Informant 2008-11


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THE INFORMANTVol. 10 No. 6 November 2008

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Round Rock Citizen Police Academy Alumni Association10th Anniversary

By: Officer Eric Poteet

(Author’s note: This is my chance to say what I want to say, in the way I want to say it. It is mostly extemporaneous, and only slightly edited. Your patient indulgence is appreciated!)

For all that police officers are, and for what they are not, it can be truthfully said that cops canbe the most critical, opinionated group of any professional demographic. Much of this stemsfrom the dichotomous facts that police work can be very complicated and situationally

hyperdynamic, unpredictable to the nanosecond and complex in the extreme. Officers oftenmust examine, assess, decide and act very quickly, apply all of their experience and trainingand volumes of statutes, policies and procedures….before they even arrive at the scene.However, all considered, cops tend to see the world in very simple terms with simple answersto every question…and traditionally, cops hate to be questioned. The world’s palette is filledwith almost infinite shades of grey, yet many in this profession think in absolute black andwhite…which, coincidence or not, is also the traditional police-car color scheme.

In this type of professional environment, where the smallest mistake can have grave, evenlife-or-death repercussions, a common gripe concerns the fact or belief that most of the publicdoesn’t understand why we do what we do. Until just a few years ago, police departments did

nothing to educate the public about police work, much less establish a formal mechanism thatwould open a door into what was once a very closed-society. More and more departmentsare realizing what we realized long ago: “community policing” is nothing new, and it is not acatchphrase of the month unless one fails to see it for what it is.

Police officers are part of the community, and vice-versa. One doesn’t succeed without theother, and Round Rock has succeeded in ways that other departments can only dreamof…but we didn’t do it alone.

About ten years ago, a small group of residents attended the first Round Rock PoliceDepartment Citizen Police Academy. That first group, the Magnificent Seven, would become

as much a part of this department as any other member. What they learned from us was atleast as important as what we learned from them.

Far beyond tempting our individual diet-discipline with a regular supply of home-bakedgoodies, The Seven would later amass hundreds of hours volunteering for every type of taskto which we could assign them, inspiring and encouraging hundreds of other residents toattend subsequent academies over the next decade, many of whom also found a kinship withus that endures far beyond the academy graduation ceremonies.

Though citizen academies tend to attract people who already have an interest in our work, itis those who carry a fair amount of suspicion and skepticism about police who we need to

reach the most. Many of us have instructed a subject or two during various academies and

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may remember some of those people…the unlikely ones who would become our supporters,

if not vocal advocates.Shortly after a Grand Jury no-billed our officers in a certain well-publicized incident, oneresident burned up our phone lines demanding to talk to somebody about his perception ofhow we mishandled every aspect of the incident…and to say the least, he was unhappyabout it. I assumed the responsibility, but dreaded having to meet with this angryman….even outlining a couple of contingency strategies in case the meeting took anynumber of wrong turns.

Nevertheless, I would spend two full hours visiting with him about the incident and otherrelated issues. Those two hours were well-spent, to say the least. Like so many others, hisperceptions were formed and influenced by all the wrong sources…but unlike many others,he knew that he didn’t have all the facts nor did he assume that he knew everything aboutwhy and how we do what we do. He sought either enlightenment or validation, but got both.

Nothing serves as a better example of how important it is that we make every effort toeducate the public about our work, and invite them into our world wherever possible. OurCPA Alumni Association makes our jobs so much easier, in ways that go far beyond thecountless hours they give to help us however they can. They serve as members of everyRRPD unit and division, lending support to every function, all the while acting as a diplomaticcorps of sorts. They have an unusual niche; they are members of the police family, yet theylive and work in the civilian world…but there should be no doubt that their badges of honor – or honorary badges, however you care to see it- are always with them.

