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Volume 4 - June 2012

SUN (Scaling Up Nutrition), Beban Ganda Masalah Gizi, Penyakit Tidak Menular, dan 1000 hari pertama kehidupan

Pada tanggal 20 September 2011, Sekretaris Jendral PBB Ban Ki Moon membuka sebuah pertemuan puncak luar biasa tentang keempat pokok bahasan penting diatas. Ban Ki Moon menyebutnya luar biasa karena ini adalah pertama kalinya sebuah pertemuan tingkat tinggi membahas masalah khusus dalam bidang gizi dan kesehatan yang difokuskan pada gizi ibu dan anak. Pertemuan puncak tersebut dihadiri oleh 27 negara, termasuk Indonesia. Pertemuan puncak tersebut mengangkat topik yang perlu mendapatkan perhatian berkaitan dengan Penyakit Tidak Menular: Diabetes, Penyakit Jantung, Tekanan Darah Tinggi, Kanker Paru-Paru, dan Stroke yang merupakan pembunuh terbesar (60%) di negara-negara berkembang. Berikut ini adalah inti dari pernyataan beberapa petinggi di pertemuan tersebut.

Sekretaris Jendral, Ban Ki Moon (UN News Center);

“Tampaknya kegemukan dan kekurangan gizi merupakan kutub yang berlawanan, namun makin banyak negara yang mengalami keduanya - dan jawaban untuk keduanya adalah GIZI YANG LEBIH BAIK. Seperti berbagai penyakit lainnya, akar masalah penyebab NCD (Penyakit Tidak Menular) adalah gizi buruk saat bayi. Masalah gizi adalah tantangan serius namun diabaikan. Prakarsa “Scaling up Nutrition” didukung oleh lebih dari 20 negara. Mereka memahami bahwa ketahanan pangan dan gizi adalah sebuah hak azazi manusia. Mereka memahami bahwa ketahanan pangan dan gizi mengendalikan pembangunan ekonomi, sosial dan sumber daya manusia. Negara-negara ini mempunyai rencana rinci untuk Scaling Up Nutirition.

Gerakan SUN menggabungkan berbagai mitra untuk fokus pada satu goal bersama: periode penentu - 1000 hari pertama sejak kehamilan hingga anak berulang tahun yang ke-2. Gizi yang tepat dalam periode ini yang akan membedakannya antara sehat dan sakit, berkembang dan menurun, hidup dan mati. Gerakan SUN mencakup dukungan negara2 dalam: memperbaiki asupan makanan, meningkatkan gizi saat kehamilan dan promosi menyusui ASI. Termasuk juga mendorong penyusunan strategi berorientasi gizi di berbagai bidang, diantaranya pertanian, perlindungan sosial, pendidikan, ketenagakerjaan dan kesehatan”....

Foreword Prof. Soekirman (Em.), Bogor Agriculture University (IPB), Chairman of KFI on SNI

“It is my pleasure to provide you with the latest KFI newsletter in which you will find infor-mation about our main activities and achieve-ments of this year. As we embark upon the second year of initiating cook-ing oil fortification with vitamin A, and about to print this June

2012 KFI News Letter, we all are happy to acknowledge that National Standard on Palm Cooking Oil - SNI No 7709-2012 was issued by BSN (National Agency for Standardization) in May 2012. The introduction of SNI document has stated that the objectives of SNI are:

1. To protect the consumers,

2. To guarantee a fair and ac-countable food trade,

3. To support the development of palm cooking oil products, and

4. To improve the nutrition status of people through fortification with vitamin.

The quality of palm cooking oil is determined by 8 criteria, one of them is the content of vitamin A minimum 45 IU.

At this, we can expect 2012 to bring a lot of important issues to the national debate on food fortification in Indonesia. Among others, we anticipate that fortification will become mandatory and that all cooking oil distrib-uted in this country will be fortified with vitamin A.

We would like to thank all international part-ners who supported us during the past year and are looking forward to continued and good cooperation in the future, with the goal and the hope of preventing malnutrition in the entire Indonesian population.”

