Implementation Coaching Session #4 With Dave Dee and Mike...


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Implementation Coaching Session #4

With Dave Dee and Mike Stodola

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Your Marketing Department In A Box: Session #4 ..........................................................................................4

Facebook Information ................................................................................................................................4

Referrals Campaign .....................................................................................................................................5

Customer Reactivation Campaign.............................................................................................................12

Fundamentals of Facebook .......................................................................................................................16

Custom Audiences .................................................................................................................................17

Questions & Answers ................................................................................................................................21

Facebook Tutorials ....................................................................................................................................25

GKIC Events ...............................................................................................................................................28


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Dave Dee: This is the final Your Marketing Department in a Box training and

coaching call. I've got with me my partner in crime, Mike Stodola.

Today's a big day for you on this, Mike, because we're going to be talking a little

bit about Facebook. We're not going to be going into great depth on it. We'll get

to that in a minute because Mike has volunteered to do a little bonus for you.

We're going to have that. We'll tell you what that is in just a minute.

Today, we're going to be talking about the final two campaigns, which are the

referral campaign and then the lost customer reactivation campaign, and then a

little bit about Facebook.

We'll end with Facebook, Mike, but let's tell the folks what we're going to do, as

opposed to going in depth about Facebook, and why you decided going in depth

about Facebook on this call probably isn't the best way to go about this.

FACEBOOK INFORMATION Mike Stodola: We wanted to make this program the most valuable possible. As we

were looking at Facebook, first of all, Facebook's very hard to describe in a call on

exactly what you need to do. It's a visual thing, plus, number two, Facebook

changes all the time.

Even if we went in great depth right now on Facebook and exactly what to do, a

month from now, this might not be good. So by the time you get around to

implementing Facebook or you're trying to set up another campaign, if you listen

to this, it's tough.

What we're going to need you to do is make sure you log into the Members’ area.

We're going to have videos posted in there. Some will be directly from me. Some

will be videos that I've gotten from Facebook that describe exactly what they do.


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I'm going to update those in the Members’ area on exactly what you need to do. I'll

describe a strategy, then I'll have links to the various videos that will show you the

technical side of what you need to do to implement those strategies via Facebook.

As they change, we'll go ahead and update those links in there, just because it's a

very dynamic thing. This is why, in general, we don't teach the technical side of the

technology, because it changes so darn often.

Dave: Right. Really what you want to learn is the fundamental principles about

it rather than the actual technology. We're going to be talking about some of

those fundamental principles a little bit later.

Mike, let's get into the final part. I think that this training session is going to be a

little bit shorter than the other ones, because quite frankly… well I say that

every time and then, you know… but I actually think this one's going to be a little

bit shorter, because it's really simple, but really, really important.

REFERRALS CAMPAIGN The first thing I want to talk to you about is the referral campaign. Just to

review, what you want to be doing with the referral

campaign is send it out every single Monday.

Of course, you can change the day of the week when

you want to send it out, but it is important that you

are consistent in this practice. If you're not

consistent, then it's just not going to happen.

Again, we recommend every Monday. What you do is you take all of the new

customers, clients or patients, and you are going to send them the following

email, which is in your manual under “Referral.”

It's really, basically, that straightforward. I don't know how much more there is

to talk about it, other than that there are two separate types of emails you can


If you're not

consistent in this

practice, it's just not

going to happen.


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One is for a professional service provider. I guess we should go over this.

Basically, "Hi", and you put in your client's name.

"I'm so glad you're happy with the ____ service", with the chiropractic treatment

you came in for, with the dental service you just had.

By the way, you want to make sure that they're happy. This is a key. We're

assuming that your clients are happy.

"I'm extremely passionate about what I do, so knowing you're happy makes my


Again, very friendly, very conversational. That's how it's supposed to be.

Notice, it's not, "Dear Mr. Bob Smith, Thank you for coming into my practice."

It's not like that. It's very, very conversational. This

should be like an email that they believe that you

have written personally to them.

By the way, that's one of the keys to this, that that's

how it appears, that it doesn't appear like it's a form


Then we go, "Actually, it's because of this that I was wondering if I could ask for

your help on something."

First of all, if you notice the subject line “I need your help,” that is such a

powerful subject line.

