INDIGENOUS GAMES · Here the list of some indigenous nature connected games played in Rural India :...


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Green Mentors

Tradi�onal nature-connected games were not just games, they were designed in such a way that one can develop lot of skills like logical thinking, building strategy, concentra�on, basic mathema�cs, aiming, and lot more. Tradi�onal Games act as learning aids. They teach us many things while playing like to learn to win and lose, develop sensory skills, count, add, improve motor skills, iden�fy color, improve hand-eye co-ordina�on and finally to have fun, naturally one play or watch a game to have fun.

Looking at the modern children, one striking difference between the childhood that the previous genera�on had and the one that this genera�on is having is the lack of Indian or na�ve games. In earliar (i.e., 1980s and before) children used to play a variety of indoor and outdoor games that were the games of this soil. Nowadays almost all kids play games like cricket, tennis and football. Nobody is playing games like Kabaddi, Goli, Ghilli or the indoor games like the Dhaayaka�am , paramapadham, pallanguzhi, paandi or aadu puli aa�am. These games have a rich culture and heritage value and were tools of passing on some ancestral knowledge or the other. The values that children used to achieve by playing tradi�onal games are more when compared to the games that we play nowadays. Some of the values that they used to gain are environment friendly, they used to get a chance to learn about our culture and history, and an important thing is, it is suitable for all ages. Many modern games played around the world have their origin in these tradi�onal games.

Toys have existed in India since the Indus Valley Civiliza�on. Toys and games were not only meant to keep children entertained, but also to teach them how to develop their minds and understand what life had in store for them. Unlike the fancy and expensive toys sold in stores today, tradi�onal Indian toys and games were simple and took their inspira�on from nature. They were designed on the basis of how a child would react to them and how it would apply to real life.

Tradi�onal Indian games created with natural components makes teaching kids fun and also provides a sustainable livelihood to ar�sans. The best thing is that kids play with another person instead of staring at a screen or compe�ng with a machine. For kids aged 6-7 the games should be about strategizing; it �ckles their brains to think of solu�ons. As the games get bigger, so does the compe��ve spirit but it's all healthy and children know that they win some and will lose some. Green Games are the Indigenous Nature connected Games, that helps students to understand the Nature and the Natural World through Sports.

Children's games have changed a lot considering the fact that children hardly go out to play anymore. For the current genera�on, game either has to be on a computer, a play sta�on or a cellular phone. Rural Indian children play a variety of indoor and outdoor games that help them build their social skills as well as the skills in the games.

Here the list of some indigenous nature connected games played in Rural India : |



Chor-Police game is the Indian equivalent of tag. As the name suggests, there are the thieves (chor) and then there is the police. The players in this game divide up into two teams. The police has the task of catching the chor and then the turn changes. It is one of the most popular games played by children all over the world with different names and a slight change in rules, but the overall objec�ve remains the same.

Played by: Two Teams, any number of peopleLoca�on : Outdoor

Objec�ve : This is useful for development of team-work and mental fitness.Benefits : This is a carbon neutral indigenous game. This game is very useful to children because it gives a clear idea about “good” and “bad” elements in society. Thus it helps to build up moral values in children.

Carom is a highly popular game in India not just with kids but also with grownups. It is a game that families play at home and there are many varia�ons of this game. Carom can be played with two to four players. It involves pocke�ng coin pieces using a larger piece and there are different ways in which that can be done.

Played by: 2 or 4 peopleLoca�on : IndoorObjec�ve : This is a very important indoor game and very useful for development of observa-�onal skill and improvement of hand-eye co-ordina�on.Benefits: Carom game is one of the carbon neutral game. The main a�rac�on and

advantage of the Carom is that it gives the parents a great way to spend valuable �me with the children. As the kids play Carom, various educa�onal skills would be enhanced. Carom help in increasing the logical reasoning power in children. The children would be playing and having fun at the same �me, they would prac�ce skills like coun�ng, reading, visual percep�on, and eye hand coordina�on etc. This mo�vates children to involve themselves in healthy compe��ons, verbal communica�on and to focus their a�en�on. Moreover it would also help kids to master problem solving as well as cogni�ve skills. |





Kabbadi is again a very popular game among kids in India. Two teams stand on opposite halves of an enclosure which is halved. Each team takes turns to send in a raider to the other side. Points are given to the players for tackling the opposing team and returning back to their own half. The most interes�ng part is the Kabbadi chant which the raider has to maintain while he/she is on the other side.

