INDEX RECORDS OF THE FIRST SESSION I nternati onal ......M- 4 7. 1981. II. alld the Members of the...


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[Distributed to th e Council Official N o .: Q 1 4 8 . M - 4 7 . 1981. II.alld the Members o f th e League.] u v>* ^ ‘


G e n e v a , February , 1 9 8 1 .



I nternati onal Conference






GENEVA, May 13th—June 7th. 1930



Series of League of Nations Publications


1931. H. B. 2.


Articles referred to in the Index are always the final Articles of the various Acts of the Conference. Where an Article has been discussed under a provisional number differing from the final number, this provisional number has been given in italics after the page reference.


Art. — Article.

Cttee. — Committee.Govt. — Government.H .C . P. — High Contracting Part;--.

U. S. A. — United States of America.


Page 276 : line 6 : instead of M. Quassowski read M. Albrecht.

Page 341: line 24: instead of “ the present Convention” read ", the said Convention ” ,

Page 447 : para. 4 : instead of Art. 76 read Art. 75.



International Conference

for the Unification of Laws on Bills o f Exchange, Promissory Notes and Cheques

GENEVA, May J3th—June 7th, 1930

FIRST S E S S I O N : BILLS o f E X C H A N G E a n d P R O M I S S O R Y N O T E S


Abling, Professor d’ 3 ° 4

Acceptance of Fills of ExchangeSee Bills of exchange, acceptance

Actions, Limitation ofSee Bills of exchange, L im itation of actions

Promissory notes, L im itation of actions

Allrecht, Dr. ErichDelegate of G e r m a n y ................................ 13Co n f l i c t s o f l a w s

Convention : Art. 6 ...................... 364F i n a l A c t

Agreement as to further exam inationof d raft Convention on Cheques 453

Si g n a t u r e to Conventions, Protocolsand Final Act . . . 30, 60, 76, 82, 96, 102, 122

Stamp lawsConvention : Art. 1 ........................... 442, 443

U n i f o r m l a w A n n e x 1

Art. 1 ................................................. 382A rt. 22 214 ( Art. 21), 215 ( Art. 21), 216

( Art. 21)A rt. 43 275 ( Art. 42.), 276-7 (Art. 42.), 278A rt. 4 5 ............................................ 289 (Art. 44)A rt. 4 6 ................................................. 453A rt. 4 8 ..................................................300 (Art. 47)A rt. 5 2 .......................301 (Art. 31), 302 ( Art. 31)

Annex IIArt. 1 4 ................................................. 300Art. 2 3 ...............................422-3 (former Art. 22),

423 (former Art. 22)Convention

Art. I ................................................. 4 24 -5 . 425

AllongeSee Bills of exchange, Allonge

AlterationsSee Bills of exchange ; Alterations

Promissory notes ; Alterations

Andritch, YvoSubstitute delegate of Yugoslavia . . 18

Annex I to Convention providing a Uniform Law for Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes

A r t i c l e i

(1)Discussion and documents 33, 127, 128, 171-3,

177-8, 332-3, 337-40, 341

Annex I to Convention providing a Uniform Law for Bill of Exchange and Promissory Notes (continued)

A r t ic l e i (continued)

(x) (c td .)

S t ip u la t io n p r o v id in g t im e - l im it fo r in tr o d u c t io n o f t e r m “ b ill o f e x c h a n g e ” , see A n n e x I I :A r t . 1

(2) 3 3 , 127, 173(3) 33. 127, 173, 174(4 ) 3 3 . 127. 173(5) 33. 128, 173, 382(6) 3 3 . 129, 173 -5 . 177(7) 33. 128, 175(8) 33. 128, 175-6, 302, 307, 335

See also A n n e x I I , A r t . 2R e p o r t o f D r a f t in g C t t e e ....... 127-8T e x t ................................................... 33

A d o p t e d ................................................ 178, 381, 447A r t ic l e 2

D is c u s s io n a n d d o c u m e n ts128-9, 178-81, 381, 447

T e x t ................................................... 33

A r t ic l e 3D is c u s s io n a n d d o c u m e n ts

129, 181-2, 341, 381, 447T e x t ................................................... 33

A r t ic l e 4A p p lic a b le t o p r o m is so r y n o te s , see

below A r t . 77 D isc u s s io n a n d d o c u m e n t s

129, 182-6, 215-16, 381-2, 447T e x t ........................................................ 33

A r t ic l e 5A p p lic a b le t o p r o m isso r y n o te s , see

below A r t . 77 D is c u s s io n a n d d o c u m e n t s 129, 186-9, 382, 447T e x t ........................................................ 33

A r t ic l e 6A p p lic a b le t o p r o m isso r y n o te s , see

below A r t . 77 D is c u s s io n a n d d o c u m e n t s 129, 189, 382, 447T e x t ........................................................ 33

A r t ic l e 7A p p lic a b le t o p r o m isso r y n o te s , see

below A r t . 77 D isc u s s io n a n d d o c u m e n ts

130, 189-90, 290, 326 (Art. 68), 382, 447T e x t ..................................................................... 33

A r t ic l e 8A p p l ic a b le t o p r o m is so r y n o te s , see

below A r t . 77 D isc u s s io n a n d d o c u m e n ts

130, 190-1, 382-4, 386, 447, 466T e x t ..................................................................... 33

A r t ic l e 9D isc u s s io n a n d d o c u m e n t s 130, 192-3, 384, 447 T e x t ..................................................................... 35

S rl x i 1 n o n ix? x a o n t a t <>rqi — Tmn. Sonor.

Annex I to Convention providing a Uniform Law for Billsof Exchange and Promissory Notes (continued)

A r t i c l e i o

Applicable to promissory notes, see below Art. 77

Discussion and documents 129, 130-1, 178-181,265-70 (Art. 7), 290, 302, 341,

384, 447, 463 (Annex 8) Reservation, see Annex II, Art. 3T e x t ......................................................... 35

A r t i c l e i i

Applicable to promissory notes, see below A rt. 77

Discussion and documents131, 193-4 ( A rt- 10 )• 384. 447

T e x t ........................................................ 35A r t i c l e 12

Applicable to promissory notes, see below Art. 77

Discussion and documents131-2, 195-6 (Art. 11), 384, 447

T e x t ........................................................ 35A r t i c l e 1 3

Applicable to promissory notes, see below Art. 77

Discussion and documents132, 196-7 (Art. 12). 384. 447, 453

T e x t ......................................................... 35A r t i c l e 14

Applicable to promissory notes, see below Art. 77

Discussion and documents132, 197 (Art. 13J, 384, 447

T e x t ......................................................... 35A r t i c l e 15

Applicable to promissory notes, see below Art. 77

Biscnssion and documents132, 197 (Art. 14), 384, 447

T e x t ......................................................... 35A r t i c l e 16

Applicable to promissory notes, see below Art. 77

Discussion and documents 132, 197-200 (Art. 15), 294 ( A rt- 15J. 384. 386, 447

T e x t ......................................................... 35A r t i c l e 17

Applicable to promissory notes, see below Art. 77

Discussion and documents 132-3, 201 ( Art. ib), 291-4 (Art. 16), 384, 447,

463 (Annex 8. Art. 16)T e x t ......................................................... 35

A r t i c l e 18

Applicable to promissory notes, see below Art. 77

Discussion and documents133, 201 (Art. 17J, 384, 447

T e x t ........................................................ 35-7A r t i c l e 19

Applicable to promissory notes, see below Art. 77

Discussion and documents 133, 201-5 (Art. 18),20^-10 (Art. 18), 384, 447-8

T e x t ........................................................ 37A r t i c l e 20

Applicable to promissory notes, see below Art. 77

Discussion and documents 134, 210-13 (Art. ig),284 (Art. ig ), 384-5, 386-7, 448

T e x t ........................................................ 37A r t i c l e 21

Discussion and documents134. 213 (Art, 20), 387-9, 448

T e x t ........................................................ 37A r t i c l e 22

Discussion and docum ents................... 129, 134,213-16 (Art. 21), 274 (Art. 21), 389, 448

T e x t ......................................................... 37A r t i c l e 23

Applicable to promissory notes, see below Art. 78

Annex I to Convention providing a Uniform Law for Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes (continued) A r t i c l e 23 (continued)

Discussion and documents134, 216-19 (Art, 22), 389, 44g

T e x t .......................................................... , 7A r t i c l e 24

Discussion and documents134-5, 220-1 (Art. 23), 389, 44s

F irst presentm ent on last day of time limit, see below Art. 44

T e x t .......................................................... - _A r t i c l e 25

Applicable to promissory notes, see below Art. 78

Discussion and documents 135, 221 (Art. 24J,

389, 448.'T e x t .......................................................... , ,

j 1A r t i c l e 26

Discussion and documents 135, 221-2 ( Art. 25),

389, 448,T e x t ......................................................... 37

A r t i c l e 27Applicable to promissory notes, see

below Art. 77 Discussion and documents 135, 222 ( Art. 26),

274 (Art. 26), 389, 448T e x t .......................................................... 39

A r t i c l e 28Discussion and docum ents 135, 223 (Art. 27J,

389, 448Text . . . . T .................................... 39

A r t i c l e 29Discussion and docum ents 136, 223-30 (Art. 28),

238-9 (Art. 28), 246-9 ( Art. 28), 387-9, 448, 462 (A nnex 2, Art. 28), 465 ( Annex 15J

T e x t .......................................................... 39A r t i c l e 30

Applicable to promissory notes, see below Art. 77

Discussion and documents 136, 231 (Art. 29J,389, 448

T e x t ................................................ 39A r t i c l e 31

Applicable to promissory notes, see below Art. 77

Discussion and documents 136, 231-8 ( Art. 30),341, 389-90, 448

Reservation as to aval by separate docum ent, see Annex II, Art. 4

T e x t .......................................................... 39A r t i c l e 32

Applicable to promissory notes, see below A rt. 77

Discussion and documents 137, 238 (Art, 31),391, 44S

T e x t .......................................................... 39A r t i c l e 33

Applicable to promissory notes, see below Art. 77

Discussion and documents 137,239-41 (Art. 32),391, 448

T e x t .......................................................... 39A r t i c l e 34

Applicable to promissory notes, see below Art. 77

Discussion and documents 137, 239-41 (Art. 33),391, 448, 462 (Annex 3, Art, 33)

T e x t ......................................................... 3')A r t i c l e 35

Applicable to promissory notes, see below Art. 77

Discussion and documents 137, 221 (Art. 34À 241 (Art. 34), 391, 448

T e x t ......................................................... 39A r t i c l e 36

Applicable to promissory 11 tes, see below Art. 77

Discussion and documents 137-8, 241-2 (Art. 35),3 9 T, 4 4 s

T e x t ......................................................... 41

Annex I to Convention providing a Uniform Law for Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes (continued)

A r t i c l e 37Applicable to promissory r.otes, see

below A rt. 77 Discussion and documents 138, 242 ( Art. 36),

3 0 1 . 4 4 ®T e x t .......................................................... 41

Article 38Applicable to promissory notes, see.

below A rt. 77 Discussion and docum ents 138, 242-j (Art. 37),

280-2 (Art. 37), 307 (Art. 37), 341, 391, 448 Reservations

Clearing houses, see Annex II,A rt. 6

Presentm ent for paym ent on ac tua l d ay of m atu rity , see Annex I I , A rt. 5

T e x t .......................................................... 41Article 39

Applicable to promissory notes, see below A rt. 77

Discussion and documents 138-9, 249-53 (Art. 38), 391-2, 448, 466 (A nnex 17)

T e x t .......................................................... 41Ar t i c l e 4 0

Applicable to promissory notes, see below A rt. 77

Discussion and documents 139, 270 ( Art. 3g),392, 448-9, 463 (A nnex 7, Art. 3g)

T e x t .......................................................... 41Ar t i c l e 41

Applicable to promissory notes, see below A rt. 77 •

Discussion and documents139-40, 271-4 (Art, 40), 341 (Art. 40), 3 4 2"h

392-4, 449, 451Reservation, see Annex I I , Art. 7T e x t .......................................................... 41

Ar t i c l e 42Applicable to promissory notes, see

below A rt. 77 Discussion and documents

140, 274 (A rt. 41;, 3 9 4 ' 4 49T e x t .......................................................... 41

Ar t i c l e 43

Applicable to promissory notes, see below A rt. 77

Discussion and docum ents140-1, 274-80 (Art, 42J, 341, 394, 408-10, 449

ReservationsLegal situations referred to in

paragraphs 2 and 3, see Annex 11.A rt. 10

Periods of grace for guarantors, see Annex II, Art. 11

T e x t .......................................................... 43

Ar t i c l e 4 4Applicable to promissory notes, see

below Art. 77 Discussion and documents

141, 280-3 (Art. 43), 307-8 (Art. 43), 341-2(Art. 43), 395. 409-10, 449

ReservationsLegal situations referred to in

paragraphs 5 and 6, see Annex II, Art. ro

Pro test b y declaration, see Annex II, A rt. 8

Time lim it for protest for non­paym ent, see Annex II. Art. 9

T e x t ...................................................................... 43A r t i c l e 45

Applicable to promissory notes, see below Art. 77

Discussion and documents142, 284-90 (Art. 44), 341. 3 9 5 - 4 11- 4 J3 . 4 4 9 ,

463 (A nnex 6, Art. 44) Reservation : notification by public

official, see Annex II, Art. 12 T e x t .......................................................... 43

Annex I to Convention providing a Uniform Law for Billsof Exchange and Promissory Notes (continued)A r t i c l e 46

Applicable to promissory notes, see below Art. 77

Discussion and documents142, 294-8 (Art. 43), 344, 395 -6 , 4 I r - 4 4 9 , 453

T e x t .......................................................... 43A r t i c l e 47

Applicable to promissory notes, see below Art. 77

Discussion and documents142-3, 298-9 (Art. 46), 396, 449

T e x t .......................................................... 43-5A r t i c l e 48

Applicable to promissory notes,see below A rt. 77

Discussion and documents143 , 299-301 (Art. 47J, 378-81 (Art. 47),

396-7, 411, 449, 465 (Art. 47)Reservations

Holder’s claim to a commission, see Annex II, A rt. 14

R ate of interest, see Annex II,Art. 13

T e x t .......................................................... 45A r t i c l e 49

Applicable to promissory notes, see below A rt. 77

Discussion and docum ents143, 299-301 (Art. 48), 341 (Art. 48), 378"Si

(Art. 48), 397, 449, 4 6 5 (Art. 48;Reservations

Holder's claim to a commission, see Annex II, Art. 14

R ate of interest, see Annex II,Art. 13

T e x t .......................................................... 45

A r t i c l e 50Applicable to promissory notes, see

below Art. 77 Discussion and documents

1 4 3 , 3 ° i (Art. 4g), 397, 449T e x t .......................................................... 45

A r t i c l e 51Discussion and documents

143, 301 (Art. 50), 397, 4 4 9T e x t .......................................................... 45

A r t i c l e 52Applicable to promissory notes, see

below A rt. 77 Discussion and docum ents

1 4 3 , 301 (A rt. 5 1), 302 (Art, 31), 397, 4 4 9 T e x t .......................................................... 45

A r t i c l e 53Applicable to promissory, notes, see

below Art. 77 Discussion and documents

144, 219 (A rt. 52), 302-6 (Art, 32), 397, 449T e x t .......................................................... 45See also Annex II, Arts. 15, 16

A r t i c l e 54Applicable to promissory notes, see

below Art. 77 Discussion and documents

144-5 , 253-65 (Art, 33), 397, 4 4 9 , 4 62 (Annexes4. 5 - Art, 53)

Reservation, see Annex II, Art. 22T e x t .......................................................... 45-7

A r t i c l e 55Applicable to promissory notes, see

below Art. 77 Discussion and documents 145, 308-9 (Art. 34),

312-17 (Art. 54), 397, 449, 464 (Annexes 11, 12, Art. 54), 465 (Annex 13)

Heading t o ............................................. 399T e x t .......................................................... 47

A r t i c l e 56Discussion and documents 145-6, 309-11

(Art. 53), 397, 4 4 9 T e x t .......................................................... 47

Annex I to Convention providing a Uniform Law for Billsof Exchange and Promissory Notes (continued)

A rticle 57Discussion and docum ents 146, 317 (Art. 56),

3 9 7 - 449T e x t ......................................................... 47

Article 58Discussion and docum ents 146, 317-18

(Art. 57), 319 (Art. 57), 397, 449

T e x t ......................................................... 47Article 59

Applicable to promissory notes, see below A rt. 77

Discussion and documents 146, 318 (Art. 38), 321 (Art. 58), 3 9 7 , 4 4 9

T e x t ......................................................... 47A rticle 60

Applicable to promissory notes, see below Art. 77

Discussion and documents 146, 318 ( Art. $g), 319 (Art. 59), 397. 3 9 8 -9 , 4 0 4 -5 .

411-12, 449. 465 (Annex 15)T e x t ......................................................... 47-9

Article 61Applicable to promissory notes, see

below Art. 77 Discussion and documents

146, 319-21 (Art. 60), 399, 449

T e x t ......................................................... 49Article 62

Applicable to promissory notes, see below Art. 77

Discussion and documents146, 321 (Art. 61), 3 9 9 , 449

T e x t ......................................................... 49Article 63

Applicable to promissory notes, see below Art. 77

Discussion and documents146-7, 321-3 (Art. 62), 378 ( Art. 62), 399, 449,

470 (Annex 21, Art. 62)T e x t ......................................................... 49

Article 64Discussion and documents

147, 323-4 (Art, 63), 399, 400-1, 412, 450T e x t ......................................................... 49

Article 65Discussion and documents

147, 324 (Art. 64), 3 9 9 ,45°T e x t ......................................................... 49

Article 66Discussion and documents

147, 324 (Art. 65), 399, 4 5° T e x t ......................................................... 49

Article 67Applicable to promissory notes, see

below Art. 77 Discussion and documents 147, 324-5 ( Art. 66),

3 9 9 . 4 5 °T e x t ......................................................... 49

Article 68Applicable to promissory notes, see

below Art. 77 Discussion and documents 147-8, 325-6 (Art. 67),

399-401, 412-13, 450T e x t ......................................................... 4 9 -5 1

Article 69Applicable to promissory notes, see

below Art. 77 Discussion and documents 130,148, 326, 402, 450T e x t ......................................................... 51

Article 70Applicable to promissory notes, see

below Art. 77 Discussion and documents 148, 326-30, 402, 450 Reservation, see Annex II, Art. 17T e x t ......................................................... 51

Article 71Applicable to piomissory notes, see

below Art. 77 Discussion and documents 148, 330, 402, 450 T e x t ......................................................... 51

Annex I to Convention providing a Uniform Law for Eli of Exchange and Promissory Notes (continued)A r t ic l e 72

A p p lic a b le t o p r o m isso r y n o te s , see below A r t . 77

D isc u s s io n a n d d o c u m e n t s 148, 330-2, 402 R e s e r v a t io n , see A n n e x I I , A rt. 18T e x t .....................................................................

A r t ic l e 73A p p lic a b le t o p r o m isso r y n o te s , see

below A r t . 77

D isc u s s io n a n d d o c u m e n t s 149, 332, 402T e x t ...........................................................................................™

A r t ic l e 74A p p lica b le t o p r o m isso r y n o te s , see

below A r t . 77

D isc u s s io n a n d d o c u m e n ts 149, 332 (Art, yjaj402, 450

R e s e r v a t io n : p er io d s o f grace for g u a ra n to rs , see A n n e x I I , A rt. 11

T e x t ..................................................................... jj

A r t ic l e 75D isc u s s io n a n d d o c u m e n ts 149, 332-5 (Art. 74

3 3 6 -4 0 (Art. 74), 4 02 , 4 4 7 (Art. 76, see list ofErrata), 450

R e s e r v a t io n t o A rt . 75 (1), seeA n n e x II , A r t . 19

S p e c ia l r e g u la t io n c o n c e r n in g p ro ­m is so r y n o te s su b je c t t o m o d if i ­c a t io n s r e s u lt in g from , see A n n e x I I , A r t . 21

T e x t ..................................................................... 51

A r t ic l e 76D isc u s s io n a n d d o c u m e n ts 149, 335 (Art. jj),

402, 450S p ec ia l r e g u la t io n c o n c e r n in g p r o ­

m isso r y n o t e s su b je c t t o m o d if i ­c a t io n s re su lt in g from , see A n n e x I I , A r t . 21

T e x t ..................................................................... 53

A r t ic l e 77D isc u s s io n a n d d o c u m e n t s 149-50 , 335 (Art. 76,

402-4 , 413, 450

S p e c ia l r e g u la t io n c o n c e r n in g p ro ­m is so r y n o te s su b je c t t o m o d if i ­c a t io n s r e su lt in g from , see A n n e x II , A rt. 21

T e x t .................................................................... 53

A r t ic l e 78D isc u s s io n a n d d o c u m e n t s 150, 335 (Art. 77),

404, 450

S p e c ia l r e g u la t io n co n cern in g p ro ­m isso r y n o te s su b je c t t o m o d if i ­c a t io n s r e su lt in g from , see A n n e x II , A rt. 21

T e x t .................................................................... 53Ch a p t e r I I I : t i t l e .......................................... 411

C h a p t e r V I I I : s u b - h e a d i n g s ..................... 399Ch a p t e r X : h e a d i n g .......................................... 148, 326

R e p o r t o f D r a f t in g C tte e . o n ..................... 127-150D isc u s s e d a n d a d o p t e d .......................... 447"5°

T e x t ......................................................................... 33"53F in a l ly a d o p t e d .......................................... 453

T i t l e I : p r o p o se d .......................................... 453For details see above, Arts. 1-74

T i t l e I I .................................................................... 15°R e s e r v a t io n to , see A n n e x I I , A r t . 21 For details see above, Arts. 75-78

Annex II to Convention providing a Uniform Law on Bills of Exchange and Promissory NotesA r t ic l e i

A p p lica b le t o p ro m isso r y n o te s , see below A rt . 20

D isc u ss io n a n d d o c u m e n ts 128, 150, 171-3, 341'405, 45°

H . C. P s . u n d e r ta k in g to recogn ise p ro v is io n s a d o p te d in v ir tu e of, see below A rt . 23

T e x t .................................................................... 53


jl t0 convention providing a Uniform Law on BillsAn0f Exchange and Promissory Notes (continued)

