Indian Gaming Market Review 06112015 Secured


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  • 8/16/2019 Indian Gaming Market Review 06112015 Secured


       T  h e   I n d

      i a n  G a m  i n g

       M a r  k e

      t   R e  v  i e


     O  p  p o r t u n i t i e s  i n  a  R a  p i d  l y  G r o w i n g  M a r k e t 


  • 8/16/2019 Indian Gaming Market Review 06112015 Secured


  • 8/16/2019 Indian Gaming Market Review 06112015 Secured


    01 | The Indian Gaming Market Review: Opportunities in a Rapidly Growing Market


    India, with 1.3 billion people and two-thirds below the age of 35, the world’s largest youth

    population, is poised to become one of the world’s leading markets. Historically, games did

    not gain a foothold in India due to the lack of access to gaming consoles and PCs, and the low

    social acceptance of this entertainment medium. This is all changing now as the Indian

    games industry is at the cusp of a major transformation. Economic growth has resulted in a

    society that is embracing digital content and entertainment like never before, enabled by the

    explosive growth of smartphones and affordable wireless internet.

    These rapidly evolving changes will create tremendous opportunities for game developers,

    publishers and enabling technology players, in what is destined to be one of the top gaming

    markets in the world. This study, undertaken by NASSCOM Gaming Forum, offers a

    comprehensive assessment of the Indian games industry. It provides an overview of the

    Indian media and entertainment industry and digital landscape, a roadmap to the history and

    evolution of the Indian games industry, an assessment of the Indian games market from the

    consumer spending standpoint, and demographic insights into the Indian gamer. To put this

    together, we conducted an extensive survey of the Indian developer and service provider

    ecosystem, and interviewed key players to gather data and trends. We placed greatemphasis on data validation, as obtaining accurate data in a nebulous, and rapidly growing

    and evolving market like India can be challenging.

    The picture that emerges states that the building blocks for the creation of a massive market

    are now falling in place. India is the world’s fastest growing smartphone market. By 2016, it

    will top the US as the world’s second largest smartphone population with more than 200

    million users. Thanks to this, consumers are experiencing games at a mass-market level like

    never before. Huge momentum in eCommerce is building online purchasing habits, and

    several initiatives, both by the government and private entities, are at play to crack

    payments. With a growing consumer base and payment solutions in place, the Indian game

    developer ecosystem will have ample opportunity to innovate and provide compelling

    content with social and cultural context, which is key in engaging the Indian consumer.

    As it discovers and capitalizes on market opportunities both in India and abroad, it is truly

    exciting times for the Indian games industry. We hope that you find this report informative

    and useful, and we welcome your feedback and comments at

    R Chandrashekhar

    President, NASSCOM

    Rajesh Rao

    Chairman, Gaming Forum


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    This report is a culmination of a four-month concerted effort by NASSCOM Gaming

    Forum to provide a comprehensive overview of the Indian Games Industry.

    We would like to thank various people for their valuable contributions, without which

    this report would not have been possible. First, we would like to thank member

    companies of NASSCOM Gaming Forum, who went out of their way to provide detailed

    inputs, insights and perspectives on the industry, their companies and clients through a

    comprehensive survey. More than 50 companies participated in this survey.

    We would also like to acknowledge inputs from third-party sources cited in the report:FICCI, KPMG, IAMAI, TRAI, IDC, Cisco's Visual Networking Index, IMRB, ASSOCHAM,

    Deloitte, Opera Mediaworks, eMarketer and We Are Social.

    Finally, we wish to convey special gratitude for the efforts and contributions from the

    NASSCOM research and the Google team, without which successful completion of this

    report would not have been possible.

    03 | The Indian Gaming Market Review: Opportunities in a Rapidly Growing MarketGAMING FORUM

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    Table of Contents

    04 | The Indian Gaming Market Review: Opportunities in a Rapidly Growing MarketGAMING FORUM

    Chapter 1: The Digital Enablers 05

      Media & Entertainment 04

      Internet 07

      Mobile, Smartphone & Tablets 08

      Digital Media 09

      Mobile Advertising 10

    Chapter 2: The Indian Games Industry 11

      The Industry: A road Map 12

      Industry Overview 13

      The Developers 14

      The Service Providers 15

    Chapter 3: Indian Games Market Trends 17

    Indian Games Market Indicators 18

    Trends, Challenges & Opportunities 20

    Chapter 4: Game Developer Salary Trends 21

      Quick Facts 22

      Talent Overview 23

      Survey Background 24

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     The Digital Enablers

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    06 | The Indian Gaming Market Review: Opportunities in a Rapidly Growing Market

    Media & Entertainment


    Growth of the media and entertainment industry

    in India is being driven by digital players, in

    addition to traditional media. TV is the largest

    segment, followed by print, while radio is seeing

    the fastest growth.