Played by : Two teams of 7 members eachLoca�on: OutdoorObjec�ve: This is a very popular game and useful for the improvement of concentra�on and physical fitness.Benefits :It is a zero carbon game. Since the game is played in such a way that it requires you to chant the word 'kabaddi' repeatedly without taking a breath, this in itself will increase your endurance and help stretch out your breathing capacity. Controlling one's breath is a powerful form of yoga, and when combined with the hard physical ac�vity that this sport demands, it will help in developing stamina and concentra�on.

The game requires you to be quick on your feet for a�ack and defense and think faster to come up with strategies in your mind to steal the win, all while holding your breath. This will help you become much faster in terms of your physical and mental abili�es even outside your game because of your quick reflexes which are developed over �me.

It's safe to say that running, kicking, dodging, and feigning are few of the skills that are essen�al for the game. Over �me by playing the sport you tend to take over these skills, leading to stronger muscles and hence leaving your movements agiler.

Kabaddi is the epitome of mul�tasking. You have to play a�ack, defense and think of game winning strategies all at the same �me while holding your breath which naturally increases your concentra�on and enhances your ability to mul�task.

Since the game requires the player to be mul�-tasters, the game, in turn, calls for pro-ac�veness, crisis management, and understanding the opponents' strategy, which are the few life skills one can take with them for life. These complex skills help in enhancing one's presence of mind. |


This is a game that is well known to kids in India. This game involves the use of round glass marbles that are easily available at the neighborhood shops. The object of playing Kancha is to collect as many as you can by striking the opponent's marbles. Many different Kancha games exist and children make up their own versions as they go too.

Played by : Any number of peopleLoca�on : OutdoorObjec�ve: This is a very useful game for the development of concentra�on and improvement of hand-eye co-ordina�on.Benefits: This carbon neutral game helps to improve aiming and coordina�on. It sharpens

concentra�on and presence of mind. It also improves aim and focus. Gross motor skills and geometry skills are developed as a player manoeuvres

himself to the right posi�on to hit the marble and fine motor skills are developed in the process of eye tracking and in the hand-eye coordina�on required for knuckling or flicking.

Mathema�cal skills are developed while playing Kancha because the

apprecia�on of pa�ern and design on the marble, the apprecia�on of conserva�on of numbers, the coun�ng and the sor�ng are required in this game.



Pi�hu is also known to many by the name Satoliya. This is a simple and fun game where the players are divided into two teams. A small stack of flat stones and a ball are the two things required in this game. Each team takes their turns at toppling the stack and then they run while the other team has to hit/touch each of the players in the opposing team with the ball. If the team that takes their shot at the stack manage to rebuild the stack before they are hit/touched by the ball then they win. Any player who is hit is out of the game.

Played by : Two teams, any number of membersLoca�on : OutdoorObjec�ve: This is a very useful game for the development of concentra�on and hand-eye co-ordina�on.


Kites are a popular choice for kids in many parts of the world. Children in rural India make their own kites and fly them. Kite flying duels are a common thing with children and there are also some fes�vals that involve flying of kites. Besides that some tournaments are also organized for kite flying in many parts of the country.

Played by : any number of peopleLoca�on : OutdoorObjec�ve : Very useful game for the develop-ment of observa�onal skill and group ac�vity.Benefits : Flying a kite in an open field or on the beach puts you closer to nature, an

environment that offers plenty of mind/body benefits. Being outside and experiencing nature, whether it is a small patch of grass or a tree in an urban se�ng, or a park, or the countryside, helps to reduce anxiety and depression, and benefits your mental health.