Indonesian Nutrition Foundation for Food Fortification (KFI)

KFI Newsletter


Hillary Rodham Clinton, US-Secretary of States (Remarks at High Level Meeting on Nutrition UN New York, Sept 20,2011)

“Amerika Serikat memberikan komitmen untuk investasi pada masalah gizi global, dan kami sungguh percaya bahwa memperbaiki gizi ibu hamil dan anak2 dibawah usia 2 tahun adalah salah satu investasi cerdik yang dapat kami atau siapapun lakukan. Ilmu pengetahuan untuk hal ini sangat jelas; Bila kami menjamin bahwa ibu dan anak mendapatkan gizi yang diperlukan dalam kurun 1000 hari pertama, kami dapat mempunyai anak yang berada dalam jalur sehat seumur hidup. Bila kami gagal dalam periode tersebut, anak-anak akan menderita baik dari kerusakan fisik maupun kognitif yang tidak bisa diperbaiki lagi... Bila kami menempatkan gizi sebagai inti dari investasi kami, kami dapat menolong masyarakat dan negara bukan saja menjadi lebih sehat, namun juga lebih makmur... Walaupun demikian kami membutuhkan lebih banyak lagi komitmen dan kepemimpinan (leadership) dari lebih banyak negara2 sahabat.”

President Obama pada saat sambutan utama di the New Alliance for Food and Nutrition Security, Chicago Council on Global Affairs, Annual Meeting in Washington, May 18,2012 (Tom Arnold, CEO Concern Worldwide USA)

“Sebagai bangsa termakmur di Bumi, saya yakin Amerika Serikat mempunyai kewajiban moral untuk memimpin perang melawan kelaparan dan kekurangan gizi.... hal ini tetap merupakan prioritas selama saya masih sebagai Presiden Amerika Serikat”.

SUN (Scaling Up Nutrition), Double Burden of Malnutrition, NCD (Non Communicable Diseases), and 1000 First Days of Life

On 20 September 2011, the UN-Secretary General Ban Ki Moon opened a unique summit meeting on the above issues. It is unique because according to Ban Ki Moon this is the first time such as high level meeting discussed a specific issue on nutrition and health with focus on maternal and child nutrition. The summit was attended by 27 countries, including Indonesia. The summit addressed the alarming issues of Non Communicable Diseases (NCD): Diabetes. Heart Disease, Hypertension, Lung Cancer, and Stroke which is the first (60%) killer in the developing countries. The following are excerpt of the speeches of the prominent people in the summit,

Secretary-General’s Ban Ki Moon (UN News Center):

“Obesity and malnutrition may seem like polar opposites.

But more and more countries are suffering from both. And the answer to both is BETTER NUTRITION (capital-Ed). Like so many other ailments, NCD can have their roots in poor nutrition during infancy. Under nutrition is a serious and neglected challenge. The Scaling Up Nutrition initiative has support from more than 20 countries. They understand that food and nutrition security is a human right. They know that food and nutrition security drives economic. Social and human development. And they have detail detailed plan for Scaling Up Nutrition.

The SUN movement brings together different partners to focus on one shared goals: the critical 1,000-day window between pregnancy and child’s second birthday. Proper nutrition at this time is the difference between health and sickness, thriving and deteriorating, life and death. The movement is about supporting countries - improving nutritious diets, enhancing nutrition in pregnancy and promoting breast feeding. It is also encouraging nutrition-sensitive strategies in many areas, including agriculture, social protection, education, employment and health “.....

Hillary Rodham Clinton, US-Secretary of States (Remarks at High Level Meeting on Nutrition UN New York, Sept 20,2011)

“The United States is firmly committed to our investments in global nutrition, and we believe fervently that improving nutrition for pregnant women and children under two is one of the smartest investments we or anyone can make. The science for thisis unassailably clear:When we ensure that women and children receive essential nutrients within 1,000-day window, we can set youngsters on a better path toward lifelong health

When we miss that window, children can suffer both physical and cognitive damage that cannot be reversed... When we put nutrition at the heart of our investment, we can help communities and countries become not only healthier, but more prosperous..... .We need, though, to get more leadership commitment. Commitments from partner countries………”

President Obama at the landmark announcement of the New Alliance for Food and Nutrition Security, Chicago Council on Global Affairs, Annual Meeting in Washington, May 18,2012 (Tom Arnold, CEO Concern Worldwide USA)

“As the wealthiest nation on Earth, I believe United States has a moral obligation to lead the fight against hunger and malnutrition........ This will remain a priority as long as I am United States President”

Fortification Cooking OilQuality Control in Oil Companies

To assist with the quality control of the fortification process, BPOM assisted by BASF (a major chemical company, among others producing vitamin A) held two workshops in Surabaya and Bandung at the end of January 2011. These workshops were intended to familiarize BPOM staff with the necessity

KFI Newsletter Volume 4 - June 2012


of quality control in the cooking oil companies and also to teach the technical use of BASF’s semi-quantitative TestKit. Presentations were held about international country experiences of Food Fortification in staple foods, management and monitoring in the enrichment process and the stability of vitamin A in cooking oil.