    Digitization Drives Growth

    The M&E sector growth in India

    CAGR (2014- 2019)

    13.9%2X global M&E industry growth

    World’s Second Largest TV Market by Viewers • 168 million TV households (TV penetration rate of 61%)

     • More than 800 TV channels, of which ~167 are paid

     • 139 million paid cable and satellite subscribers in 2014

    (82% of TV households)

     • Future growth: 175 million paid cable and satellite

    subscribers in 2019 (90% of TV households)

    Media & Entertainment Revenues (INR billion) | 2014-2019

    Total Industry, TV, Print, Film & Radio Revenues & Growth

    2014  YoY


    2015P   2016P   2017P   2018P   2019P  CAGR


    Total M&E   1,026   11.7%   1,159   1,330   1,532   1,740  1,964  13.9%

    TV  474.9   13.8%   543.2   634.2   739.6   854.6  975.5  15.5%

    Print  263.4   8.3%   284.5   307.1   331.9   358.0  386.8  8.0%



















     • Year-on-year growth of 17.6%in 2014

     • 90% of the Indian population

    has access to radio

     • Future Growth: Phase-II

    auctions of 135 FM channels in

    2015 will increase reach to

    small towns and cities

     • More than 330 million newspaperscirculated daily

     • English print is struggling as

    subscribers switch to online

    platforms, but regional print is

    largely isolated from this trend

     • Future growth: Rising cover prices

    and subscriptions aided by low

    media penetration, population

    growth, rising income and literacy

     • World leader in films produced yearly, but industry lags in terms of infrastructure

     • Low screen penetration (7 screens per million people)

     • Slow growth (0.9%) in 2014, due to poor box office returns and lack of quality content

     • Future growth: Increasing number of multiplex screens in Tier II and Tier III cities

    Source: FICCI-KPMG Indian Media and Entertainment Industry Report 2015 


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    07 | The Indian Gaming Market Review: Opportunities in a Rapidly Growing Market


    Potent Growth Ahead  • 354 million internet users by Q2 2015 (>75 million users added since Dec 2014)

      • In 2015, India is all set to surpass the US as the second largest internet population

    in the world, after China

      • Internet penetration remains low in India (19%), leaving much room for growth;

    future growth will come from increasing smartphone penetration in rural areas

    The World’s Second Largest Internet Population

    Internet Growth in India| 2013-2017Internet Users (Millions)





    427  503

    2013 2014 2015e 2016e 2017e

    Source: IAMAI-KPMG July 2015 - India on the Go: Mobile Internet Vision 2017 

    Mobile-First Internet Adoption

     • 159 million mobile internet users of which 82 million are 3G users

     • Mobile internet users set to grow at a CAGR (2013-2017) of 27.8%

     • 3G users will grow with a CAGR (2013-2017) of 61.3%

     • Future growth: Mobile internet adoption in rural areas through

    increased availability of low-cost smartphones

    Mobile Internet Growth in India| 2013-2017Mobile Internet Users (Millions)

    Source: IAMAI-KPMG July 2015 - India on the Go: Mobile Internet Vision 2017 

    110 159

    213 236


    2013 2014 2015e 2016e 2017e

    Digital India Programme To Increase Internet ReachThe Indian Government has identified nine pillars to realize Digital India:

     • Broadband Highways

     • Public Internet Access • eGovernance

     • E-Kranti

     • IT for Jobs

     • Universal Access to Mobile Connectivity

     • Electronics Manufacturing • Information for All

     • Early Harvest Programmes


    503Minternet users in India

    by 2017E

    314Mmobile internet users

    by 2017E

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    Mobile, Smartphones & Tablets


