In Vivo Imaging Middleware and Applications RSNA 2007 Berkant Barla Cambazoglu The Ohio State...



In Vivo Imaging Middleware Purpose: to create the core infrastructure for Grid enabling imaging applications Grid middleware layered on the caGrid infrastructure Services, tools, and APIs DICOM–Grid interoperability High-performance data transfer Development/deployment tools for imaging-based grid services Security Mature Phase 1 Planning  Project 1: Middleware  Project 2: XIP: Extensible Imaging Platform  Project 3: AIM: Annotation and Image Markup  Project 4: Algorithm Validation Toolkit  Project 5: Vocabulary (ACRIN + Radlex)  Project 5: DICOM Ontology Project  Project 6: Query Formulation Project  Project 7: XIP Translational Workstation  Project 8: Central Review in Cooperative Groups

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In Vivo Imaging Middleware and Applications

RSNA 2007

Berkant Barla Cambazoglu

The Ohio State University

Department of Biomedical Informatics


• In Vivo Imaging Middleware (IVIM)

• IVIM Applications• gridIMAGE• gridMatlab• virtualPACS• Federated query processing infrastructure• caMicroscope

In Vivo Imaging Middleware

• Purpose: to create the core infrastructure for Grid enabling imaging applications

• Grid middleware layered on the caGrid infrastructure• Services, tools, and APIs

• DICOM–Grid interoperability• High-performance data transfer• Development/deployment tools for imaging-based grid services• Security


Phase 1


Project 1: Middleware Project 2: XIP: Extensible Imaging Platform Project 3: AIM: Annotation and Image Markup Project 4: Algorithm Validation Toolkit Project 5: Vocabulary (ACRIN + Radlex) Project 5: DICOM Ontology Project Project 6: Query Formulation Project Project 7: XIP Translational Workstation Project 8: Central Review in Cooperative Groups

IVIM Services

• DICOM data service• Provides a two-way interface between caGrid and DICOM• Supports DICOM C_FIND, C_GET, C_MOVE, and C_STORE commands• Leverages caGrid for service discovery, remote access, and security (authentication and

authorization). • Uses gridFTP and WS_Enumeration for bulk data transfer• Uses the NCIA DICOM data model

• Generic image data service• Provides a two way interface between caGrid and generic images on a file system• Can be extended to use a database that contains image metadata• Leverages caGrid for service discovery, remote access, and security• Uses gridFTP for data transfer• Uses the Generic Image data model developed by OSU

• AIM data service• A data service for storing AIM annotations• Berkeley DB XML database• Uses the AIM data model developed at NWU

• Other services• DSD container and repository services, CERR data service

IVIM Core Capabilities

• Bulk data transport• GridFTP is used for transfer of data• Facilitates retrieval and submission of large images• WS enumeration-based data transfer

• Security• User-level authorization• Data-level authorization• Transport-level authorization

• Development tools• SDK: Introduce extensions to facilitate creation of services• IVIWizard: Tool to facilitate configuration and deployment of

DICOM Data Services

IVIM Applications

• Applications using IVIM• gridIMAGE• gridMatlab• virtualPACS• Federated query processing infrastructure• caMicroscope


• A grid-based application that enables distributed access and review of DICOM images

• Supports cross-institute, geographically distributed research collaborations and clinical decision making• Multiple CAD and research algorithms• Multiple human reviewers• Multiple data repositories with large number of subjects• Distributed compute and storage systems

• Enable parameter studies and clinical and preclinical trials

• Facilitate algorithm development and validation through the use of many distributed, shared image datasets


• Grid data services• DICOM image data service with PixelMed DICOM PACS backend• Result data service with Mako XML database backend• Work order data service with Mako XML database backend

• Grid analytical services• IDL and Matlab analytical services that retrieve data from data

services• Support for CAD applications and running IDL, Matlab algorithms

• Grid security• Dorian-based authentication and encrypted conversation• Bulk data transport via secured gridFTP


In Vivo Imaging Middleware used to create DICOM Data Service, Human Markup and CAD Analytical Service (caGrid 1.0 Gold Compliant Service)

CAD Service upon invocation retrieves images from remote DICOM Data Service and submits CAD markups to a central result server

Reviewers login to markup client and retrieve pending review requests

Markup client retrieves images from DICOM Data Service and submits markup results to a central result server



• Prototype application for accessing DICOM data service over the grid within Matlab

• Simplified version of gridIMAGE• APIs for accessing DICOM data services from Matlab


• VirtualPACS federates caGrid DICOM data services

• Provide DICOM messaging interface to caGrid DICOM data services

• Allows a user to use their own commercial DICOM workstation to collaborate and share knowledge with the community

• Gives a PACS-interface to DICOM data stored in imaging archives, file systems or other non-PACS data warehouses

• Leverages the caGrid 1.0 technology including the GAARDS security mechanisms

Federated Query Processing (FQP) Infrastructure

• Leveraging caGrid FQP infrastructure• Mechanisms to perform basic distributed aggregations and joins of queries

over multiple data services• Distributed caGrid Query Language (DCQL)

• Sample queries• “Find all AIM annotations related to a specified set of patients”• “Find the AIM annotations located at the upper right lob and created by a

certain radiologist for a certain study”• “Find the DICOM RT objects corresponding to particular CERR Matlab


• Components• Federated query processing service• Federated query result service• Federated query engine• Federated query processing client• caGrid data services

Federated Query Processing (FQP) Infrastructure

Federated Query Processing (FQP) Infrastructure


• Service-based infrastructure• Multiple, geographically distributed scientists and developers

access a common image data repository• Shared code repository allowing reusability of the developed

codes• Remote job execution• Remote image visualization

• Multi-processor backend• Fast parallel processing of images• Specifically designed for very large-scale image processing• Pipelined processing capabilities


• caMicroscope data service• Based on the caGrid 1.0 middleware• Using Introduce service development toolkit

• Provided operations on images/algorithms• Query

• CQL• Retrieve/Upload

• Bulk data transfer• View

• Aperio libraries• SVS images

• Execute• Out-of-core virtual microscope