I've used that subject line so many times. I forget where I learned it from but

that subject line has a huge open rate to people who know you.

If they don't know you, they're going to think you're doing a Nigerian bank scam

or something like that.

This should be like

an email they believe

you have written

personally to them.


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In all seriousness, that subject line gets a really high open rate, and when you

ask for people's help in a sincere way, the vast majority of people want to give it.

They like to help other people. Again, the subject line is important.

Then, you're asking for the help in here. You say, "It's my goal to help as many…",

and then you put in whatever type of customers they are, ‘folks with back pain,’

‘folks who like to have romantic evenings out with their spouse,’ whatever the

client type is, you put it in there. " much as possible, to experience…", and then

you put in the big win.

If you notice, this is a little bit more in-depth. Although it looks very simple, it's a

little bit more in-depth than the basic, "Hey, thank you for coming in. I'm glad

you're so happy. It would really help me if you could refer three of your friends",

which is the way most of this is taught.

In here, you're re-emphasizing the value that your current

customer, client or patient has got.

Also, it puts it in their mind, "Who else would want

to have this done?” “Who else, one of my friends

needs whiter teeth, because their teeth are yellow

and nasty?"

"I was wondering if you knew any other [person in

your target market.]" Again, this is pretty self-


Do you know anyone in your circle of friends?

Do you know anyone else from the country club? If they came from a country

club and you found that out, you could put that in there, so on and so forth.

"I'd be extremely grateful and, of course, your friends would get the royal

treatment…" with a little smiley face. Again, the smiley face is fun. It's

conversational. It seems like you've actually written this thing.

When you ask for

people's help in a

sincere way, the vast

majority of people

want to give it.


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"As a more concrete way of saying thanks, I'd like to give you a ____ gift for every

person that ends up hiring me, [using me, taking advantage of my services.]"

You need to modify this a little bit, so it fits the language you're comfortable


The other thing that you can do, and you might want to test this, is to not put in

a bribe or a gift, although that seems to work pretty well, now that I'm thinking

about it, because it just worked on me the other day.

This is funny, actually. Literally, yesterday. I booked a beach house for a couple

of days in June for my one-year anniversary.

After I checked out, they said, "We'll give you a free bottle of champagne if you

post this little thing to your Facebook page", which I instantly did, to get the free

bottle of champagne.

You probably should put a little gift in there.

Mike: What you just said is huge. I'm actually going to

suggest two changes that they could make to really

supercharge this.

One is, instead of asking for referrals, I always found,

in talking with people, I actually found it better to ask for introductions, just

because if you picture a referral, nothing really comes to mind.

If you just take the word ‘introduction’ and picture it, people know what that is.

People like to introduce you to something good.

Say, "I'd love to be introduced to so-and-so."

Then, it also tells them, I don't just want Bob or Mary, a ‘referral’, "Hey, Bob. Hey,

Mary. You should use Mike or Dave or whoever."

It's actually ‘introduce’ so, "Hey, Bob. Let me introduce you to Mike."

People like to

introduce you to

something good.


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That means they're going to be on the call. It's going to be in person or via email.

It's much stronger there, if they're involved in that introduction phase rather than

they just passed the name along.

If I could get Bob on the phone with me, "Hey, I'm on with Bob. He just did such-

and-such, and he thought you might be someone who would be good for me to

know." Bob's on the phone. It's a much warmer way to do that.

Secondly, and even more important than that, is what Dave, you just said. I always

like to… and in some places, you can't reward people for the action. In real estate,

you couldn't do that, but I didn't even think that was best anyhow. I like to reward

people for the activity rather than for the action.

That's exactly what they did with you. They said, "Just post it on your Facebook

page, and we'll give you a bottle of champagne."

It's really up to you, as the salesperson or the business owner, to close the person.

If someone refers me 100 people and I'm crappy and I don't follow up, and I don't

do things right, that's not their fault that the people didn't buy.

I always like to reward the activity, so as soon as I got that

introduction, I would send them a gift with that.

Say, "Thanks so much for introducing me to Mary. I'm going to take great care of

them. You can trust that I'm going to give them the top-level service just like I gave


Then, what that also does is, now that person's happy immediately. For real estate,

it could take a month to six months for a transaction to close, if they ever did

anything. I don't want to wait for that to reward the action, because they might

meet someone two weeks later or a week later that they could also introduce to



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I wanted to give them that bottle of champagne right away, then give them a gift

certificate, then give them something else. Then, what I like is, you actually send

them an unannounced gift if a transaction actually occurs.