    India has the world’s second largest mobile user

    base and the world’s third largest smartphone

    user base. Future growth will come from

    smartphone adoption in smaller cities and

    towns, particularly in lower socioeconomic


    World’s Second Largest Mobile User Base

    95%of Indian mobile subscriptions

    are on prepaid plans

    Top 4 Operators Take 70% of Market

     • 981 million mobile subscriptions at the end of June 2015,1

    of which 90% were active

     • 563 million urban vs. 418 million rural subscribers

     • The top four mobile operators account for 70% of the


    World’s Fastest Growing Smartphone Market2 • 122 million smartphone users in 2014

     • Smartphones are the device of choice; the average Indian spends

    162 minutes/day on it v/s. 96 minutes/day on TV

     • Android dominates, with Samsung as market leader in Q4 2014

     • Future Growth: Increasing availability of low-cost smartphones

    and dropping data charges are fueling growth

    08 | The Indian Gaming Market Review: Opportunities in a Rapidly Growing MarketGAMING FORUM

    1 2 Source: TRAI as of June 2015, IAMAI-KPMG 


    Unbranded Tablets Wiped off Market in 2014 –Slows Growth • Tablet penetration is low: 3.2% of the Indian population in


     • 56% Y-o-Y growth in shipment volume in 2013, however,

    15% Y-o-Y decline in 2014 due to unbranded tablets being

    wiped off the market

     • Future growth: The tablet market is expected to grow in

    2015, driven by tablets with 8-9 inch screen size

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    Digital MediaSmartphones As Media & Entertainment Screens

    Mobile Devices Have Multiple Uses

     • Mobile devices in India have gone beyond simple voice and SIM;

    mobile video, social networking and instant messaging are

    proliferating in the Indian consumer market

     • Smartphones now complement traditional channels such as TV

    Online Video Accounts for About Half of Internet Traffic

     • Video accounted for 46% of all internet traffic in India in 2014

    and this will increase to 74% in 2019 (Cisco VNI Forecast)

     • YouTube is the most popular video app in India; it is accessed

    by 35% of smartphone users who spend an average of 1.5

    hours/month on it

     • Future growth: TV on the go - internet TV providers (Big Fish,

    Dish TV, etc.) have mobile apps as part of multi-screen strategy

    Top Social Platforms| 2014

    Percent of the total population using the platform in the past month11%

    9%8% 8%


    5%   5%  4%   4%  

    Whatsapp FacebookMessenger

    Facebook Skype Google+ Twitter WeChat LinkedIn Pinterest Viber

    social network messaging/chat app

    Source: GlobalWebIndex Q4 2014 survey-based data via We Are Social 

    Mostly Mobile Social Media • 143 million social media users as of April 2015,

    1of which 61% access social media on mobile

     • Facebook and Whatsapp are the most popular


    Google Play Dominates App Market • App downloads will reach 9 billion in 2015, up

    2from 1.5 billion in 2012

     • Games are the most popular category among

    paid apps

     • Within the Android dominated market, Google

    Play prevails


    monthly active Facebook

    users, of which 114

    million are on mobile

    09 | The Indian Gaming Market Review: Opportunities in a Rapidly Growing MarketGAMING FORUM

    1 2 Source: IAMAI-IMRB, ASSOCHAM-Deloitte 

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    Mobile AdvertisingIndia Is the Driver of Asia Pacic’s Mobile Ad Market 

    ndIndia is the 2 largest mobile ad market in the world • Mobile advertising volume in India grew 260% between July 2013 and July 2014,

    compared to 70% growth for Asia Pacific

     • India is the world’s second biggest market in terms of mobile ad volume, behind

    the US (Opera Mediaworks)

     • India’s ad spike is mainly due to the rapid shift from feature to smart devices


    Social Sites/Apps Account for Half of Mobile Ad Revenues • Similar to the global trend, social sites/apps in India account for half of mobile ad

    traffic and almost half of mobile ad revenues

     • However, India shows a significantly higher use of mobile app store sites, gaming

    and education sites than globally.