Article 2 .A pplicable t o p r o m is s o r y n o te s , see

below Art. 20 Discussion and docum ents 128, 150, 302, 341,

406, 450H. C. Ps undertaking to recognise

provisions adopted in virtue of, see below Art. 23

T e x t ......................................................... 53

A r t i c l e 3

Applicable to promissory notes, below Art. 20

Discussion and documents 131, 150, 269, 302,341, 406, 450

H. C. Ps undertaking to recognise provisions adopted in virtue of, see below Art. 23

T e x t ......................................................... 53

Ar tic le 4Applicable to promissory notes, see

below Art. 20 Discussion and documents 136, 150-1,

231-6 (Art. 31a), 341, 406, 450 H. C. Ps undertaking to recognise

provisions adopted in virtue of, see below Art. 23

T e x t ......................................................... 53

Ar tic le 5Applicable to promissory notes, see

below Art. 20 Discussion and docum ents 138, 151, 242-6,

280-2, 307, 341, 406, 419-20, 450 T e x t ......................................................... 55

A r t i c l e 6

Applicable to promissory notes, see below Art. 20

Discussion and documents 138, 151, 243, 244,246, 341, 406, 450

H. C. Ps undertaking to recognise provisions adopted in virtue of, see below Art. 23

T e x t ......................................................... 55

Ar t ic l e 7Applicable to promissory notes, see

below Art. 20 Discussion and documents

140, 151, 271, 272, 341, 342-4, 407, 413-16, 449,450-2, 453

Notification and coming into force, see Convention on Uniform Law etc., Art. 1

T e x t ......................................................... 55

A r t ic l e 8

Applicable to promissory notes, see below Art. 20

Discussion and documents141, 151, 282-3, 342, 386-7, 416, 452

H. C. Ps undertaking to recognise provisions adopted in virtue of, see below Art. 23

Notification and coming into force, see Convention on Uniform Law etc., Art. I

T e x t ......................................................... 55

A r t i c l e 9Applicable to promissory notes, see

below Art. 20 Discussion and documents

141, 151-2, 280-2, 307-8, 417, 452 H. C. Ps undertaking to recognise

provisions adopted in virtue of, see below Art. 23

T e x t .................................................... . 55

A r tic le 10Applicable to promissory notes, see

below A r t . 20 Discussion and documents

141, 152, 277, 341, 417. 452

Annex II to Convention providing a Uniform Law on Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes (continued) A r t i c l e 10 (continued)

H. C. Ps undertaking to recognise provisions adopted in virtue of, see below Art. 23

T e x t ................................ 55A r t i c l e i i

Applicable to promissory notes, see below Art. 20

Discussion and documents141, 149, 152, 278-80, 341. 418 (Art. 13),

4 1 9 , 452H. C. Ps undertaking to recognise

provisions adopted in virtue of, see below Art. 23

T e x t ................................ 55

A r t i c l e 12Applicable to promissory notes, see

below Art. 20 Discussion and documents

142, 152, 284-7, 34r < 4I 7"18 (Art. 11), 419, 452H. C. Ps undertaking to recognise

provisions adopted in virtue of, see below Art. 23

Notification and coming into force, see Convention on Uniform Law etc., Art. I

T e x t ......................................................... 5 5

A r t i c l e 13Applicable to promissory notes, see

below Art. 20 Discussion and documents

143, !52, 299, 300-1, 341, 417 (Art. 1 >), 418 (Art. 12), 419, 452

H. C. Ps undertaking to recognise provisions adopted in virtue of, see below Art. 23

T e x t ......................................................... 55

A r t i c l e 14Applicable to promissory notes, see

below Art. 20 Discussion and documents

143, 152, 299-301, 341, 378-81, 418-19 (newArt. 13), 419, 452, 465 (Annex 14)

H. C. Ps undertaking to recognise provisions adopted in virtue of, see below Art. 23

T e x t ......................................................... 55

A r t i c l e 15Applicable to promissory notes, see

below Art. 20 Discussion and documents

144, 152-3, 302-6, 330, 341, 419 (former Art. 14),4 5 2 , 464

H. C. Ps undertaking to recognise provisions adopted in virtue of. see below Art. 23

T e x t ......................................................... 57

A r t i c l e 16Applicable to promissory notes, see

below Art. 20 Discussion and documents

144- 153- 3°2-6, 341, 364 (Art. 15), 419 (formerArt. 15), 452, 464

H. C. Ps undertaking to recognise provisions adopted in virtue of, see below Art. 23

T e x t ......................................................... 57A r t i c l e 17

Applicable to promissory notes, see below Art. 20

Discussion and documents148, 153, 330, 341, 419-20 (former Art. 16),

4 5 °, 452T e x t ......................................................... 57

A r t i c l e 18Applicable to promissory notes, see

below Art. 20 Discussion and documents

148, 153, 330-2, 420 (former Art, jy ) , 452

Annex II to Convention providing a Uniform Law on Billsof Exchange and Promissory Notes (continued)A r t i c l e 18 (continued)

H. C. Ps undertaking to recognise provisions adopted in virtue of, see below A rt. 23

Notification and coming into force see Convention on Uniform Law etc., Art. I

T e x t .......................................................... 57Article 19

Discussion and docum ents1 4 9 , 1 5 3 , 3 3 2 -3 , 3 3 5 . 3 3 7 -4 °, 420 (former Art. 18)

4 5 2 , 453H. C. Ps undertaking to recognise

provisions adopted in virtue of, see below Art. 23

Special regulation concerning pro­missory notes subject to modifi­cations resulting from, see below Art. 21

T e x t ......................................................... 57

Article 20Discussion and documents

153, 417 ( Art. ig ) , 420-1 (former Art. 19), 452H. C. Ps undertaking to recognise

provisions adopted in virtue of, see below Art. 23

Special regulation concerning pro­missory notes subject to modifi­cations resulting from, see below Art. 21

T e x t .......................................................... 57Article 21

Discussion and documents15°, 1 53 -4 , 3 3 3 -5 - 336-4°, 421 (former Art. 20),

423, 452H. C. Ps undertaking to recognise

provisions adopted in virtue of, see below Art. 23

T e x t ......................................................... 57

Article 22Discussion and documents

145, 154, 421-2 (former Art. 21), 452 Notification and coming into force,

see Convention on Uniform Law etc., Art. I

T e x t ......................................................... 57Article 23

Discussion and documents154, 415 (Art. 22), 416 ( Art. 22), 422-3 (former

Art. 22), 452T e x t ......................................................... 57

R eport of Drafting Cttee. o n .................. 150-4Discussed and a d o p t e d ...................... 450-2

T ext ............................................................. 53-7Finally a d o p t e d ................................... 453

T i t l e ............................................................. 405, 450

Arcangeli, AgeoDelegate of I t a l y ........................................ 15U niform law

Annex IArt.. 2 ................................................ 181Art. 3 ................................................ 182Art. 7 ................................................ 189Art. 1 2 ......................................... 195 (Art. 11)Art. 1 3 ........................................ 196 ( Art. 12)Art. 2 0 ................................................ 384Art. 2 1 ................................................ 387, 388Art. 2 3 ........................................... 217 (Art. 22)Art. 2 9 ...........................£30 (Art. 28), 387, 388Art. 31 . . . 236 (Art. 30), 237 (Art. 30),

389-90, 390Art. 4 3 ...........................................277 (Art. 42)Art. 5 5 .........................................308-9 (Art. 54)Art. 56 . . . 309-10 (Art. 55;, 311 (Art. 55)Art. 6 0 ................................................ 404Art. 6 1 ...........................................319 ( Art. 60)Art. 7 0 ................................................ 328, 329

Asser, C. D.

Delegate of N e th e r l a n d s ..........................Conflicts of laws 16

ConventionArt. 2 . . . . 347-8 (Art. 3,), 348 (Art ,,

t rî ' 3 ................................................ • 353 (Art. 34>A rt- 4 ................... 35 7 (Art. 5), 359 (A n, , 365 (Art. 5), 430

Art. 7 ........................................' 365

U niform jaw Annex I

4 ................................................ 186A *- z 7 ....................; .........................129 (Art. i 6jArt. 2 9 . . 229 (Art. 28), 239 (Art.28 ),

248 (Art. 28jx A rt' 3 1 ................................................... *3 4 - 235.236

A n n e x 11

Art. 4.............. 234 (Art. 31 a), 235 (Art. 3iaj,236 (Art. 31aj

Asser, M

Tribute to his m e m o r y ............................... ^ 7 ,

Asztalos, Dr EugèneDelegate of H ungary ............................... ,,Signature to Final A c t ........................... I2gU niform law

Annex IArt. 1 ( 8 ) ............................................ 175Arts. 23, 5 3 ............................. 219 (Arts. 22, 52)

AustriaD e l e g a t i o n ................................................ 13

Proposal concerning Recommenda­tion I I I of Final Act . . . . 467 (Annex 18JS u b m i t t e d ........................................ 428

Signatory cf :Convention and Protocol on Con­

flicts of Laws, e tc .............................. 76, 82Convention and Protocol on Stamp

Laws, e tc ............................................. 96, 102Convention and Protocol on Uniform

Laws, e tc ............................................. 30, 60Final A c t ................................................ 122

See also Hammerschlag, Dr. Paul Sokal, Dr. Max

AvaliseurSee Bills of exchange, Avaliseur

AvalsSee Bills of exchange ; Avals

Promissory notes, Aval, guarantee by


Bad FaithSee Annex I, Art. 16

Bandrevics, Vilis

Delegate of Latvia . . . S i g n a t u r e to Final Act

i b



H o l d e r ’s bankruptcy, measures to be taken in case of, see Conflicts of Laws, Holder’s bankruptcy

Baranyai. ZoltânChargé d'affaires of Hungarian Delega­

tion accredited to League . . . . z iS i g n a t u r e to Conventions and Proto­

cols ................................... 31, 61, 77, 83. 97, i °3

Barboza-Carneiro, J. A .

Representative of Economic Cttee . . . 18Signature to Final A c t ........................... 124Uniform law

Annex IArt. 1 9 ............................................ 205 (Art. i8 jArt. 4 1 ............................................ 341 (Art. 40)Art. 4 5 ............................................ 287 (Art. 44j

Annex IIArt. 7 ................................................. 343Art. 1 2 ................................................. 287

Reservations in g e n e r a l .................. 308Work of C o n f e r e n c e ............................... 456

Barreto, Don Jo sé M aria

Delegate of Peru 16Signature to Conventions, Protocols and

Final A c t ................. 31, 62, 78, 84, 98, 104, 124

BelgiumDe l e g a t i o n .......................................................... 13

Note on p r o c e d u r e ........................... 461Sig n a to r y o f

Convention and Protocol on Con­flicts of Laws, e tc ............................... 76, 82

Convention and Protocol on Stam pLaws, e tc .............................................. 96, 102

Convention and Protocol on UniformLaw, e tc ................................................ 30, 60

Final A c t ................................................. 122See also Carton de W iart, Baron Edmund

Poullet, Viscount Vallée Poussin J. de la


See Bills of exchange ; Beneficiary Promissory notes ; Beneficiary

Biamonti, Luigi

Expert, Italian d e le g a t io n ...................... 15Unifo r m Law

Annex 1Art. 4 6 ............................................ 296 (Art. 45)Art. 7 0 ................................................ 402Art. 7 7 ................................................ 402

Bills of ExchangeAc c e p t a n c e

Acceptor bound according to term s of his, see Annex I, Art. 26

Cancelled, see Annex I, Art. 29 Date

Bills payable a t certain tim e after sight or when it m ust be pre­sented within a certain time, see Annex I, Art. 25

Undated, see Annex I, Art. 25 Direct action by holder against

acceptor in event of non-pay­ment, see Annex I, Art. 28

Drawee, by accepting, undertakes to pay bill at m aturity , see Annex I, Art. 28

Drawee in his acceptance may indicate another address in same place where paym ent to be made,Annex I, Art. 27

Drawee may nam e third party at whose address paym ent m ay be made a t t im ; of acceptance, see Annex I, Art. 27

Guaranteed by drawer, see Annex I,Art. 9

Guaranteed by endorser, see Annex I, Art. 15

How expressed, see Annex I, Art. 25 by Intervention for honour, see

below Intervention for honour,Acceptance by intervention

Bills of Exchange (continued)A c c e p t a n c e (continued)

Modifications introduced into tenor of bill, effect of, see Annex I, Art. 26

P artia l acceptance, see Annex I, Art. 26Law governing, see Convention

on Conflicts of Laws, etc., Art. 7 Right of recourse after, see

Annex I, Art. 51 Parts of a set, see Annex I, Art. 66 Presentm ent for acceptance

to Drawee a t domicile by holder or person in possession, see Annex I, Art. 2 1

Drawer's right to prohibit, see Annex I. Art. 22

D raw er’s right to make stipula­tions concerning, see Annex I, Art. 22

Endorser’s right tu make stipula­tions concerning, see Annex I, Art. 22

Holder no t obliged to surrender bill to drawee, see Annex I, Art. 24

Legal holidays in relation to, see below Holidays

Second presentment : mention in protest, see Annex I, Art. 24

Time-limitBills payable at fixed period

after sight, see Annex I, Art. 23

Right of drawer tu abridge or extend period in case of bills payable a t fixed period after sight, see Annex I, Art. 23

Right of drawer to fix, see Annex I, Art. 22

Right of endorser to abridge period in case of bills payable a t fixed period after sight. see Annex I, A rt. 23

Right of endorser to fix, see Annex I, Art. 22

Until maturity, see Annex I, Art. 21

When stipulated in endorse­ment, only the endorser may avail himself of it, see An­nex I, Art. 53

Recourse for non-acceptance, see below Recourse for non-acceptance or non-payment

Signature of drawee, see Annex 1, Art. 25

Unconditional, see Annex I, Art. 26 Where written, see Annex I, A rt. 25 in W'riting to a holder or signatory,

see Annex I, Art. 29 A c c e p t o r

Bound according to term s of his acceptance, see Annex I, Art. 26

Effects of his obligations : howdetermined, see Convention on Conflicts of Laws, etc., Art. 4

Liability to holder in event of non­payment, see Annex I, Arts. 28, 47

Limitation of actions against, see Annex I, Art. 70

A c t i o n s , limitation of, see below Limi­ta tion of actions

A l l o n g eAval 011, see Annex I, Art. 31 Endorsement, see Annex I, Art. 13 Notice of vis major on, see Annex I,

Art. 54 A l t e r a t i o n s in text

Obligations of signatories, see An­nex I, Art. 60

Bills of Exchange (continued)A m o r t i s a t i o n ..........................................................

A v a l i s e u r

Obligations and rights, see Annex I, Arts. 32, 47

Right to specify person to intervene for honour, see Annex I, Art. 55

A v a l s

Copies, see Annex I, Art. 67 Form ula “ good as aval ” , or equi­

valent, see Annex I, Art. 31 Guarantee of paym ent by, see

Annex I, Art. 30 Guarantee by th ird person or signa­

tory, see Annex I, Art. 30 by Separate document, see Annex II,

Art. 4Signature of giver, see Annex I,

Art. 31Specification for whose account

given and ruling in default, see Annex I, Art. 31

Validity, see Annex I, Art. 32 Where given : on bill or " allonge ” ,

see Annex I, Art. 31 " B a d f a i t h ” , see Annex I, Art. 16 B e n e f i c i a r y : name on bill, see Annex I,

Art. 1 (6)" B i l l o f e x c h a n g e

Term not to apply until six months afte r entry into force of Conven­tion, see Annex II, Art. 1

Term to be inserted in bill, see An­nex I, Art. 1 (1)

B i l l s a l r e a d y i s s u e dNon-application of Convention on

Conflicts of Laws to, see said Convention, Art. 11

Non-application of Uniform Law to, see Convention on Uniform Law, etc., Art. I I

in B l a n k , see Annex I, Art. 10R e s e r v a t i o n , see A n n e x II, Art. 3

C a p a c i t y of contracting parties, see Convention on Conflicts of Laws etc., A r t . 2

C o m p u t a t i o n of l i m i t s of t i m e , see An­n e x I, Art. 73

C o n f l i c t s of l a w s in c o n n e c t i o n with, see Conflicts of laws

C o n t r a c t s , see Conflicts of la w s , C o n ­t r a c t s

C o p i e s

Endorsement, see Annex I, Art. 67 Valid only on a copy see Annex I,

A rt. 68General specifications, see Annex I,

Art. 67Guarantee by aval, see Annex I,

Art. 67Holder's right to make copies, see

Annex I, Art. 67 Right of lawful holder of copy to

original bill, see Annex I, Art. 68 Specification of person in possession

of original bill, see Annex I, Art. 68

C o v e r ( provision)Proceedings against acceptor who

has received cover, see Annex II, Art. 15

Proceedings against drawer who has not provided cover, see Annex II, Art. 15

Question whether drawer is obliged to provide cover (provision) a t m aturity , see Annex II, Art. 16

See also Convention for Settlement of Certain Conflicts of Laws, etc., Art. 6

D a t e of issue, see Annex I, Art. 1 (7)

Bills of Exchange (continued)

154, 422 D a y s of grace, see Annex I, Art. 74 Reservation as to periods of grace

for guarantors, see Annex II,Art. 11

D e c l a r a t i o n in place of :Protest, see Annex II, Art. 8 Signature, see Annex II, Art. 2

D e s t r u c t i o n , loss or t h e f t ......................See also below Loss or theft

D i s c r e p a n c i e s in the bill as regards sum payable, see Annex I, Art. 6

D o m i c i l e of drawee, see below Drawee, domicile

“ D o m i c i l e d b i l l ” . . 129, 134, 182-6, 215-D r a w e e

Domicile when not specified, see Annex I, Art. 2

Name on bill, see Annex I, Art. 1 (3) D r a w e r

Guarantee of acceptance and pay­m ent, see Annex I, Art. 9

Liability in event o* non-payment, see Annex I, Art. 47

L im itation of actions against, see Annex I, A rt. 70

Question as to obligation to provide cover (provision) a t m aturity , see Annex II, A rt. 16

Right to specify person to intervene for honour, see Annex I, Art. 55

Signature on bill, see Annex I, Art.1 (8)

D r a w n for a c c o u n t of th ird person, see Annex I, Art. 3

D r a w n on d r a w e r himself, see Annex I, Art. 3

D r a w n p a y a b l e to draw er’s order, see Annex I, Art. 3

E f f e c t s of obligations entered into, see Convention on Conflicts of Laws, etc., Art. 4

E n d o r s e m e n t

"to Bearer” , see Annex I, Art. 12 Beneficiary unspecified, see Annex I,

A rt. 13Bills m arked “not to order” , see

Annex I, A rt. n in Blank, see Annex I, Art. 13

Followed by another endorsement, see Annex I, Art. 16

H older’s position in regard to filling up blank, re-endorsing or transferring bill, see Annex I, Art. 14

Cancelled endorsementsDeemed not wTritten, see Annex I,

Art. 16by Endorser paying bill, see An­

nex I, Art. 50 “for Collection” (pour encaissement),

see Annex I, Art. 18 Containing statem ent implying a

pledge, see Annex I, Art. 19 Containing s ta tem ent implying a

simple m andate, see Annex I, Art. 18

of Copies, see Annex I, Art. 67 after Expiration of time-lim it for

protest, see Annex I, Art. 20 in Favour of drawee, drawer or any

other party to bill, see Annex I, Art. 11

Guarantee of acceptance and pay­m ent by endorser, see Annex I, Art. 15

Lawful holder in case of series of endorsements, see Annex I, Art. 16

after M aturity, see Annex I, Art. 20 P artia l endorsement, see Annex I,

Art. 12

I5 4 - 422

1 6 , 3 8 1 - 2

Bills of Exchange ( continued)E n d o r s e m e n t (continued)

on Parts of a set, see A nnex I, Art. 64 Liability of endorser having trans­

ferred parts, see Annex I, Art. 65 "by Procuration", see Annex I,

Art. 18Death or incapacity of pa rty

giving m andate, see Annex I, Art. 18

Prohibition of fu rther endorsement, see Annex I, Art. 15

after P rotest for non-paym ent, see Annex I, Art. 20

Re-endorsement by an y p a r ty to bill, see Annex I, Art. 11

Re-endorsement in blank or to another person, see Annex I, Art. 14

R e -e n d o r se m e n t b y p e r so n p a y in g

by in te r v e n t io n , see Annex I, Art. 63

Right of a deb tor to set up against subsequent holders defences foun­ded on personal relations w ith previous holders, see Annex I, Art. 17

Signature, see Annex I, Art. 13 not Verified a t paym ent, see

Ann x I, Art. 40 Subsequent to Clause “ commencing

from here an endorsement is only valid if made on copy ” , see An­nex I, Art. 68

Transfer of all rights by, see AnnexI, Art. 14

Transfer of bills by means of, see Annex I, A rt. ix

Unconditional endorsement, see Annex I, Art. 12

Undated, see Annex I, Art. 20 Annex II, Art. 8

Valid only on copy, see Annex I, Art. 68

“Value in collection” (valeur en re­couvrement) see Annex I, Art. 18

"Value in pledge” , see Annex I, Art. 19

“Value in security” , see Annex I, Art. 19

Verification of regularity of series of endorsements a t paym ent, see Annex I, Art. 40

Where w ritten : on bill or allonge, see Annex I, Art. 13

E n d o r s e r

Actions against endorser by holder, see Annex I, Art. 70

Actions by endorsers against each other or against drawer, see Annex I, Art. 70

in Case of paym ent by intervention : endorsers subsequent to party for whom paym ent made are dis­charged, see Annex I, A rt. 63

Endorsement of parts of a set, see Annex I, Art. 64

Guarantee of acceptance and pay­ment, see Annex I, Art. 15

Having transferred parts of a set : his liabilities, see Annex I, Art. 65

Liability in event of non-payment, see Annex I, Art. 47

Right to abridge period fixed for presentm ent for acceptance, see Annex I, Art. 23

Right to cancel endorsements on paym ent of bill, see Annex I, Art. 50

Right to prohibit further endorse­ment, see Annex I, Art. 15

Bills of Exchange (continued)E n d o r s e r (continued)

R ight to specify person to intervene for honour, see Annex I, Art. 55

Signature, see Annex I, Art. 13 not Verified a t paym ent, see

Annex I, A rt. 40 F o r m prescribed, see Annex I, Art. 1 “ G r o s s negligence” , see Annex I, Art. 16 G u a r a n t e e i n g and insurance of debts

in connection with, see Final Act, Recom mendation IV

H o l d e r

Actions by, see Annex I, Art. 70 Assignment of deb t to holder, see

Convention on Conflicts of Laws, etc., Art. 6

of a Bill completed after issue con­tra ry to agreements, see Annex I, Art. 10

Defences against holder founded on personal relations between persons sued and previous holders, see Annex I, Art. 17