I send them a nicer gift when something happens, because it's not promised.

That was totally allowed in real estate. I sent them a gift to a restaurant, "Hey, I

just helped out Bob and Mary, who you referred to me six months ago. I've been

working with them for months. They finally found the home of their dreams, and I

remember that you were the one who got it all started. Please enjoy a dinner on


I think that really works much better. It worked exactly with you, Dave, where it

probably wouldn't have been as powerful if it said, "Hey, Dave, if you share this on

Facebook, and then if one of your friends actually books a beach house for two

days, you get a bottle of champagne." That's pretty tough.

Dave: Did anyone actually make introductions for

you so you had to give away the bottle of


Mike: Yes, absolutely. Most of my business actually

came off of referrals. That's a good point, though.

People say, "Until I help a bunch of people, I can't do


What you might find… when I got into real estate, my first year, over 30% of my

business came off referrals. Obviously, most of this wasn't people who had used me

as a real estate agent before, because I was brand-new in the business, so they

couldn't have used me.

The funny thing is, sometimes the people you know, especially for bigger

transactions or something like that, might not use you at first, except they will

You can even use

referral campaigns

for a brand-new



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gladly refer you to someone else, and let the other person be the guinea pig or

something along those lines.

I would actually go to your current people as well, your current sphere of

influence, the people you know, just as friends and family, and go to them and ask

for referrals as well.

One, you'll get some of their business, but two, don't even ask them for the

business. Say, "Hey, you know me. You know who I am. Now I've got this dry-

cleaning shop. Do you know of anyone who needs their dry-cleaning done? Please

let them know, and I'll give you XYZ for that."

You can even use referral campaigns for a brand-new business. Just go out to the

people you already know.

Dave: Fantastic. I love what you said about using the word introduction. Much

stronger. Cross that out, use “introduction.” It's very, very powerful.

Mike, just going back to the thing with the free bottle of champagne. It was

funny that you mentioned that. Obviously, I didn't think it through. I'm a

consumer like everybody else.

But I looked for, "Does somebody actually have to buy for me to get this bottle of

champagne?" If somebody actually has to buy from seeing my Facebook post,

I'm not going to do it. Honestly, that's the exact process that went through my


I think your strategy about giving them a gift just for making the introduction is

valuable. If the person does become a customer, then giving them a surprise gift

works as well, too. Excellent.

Then you can see there's some other referral campaigns in there that you can

take. There's one for retail. There's a generic one. It's basically the same thing.


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By the way, going back to where this started when I said, "You don't necessarily

have to give a gift," you don't necessarily have to give a gift. There are some

industries where, because of compliance issues and regulations, you can't give

gifts. Then, just don't give a gift.

A lot of people will refer if they like you. If my friend Rob Berkeley asked to get

an introduction to somebody, or can I introduce him, I would say absolutely, yes.

I wouldn't want anything from him.

If you provide superior value and superior service to someone,

you don't necessarily have to give a gift.

CUSTOMER REACTIVATION CAMPAIGN Let's move on to the final piece to the Your Marketing Department in a Box

puzzle, before we get on to talking a little bit about Facebook, which is the

customer reactivation campaign.

This is the one that I'm really, probably the most excited about, simply because,

as I’ve said many times before, there is gold in your business… and the gold is in

the form of your lost customers, clients or patients.

The number one reason people stop going to a business, stop

doing business with someone, is because of neglect.

They feel like the business owner doesn't care, that out of sight, out of mind. It's

going to be difficult, if you do this entire campaign, by the way, to be out of sight,

out of mind.

If you do the entire Your Marketing Department in a Box system as it's laid out

for you, you're going to have less and less people who are dropping out and

moving on to another business, which is actually one of the benefits that we

didn't even talk about, which actually, I just thought of.

Even if somebody doesn't buy off of all of your campaigns… which, somebody's

not going to buy off of every single campaign that you do, obviously… the beauty


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of it is that you're staying in contact. You're staying in touch, staying in touch,

staying in touch in an innovative way.