Kite-flying is also good for eye health. Gazing at the blue sky above can help be�er regulate eye muscles and nerves, which helps alleviate eye fa�gue and can prevent myopia.

Kite flying develops crea�ve thinking, both in the making of the kite as well as flying and adap�ng it to changes in the wind.

Kite flying will regenerate energy and has a way of reducing stress and tension of everyday life. Kites are a form of personal expression and beauty whether purchased or handmade. Making or building kites engages the crea�ve process on the right side of the brain. Visualiza�on, planning, concentra�on, coordina�on, problem solving and other skills can be developed and fine tuned.

Benefits : This environment friendly game makes your child a quick runner. It improves your child's precision ability, and hence enhances concentra�on. By playing Indian tradi�onal games, children can connect with their heritage through sports and this has a deep lifelong posi�ve impact on them.

The game develops bonding through interac�on among children. Further, it teaches aiming skills and building strategies. They learn to compete as well as cooperate in a completely healthy environment.




The la�u or the spinning top is a popular game that is played in many parts of India even today. It is a game that simply involves spinning a wooden la�u which has grooves in its lower half and a nail at the bo�om to spin on. A co�on string is wrapped around the grooves on the lower half and deploying it makes it spin.

Played by : One or more peopleLoca�on: Outdoor and/or indoorObjec�ve: Very useful game for the develop-ment of concentra�on and improvement of hand-eye co-ordina�on.

Benefits : It is an environment friendly Indian tradi�onal game and it does not require expensive equipment to play, nor does it require any uniform or specific shoes and accessories, all that is required is people to play with and space to play in.

Playing La�u increases the focusing ability of the player while also boos�ng his confidence level. When spinning La�us are held in bare hands, it does some acupressure therapy.

Kho-Kho is a popular tag game. Teams are required to chase down and tag the players of the opposite team to win this game. The chasing team sends out nine players onto the field and they sit in a straight line with alternate players facing opposite sides, chasers have to make sure that they catch the runners before the s�pulated �me which is usually around 9 minutes per inning.

Played by : Two teams of nine players eachLoca�on : OutdoorObjec�ve : Very important game for the increase in concentra�on and physical fitness.Benefits : A carbon neutral game Kho-Kho helps to increase stamina. It helps in motor

development. It helps in social and mental development of the child. Children become ac�ve. Playing Kho-Kho keeps children well, strong, mo�vated, enthusias�c and young. It helps in be�er coordina�on and flexibility. Kho-Kho helps the children to off depression, anxiety, stress, and increase self-esteem. It develops team spirit and leadership skills. It increases concentra�on level. It improves physical fitness.




This game facilitates motor development among the children and their muscles are properly developed as well as it become strong.

Playing with the classmates made them emo�onally a�ached to each other. The students had anger and jealousy in the game but s�ll the suppor�ve behaviour was more prominent. Playing together at same place, at the same �me and with each other inculcates social behaviour among them. They learn to cooperate each other. This game helps one to develop important quali�es such as discipline and loyalty. Further, due to body movements, it contributes to the physical well-being as well.


Hide and Seek is without a doubt one of the most popular games played by children all around the world. There is one seeker in this game who has to find all the other players in the game, each �me a player is found out, he/she has to join in the search for the other players. There are some other versions of this game too but this is the most popular one.

Played by: Any number of peopleLoca�on: Outdoor and/or indoorObjec�ve: Very important game to develop searching ac�vity and team work.Benefits: This game helps the child to improve their audibility. They learn to count from

one to ten.

Playing hide-and-seek gives a child some valuable physical benefits as well since the exercise helps them build stamina and aids muscle development. The challenge of ge�ng into the perfect hiding place will help improve their balance, agility, and coordina�on.

This game teaches them the concept of object permanence; that things can s�ll exist even though they might not be able to see them. Searching for objects or people encourages children to use their imagina�on and helps them develop problem-solving skills as they try to work out the best place to hide or find their target. They can even start to appreciate the concept of volume as they try to find the smallest hiding place they can fit into. It also gives them an opportunity to develop their social skills as they play with others, learn to deal with conflicts between par�cipants, take turns, and prac�ce the other skills that will enable them to work effec�vely in teams.