Lawful holder in case where a person has been dispossessed of bill, see Annex I, Art. 16

Lawful holder in case of series of endorsements, see Annex I, Art. 16

no Obligation to surrender to drawee bill presented for acceptance, see Annex I, Art. 24

Question as to his rights concerning cover provided by drawer a t m aturity , see Annex II, A rt. 16

Refusing paym ent by intervention : loss of right of recourse, see AnnexI, Art. 61

Rights he m ay exercise when endor­sement contains phrase implying a pledge, see Annex I, Art. 19

Rights he m ay exercise when endor­sement contains phrase implying a simple mandate, see Annex I, Art. 18

H o l d e r ’s b a n k r u p t c y , see Conflicts of Laws, Holder’s bankruptcy

H o l i d a y s , see Annex I, Art. 72Addition of certain business days by

H. C. Ps, see Annex I I , Art. 18 See also Holidays

" I m m e d i a t e l y e x e c u t o r y ” , see Con­vention on Stam p Laws, etc., A rt. 1

I n c o m p l e t e bills, see Annex I , Art. 10 Reservation, see Annex I I , Art. 3

I n t e r e s t on sum payable, see Annex I , Art. 5

I n t e r v e n t i o n for honourAcceptance by intervention

Bill m ay be accepted by person intervening, see Annex I, Art. 55

Cases where there m ay be, see Annex I, Art. 56

Cases in which holder m ay not exercise his rights of recourse, see Annex I, Art. 56

Cases in which holder m ay refuse, see Annex I, Art. 56

General provisions, see Annex I, Arts. 56-58

How specified, see Annex I, Art. 57 Liabilities of acceptor, see Annex

I, Art. 58 P a r ty for whose honour accept­

ance given may, in exchange for paym ent of a certain sum, re­quire bill, protest and receipted account, see Annex I, Art. 58

Signature of person intervening, see Annex I, Art. 57

for Whose honour given, see AnnexI, A rt. 57

12 —

Bills of Exchange ( continued)I n t e r v i n t i c n for honour (continued)

by Drawee, see Annex I, Art. 55 Drawer, endorser, avaliseur m ay

specify person to intervene, see Annex I, Art. 55

General provisions, see Annex I, Arts. 55-63

Notice of intervention, see Annex I, A rt. 55

Paym ent by interventionAmount payable, see Annex I,

A rt. 59Bill m ay be paid by person inter­

vening, see Annex I, Art. 55 Bill and protest to be given up to

person paying, see Annex I, Art. 62

Cases when there m ay be, see Annex I, Art. 59

Competition for paym ent, see An­nex I, A rt. 63

Endorsers subsequent to party for whom paym ent made discharge, see Annex I, A rt. 63

Holder refusing paym ent : loss of right of recourse, see Annex I, Art. 61

for whose Honour in default of special mention on receipt, see Annex I, Art. 62

Presentm ent for paym ent, see Annex I, Art. 60

P rotest for non-payment, see Annex I, Art. 60

Receipt for, see Annex I, Art. 62 Rights acquired by person paying,

see Annex I, Art. 63 Time-limit for, see Annex I, Art. 59

Persons interveningC bligation to give notice of in ter­

vention, see Annex I, Art. 55 Who they m ay be, see Annex I,

Art. 55I n v a l i d i t y when form incomplete, see

Annex I, Art. 2 L e g a l p r o h i b i t i o n , see Annex I , Art. 54 L e g a l r e l a t i o n s on basis of which bill

is issued, see Annex II , Art. 16 L i m i t a t i o n of actions

Actions by endorsers against each other and against drawer, see Annex I, Art. 70 Annex II, A rt. 17

Actions by holder against endorsers and drawers, see Annex I, Art. 70

Against acceptor, see Annex I, Art. 70H. C. Ps rights as to proceedings

against acceptor who has re­ceived cover or made an in­equitable gain, see Annex II, Art. 15

General provisions, see Annex I, Arts. 70, 71

H. C. Ps rights as to proceedings against a drawer who has not provided cover for a bill or a drawer or endorser who has made an inequitable gain, see Annex II Art. 15

Interruption of period of limitation, see Annex I, Art. 71H. C. Ps right to determine causes

of interruption or suspension of limitation, see Annex II, Art. 17

L i m i t s of time, com putation of, see above Computation of limits of time

Loss or t h e f t ................................................See also Convention on Conflicts of

Laws, etc., Art. 9

Bills of Exchange (continued)M a t u r i t y

Calendrical differences, see Annex I, Art. 37

“Eight days” or "fifteen days” , see Annex I, A rt. 36

Extension : H. C. Ps right to adopt exceptional measures relating to, see Annex II, Art. 22

Fixed for commencement, middle or end of month, see Annex I, Ar . 36

a t a Fixed date, see Annex I, Art. 37 a t a Fixed period afte r date, see

Annex I, Art. 36 a t a Fixed period after sight, see

Annex I, Arts. 35, 36 Four kinds possible, see Annex I,

Art. 33“Half-month” , see Annex I, Art. 36 Invalidity of bills payable a t other

m aturities than those prescribed, see Annex I, Art. 33

Invalidity of bills payable by instal­ments, see Annex I, Art. 33

One or more months and a half after date or sight, see Annex I, Art. 36

a t Sight, see Annex I, Art. 34 Specification on bill, see Annex I,

Art. 1 (4)W hen not specified, see Annex I,

Art. 2O b l i g a t i o n undertaken outside te r ­

ritory, see Convention on Conflicts of Laws, etc., Art. 10

O r d e r to pay a determinate sum, see Annex I, Art. 1 (2)

1’a r t s of a setEndorser having transferred parts,

his liability, see Annex I, Art. 65 Endorsers to assist in securing deli­

very of parts, see Annex I, Art. 64 General provisions, see Annex I, Art.

64Holders right to have several parts,

see Annex I, Art. 64 Liability of drawee on accepted

parts not recovered, see Annex I, Art. 65

Numbering of parts, see Annex I, Art. 64

P arts sent for acceptance, see An­nex I, Art. 66

Paym ent made on one part, effect of, see Annex I, Art. 65

Reproduction of endorsements, see Annex I, Art. 64

P a y m e n t

At m aturity , see Annex I, Art. 40 Before m aturity, see Annex I, A rt. 40 in Currency which is not th a t of the

place of payment, see Annex I, Art. 41Stipulation for effective paym ent

in foreign currency, see Annex I, Art. 41Reservation, see Annex II,

Art. 7Falling due on legal holiday, see

above Holidays General provisions, see Annex I,

Arts. 38-42 guaranteed by :—

Drawer, see Annex I, Art. 9 Endorser, see Annex I, Art. 15

by Intervention for honour, see above Intervention for honour, Paym ent by intervention

154, 422 Partial payment, see Annex I, Art. 39Law governing, see Convention on

Conflicts of Laws etc., Art. 7

Bills of Exchange (continued)P a y m e n t (continued)

on P a r t s of a set, see Annex I, Art. 65 P la c e of p a y m e n t , see below Place of

p a y m e n t P r e s e n t m e n t for paym ent

in Case of intervention for honour, see above Intervention for hon­our, Paym ent by intervention,P r e s e n tm e n t

in Case of stipulation “retour sans frais’’, “sans protêt”, see AnnexI, Art. 46

at a Clearing house, see Annex I,Art. 38Reservation as to clearing

houses, see Annex II, Art. 6 H o w time for presentm ent is calcul­

ated, see Annex I, Art. 37 Legal holidays

Addition of certain business days, see Annex II, Art. 18

Not required if protest for non- acceptance made, see Annex I,Art. 44

Time-limit, see Annex I, Art. 38 Extension in case of vis major,

see Annex I, Art. 54 Reservation as to presentm ent

on actual day of m aturity , see Annex II, Art. 5

Receipt on paym ent, see Annex I,Arts. 39, 51

Recourse for non-payment, see below Recourse for non-acceptance or non-payment

Time of paym ent, see above M aturity Verification of regularity of series

of endorsements bu t not signature of endorsers, see Annex I, A rt. 40

When bill not presented, debtor may deposit am ount a t risk of holder, see Annex I, Art. 42

P l a c e o f i s s u e

to be S tated on bill, see Annex I,Art. 1 (7)

When not specified, see Annex I,Art. 2

P l a c e o f p a y m e n t

at Domicile of th ird person, see Annex I : A rt. 4

Drawee m ay indicate another ad ­dress in le tte r of acceptance, see Annex I, Art. 27

Drawee m ay nominate th ird party a t tim e of acceptance, see Annex I,Art. 27

to be Stated on bill, see Annex I,Art. 1 (5)

When not specified, see Annex I,Art. 2

P r e s c r i p t i o n (déchéance), see Annex II,Art. 15

P r e s e n t m e n t for acceptance, see above Acceptance, Presentm ent for accep­tance

P r e s e n t m e n t for paym ent, see above Payment, Presentm ent for paym ent

P r o t e s t

F orm ......................................................... 154, 422Form and time-limits, see Conven­

tion on Conflicts of Laws, etc..Art. 8

by Holder of copy : refusal to give up original, see Annex I, Art. 68

by Holder of parts of a set : refusal to give up accepted part, see Annex I, Art. 66

Legal holidays in relation to, see above Holidays

Bills of Exchange (continued)P r o t e s t (continued)

for Non-acceptance or non-payment, see below Recourse for non-accep­tance or non-payment, Protest

U ndated acceptance, see Annex I,Art. 25

R e c o u r s e

by Holder in case of acceptance by intervention, see Annex I, Art. 56

by Holder of part of a set on refusal of person to give up accepted part,

see Annex I, Art. 66

by Holder referring paym ent by in­tervention : loss of right, see Annex I, Art. 61

by Holders of copies on refusal of persons to give up original, see Annex 1, Art. 68

for Non-acceptance or non-payment, see below Recourse for 1.011- acceptance or non-payment

by Persons acting, without au tho­rity, as rep resen ta tiv es................. 130, 191

by Persons intervening for paym ent contrary to rule : loss of rights, see Annex I, Art. 63

Time-limitH. C. Ps rights as to extension of

time-limits, see Annex II, Art. 22How determined, see Convention

on Conflicts of Laws etc., Art. 5 R e c o u r s e f o r n o n - a c c e p t a n c e or non­

paym entAfter expiration of certain tim e­

limits : holder’s loss of rights, see Annex I, Art. 53

After partial acceptance, see AnnexI, Art. 51

At m aturity , see Annex I, A rt. 43 B ankruptcy of drawee, see Annex I,

Arts. 43, 44H. C. Ps reservation as to legal

situation, see Annex II, A rt. 10 B ankruptcy of drawer of a non-

acceptable bill, see Annex I,Arts. 43, 44H. C. Ps reservation as to legal

situation, see Annex II, Art. 10 Before m aturity

Amount recoverable, see Annex I,Art. 48

Cases when these may' be, see see Annex I, Art. 43

Cancellation of endorsements on paym ent by endorser, see Annex I,Art. 50

in Default of presentm ent for accep­tance : holder’s loss of rights, see Annex I, Art. 53

Holder’s right to proceed against persons individually or collec­tively, see Annex I, Art. 47

Liability of drawers, acceptors, endorsers, avaliseurs, see Annex I,Art. 47

Notice of extension of time-limit in case of vis major, see Annex I,Art- .54

Notice of non-acceptance or non­paym entto Avaliseur, see Annex I, Art. 45 Consequences for person not

giving notice within time-limit see Annex I, Art. 45

by Endorser, see Annex I, Art. 45 Expenses : paym ent of, see Annex

I, Art. 48 Form, see Annex I, Art. 45 by Holder, see Annex I, Art. 45

in Case of stipulation "retour sans frais ’, “sans protêt ', see Annex I, A rt. 46

— 14 —

Bills of Exchange (continued)R e c o u r s e f o r n n - a c c e p t a n c e or non-paym ent (ctd.)

Notice o ' non-acceptance or non paym ent (ctd.)

L etters posted within prescribed time, see Annex I, Art. 45

by Public Official, see Annex II,A rt. 12

“R etour sans frais” , see Annex I,A rt. 45

Time-limit, see Annex I, Art. 45 Parties liable m ay require against

paym ent th a t bill, protest or re­ceipted account be given up to them , see Annex I, Art. 50

Periods of grace for persons guaran­teeing bills, see Annex II, Art. 11

Proceedings against different parties : how affecting each other, see An­nex I, Art. 47

P rotest for non-acceptance or non­paym entA uthenticated protest, see Annex

I, Art. 44 in Case of stipulation "retour sans

frais”, “sans protêt”, see AnnexI, Art. 46

Declarations in place of authen­ticated protests, see Annex II,Art. 8

Expenses, paym ent of, see AnnexI, A rt. 48

Extension of time limit in case of vis major, see Annex I, Art. 54

P ro test for non-acceptanceDispenses with presentm ent for

paym ent and protest for non­paym ent, see Annex I, Art. 44

in case of Intervention, see Annex I, A rt. 56

Request for second presentm ent of bill to be mentioned, see Annex I, Art. 24

Time-limit, see Annex I, Art. 44 P ro test for non-payment

in Case of paym ent by interven­tion, see Annex I, Art. 60

Dispensed with in event of pro­te s t for non-acceptance hav­ing been made, see Annex I,Art. 44

Time-limit, see Annex I, Art. 44 H. C. P s right to prescribe,

see Annex II, A rt. 9 Redrafts, see Annex I, A rt. 52 Refusal, to ta l or partial, to accept,

see Annex I, Art. 43 "Retour sans frais”, see Annex I,

Arts. 45, 46 "Retour sans protêt”, see Annex I,

A rt. 46Signatories rights on paym ent, see

A nnex I, A rt. 47 Stoppage of paym ent by drawee or

levy w ithout result against his goods, see Annex I, Arts. 43, 44H. C. P s reservation as to legal

situation, see Annex II, Art. 10" Vis major”, see Annex I, Art. 54 W hat holder m ay recover, see Annex

I, A rt. 48Reservation as to holder’s claim

to a commission, see Annex II,Art. 14

Reservation as to ra te of interest mentioned in Art. 48, No. 2, see Annex II, A rt. 13

W hat pa rty taking up and paying bill can recover, see Annex I, Art. 49 Reservation as to p a r ty ’s claim

to a commission, see Annex II,A rt. 14

Bills of Exchange (continued)

R e c o u r s e f o r n o n - a c c e p t a n c e or non paym ent (ctd )

W hat party taking up and paying bill can recover (continued)

Reservation as to ra te of interest mentioned in A rt. 49 , No. 2, see Annex I I , A rt. 13

R e d r a f t s , see Annex I, Art. 52

R e p r e s e n t a t i v e s

Liabilities and rights, see Annex I,Art. 8

S i g n a t u r e

A uthentic declaration instead of, see Annex I I , Art. 2

of Drawer, see Annex I, A rt. 1 (8)Effects of signatures of other parties

liable : how determined, see Con­vention on Conflicts of Laws, etc.,Art. 4

of Endorsers : not verified a t pay­m ent, see Annex I, Art. 4 0

Obligations of other signatories on a bill bearing signature by incap­ables, forged signature or signa­tu re by fictititious persons, see Annex I, A rt. 7

Obligations of signatories in case of alterations in tex t, see Annex I,A rt. 69

by Persons acting w ithout authority , see Annex I, Art. 8

by Representative exceeding his powers, see Annex I, Art. 8

S t a m p Laws in connection with, see S tam p laws

T a b l e of comparative law by Dr. Magnus T i m e of paym ent, see above M aturity U n i f o r m Law, see Uniform law V i s m a j o r , see Annex I, Art. 54

Blank Bills and Promissory NotesSee Bills of exchange, in Blank

Promissory notes, in Blank

Bouteron, Jacques

Technical adviser, French delegationS i g n a t u r e to F inal Act ..................U n i f o r m law


Annex I Art. 1 (1)

(6)Art. 4. . A rt. 5. . Art. 19 .



173- 4,174183

209 (Art. . 207-8 ( Art. 18)Art. 2 0 ........................................... 212-13 (Art.A rt. 2 4 .................................................. 220 (Art.A rt. 2 8 .................................................. 223 ( Art.A rt. 3 8 .....................242 (Art. 37), 245 (Art.Art. 4 0 ..................................................270 (Art.Art. 46 . . . . 296 (Art. 45), 297 (Art.

298 (Art.Annex II

Art. 5 .................................................... 242,



Brazil, United States ofD e le g a t e ......................................................... 14S i g n a t o r y of :—

Convention and Protocol on Conflictsof Laws, e tc .......................................... 7 6 , 82

Convention and Protocol on Stam pLaws, e tc ............................................. 96, 102

Convention and Protocol on Uni­form Law, e tc ..................................... 3 0 , 60

Final A c t ................................................ i 22See also Campos, Deoclecio de

BulgariaA b s e n c e of d e le g a te ................................... 2 7°

C a e ir o da Matta, Dr. José, see M atta,

Dr. José da

C a m p o s , Deoclecio deD eleg a te of B r a z i l ........................................P r o c e d u r e ............................. _ ....................................

S i g n a t u r e to Conventions, and Final Act . . . 3°:

U n i f o r m l a w

Annex I

.................. 14

.................. 168-9Protocols60, 76, 82, 96, 102, 122

Art. 5 . . . ................................... 187Art. 7. . . . ................................... 190Art. 19 • • • ............................... 208 (Art. 18)Art. 23 . . . ............................... 217 (Art. 22)Art. 31 . . • ................................... 236Art. 38 . . . ............................... 245 (Art. 37)Art. 41 . . . ............................... 2 7 3 (Art. 40)Art. 44 . . . ............................... 281 (Art. 43)Art. 45 . . . ............................... 286 (Art. 44)Art. 46 . . . ............................... 296 (Art. 45)Art. 48 . . . ...........................379-80 (Art. 47)Art. 49 . . . .......................... 3 7 9 -8 o (Art. 48)Art. 5 4 • ■ • ............................... 259 (Art. 53)Art. 55 . . . . . 312 (Art. 54,1,317 (Art. 54)Art. 60 . . . ................................... 3 9 8Art. 75 . . . ............................... 3 3 3 (Art. 74)

Annex IIArt. 4 . . . ...............................236 ( Art. 31a)Art. 5. . . . ................................... 245Art. 7. . . . ................................... 416Art. 9. . . . ................................... 281Art. 12 . . . ................................... 286Art. 14 . . . ................................... 3 7 9 -SoArt. 19 . . . ..................420 (former Art. 18)Art. 22 . . . . . . . • 421 (former Art. 21)

ConventionArt. I l l ............................... 426 ( Art. I I )

CapacitySee Conflicts of laws : Capacity

Carton de Wiart, Baron EdmondDelegate of B e lg iu m ................................... 13Ab s e n c e from Conference.......................... 311, 408U n i f o r m law

Annex IArt. 1 ( 6 ) ............................................ 174

(8 ) .............................................................. 175 , 1 7 6Art. 4.................................................... 183Art. 9 .................................................... 193Art. 1 1 ...................................... 194 (Art. 10)Art. 1 9 .........................................205 (Art. 18)Art. 2 2 .........................................215 ( Art. 21)Art. 2 3 .........................................217 (Art. 22)Art. 2 4 .........................................221 ( Art. 23)Art, 29 . . . . 230 (Art. 28), 239 (Art. 28),

246 (Art. 28), 248 (Art. 28)Art. 3 1 ........................................ 234, 235, 237Art. 3 8 ..................... 243 (Art. 37), 244 (Art. 37)Art. 41 . . . . 271-2 (Art. 40), 273 ( Art. 40)Art. 4 5 .........................................286 (Art. 44)Art. 6 7 ................................................ 3 9 9

Annex IIArt. 4 . . . . 234 (Art. 31a), 235 (Art. 31a)Art. 5.................................................... 244Art. 1 2 ................................................ 286

Chalmers, Sir Mackenzie D.

161, 169, 216, 220, 221, 244, 259

Chamber of Commerce, Int.D elegates . . . . . ..............See also Schmidt, Geh. Kom. Richard

TrouUier, Albert



A g r e e m e n t a s t o fu r th e r e x a m in a t io n

o f d r a f t C o n v e n t io n s o n ch eq u e s , see F in a l A c t , etc. : A g r e e m e n t

C o n f e r e n c e , d a te o f s e c o n d se ss io n , see F in a l A c t , R e c o m m e n d a t io n V

Q u e s t i o n w h e th e r a n in s t r u m e n t p a y a b le in fo r e ig n c u r r e n c y b y c h e q u e d r a w n o n a fo r e ig n b a n k c o n s t i t u t e s a b illo f e x c h a n g e ............................................... 407 , 4 1 3 -1 6

Q u e s t i o n s t o b e e x a m in e d b y G o v ts , p r io r t o S e c o n d S e ss io n o f C on fer ­e n c e , see F in a l A c t : A g r e e m e n t a s t o fu r th e r e x a m in a t io n o f d ra ft C on ­v e n t io n s o n c h e q u e s

S ta m p la w s in r e la t io n in t oD i s c u s s i o n ................................ 4 3 5 , 4 3 6 , 437 , 4 4 6

ChoumenVovitch, I.