The Magnificent Seven, of their own continuous will and volition, kept our citizen academyfrom stagnating into mediocrity as has happened to so many others’ programs. They haveestablished themselves as a force multiplier, and earned unprecedented distinction just asthis department as a whole has earned distinction. CPA Alumni Association functions havebeen attended by a lengthy list of dignitaries, distinguished guests and keynote speakers; alist surpassed only by the longer list of community functions, programs and efforts to whichthey have given their time, dedication, and much more.

As the CPA Alumni Association celebrates its 10 th anniversary, I hope each of us will take amoment to let them know how much we appreciate them and what they do for us. Many ofour officers may not know much about the CPAAA’s history, but there are even more of uswho can fill the day with stories and reflections of their role in our family and the things theyhave done on our behalf.

Personally, the best memories are of the many times that one of the Magnificent Sevenoccupied the passenger seat of my patrol car. As each gained more shotgun-time, the“Rider’s Curse” (when absolutely nothing exciting happens) would disappear…and then thefun really started.

That’s what it’s all about, at least to me. When you stop and reflect on 10+ years as a RoundRock officer, and find that some of the best memories include a CPAAA member….it kinda

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says something about them. The Alumni Association has grown to include many more

wonderful folks, but this group –the charter members, the Magnificent Seven- started it all.Thank you for all that you do for us. I hope we will all be around to celebrate your 20 th anniversary.

Eric Poteet

The “Magnificent Seven”:Debbie Bruce-Juhlke Dana Goggin Mike GogginEdie Heuss Walter Klingemann Sheila OffuttLinda Zamarripa

Reflections on the Past 10 Years

From Linda Zamarripa

WOW, 10 years? I guess we can call ourselves the RR 7. We've learned a lot and have made someexcellent friendships that have continued the entire 10 years and will continue on. We've establishedfriendships with each other as well as with RRPD. We've seen lots of good times such as ridingaround in the back of Randy Snow's pickup truck one rainy and cold December night to review Grinchprocedures. It was then followed by taking a trip to the rooftop of Kohl's. I think we all remember that

night every time we see Kohl's! Charles Wadley was also with us. We've managed to keep fromtossing our lunch during ride outs as well as show that we can show up at 5AM for Briefing forWarrant Round Ups. We also got to witness the magical evening of Y2K....when the world did notend but we had lots of fun waiting in case it did. We also proved that cash registers at Wal Mart arenot designed for unlimited spending - we remember the Blue Santa Shopping Sprees. Of course thatalso proved just how fast we can shop, bag and load up all the bags! Everybody else shopping at WalMart looked at us in amazement.

We also saw how the copier could be used for more than just copying official paperwork. Ha ha! Alsowith the SFST Trainings, we swore to secrecy the conditions of our fellow volunteers who agreed totake it for the team and drink up. We probably could have made quite a bit of hush money but we did

the right thing and looked out for each other :) We watched gray uniforms turn blue. We've stoodwith PD staff in both good times and sad times such as the passing of Bobby Arrington and Chuck Burt. I also think we've done a good job of proving that Chocolate Fairies really do exist.

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The first in a very long line of projects that the Alumni Association participated in was Public SafetyDay in November of 1998. We helped cook and distribute hot dogs and introduced ourselves to thecitizens of Round Rock. Since that time, we have participated in almost 90 different projects thatsupport the PD and the citizens of Round Rock. From A.W. Grimes Law Enforcement Award to Y2K,members have donated their time. The list of projects below illustrates the variety of events that theAlumni Association has supported.

1. A.W. Grimes Blvd – Supported proposal to rename Arterial B to A.W. Grimes Blvd.2. A.W. Grimes Law Enforcement Award3. Alumni Bulletin Boards to keep RRPD informed of our projects4. Alzheimer’s Project Safe Return – Registered citizens5. Animal Control – Provide data entry for pet registrations.6. Babin Benefit Car Wash – Worked with PD personnel & Explorers to raise money7. Benches for PD – Worked with POA to assemble new outside benches.8. Bobby Arrington Work Day - Helped PD personnel organize Bobby’s workshop.9. Booth at Lowe’s Grand Opening – Provided PD brochures and information.