It helps children to hone their sensory skills. Also, it prepares a child to be alert in unusual circumstances and also helps them develop tac�cal sense. |


Gilli Danda is one of the most well known childhood games played in rural India. It is a popular street game which rivals the popularity of cricket at some stage. The game is played with a small piece of wood tapered on both sides known as gilli and a larger piece of wood that is used to strike the gilli known as Danda. The object of the game is to get the gilli as far away from the home base as possible. The rules are amazingly similar to cricket and in some way it is a crude form of the more popular sport.

Played by : Two teams, any number of players Loca�on: OutdoorObjec�ve: Very important game to increase observa�on and physical fitness. It is an outdoor game mostly played in day light, lot of vitamin D for kids.Benefits: This carbon neutral game Improves hand-eye coordina�on. Sharpens judgement

skills. Gilli Danda helps in improving hand eye coordina�on. It also fosters healthy compe��ve spirit. Above all, it provides a mode of interac�on with children in the similar age group. This game helps the child to develop cogni�ve behavior and helps in building concentra�on power.



Chain is another classic children's game, although it is losing popularity now. The game consists of a 'denner', whose aim is to catch the other players. Once the denner catches a player, the player becomes part of a chain(which is formed by holding hands) and then has to help the denner in catching the remaining players.

Played by : any number of people, usually not more than 10Loca�on : OutdoorObjec�ve: This is a wonderful game where children can learn the importance of team work and the safety in s�cking together.Benefits: This carbon neutral outdoor game keeps kids ac�ve and provides a means to

increase their physical stamina and fitness, strengthen their muscles and bones, build immunity, lower the risk of many diseases and promote overall be�er health.

Hopscotch is a popular playground game in which players throw a small object into numbered spaces of a pa�ern of rectangles marked on the ground and then hop or jump through the spaces on one or two legs to retrieve the object.

Played by : One or more peopleLoca�on: Outdoor and/or indoorObjec�ve: Useful for the improvement of physical health. This game is excellent to promote balance and hand eye coordina�on.Benefits : Hopscotch also helps children to manage body rhythm, which is the core of

numerous other skills. Movements involved build body strength, balance, eye/hand coordina�on and more. It's a great “social campfire” for young children. This game also helps a child to develop be�er coun�ng skill. This game helps the child to build up strength, balance, breathing, concentra�on, throwing, coordina�on. It enhances physical balance and rhythm. This game strengthens muscles, improves motor skills and develops spa�al awareness. Children learn and develop coordina�on and a sense of balance and introduce one to necessary social skills needed to handle argument or dispute through nego�a�on.



Children who play outdoors tend to develop a posi�ve a�tude and have a calmer and happier disposi�on. Also, outdoor play provides a great opportunity to channelize kid's natural energy in a meaningful way.

Kids who spend considerable �me outdoors may be more inclined to establish a lifelong bond with nature.


The game consists of two teams, and an object such as a bo�le or handkerchief, etc., which is designated as the “bone.” A player from each team comes forward and a�empts to take the bone (placed at the centre of the playing area) back to his team. The player who fails to take the bone has to go out of the game.

A game very similar to dodgeball. It consists of two teams, who sca�er around in a large area. Players from a team try to hit players of the opposing team with a ball (usually made of sponge). Once a player is hit, he is out of the game. Passing between players of the same team is also allowed.

Played by: Two teams, any number of membersLoca�on: Outdoor and/indoorObjec�ve: Help to improve iden�fica�on skill and team-work.Benefits : Both ball dodgers and ball throwers have to have good hand-eye coordina�on. To

successfully hit other players, throwers need to coordinate their throws not only with the other players' current loca�on, but also with their an�cipated loca�on when the ball lands. Runners have to keep abreast of the current loca�on of the ball, adjus�ng their loca�on accordingly. Repeatedly throwing the ball can help build muscle endurance. It can also help players improve their balance.



