Initium Issue 1


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March 2015

Vol 1, Issue 1

“A trophy carries dust. Memories last forever.” – Mary Lou Retton

National School Of Business experienced the same memory by organiz-ing the three days’ Sports events for its students of Master of Business Administration from 26th – 28th of February 2015. Its objective was to develop in the students a sporting spirit, a venue to display their physi-cal prowess and gain hands on experience of organizing a sports day in future. The day was scheduled to begin at 8:30am at the VET college ground. All required arrangements were made there by our faculties Mr.Mouli, Mr.Sreeranjan Menon & Mr.Vinay Rao. The inauguration commenced at 9:30 am with an inspiring & influen-tial speech by our college President Mr. Sridhar Murthy. This was fol-lowed by the parade & oath-taking ceremony performed by the students & faculties. The judges for the day were eminent and experienced sports referees Mr.Sreeranjan Menon & Mr.Mouli. They guided all the sports events of the day with their fair and unbiased judgment. They patiently explained the rules of the games scheduled and graced the sports day with their expertise. Students were also very cooperative throughout the events to make it successful. On the very first day, the sports events kicked off with an 800m race for the students of the National School of business. After this exciting start the various events lined up for the day quickly progressed; 100m, 200m and 400m race for both boys and girls was organized, followed by shot put and discus throws for both boys and girls. Volley ball for boys was followed by the last energetic and most cheered cricket matches. Same enthusiasm & excitement continued to the next day with the events like Badminton for boys and girls, final match of Cricket & the most eagerly awaited Football match. The last day comprised of indoor games like Chess & Carrom, held in the NSB campus. However, the winners will be awarded on the Annual Day. It was an exciting event for the students of National School of Business and the last day was filled with lots of nostalgic memories of the event-ful day. It highlighted the importance of sports and a sporting spirit to these future professionals.


Sports Day Bonanza ................ 1

Astra 2015 ................................ 2

Reminiscence of Sem 1 ............ 3

Industrial Visit ........................ 5

Industrial Visit ........................ 6

To be or not to be? ................... 7


Arise and shine, with the early sun rise were players entering the VET grounds

in order to achieve, concur and encourage . A man with a mission—Sreeranjan

Menon Sir has created a platform for the students to showcase their talent out-

side the four walls of the class. There was always a God's hand in all activities we

did—that's none other than our Sridhara Murthy Sir and few others who were

always a helping hand in all aspects were Avinash Rao Sir and Vinay Rao Sir.

It was hot and coruscating in Bangalore . In spite of this, all our worriers were

gone and we were ready for the sporting events. The day couldn't have had

a better start than the vivacious speech by our President and call for oath by our

Vinay Rao sir. Then, we had our first event of the day that's boys 800m. It was a

task and we could see various ebullient and spirited athletes of NSB. ―An athlete

cannot run with money in his pockets. He must run with hope in his heart and

dreams in his head.”– Emil Zatopek. There were many athletes selected for

the finals on the next day. Women are always competing neck to neck with the

men and there were girls who came out to portray their athletic skills.

"I hate losing and cricket being my first love, once I enter the ground it's a dif-

ferent zone altogether and that hunger for winning is always there." Sachin


Every Indian loves cricket and he worships it in his own form, and here today in

Astra also it was the same scenario as most awaited event of the day, it had to be

because it was a breath taking match between Dictators and agnee, the Dictators

had given a challenging total to Agnee and Agnee's wicket fell faster too but

there was a man—Swarandeep who fought for his team until they saw the glory

of victory.

There were some more gumptious events like shot put and discus throw which

tested the strength and skill of individuals .

The day two was also awe-inspiring, the athletes sparked the day with their high

holding spirit that charged everyone who were witnessing them. slowly the tem-

perature rose and so as the heat of cricket begun between Agnee and Spartans11

which ended with a tragic draw which lead to a prodigious victory by Spartans11

which in turn now meet the Indianz at the finals. It was a skirmish performance

between the senior team (Indianz) and the junior team(Spartans11) paved a dra-

matic end summonsing the Spartans11 victorious.

"To me, football is so much about mental toughness, it's digging deep, it's doing

whatever you need to do to help a team win and that comes in a lot of shapes

and forms."-Tom Brady

Football is a sport where your complete body is in ceaseless work out. Encounter

was between Mandanna's team and Govardhan's team which had a great effer-

vescence in pounding a 2-0 victory over Mandanna's team.

Badminton was also conducted for both girls and boys and their professional

skills made it seem like an effortless game.

Everything that starts has to end and this being the last sports meet with our

seniors it was a honor to play with them, a gratitude to the volunteers, staff,

players, commentators, to each individual who has made this event a great suc-

cess. At last but not the least, the audience without whom nothing would be pos-

sible thank you for your support.