10. B-Pad Training – Attended training to help evaluate officer applicant tests.11. Chief Conner Farwell Party - Assisted with refreshments12. Community Policing Forum -- Manned phones for public information.13. Community Survey Calls – Made phone calls to citizens that had contact with officers.14. Cops & Lobsters Special Olympics Fundraiser - Supported officers’ fundraising project15. Dell Computer Health & Safety Fair – Information booth & Child ID cards.16. EL Amistad Security – Helped with Security17. Family Day at Office Depot – Provided PD information18. Frontier Days – Assisted with Security19. Frontier Days Parade – Provided assistance with traffic control20. Garage Sales -- Fundraisers

21. Gilmartin Training – Attended training focused on high stress occupations.22. High Risk Traffic Stops – Assisted with Officer training23. Hiring/Promotion Boards – Participated in officer selection.24. Hispanic Event – Security25. Joe Scruggs Concert – assisted with parking cars26. Join Hands Day – installed peep holes27. Judged POA BBQ cook-off 28. K9 Retirement Fund – Established fund to help support retired K-9s.29. K9 Unit - Provide data entry for K-9 statistics.30. KLBJ Interview – Members interviewed about community surveys.31. Marx Howell Training – Profiling training.

32. National Narcotic Detector Dog Assn training – assisted with registration and meals

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33. New Building Open House – Booth, assisted with facility tours.

34. Open House for Chief Conner – Help with set up and tours.35. Open House for Chief Williams – Help with set up & tours.36. Operation Grinch -- Assisted with security at local malls during holidays37. Participated in officer training practicals at APD Training Academy38. Participated in practicals at 1 st Annual Capital Area Law Enforcement Explorer Conference39. Patch Removal -- Removed police patches from grey uniforms.40. PD move to new Facility -- Helped with moving preparation, packing & unpacking.41. Pet Fairs -- Assisted with animal registrations & crowd control42. POA car wash – Assisted with car washing43. POA Christmas party – Secured Door Prizes & provided “Santa” for event.44. Public Safety Awards Ceremonies -- Refreshments45. RRPD History Project – Worked on historical preservation information.46. SFST for Texas Parks and Wildlife Dept.--Provided live human subjects for officer training47. SFST for Williamson County - Provided live human subjects for officer training48. Spring Hoe Down at Old Town Elementary -- Provided information49. Supported Explorer Post to attend national competition – Provided financial support50. Supported Shooting Team to attend national competition – Provided financial support51. Take 5 Interview – Provided information about CPA and CPAAA52. Texas Crime Prevention Mid-Winter Conference – Assisted with registration53. Texas Law Enforcement Intelligence Unit Assn Conference -- Secured Door Prizes54. Texas Woman in Law Enforcement Conference – Secured door prizes55. Training Room Redecoration -- Framed photos & certificates for display56. Trip to San Antonio Volunteer Program – Network with SA Volunteer programs57. Whale Tags – Provided tags for child car seats for emergency use.58. Y2K Department --Meal Service

1. Alumni Scrapbook 2. Alumni Socials 3. Ft. Hood Tactical Training -- Participate in tactical exercises with our PD officers 4. Blue Santa – Shop for gifts, wrap, & deliver Christmas cheer 5. Blue Santa Casino Night – Support Sertoma’s efforts to raise money6. Child ID Kits – Provide kits at various community events7. Coats for Kids – Assist with crowd control during coat distribution8. COP Program - Provide extra “Eyes & Ears” for officers patrolling Round Rock. 9. CPA Classes – Attended/Continue to assist with new Classes.10. Dell Diamond Fundraiser - Work in concession stands as fundraiser11. GoClub -- Online event scheduling program12. Goodie Bags - Attitude adjustment gifts for officers.13. Hurricane Shelters – Work at shelters checking in evacuees.14. Kiddo Cards – Provide child identification cards at various community events15. National Animal Control Officer Appreciation Week Proclamation16. National Night Out – Ride with Officers to support communities & distribute gifts

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17. National Police Week Blue Ribbons -- Provide ribbons & show support18.

