in the Next 30 Days How to Build a Wildly Profitable...


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How to Build a Wildly Profitable Freelance Businessin the Next 30 Days

By 2020, more than 40% of American Jobs will be performed by Independent Workers.

Freelancers, contractors, and temporary employees.


We are living in a new economy.


1980s // Corporate America

1990s // Tech Startups

2000 // Economic Downturn

2010s // Online Entrepreneurs

2020s // Freelance Economy

Those who don’t…

Those who adapt…Understand that a steady paycheck doesn’t always lead to wealth.

Understand that having a 9-5 job doesn’t guarantee stability.

Know that the world is getting smaller and virtual work is not going anywhere.

And also know that working virtually is the “greener” way to work.

Don’t realize that there are secret costs for working for someone else.

A future of freedom, flexibility, and financial security is possible for those

ready to adapt to the online virtual world.

You are here because…You’d like to work from home, making the kind of money that will support the lifestyle you want to have.

You are smart enough to know that the economy is changing for the better – through and virtual work, that suits the digital economy we are entering into.

Who this workshop is for…• Moms who need flexibility in their

schedule• College graduates that don’t want to start

at the bottom of the corporate ladder• Empty nesters who have kids who’ve left

home and have time to dedicate to a new business

• Corporate burnouts who need to start LOVING what they do again.

• Travel junkies who want the freedom to travel and not be tied down to one specific location.

Basically...Anyone who feels that a traditional job is NOT for them.

Let’s hear from Alexa...

Before we start, some house rules...• Please minimize all other tabs and distractions• Get a notebook and pen to take notes!• Remember, the results you’re going to hear about are not typical. • We’re NOT in the business of get rich quick. • We recognize that to make a comfortable living online takes hard work. • The results are up to YOU!

About Your Hosts!

A Bit of a Backstory… JulieStarted freelance business bidding on copy jobs for $5.00 an article.

Dabbled in Mechanical Turk which paid .05 a job.

Worked my way up to Upwork.

Today, my hourly rate for client work is $250.00 an hour, and I sign contracts for funnel build outs that are a minimum 10k.

$15,000-$20,000 a month.

A Bit of a Backstory… MadelaineStarted a Virtual Executive Assistance business after

burning the %$#&@ out 3x before the age of 30.

Worked with Women who are high end leadership coaches in the corporate world.

Worked part time for clients and makes a full time income.

Hourly rate $45-150 an hour.

$6,000-10,000k months as a Virtual EA.

So what does the path from no business to a profitable freelance business look like?That’s what we’re going to help you uncover today.We make no guarantees on revenue income from our trainings.The principals taught today are solid and they do work for those who put in the time.By the end of this training, you will know how to plan the launch your freelance business in the next 30 days.

What kind of business can make you money the fastest?


WHY FREELANCE?• No pre-made or pre-purchased product

• Very low materials

• You can market pre-existing or newly learned skills

• Demand is high in some freelance industries

• Freelancers often helps businesses make money!

• No following or brand awareness needed

• No content strategy or fancy SEO footwork

• Web design• Virtual admin assistance• Copywriting• Product launches• Sales funnel design and assistance• Facebook Ads• Social Media Management• Email Management• Online Business Management

Types of Work

If you stay til the end…

We will give you the slides to this webinar to take away with you AND our Freelance Business Startup Checklist!

“So why work from home? Isn’t it less stable than a regular job?”

“The competition is fierce and the market is crowded...”

“I don’t know what skills I have that I can market!”

“It’s just a fad that will go out of style as fast as it came in.”

So now that you know that freelance work is the work of the future…

And the freelance business is the easiest and fastest way to begin making money…

Let’s give you the four secrets you need to nail your success IN THE NEXT 30 DAYS!

Secret 1Have a solid plan for getting the RIGHT clients.

Secret 1Your plan should include:• Client Avatar - Who you are going to help - get really specific• Work Style - How much you want to work, what hours are you available?

• Financial Goals - How much do you want to make each month• Skills and Services - What skills will you offer?

Myth Buster...

Most freelancers think the best way to build a profitable freelance business is to get as much work as possible


Secret 2Set up your ‘storefront’ in the right way

Secret 2Here’s the bare bones of what you need to get started:•A Facebook Business Page•A LinkedIn Profile•A Coming Soon Wall on Your Website

Myth Buster...

You need expensive branding and logo and website to attract the right customers.


Secret 3Create an endless stream of possible clients with your marketing mojo.

Secret 33 Ways to Do This•Facebook Groups•Subcontracting•RFPs through

Myth Buster...

Most freelancers think in order to be competitive, they have to be the lowest bidder on a job.


Secret 4Have a professional onboarding process.

Secret 4Give them the Disney Experience•You need a way to create quick and easy proposals•You need a way to accept online Payments•You need a way set of documents for welcoming them including a Contract and a How I Work document

•You need a way to gather Feedback to get great testimonials!

