Indian Astrology Signs




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Indian Astrology Signs

Many people believe in Astrology. For that reason they regularly read horoscope and thus discover what the stars have said about their business plans, love life, health and so on. There are several kinds of Astrology, but Indian Astrology Signs are the oldest Astrology signs in the world. It is also called Jyotish and it is 5000 years old. It uses constellation system which is based on the date, place and time of birth. For instance, Indian Astrology varies significantly from Chinese Astrology whose basic point is the year of birth. Indian Astrology thus defines characteristics of the individual, their marital compliance and future events on the basis of the position of the planets, time and place of birth. It is believed that Indian Astrology is the most precise astrology in the world but also the most widespread type of astrology today. Indian Astrology has 12 signs that are arranged according to the date of birth and those are: Mesh, Vrisha, Mithuna, Karka, Simha, Kanya, Tula, Vrischika, Dhanu, Makara, Kumbha and Meena.

Mesh This is the first sign of Indian Astrology. People born in this sign govern by a planet Mars and that makes them avanturistic. They are leaders by nature, they are brave and dominant.

VrishaVrisha is the second sign in Indian Astrology which is said to be very stubborn
