Industrial Revolution 1. Industrial Revolution 2. Interchangeable parts 3. Mass production 4....


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Industrial Revolution 1. Industrial Revolution

2. Interchangeable parts

3. Mass production

4. Factory System

5. Textile

6. Division of labor

A. Parts that are exactly alike

B A change from making goods by hand in the home to making them by machine in factories

C. dividing up the work to one or two simple tasks per aerson

D. making cheaper goods in large quantities in a short time

E. having to do with cloth F. Bringing machines and people

to one place to manufacture goods

People to Know: Industrial Rev.

1) James Hargreaves

2) Eli Whitney

3) James Watt

4) Samuel Slater

5) Francis Cabot Lowell

A) First Planned city around factory

B) Spinning Jenny

C) Perfected the steam engine

D) Brought factory plans to the USA

E) Cotton Gin; Interchangeable parts

6) Daniel Boone

7) John Fitch

8) Robert Fulton

9) De Witt Clinton

F) First steam boat

G) Proposed the Erie Canal

H) Led pioneer through the Cumberland Gap to Kentucky

I) First successful steam boat

Movement West

1. Turnpikes

2. Conestoga

3. Clermont

4. Daniel Boone

5. Fitch & Fulton

6. DeWitt Clinton

A. Gov. of N.Y. built the Erie Canal

B. Built Steamboats

C. The first successful steamboat 1807

D. toll roads. tolls used to build & repair roads

E. Wagons used to travel west

F. Led people through the Cumberland Gap to Kentucky

Building National Unity

1. Era of Good Feelings

2. Tariff of 1816

3. Sectionalism

4. Henry Clay’s American System

A. Arguments over tariff showed each section of our country had different interests.

B. Caused people to buy American goods

C. High tariffs, build roads and canals, North would trade with South

D.One political party,

economic growth, second National Bank created

The Cornerstone of U.S. Foreign Policy

1. Simon Bolivar, Jose San Martin, Miguel Hidalgo

2. Andrew Jackson

3. Spain

4. Britain

5. James Monroe

A. Led troops into Florida against the Creeks and the Seminoles.

B. Sold Florida to the U.S. for 5 million in 1821

C. Led revolutions in Central and South America

D. Warned European nations to leave newly independent S. American nations alone

E. Backed the Monroe Doctrine