P e r m a n e n t d e le g a t e o f Y u g o s la v ia a c ­c r e d ite d t o L e a g u e ................................ 25

S i g n a t u r e t o C o n v e n t io n s a n d P r o to c o ls

3 r > 63, 79 , 85, 99, 105

Clearing Houses

P r e s e n t m e n t for p a y m e n t a t , see A n n e x I, A r t . 38

R e s e r v a t i o n p r o v id in g t h a t H . C. P s sh o u ld d e s ig n a te t h e in s t i tu t io n s to b e reg a rd ed as, see A n n e x I I , A r t . 6

ColombiaD e l e g a t i o n ............................................................... 14S i g n a t o r y o f :

C o n v e n t io n a n d P r o to c o l o n C onflic tso f L a w s , e t c ................................................. 76, 82

C o n v e n t io n a n d P r o to c o l o n S ta m pL a w s , e t c ...................................................... 97, 102

C o n v e n t io n a n d P r o to c o l o n U n i ­fo r m L a w , e t c ............................................ 30 , 60

F in a l A c t .......................................................... 122See also R e s tr e p o , A n to n io J o sé

Colonies, Protectorates and Mandated Territories

A p p l ic a t io n t o , o f C o n v e n t io no n C on flic ts o f L a w s , e t c . , see said

Convention, A rt. 19 on S ta m p L a w s , e t c . , see said Con­

vention, A rt. 9t o C o lon ies o f G reat B r ita in , see

P r o to c o l t o C o n v e n t io n o n S ta m p L a w s , D

o n U n ifo r m L a w , e t c . , see said Convention, A rt. X

Computation of Limits of TimeSee B ills o f E x c h a n g e , C o m p u ta t io n of

l im it s o f t im e P r o m is s o r y N o t e s , C o m p u ta t io n o f

l im it s o f t im e

Conference, Int., for Unification of Laws on Bills of Exchange, Promissory Notes and Cheques, May 13- June 7, 1930F ir s t S ess io n

L is t o f G o v e r n m e n t d e le g a te s and r e p r e s e n ta t iv e s o f v a r io u s b o d ie sin v i te d t o C o n f e r e n c e .......................... 13-18

M in u te s o f m e e t i n g s ................................ 1 61-458P ro ced u re t o b e fo l lo w e d 163-170 , 461 ( Annex I )S u m m a r y o f w o r k ..................................... 11-12

S e c o n d S e ss io n : D a t e , see F in a l A ct , R e c o m m e n d a t io n V

Conflicts of Laws in connection with Bills of Exchange and Promissory NotesA s s i g n m e n t o f d e b t t o h o ld er , q u e s t io n

w h e th e r th e r e h a s b e e n : h o w d e te r ­m in e d , see C o n v e n t io n o n C onflic ts o f L a w s e t c . , A rt . 6

— i 6 —

Conflicts of Laws in connection with Bills ol Exchange a n i Promissory Notes (continued)

B i l l s of exchange etc. already issued Convention no t to apply to, see

Convention on Conflicts of Laws, etc., A rt. i i

C a p a c i t y of contracting parties, see Convention on Conflicts of Laws, etc., A rt. 2

C o n t r a c t s

Contracts entered into abroad, see Convention on Conflicts of Laws, etc., A rt. 3

Effect of irregularity of form of previous contracts on validity of subsequent contracts, see Conven­tion on Conflicts of Laws, etc.,Art. 3

Form of contract, see Convention on Conflicts of Laws, etc., Art. 3

ValidityH . C. P s . r ig h t o f r e fu s in g t o

reco g n ise v a l id i t y in c e r ta in ca se s , see C o n v e n t io n o n C o n ­f lic ts o f L a w s , e t c . , A r t . 2

C o n v e n t i o n fo r S e t t l e m e n t o f C erta in C o n flic ts o f L a w s , e t c . , see that title

C o v e r (provision), see C o n v e n t io n o n C o n flic ts o f L a w s , e t c . : A rt . 6 See also below : T r a n s fe r o f c o v e r

E f f e c t s o f o b l ig a t io n s e n te r e d in to , see C o n v e n t io n o n C on flic ts o f L a w s , e t c . , A r t . 4

G e n e r a l r e s e r v a t io n c o n c e r n in g a p p l ic a ­t i o n of p r in c ip le s o f p r iv a te in te r n a ­t io n a l la w , see C o n v e n t io n o n C o n ­f l ic ts o f L a w s , e t c . , A r t . 10

H . C. P s u n d e r ta k e t o a p p ly c e r ta in ru les , see C o n v e n t io n o n C on flic ts o f L a w s , e t c . , A r t . 1

H o l d e r s ’ b a n k r u p t c y . . . . 156-7,366-7,422L o s s o r t h e f t o f a b i l l o f e x c h a n g e or

p r o m is s o r y n o te , see C o n v e n t io n o n C o n flic ts o f L a w s , e t c . , A r t . 9

P a r t i a l a c c e p ta n c e or p a y m e n t , see C o n v e n t io n o n C o n flic ts o f L a w s , e t c . , A r t . 7

P r o t e s t : f o r m a n d t im e - l im i t s , see C o n v e n t io n o n C o n flic ts o f L a w s , e t c . , A r t . 8

R a p p o r t e u r o n , see D ie n a , G iu lio

R e c o u r s e

Lim its of time for exercise of rights of recourse : how determined, see Convention on Conflicts of Laws, etc., A rt. 5

R e p o r t subm itted by M. Diena on Con­vention on Conflicts of LawsDiscussed and a d o p t e d .................. 452T e x t ......................................................... 154-7

T r a n s f e r of cover (provision) 156, 305-6, 363-5, 368 See also Convention on Conflicts of

Laws, etc. : Art. 6


See Conflicts of Laws : Contracts

Convention for the Settlement of certain Conflicts of Laws in connection with Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes

A c c e s s i o n , see below Art. 14Colonies, etc., see below Art. 19 When accession takes effect, see

below, Art. 16 A p p l i c a t i o n to colonies, protectorates

and m andated territories, see below,Art. 19

A r t i c l e 1D is c u s s io n ............................... 346 (Art. 2), 429T e x t ........................................... 71

C o n v en tio n for th e S e tt ’e m e n t o f cer ta in Conflicts of Laws in c o n n e c t io n w is th B ills of E x c h a n g e and Promissory N otes (continued) y

A rttcle 2D isc u s s io n a n d d o c u m e n t s

1 54-5 , 34 6 -3 5 2 (Art. 3), 367-8, 429

A r t , 0 ^ 3 .....................................................................D isc u s s io n a n d d o c u m e n t s . 155, 352-5 , 420

T e x t ..................................................................... ’ 71A r t ic l e 4

D is c u s s io n a n d d o c u m e n t s

155-6 , 3 5 6 -6 3 (Art. 5), 42g . , 2T e x t ..................................................................... 72

A r t ic l e 5D isc u s s io n a n d d o c u m e n t s

156, 356 , 357 - 360-3, 432T e x t ..................................................................... ^

A r t ic l e 6D is c u s s io n a n d d o c u m e n t s

156, 305-6 , 363-5 , 3 68 , 369 , 419, 432-3

T e x t ..................................................................... 73A r t ic l e 7

D is c u s s io n a n d d o c u m e n t s 156, 365, 368, 433T e x t ..................................................................... 73

A r t ic l e 8D isc u s s io n a n d d o c u m e n t s . 156, 365-6, 433

T e x t ..................................................................... 73A r t ic l e 9

D isc u s s io n a n d d o c u m e n ts

132, i 5 6 -7 . ! 99 , 3 4 2 - 3 6 6 -7 , 368 , 422, 433T e x t ..................................................................... 73

A r t ic l e 10D isc u s s io n a n d d o c u m e n t s 157, 3 67 , 369, 433T e x t ..................................................................... 73

A r t ic l e i i

D i s c u s s i o n ................................................ 433, 454-5T e x t ..................................................................... 73

A r t ic l e 12D i s c u s s i o n ..................................................... 434T e x t ..................................................................... 73

A r t ic l e 13D i s c u s s i o n ..................................................... 369, 433

T e x t ..................................................................... 73A r t ic l e 14

D i s c u s s i o n ..................................................... 345T e x t ..................................................................... 73

A r t ic l e 15T e x t ..................................................................... 75See also P r o to c o l t o a b o v e C o n v e n ­

t io n , BA r t ic l e 16

T e x t ..................................................................... 75A r t ic l e 17

D i s c u s s i o n ................................................ 377-8, 434T e x t ..................................................................... 75

A r t ic l e 18T e x t .................................................................... 75

A r t ic l e 19

D i s c u s s i o n ..................................................... 377'^T e x t .................................................................... 75

A r t ic l e 2 0T e x t .................................................................... 75

A u t h e n t i c i t y o f t e x t s , see above A r t . 12 C o n f e r e n c e , fu tu re , for rev is io n , see

above, A rt . 18 D a t e , see above, A rt . 12 D e n u n c i a t i o n , see above A rt. 17 E n t r y in to force

C o n d itio n s g o v ern in g , see above A r t . 15

D a t e , see above A r t . 15

M e e t in g t o b e c o n v e n e d in e v e n t o f C o n v e n t io n n o t c o m in g in to force b efore N o v . 1, 1932 , see P r o to c o l t o C o n v e n t io n o n C on flic ts of L a w s , e t c . ; B

N o t i f i c a t i o n b y S ecre ta ry -G en era l o f A cce ss io n s , see above A rts . 14, 15 R a t if ic a t io n s , see above A r ts . 13, 15

P r o t o c o l , see P r o to c o l t o C o n v e n t io n o n C onflic ts o f L a w s , e tc .

ntion for th î Settlement of certain Conflicts of Laws in connection with Bills of Exchange and PromissoryN otes (continued)P u b l i c a t i o n , see above A rt. 20 R a t i f i c a t i o n , see above A rt. 1 3

in Event of non-deposit of ratifica­tions before Sept. 1, 1932, S tates to transm it sta tem ent, see P ro ­tocol to Convention on Conflicts of Laws, etc. ; A

When ratification takes effect, see above Art. 16

R e g i s t r a t i o n , see above A rt. 20 R e p o r t submitted b y M. Diena

D is c u s s e d a n d a d o p t e d .................. 452T e x t .......................................................... T5 4 “7

R e s e r v a t i o n s

General reservation, see above Art; 10 Proposal th a t H. C. P s could make

reservations when signing, ratify ­ing or adhering to Convention 367-9 (A rt. 10a)

385-6, 433 (Art. 11 deleted), 454 R e v i s i o n , see above A rt. 18 Si g n a t u r e , see above A rt. 12

List of countries s i g n i n g ...................... 11, 12, 455T e x t ................................................................. 65-85

Discussed and a d o p t e d ...................... 454-5

Convention on Stamp Laws in connection with Bills of Exchange and Promissory NotesA c c e s s i o n , see below Art. 4

Colonies, etc., see below A rt. 9 with L im itation, see Protocol to

above Convention, D 4 When accession takes effect, see

below Art. 6 A p p l i c a t i o n to :—

Colonies, protectorates and m an ­dated territories, see above Art. 9

Great B ritain and N orthern Ireland, see Protocol to above Convention,D 1 and 3

Ar t i c l e i

Discussion and docum ents 157-8, 335,

T e x t .....................................................................Article 2 : t e x t ................................................Article 3

D i s c u s s i o n .....................................................T e x t .....................................................................

Article 4 : t e x t .................................................Article 5 : t e x t ................................................

See also P r o to c o l t o a b o v e C o n v e n ­tion , B

Article 6 : t e x t ................................................Article 7

D i s c u s s i o n .....................................................T e x t .....................................................................

Article 8 : t e x t ................................................Article 9

D i s c u s s i o n .....................................................T e x t .....................................................................

Article 10 : t e x t ...........................................Au t h e n t ic it y o f t e x t s , see above A rt. 2 Co n f e r e n c e , fu tu r e , fo r r e v is io n of,

see above A rt. 8 Date, see above A r t . 2

D e n u n c ia t io n , see above A r t . 7 En t r y in to force

C on d ition s g o v e r n in g , see above A rt. 5 D a te , see above A rt. 5 M eetin g t o b e c o n v e n e d in e v e n t

of C o n v e n t io n n o t c o m in g in to force b efore N o v . 1, 1932 , see P r o to c o l t o C o n v e n t io n o n S t a m p L aw s, B

Notific a tio n b y S e c r e ta r y -G e n e r a l of A ccession s , see above A rts . 4, 5 and

P ro to co l t o a b o v e C o n v e n t io n s , D 4

R a tif ica t io n s , see above A rts . 3, 5Pr eam ble ...............................................................

3 4 5 -6 ,434-46




3 7 7 -8

959 5

3 7 7 -8

959 5

»7 , 3 4 5

C on ven tion on S tam p L aw s in co n n ec t io n w ith B il ls of E x c h a n g e and P ro m isso ry N otes (continued) P r o t o c o l , see P r o to c o l t o C o n v e n t io n on

S ta m p L a w s , e tc .P u b l i c a t i o n , see above A r t . 10

R a t i f i c a t i o n , see above A r t . 3in E v e n t o f n o n -d e p o s it o f ra tif ica ­

t io n s b efore S e p t . 1, 1932, S ta te s t o t r a n s m it s t a t e m e n t , see P r o to c o l

t o C o n v e n t io n o n S ta m p L aw s, e t c . , A

w h e n R a t i f ic a t io n t a k e s effec t, see above A r t . 6

R e g i s t r a t i o n , see above A rt . 10

R e p o r t s u b m it t e d b y M. d e la V a llée P o u s s inD is c u s s e d a n d a d o p t e d ........................... 452T e x t ..................................................................... 157-8

R e v i s i o n , see above A r t . 8 S i g n a t u r e , see above A rt. 2

L is t o f c o u n tr ie s s i g n i n g ..................... 11, 12, 455T e x t ............................................................... 8 7 -1 0 5

A d o p t e d ........................................................... 455T i t l e ........................................................................... 444See also S ta m p la w s

C o n v en t io n p rov id in g a U n ifo r m L aw for B i l ls ofE x c h a n g e a n d P ro m isso ry N otes

A c c e s s i o n , see below A r t . VC olon ies, e t c . , see below A r t . X W h e n a c c e s s io n t a k e s e ffe c t , see

below A r t . V I I A n n e x I (U n ifo rm L a w ) , see A n n e x I A n n e x I I , see A n n e x II A r t i c l e I

D isc u s s io n a n d d o c u m e n t s 126, 3 3 7 , 3 69 , 371,

372 , 373 -4 - 407 , 4 24 -5 , 4 3 4 - 467 R e s e r v a t io n : r ig h t o f r e s tr ic t in g

p r o v is io n s o f t h i s a r t ic le t o b ills o f e x c h a n g e o n ly , see A n n e x II ,A r t . 21

T e x t ..................................................................... 27A r t ic l e II

D i s c u s s i o n ..................................................... 126 , 4 2 8 -9T e x t ..................................................................... 27

A r t ic l e I I ID is c u s s io n a n d d o c u m e n ts 3 7 0 ( Art. 2), 372 ,

37 4 (Art. 2), 4 2 6 -7 ( Art. I I ) , 4 6 7 ( Art. 2)T e x t ..................................................................... 27

A r t ic l e I VD isc u s s io n a n d d o c u m e n t s . . 3 7 0 (Art. 3),

373 (Art. 3), 374 (Art. 3), 4 : 6 (Art. I l l ) , 427 (Art. I l l ) , 4 6 7 (Art. 3)

T e x t ..................................................................... 27A r t ic l e V

D isc u s s io n a n d d o c u m e n t s . . 3 7 4 (Art. 4)4 2 7 (Art. I V ) , 4 6 8 (Art. 4)

T e x t ..................................................................... 27A r t ic l e V I

D isc u s s io n a n d d o c u m e n t s . . . 3 7 4 (Art. 5),4 2 7 ( Art. V), 4 6 8 ( Art. 5)

T e x t ..................................................................... 27-9See also P r o to c o l t o a b o v e C o n v e n ­

t io n , B A r t i c l e V I I

D is c u s s io n a n d d o c u m e n t s . . 3 7 4 ( Art. 6),4 2 7 (Art. V I) , 4 6 8 (A rt. 6)

T e x t .................................................................... 29A r t ic l e V I I I

D isc u s s io n a n d d o c u m e n t s 126, 127, 3 6 9 ( Art. 7), 371-2 , 372-3 , 374 (Art. 7), 375 -7 (Art. 7),

3 7 7 -8 (Art. 7), 4 2 7 (Art. V II ) , 468 (Art. 7)T e x t ..................................................................... 29

A r t ic l e I XD isc u s s io n a n d d o c u m e n t s 127 , 336 , 3 6 9 ( Art. 8)

3 7 5 (Art. 8)-, 427 (Art. V I I I ) , 4 6 8 f Art. 8)T e x t ..................................... ..... ■ 29

A r t ic l e XD isc u s s io n a n d d o c u m e n t s . . 37-2 (Art. 9),

3 7 5 (Art. g), 3 7 7 -8 (Art. g), 4 2 7 -8 (Art. I X ) , 464-5 (A nnex 13), 4 6 8 (Art. g)

T e x t ............................................................ 26

— i 8 —

Convention providing a Uniform Law for Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes (continued)A rticle XI

Discussion and documents . . 375 (A rt. 10),428 (A rt. 10 ), 468 (A rt. 10)

T e x t ........................... 29Authenticity of texts, see above Art. Ill Conference, future, for revision of,

see above Art. IX Date, see above Art. Ill Denunciation, see above Art. VIII

on Behalf of colonies, etc., see above Art. X

Draft text................ 467-9 ( Annex i g )Submitted for discussion........ 369

E n t r y into forceConditions governing, see above Art. VI

Date, see above Art. VI Meeting to be convened in event of Convention not coming into force before Nov. 1, 1932, see Protocol to Convention providing a Uni­form Law, etc., B

Simultaneous entry into force of

Convention and Uniform law . . 434In t r o d u c t o r y paragraph............ 65, 424

N otification by Secretary-General of :Accessions, see above Arts. V, VI Ratifications, see above Arts. IV, VI

N u m b e r i n g of articles.............. 405Protocol, see Protocol to Convention

on Uniform Law, etc.Publication, see above Art. XI Ratification, see above Art. IV

in Event of non-deposit of ratifica­tions before Sept. 1,1932, States to transmit statement, see Protocol to Convention providing a Uni­form Law, etc., A

When ratification takes effect, see above Art. VII

Registration, see above Art. XI Report of Drafting Cttee. on

A d o p t e d ...................... 447Te x t ........................... 126-7

Revision, see above Art. IX Signature, see Art. Ill

List of countries signing ........ 11,12,455T e x t ............................. 21-85

A d o p t e d ...................... 452-3

CopiesSee Bills of exchange, Copies

Promissory notes, Copies

Cover (provision)

See Bills of exchange : Cover (provision)Conflicts of laws : Cover (provision)

and below Transfer of Cover

Credentials Committee

A p p o i n t m e n t and m e m b e r s .... 163R e p o r t, first................ 176-7R e p o r t, second.............. 455


D e l e g a t i o n ................ 17Amendment to Art. 55 of Annex I of

Convention on Uniform Law, etc., proposed by . . . . 464 (A rt. 54 : Annex 12)Withdrawn............ 312

Si g n a t o r y of :Convention and Protocol on Con­flicts of Laws, etc............. 79, 85

Convention and Protocol on StampLaws, etc..................... 99, 105

Convention and Protocol on UniformLaw, etc . . . . . . . . . . . . 31,62

Final Act .............. 124See also Hermann-Otavskÿ, Dr. Karel

Srb, Dr. Jan

Danzig, Free City ofD e l e g a t i o n ................................................Signatory of :

Convention and Protocol on Con­flicts of Laws, e tc ................................

Convention and Protocol on Stam pLaws, e tc .............................................

Convention and Protocol on UniformLaw, e tc ...............................................

F inal Act ............................................See also : Sulkowski, Jozef

D ate 'of IssueSee Bills of exchange : D ate of issue

Promissory notes : D ate of issue

David, RenéRepresentative of In t. In stitu te for

Unification of Private Law a t RomeSignature to Final A c t ..........................U niform law

Annex I : Art. 1 ( 1 ) ...........................

Days of GraceSee Bills of exchange : Days of grace

Promissory notes : Days of grace

DebtsA ssignm ent to holder of debt, see

Convention on Conflicts of Laws, etc. : Art. 6

DeclarationsSee Bills of exchange : Declaration

Del Rio, VirgilioDelegate of In t. Chamber of Commerce

DenmarkD e l e g a t i o n ................................................

Amendment to Art. 54 ( Art. 33) of Annex I to Convention on Uniform Law, etc., proposed by . . . . W i th d ra w n ........................................

Signatory of :Convention and Protocol on Conflicts

of Laws, etc ........................................Convention and Protocol on Stamp

Laws, e tc .............................................Convention and Protocol on Uni­

form Law, e tc ....................................F inal Act ............................................

See also Eigtved, Valdemar Helper, Axel


77, 83

97- 103

3° , 61






2 6 0

7 6 , 82

97 - I03

3 0 , 60


Diena, GiulioDelegate of I t a l y ....................................... : 5R apporteur on Convention on Conflicts

of L a w s ................................................ 154Name added to R e p o r t ...................... 452Thanks of Chairman of Drafting

Cttee. t o ............................................ 447Thanks of President t o ...................... 452

C o n f l i c t s of laws Convention

Art. 2 346-7 (Art. 3), 349 (Art. 3), 351 (Art.3)Art. 3 ................................................ 454

Art. 4 ................. 357 (A r t 5). 36° (Art. 5).361-2 ( A rt. 5), 43°

Art. 5 ................................ 357, 360, 361-2, 432Art. 8.................................................... 366Art. 9 .................................................... 366, 433Art. 1 1 ................................................ 454

236 (A rt. 31a)

Diena, Giulio (continued)

U niform lawAnnex II : Art. 4 ..........

Discrepancies as regards Su m Payable

See Bills of Exchange : Discrepancies Promissory notes : Discrepancies

Drafting Committee

A ppointment and members . . . . 163, 192, 355General rapporteur, see Percerou, L. J.R apporteur on conflicts of laws, see

Diena, Giulio Rapporteur on stamp laws, see Vallée-

Poussin, J. de la

Dunlop, G. A.

Delegate of Netherlands............ 16

Signature to Final A c t ............ 123

Duzmans, Charles

Delegate of Latvia.................. 16Conflicts of laws

in Connection with promissory notes 335

ConventionArt. 1 0 ....................... 369Titles of articles.............. 369

Credentials of delegatesChairman of Credentials Cttee . . 163, 455President’s thanks t o .......... 455

Reports of Credentials Cttee. . . . 176, 455Final Act : Recommendation Y . . . . 445, 446Signature to Final A c t ............ 123

Stamp lawsConvention: Art. 1. . . 335,438,439,442,443

Uniform law Annex IArt. 1........................ 382Art. 4........................ 381, 382Arts. 21, 2 9 .................. 389

Art. 3 2 .................. 391Art. 45 . . . . 285 (Art. 44), 287 ( Art. 44)Art. 4 6 .................. 396Art. 5 4 .................... 264 (Art. 53)Art. 5 5 ....................... 397, 399Art. 6 0 .................. 397Art. 75 . . . 333-5 (Art. 74), 336 (Art. 74),

338-9 (Art. 74)Art. 7 7 .................. 402

Annex IIArt. 7.................... 450-1Art. 1 2 .............. 285, 287, 417 (Art. 11)Art. 1 3 .................... 417 ( Art. 12)Art. 2 0 .................... 417 (Art. xg)Art. 2 1 .................. 333-5- 336, 338-9

ConventionArt. Ill...................374 (Art. 2)Art. VIII . . . 371-2 (Art. 7), 375-6 (Art. 7)

Economic Committee of LeagueR e p r e s e n t a t i v e a t Conference . . . .S i g n a t u r e of F inal A c t ...........................See also Barboza Cameiro, J. A.


D e l e g a t e ................................................................