National Police Week Proclamation19. National Telecommunicators Week Proclamation 20. Public Safety Day – Booth with Kid ID’s, VIN Etching, & Cooking 21. Relay for Life -- Help with Security 22. RRCPAAA website – Information site for Members 23. July 4 th Fireworks – Assist with crowd control, water, and security 24. SFST for RRPD -- Provide live human subjects for officer training 25. State CPAAA Conventions – Attended educational sessions 26. VIN etching – Purchased equipment to provide VIN etching to community 27. Warrant Calls – Contact civilians with outstanding warrants. 28. Warrant Round Ups -- Assist with paperwork

Proclamations – CPAAArecognizes PD staff at City Councilmeetings with proclamations forNational Police Week, NationalTelecommunicators Week, andNational Animal Control OfficersWeek.

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Public Safety Day - For the past 10years, the CPAAA has participatedPublic Safety Day. We have providedVin Etching, made Child ID cards,

handed out safety information, andcooked and handed out hotdogs.

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Citizen’s On Patrol--In early2003, Sgt. Horton took up ourcause and got the necessaryapproval, equipment, andtraining to get this long awaitedprogram under way. Aftercompleting the requiredclassroom and driver training,our COP patrol made its maidenvoyage in April of 2003.

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KIDS ID--The CPAAA hasbeen involved with childidentification cards for severalyears. This program providesparents with a photo andfingerprint card of theirchildren in the event of anemergency.

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Warrant Calls & Round-Ups - Since November of 2000, members have beenregularly making calls to individuals with outstanding misdemeanor warrants in aneffort to help them comply. Over the years our calls and assistance with paperwork during the major Round-Up events, have allowed officers to concentrate onapprehending “customers.”

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Reflections on the Past 10 Years from Warrant Call Chair

Sheila Offut:

It's been 10 years already. I think we have had a lot of fun and learned a lot.The warrant project was a project that was in the works for a while but wefinally got the green light to move forward. I have appreciated the help I havereceived from fellow members and have heard enough "life stories" makingthese calls to last a lifetime! Daffodil Days was a lot of fun and I have neverhad a talent for cooking but my potato soup sold out within about 20 minutes.

I do want to say a few words about the rest of the RR 7. My volunteercontributions are very small compared to the rest of our original members!These folks have spent COUNTLESS hours on the many projects that havehelped the PD and the community and should be recognized, all the while stillworking full time jobs and taking care of their families. So to you Edie, Dana,

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Goodie Bags - Having fun & giving officers their sugar fix….

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Ft.Hood--It was a greatexperience to witness ourRRPD officers excel at thedifficult challenges thattested their abilities andsharpened their skills.CPAAA members wererecognized by A/C Tim Rylefor our assistance with

tactical training at Ft Hoodlast December.

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SFST--It’s a tough job…. Overthe years, we have heard manypositive comments about our rolein this very important officertraining.

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NNO - CPAAA accompanies PD staff as they attend various community block parties.

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Convention Time!--Each year, a CPAAA group hosts a statewideconvention to help advance the education, understanding andnetworking among CPAAA groups. Since 2000, our CPAAA group hasattended state conventions in Corpus Christi, Austin, Lake Jackson, FtWorth, Galveston, Richardson, and Wichita Falls. Over the years, wehave attended interesting presentations (and even participated in some),met famous people, and made some great acquaintances. Somedayperhaps Round Rock can be added to the Host List!

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Blue Santa – 10 years worth of shopping, wrapping and giving.

