Initiative Group Horizon Astronomy in the Ruhr Area Volkssternwarte und Planetarium Recklinghausen...


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  • Slide 1

Initiative Group Horizon Astronomy in the Ruhr Area Volkssternwarte und Planetarium Recklinghausen Public Observatory and Planetarium Recklinghausen Initiativkreis Horizontastronomie im Ruhrgebiet Slide 2 Idea VLT Cerro Paranal Stonehenge Silbury Hill Chichn Itz Caracl Tenochtitln Templo Mayor Templo Quetzalcoatl Slide 3 Modern Design re-naturated artificial hill coal mining heap excavation residues highest point in the Ruhr area (170 m) Slide 4 Location Ruhr Emscher Rhein Latitude: 5134 N Longitude: 710 E Slide 5 Site free sight on 360 mathematical horizon only affected by a few chimneys heap is still in use shape can be modified to needs Slide 6 The Observatory diameter of plateau 100 m diameter of arcs 50 m Slide 7 High Elevation Observations apparent size of the moon siderial clock (Polaris) Slide 8 Daytime Observations sun dial summer solstice line (h=62)winter solstice line (h=15) line of equinoxsolar extremes lunar extremes Slide 9 Horizon Observations Slide 10 Slide 11 Slide 12 precession measurement with Leo (Denebola) verification within 10 years Slide 13 Horizon Observations azimuthal shift of 5 in 10 years Slide 14 Scientific Education Park serving many different scientific disciplines biology botany ornithology astronomy geology unusual micro-climate typical for renaturated heaps Old machine halls can be used for exhibitions and seminars. Slide 15 First realisation obelisk (Emperor Augustus) usage manifold local sun clock Indian circles (Hindu circles) analemma Slide 16 The Synthesis