For the customers or clients or patients who are no longer active, this is one of

the best things that you can do. You're going to love doing this one, because if

you follow through and you do the entire campaign, you'll find it to be very, very

effective at reactivating lost customers.

Remember, the most expensive part of this entire process is acquiring a

customer. Once you've acquired a customer, selling to them and contacting them

is quite inexpensive and easy.

If we go look, you can see the different postcards that we have in here. They

follow the same theme.

• They're interesting

• They're lighthearted

• They're entertaining

• They're fun

…just like the theme of the monthly postcards. If we look at the first one there,

the kid… By the way, we're in the section titled, “Lost Customer Reactivation.”

On the front of the postcard, it’s very important that you have their first and

their last name.

Then you have the offer. You put the offer on both sides of the postcard, which is

a huge tip, by the way, for you.

A lot of people make that mistake where they only have the offer on one side of

the postcard. You want to have it on both sides of the postcard, because what if

the person doesn't turn over the postcard?


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On the other side, you will see that we have a picture that ties in with the theme.

The first one I see here is a string around the finger. "Hey, Bob Smith, have you

forgotten about us?"

The next campaign is, "Hey, we've been looking for you." That's a really cute one.

The last campaign, which is my favorite one, is, "Hey, Bob Smith, it makes us sad."

The thing is, you're not going to just send one of these.

You're going to send a series of these. You're going to do this twice a year.

Obviously, you can do it more than twice a year, but twice a year's a good thing

to do it – once at the beginning of the year, once at the end of the year.

You go through your database. You look at the people who are no longer active.

You have to determine how far you go back.

At GKIC, Mike, you can probably give better

numbers, how far did we go back in our lost

subscriber campaign the first time we did it?

Mike: The first time, we did it, they had to be gone

anywhere from six to eighteen months.

Dave: That's what we did. You have to decide. Obviously, the further you go

back, the less your results are going to be.

If you're going back three years, you may activate some people. It may be fine to

do it, but odds are that you're going to get a much better response if you're

going back in a shorter period of time.

Mike: It depends on the frequency. If you own a hair salon and, for a guy, you get it

cut about every month, and that person doesn't show up one month, you'd better

be making sure you're sending this campaign out right then.

The further you go

back, the less your

results are going to



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Everyone knows, in general, if that person doesn't get something for six months,

and now they've been to a new person for three, four, five months, they're probably

staying with that person. They're not changing that.

Whereas in real estate, you could go back two, three years, because the average

person only moves every five to seven years.

I also measured it off referrals. If they hadn't given me a referral or come to any of

my client parties that I'd have monthly; if I had no contact with them for six

months, nine months, that type of thing, then they were a lost customer of mine.

I didn't expect them to move every six to nine months, but I wanted a referral or I

wanted them coming to an event or calling me or something like that every six to

nine months.

Dave: That's an awesome point. Again, really, we have it on the calendar for

twice a year, but as Mike just beautifully laid out for you, you have to really

determine when the customer is lost. For us at GKIC,

we could do this once or twice a year.

It's not something that we need to do every single

month, just because of the nature of our business.

But, if you have a business where someone is coming

in every month, then absolutely, going back to the restaurant example, hopefully

you're keeping track of what customers have come in.

Let's say Dave goes to this restaurant at least once a month, and Dave doesn't

come in for a couple of months. That's not good.

Of course, this requires you to have a database. This requires you to be tracking

these things.

But you really, really should be.

You have to really

determine when the

customer is lost.


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It's not really that difficult to create this, by the way. I told the story about the

retired dentist who went around the country in an RV.

Wherever it was warm during the year, he went there, found a couple of dental

offices, did a campaign very similar to this, said…

"Listen. I will pay for everything myself out of my own pocket. I'll do all the

marketing. Just give me access to your database, and let me email your past

patients. We'll split the money that comes in from it."

Of course, the dentists were all over that. This guy made a fortune doing that,

because again, it's just easy.

A lot of times, it just says, "Hey, we miss you. Come on back."

With the campaign that we've laid out for you here, you have multiple

opportunities to touch them with that. Then, I think that is it.