     • Ads for games and mobile devices represent nearly half of all ad impressions

    (25.5% and 22.7%), followed by classified ads (20%) (Opera Mediaworks)

    User-Rich Mobile Advertising on the Rise • 96.8% of mobile ad impressions are simple banners

     • Remaining 3.2% of impressions are rich-media creative generating more than one1

    quarter of revenues

     • Future growth: While the mobile advertising market continues to transition to

    advanced smartphone platforms, advertisers will deliver more user-rich


    Mobile Internet Ad Spending in India2013-2018 (USD Millions)

    26   79  





    2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018



    Mobile internet ad spending in

    India will touch

    by 2018

    Notable Indian Mobile Advertising Platforms*

     • InMobi, founded in 2007, recently unveiled Miip, a discovery platform that

    will compete with Google. Miip transforms advertising into a personalized,

    content-rich experience

     • Vserv, founded in 2010, is a leading mobile marketing platform that delivers

    smart data-led results to marketeers, app developers, telcos and datapartners. Vserv has raised $15 million in funding to date


    Source: eMarketer March 2015 

    10 | The Indian Gaming Market Review: Opportunities in a Rapidly Growing MarketGAMING FORUM

    1Source: Opera Mediaworks 

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     The Indian Games Industry

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     The Indian Games Industry A Roadmap: Indies & Start-Ups Spurring Growth

    • Outsourcing for consoles  • Online portals  

    # of companies: 5

     • Feature phone mobile games, Smartphone games

     • MNCs setting up backend operations and studios • First wave of VC funded game companies

    # companies: ~25





    Set Up Pre 2005

    Set Up Pre 2005-2010

    Set Up 2010 Onwards


    12 | The Indian Gaming Market Review: Opportunities in a Rapidly Growing MarketGAMING FORUM

     • Early PC game titles

     • Mobile game analytics

     • Focused/experimental game design

     • Social/PC games

     • Mobile games

     • Kickstarter projects

     • Angel investors for early stage funding

    # of companies: >200

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    Industry OverviewA Young Industry With a Fresh Perspective

    2014 Revenues ($USD)  Indian Game Developers & Service Providers  

    27%  of companies with average

    revenues of above  

    $1.6 million  in 2014


    Company Size 

    Indian Game Developers & Service Providers


    Year of IncorporationIndian Game Developers & Service Providers












    < 2005 2006-2008 2009-2011 2012-2014 2015

    Location SplitGame Developers & Service Providers

    The industry follows a lean structure, with 57%

    of companies having fewer than 10 employees

    Almost 60% of respondents are

    based out of the top 3 Tier I cities








    More than half of companies were

    incorporated from 2012 onwards



    Mumbai  Pune





    *Others include

    emerging citieslike Vadodara,Jaipur, Indore,

    Vizag, etc.










    < 160,000


    > 1,600,000

    13 | The Indian Gaming Market Review: Opportunities in a Rapidly Growing MarketGAMING FORUM

    Source: NASSCOM Indian Gaming survey 

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     The DevelopersMajority Focusing on Global Market & Mobile


    Market Segmentation – Development Platforms


    Indian Game Developers
















    Free-To-Play Freemium Premium




    Casual PCGames

    MMO Games ConsoleGames


    2014 Revenues ($USD)


    Indian Game Developers


    Game Genres


    Indian Game Developers


    Of Indian developers,


    are focusing on theglobal market


    Business ModelIndian Game Developers

    *Includes companies who are involved in both as well (developer and service providers) 

    With mobile games set to outpace other segments,

    it’s no surprise that 96% of developers are working

    on mobile

    61% of developers use the

    free-to-play model

    Arcade style games are the most popular

    genre followed by puzzle and racing genre
















    Arcade Braintraining,

    puzzle, quiz

    Race Sports Simulation Action oradventure

    Shooter Casino (exl.Poker)


    < 160,000


    > 1,600,000

    14 | The Indian Gaming Market Review: Opportunities in a Rapidly Growing MarketGAMING FORUM

    Source: NASSCOM Indian Gaming survey 

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     The Service ProvidersOffshoring is Gaining Momentum, Along With Value Added Services


    2014 Revenues ($USD)  Indian Service Providers  

    Content creation andco-development arethe main sources of


    Source of the Majority of ProfitsIndian Service Providers











    Mobile Games Casual PCGames

    Social WebGames

    Console Games Other

    Market Segmentation – Service Platforms Indian service providers

    95% of providers are mobile-centric

    *Includes companies who are involved in both as well (developer and service providers) 

    Mobile is the most popular

    segment on which service

    providers are working,

    followed by casual

    PC games

    Top 3 Services OfferedIndian Service Providers

    90% of service providers offer

    development services






    Development Game ArtServices


    < 160,000


    > 1,600,000

    Content Creation Services

    Co Development

    Revenue Share


    15 | The Indian Gaming Market Review: Opportunities in a Rapidly Growing MarketGAMING FORUM