Played by : Two teams of usually 5-10 members eachLoca�on : OutdoorObjec�ve : Important for increase in concentra�on and team-work.Benefits : It is zero carbon emission game and helps children to build up their

concentra�on. Playing with natural objects like flowers, different fruits or leaves as bone in the outdoor can help a child to know more about nature and environment.


It is the Indian version of the game “lock and key”. The aim of the denner is to touch the other players, giving them vish. As soon as vish is given the person stays there un�l teammates come to give him/her amrit. The game ends when all players have been caught and there is no one le� to give amrit.

Played by : any number of playersLoca�on : Outdoor and/indoor

Objec�ve : This game is a fun game providing children a pla�orm to socialize and interact with children of mixed age group. Playing this game helps children to build up their physical strength while developing their sense of the distance and space.

Langdi is a popular childhood game, especially in the state of Maharashtra. The game consists of two teams, and the team that wins the toss defends first. The opposing team sends a player to tag as many defenders as he can, while hopping on one foot. The team that tags the most defenders wins.Played by : Two teams, 12 players eachLoca�on : OutdoorObjec�ve : This game cost less money to

play and are mentally and physically refreshing for children. Langdi is considered to be useful in training for sports like kho kho, volleyball and gymnas�cs.

Benefits : Indian tradi�onal games like Langadi (one-leg hopping) don't require expensive equipment to play, nor does it require any uniform or specific accessories, all that is required is people to play with and space to play in. Playing this carbon neutral conven�onal games have always brought kids together encouraging teamwork and social interac�on.



Benefits : Vish means poison. Amrit means nectar. Vish Amrit is thus a game of poison and nectar, of good and bad, and was the most played game in childhood especially in schools. This carbon neutral game thus helps a child to differen�ate between good and bad things in the society.

This game, too, helps children to be alert and aware of the situa�on he/she is in. Further, it helps one to socialize in a healthy environment.


Antakshari is a spoken parlor game played in India. Each contestant sings the first verse of a movie song that begins with the Hindustani consonant on which the previous contestant's song selec�on ended.

Played by : Two teamsLoca�on : IndoorObjec�ve : This is a very important game for the development of team-work.Benefits : Antakshari is an environment

friendly game and not just a gaming pla�orm with lyrics, it also helps li� the mood through fun, mo�va�on and entertaining elements like quizzes and challenges. It also enhances the memory of a child.

Ashtapada is an Indian board game which predates chess. Chess was invented in India and originally called as Ashtapada. Later this game came to be known as Chaturanga. It could be played by two to four par�cipants and data used to determine the amount of houses to be moved in the board.

Played by : Two to four par�cipantsLoca�on : Indoor Objec�ve : Very useful for the improvement of analy�cal thinking. Benefits : This eco-friendly game is tradi�onal form of chess game and increases child's IQ.

It increases kid's problem-solving skills. It improves the memory of a child. It improves the concentra�on your child.




Moksha Patam or Parama Padam is a dice game from ancient India, popularly known as Snakes and Ladders. It was from India that it spread to the rest of the world. It was a very popular game to be played its main purpose was not only entertainment but also to teach morality. The central concept is libera�on from bondage of passions. So the players move from the lower levels of consciousness to higher levels of spiritual enlightenment and finally to Moksha. Played by : Two to four par�cipantsLoca�on : IndoorObjec�ve : The game is a simple race contest based on sheer luck, and is popular with young children. This is very helpful to improve analy�cal thinking and mathema�cal skill.Benefits : This carbon neutral game allows students to understand the concept of

Mathema�cs like coun�ng, number recogni�on easily. In addi�on, students can be exposed to the opera�ons of addi�on and subtrac�on indirectly and it is also a suitable ac�vity for leisure �me. This is to promote social skills and interac�on among the players.

Variants are called as Ali guli mane (in Kannada) Vamana guntalu (in Telugu) and Kuzhipara (in Malayalam). The game is played by two players, with a wooden board that has fourteen pits in all (hence the name from the words fourteen pits (pathinaalam kuzhi). There have been several varia�ons in the layout of the pits, one among them being seven pits on each player's side. The pits contain Cowry shells, seeds or small pebbles used as counters. There are several varia�ons of the game depending on the number of shells each player starts with.