FUNDAMENTALS OF FACEBOOK Dave: Now, let's get into a little bit of a tease, I guess. I want to go over just some

of the fundamentals of Facebook, not the actual technology. As you said, Mike,

you're going to do a screen capture video, showing people how to do the


When it dramatically changes… now, if a button changes colors, Mike's not going

to go in there and change it… but if there's dramatic changes that affect it, it'll be

in the Members’ area.

Let's talk a little bit about Facebook marketing and really how it ties in with

Your Marketing Department in a Box.

Mike: We're going to go through Facebook specifically, but this can also be for

LinkedIn or Twitter or Pinterest or Instagram.


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If you actually sell physical products, some of those media like Pinterest works real

well. Pinterest is a lot harder for info-marketers to use, because it's very visual.

Obviously, Instagram is pretty much all visual. YouTube's the same way.

You can use this for any of those. We'll talk about Facebook, but a lot of this

applies to all the different media in some way, shape or form.

Why we like Facebook and want to start there is because, right now, Facebook

gives you really the best tools possible.

CUSTOM AUDIENCES First of all, why this fits in beautifully with Your

Marketing Department in a Box is, Facebook allows

you to do what's called creating a custom audience.

This is the very first thing you're going to want to do, is create a custom audience.

Again, if you don't want to wait or don't want to go to the Members’ area, just type

into Google, “Facebook Custom Audience.”

You'll probably get the same video that we're going to link to, because Facebook

walks you right through it, step by step. It's super easy to do.

The power of this is, you take that list of people that you're going to be sending out

the mailings to, the e-newsletter to, and you upload their email address or their

phone numbers. You can do both.

What Facebook does is it goes out and searches for people in their database that

are on Facebook.

So if they used the same email address to register for Facebook as you have, it's

going to match those up. Same thing with phone number. If they've entered a

phone number into Facebook, because you don't even know their Facebook

address, or you don't want to go searching for them, then it's going to match them

up automatically for you.

If you're not getting

emails and phone

numbers, you've got

to find a way to do it.


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That's why, first of all, if you're not getting emails and phone numbers, you've got

to find a way to do it.

This can be done in every industry, every business. I don't care who you are, from

info-marketing to restaurants, there's examples of people who are doing it.

The people who are doing it, I guarantee are making more money

than the people who aren't.

If you aren't doing this, it's much harder to grow your Facebook audiences, so

start today, if you aren't.

You can create this custom audience by uploading the phone numbers of your

clients or uploading the emails of your clients. Then you can set-up advertising

campaigns that just go to those people.

That's the very first campaign I would ever try on Facebook.

The beauty of it is, you can take exactly the same promotion that you've done with

Your Marketing Department in a Box; whatever you're doing that month, you

create a quick landing page for that.

If you're not sure about landing pages, the tool we recommend that's very simple…

there's a lot of them; there's ClickFunnels and LeadPages and OptimizePress, but

we like LeadPages. It's fast. It's easy. You can go to to get

signed up. It's also affordable to everybody. The cost per month is very minimal.

You can create that offer page. You're going to want these offer pages, most of the

time, for the campaigns you're doing anyway… for the direct mail and the

newsletters, the e-newsletter that you're sending out as well… so you're going to

have this set-up.

You just make a quick ad, and you can point to that exact same page with your

custom audience. The reason I recommend doing this first is because this is the

most cost-effective way by far to make sales off of Facebook.


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You are going to need to check out the Facebook policies. We'll go over it in some,

but if you are going to advertise, just like any types of advertisement, different

industries have different policies and different media have different policies within

them, just like Facebook and Google and a lot of these online sites. They want to

make sure they're showing people who are reputable.

Some of their requirements are that you have your contact information on the

page that you're driving them to, you've got a link to your privacy policy, your

terms and conditions, and a physical address as well.

That's all good stuff to have anyway, because they've shown through a lot of split

tests that places with terms and conditions, privacy policies, an actual physical

address, contact information on there, build trust with people.

It does because scammers don't put that information on there.

That's why Facebook, Google, YouTube, they all want to see these things on that

page, and LeadPages makes it simple to do that. You can have it all right on there.

We do it on all of ours that are made through

LeadPages. You just want to be in line with those


But these are the people who are most likely to buy.

Your costs are going to be the lowest you're really

ever going to see, because you're targeting very warm


They know you, they like you, trust you. Getting them to

buy again is the easiest.