    Source: NASSCOM Indian Gaming survey 

    Source: NASSCOM Indian Gaming survey 

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    India Games Market Trends

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    Indian Games Market IndicatorsMobile gamers leading the market 


    18 | The Indian Gaming Market Review: Opportunities in a Rapidly Growing MarketGAMING FORUM


    Mobile: • Market size - Approx. 40 to 50 mn people play

    games on their smartphones and older

    feature phones, this number is growing

    rapidly at a CAGR of 40% to 50%

     • Revenues across all models including

    premium, freemium and ad-supported

     • Smartphone based is estimated at 200mn by

    2015, to grow at 100 mn every year thereafter

     • Future outlook - Most industry players areawaiting the integration of mobile carrier

    billing, as this is expected to grow revenues


    Gaming in Cyber cafes:

     • Market size - Estimated 3000 cyber cafes in India with games, of which 1500 have 5

    machines or more dedicated to games

     • In addition, there are few exclusive gaming cafes with console games as well

     • Estimated 250,000 active PC/MMO players

     • Popular games -

    – Counterstrike

      – DOTA

      – League of Legends

      – World of Tanks

    CONSOLEMarket size - Estimated around 3 to 4 mn console gamers

      • 3 to 3.5 mn is the lifetime sales of all consoles (including PSP handheld), this includes grey

    market imports

      • 2m PlayStation, 2 lifetime sales, including grey market imports

      • Around 500k units combined for both PS3 / Xbox360 (PS3 is around 350k units)

      • Less than 100k units for PS4 / XBox1 with PS4 around 65k

    Number of active consoles are much less than installed base, as many consoles are defunct, with dust

    and weather resulting in high failure rate.

    “Attach rates” or the number of games purchased by a console owning consumer in India is much

    lower than international average. Many console gamers share game titles among each other.

    Future outlook - As in the case of PC gaming, most industry watchers expect console gaming to gain

    from the rapidly growing gamer base due to smartphones

    Mobile gaming revenues

     $150 mn

    50 mnApprox gamers

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    19 | The Indian Gaming Market Review: Opportunities in a Rapidly Growing MarketGAMING FORUM

    *Disclaimer:  We initially wanted to do a full market sizing for this report, but after discussions with a variety

    of players in the ecosystem - developers, publishers, distributors, platform owners, hardware

    manufacturers and journalists - we realised that it was very difficult to arrive at reliable estimates. India is a

    nebulous, rapidly growing market, and reliable numbers are hard to come by. Existing market reports and

    revenue estimates turned out to be in wide variance with our own research, which threw up far more

    conservative numbers. We hence decided to put forth market indicators, data that we are confident as

    reliable based on our own industrywide research and validation. We don’t have revenue estimates for all but

    the mobile segment, and we hope that in future as the market matures and we have better data, we can

    publish numbers that are reliable for all segments of the games industry 

    Indian Games Market IndicatorsWith growing advent of smartphones, PC online players are set to rise


    PCs sold in Indiaevery year

    ~17 mnPC / Web gaming • PC Market - Around 10 mn of which 50% are sold to

    businesses/corporates, and 50% to home consumers

     • Overall “active” installed base estimated at 50 mn PCs

     • 100,000: Number of high-end graphics cards being sold

    in India per year

     • 300k ~ 500k : Estimated ‘high-end gaming’ PCs and

    laptops in India

     • Estimated number of PC gamers: Between 5m to 7m,

    with “hard core gamers” around 1m to 1.5m

     • Biggest selling PC franchises

      • FIFA, Grand Theft Auto, Assasins Creed, Need For

    Speed, Call of Duty, Cricket games

     • Most industry watchers expect PC gaming to gain from

    the rapidly growing gamer base due to smartphones.

    Between  and  , rapid growth in2011 2013Facebook user base coupled with widely

    popular casual games like Farmville spurred a

    mini-revolution of sorts, with many consumers

    especially women gaining access to casual /web games

    In India, the definition

    of broadband is512kbps or higher, anda majority ofconnections are atspeeds 2mbps or less

    This is set to changewith the advent ofFiber to Home (FTTH)

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     Trends, Challenges & OpportunitiesHigh Potential for the Indian Games Industry



    Presently, most game developers and service providers in India are focusing on the

    global market. Approximately 9% are generating revenues from the domestic market,

    while foreign developers and games are dominating the app store rankings. With recent

    developments however, such as Apple and Google lowering the minimum price for apps

    and in-app purchases in India, we expect more Indian companies to turn their focus

    towards the local market.

