Initial Learning Plan for IT 5160



This is the Initial Learning Plan by Media Insights, a made-up company for an ILT class at CU Denver

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Team Members:Bethany Brown

Beth SlabodaJenn Olson

Will Probeck

July 10, 2009


Initial Proposed Solution:Business Ethics Training for Health Care Cooperative

Team Agreement


1. Purpose of teams: Our role is to work together to complete the tasks given. We will learn from each other and guide one another through this unique learning process.

2. Individual learning goals vs. team requirements: We are each responsible for our own learning goals. However, as this course is wholly a team experience, we recognize that any effort we put in as individuals effects the success of other team members. In our attempt to put our best efforts forth as a team, we will also be addressing our own unique learning goals.

3. Project leadership: Our team will rotate leadership based on tasks, interests and skills. We will unanimously agree on who will lead at the beginning of projects and assignments. Will Probeck will serve as primary correspondent with the client and Beth Slaboda will serve as alternate correspondent. In the case of this project, the leader for each piece of the project will be responsible for collecting and compiling work from all other parties. The leader will coordinate directly with such parties.

4. Independent and/or collaborative work: A 'leader' will be assigned for each aspect of the project. All members of the team will provide some contribution to these aspects, however the leader will be responsible for pulling everything together. We will continue to collaborate in Buzzword whenever possible so that consistency can be reached.

5. Weekly communication patterns and format: We will communicate via, Skype, and email. We will hold weekly meetings via Skype to be held on Tuesdays at 8PM MT. We will also create a journal document (blog) in Buzzword and have a dated progression of our project and discussions so we are on the same page as we progress throughout the weeks.

6. Workload: Workload will be equal parts each week to the extent of accommodating external schedules. We will rotate responsibility for major deliverables.

Team Agreement (Cont’d)


7. Review and feedback: We will regularly give each other needed feedback in our team meetings and through our other communication methods. Feedback will be regarding individual and team goals and responsibilities. We agree to be thoughtful and constructive in our feedback as well as receptive to the feedback of others.

8. Addressing problems: We will communicate any special circumstances as they come up to each other and work around things as best we can. We all agree that communication is essential because life “happens.” We will work to support each other in the challenges that arise.

9. Commitment to quality: We agree to perform each task to the best of our ability and use our strengths as a team to help each other reach the full potential of this course.

10. Evaluating process: We will discuss progress in weekly team meetings and adjust future plans accordingly.

11. How, when, and why to ask for mediation: We will ask for mediation if a team member is not responding to communication and is not participating. We will work to resolve issues 'in team', however if no communication is happening, there needs to be external mediation.

12. Other relevant information or agreements, as required. N/A

Corporate Identification


We at Media Insights look for the most creative, innovative and cost-effective training solutions to all of our course designs. Our expertise allows us to bypass many of the learning obstacles other companies face due to our experience using affordable and innovative media.

We have the experience to meet your training needs in a timely and professional manner. Not only can Media Insights develop complex blended learning solutions, we can create virtual learning platforms to hold learning experiences for all of your satellite offices anywhere in the world.

Key Personnel


Bethany Brown


I am the eLearning Systems Manager at Media Insights. I administer fully online and blended programs as well as one-off professional business training solutions. I manage the Course Designers and Course Developers that build all of the online and blended courses and set and maintain standards of instructional design quality and consistency within Media Insight's learning management system (LMS) and web-based training (WBT). I have proven success with tailoring courses and training to the clients’ specific needs.

I have extensive online education/training experience, especially course building and instructional design. I also have project management experience in setting up online programs. Technology Skills: Microsoft Office Suite, Adobe Studio CS3, Respondus, Captivate, Audacity, Jing, ShortKeys, Skype, Buzzword, wikis, blogs and podcasting. Skilled in HTML, JavaScript, ASP and CSS coding. SCORM and ADA compliance. Nine years of experience on the eCollege Learning Management System. Also experienced with WebCT, Blackboard and Moodle LMS.

Beth Slaboda (alternative spokesperson)S


I am the eLearning Communications Specialist at Media Insights. I work with the developers and designers to create effective training programs that incorporate opportunities for communication and collaboration. I have used many web 2.0 collaborative tools as facets of different training programs such as Buzzword, Wepaint, VoiceThread,, and many more. My responsibilities in this project would be oversight of the incorporation of effective collaborative opportunities in these training environments.

With a background in K12 teaching, I have participated in my share of effective and ineffective training programs.  I believe that the key to a great training program is knowing not only what works, but also what doesn't work. I also bring the knowledge that, even as adults, we all learn differently and perhaps a traditional approach may not work for everyone or even the majority of learners.