The other reason we like to do that is because it's a very quick way to test your


Direct mail's great, but it's going to take a little bit longer. What you can even do,

if you're not sure about your offer, try it through Facebook first.

If you're not sure

about your offer, try

it through Facebook



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If you don't get the results that you're hoping for, if it doesn't convert through

Facebook and you've got a large enough audience in there… so you've targeted the

300 people, it's matched them up through custom audiences, you've shown it to

them enough… you can check out all that in Facebook; it's got Insights, and a lot of

different things, so you can see that it's showing it to your custom audience, on

average, three or five or seven times.

If, after seven times, you're not getting any sales that way, it may be indicative

that this offer is not strong enough.

If you're going to send out the same exact offer via direct mail, then that's going to

require them most of the time to pick up the phone to call you, come into your

store, or actually go online and go to the offer.

If they were already online and don't even take the

offer, then it's going to be much tougher with that

added step. It probably means you need to improve

the copy or improve your offer. Facebook is great for


That's the very first thing we're going to go over in the Members’ area, though

we've done most of it just right now.

Just duplicate the campaign you're going to be using that month,

put it online, build that landing page you want to drive them to.

Again, you want to use the same photos on that landing page that you have in your

postcards and in your ads. It’s even more important for postcards, because when

people are responding off a postcard, they want to know they're in the right place.

That's why building out these landing pages is great, because you can put the

same St. Patrick's Day leprechaun or whatever, or if you do a Christmas in July and

you have that Santa Claus picture from the December one, you want the landing

page to show that. They want to know they're in the right place, the right offer.

They want to know

they're in the right

place, the right offer.


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That's a quick way for them to know. Don't be lazy and take the easy way out, and

just point them to an actual generic landing page you've already got for


Go ahead and make that separate landing page, so that they know they're in the

right place and then move them forward from there.

Dave, what questions do you have, or was there clarity? We do this a lot, so I went


Dave: Let me just recap it very simply. The custom audience is people who you

already have, email addresses who you already have. What you do is, when you

upload that, that's the best thing to do. You just follow the strategy.

You upload your email addresses. Again, there's tutorials. We're going to show

you how to do it and all of that. The ads are going to show up. Your ads are going

to show up for those people.

Again, the nice thing about this is, Mike, you said it a couple times. I want to

make sure people understand it.

You're using the same offer that you've already created for

that month. All you're doing is using it on Facebook.

Absolutely drive them to a landing page that has the same picture on it.

It couldn't be any easier, guys. If you use something like LeadPages, it makes it

really, really simple.

The hard part is writing the copy, but guess what? You already have the copy

written for you with all of the templates. All you need to do is fill in the blanks.

QUESTIONS & ANSWERS “What are great gifts to give as reactivation gifts?


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Dave: That's a really tough one to answer, because it depends on your target

market. What we gave as gifts when we did it is not going to be the same as gifts

that you're going to give, necessarily.

We gave out more information, more reports, more CDs, more things like that.

In most cases, it doesn't have to be a spectacular, spectacular gift. Let me just go

to the restaurant example. It could be a bottle of wine. "Hey, we miss you. Come

on in to dinner for a bottle of wine." Or "Come on in to dinner. I'll take care of

your first glass of wine and your appetizer for you."

Just something like that. It doesn't have to be extravagant, although it can be. I

don't think, with the GKIC campaign, Mike, that we did anything that was

tremendously extravagant.

Mike: No. It was a course that was useful. It wasn't one of our larger courses, but

it's a very good course that was about an hour/90-minute course on time

management, because that's an area that a lot of people… they didn't have that


We looked at that, of course, first, before we went out to thousands of people. We

said, "Most of these people don't have that." We didn't want to offer them

something they already had and it was a very good course that they could get


To answer this question, I would also say, if you look at your 12 offers throughout

the year, pick the ones you're most squeamish about sending, that are your

strongest offers.

These are going to be the people most likely to return. They've already spent

money with you, so they're probably going to be worth more to you, if you can get

them back.

If you weren't sending a bottle of wine to everybody, and maybe, as a restaurant,

you were giving them just $5 for coming in, but one of your promotions, you really


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wanted to go gangbusters during Valentine's Day month, and you offered a free

bottle of wine to everybody who came in… and that was the one you're kind of

squeamish about… offer that one to your lost customers and really get them back.

