In what ways does your music magazine use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of existing ms


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In what ways does your music magazine use, develop or challenge

forms and conventions of existing music magazines?

How does it adhere to existing conventions?

The features of the cover include:•A masthead•Date and issue number•Barcode and price•A strapline/tagline•Headline and lures•Cover lines•Main image

In what ways does your music magazine use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of existing music magazines?

I decided to follow the model used by the magazine NME,having analysed it in comparison to Top of The Pops. I didfurther research on the publication and noticed detailsthat I did not want to copy such as the fact that itsmasthead changes to match the colour scheme in everyissue. NME uses a minimalist style in comparison to someother magazines such as Kerrang! and Top of The Popswhich are aimed at a significantly younger audience andunlike NME tend to only cover a single genre of music.

Although my cover features less text than the magazine Imodelled it on, I have not dramatically challenged theconventions of existing music magazines. Initially, Iwanted to imitate the cover style of Loud And Quiet,which does not follow all the codes and conventions ofthe music press, using a lot less text featured on thecover than more established publications. Instead, I choseto use a more format that would be more recognisablefor a younger readership. My cover includes designelements not seen in either publication, such as abottom panel offering the reader more information aboutthe magazine’s content.

In what ways does your music magazine use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of existing music magazines?

The feature article of my music magazine is conventional by the standard of existing magazines as I based the layout on an article published by NME. Although there are less pictures and columns, it is very similar. I decided to adhere to the conventions as my target audience would recognise this layout. The layout is not fussy, but I have used colour to appeal to the young audience.