Played by : Two playersLoca�on : IndoorObjec�ve : This game is encouraged for the kids to learn to count, to improve eye–hand coordina�on and concentra�on while playing.Benefits : It is a strategic game with skillful moves and memory about the posi�on and

number of coins kept in the opponent's pit. Game board has 14 pits. It enhances coordina�on, memory, observa�on skills, maths and motor skills of a child. Using of plant seeds in this game can allow children to get more closure to nature.




This tradi�onal game is played by both children and adults. This simple game requires 5 pieces of small stones. You spin one stone in the air and pick other stones from the ground without dropping the stone in the air. Played by : This game can be played by any number of peopleLoca�on : IndoorObjec�ve : This is very important game to improve observa�on skill and concentra�on.Benefits : This is a carbon neutral game. This game can be played with different seeds

instead of stones in the school. It will increase knowledge power of children. It will help to gather knowledge about natural objects more quickly. Thus a child can grow with nature through this indigenous game.

Two people stand with their hands locked together above their heads and sing a song. The other kids pass from under that bridge and the one who gets caught (when the hands come down like a cage at the end of the song) is out.

Played by : This game can be played by any number of peopleLoca�on : Outdoor and/indoorObjec�ve : Useful game to improve concentra�on and team-work.Benefits : This eco-friendly game develops pa�ern building in children while they walk to a

rhythmic song. It offers good social interac�on in children. The extension part of this game tests strength and decision making in children.



The popular game of cards originated in ancient India and was known as Krida-patram. It was one of the favorite pas�mes of Indians in ancient �mes. This game was patronized especially by the royalty and nobility. In medieval India, playing cards was known as Ganjifa cards which were played in prac�cally all royal courts. Cards were known as Krida-patram in ancient India. These cards were made of cloth and depicted mo�fs from the Ramayana, Mahabharata, etc. A tradi�on carried on today with floral mo�fs and natural scenery.

Played by : This game can be played by any number of peopleLoca�on : IndoorObjec�ve : Very useful game for development of logical thinking and concentra�on.Benefits : Such games provide an excellent opportunity to learn, grow and develop new

strategies and skills, and they can easily provide a life�me of enjoyment.

This game involves quick thinking and mental arithme�c, which are skills that most people rarely get to deploy in real-world situa�ons.

This environment friendly game o�en involves players concentra�ng for hours at a �me without even realizing it. They become engrossed in the game and need a high level of self-control in order to succeed, avoiding rash decisions that could throw the game. Pa�ence is a virtue, and while it is a quality that many people lack, it is rewarded in many card games and can be improved with prac�ce.



Kalari is considered to be the most complete and scien�fic mar�al art and is the mother of all mar�al arts. Bodhidharma, a Buddhist monk from India, introduced Kalari into China and Japan in the 5th century. He taught this art in a temple. This temple is today known as the Shaolin temple.

Played by : Two playersLoca�on : Outdoor and/indoorObjec�ve : Kalari game is very useful to improve physical strength without the use of any instrument. Benefits : It boosts flexibility. It improves the strength in an individual's body: It ensures to

make you fast because there are a lot of quick moves that you learn while prac�cing this art. It cuts down the 'laziness” in your body. Your concentra�on power increases the more you prac�ce this art. This form of mar�al art requires pa�ence because it is not something that you can learn overnight. It teaches you to be calm at the same �me.

If there is any sort of stress in your life, you can get rid of it by learning and

prac�cing this art. It promises to bring a major posi�ve change in your life and improve the way you think about yourself. It also boosts your confidence level.

Dhopkhel, also transliterated dhop khel and dhoop khel is a popular game in Assam. The game is played between two eleven member teams on a 125m by 80m field bounded by four flags, dhop is the name given to a rubber ball used by these two teams. The players take turns throwing the ball at the opponent to knock them out of the game, while seeking to catch the ball and evade other players.