Show them the love.

Don't just treat them like you would any other cold lead, because these

people are worth more to you, and getting them back is going to be huge.

That's where I'd start, or if you go in a couple months, use the offer that worked

the best for you in that last six months.

If you're only doing this twice a year, pick what you've done the last six months;

say, "This one worked the best for cold traffic. Let's do that for the lost customers."

“Does Facebook apply to non-physical products?”

Mike: That could be a service industry, I suppose. A real estate agent… I wasn't

actually trying to sell a home on Facebook. I was not running ads to a house, and

trying to sell that.

This could be a good question for financial planners or doctors or dentists and

things. You don't have a physical product. You have a service. I'm not sure what

their question is referring to.

It could also be a digital product there, an eBook or an eCourse or something like

that, which, of course, you can use it. I'd market that the exact same way as if it

were a physical product. For a service or something, you can absolutely use


One of our star people, Russ Yeager… you can tell the strategy. It's something that

he came up in one of the Peak calls, I believe, that you were talking with him?

Dave: It was Peak Performers. Peak Performers is one of our three high-level

coaching programs; it's run by Lee Milteer. Business owners in there go over


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mindset, productivity, marketing, and then they implement things while they're

there. They get things actually done.

By the way, if you're interested in Peak Performers, you should definitely give

us a call here at GKIC. Talk to one of the business consultants about that. It is an

application procedure. You do need to apply to be in the program.

One of the things that we do in Peak Performers are what are called Hot Seats,

where a business owner gets the opportunity to come up.

They have a problem; they say what the problem is, and then the entire group of

other smart business owners help them solve the problem as well as me. I do

the marketing hot seats.

Russ Yeager came up. Russ is also the certified

business advisor in Atlanta. He owns, I think it's two

gyms in the Atlanta area, which cater basically to the

female market.

He had been using Facebook to get people to come,

to make the phone ring, to get leads via the phone.

It was working really, really effectively. He does all of these eight-week

programs, which is smart because Russ also heard, “GKIC has a lot of four and

eight-week programs. Maybe I should try that", which was really smart on his

part… a fixed-term program, as opposed to, "You're signing a three-year


Russ had something like, "Attention Women Between the Ages of 35 and 50: Get

Your Beach Body On In 8 Weeks. Call here for blah-blah-blah."

That actually worked well for a while, but then he noticed the results he was

getting, the response was going down, going down, going down.

Just by targeting the

specific age groups,

it totally revitalized

his campaign.


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My simple suggestion to Russ was, "Instead of making an age range, give a

specific age."

Create an ad, "Attention, 25-year-old Women Who Live in Alpharetta,"

"Attention, 26-year-old Women Who Live in Alpharetta," so on and so forth, one

for each age.

He said just by doing that, it totally revitalized his campaign.

Same copy other than that. It actually did better than the original campaign, just

by targeting the specific age groups, which is one of the beautiful things that

Facebook allows you to do.

Talk about custom audience. It totally allows you to have a custom audience.

Again, Facebook works really great, regardless of whether you have a physical

product. GKIC uses them. We're information marketers. We know it works for

digital products, and we also know it works for service businesses.

Everything here in Your Marketing Department in a Box works that same way.

Again, the offer is key here. It's no different on Facebook than it is the offer that

you're making via the postcards.

Some people had questions about, what's the offer going to be? The offer is the

same offer that you've generated earlier that's going to go onto your postcards.

It's the same thing. The landing page is basically going to look like your

postcard, the same copy.

All you're doing is taking the copy and putting it into a different media. That's all

you're doing, is taking the copy and putting it into a different media.



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Just as a reminder, Mike is going to be doing some screen capture videos as well

as linking to some Facebook tutorials. Those are going to go up in the Members’

area. You will get an email with the details about that, and you'll be able to check

it out.

When there are dramatic changes, and there are always changes with any of

these media, we will do an update for you. We're going to do that for one full

year, as part of this program.

That's a huge benefit. But it's only really a benefit if you look at them and then

actually take advantage of them. That's the key. Mike, any final words on this?

Mike: Just to remind folks, for Facebook, if you want to

get started, go to Facebook and just type in the search

bar, 'How to advertise on Facebook'. That's literally

where we're going to link you to.