S i g n a t o r y of:—Convention and Protocol on Con­

flicts of Laws, e tc ..............................Convention and Protocol on Stam p

Laws, e tc .............................................Convention and Protocol on Uni­

form Law, e tc .....................................Final A c t ................................................

See also Gastelu, Dr. Alexandra


r 4

7 7 . 83

9 7 - 103

30, 61123

Effects of ObligationsSee Conflicts of Laws : Effects of Obliga­

tions entered into

Eigtved, ValdemarDelegate of Denm ark 14S i g n a t u r e to Conventions, Protocols

and F inal Act . . . 30, 60, 76, 82, 97, 103, 122U n i f o r m law

Annex IArt. 7. . . . ................................... 267Art. 10 . . . ................................... 267 (Art. 7)Art. 19 . . . ...............................207 (Art. 18)Art. 29 ■ • . . . 225 (Art. 28), 230 (Art. 28)Art. 41 . . . .......................................... 393Art. 48 . . . ..................................... 379 (Art. 47)Art. 49 . . . ..................................... 379 (Art. 48)Art. 56 . . . ...............................310 (Art. 53)

Annex IIArt. 14 . . . .......................................... 379


363 (Art. 5) 3 6 3 , 365


Eisner, Dr. Berthold

Delegate of Y u g o slav ia ......................Conflicts of laws

ConventionArt. 4 ........................................Art. 8 ............................................Art. 9 ...........................................

Signature to Final A c t ..................U niform law

Annex IA rt. 7 ................................................. 267Art. 8....................................... 191, 382-3, 383Art. 1 0 ....................................................267 ( Art. 7)Art. 1 3 ................................................. 453Art. 3 4 ................................................. 448Art. 4 4 ................................................ 342Art. 4 5 ................................................. 286 (Art. 44)Art. 4 8 ................................................. 301 (Art. 47)Art. 5 4 ..................................................262 (Art. 53)Art. 6 8 ................................................. 325 ( Art. 67)

Annex IIArt. 2 ................................................ 341Art. 8 .................................................... 342Art. 1 2 ................................................ 286Art. 1 3 ................................................. 301

Ekeberg, BirgerDelegate of Sweden . . . . Member of Drafting Cttee. .

Chairman’s thanks t o . . Name added to report .

S i g n a t u r e to Conventions, and Final Act . . . 31

U n i f o r m law Annex I

Art. 7..............................Art. 1 7 ..........................Art. 19 . .


Protocols 62, 78, 84,

171924474 4 6

99, 104, 124

18916)...................................291 (Art

. . 202-3 (Art. 18), 208 (Art. 18) 209 ( Art. 18)

Art. 4 1 ................................................ 3 93Art. 4 4 ................................................. 39 5Art. 5 4 .....................259 (Art. 53), 262 (Art. 53)Art. 6 0 ............................... 398, 404, 405, 412

EndorsementSee Bills of exchange : Endorsement

Promissory notes : Endorsement

“ Executory ” InstrumentsSee Convention on Stam p Laws, etc. :

Art. 1

Fictitious PersonsS i g n a t u r e by, see Annex I, Art. 7

Fidéjussion, see Guarantees

----- 2 0 -----

Final Act of the Int. Conference for the Unification of Laws on Bills of Exchange, Promissory Notes and Cheques

A g r e e m e n t as to further examination of draft Conventions on ChequesDiscussion...................... 445-6, 453-4Te x t ........................... 121

R e c o m m e n d a t i o n i

Discussion and documents 126, 370, 375, 428T e x t ........................... 119

R e c o m m e n d a t i o n iiDiscussion and documents . . . . 420, 428T e x t ........................... 119

R e c o m m e n d a t i o n hi

Discussion and documents127, 428, 467 (A nnex 18)

T e x t ........................... 119R e c o m m e n d a t i o n iv

Discussion and documents 151, 233, 370, 375,428

Te x t ........................... 119R e c o m m e n d a t i o n v

Discussion.................... 444-6T e x t ........................... 119

R e c o m m e n d a t i o n s a d o p t e d ........ 453Si g n a t u r e : list of countries signing . . 455-6T e x t ............................. 107-124

Discussed and adopted.......... 453-4


D e l e g a t i o n .......... 14Amendment to Art. 54 ( Art. 53) of

Annex I to Convention on Uni­form Law, etc., proposed by . . 462

Withdrawn...... 260Si g n a t o r y of :—

Convention and Protocol on Conflictsof Laws, etc.................. 77, 83

Convention and Protocol on StampLaws, etc..................... 97, 103

Convention and Protocol on UniformLaw, etc...................... 30, 61

Final Act .................... 123See also Grônvall, Filip

Fischel, M ................ 253


Forged signature, see Annex I : Art. 7

FranceD e l e g a t i o n ................................................................

S i g n a t o r y of :—Convention and Protocol on Conflicts

of Laws, e tc ........................................Convention and Protocol on Stamp

Laws, e tc .............................................Convention and Protocol on Uniform

Law, e tc ...............................................F inal Act ............................................

See also Bouteron, Jacques Lyon-Caen,Charles Percerou, L. J.

Franssen, Max

Secretary to Netherlands delegation S i g n a t u r e to Final A c t ..................


7 7 . 83

9 7 . 103

30, 61123



Gastelü, Dr AlexandreDelegate of E c u a d o r ................................... 14S i g n a t u r e to Conventions, Protocols and

Final Act . . . 30, 61, 77, 83, 97, 103, 123U n i f o r m law

Annex I : Art. 3 8 ................................245 (Art. 37)Annex II : Art. 5 ..................... 245

GermanyD e l e g a t i o n ................................................................

Amendment to Art. 40 (Art. 39) of Annex I to Convention on UniformLaw, etc., proposed b y .................S u b m i t t e d ........................................

S i g n a t o r y of :—Convention and Protocol on Conflicts

of Laws, e tc ........................................Convention and Protocol on Stamp

Laws, e tc .............................................Convention and Protocol on Uniform

Law, e tc ...............................................F inal Act ............................................

See also Albrecht, Dr Erich Quassowski, Leo Ullmann, Dr Fritz

Giannini, AnrdeoDelegate of I t a l y ....................................... ;Chairman of Drafting C ttee........................

Name added to r e p o r t ......................P resident’s thanks t o ......................Thanks to rapporteurs and members

C h e q u e s ................................................................

C o n f l i c t s of laws Convention



76, 82

96, 102

30, 60

15125, 192



4 1 5 , 416, 446

Art. 2

Art. 3 Art. 4

Art. 5 . . . .A rt. 6 . . . . Art. 7 . . . .Art. 9 . . . .Art. 10 . . . . Art. 11 . . . . Art. 17 . . . .Reservations to

348 (Art. 3), 350 (Art. 3), 351 (Art. 3), 352 (Art. 3), 368 (Art. 3), 429

........................ 3 5 3 (Art. 4), 355 (Art. 4)358 (Art. 5), 360 (Art. 5), 362 (Art. 5),

363 (Art. 5), 430, 431................................................. 362, 363................................................. 306................................................. 368................................................. 366-7, 368................. 367.................................................................... 454.................................................................... 377

368 (Art. 10a), 385-6 ( Art. 10a)

■ • • • 358Separate c o n v e n tio n ......................Report o n ............................................

F i n a l A c t

Question to be studied by c h e q u e s ........................................

Recommendation I ..........................Recommendation I V .......................... 233,

P r o c e d u r e ................................................. 167-8,S i g n a t u r e to Conventions, Protocols and

Final Act . . . 31, 61, 77, 83, 98, 103,S t a m p laws

Con /■ ntio \Art. 1............................... 345, 438, 439, 441, 443







Art. 7..........................Separate convention

Protocol to ConventionD ................................

U n i f o r m LawAmortisation . . . Annex I

Art. 1 ( 1 ) ..................(3) ..................(6) .........

(8) ......Signature . . Translation .

Art. 2.Art. 4.Art. 5.Art. 7.Art. 10 Art. 11 Art. 12 Art. 16 Art. 17 Art. 19

171-2. 3 3 7 .




3 3 9 . 34° 174

174 .

Art. 20 Art. 21 Art. 22 Art. 23

177 1763°7 382

............................................ 179, 180

............................................ 182, 184-5

............................................ 188

............................................ 190, 3 s6179, 180, 265-6 (Art. 7), 269 ( Art. 7)........................................ 194 ( Art. 10).......................................... 195 ( Art. 11). . . 198 (Art. 15), 200 (Art. 15). . . . . .. . . . . 293 (Art. 16). . . .205 (Art. 18), 206 ( Art. 18),

209-10 (Art. 18) . . . . . . . 284 (Art. 19), 385............... 389. . . 215 ( Art. 21), 216 (Art. 21)................................... 219 (Art. 22)

Giannini, Amedeo (continued)Uniform law (continued)

Annex I (continued)Art. 2 6 .................................................. 222 (Art. 25)Art. 2 7 .................................................. (Art. 26)Art. 29 . • • ■ 227 (Art. 28), 228 (Art. 28),

229 (Art. 28), 230 (Art. 28),247 (Art. 28) 248 ( Art. 28), 389

Art. 31 232-3 ( Art. 30), 233, 234, 235, 238Art. 3 2 ............................... 238 (Art. 31), 391Arts. 33, 34 ............................ 24 x (Arts. 32, 33)Art. 38 . . . . 243 (Art. 37), 245 (Art. 37),

246 (Art. 37), 281 (Art. 37),307 f Art. 37)

Art. 3 9 ......................................... 250-1 (Art. 38)Art. 41 . . . 274 ( Art. 40), 343 (Art. 40),

3 4 4 (Art. 40), 394, 4 5 1 Art. 43 . . 278 (Art. 42), 280 (Art. 42), 394,

409, 410Art. 44 . . . . 281 (Art. 43), 283 (Art. 43),

308 ( Art. 43), 410 Art. 45 . . 285 (Art. 44), 286 ( A r t.44), 287

(Art. 44), 289 ( Art. 44), 290 ( Art. 44)Art. 4 6 ................................297 (Art. 45)Art. 4 7 ............................. 299 (Art. 46)Art. 48 . . . 299 (Art. 74), 301 ( Art. 47),

380 (Art. 47), 381 ( Art. 47) Art. 49 . . . . 380 (Art. 48), 381 (Art. 48)Art. 53 . . . 219 (Art. 52), 303-4 (Art. 52),

305 (Art. 52), 306 (Art. 52) Art. 54 257-8 (Art. 53), 261 (Art. 53),

265 (Art. 53)Art. 55 . . . 309 (Art. 54), 313 (Art. 54),

315 (Art. 54), 316 (Art. 54)Art. 58 318 (Art. 57), 319 (Art. 57), 397Art. 6 0 ...................... 318 (Art, 5g), 398, 399Art. 6 1 ................................ 321 (Art. 60)Art. 6 3 ................................ 322 (Art. 62)Art. 64 . . . . 324 ( Art. 63), 400, 401, 412Art. 6 8 ............................. 400, 401, 412Art. 6 9 ................................................. 326Art. 7 0 ............................... 327-8, 328, 329, 330Art. 7 2 ................................................. 331Art. 75 332 (Art. 74), 336 (Art. 74), 337

(Art, 74), 339 (Art. 74), 340 (Art. 74), 447 ( Art. 76 see list of Errata), 450

Art. 7 7 ................................................. 404Chapter X : h e a d in g ...................... 326

Annex IIArt. 1 ................................................. 172Art. 2 ................................................. 302Art. 4 ...................... 232-3, 233, 234, 235, 450Art. 5 . 243, 245, 307, 406, 419, 420, 450Art. 6 .............................................. 246, 406Art- 7 • ■ 3 4 3 , 3 4 4 , 407. 4 r 5 , 4 l6 - 451-2, 453Art. 8 ................................................. 283Art. 9 ............................... 281, 283, 308, 417Art. 1 1 .............................................. 280, 419Art. 1 2 ............................... 285, 286, 287, 419Art. 1 3 ............................... 418 (Art. 12), 419Art. 1 4 ...................... 299, 301, 380, 381, 419Arts. 15, 16 303-4, 305, 306, 419 (formerArt. 15)Art. 1 7 .......................419 (former Art. 16), 420

(former Art. 16), 450 A rt.1 8 ................................................. 331A rt ' 19 ........................................ 3 3 9 , 3 4 °, 4 5 3Art. 2 0 ...............................421 (former Art. ig )Art. 21 336, 337, 339, 340, 421 (former Art. 20)Art. 22 421 (formerArt. 21), 422 (formerArt. 21)Art. 2 3 ...............................422 (former Art. 22)H e a d i n g ............................................ 405Reservations g e n e ra l ly .................. 341

ConventionArt. I . 337, 369, 373, 407, 425Art. I l l . . . 370 (Art. 2), 426 (Art. I l l )Art. IV . . . 370 (Art. 3), 426 (Art. I l l ) ,

427 (Art. I l l )Art. V III . . . 369 ( Art. 7), 376 ( Art. 7),

377 (Art. 7), 378 (Art. 7)Art. I X ..................................... 369 (Art. 8)Art. X ......................................... 377 (Art. g)

N o v a tio n ....................................... 303-4, 305, 306

G ian n in i , A m e d e o (continued)U n i f o r m la w (continued)

Protocol to Convention .................. 369-70A .................................................... 370 (Art. 1)B .................................................... 370 (Art. 2)C ..................................................... 370 (Art. 3)

W ork of C o nference ................................... 457-8

Gomez Montejo, see Montejo, D r Gomez

Great Britain and Northern Ireland and those Parts of the British Empire which are not Members of the LeagueA p p lic a tio n to, of Convention on Stamp

Laws, see Protocol to said Conven­tion : D i and 3

D e l e g a t e ..................................................... 13Amendment to Art. 34 ( Art. 33) of

Annex I of Convention on UniformLaw proposed b y ..................... . 462W i th d r a w n .................................................. 240

Proposal concerning the ColonialC l a u s e ................................... 464-5 (Annex 13)S u b m i t t e d .................................................. 377

Signatory of : —Convention and Protocol on Stamp

Laws, e tc ............................................. 96, 102F inal Act ....................................................... 122

See also Gutteridge, Prof. H. C.

GreeceD e l e g a t e ................................................................. 15Signatory of : —

Convention and Protocol on Conflictsof Laws, e tc ........................................ 77, 83

Convention and Protocol on UniformLaw, e tc ............................................... 30, 61

Final A c t ................................................ 123See also Raphael, R.

Gronvall, FilipDelegate of F i n l a n d ............................................... 14Conflicts of laws

ConventionArt. 5 ................................................. 432Art 6 ................................................. 433

Signature to Conventions, Protocols andFinal Act . . . 30, 61, 77, 83, 97, 103, 123

U niform law Annex I

Art. 8 ................................................ 191Art. 1 7 ............................................ 293 ( Art. 16)Art. 2 9 ............................................ 223 (Art. 28)Art. 3 4 ............................................ 241 (Art. 33)Art. 4 5 ............................................287 (Art. 44)Arts. 48, 4 9 .......................... 380 (Arts. 47, 48)Art. 5 4 ............................................259 (Art. 53)Art. 6 4 ................................................ 412Art. 6 7 ............................................325 (Art. 66)Art. 68 ................................................ 400, 412

Annex IIArt. 1 2 ................................................ 287Art. 1 4 ................................................ 380

ConventionArt. V III ................................... 376 (Art. 7)

Gross NegligenceSee Annex I : Art. 16

GuaranteesRecom m endation inviting Int. Institute

for Unification of Private Law at Rome to study question of guaran­tees in m atters of bills of exchange, see Final Act : Recommendation IV

Gutteridge, Prof. H. C.Delegate of British Empire 13

President's welcome and thanks to162, 457, 458

---- 22 ----

Gutteridge, Prof. H. C. (continued)

Ch e q u e s .................................... 435, 436, 444, 453, 454Conflicts of laws

C o n v e n tio n ............................................. 345-6, 377A rt. 2 .............................. 345, 349 (Art. 3), 429A rt. 3 . . 346, 3 5 3 (Art. 4), 355 (Art. 4)A rt. 4 .................................................357-8 ( Art. 5)Art. 8 ................................................. 366A rt. 1 0 ................................................. 367A rt. 1 1 ................................................. 4 55A rt. 1 9 ................................................. 377

F inal Act

Agreement as to further examinationof d raft Convention on Cheques . 453, 454

P rivate in ternational l a w ...................... 346Signature to Convention and Protocol

on S tam p Laws, and to Final Act . 96, 102, 122 Stamp laws

ConventionA rt. 1 345-6, 435, 436, 440, 442, 443, 444, 446A rt. 7 ................................................. 378A rt. 9 ................................................. 3 7 7

Protocol to ConventionA .......................................................... 4 4 4D ...................... 4 3 5 , 4 3 6 , 4 4 °, 4 4 3 , 4 4 4 , 4 4 6

Statement as to a t titude of Great B ritain 169U niform law

A nnex IA rt. 1 ( 1 ) ............................................ 340

( 6 ) ............................................. 17 4

(8) ............................................. I 75Art. 4 ................................................. 183A rt. 5 ................................................. 187, 189Art. 7 ................................................. 268Art. 10 . . . . 180, 268 (Art. 7), 302 ( Art. 7)Art. 1 2 ............................................ 196 (Art. 11)Art. 1 6 ........................................ 198-9 (Art. 15)Art. 1 7 ..................................................294 (Art. 16)Art. 1 9 ............................................ 206 (Art. 18)Art. 2 3 ................. 216 (Art. 22), 217 (Art. 22)A rt. 2 4 ............................................ 220 (Art. 23)Art. 2 6 ............................................ 221 ( Art. 25)Art. 29 . . . 227-8 ( Art. 28), 230 ( Art. 28) 388Art. 3 1 ................................... 234 (Art. 30), 390Art. 3 4 ............................................ 240 (Art. 33)Art. 3 8 ........................................ 244-5 (Art. 37)Art. 3 9 ....................................... . 249 (Art. 38)Art. 4 1 ............................................. 273 ( Art. 40)Art. 4 3 ..................275 (Art. 42), 276 (Art. 42)Art. 4 8 ............................................. 300 ( Art. 47)Art. 5 2 ................................................. 302A rt. 5 3 ............................................. 304 (Art. 52)Art. 5 4 ............................................. 260 (Art. S3)A rt. 6 3 ............................................. 322 ( Art. 62)Art. 7 2 ................................................. 331Art. 7 5 ............................................. 340 (Art. 74)

Annex IIArt. 3 ................................................. 302Art. 4 ................................................. 234Art. 5 ................................................. 244-5Art. 7 ................................................. 407Art. 1 4 ................................................. 300Art. 1 8 ................................................. 331Art. 1 9 ................................................. 340

C o n v e n tio n ............................................ 372Art. I ................................................. 425Art. X .................. 372 (Art. g), 377 (Art. a),

378 ( Art. g), 427-8 (Art. I X ) 464-5 ( Annex 13)

English t e x t 452


Hammerschlag, Dr PaulDelegate of A u s t r i a .................................. 13

A b s e n c e from Conference........................... 311C h a i r m a n of D rafting Cttee's thanks to 457P r o c e d u r e .......................................................... 163 -4

Hammerschlag, Dr Paul (continued)U n i f o r m law

Annex IA rt. 1 ( 1 ) ............................................ I72

(5 ) ..............................................(6 )..............( 8 ) .............................................. i 75,

Art. 2 ................................................. i 79jArt. 4 ........................................ 182, 181Art. 5 .................................................Art. 8 ........................................ 191, 383Art. 9 .................................................Art. 1 0 ................................................. 179,Art. 1 1 ................................. 193 (Art.Art. 12 . . . . 195 (Art. 11), 196 (Art.Art. 19 . . . . 201 (Art. 18), 204 (Art.

208 (Art.Art. 2 3 ................................ 219 (Art.Art. 2 6 .............................. 221-2 (Art.Art. 2 7 ................................ 222 (Art.Art. 2 9 ................................... 228 (Art.Arts. 33, 3 4 ................................240 (Arts. 32,Art. 3 8 ................................... 243 (Art.Art. 39 . . . . 250 (Art. 38), 252 (Art.Art. 4 4 ................................ 307 (Art.Art. 53 . . . . 219 (Art. 52), 305 (Art.Art. 54 . . . 253-5 (Art. 53), 261 (Art,

263 (Art. 53), 264 (Art. 53), 265 (Art.Art. 56 . . . . 309 (Art. 55), 310 (Art.

Annex IIArt. 5 ................................................Art. 9 .................................................

N o v a t io n ................................................

!73I 73*741 7 6







I S ) ,

I S )

22)25)26) 28) 33)37)38) 43)52)

53), 53) 55)


Helper, AxelDelegate of D e n m a r k .......................................... 14Signature to Conventions, Protocols and

Final Act . . . 30, 60, 76, 82, 97, 103, 122Uniform law

Annex IArt. 7 ........................................................... 267Art. 1 0 ............................................ 267 (Art. 7)Art. 4 3 ............................................ 279 (Art. 42)Art. 4 4 ............................................281 ( Art. 43)Art. 54 ........................................259 (Art. 53)

Annex IIArt. 6 ................................................. 406Art. 9 ................................................. 281Art. 1 1 ................................................. 279

Hermann-Otavsky, Dr KarelDelegate of C zechoslovakia ...................... 17Conflicts of laws

Convention : Art. 2 ...................... 352 (Art. 3)P rocedure ........................................................... 166Signature to Conventions, Protocols and

F inal Act . . . 31, 62, 79, 85, 99, 105, 124U niform law

Annex IArt. 1 ( 1 ) ............................................ 173

(6) ............................................ 174

( 8 ) ............................................ 175Art. 2 ................................... 179, 181Art. 7 ................................... 189, 268Art. 1 0 .......................... 179, 180, 268 (Art. 7)A rt. 1 2 ................................ 195 ( Art. 11)Art. 17 . . . . 292 ( Art. 16), 294 (Art. 16)Art. 2 0 ................................ 213 (Art. 19)Art. 2 1 ................................................ 388Art. 23 . . . . 216 ( Art. 22), 219 (Art. 22)Art. 27 . . . ............................... 389Art. 29 . . . 226 (Art. 28), 228 (Art. 28),

247 ( Art. 28), 248 (Art. 28), 388Art. 3 9 ................................ 252 (Art. 38)Art. 4 3 ................................ 278 (Art. 42)Art. 4 5 ................................ 289 (Art. 44)Art. 4 6 ................................ 298 (Art. 45)Art. 48 . . . . 301 ( Art. 47), 279 (Art. 47)Art. 4 9 ................................ 379 (Art. 48)Art. 54 . . . . 253 (Art. 53), 258 (Art. 53).

