high quality of an announcement.

8 Innovation projects were carried out by the OJSC "Giprosvyaz".It is provided realization of some projects aimed at equipping of test

laboratories with the equipment of communication which correspond to parametres of regulations.

The purpose of projects was to create workplaces allowing to carry out tests of the equipment of broadband access, the equipment of networks VoIP, IP, the equipment of reception, transfer and formation of signals of digital TV and broadcasting, the equipment of systems of cellular communication of the second and third generations and the equipment of multiservice networks of telecommunication during performance certification, operational and commissioning works.

The hardware-software complex for researches and measurement of parameters of the equipment of broadband access xDSL was placed in operation in the second quarter 2008.

The hardware-software complex for researches and analyze of protocol of equipment of VoIP and Ip network was placed in operation in the fourth quarter 2008.

The universal laboratory complex for test of the equipment and services NGN was placed in operation in the second quarter 2009

The hardware-software complex for researches and measurement of parametres of the equipment of television cable distributive networks was placed in operation in the third quarter 2007

The hardware-software complex for researches and measurement of parametres of the equipment of reception, transfer and formation of signals of digital TV and broadcasting was placed in operation in the fourth quarter 2008.

The hardware-software complex for researches and measurement of parametres of radio equipment of 2G and 3G generation was placed in operation in the fourth quarter 2008

In 2008 the work on creation of the automated control system of use of radio-frequency spectrum (ACS RFS) was continued by RUE "BelGiE".

Automated control system RFS is constructed on the basis of modern technological platforms, topology and architecture of information systems. It will provide high degree of automation, speed, safety, reliability, integrity and safety of the information.

Open Joint Stock Copmany "Promsvyaz" during 2007-2008 have carried out 5 projects, including 4 finished projects in 2008.

It is developed, introduced in manufacture and sertified the switchboard of telephone lines (KLF-FM).

Innovation activity of "Promsvyaz" is directed on enterprise Modernization.

Projects of Modernization of manufacture of printed-circuit boards with introduction of coating on copper for the purpose of manufacturing of printed-circuit boards of 4-5 classes of accuracy are realized.

Modernization of machine-assembling and assembly manufacture for the purpose of automation of technological processes and labour productivity improvement is realized too.

Modernization of technological preparation of manufacture by introduction of a complex of facilities for automation.

Modernization of designing of details and assembly units of products by introduction of system of the automated designing

2 organizations without departmental subordination (Scientific Technical Company Limited "Svyazinformservis" and Joint Limited Liability Enterprise "Belcel") within the limits of performance of the Government program successfully realize Innovation projects.

Scientific Technical Company Limited "Svyazinformservis" realizes the project «Creation of the enterprise for manufacture of the telecommunication equipment for fixed and a mobile communication».

Scientific Technical Company Limited "Svyazinformservis" bought the highly technological equipment at own expense, organize the line of smd-installation of radioelements and create the legal body for the subsequent adjustment of manufacture of the telecommunication equipment for fixed and a mobile communication. The labour and industrial structure of the enterprise is generated. Production facilities operate at full load.

Joint Limited Liability Enterprise "Belcel" realizes the project «Introduction of technology of high-speed data transmission (EV-DO)

On 1/1/2009 78 base stations with service EV-DO have been established. Service is accessible in Minsk and Minsk area, in all regional centres, in Soligorsk, Zhodino, Borisov, Polotsk, Novopolotsk, Smolevichi, Mozyr, Baranovichi, Bobruisk, the Lead, Dzerzhinsk, Orsha, Molodechno, Retchitsa, Logojsk, Kobrin.The quantity of subscribers on the end of 2008 has made more than 4,5 thousand.

In 2008 pre-production operation and acceptance tests of the republic-wide database for information interchange between state structures and other state organizations were finished. Results will be used for the further optimisation of work for delivery of inquiries and other documents on a basis of the principle ”one window“ of the Government program «Electronic Belarus».