Improving I/O Throughput of Scientific Applications using Transparent Parallel Compression



Improving I/O Throughput of Scientific Applications using Transparent Parallel Compression. ‡. Tekin Bicer , Jian Yin and Gagan Agrawal Ohio State University Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. ‡. Introduction. Increasing parallelism in HPC systems - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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CCGrid 2014

Improving I/O Throughput of Scientific Applications using Transparent Parallel


Tekin Bicer, Jian Yin and Gagan Agrawal

Ohio State UniversityPacific Northwest National Laboratory


CCGrid 2014


• Increasing parallelism in HPC systems– Large-scale scientific simulations and instruments– Scalable computational throughput– Limited I/O performance

• Example:– PRACE-UPSCALE:

• 2 TB per day; expectation:10-100PB per day• Higher precision. i.e. more computation and data

• “Big Compute” Opportunities → “Big Data” Problems– Large volume of output data– Data read and analysis– Storage, management, and transfer of data

• Compression


CCGrid 2014

Introduction (cont.)• Community focus

– Storing, managing and moving scientific dataset• Compression can further help

– Decreased amount of data• Increased I/O throughput• Better data transfer

– Increased simulation and data analysis performance• But…

– Can it really benefit the application execution?• Tradeoff between CPU utilization and I/O idle time

– What about integration with scientific applications?• Effort required by scientists to adapt their application


CCGrid 2014

Scientific Data Management Libs.

• Widely used by the community– PnetCDF (NetCDF), HDF5…

• NetCDF Format– Portable, self-describing,

space-efficient• High Performance Parallel I/O

– MPI-IO• Optimizations: Collective

and Independent calls• Hints about file system

• No Support for Compression


CCGrid 2014

Parallel and Transparent Compression for PnetCDF

• Parallel write operations– Size of data types and variables– Data item locations

• Parallel write operations with compression– Variable-size chunks– No priori knowledge about the locations– Many processes write at once


CCGrid 2014

Parallel and Transparent Compression for PnetCDF

Desired features while enabling compression:• Parallel Compression and Write

– Sparse and Dense Storage• Transparency

– Minimum effort from application developer– Integration with PnetCDF

• Performance– Different variable may require different compression– Domain specific compression algorithm


CCGrid 2014


• Introduction• Scientific Data Management Libraries• PnetCDF• Compression Approaches• A Compression Methodology• System Design• Experimental Result• Conclusion


CCGrid 2014

Compression: Sparse Storage

• Chunks/splits are created• Compression layer applies

user provided algs.• Compressed splits are

written w/ orig. offset addr.• Still can benefit I/O

– Only compressed data• No benefit for storage



CCGrid 2014

Compression: Dense Storage

• Generated compressed splits are appended locally

• Net offset addresses are calculated– Requires metadata

exchange• All compressed data blocks

written using collective call• Generated file is smaller

– Advantages: I/O + storage space


CCGrid 2014

Compression: Hybrid Method

• Developer provides:– Compression ratio– Error ratio

• Does not require metadata exchange

• Error padding can be used for overflowed data

• Generated file is smaller• Relies on user inputs


Off’ = Off x (1/(comp_ratio-err_ratio)

CCGrid 2014

System API

• Complexity of scientific data management libs.• Trivial changes in scientific applications• Requirement of a system API:

– Defining compression function• comp_f (input, in_size, output, out_size, args)

– Defining decompression function• decomp_f (input, in_size, output, out_size, args)

– Registering user defined functions• ncmpi_comp_reg (*comp_f, *decomp_f, args, …)


CCGrid 2014

Compression Methodology• Common properties of scientific datasets

– Consist of floating point numbers– Relationship between neighboring values

• Generic compression cannot perform well• Domain specific solutions can help• Approach:

– Differential compression• Predict the values of neighboring cells• Store the difference


CCGrid 2014

Example: GCRM Temperature Variable Compression

• E.g.: Temperature record• The values of neighboring cells

are highly related• X’ table (after prediction):

• X’’ compressed values– 5bits for prediction +

difference• Lossless and lossy comp.• Fast and good compression



CCGrid 2014

PnetCDF Data Flow

1. Generated data is passed to PnetCDF lib.

2. Variable info. gathered from NetCDF header

3. Splits are compressed1. User defined comp. alg.

4. Metadata info. exchanged

5. Parallel write ops.

6. Synch. and global view1. Update NetCDF header


CCGrid 2014


• Introduction• Scientific Data Management Libraries• PnetCDF• Compression Approaches• A Compression Methodology• System Design• Experimental Result• Conclusion


CCGrid 2014

Experimental Setup

• Local cluster:– Each node has 8 cores (Intel Xeon E5630, 2.53Ghz)– Memory: 12GB

• Infiniband network– Lustre file system: 8 OSTs, 4 storage nodes– 1 Metadata Sert

• Microbenchmarks: 34 GB• Two data analysis applications: 136 GB dataset

– AT, MATT• Scientific simulation application: 49 GB dataset

– Mantevo Project: MiniMD


CCGrid 2014

Exp: (Write) Microbenchmarks


CCGrid 2014

Exp: (Read) Microbenchmarks


CCGrid 2014

Exp: Simulation (MiniMD)


Application Execution Times Application Write Times

CCGrid 2014

Exp: Scientific Analysis (AT)


CCGrid 2014


• Scientific data analysis and simulation app.– Deal with massive amount of data

• Management of “Big Data”– I/O throughput affects performance– Need for transparent compression– Minimum effort during integration

• Proposed two compression methods• Implemented a compression layer in PnetCDF

– Ported our proposed methods– Scientific data compression alg.

• Evaluated our system– MiniMD: 22% performance, 25.5% storage space– AT, MATT: 45.3% performance, 47.8% storage space


CCGrid 2014



CCGrid 2014

PnetCDF: Example Header


netcdf temperature_v4 {dimensions: // names and lengths

time = UNLIMITED; interface = 27;cells = 2621442;corners = 5242880 ;...

variables: // type, name and attributes double time(time) ; time:long_name = "Time" ; time:units = "days since 1901-01-01" ; ... float temperature(time, cells, interfaces) ;

// variable attributes temperature:long_name = "Potential temperature" ;

temperature:units = "K" ; ...

data: // beginning of datatime = 777600, 788400, 799200, 810000, ….;temperature =

201.2936, 217.4867, 223.3362, …..}

CCGrid 2014

Exp: Microbenchmarks

• Dataset size: 34GB– Timestep: 270MB

• Comp.: 17.7GB– Timestep: 142MB

• Chunk size: 32MB• # Processes: 64• Strip count: 8


Comparing Write Times with Varying Stripe Sizes

CCGrid 2014


• Introduction• Scientific Data Management Libraries• PnetCDF• Compression Approaches• A Compression Methodology• System Design• Experimental Result• Conclusion