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Reflections on the Past 10 YearsFrom Debbie Bruce-Juhlke

As I reminisce over the past ten years I find myself not believing it has already been ten yearssince I begin volunteering for the Round Rock Police Department. It all begins with medeciding to attend the Citizen Police Academy after moving here in 1995 to get to know mycommunity and the people responsible for our safety. I had heard many negative thingsabout the PD here and I wanted to determine if they were true. I found out that the trainingthey get is outstanding and the expectation is that they be professional at all times.

After graduating from the classes it was decided to organize the Alumni Association. I knew Iwanted to be apart of the association in order to give back to my community which I havelearned to appreciate. I wanted to help the people who were responsible for keeping ourcommunity safe as well. It gives me great pleasure knowing that our Police Departmentvalues our involvement as a citizen. The Association has given me an opportunity to learneven more about how Round Rock PD values citizens input.

I have served on Promotion Boards, did Warrant Calls, trained as a Citizen on Patrol and Iam actively involved with Victim Services for the last 6 years. I ride out with officers; helpwith Warrant Round Up, Health Fairs, act as monitor/ security for Evacuees at designatedshelters, Special Olympic, Relay for Life, and Coats for Kids, National Night Out, and TargetPractice at the shooting range and many others. I’ve learned to finger print kids for Kids IDand to do Vin Etching to help identify your own vehicle. I now know that the training andscreening of our law enforcement here in Round Rock is one of the best in the country.

I have had the opportunity to experience and learn many things about the roles of the policeover the past 10 years such as why they really go to 7-11 for coffee and why it takes morethan one officer to make a routine stop. I even learned how to drive the COP car, use thesiren and maneuver in an out of the cones at a certain speed – all helping me to know I

wasn’t cut out to maneuver a car like that safely. I now know what both the officer is lookingfor and the citizen feels like when doing a Field Sobriety test. I have had a chance to buildsome real lasting relationships with many people that I would not have ordinarily known.

Some have taken the initiative to serve as officers of this organization for years to make surethat the official business is taken care of and I thank each and everyone who has stepped upto this role. As a Volunteer I have really enjoyed getting to know our community and it givesme great pleasure knowing I live in one of the safest communities in the country. This hasbeen an outstanding 10years and I am looking forward to many more.

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AW Grimes--The CPAAA supportedefforts to name a major new road afterthe fallen officer A.W. Grimes.Williamson County Deputy A.W.Grimes was shot by outlaw Sam Bassin 1878 trying to arrest the Bass Gangfollowing a bank robbery. TheCPAAA also sponsored the A.W.

Grimes Award for several years thatrecognized outstanding local lawenforcement officers in WilliamsonCounty. Recipients of this awardinclude our own Officer Larry Hayes,Detective John Combs, and DetectiveDean Peterson.

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CPA Classes--The alumnisupports the CPA classes – ouronly source of membership.

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FUND RAISERS--Raising funds or raising cain??

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VIN Etching - In 2002, the CPAAA purchased VIN Etching equipmentto provide the community with a free service to deter auto theft.

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Awards – RecognizingCPAAA volunteers – PDStaff and volunteers mingleat the CPA Awardsbanquet.

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Scenes from Other Alumni Projects’

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Speakers’ CornerOne of the goals of becoming a member of a Citizen’s Police Academy Alumni Association isto learn about law enforcement. One of the perks of being a Round Rock Alumni member isgetting to hear a variety of very interesting and educational speakers. Sgt. Dino Hendersonfrom the Texas Rangers was our first guest speaker in November of 1998. Many speakersand agencies have followed (now Capt) Henderson through those doors from many differentaspects of law enforcement.

We are grateful to the following agencies that have provided speakers to our group over theyears.