No one has better tutorial videos showing you how to

spend money on Facebook and advertise on Facebook

than Facebook. We're just going to link there.

The primary thing we're going to do in this Members’ area and the updates is

really the strategic side of things. You don't have to wait to get started on

Facebook until these links are there, and everything like that. You can go in. If you

don't see something, if you've heard about something, just go on Facebook.

It's not all the tactics. I'm not going to spend hundreds of hours showing you

exactly where to click, because Facebook already does that for you on their page.

They're going to do it better than we can.

You're going to want to check this page for what's working now; what are the

tactics and major changes? That's what we're really going to be putting on the


All you're doing is

taking the copy and

putting it into a

different media.


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People who are asking about the technical side of Facebook, just go on Facebook;

type in the question bar, 'How to advertise on Facebook'. It will take you exactly

where the links on the Members’ page take you.

That will have you up and running with the latest information. That's the same

thing that we're going to provide you with the links.

This is really for the strategies, because anyone can advertise and show you how to

advertise. We want to teach you the strategies to use to actually make money and

not do this wrong. That's what we're mostly going to update on the Members’ site.

Dave: Fantastic. I want to thank each and every one of you for being part of this

program, for investing your hard-earned money and

your time. Let me tell you something. In this binder

that you're holding in your hands, and in the little

flash drive, you have in your hand a veritable gold


This is one of the most powerful courses that we

have ever created, or, quite frankly, that anyone has created for real business

owners who are dedicated to getting results, dedicated to taking control of their

business, dedicated to taking control of their life.

Please implement this. Put this in place. You have everything you need. It

doesn't have to be perfect.

Your offer doesn't have to be perfect. All you've got to do is

get it out, and get it out consistently.

We've given you literally every single tool that you need to implement this for a

full 12 months, and then actually beyond, because there's actually three

additional campaigns in there, which we're calling supplemental campaigns.

Take advantage of this opportunity you now have. If you do implement this, it

can transform your business.

We want to teach

you the strategies to

use to actually make



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• You'll no longer have to be worrying about whether your appointment

book is filled, whether you're going to make enough money this month.

• You'll be able to enjoy your business, and then by extension, enjoy your


Mike, I want to thank you so much for being part of this four-part training series.

Your insights are always really brilliant and I just really appreciate it.

Mike: Of course. I'm really happy for everyone who has this. I wish I had had it. I

went out and created newsletters every month and postcards and everything.

I invested in good programs along the way to help me, except I had to invest in five

different programs to have everything, whereas this is all in one place. We were

excited to build it, because it's exactly what most people really need in their


This one thing, the consistency in the marketing, can be the difference between

having that episodic income activity and those sleepless nights because you don't

have anything going versus just a business where you're over-filled with leads,

customers, and referrals.

You're looking to grow and expand instead of worrying about where the next

customer or where the next patient or client is coming from.

I’m real excited for the people who are going to go out there and use this.

Hopefully, you are already.

GKIC EVENTS Dave: Fantastic. We look forward to seeing you at one of our events. Just to

review, we have two major events a year, and then we have our Boot Camp.

Our Boot Camp happens four times a year, in different parts of the country. It is

free to GKIC members. You do have to put down a very small deposit, which is


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refunded to you when you show up. These events are two days of workshops,

training and a lot of fun.

Again, if you haven't been to a Boot Camp, you really need to get to a Boot Camp.

It's absolutely transformational. You can check out when our next Boot Camp is,

and you can register by going to

Then we have the SuperConference. The SuperConference is an event where

entrepreneurs and business owners from every corner of the world gather

together to learn the newest strategies, to network, to meet vendors who could

help them get from where they are to where they want to be without trial and

error, to develop joint venture relationships. That happens typically in the


Then we have our other premier event, which is our Info-Summit, which is for

people who want to be information marketers or who already are information

marketers, who want to take what they are doing in their business or a hobby

that they have or an interest that they have, and monetize it in a big way. That

happens in the winter.

Again, we look forward to seeing you at one of our events or at more than one of

our events. We look forward to having you join one of our coaching groups.

Most of all, we look forward to hearing of your successes with this program,

Your Marketing Department in a Box.

Thank you, everybody, for joining us. We had a great time. We'll talk to you