Myth Buster...

Most freelancers think they have to know everything to be good.


If you do everything we’ve just outlined, you should have several leads, if not several

clients...within 30 days.

Tonya D. “Within 8 weeks, I went from 0 clients with zero billable hours to 6 clients with over 50+ billable hours a week. With the support of Madelaine + Julie, I was amazed how quickly I was able to identify my ideal client, find my ideal client, and land my ideal client for recurring work.”

Jessie V.• Replaced her full-time salary with part-time 25 hours a week.• Used her network to make the connections she needed for client work.• Learned higher level skills desperately in demand.

We know what you’re thinking…if it’s so easy why doesn’t everyone do it?

6 Common Pitfalls

#1 Mindset Issues• Misunderstanding of their own money blocks• Unsure and insecure• Fear of lack• Inability to see what “could” be• Undercharging

#2 Not Knowing What To Do First, Second, Last• Not investing the time and energy into creating a solid plan• Trying to do everything and getting nothing done• Not getting clear on what they actually want their business

to look like

#3 Not Valuing Relationships• Freelance doesn’t mean alone• Not valuing the importance of networking and connections• Building partnerships with other freelancers who can help you get work is imperative

Let’s hear from Judy...

#4 Shiny Object Syndrome• Distracted by all the tools• Unsure of what’s best for them• Playing business rather than doing business• Distracted by all the options and too much information

#5 Not Doing Research• Some industries earn more. Knowing which ones is super important.

• It takes a bit of practice to combine skillsets to create what we call a “powerhouse” combination

#6 Doing TOO Much ResearchGetting caught up in reading, thinking, and planning and NOT taking any action.

There is a fine balance between research, planning, and TAKING ACTION to get your

business up and running.

And we can help with that.

Introducing the...

What’s It All About?The Freelance Business Planning Workbook will help you solidify your

ideal offers and clients, so you can zoom in on the right messaging, prices, and systems, right outta the gate.

By the time you complete the exercises included you should be feeling inspired and motivated, with clarity about WHAT you need to do next,

and a concise and solid plan for moving ahead.

What’s It All About?By the time you’ve completed the workbook, you will be able to:

Identify your marketable skills (yes you have some!)

Zoom in on your ideal client so you KNOW who to talk to

Have your business mission and vision CLEAR so you don’t get distracted

It Covers...● Your Big Why● Your Business Mindset● Your Business Fears● Your Schedule● Your Office Plan● Your Mad Skills● Your Ideal Client● Your Business Goals● Your Financial Goals● Your Message● Your Business Formula

Why Do Most Business Planning Workbooks Fail?● They give you too much information and it’s not actionable● They give you too much to do and you spend months planning instead

of taking action instead of the other way around● They give you too much woo woo shit that helps you play business but

not do business● They don’t help you dig deep to figure out why the frack you’re doing

this in the first place

Why You Need This Workbook and A Little Bit Of Julie + Madelaine In Your Life!● Not having a concise plan means you will get distracted and not

actually get anything done (again)● Because there is a lot of noise and BS in the digital world and we’re

here to help you cut that noise● Because you don’t know what you don’t know● Because you’re ready to make a plan and take action stat● Because you’re tired of reading conflicting information, you’re tired of

online work at home scams that are full of shit, and you are down right pissed off that you haven’t taken action yet because you keep getting distracted!

Our Freelance Business Planning Workbook is NEW for you...Previously ONLY available to our VIP clients, the Freelance Business Planning Workbook has helped over 400 women plan and execute their new freelance businesses.

Our Freelance Business Planning Workbook is NEW for you...The exercises are easy to complete, and don’t require hours of time.

Your business plan can be up and done in ONE afternoon. And most importantly, you’ll know WHY you’re doing all of this...not just WHAT to do.

It’s Bananas Expensive Too.


It’s $27.

We COVER some EXTRA things many other planners do not...Bonus 1: MINDSET VIDEO - Worth $17 A 25 minute Business Mindset Video from both of us that discusses:● Confidence● Visibility● Employee Mindset● Fear of Failure

We COVER some EXTRA things many other planners do not...Bonus 2: YOUR BUSINESS WEBSITE IN 8 EASY STEPS - Worth $77 Bonus 3: FREE YEAR OF HOSTING - Worth $110

We COVER some EXTRA things many other planners do not...Bonus 4: PACKAGING, PRICING AND PROPOSALS - Worth $47

Let’s Talk About Money.The Freelance Business Planning Workbook

It’s a $27 Investment.

And You also get...Bonus 1: MINDSET VIDEO - Worth $17 Bonus 2: YOUR BUSINESS WEBSITE IN 8 EASY STEPS - Worth $77 Bonus 3: FREE YEAR OF HOSTING - Worth $110 Bonus 4: PACKAGING, PRICING AND PROPOSALS - Worth $47

Total Value: $268


Your Bottom Line.

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