Played by : Two eleven member teamsLoca�on : Outdoor Objec�ve : Useful game for the improvement of physical fitness.Benefits : This is a carbon neutral game. It is a test of speed, stamina, and acroba�c skills.




Chaupat is claimed to be a varia�on of the game of dice played in the epic poem Mahabharata between Yudhisthira and Duryodhan. It is a rela�vely easy game to learn but it does require skill to play this game of strategy well. A chopat 'board' is tradi�onally an embroidered cloth in the shape of a cross. Each arm of the cross is divided into three columns and each column is divided into eight squares. The “dice” are seven cowry shells. The “men” or pieces (Sogthi)are usually made of wood. Each player has four men.

Played by : Four playersLoca�on : IndoorObjec�ve : Very important game for the development of analy�cal thinking.Benefits : This is an eco-friendly game. It is a rela�vely easy game to learn but it does

require skill to play this game of strategy well.

This game requires the use of basic motor skills of the body liking picking up and moving objects. They are used as physiotherapy for trauma, to help gain func�onality, coordina�on, and to improve muscle and nerve func�ons. Regular prac�ce helps improve motor skills and basic func�oning which is important for children, people with disabili�es, and the elderly. It is an important aspect of brain development as they help acquire logical and reasoning skills, boost cri�cal thinking and gain spa�al reasoning. This game helps with learning, social and communica�on skills as well. It helps improve verbal abili�es and a�en�on skills by making a child concentrate and focus for longer periods of �me.

Lambs and Tigers Game locally referred as Aadu Puli aatam is a strategic, two-player (or 2 teams) leopard hunt game that is played in south India. The game is asymmetric in that one player controls three �gers and the other player controls up to 15 lambs/goats. The �gers 'hunt' the goats while the goats a�empt to block the �gers' movements.

Played by : Two playersLoca�on : IndoorObjec�ve : Very useful game for the development of logical thinking.



Benefits : This is the ancient game played in southern part of India especially in the states of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. This game helps people to develop strategy and concept of teamwork by teaching that even though weak, if united, one can defeat the stronger enemy as a team.


Collect ten biodegradable and ten non-biodegradable objects. Jumble the objects and arrange them on a tray. Cover the tray with a cloth. Tell the players that you will show them a collec�on of different items for 30secs. A�er showing the items, cover the tray again with the cloth. Now, ask the players to list down on a paper the items which they remember seeing on the tray. The players should then group the items into two categories-biodegradable and non-biodegra-dable.A�er the players finish, ask each player how he/she has grouped the items. Write the items under the heads “Biodegradable” and “Non-biodegradable” on the board for everyone to see.

Played by : Upto 30 playersLoca�on : Indoor Objec�ve : Very important game for the development of analy�cal thinking, classifica�on

and memory development.Benefits: This game is very useful because it helps a child to differen�ate between

biodegradable and non-biodegradable kitchen waste which is the basic step in municipal solid waste management. Thus this game is very useful to keep our environment clean and healthy.

Biodegradable Non-biodegradable


Ask the players to wander around individually in the area and come back with a leaf each. Instruct the players that they can only bring fallen leaves and must not pluck any. They are given a �me of 15 seconds to find and get back the leaf of their choice. A�er the players come back, group them randomly into teams. Each team can have about 20 players; all the teams should have the same number of players. Ask each team to arrange the leaves they have in



an ascending order, according to size, on the ground. A�er a team finishes making the arrangement, ask them to count how many different types of leaves they have in their arrangement. A�er all the teams have arranged their leaves and declared their “variety score”, they can go around and see the arrangement of the other teams. The team having the biggest “variety score”, that is, the most variety of leaves, wins.

Played by : Upto 60 playersLoca�on : OutdoorObjec�ve : Very important game for the development of observa�onal skill, sor�ng capacity

and team work. This game will help players to observe differences and similari�es amongst natural objects of different sizes.

Benefits : This nature game helps the child to recognize the tree. They learn about the nature. They have to know the loca�on or probable loca�on of a certain tree or grass which is very rare. Running is also a part of the game.