APD Air Enforcement UnitAPD Search and Rescue dog AustinAssistant United States Attorney’s OfficeBikers Against Child AbuseCapital Area Council of GovernmentsCapt. Alain Babin – demonstration of new CAD system and patrol car laptopsCapt. Chris BrattonCapt. Mark Selby, RRFD Arson InvestigationsChief Bryan WilliamsChief Paul ConnerCriminal Justice Dept Head at Austin Community College

Department of Public Safety - Safety Education ServicesDepartment of Public Safety Forensic ArtistU.S. Drug Enforcement AgencyEdward McKinstry – RRPD Crime Scene SpecialistEric Poteet, RRPD Public Information OfficerFederal Bureau of InvestigationFeliciano Acevedo, RRPD Narcotics & High-Tech Crimes InvestigationsGeorge Joos – Police Scanner demoJan Kubsch – experience attending CAPCOJustice of the PeaceKetsugo-ju-jitsu demoLCRA RangersLloyd Bird, "Shoot, Don't Shoot" interactive exercise/RRPDMarx Howell – Ret. DPS investigatorMike Goggin Q&A on using the GoClubOfc Martin Flores and TessaOfc. James Chansley BPad demoOffice of Homeland SecuritySexual Assault Prevention and Crisis ServicesSgt. Joe Klingensmith-polygraph discussionSgt. John Combs – presentation on Moore murder caseSgt. Rod Hampton – Shooting Team presentationSouthwestern University Chief of Police Deborah Brown on personal safety

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Texas State Board of Pharmacy – Enforcement DivisionTexas Alcoholic Beverage Commission – Enforcement DivisionTexas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Assn Special RangersTexas Attorney General’s Office – Internet Child PornTexas Attorney General’s Office – Prosecutor Assistance DivisionTexas Comptroller of Public Accounts - Criminal Investigations DivisionTexas Correctional IndustriesTexas Dept of Criminal Justice Office of the Inspector GeneralTexas Game WardenTexas Lottery Commission – Enforcement DivisionTexas Police Chief’s AssnTexas Racing Commission – Enforcement DivisionTexas RangersTexas Veterinary Medical Examiners Board investigatorTexas Workforce Commission – Regulatory Integrity DivisionTour of new Austin/Bergstrom AirportTour of new juvenile justice facility in GeorgetownTroy Kimmel - Wild Texas Weather/Severe Weather HazardsU.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and FirearmsUnion Pacific Railroad PoliceU.S. Immigration and Customs EnforcementU.S. Marshal's OfficeU.S. Postal Service Inspection ServiceU.S. Secret ServiceUniversity of Texas System PoliceWilliamson Counties & Cities Health DistrictWilliamson County Adult Probation OfficerWilliamson County Child Advocacy CenterWilliamson County ConstableWilliamson County Deputy SheriffWilliamson County District AttorneyWilliamson County District JudgeWilliamson County Juvenile Probation Officer

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President’s message:

By the time you read this, we will have a ballot of candidates for the 2009 Board.Dana and I will roll off as we have served 4 consecutive terms on the Board. SomeBoard members may choose to run again and others may be completely new to theBoard. Please support those who are willing to run and volunteer their leadershipskills to keep our group going.

If you don’t choose to run for a Board position, your skills are still needed on one of our various Committees. The Board President will nominate Committee chairs inJanuary so please speak up if have an interest or talent you can share.

The CPAAA hasn’t received many requests for assistance this fall, but if you have anidea please bring it to the board. There is a need for volunteers in the office doing

data entry. Please contact Stan if you can help. Also, the next CPA class starts inJanuary so please plan to help support them and meet our potential new members.

The group is what you make it. You can be involved as little, or as much as youwant.