263 (Art. 53)

— 23 —

Hermann Otavsky, Dr Karel (continued)

Uniform law (continued)Annex I (continued)

Art. 55 . • ■ 312 (Art. 54), 314-5 (Art. 54),315 (Art. 54)

Art. 5 6 ............................................. 310 (A r t. 55)Art. 6 0 ...................... 318 (Art. 5g), 398, 404Art. 63 . . • ■ 322 (Art. 62), 378 (Art. 62)Art. 6 4 ....................................... 4 00> 4 QIArt. 6 8 ............................................ 400, 401, 413Art. 7 0 ................................................. 328Art. 7 5 .............................................3 3 2 (Art. 74)

Annex IIArt. 1 4 ....................................... 301- 3 7 9

ConventionArt. I I ....................................... 4 28- 4 2 9

Historical Surveyof Previous legislation etc. on questions

dealt w ith by C o n f e r e n c e ...................... 11, 161-3

HolidaysH. C. Ps to communicate lists of legal

holidays, etc. to each other, see Final Act : Recom m endation I I

See also Bills of exchange : Holidays Promissory notes : Holidays

Holmboe, C. StubDelegate of N o r w a y .................................... 16Conflict of laws

Convention : Art. 1 3 ........................... 369Signature to Conventions, Protocols

and Final Act . . . 31, 62, 78, 84, 98, 104, 123 Uniform law

Annex IArt. 2 4 ......................................... 220 (Art. 23)Art. 2 9 ....................................... 226-7 (Art. 28)Art. 4 4 ......................................... 282 (Art. 43)Art. 53 . . . . 302-3 (Art. 52), 306 (Art. 52)

Annex IIArt. 9 ........................................................... 282Arts. 15, 1 6 ........................................ 302-3, 306

ConventionArt. I I ........................................................... 429

HungaryDe l e g a t e ..................................................... 15Signatory of :

Convention and Protocol on Conflictsof Laws, e tc ......................................... 77, 83

Convention and Protocol on S tam pLaws, e tc .............................................. 97, 103

Convention and Protocol on UniformLaw, e tc ............................................... 31, 61

Final Act ....................................................... 123See also Asztalos, Dr. Eugène

Hupka, P r o f e s s o r ....................................................... 253



Si g n a t u r e by, see Annex I : Art. 7

Incomplete Bills and Promissory Notes

See Bills of exchange : in Blank Promissory notes : in Blank

Institute, Int., for Unification of Private Law at RomeR e c o m m e n d a t i o n inviting Institu te to

study question of guarantees and insurance in m atters of bills of exchange, see F inal Act : Recommen­dation IV

R e p r e s e n t a t i v e a t Conference . . . . 18S i g n a t u r e of Final A c t ........................... 124


R e c o m m e n d a t i o n inviting Int. Institu te for Unification of Private Law a t Rome to study question of insur­ance in m atters of bills of exchange, see Final Act : Recommendation IV


See Bills of exchange : Interest Promissory notes : Interest

Intervention for Honour

A c c e p t a n c e by intervention, see Bills of exchange : Intervention for hon­our : Acceptance by intervention

P a y m e n t by interventionSee Bills of exchange : Intervention

for honour : Paym ent by in­tervention

Promissory notes : Paym ent by intervention

Invalidity, see Bills of exchange : Invalidity


D e l e g a t i o n ..........................................................

Proposal concerning actions arising Oi.t of transactions occasioningissue or transfer of b i l l ..................S u b m i t t e d ........................................

S i g n a t o r y of :Convention and Protocol on Conflicts

of Laws, e tc ........................................Convention and Protocol on Stam p

Laws, e tc ............................................. .Convention and Protocol on Uniform

Law. e tc ...............................................F inal Act ............................................

See also Arcangeli, Ageo Biamonti, Luigi Diena, Giulio Giannini, Amedeo La Lumia, Isidoro Mossa, Lorenzo Weiller, Auguste



7 7 - 83

98, 103

31- 61 123

Jackson, Mr............................................................. 216

JapanD e l e g a t i o n ................................................... 15

Amendment to Art. 54 of Annex I of Convention on Uniform Law, etc. proposed by . 462 ( Art. 53 : Annex 4)W ith d ra w n ........................................ 260

Amendment to Art. 55 of Annex I of Convention on Uniform Law, etc., proposed by . 464 (Art. 54: Annex 11)W ith d ra w n ........................................ 132

S i g n a t o r y of : —Convention and Protocol on Conflicts

of Laws, e tc ........................................ 78, 84Convention and Protocol on Stam p

Laws, e tc ............................................. 98, 104Convention and Protocol on Uniform

Law, e tc ............................................... 31, 61Final Act ............................................ 123

See also Ohno, MorieShimada, Tetsukichi

Jitta, Prof. D. J o sep h u s ................................ 161, 164, 327

JudgmentsH. C. P s to interchange tex ts of most

im portan t judgm ents given in their respective territories coming under application of Convention on Uni­form Law, see Final Act : Recom­mendation I I I

See also Legislative measures


Kennedy, Martin HerbertTechnical expert for U.S.A........... 18

President s welcome t o ........ 162Statement as to position of U.S.A. . . 170U niform law

Annex IArt. 2 9 ............................................. 229 ( Art. 28)Art. 3 8 ............................................. 244 (Art. 37)Art. 3 9 ............................................. 250 ( Art. 38)Art. 5 4 ............................................259-60 (Art. 53)Art. 7 2 ................................... 332

Annex IIArt. 5 ................................... 244Art. 6 ................................... 244

Kettlitz, RichardDelegate of Free City of Danzig . . . . 14Signature to Final A c t ............. 123

Klein, Prof. F r a n z ........................................ 161, 164, 318

La Lumia, IsidoreDelegate of I t a l y ...................... 15U n i f o r m law

Annex IArt. 8 ................................................ 191, 466Art. 17 . . . . 291-2 (Art. 16), 293 ( Art. 16)Art. 20 . . . 211-12 (Art. 19), 212 (Art. 19)

La Madriz de Montemayor, Carlos Eduardo deDelegate of V e n e z u e la .............. 17S i g n a t u r e to Final A c t ......... 124

La Vallée Poussin, see Vallée Poussin, J. de la

Langaard Meneze;, R. 0 . d e ..... 168

Langen, M.............................................. 317

LatviaD e l e g a t i o n ................................ 16

Amendments to Arts. 29, 55 and 60 of Annex I to Convention on Uniform Law, etc., proposed by

465-6 ( Annex 15)S u b m i t t e d ....................... 382

S i g n a t o r y of Final A c t .......... 123See also Duzmans, Charles

Loeber, D r Auguste

Legal Decisions, see Judgements

Legislative MeasuresH. C. Ps to communicate to each other

legislative measures taken in execu­tion of : —Convention on Conflicts of Laws,

see Protocol to said Convention : C Convention on Stam p Laws, see

Protocol to said Convention : C Convention on Uniform Law, see

Protocol to said Convention : C See also Judgements

' 5

137. 458



458 170

Libersat, Gaston J. L .........................................

S i g n a t u r e to Final A c t ...........................

Limburg, Dr. J.

P r e s i d e n t of C o n fe re n c e ......................Closing sp e e c h ................................... ^ 5 .Invited to b e ...................................Opening s p e e c h ...................................Thanks of Chairman of Drafting

Cttee t o ............................................Thanks of Chairman of Cttee. of

E xperts t o ........................................P r o c e d u r e .....................................................................

Limitation of Actions (Prescription)See Rills of exchange : L im itation of

actionsPromissory notes : Limitation


Limits of Time, Computation ofSee Bills of exchange : Computation of

limits of time Promissory' Notes : Computation of

limits of time

Loeber, Dr. AugusteDelegate of L a t v i a ................................... 16Signature to Final A c t ........................... 123U niform law

Annex IArt. 1 6 ...................................................... 386Art. 1 9 ............................................ 207 (Art. 18)Art. 2 9 ................................... 223-4 (Art. 28)Art. 4 5 ................................... 284-5 (Art. 44)Art. 4 6 ............................................ 295 ( Art, 45)Art. 5 4 ............................................ 257 (Art, 53)A rt. 5 5 ............................................ 317 (Art. 54)Art. 6 3 ...................... 470 (Annex 21 : Art. 62)

Annex IIArt. 1 2 ................................................ 284-5

Loss or TheftSee Convention on Conflicts of Laws,

etc. : Art. 9

Luxemburg! D e l e g a t e ..................................................... 16

Signatory of : —Convention and Protocol on Con­

flicts of Laws, e tc ............................... 78, 84Convention and Protocol on Stamp

Laws, e tc ............................................. 98, 104Convention and Protocol on Uni­

form Law, e tc .................................... 31, 62Final A c t ................................................ 123

Lyon-Caen, Prof. Charles 15, 144, 161, 218, 253, 261, 376


Magnus, Dr.T a b l e of comparative law prepared by7

Mandated TerritoriesSee Colonies, Protectorates and Man­

dated Territories

Marks von W ü rtem b er g , B a r o n

Delegate o f S w e d e n ........................................... *7Conflicts o f la w

C on ven tionA rt. 6 ................................................ 3 6 3 -4 . 365 . 433R es e r v a t io n s t o ...................................... 3 6 8

P r o c e d u r e ................................................................ i 6 6-7Sig n a t u r e t o C o n v e n t io n s , P r o to c o ls

"and F in a l A c t 31 , 62 , 78, 84 , 99, 104, 124

Uniform la w A n n ex I

A rt. 7 ......................................................... 190Art. 8 ........................................................... 191, 383Art. 1 0 ..........................................................302 (Art. 7)Art. 12 ................................................ 195 (Art. T I)A rt. 2 0 .............................................. 284 (Art. 19)A rt. 2 9 .............................................. 227 (Art. 28)A rt. 3 8 .............................................. 2 4 6 (Art. 37)A rt. 43 ................................................ 2 7 9 (Art. 42)A rt. 48 ................................................ 3 0 0 (Art. 47)A rt. 68 4 1 3

A n n ex IIA rt. 3 ......................................................... 3 0 2A l t . 5 ......................................................... 2 4 6A rt. 11 2 7 9A rt. 1 4 .................................................... 3 0 0

C o n v en tio nA rt. I ......................................................... 3 7 2A rt. I V .................................................... 3 7 0

A rt. V III ( d e n u n c ia t io n ) 1 66 -7 , 3 7 1 - 372 "3

Matta, Dr J o sé Caeiro da

Delegate o f P o r t u g a l ........................................... 16Ch e q u e s .................................................................................. 415Conflicts o f la w s

C o n v en t io n : A r t . 4 ...........................3 5 8 (Art. 3)Sig n a t u r e t o C o n v e n t io n s , P r o to c o ls

and F in a l A c t . . 31, 6 2 , 78 , 84 , 98, 104, 124Stamp la w s

C o n v en tio n : A rt . 1 ................................. 4 3 9U niform la w

A n n e x IA rt. 5 ......................................................... 186-7A rt. 7 ......................................................... 2 9 0Art. 9 ......................................................... 192A rt. 1 0 ............................................... 2 9 0 (Art. 7)A rt. 1 7 ...............................................291 (Art. 16)A rt. 3 0 ...............................................231 ( Art. 29)A rt. 31 ................................................ 2 3 4 (Art. 30)A rt. 3 6 ...............................................2 4 2 (Art. 35)A rt. 3 9 ...............................................250 (Art. 38)A rt. 4 0 ...............................................270 (Art. 39)A rt. 44 . . 2 8 0 (Art, 43), 283 (Art. 43)A rt. 45 ................................................288 (Art. 44)A rt. 4 6 .............................................. 2 9 5 (Art. 45)A rt. 5 4 .............................................. 259 (Art. S3 JA rt. 55 . . . 3 1 5 -6 (Art. 54), 3 1 6 (Art. 54),

3 17 (Art. 54)A rt. 56 ................................................310 (Art. 55JA rt . 6 0 .................................................................. 3 9 8A rt . 6 3 .............................................. 321 ( Art. 62)A rt. 75 ..................................... 333 (Art, 74), 3 3 5

A n n e x IIA rt. 4 ................................ 234 (former Art. 31a)A r t . 7 ........................................................... 415 , 4 1 6A rt . 9 .......................................................... 2 8 0A rt. 14 4 1 8 (new Art. 31), 4 1 9 (new Art, 13)

C o n v e n t io nA r t . I I ........................................................... 4 2 8


See B ills or e x c h a n g e : M a tu r i ty P r o m is so r y n o te s : M a tu r i ty, Dr. D.

A b s e n c e f r o m C o n f e r e n c e ................................ 2 7 j

Molengraaff, W . L. P. A.

D elega te o f t h e N e t h e r l a n d s ........................... 18Co n f l ic t s o f la w s

C o n v e n t io n : A r t . 2 ................................3 4 9 (Art. 3)P r o c e d u r e ............................................................................ 168

Molengraaff, W. L. P. A. (continued) S i g n a t u r e to Convention, Protocols and

Final Act U n i f o r m law

Annex I Art. 1 (1)

(5 ) Art. 2 . Art. 3 . Art. 5 . Art. 17 Art. 20

31, 62, 78, 84, 98, 104, 123

.......................... 171, 1 7 3 , 332

.............................................................. 173

.............................................................. 178

.............................................................. 182

.............................................................. 186

....................................292 ( Art. 16)211 (Art. 19), 213 (Art. 19),

384. 385, 387Art. 29 . . . . 225 (Art, 28), 230 (Art. 28)Art. 34 241 (Art. 33)Art. 38 243 (Art. 37)Art. 41 449Art. 44 282 ( Art. 43)Art. 45 289 (Art. 44)Art. 54 259 (Art. S3)Art. 55 . . . 308 (Art. 54), 313 (Art. 54)Art. 56 310 (Art. 55)Art. 75 332-3 (Art. 74)

Annex IIArt. 1 ............................................... 405Art. 4 450Art. 5 ....................................................406, 419, 420Art. 6 ............................................... 243Art. 7 ............................................... 449Art. 8 ................................................ 282, 387Art. 17 419 (former Art. 16) 420 (former Art. 16) Art. 19 332-3

Montejo, Dr. GomezDelegate of SpainF i n a l A ct : Recommendation I S i g n a t u r e to Conventions, Proto'

and Final Act . . 30, 61, 77,U n i f o r m law

Annex I

• • 14• • 375 :ols83, 97 . i o 3 . 123

Art. 1 (6) . . . . .................. 174(8) . . . . .................. 176

Art. 7 ...................... .................. 190Art. 12 .................. . . . . 196 ( Art. 11)Art. 19 .................. . . . . 206 ( Art. 18)Art. 2 0 .................. . . . . 213 (Art. 19)Art. 2 5 .................. . . . . 221 (Art. 24)Art. 38 .................. . . . . 243 (Art. 37)

Annex Ï IArt. 5 ...................... .................. 243

Mossa, LorenzoDelegate of I t a l y ........................................ 15U n i f o r m law

Annex I : Art. 1 2 ......................... 195 (Art. 11)

Münir Eey, MehmedDelegate of T u r k e y ................................... 17S i g n a t u r e to Conventions, Protocols and

Final Act . . . 31, 63, 79, 85, 99, 105, 124U n i f o r m law

Annex IArt. 1 ( 6 ) ........................................ 175Art. 41 3 4 3 (Art. 40)Art. 5 4 ............................................. 256 (Art. 53)

Annex IIArt. 7 .................................................... 343


Namitkiewicz, JanDelegate of Poland U n i f o r m law

Annex I Art. 5.Art. 11 Art. 18 Art. 31 Art. 54 Art. 70


187, 188 194 ( Art. 10) 201 (Art. 17) 237 (Art. 30)

255-6 (Art. S3) 326-7

Neculcea, EugèneDelegate of R u m a n ia ................................... 17F i n a l Act : s ignature ................................... 124, 456S i g n a t u r e of Acts of Conference. . . . 456

NetherlandsD e l e g a t i o n .....................................................................

S i g n a t o r y of :Convention and Protocol on Con­

flicts of Laws, e tc ..............................Convention and Protocol on Stamp

Laws, e tc .............................................Convention and Protocol on Uniform

Law, e tc ...............................................F inal A c t ................................................

See also Asser, C. D.Franssen, Max Molengraaff, W. L.P.A.Nierop, H. A. van Scheltema, F. G.

Nierop, H. A. vanD e le g a t e o f N e t h e r l a n d s ................................ 16C h e q u e s ..................................... 407, 4 1 3 -1 4 , 414 , 4 1 6C o n f l ic t s o f law s

C o n v e n t io nA rt . 4 ............................................................... 432A rt . 6 ............................................................... 433A rt. 9 ............................................................... 3 6 6

U n if o r m la w A n n e x I

A r t . 4 ............................................................... 381A r t . 7 ............................................................... 2 6 7 -8A rt . 1 0 ................................................ 2 6 7 -8 ( Art. y)A r t . 1 1 ................................................ 194 (Art. 10)A r t . 1 7 ................................................ 294 (Art. 16)A r t . 2 1 .......................................................... 387 , 388A r t . 2 9 2 2 8 ( Art. 28), 2 4 6 -7 ( Art. 28) , 387 , 388A r t . 3 1 ................................................233 (Art. 30)A r t . 3 2 ................................................2 3 8 ( Art. 31)A r t . 3 8 ................................................2 4 3 (Art. 37)A r t . 3 9 ................................................252 (Art. 38)A r t . 41 272 ( Art. 40), 2 7 4 (Art. 40), 393A rt . 4 3 .......................................................... 4 1 0A rt . 4 4 ..................................... 2 8 2 (Art. 43), 4 1 0A rt. 45 . . . . 285 (Art. 44), 2 8 6 (Art. 44),

2 9 0 ( Art. 44)A r t . 4 6 ................................................297 (Art. 45)A rt. 4 8 .......................................................... 396 , 397A r t . 6 0 .......................................................... 412

A r t . 7 0 .......................................................... 3 2 9 -3 0A r t . 7 2 .......................................................... 331

A n n x IIA rt . 4 .................................................... 233 (Art. 31a)A rt. 5 ............................................................... 243A rt . 6 ............................................................... 4 0 6A r t . 7 ..................................... 407 , 4 1 3 -1 4 , 414 , 416A r t . 9 ............................................................... 282A rt. 1 2 .......................................................... 285 , 286 ,

4 1 7 -1 8 (Art. 11), 418 ( Art. 11) A rt. 1 8 .......................................................... 331

N isot, J o s e p h .................................................................... 119

Northern IrelandSee Great Britain and Northern

Ireland, etc.

NorwayD e l e g a t e .....................................................................

Amendment to Art. 29 (Art. 28) of Annex I to Convention on Uni­form Law proposed by . . . .W ith d r a w n .......................................

Amendment to Art. 54 ( Art. 33) of Annex I to Convention on UniformLaws, etc. proposed b y .................W i th d r a w n .......................................

S i g n a t o r y of :Convention and Protocol on Conflicts

of Laws, e tc ........................................




78, 84


78, 84

98, 104

31, 62 123

Norway (continued)

S i g n a t o r y of : (continued)

Convention and Protocol on StampL a w s . . ............................................

Convention and Protocol on Uni­form Law, e tc .....................................

Final A c t ................................................See also Holmboe, C Stub

Nosek, Dr. Henri

Secretary to delegation of Czechoslovakia S i g n a t u r e to Final A c t ..........................