This is Govardhan signing off from ASTRA-2015, until next time keep practic-

ing!! 2

ASTRA 2015... By Govardhan

“We plant a seed, nurture it and it grows into a tree. Its leaves wither away with time but they make way for new leaves to grow and take their place. Change is the only permanent thing in our lives”

Once the orientation ended, we started settling into our regular academic routine. It wasn’t long before

Ganesh Chaturthi was upon us, providing a wonderful platform for the juniors and seniors to share the

stage, and celebrate the festival together as one, big, happy family. Of course, our learning also continued

smoothly and was never compromised on despite all these extracurricular activities.

Up next, we had the much awaited Fresher’s Party. Far from being the usual old ―seniors welcoming jun-

iors‖ ceremony, it was an event where we could sit back, relax and enjoy what the seniors had planned in

store for us. We were in for quite a few surprises that evening, with the awards, and the impromptu fash-

ion show – which was the highlight of the evening. The evening ended with a wonderful dinner, followed

by a long photo session.

We had another opportunity to go on a trek – this time, it was to Shivaganga, and it was a one day trek.

Apart from the breathtaking view, those who did embark on the trek will recall the mini war we waged with

the monkeys, who took away almost all of our possessions. At the end of the day, it was Sreeranjan Sir who

emerged the hero, after successfully recovering a bag that a monkey had flung to the edge of a very precari-

ous cliff!!

Apart from these events, Saturdays were filled with guest lectures by eminent personalities from different

disciplines in management. Other than this, we also had our first Movie Club activity – screening of the

movie Forrest Gump, a movie that we all enjoyed.

There on, our exams were fast approaching, and we got busy with our preparations. We were also rehears-

ing for the final event of the semester – Convocation Day. However, nothing could have prepared us for

what happened next. The sad demise of our beloved Bhat Sir.

Here is a tribute to the great man, penned by Laveena and Sanchari:

―We plant a seed, nurture it and it grows into a tree. Its leaves wither away with time but they make way

for new leaves to grow and take their place. Change is the only permanent thing in our lives.

REMINISCENCE OF SEMESTER 1… By Laveena, Sanchari, Divya

Today, we can say that

a lot has changed since

we first set foot in

NSB. On the first day,

we were pumped with

excitement, and full of

expectations on what

was going to be in

store for us. Each of us

came from completely

diverse backgrounds,

and we were waiting

for an opportunity to

showcase what we

knew. And, at NSB, we got more

than one opportunity to showcase

all these skills.

It all began with the orientation

program, a wonderfully well-

planned and executed program,

which pushed us out of our com-

fort zone and made us discover

ourselves. It was packed with in-

teresting lectures, trips and the

highlight – The Ramanagara trek

– memories that we will carry

with us forever.


When we lose someone, their traces linger on in our lives. Very seldom in

our life it happens that we come across someone who is simple, pragmat-

ic, knowledgeable, resilient and strong hearted. All of this and many

things more, was our honorable Director; Professor K.S.N Bhat. It’s very

hard to believe that he is no more with us but his words, his wisdom stays

with us to be inspired from.

We all have had our experiences of all kinds of teachers and professors

but Bhat Sir was a level apart. I am sure in no other college would you

find the Director in his cabin late after everyone else had left. Always

punctual and always ready to help you out with anything that he possibly

could. It was quite a shock for everyone on 17th November 2014 when we

came to know that Bhat Sir had left for his heavenly abode. Someone

once said ―Nothing hits harder than reality‖. It is a big loss for each one

of us and he shall be dearly missed. I am certain everyone who has had

the opportunity to interact with him, feels privileged. He had a pure heart

and soul and that was reflected in the aura of divinity that he had around


I am sure you are still looking down upon us as you always did and we

shall always look up to you like always because no one could really fill the

void that you left here. You will be missed Sir.‖

Nevertheless as the saying goes the show must go on. And then our se-

mester exams approached bringing with it late night studies, midnight

snacks and lots of coffee! All in all the first semester was full of excite-

ment, lots of energy and passion. The first semester also saw the addition

of a new member to the NSB family i.e. Initium our newsletter. Here’s to

the commencement of a new semester with more zeal and enthusiasm.


Tribute to Bhat Sir – Divya N

―Professor K.S.N Bhat meant many things to many people: To some, he was a well-respected colleague. To others, he was a beloved guide, men-tor and a teacher. Beyond class-rooms, he was a fatherly figure that every student looked up to. This is an account of my personal experi-ence with the great man.

It was one of those days, where the unpredictable Bangalore weather had resulted in a never-ending even-ing rain. It was 7 pm when I walked out of college, clutching my umbrel-la. As I plodded along the streets, I was shocked to see our Director, Bhat Sir, taking shelter from the rain under the sunshade of a shop. He was drenched and the rain had caught him unawares. He said he had been there for almost 45 minutes.

I immediately offered him my um-brella, and together; we walked back towards college. During those 15 minutes that I spent with him, we spoke about several things. Right from family, our respective hometowns to the dreaded BNA sessions… we discussed it all.

On reaching the college, as I turned to walk away, he offered to drop me to the hostel. And I willingly climbed into the warmth of his car. He thanked me profusely and was so grateful that he even invited me home for lunch with his family.