Laura McManusPresident 2008Class 12

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A Decade of Alumni Executive Boards

September 1998 to August 1999President – Mike Goggin1st Vice President – Gene Landry2nd Vice President – Shelia OffuttTreasurer – Dick WiddowsSecretary – Edie HeussSgt.-at-Arms – Kathy LandryLiaison – Sgt. Dick Koble

September 1999 – August 2000 President – Mike Goggin1st Vice President - Dick Widdows2nd Vice President – Edie HeussTreasurer – Gary BrownSecretary – Dana GogginSgt.-at-Arms – Walter KlingemannLiaison – Sgt. Dick Koble

September 2000 – December 2001 President – Morris Noren1st Vice President – Gary Brown2nd Vice President – Edie HeussTreasurer – Dick WiddowsSecretary – Ronnie MuellerSgt.-at-Arms – Walter KlingemannLiaison – Sgt. Dick Koble

January 2002 – December 2002 President – Gary Brown1st Vice President – Edie Heuss2nd Vice President – Walter KlingemannTreasurer – Ronnie MuellerSecretary - Mike GogginSgt.-at-Arms – Gene LandryLiaison – Sgt Robert Horton

January 2003 – December 2003 President –Edie Heuss1st Vice President – Morris Noren2nd Vice President – Diane GarganoTreasurer – Ronnie MuellerSecretary – Mike GogginSgt.-at-Arms – Lori PeterhansLiaison s – Sgt. David Pierce and Sgt.Robert Horton

January 2004 – December 2004 President – Ronnie Mueller1st Vice President – Morris Noren2nd Vice President – Edie HeussTreasurer – Diane GarganoSecretary – Frank GarganoSgt.-at-Arms – Mike GogginLiaisons – Sgt. David Pierce and Sgt.Robert Horton

January 2005 – December 2005 President – Mike Goggin1st Vice President – Laura McManus2nd Vice President – Edie HeussTreasurer – Diane GarganoSecretary – Dana MuellerSgt.-at-Arms – Walter KlingemannLiaison s – Sgt. David Pierce and Sgt.Robert Horton

January 2006 – December 2006 President – Ronnie Mueller1st Vice President – Diane Gargano2nd Vice President – Laura McManusTreasurer – Mike GogginSecretary – Dana MuellerSgt.-at-Arms – Walter KlingemannLiaisons – Sgt. David Pierce, OfficerLloyd Bird and Sgt. Robert Horton

January 2007 – December 2007 President – Ronnie Mueller1st Vice President – Walter Klingemann2nd Vice President – Mike GogginTreasurer – Dana MuellerSecretary – Laura McManusSgt.-at-Arms – John HughesLiaison s – Sgt. David Pierce, Officer

Lloyd Bird and Sgt. Robert Horton

January 2008 – December 2008 President – Laura McManus1st Vice President – Michael Flicinski2nd Vice President – Edie HeussTreasurer – Dana MuellerSecretary – Diane GarganoSgt.-at-Arms – Frank GarganoLiaison – Stan Simpson, Volunteer

Coordinator and Sgt. Robert Horton

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Current MembersBenita KohlmeyerBennett SpelceChuck BurtCrista BurzynskiDalton PughDana GogginDana MuellerDebbie Bruce-JuhlkeDiane DucreDiane Gargano

Edie HeussFrank GarganoGary BrownGary GillespieGeorge JoosHuyau ChenJeff KohlmeyerJeremy SheardJohn GuilingJohn HughesJudy Anderson

Karen Adair-MurphyKim GrossLarry McManusLaura McManusLinda ZamarripaMark NorthrupMichael FlicinskiMichael JohnsonMike GogginMorris NorenNancy Pugh

Pam FlicinskiPaul CecilRay ThibodauxRick ScottRonnie MuellerSheila OffuttSteve O’ConnorTammy ArringtonTracy AuldridgeWalter KlingemannWyatt Bellis

A Message fromThe Editor:

A very Big Thanks to MikeGoggin and Walter Klingemannfor giving up a couple of

Saturday afternoons to helpreview 10 years of Alumniphotos. As always, I could nothave done this issue without thecreative assistance and moralesupport of Diane Gargano.

I hope you enjoyed this tripdown memory lane as much as Ihave.