    Trends: Localization & Virtual Reality Are Emerging • Virtual Reality & Localization: 24% of developers see localization and virtual

    reality as emerging trends

     • Free to Play Reins: Gamers in India have a relatively high tolerance for in-game

    advertisements and prefer free games

     • Low ARPU: The ARPU of Indian gamers is far lower than the global average. 45%

    of developers state that ARPU is low for those gamers who actually spend money

    Apple and Google Lower the Minimum Price for Apps

     • In July 2015, Apple announced new pricing tiers for App Store customers in India,allowing developers to price their iOS app as low as Rs. 10 (approximately $0.16)

     • Google quickly followed suit with the same price minimum

     • Google also recently started selling prepaid vouchers in India to facilitate

    purchasing in a country with low credit card and electronic payment use

    Problems Faced by Indian Developers: Lack of Talent, billing • Lack of scalable talent base (e.g. programmers, designers)

     • Working with international partners comes at the cost of revenues

     • Infrastructure: Only 2% of Indian consumers have a credit card, making it difficult

    for many gamers to pay for games, carrier billing integration has not yet


     • International games dominate mobile charts: with most local developers focusing

    on global markets, only 15% of the revenues from the top 100 iOS games in India

    in June went to Indian publishers, or publishers with offices in India

    Opportunities • India will continue to be one of the fastest growing game markets in the world,

    delivering more and more opportunities for new and existing developers

     • With the new app minimum, mobile developers can target a wider audience and

    acquire new paying users and this will drive overall monetization

     • International companies will increase their effort in India, providing a push on the

    local industry

    20 | The Indian Gaming Market Review: Opportunities in a Rapidly Growing MarketGAMING FORUM

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    Game Developer Salary Trends

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    Quick Facts  

    22 | The Indian Gaming Market Review: Opportunities in a Rapidly Growing MarketGAMING FORUM

    *Having less than 30 people and development of the game should have been self-funded **Includes people involved in Art, Tech, Production/Project Management and Marketing/Biz Development 

    #Includes Indie founders or people employed in Indie studios 

    ‘Developers’ are

    the heart of the



    are the key




    Upto 5-6Lacs




    Upto 8-9Lacs

    (Non Devs)**

    Indian gaming

    industry follows

    the global trend

    % of Women





    ~6-7 Lacs(For Women)



    ~8-9 Lacs(For Men)

    Game Dev is

    more about



    with Indie



    Fresh minds;no prior





    Upto 5 Lacs(

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    23 | The Indian Gaming Market Review: Opportunities in a Rapidly Growing MarketGAMING FORUM

     Talent OverviewTrendsetting the Gen-Y Evolution, Focus Shifting towards Skills







    15 years

    A fair mix of experience across age groups

    A Young & Dynamic Workforce


    Future Ready Entrepreneurs









     Well diversified role with capabilities across levels

    Trainee Developer/ executiveLead/ Manager Senior Management

    All the above (Indie)

    Diversity an increasing trend in the gaming industry

    21% of the workforce is

    SELF-EMPLOYED*(Approx. 4-5% are freelancers adding

    more capabilities to the industry)

    75% of the workforce constitutes

    MILLENIALS(less than 30 years of age)




    0 20 40 60 80 100


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    24 | The Indian Gaming Market Review: Opportunities in a Rapidly Growing MarketGAMING FORUM

    Survey Background

    % of respondents


    Responses by Age Group








    To assess the effect of thechanging businessdynamics on hiring trendsand the outlook of GamingIndustry, NASSCOMGaming Forum conducteda dip-stick survey duringthe period Aug to Sep. Wereceived responses fromover 100 people associatedto Gaming Industry

    Responses by Location

    Delhi-NCR Mumbai Bengaluru Hyderabad Pune Others





















    Marketing/ Business Dev

    Production/ Project management

    General management

    Product management

    Multiple (Indie)

    Responses by functional areas

    Ahmedabad   Kolkata



    ~7per cent

    Chennai, Kochi and Kolkata

    Ahmedabad, Chandigarh andJaipur are emerging fast



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  • 8/16/2019 Indian Gaming Market Review 06112015 Secured


    International Youth Centre Teen Murti Marg Chanakyapuri New Delhi – 110 021 India