Since then, each time I met him at the college, he would spend at least 5 minutes talking to me, no matter how busy he was. I was simply touched by the simplicity and humil-ity he displayed. I had never thought that someone in such a high position would interact so freely and so hon-estly with a student. The very genu-ineness in his actions and the amount of respect that he gave to every student is something that we will never forget.

Dearly missed by all, be it his BNA sessions, his thought provoking lec-tures, his hearty laughter, or his words of wisdom, Professor K.S.N Bhat will live on in NSB through the memories that each and every one of us carry.‖


Caption describing picture or graphic


On 7/2/2015, National School of Busi-

ness arranged an Industrial Visit to SAMYUKTA

KARNATAKA; one of the oldest newspapers in

state and stands for Gandhian ideals. It was in-

corporated in the year 1956 with the aim to em-

power and enlighten public with pure news and

information. This newspaper is run by a Public


On reaching the building, we could im-

mediately gauge that this newspaper office had

a sense of history all around it. We were wel-

comed into the board room where we were of-

fered snacks. Every official present there gave us

a sense of the history of the newspaper. A very

notable point was that since it is run by a trust,

they do not seek to achieve profit. Their goal is

to ensure that the news reached to people.

After the introduction, we were taken

around the office to watch how the news is gen-

erated and how efficiently the work is divided

amongst the employees. We were also told that

there would be multiple editions of paper in a

day. Next, we were shown how the software

NEWSXPRESS works and how the design and

alignment were monitored with help of this sin-

gle software.

Finally, we were taken to the printing

section where we could get the practical picture

of the machinery used. That’s when the impact

of entire process hit us .We were also shown a

demo, where every stage of the process was ex-

plained in detail by the co-ordinator. With this,

our trip concluded with a group photo session.


Industrial visits are very important especially if

you are an MBA grad. We recently had this won-

derful opportunity to visit the TVS manufactur-

ing unit in Hosur, Tamil Nadu . It was an amaz-

ing experience for all of us and we were all ac-

companied by our esteemed professors Vinay

Sir and Sreeranjan Sir along with our proactive

President Sridhar Sir who added value to the

visit. After a sumptuous lunch and a trivial issue

of not allowing a Karnataka vehicle to enter

Tamil Nadu we all got down in front of the facil-

ity. It was built over an enormous piece of land.

We had to go through some protocols before we

could enter. We were briefed a bit about TVS

before our entry and girls were all given aprons

to be worn inside the premises. Our strength

was about 50 so were divided into two groups

led by two different staff members of the facili-

ty. Our group was guided by Mr. Rajesh who

had been working there since the past 8.5 years.

We were given a complete detailed tour of one

of the three plants that they have and we gained

a lot of knowledge on the workings of an auto-

mobile manufacturing unit. Sreeranjan Sir gave

us inputs on operation management so we could

understand it better. Starting from the assem-

bling to the processing to the finishing, we saw

it all and thanks to the immense knowledge that

Mr Rajesh possessed which made it simpler for

us to understand. It was truly an enriching ex-

perience for all of us who are being prepared for

the world outside. I, on behalf of all the students

would like to thank NSB for giving us this abso-

lutely fantastic opportunity that has helped us

and made us all a little more prepared for the




To be or not to be?? … By Sanchari

He had a very simple yet very meaningful thing to say which

brought it down to three simple words ―Work Is Life.‖ That made

so much sense.

Choosing a specialisation does not just pertain to us learning spe-

cific subjects but it also defines how our work life would be like

and if what we do isn’t to our liking then it pretty much annuls the

fact that we in fact chose that ―specialisation‖. Prof. Sridhar ad-

vised us to be very simple minded whilst making this decision i.e.

ask yourself ―What do you enjoy doing? Are you a chatterbox and

like being around people or do crunching numbers excite you or

do you prefer to be an administrator or a problem solver?‖ These

basic questions make you ponder and then you have your answer

in the blink of an eye.

This works for the most of us. Few of us need to do a bit of retro-

spection and go deeper in order to make this choice. Analysing

your personality is one way to go about it. At the end of it no mat-

ter how gigantic this may seem, to define its core I’d like to use a

phrase ―Do what you love and love what you do‖ and it will be a

cakewalk. Cheers to us ―specialists‖!

Editorial Team

Anoop Pai

Divya Nandakumar

Govardhan M

Laveena Chauhan

Sanchari Mukopadhyay

Chief Editor: Prof. Vinay Rao

Life is all about making choices and coming to the right decision. In fact management teaches us a lot

about decision making but then it is easier said than done. The most crucial part of MBA is choosing a spe-

cialisation because that is the decision that sets the base for our career and unfortunately this is the most

common dilemma faced by students. When the time comes to make a choice all hell breaks loose. The

most common choice of specializations offered by any B-School are Finance, Human Resources and Mar-

keting and it is the same for our college as well.

Very recently we all were asked to fill out forms for our specializations and we had our esteemed President

Prof. Sridhar address to this issue to make our decision simpler.