I am the lead software developer for Media Insights. With over 6 years of programming experience. I enjoy making your elearning site more engaging and interactive for your audience by using current software technology and trends. I work as a high school teacher and on the weekends I develop web courses for fellow teachers and for various companies. I have found that people want to hire me for my educational insight, but after working with me for awhile they find they get the added bonus of working with a highly skilled computer programmer.

I have a software engineering degree and as I work with others I see things from a different angle. I often see how everyday mundane tasks can be automated to make ones job easier and more efficient. Often people do not realize how various tasks could be automated so they are surprised and appreciative when I simplify their job and shorten their work day.  I have worked extensively with relational databases. If you have information which needs to be stored for easy retrieval, updated or manipulated in anyway I can make it happen.

Will Probeck (primary spokesperson) S


I am the elearning innovations manager at Media Insights where I research and test new web 2.0 technologies to improve user interactivity in online learning courses as well as face-to-face (F2F) seminars. My innovative and cost-saving educational and training projects have been recognized in numerous organizations for their creative and effective use of technologies. I have improved the quality of education in all of the following varied industries: data storage; aviation; military; telecommunications; medical associations; research and development; and commercial landscaping.

I have over 20 years as a senior multi-media instructional designer producing innovative Computer-based Training (CBTs), Web-based Training (WBT's) training courses and most recently developed cost-saving programs using virtual world platforms. I also have been chosen to speak at the Bring Your Own Laptop (BYOL) elearning 2009 Conference in Salt Lake, UT on virtual world platforms and web 2.0 technologies that really work.

Health Care Cooperative needs a cost-effective training program that provides ethics training to senior and mid level managers at each of their eight locations throughout the US.

This training will focus on two main areas. The first area of emphasis will be employee personal conduct, which includes promoting a positive work environment, and respecting others in the work place. The second area of emphasis will be appropriate use of company assets. Due to rising costs, the company is looking to have a training program that would not only serve in place of the training sessions at the annual meeting, but also an adjustable training program that could be modified in the future for other training needs. Health Care Coorperative is looking to provide training programs that will be as effective or more effective than the current training programs that occur face-to-face and offer cutting edge presentations and the ability to have peer collaboration. In our learning plan, we plan to incorporate both dynamic presentations with ample opportunities for peer collaboration.

Analysis of Training ProblemMEDIA INSIGHTS

Relevant Background Information


As qualified web course designers/developers we at Media Insights believe we have the ability to meet these needs with a cost effective user friendly program design incorporating web 2.0 technologies. We have designed numerous web-based courses and face to face (F2F) seminars for other small businesses, healthcare associations and even for various school districts to meet the rising need for character and ethics training.

Through our experience we have found that many employees mistakenly think that actions such as lying, cheating and stealing are not wrong or illegal. Somehow taking office supplies from work is not the same as shoplifting from a store.

We at Media Insights have built elearning courses that address these ethical problems. Educators and Business Executives alike have been very pleased with our products, they say that their students or employees often comment "I just never thought of that as wrong." With our real life scenarios people relate to the situations we portray and see how behavior that some see as acceptable is actually dishonest and often times, illegal. Once they make this distinction most have the desire to change their behavior. We have found that most people really do want to "Do the Right Thing" they are just unclear on what the right thing is.

Proposed Work Tasks


1. Pre assessment surveys to determine how much the employees already understand

2. Create 5-6 questions as a formative evaluation to send out to a select audience base prior to development

3. Pre and Post tests to evaluate the employees understanding of ethical problems

4. Scenarios (see below for more details)

5. Collaboration to solve hypothetical ethical disputes

6. Case Studies (see below for more details)

Bidder’s Plan


Each office may have their own particular needs when it comes to character and ethics training. Media Insights will be conducting online surveys for individual offices and for the overall corporation.

These surveys will determine the overall group understanding of what is considered ethical or unethical in a business setting. Once we determine where people are in their knowledge of right and wrong we will be able to streamline our training accordingly (formative evaluation).

We will not assume that employees have a basic understanding of ethics we will determine what their understanding is and then work from there

Target Learner Profile and Plan


1. Once the employees have completed the program they will know and be able to articulate the difference between ethical and unethical actions.

2. They will know and be able to demonstrate the steps to take to create ethical solutions to problems that may arise.

Proposed Technical Solution


1. Learning solution hardware and software baseline requirements 2. Post-implementation training support 3. Courseware integration, testing and deployment 4. Other operational support as required

• Present a "real life" scenario of the problem/issue • Facilitator presents options for the "real life" scenario • Options are discussed via voice thread • Facilitator presents some solutions • Discussion of solutions are discussed by all participants• At the end of each scenario, quiz student on comprehension of ethical situations• Content on ethical approaches to problem/issue is presented

Scenarios & Case Studies


• Facilitator presents scenarios via a podcast or in voice thread, for example:

Effective Decision Making


Q & A