Noticeof N o n - a c c e p t a n c e or non-payment, see

Bills of exchange : Recourse for non- acceptance or non-paym ent : Notice of non-acceptance or non-payment

Vis m a j o r , in case of, see A nnex I :Art. 54

Novation . . . . 303, 304, 305, 306, 464 (Annex g)


Obligations undertaken outside Territory of H. C. Ps.See Convention on Conflicts of Laws, etc.:

Art. 10

O ctavio , R o d r i g o ..................................................................... 333

O hno, M orie

D e le g a t e o f J a p a n ................................................ 15Co n f l i c t s o f la w s

C o n v e n t io nA r t . 1 2 .......................................................... 434A r t . 1 3 .......................................................... 433S e p a r a te c o n v e n t i o n ........................... 345

C r e d e n t i a l s C o m m itte e , m e m b e r o f . . 163P r o c e d u r e ........................................................................... 168S i g n a t u r e t o C o n v en t io n s , P r o to c o ls a n d

F in a l A c t ..................... 31, 61 , 78, 84 , 98, 104, 123Q u e st io n o f ................................................................. 456

S t a m p la w sC o n v e n t io n

A r t . 1 ...................................................................... 345S e p a r a te c o n v e n t i o n ...................................... 345

U n i f o r m la w A n n e x I

A r t . 1 ( 8 ) ................................................................. 175C o n v e n t io n

A r t . I I I . . . . 4 2 6 (Art. I I ) , 42 7 (Art. II)A r t . I V ........................................................4 2 7 (Art. I l l )


Partial AcceptanceSee Bills of exchange : Acceptance :

Partia l acceptance Conflicts of laws : Partia l acceptance

or paym ent

Partial Payment

See Bills of exchange : Paym ent : Partial paym ent

Conflicts of laws : Partial accept­ance or paym ent

Promissory notes : Paym ent : Partial paym ent

9 8 , i o 4

31, 62



PaymentSee Bills of exchange : Paym ent

Prom issory notes : P aym ent

percerou, L. J

Delegate of F ra n c e ....................................... 15C h e q u e s ..................................................................... 4 *5 - 437Co nflicts o f la w s

C o n v e n t io nArt. 2...................... 3 4 9 (Art. 3), 350 (Art. 3),

368 ( Art. 3), 429Art. 3.................................................... 354 (Art. 4)Art. 4......................... 3 5 9 (Art. 5), 360 (Art. 5),

365 (Art. 5), 432Art. 5............................................................... 36°Art. 6................................................... 364, 369, 419Art. 7..................................................... 365Art. 9 ............................................................... 36 6R e s e r v a t i o n s t o . . 368

F inal A ct

Agreement as to further exam ina­tion of d raft Conventions onC h e q u e s ............................................ 4 5 4

G e n e r a l rapporteur of Drafting C ttee. 125, 192Chairman of D rafting Cttee's thanks

t o ......................................................... 4 4 7 - 45 7Name added to R e p o r t .................. 446President’s thanks t o .......................... 457, 458

P r o c e d u r e ..................................................... 164-5Signature to Conventions, Protocols and

Final Act . . . . 30, 61, 77, 83, 97, 103, 123St a m p l a w s

ConventionA r t . 1 . ......................................... 4 3 6 -7 , 439 , 4 4 0

Protocol to ConventionD ......................................................... 4 4 6

Un ifo r m l a wAnnex I

Art. i (1) ........................................171. i 7 2- 3 4°(5 ) ........................................ T73(6 ) ........................................ 174(8) ........................................ i / 5 . 176

Art. 2 . . ........................................ 180Art. 4 • • ................. 182, 183, 184, 185, 381Art. 7 • •Art. 8 . . ........................................ 191, 3 83Art. 10 .......................... 180, 267 (Art, 7)Art. 11 .......................... 194 (Art. 10), 384Art. 12 ................................... 195 (Art. 11)Art. 13 ■ ................................... 196 (Art. 12)Art. 16 ................................... 199 (Art. i s )Art. 18 . ................................... 201 ( Art. 17)Art. 17 ■ . . 291 (Art. 16), 294 (Art. 16)Art. 19 204-5 (Art. 18), 210 (Art. 18J, 447Art. 20 . 212 (Art. ig ) , 213 (Art. ig ) , 385Arts . 21-29 (Chapter III)

Title . . ........................................ 411Art. 21 ........................................ 387. 3 8 8Art. 22 214 ( Art. 21), 215 ( Art. 21),

274 (Art. 21), 389Art. 23 • . . . 217 (Art. 22), 218 (Art. 22)Art. 27 . ........................................ 2 7 4Art. 29 227 (Art. 28), 229 (Art. 28), 387, 388Art. 3 i • 231 (Art. 30), 232 (Art. 30),

233 (Art. 30), 235 (Art. 30), 236 (Art. 30), 390

Art. 32 • .......................... 238 (Art. 31), 391Art. 35 ■ ........................................ 391Art. 38 . ................................... 307 (Art. 37)Art. 39 • 249-50 ( Art. 38), 252 ( Art. 38)Art. 40 . ........................................ 3 9 2 , 448Art. 41 . 271 ( Art. 40), 272 (Art. 40),

274 (Art. 40), 392, 393Arts • 4 3 -5 4 (Chapter VII) . . . 274Art. 43 • 275 ( Art. 42), 276 (Art. 42),

277 ( Art. 42), 279 (Art. 42), 394, 408-9, 409, 410

Art. 44 280-1 (Art. 43), 283 (Art. 43), 395Art. 45 286 ( Art. 44), 287 ( Art, 44),

289 (Art. 44), 290 (Art. 44), 411Art. 46 296 (Art. 45), 297 (Art. 45), 396, 411

Percerou, L. J. (continued) U n i f o r m law ( continued)

Annex I (continued)

Art. 48 . . 300 ( Art. 47), 380 (Art. 47),381 (Art. 47), 396, 411

Art. 49 . . . 380 (Art. 48), 381 (Art. 48)Art. 53 . . . 305 (Art. 52), 306 (Art. 52)Art. 54 255 (Art. 53), 260 (Art. 53), 449Art. 56 ................................... 311 (Art. 55)Art. 60 ................................... 398, 404, 405Art. 61 ................................... 320 (Art. 60)Art. 63 322 (Art. 62), 323 (Art. 62), 449Art. 64 324 ( Art. 63), 401Art. 67 .................. 325 (Art. 66), 399Art. 68 401Art. 70 ............................................ 328, 330Art. 72 ............................................ 330-1, 331Art. 75 ■ ■ ■ 337 (Art. 74), 338 (Art. 74),

340 (Art. 74)Annex II

Art. 1 .................................... 171, 172Art. 4 . . 231 ( Art. 31a), 232, 233, 235, 236Art. 5 ..................................... 307Art. 6 ..................................... 406Art. 7 ................................ 271, 272, 415Art. 8 ..................................... 283Art. 9 ..................................... 280-1Art. 10 417Art. 11 279Art. 12 ........................................... 286, 287Art. 14 ................................... 300, 380, 381Arts. 15, 16 . . . 305, 306, 330, 364 (Art. 13),

419 (former Art. 15)Art. 18 ........................................... 3 3 0"1’ 3 3 1Art. 19 ................................... 337, 338, 340Art. 20 .......................... 421 (former Art. ig )Art. 31 337, 421 (former Art. 20)Art. 22 .......................... 421 (former Art. 21)

W ork of C o n fe re n ce ................................... 458

PeruD e l e g a t e ..................................................... 16Signatory of :

Convention and Protocol on Con­flicts of Laws, e tc .............................. 78, 84

Convention and Protocol on StampLaws, e tc ................................ 98, 104

Convention and Protocol on UniformLaw, e tc .............................................. 31, 62

Final A c t ................................................ 124

Picard, Ernest ................................................ 253

Place of Issue

See Bills of exchange : Place of issue Promissory notes : Place of issue

Place of PaymentSee Bills of exchange : Place of payment

Promissory notes : Place of payment

PolandD e l e g a t i o n ................................................ 16S i g n a t o r y of :

Convention and Protocol on Con­flicts of Laws, e tc ............................... 78, 84

Convention and Protocol on Stam pLaws, e tc ............................................. 98, 104

Convention and Protocol on UniformLaw, e tc .............................................. 31, 62

Final A c t ................................................. 124See also Namitkiewicz, Jan

Sulkowski. Jozef

PortugalD e l e g a t e ..................................................... 16S i g n a t o r y of :

Convention and Protocol on Con­flicts of Laws, e tc ........................... 78, 84

Convention and Protocol on StampLaws, e tc ............................................ 98, 104

Portugal (continued)

S i g n a t o r y o f (continued) :—Convention and Protocol on Uniform

Law, e tc ............................................... 31, 62Final A c t ....................................................... 124

See also M atta, Dr. Jose Caeiro da

Poullet, Viscount

Delegate of B e lg iu m ................................... 13C o n f l i c t s of laws

Convention : Art. 4 .......................... 430, 431P r o c e d u r e ............................................................................ 169

S i g n a t u r e to Conventions, Protocolsand F inal Act . . 30, 60, 76, 82, 96, 102, 122

Prescription (déchéance)

See Annex I I : Art. 15

Presentmentof B i l l s

for Acceptance, see Bills of exchange :Acceptance : Presentm ent for ac­ceptance

for Paym ent, see Bills of exchange :P aym ent : P resentm ent for pay­ment

of P r o m i s s o r y notes for visa of maker, see Promissory notes : Presentm ent for visa of maker

President of ConferenceSee Limburg, Dr. J.

Private International Law

E x t r a c t from the Code adopted by the Sixth In ternational American Con­ference a t H avana, February 1928 . 469-70

H. C. Ps. reserve right not to apply prin ­ciples in certain cases, see Convention on Conflicts of Laws, etc. : Art. 10

Procedure of ConferenceSee Conference, In t., for Unification of

Laws on Bills of Exchange, etc. :F irst Session : Procedure

Promissory NotesA l t e r a t i o n s , see Annex I : Art. 77 A p p l i c a t i o n to promissory notes of

certain provisions concerning bills of exchange, see Annex I : Art. 77 and Annex I I : Art. 20 a detailed analysis of these provisions will be found under Bills of Exchange

A v a l , guarantee by, see Annex I : Art. 77 B e n e f i c i a r y : name on note, see Annex I,

Art. 75 (5) in B l a n k , see Annex I : A rt. 77 C a p a c i t y of contracting parties, see

Convention on Conflicts of Laws, etc. : Art. 2

C o m p u t a t i o n of limits of time, see Annex I : Art. 77

C o n f l i c t s of Jaws in connection with, see Conflicts of laws

C o n t r a c t s , see Conflicts of laws : Con­trac ts

C o p i e s , see Annex I : Art. 77 D a t e of issue : sta tem ent on note, see

Annex I : Art. 75 (6)D a y s of grace, see Annex I : Art. 77 D e n o m i n a t i o n , see Annex I : Art. 75 (1)

Freedom allowed to H. C. Ps., see Annex II : Art. 19

D i s c r e p a n c i e s as regards sum payable, see Annex I : Art. 77

D o m i c i l e of maker, see below Maker : domicile

E f f e c t s of Obligations of maker, see Convention on Conflicts of Laws, etc. : Art. 4

Promissory Notes (continued)

E n d o r s e m e n t , see, Annex I : Art. 77 G e n e r a l provisions, see Annex I : Arts.

75 -7 8

H o l d e r ’s bankruptcy, see Conflicts of laws : Holder's bankruptcy

H o l i d a y s , see Annex I : Art. 77 See also Holidays

" I m m e d i a t e l y e x e c u t o r y ” , see Con­vention on S tam p Laws, etc. : Art. 1

I n t e r e s t , see Annex I : Art. 77 L i m i t a t i o n of actions, see Annex I :

Art. 77Loss or theft, see Convention on Con­

flicts of Laws, etc. : Art. 9 M a k e r

Domicile, see Annex I : Art. 76 Obligations, see Annex I : A rt. 78

See also above Effects of Obliga­tions of maker

Signature of, see Annex I : Art. 75 (7) M a t u r i t y , see Annex I : Art. 77

to be Specified, see Annex I :

Art. 75 (3)When not specified, see Annex I :

Art. 76O b l i g a t i o n s undertaken outside te r ­

ritory, see Convention on Conflicts of Laws, etc. : Art. 10

P a y m e n t , see Annex I : Art. 77Partia l paym ent : law governing, see

Convention on Conflicts of Laws, etc. : Art. 7

P a y m e n t by i n t e r v e n t i o n , see An­nex I : Art. 77

P l a c e of i s s u e

to be Specified, see Annex I : Art. 75 (6)

When not specified, see Annex I : Art. 76

P l a c e of p a y m e n t

at Domicile of th ird person or in a locality other th an th a t of domicile of drawee, see Annex I : A rt. 77

to be S tated on note, see Annex I : Art. 75 (4)

P r e s e n t m e n t for visa of makerRefusal of maker to be authenticated

by protest, see Annex I : Art. 78 Time-limit, see Annex I : Art. 78

P r o m i s e to pay determ inate sum, see Annex I : Art. 75 (2)

“ P r o m i s s o r y n o t e ” : denomination, see Annex I : Art. 75 (1) Reservation, see Annex II : Art. 19

P r o m i s s o r y notes already issued : Non-application of Convention 011

Conflicts of Laws to, see said Con­vention : Art. 11

Non-application of uniform law to, see Convention on Uniform Law, etc. : Art. II

P r o t e s t

Form and time-limits, see Conven­tion on Conflicts of Laws, etc. Art. 8

Refusal of maker to give visa with date, see Annex I : Art. 78

R e c o u r s e

in Case of non-payment, see A n­nex I : Art. 77

Limits of tim e for exercise of rights of, see Convention on Conflicts of Laws, etc. : Art. 5

S i g n a t u r e

Consequences of signature by inca­pables, forged signature, signa­ture by fictitious persons, see An­nex I : Art. 77

Prom issory N o te s (continued)S ig n a tu r e (continued)

Consequences o f s ig n a tu r e b y p e r ­son a c t in g w i t h o u t a u t h o r i t y or e x cee d in g h is a u th o r i t y , see A n ­

n ex I : A rt . 77 of Other p a r t ie s l ia b le , see C o n v e n t io n

on Conflicts o f L a w s e t c . : A r t . 4

S p ec ia l reg u la t io nH . C. P s . r e se r v a t io n a s t o e m b o d y ­

ing p r o v is io n s c o n c e r n in g p r o m is ­sory n o te s in a, see A n n e x I I :

Art. 21Specifications

T o be g iv e n , see A n n e x I : A r t . 75 W hen n o t g iv e n : in v a l id i t y o f n o te ,

see A n n e x I : A r t . 76 Stamp L a w s in c o n n e c t io n w ith , see

S ta m p la w s Time of p a y m e n t , see above M a tu r i ty

ProtectoratesSee Colonies, P r o te c to r a t e s a n d M a n d a te d

T erritories

ProtestSee B ills of e x c h a n g e : P r o te s t

Conflicts o f la w s : P r o t e s t : fo r m a n d t im e - l im it s

P ro m isso ry n o t e s : P r o te s t

Protocol to Convention for Settlement of certain Conflicts of Laws in connection with Bills of Exchange and Promissory NotesA : t e x t ................................................................... 81B : t e x t ................................................................... 81C : t e x t .............................................................. 81T e x t ............................................................................... 81

D iscussed an d a d o p t e d ........................... 45 4 -5

Protocol to Convention on the Stamp Laws in connection with Bills of Exchange and Promissory NotesA

D i s c u s s i o n ..................................................... 444-T e x t ..................................................................... 101


T e x t ..................................................................... 101C

T e x t ..................................................................... 101D

D isc u ss io n a n d d o c u m e n ts

158, 435 . 436 , 437 » 438 , 4 4 °»443 - 4 . 446T e x t ..................................................................... 101

Te x t .............................................................................. 101-5

A d o p t e d .......................................................... 455

Protocol to Convention providing a Uniform Law for Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes

A .......................... 5 9 , 127 , 3 / 0 (Art. 1), 375 (Art. 1)4 28 (Provision I ) , 4 6 9 (I)

B .......................... 58 , 127 , 370 (Art. 2), 375 (Art. 2)4 2 8 (Provision I I ) , 4 6 9 (II)

C .......................... 59 . 127. 370 (Art. 3), 375 (Art. 3),4 2 8 (Provision I I I ) , 4 6 9 (III)

D is c u s s io n a n d d o c u m e n t s . . . 127, 3 6 9 -7 0 , 375 ,428, 453, 4 6 9 (draft text)

T e x t .............................................................................. 59-63


Quassowski, Leo

Delegate of G e rm a n y ................................... 13Member of Drafting C ttee.......................... 125, 192

Chairman’s thanks t o ................................ 447Name added to r e p o r t ................................ 446

Quassowski, Leo (continued)Conflicts of laws

ConventionArt. 2 . . . . 349 (Art. 3), 350 (Art. 3),

350-1 (Art, 3), 351 (Art. 3), 368 (Art. 3)Art. 3

3 5 3 (Art. 4), 354 (Art. 4), 355 (Art. 4) A rt. 4 . . . . 3 5 9 (Art, 5), 360 (Art. 5),

362 (Art. 5), 363 (Art. 5), 430, 431A rt. 5.................................................... 362, 363A rt. 6.................................................... 368Art. 8................................................ 363, 365, 366Art. 1 1 ................................................ 4 3 3 , 454Reservations t o ............................... 368

F inal A ct

Questions to be studied by c h e q u e s ........................................ 446

P r o c e d u r e .................................................... 165S ignature to Conventions, Protocols and

Final Act . . . . 30, 60, 76, 82, 96, 102, 122Stamp laws

Convention : A rt. 1. . . 437, 439, 441, 442T able of comparative law concerning

b i l l s ......................................................... 1̂ 83U niform law

A m o r t is a t io n ........................................ 422Annex I

Art. 1 ( 1 ) ............................................ 172, 338( 6 ) ............................................ 174 , 175

A rt. 2.................................................... 179, 180Art. 3.................................................... 182Art. 4........................................... 182, 183-4, J86A rt. 5.................................................... 187, 188Art. 7.................................................... 189A rt . 1 0 ................................................ 179, 180A rt. 1 3 .............................. 196 (Art. 12)Art. 16 . . . . 197 (Art. 15), 199 (Art. 15),

200 (Art, 15)Art. 17 . . . . 291 (Art, 16), 292 (Art. 16)A rt. 1 8 .................................201 (Art, 17)A rt. 19 . . . 201-2 (Art. 18), 210 (Art. 18)A rt. 2 0 ................................ 2t 2 (Art. ig )Art. 2 3 ................................ 218 (Art. 22)Art. 24 ....................................... 220 (Art. 23)Art. 29 . . . 225 (Art. 28), 230 (Art. 28),

248 (Art. 28), 249 (Art. 28), 388 Art. 31 . . . 234 (Art. 30), 236 ( Art. 30),

237 (Art. 30)Arts. 33, 3 4 ..................... 240 (Arts. 32, 33),

241 (Arts. 32, 33)A rt. 37 .......................................242 (Art. 36)Art. 38 . . 243-4 ( Art. 37), 281 (Art. 37)Art. 39 ....................................... 251 (Art. 38)Art. 40 449Art. 41 . . 272-3 (Art. 40). 273 (Art. 40)Art. 43 ......................... 2 7 9 (Art. 42), 410Art. 44 281 (Art. 43), 307 (Art. 43), 395, 410Art. 45 . . . 287 (Art. 44), 288 (Art. 44)Art. 46 ....................................... 296 (Art. 45)A rt. 47 ....................................... 298 (Art. 46)A rt. 48 ..............................379 (Art. 47), 396Art. 49 ....................................... 379 (Art. 48)Art. 53 . . . 303 (Art. 52), 304-5 (Art. 52)Art. 54 . . . .256-7 ( Art. 53), 262 (Art; 53),

263 ( Art. 53), 264 (Art. 53) Art. 55 . . . 313 (Art. 54), 314 (Art. 54)Art. 56 ....................................... 311 (Art. 55)A rt. 59 ....................................... 321 (Art, 58)Art. 60 405A rt. 61 . . . 320 (Art. 60), 321 (Art. 60)Art. 64 . . . . 323 ( Art. 63), 401, 412Art. 68 . . . . 325-6 ( Art. 67), 401, 412Art. 75 ....................................... 338 (Art. 74)

Annex IIArt. 1 ................................................ 172Art. 4 ................................................ 234, 236Art. 5 ................................................ 243-4Art. 9 ................................................ 281, 307Art. 11 279Art. 12 287Art. 13 .......................................418 ( Art. 12)Art. 14 379

Quassowski, Leo (continued)U n i f o r m l a w (continued)

Annex II (continued)Arts. 15, 1 6 .................................... 303, 304-5Art. 19 . . . . 338, 420 (former Art. 18)Art. 22 ...................... 422 (former Art. 21)

ConventionArt. I l l ................................... 427 ( Art. I I )A rt. I V ........................... 427

N o v a t io n ................................ 304-5


Raphael, R.Delegate of G r e e c e ...................................S i g n a t u r e t o Conventions, Protocols and

Final A c t ...................... 30, 61, 77,U n i f o r m law

Communication of Greek Govt. . .


«3 . 123


RapporteursG e n e r a l rapporteur, see Percerou, L. J. R a p p o r t e u r on conflicts of laws, see

Diena, Giulio R a p p o r t e u r on stam p laws, see Vallée-

Poussin, J. de la

RecourseSee Bills of exchange : Recourse

Conflicts of laws : Recourse Promissory notes : Recourse

RedraftsSee Annex I Art. 52

Reports of Conference on Conventionson C o n f l i c t s of laws, report subm itted

by M. DienaDiscussed and a d o p t e d ......................T e x t .........................................................

on S t a m p laws, report subm itted by M. de la Vallée PoussinDiscussed and a d o p t e d ......................T e x t ..........................................................

on U n i f o r m law, report by Drafting Cttee.Discussed ............................................General remarks ...............................

A d o p t e d ............................................T e x t .........................................................





4471 2 5 - 1 5 4


S i g n a t u r e b v , see Annex I : Art. 8

Restrepo, Antonio JoséDelegate of C o lom bia ................................... 14C r e d e n t i a l s Committee, member of . . 163S i g n a t u r e to Conventions, Protocols and

Final Act . . . . 30, 60, 76, 82, 97, 102, 122

RoumaniaD e l e g a t i o n .............................

S i g n a t o r y of Final Act . . See also Neculcea, Eugène


Scheltema, F. GDelegate of N e th e r la n d s .......................... 16C o n f l i c t s of laws

Convention : Art. 3 ................. 354-5 ( Art. 4)S i g n a t u r e to F inal Act ..................................... 123

Scheltema, F. G. (continued)

Uniform law Annex I

Art. 1 ( 6 ) ........................................