Within the framework of SAFO, the Strategic Alliance for the Fortification of Oil and Other Staple Foods, a public-private partnership between GIZ and BASF, advisory services will be delivered to KFI in the fields of Monitoring and Evaluation, Quality Assurance and Project Management. The objective of this advisory seminar was to strengthen the implementation of the KFI-GAIN project in preparing mandatory cooking oil fortification.



> 1/3 IUGR

faktor gizi Ibu

+ 20 % IUGR : PBBH rendah

Dampak Jangka Pendek

Perkembangan Otak

Pertumbuhan (IUGR)

Programing Metabolik dari

glukosa, lemak, protein

hormon /reseptor/gen

Dampak Jangka Panjang

Kemampuan Kognitif &


Stunting/ Pendek

-Hipertensi -Diabetes -Obesitas -PJK -Stroke

Ibu Pendek BB prahamil rendah

Gangguan gizi pada Masa

Janin dan Usia Dini

> 1/3 IUGR

faktor gizi Ibu

+ 20 % IUGR : PBBH rendah

Dampak Jangka Pendek

Perkembangan Otak

Pertumbuhan (IUGR)

Programing Metabolik dari

glukosa, lemak, protein

hormon /reseptor/gen

Dampak Jangka Panjang

Kemampuan Kognitif & pendidikan

Stunting/ Pendek

-Hipertensi -Diabetes -Obesitas -PJK -Stroke

Ibu Pendek BB prahamil rendah

Gangguan gizi pada Masa

Janin dan Usia Dini

KFI Newsletter Volume 4 - June 2012


The Summit in Berlin Germany: SUN Movement and Future Cooperation

At the beginning of May 2012 Prof Soekirman was invited by the German Government through GIZ SAFO to attend the summit in Berlin Germany to discuss SUN movement in the world. This activity was actually aiming to get the

German government’s commitment in the SUN movement, especially in Indonesia. The meeting was attended by Minister of Economic Cooperation and High levels of participants from donor agencies and NGOs: GIZ, WFP, GAIN, etc.

On the occasion, Prof Soekirman as in the press confrence said that the fortification is the most effective in addressing the problem undernourished in the world today. He also answered various questions from journalist.

On the conclusion of the meeting, Dr. Niebel, Minister of Economy and Deveopment Cooperation the German government explained that the German Government is fully committed in support of this fortification program and SUN movement around the world.

An advocating campaign is being carried out continually to build people awareness on the importance of Vitamin A. The campaign uses workshops, meetings, radio and TV as well as printed media. Talk show were hold in prime time, e.g. TVRI, and RRI radio channels.

Press Conference GIZ SAFO Policy makers and Senior officials meeting on Hunger and Malnutrition and cooking oil fortification: from Left, Soekirman KFI, Heinz CEO BASF, Niebel Minister Of Economic Development Germany, Cousin Executive Director UN WFP. Berlin, 10th Mei 2012

Credits:Concept: Prof. Soekirman (Em.)Creative: Harimawan LatifWriting: Virginia Kadarsan, Ifrad DDsPicture Editor: Habibie Yukezain

Published ByIndonesian Nutrition Foundation for Food Fortification (KFI),Address: KFI c/o Komplek Bappenas A1, Jl. Siaga Raya Pejaten, Jakarta 12510, Indonesia,Phone:+62 21 7987 130, Fax: +62 21 7918 1016,Website:, Email:









1. Socializetheknowledgeoffood


2. Advocatetheimportanceoffood



3. Becomethegoverntment’spartner




4. Providedataandscientific


5. Increaseorganization/agencyskill




6. Developpoliticalandfinacialsupport



7. Providetechnicalassistancefor



Supported by: GIZ - SAFO

The KFI Newsletter is part of KFI-GAIN project.

KFI Newsletter Volume 4 - June 2012