4 , ................................................ i8 5, 186A rt- 1 6 ........................................... 199 (Art. 1,1Art. 19 210 (Art. 181 ZArt. 20 ............................................A rt- 22 214 (Art. 2VArt. 23 218-19 (Art. 22,Art- 3 i ............................................238 (Art. 3o,Arts. 33, 34 240 ( Arts. 32, 33) 241 (Arts. 32,33)Art. 45 289 (Art. J )Art. 53 306 (Art. 52Art. 55 317 (Art. 54)Art. 56 310 (Art.Art. 60 4o5Art. 6 4 ............................... 324 (Art. 63), 401Art. 68 ............................................ 40IArt. 77 403

Annex IIArt. 8 ................................................. 45SArts. 15, 1 6 ................................... 306

Schmidt, Geh. Kom. RichardDelegate of In t. Chamber of Commerce . [gU niform law

Annex IArt. 19 . . . 207 (Art. 18), 208 (Art. 18JArt. 31 390Arts. 48, 49 . . . . 379 (Arts. 47, 48)Art. 61 320 (Art. 60)

Annex IIArt. 14 379

Reservations in gen e ra l...................... 344-5

Shimada, TetsukichiDelegate of J a p a n ........................................ 15Conflicts of laws

ConventionArt. 2 ............................................ 352 (Art, 3)Art. 4 .................................................... 363 (Art. 5)

Signature to Conventions, Protocols andFinal Act . . . . 31, 61, 78, 84, 98, 104, 123

Uniform law Annex I

Art. 1 ( 8 ) ........................................ 175, 176Signature ................................... 307, 335

Art. 3 ................................................ 182Art. 4 . . . - ............................... 183, 381, 382Art. 20 ........................................212 ( Art. 19)Art. 22 . . . . 213 (Art. 21), 216 (Art. 21)Art. 27 .................. 222 ( Art. 26), 274, 448Art. 29 ........................................230 (Art. 28)Art. 41 273 (Art. 40), 274 ( Art. 40), 392, 393Arts. 43-54 (Chapter VII) . . . . 274Art. 44 395Art. 45 . . 288 ( Art. 44), 289 ( Art. 44), 395Art. 4 6 ................................................ 395Art. 5 2 ............................................ 301 (Art. 51)Art. 5 4 ...................... 259 (Art. 53), 260 (Art. S3)Art. 55

312 (Art. 54), 316 (Art. S4). 317 (ArLArt. 58 397Art. 60 . . . . 318 (Art. 59), 319 (Art. 59)A rt. 61 . . . . 31Q (Art. 60), 320 (Art. 60)Art. 6 2 ............................................ 321 (Art. 61)Art. 6 7 ............................................ 325 (Art. 66)A rt. 7 2 ................................................ 33°Art. 7 5 ( 7 ) ................................... 335 (Art. 74)

ConventionArt. I ................................................ 371. 373Art. I V ............................................ 373 (Art. 3)

SiamD e l e g a t i o n ........................................................... 11

Proposal concerning Art. 39 of Annex I to Convention on UniformLaw, e tc ...................................... 460 (Annex 17)S u b m i t t e d .................................................. 391

S ignatory of Final A c t ..................................... I2+See also Varnvaidya, Prince

— 31 —

Signature of Acts of Conference

L i s t s of s i g n a t o r i e s ...........................................For signature of particular Conventions

etc., see the Conventions etc. in question

11-12, 445

Simon M. 144, 218, 261

Smets, Ch.Secretary-G eneral o f C o n feren ce . . . . 119

Conflicts o f la w sC o n v en t io n : A r t . 1 7 . 434

Final A ct : R e c o m m e n d a t io n V . . . 4 4 6P r e s i d e n t ' s t h a n k s t o ...... 457

Stamp law sC o n v en t io n : A r t . 3 .................................. 4 4 0

Uniform L a w A n n e x I

“ A v a l ” b y s e p a r a te d o c u m e n t . 2 3 5

T it le I ........................................................... 453A n n e x I I

A rt. 2 1 ........................................................... 4 23C o n v e n t io n

A rt . I ........................................................... 434R ep o rt o f D r a f t in g C t t e e ......................... 4 4 7

Sokal, Dr. M ax

Substitute d e le g a t e o f A u s t r i a ........................ 13

Uniform l a w A n n e x I

A rt. 4 4 ........................................................... 342A r t . 4 8 . . . . 3 0 0 (Art. 47), 3 7 9 (Art. 47)A rt. 4 9 ..................................................... 379 (Art. 48)A rt. 5 9 ..................................................... 318 (Art. 58)A rt. 6 0 ..................................................... 318 (Art. 5 9 JA rt. 6 4 ..................................................... 323 (Art. 63)A rt. 7 2 ....................................................................... 331

A n n e x IIA rt. 8 .......................................................... 342A rt. 1 4 .......................................................... 300 , 379A rt. 1 8 ....................................................................... 331


D e l e g a t e ................................................................ 14Sig n at o r y o f :

C o n v e n t io n a n d P r o to c o l o n C onflic tso f L a w s , e t c ................................................. 77, 83

C o n v e n t io n a n d P r o to c o l o n S ta m pL a w s , e t c ....................................................... 97 , 103

C o n v e n t io n a n d P r o to c o l o n U n ifo r mL aw , e t c ......................................................... 30, 61

F in a l A c t ..................................................... 123See also M o n te jo , D r . G o m e z

Srb, Dr. Jan

D elegate a n d e x p e r t , C z e c h o s lo v a k ia . . 17Co n fl ic ts o f la w s

C o n v e n t io n : A r t . 1 1 ................................ 454F in a l A ct

A g r e e m e n t a s t o fu r th e r e x a m in a t io no f d r a f t C o n v e n t io n s o n C h e q u e s . 453

Si g n a t u r e t o F in a l A c t ................................ 124Sta m p la w s

C o n v e n t io n : A r t . 1 ................................ 4 3 7U n if o r m l a w

A n n e x IA rt . 1 ( 1 ) ............................... 177A r t . 9 ..................................... 192A r t . 1 7 ..................................................... 2 9 3 (Art. 16)A r t . 2 0 ..................................................... 211 (Art. ig )A r t . 2 3 ..................................................... 2 1 6 (Art. 22)A rt. 2 4 ..................................................... 2 2 0 ( Art. 23)A rt. 2 9 ..................................................... 223 ( Art. 28)A rt. 3 1 .....................................................2 3 7 (Art. 30)A rt. 4 0 ........................................................... 4 4 9A rt. 43 2 7 4 -5 (Art, 42), 2 7 5 (Art. 42),

2 7 7 ( Art. 42)A rt. 46 2 9 5 (Art. 45), 2 9 6 (Art. 45), 396 , 453A rt. 4 8 . . . . 299 (Art. 47), 3 0 0 (Art. 47)A rt. 6 3 .................................... 4 4 9A rt. 6 4 . . . . 323 (Art. 63), 324 (Art. 63)

Srb, Dr. Jan (continued) U n if o r m l a w (continued)

Annex I (continued)Art. 7 0 ......................Art. 7 5 ......................

Annex IIArt. 1 3 ..................Art. 1 4 ..................


299 299, 300

Stamp Laws in connection with Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes

A l t e r a t i o n of laws of H. C. Ps. so tha t infringement of stam p laws shall not affect validity of commercial instrum ents, see Convention on Stam p Laws, etc. : Art. 1 Reservation restricting th is under­

taking to bills of exchange only, see Convention on Stam p Laws, etc. : Art. 1

C o n v e n t i o n on S tam p Laws, etc., see said Convention

I n s t r u m e n t s " im mediately executory ” , see Convention on Stam p Laws, etc. :Art. 1

L i m i t of penalties which H .C. Ps. may inflict for infringement of their stam p laws, see Convention on Stam p Laws etc. : Art. 1

R a p p o r t e u r onSee Vallée Poussin, J. de la

R e p o r t subm itted by M. de la Vallée Poussin on Convention on Stam p LawsDiscussed and a d o p t e d ...................... 452T e x t .......................................................... 157-8

See also Cheques : Stamp law-s in rela­tion to

Strobe le , Dr. Guido

D e le g a t e o f A u s t r i a ........................................... 13S i g n a t u r e t o C o n v e n t io n s , P r o to c o l s a n d

F in a l A c t . . . 30, 60, 76, 82, 96, 102, 122

Stub H o lm b o c , see H o lm b o c , C. Stub

S u lk o w sk i , JôzefD e le g a t e o f :

F r e e C i ty o f D a n z i g ................................ 14P o l a n d ................................................................ 16

M em b er o f D r a f t in g C t t e e ................................. 125,192C h a irm a n 's t h a n k s t o ........................... 447N a m e a d d e d t o r e p o r t ........................... 446

Ch e q u e s ............................................................... 414-15, 437Co n f l ic t s o f la w s

C o n v e n t io nA c c e ss io n t o ................................................ 345A rt. 2 . . . . 350 (Art. 3), 351 (Art. 3)A r t . 3 ............................................ 355 (Art. 4)A rt. 4 . . 358-9 (Art. 5), 360 (Art. 5),

362 (Art. 5), 365 (Art, 5), 431A rt. 5 ................................................. 362A r t . 6 ................................................. 305A r t . 7 ................................................. 365A rt. 9 ............................................ 366, 367, 368R e s e r v a t io n s t o ..................................... 368

F i n a l A ct : Q u e s t io n s t o b e s tu d ie d b yG o v t , re c h e q u e s ..................................... 446

P r o c e d u r e ........................................................... 165-6S i g n a t u r e t o C o n v e n t io n s , P r o to c o l s a n d

F in a l A c t 30, 31, 61, 62, 77, 78, 83, 84, 97, 98,103, 104, 123, 124

S t a m p la w sC o n v e n t io n

A r t . 1 .................................... 3 4 5 . 4 3 7 , 4 4 1 . 444P r o to c o l t o C o n v e n t io n

D ......................................................... 437U n if o r m lawr

A m o r t i s a t i o n ................................................ 422

— 32 —

Sulkowski, Jôzef (continued)

U n i f o r m l a w (continued)

Annex I A r t . i ( i ) .

(8 ) .

A r t . 2 . .A rt. 5 . . .A r t . 7. . .A r t . 9. . .A r t . 10 . .A r t . 12 . .A r t . 16 . .A r t . 17 . .A r t . 19 . .

Art. 20 Art. 21 Art. 22Art. 23 . Art. 24 . A rt. 29 .

Art. 30 . Art. 3T . Art. 32 . Arts. 33,

Art. 38 . Art. 39 . A rt . 41 .

Art. 43 .

Art. 44 .

Art. 45 . A rt. 46 . Art. 47 . Art. 48 Art. 49 . Art. 53 . Art. 54 .

Art. 55 . Art. 56 . Art. 60 . Art. 61 . Art. 63 . Art. 64 . Art. 68 . Art. 77 .

Annex II

34 •240

...................... 178- I 7 9 .

................................195 (Art.197-8 (Art. i s ) , 199 (Art.................................294 (Art.202 (Art. 18), 20'.-- (Art.

210 (Art,

173 175

178, 179 188 190 193 180

Art 32, 33)

......................215 (Art

......................217 ( Art.

......................220 ( Art.224 (Art. 28), 226 (Art.

228-9 (Art, 28),................. 231 ( Art.

236 ( Art. 30).

239-40 ( Art., 241 (Arts. 32, ■ ■ 243 (Art. . . 250 ( Art. 40), 272 ( Art. 4°) , 344 (Art.

42), 277 f Art. 42;, 394, 409,

. . 283 (Art.43), 395 , 4° 9 , 288 f/lrt. 44),45), 297 46J, 299 fvlrt. 47;, 396,• ■ 379. . 305 (Art.S3), 264 fArt.

26554À 317 (Art.

. . 311 ( Art.318 (Art. 5g), 60), 321 ( Art.

. . 322 ( Art.(Art. 63), 401,

271 ( Art. 343 (Art.

275 (Art. a 79-80 ( A r t ,

308 f 286 f 44,),

. . . 295 (Art,

. . . 298 ( Art.301 (Art. 47), 379

. . . 262 (Art.

. . . 314 (Art.

. . . 319 (Art.

............... 323


Art. 12 . . Art. 13 . . Art. 14 . . Arts. 15, 16 Art. 22 . .


SwedenD e l e g a t i o n .....................................................................

Amendm ent to Art. 54 ( Art. S3) of Annex I to Convention on UniformLaw, etc. proposed b y .................W i th d r a w n .......................................

S i g n a t o r y of :—■Convention and Protocol on Conflicts

of Laws, e tc ........................................Convention and Protocol on Stamp

Laws, e tc .............................................

Sweden (continued)

S i g n a t o r y of (continued) : —

Convention and Protocol on UniformLaw, e tc ...............................................

Final, A c t ................................................See also Ekeberg, Birger

Marks von W urtemberg, Baron

31, 6: 1*4

a )15) 16 ) 18) 18) 3 85 38921)22)23)

28),38929)3 9 0

391 33), 33)37)38) 40) 40)

42), 410

43), 410 41345)46)39748)52)53),53)54)55) 4 ° 5 60) 62) 412 401 4 °3

SwitzerlandD e l e g a t i o n .....................................................................

Amendm ent to Art. 45 (Art. 44) of Annex I to Convention on UniformLaw, etc. proposed b y .................S u b m i t t e d ........................................

Proposal concerning Arts. 48, 49 of Annex I, and Art. 14 of Annex II, of Convention on Uniform Law, etc. . . . 465 (Arts. 47, 48 : AnnexS u b m i t t e d ........................................

Proposal concerning transfer of coverS u b m i t t e d ................................... ....

S i g n a t o r y of :—Convention and Protocol on Con­

flicts of Laws, e tc .............................. jgConvention and Protocol on Stam p

Laws, e tc ............................................. 99,Convention and Protocol on LTni-

form Law, e tc ............................................ 31,Final A c t ...............................................

See also Vischer, Dr. Max


14)3 794 6 4




Theft, see Loss or Theft

Time of Payment

See Bills of exchange : M aturity Promissory notes : M aturity

Toffolo, Gian B a t t i s t a .......................S i g n a t u r e to Final Act . . . .


Art. 4.................................................... 236Art. 5.................................................... 243Art. 7 271, 272, 343, 344, 407, 414, 415, 416Art. 8.................................................... 283Art. 9....................................................Art. 1 0 ................................................Art. 1 1 ................................................

......................................................... 3 ° 8

......................................................... 277............................... 279-80.......................................................... 286.................... 301......................................................... 3 79......................................................... 305. . . . 422 (former Art. 21)

Art. 23 . 416 (Art. 22), 423 (former Art. 22)




78, 84

99, 104

Translations, Official, of Uniform LawSee Uniform Law : Translation

Troullier, AlbertDelegate of In t. Chamber of Commerce 18Absence from Conference.......................... 311LTniform law

Annex IArt. 1 ( 1 ) ........................................... 173

( 6 ) ............................................ 174Art. 9..................................................... 192-3Art. 1 8 ................................................. 201 (Art. 17)Art. 19 . . . . 206 ( Art. 18), 208 ( Art. 18)Art. 2 5 ................................................. 221 ( Art. 24)A rt. 3 1 ................................................. 232 ( Art. 30)Art. 3 5 ................................................. 221 ( Art. 34)Art. 3 8 ................................................. 244 (Art. 37)Art. 39 . . . . 251 (Art. 38), 252 (Art. 38)Art. 43 . . . . 276 ( Art. 42), 279 (Art, 42)

Annex IIArt. 1.................................................... 173Art. 4...................................... 232A rt. 5.................................................... 244Art. 1 1 ................................................ 279

TurkeyD e l e g a t e ............................................................... 17Signatory of : —

Convention and Protocol on Conflictsof Laws, e tc ........................................ 7‘>, s5

Convention and Protocol on StampLaws, e tc ............................................. 9‘). I 0 3

Convention and Protocol on Uni­form Law, etc................................... 3 ' ■

Final A c t ................................................ 124See also Münir Bey, Mehmed


Uilmann, Dr. F ritz

Delegate of G erm a n y ................................... 13Co n f l ic t s of laws

ConventionArt. 2 ......................................................... 348-9 ( Art. 3)Art. 3 ......................................................... 352-3 (Art. 4)Art. 4 ......................................................... 356-7 (Art. 5)

S i g n a t u r e t o C o n v e n t io n s , P r o to c o lsand F in a l A c t 30 , 60, 76, 82, 96, 102 , 122

Uniform lawA nnex I : A r t . 41 271 (Art, 40)

Uniform Law

For details of discussion, etc., see either under the subjects or under Annexes I and I I

C o n v e n t io n p r o v id in g a u n ifo rm law ,

see that title H. C. Ps. t o in tr o d u c e in to th e ir r e s p e c t iv e

territories, see C o n v e n t io n o n U n i ­form L a w , e t c . : A rt. I R eservation , see A n n e x I I : A r t . 21

R a p p o r t e u r on, see P ercero u , L . J.Report b y D r a f t in g C t te e . o n C o n v e n t io n

etc. o n U n ifo r m L a wDiscussed ............................................ 446-52G eneral rem a r k s ..................................... 1 2 5 -6

A d o p t e d ..................................................... 4 4 7T e x t ..................................................................... 125 -54

R e s e r v a t i o n s , see A n n e x I I T ext, see A n n e x I T r a n s l a t i o n

Countries w i t h s a m e offic ia l la n g u a g e to e s ta b l ish a n offic ia l tr a n s la t io n , see F in a l A c t : R e c o m m e n d a t io n I

United States o f A m er ica

R e p r e s e n t a t i v e s ................................................ 18See also K e n n e d y , M a r t in H e r b e r t

Upka, P r o f e s s o r .......................................................... 202

Vallée Poussin. J. de la (continued)U n i f o r m l a w (continued)

Annex I (continued)

Art. 4 5 .................................................287 (Art,Art. 5 4 ....................................... 260-1 (Art.Art. 6 1 .................................................320 ( Art.Art. 6 4 .................................................324 (Art.Art. 6 7 ................................................

Annex IIArt. 1 ................................................Art. 5 ................................................A rt. 8 ................................................Art. 9 ................................................ 281,Art. 1 2 ................................................

Varnvaidya, PrinceDelegate of S i a m ..........................C o n f l i c t s of laws

Convention : Art.. 7 . . . .S i g n a t u r e to Final Act . . . . S t a m p laws

Convention : Art. 1 . . . .S t a t e m e n t as to position of Siam U n i f o r m law


1724063423082 8 7


Annex IArt. 4 ................................................Art. 5 ..................................................Art. 9 ................................................Art. 12 . . . . 195 (Art, 11), 196Art. 2 9 ..................................................230Art. 39 251 (Art. 38), 391, 460 ( /Art. 4 3 ................................................. 278Art. 46 .Art. 48 .Art. 52 .Art. 54 .Art. 64 .

Annex I IArt. 9 ........................................Art. 1 4 .......................................

ConventionArt. I .........................................Art. I l l .....................................English t e x t ..........................

Simultaneous en try into force Convention and uniform law

301 (Art. 51),




382 187 193

(Art. 11) (Art. 28)

Annex i y ) (Art. 42) (Art. 45) (Art. 4 j) (Art. 51) (Art. 53) (Art, 63)


425 , 434 372 452


VenezuelaD e l e g a t e .............................

S i g n a t o r y o f Final Act 124

Vallée Poussin, J. de laDelegate of B e lg iu m ................................... 13Rapporteur on Convention on Stam p

Laws ..................................................... 157A p p o in t e d ............................................ 434Name added to r e p o r t ...................... 452Thanks of Chairman of Drafting

Cttee. t o ............................................ 447, 457Thanks of President t o ...................... 452

Co n f l i c t s of lawsConvention : Art. 4 359 ( Art, 5), 360 ( Art. 5)

Si g n a t u r e to Conventions, Protocols andFinal Act . . . 30, 60, 76, 82, 96, 102, 122

St a m p lawsConvention : Art. 1 ..................... 439, 440-1, 443

U n i f o r m law Annex I

Art. 1 ( 1 ) .......................... 172Art. 5 .............................. 187-8Art. 7 ................................... 190, 268, 269-70Art. 10 . . . . 268 (Art. y), 269-70 ( Art. y )Art. 2 3 .............................................217-18 ( Art, 22)Art. 2 4 ............................................. 220 (Art. 23)Art. 29 . . . . 224 (Art. 28), 227 (Art. 28)Art. 3 1 .............................. 390Art. 3 2 ............................................... 238 (Art. 31)Art. 3 8 ............................................... 281 (Art. 57)Art. 3 9 ............................................... 251 (Art. 38)Art. 44 . . 281 (Art, 43), 308 (Art. 43), 342

Vermaire, CharlesDelegate of L u x e m b u r g .......................... 16S i g n a t u r e to Conventions, Protocols and

Final Act . . . 31, 62, 78, 84, 98, 104, 123

Vis MajorSee Annex I : Art. 54

Vischer, Dr. MaxDelegate of S w i t z e r l a n d .......................... 17C o n f l i c t s of laws

ConventionArt. 3 , ........................................ 35 3 -4 (Art, 4)Art. 4 ................................... 362 (Art. 5), 432Art. 5 ................................................ 362

F i n a l A c t : Recommendation II . . . 420P r o c e d u r e ................................................ 168S i g n a t u r e to Conventions, Protocols and

Final Act S t a m p laws

Convention U n i f o r m law

Annex I Art. 1 ( Art. 4 Art. 9 Art. 17 Art. 19 Art. 20

31, 62, 79, 85, 99, 105, 124

Art. t .......................... 441, 442

• • • 178. 3 3 3 . 3 3 9 , 3 4°.......................... 185.......................... 193291 (Art. 16), 293 ( Art. 16)...................... 204 ( A rt. 18)...................... 212 ( Art. 19)

— 34 —

Vischer, Dr. Max (continued)

U niform law (continued)A nnex I (continued)

A rt. 2 2 ................................................... 215 (Art. 21)A rt. 2 3 ................................................... 218 ( Art. 22)Art. 29 . . . . 230 (Art. 28), 248 ( Art. 28)A rt. 3 1 ................................................... 236 (Art. 30)Art. 3 9 .........................................251 (Art. 38), 448Art. 4 0 ................................ 448Art. 4 1 ................................................... 273 ( Art. 40)Art. 43 . . . . 277-8 (Art. 42), 394, 409, 410Art. 4 4 ................................... 409, 410Art. 45 . . . . 288 ( Art. 44), 290 ( Art. 44)Art. 48 . . . 300 (Art. 47), 378-9 (Art. 47)Art. 4 9 ............................. 378-9 (Art. 48)Art. 5 3 ......................................... 305-6 (Art. 52)Art. 54 . . . 256 (Art. 33), 263-4 (Art. 53)Art. 5 5 ...................................................3 1 4 ( Art. 34)Art. 7 0 ................................ 330Art. 7 2 ................................ 331-2Art. 75 ■ • ■ 333 (Art. 74), 337-8 (Art. 74),

3 3 9 (Art. 74), 340 (Art. 74)Art. 7 7 ................................ 404

Annex I I

Art. 4 ........................................ 236 (Art. 31a)Art. 7 ................................... 415, 416Art. 1 3 ...................................................418 (Art. 12)Art. 14...................................... 300, 378-9, 380Arts. 15, 1 6 .......................... 305-6, 306Art. 1 7 ................................ 330Art. 1 8 ....................... 331-2, 420 (former Art. 17)Art. 1 9 ................................... 3 3 7 "8, 3 3 9Art. 23 . . . . 415 ( Art. 22), 416 ( Art. 22)

ConventionArt. I ................................... 3 7 4 - 425Order of a r t i c le s .............. 374

Vivanti, P r o f e s s o r ........................... 253


Weiller, AugusteExpert, Ita lian delegation.......................... 15C o n f l i c t s of laws

ConventionArt. 4 ............................... 362-3 (Art. 3), 432Art. 5 ................................................ 362-3Art. 6 ................................................. 433

U n i f o r m lawA m o r t i s a t io n ........................................ 422Annex I

Art. 2 ................................................. 178Art. 1 0 ................................................ 178Art. 1 9 ................................................. 203 (Art. 18)

2 3 9 (Art. 2g)

Weiller, Auguste (continued)U n i f o r m l a w (continued)

Annex I (continued)Art. 2 9 ......................Art. 4 1 ......................Art. 4 3 ......................Art. 4 7 ......................Art. 4 8 ......................A rt. 7 7 ......................

Annex IIArt. 7 ..................Art. 8 ..................Art. 2 2 ....................................422 (former Art.

335 (Art

298 (Art.

76), 402,

Wieland, M.



407 416 21)


Wurtemberg, see Marks von Wurtemberg, Baron

Xenakis, M. 119

YugoslaviaD e l e g a t i o n ........................................................... 18

Amendment to Art. 17 (Art. 16) of Annex I to Convention on Uniform Law, etc., proposed by . 463In d e b a te ............................................ 7 9 4

Note on Art. 8 of Annex I to Con­vention on Uniform Law, etc.,proposed b y .............................. 466 (Annex 16)S u b m i t t e d ........................................ 382

S i g n a t o r y of :Convention and Protocol on Con­

flicts of Laws, e tc .............................. 79, 85Convention and Protocol on Stam p

Laws, e tc .............................................. 99, 105Convention and Protocol on Uni­

form Law, e tc ..................................... 31, 63F inal A c t ................................................. 124

See also Eisner, Dr. Berthold

Zeeland, Paul vanDelegate of B e l g i u m ......................R e p l a c i n g Baron Carton de W iart


P R I N T E D B Y S O N O R S . A . ----- G E N E V A
