IMMEDIATE ACTION j Awarded By Board At t f ^ u S f’aä.O N


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A l Tb* NCWS hnparttaly T«W ’ _r I I _ l ' |Cr,:i] « SetomI Cl«« Mailer Au'^um I ^ KOI.jil Ihc P«nJJ|>iCTJM KuëKrto>d^N^J»m^_««<lef Sk Ac! ol Mjrch J. I >79 ^ ^ ^


Aiah That

fn e e S CENTS

« j i n i p p i u

AroundvTe were told the other day that

J oIm 's Bcat»*jr Shop w a i appointed , onuea* N ee lie s Baauty Snop.

,>ugratuiatian* Jo h n ) You knowthsi John has four operator« ia attha. Johni.Htaoje at ail

operators time* to f ive you

Teacher’s Contracts j Awarded By Board At

Tuesdav Nififht Sessioni¿. .■"‘So'»»* l i V U ' I U y * M V V O I V U Second Avena*. Lyndhurst end Atfiwd Arcadian Way,. W J Burkalew aaa of Mr *ad Mrs. I amriy of Lynol


0"e Hundred And Twenty Seven Arewhich _ _ _ ,-JH.u.-m the very latest type machines

Try one of his oil treatments to ! tran som the dullest hair into the n th test luster. # #

Have you thought about those Iwarm summer days better /'"'■jet

of thoee coal summer print*shown at the Betty Dress Shop. Theyfive you that easy rate* appearanceeven ihougti the temperature a i lits’ peak.r — e e e

During a discussion this morning we learned that Sam Feldman wasone of our first advertisers when the t ortimerriat le an er first started up»aay long y e a n ego and if thatis not a recommendation lor us . .. well« we don't what I*, he’s still with us. Ot course he can attribute his longevity m business to the fine irtade 01 work which he turns out.• • s e

Does >our vacuum cleaner run 0. T -tf Rutherford

they are in our estimation thejineet repair men we know o f uiact their mechanic is a pal of yourcniumiat w e ll readily vouch forhis work so “ ro to town B ill."

• • •Now i« refriferation tim e just

imagine those nice cooling dnnk.<- you can concoct with the aid of a refrigerator in “ Dog Days heat ofJu ly and Auguat not to forget thebutter, eggs and other edibie* you can keep t rash. .. look over the models now on display at Philip Harrison and Co. on Valley liroo* Avenue. W e aasure you of finding » 1,1. .del suitable to your liking, need*, and purse. ^

How about a box of sweets fo, Mother's D a y . . . .o r lor any othei

arnon for that matter, let us pu. >oi wise to where you can obtain th«- anest quality a t reasonable pri­c e s . .. th e UeLux* Sweet Shop located on Ridge Road This is reallyworth a f tH

Under Tenure It Is Revealed A t New Contracts Are Voted

One hundred and twenty-seven hyrh and gram m ar school teachers who are under tenure of office were awarded contracts Tuesday night by the Board of Education upon the recommenda­tion of Mrs. Anna Monday, chairman of the teachers’ committee.

One yesr contracts were awarded to Miss Em ily Gaidetti. Mias Ethel Sweatman. Miss Haael Zaun. Michael Fllbpone. Mis« Msrgaret Upscei.Mrs. Eleanor Brainard and John MacLeaa.

2 “ * ® * f*nerwooa reported to

two nuraes in th* echool system if .he townahip is Willing to accept the project. He aaid the move would be made with the understanding that .he townahip would continue the pro­ject after the W P A dropped out. He said it would not be necessary, ho» ever. •

The board decided to give further «tudy to the matter.

Mrs. D. A. Pattison, who owns property near Franklin School, ob- ected to the children d estroy ing her

Tells Youth To Obey Laws Of

This C o u n try ]«Recorder If as Little Pa- tierte With Insurgent

l)e FioreA young insurgent who was caught

fatly dt

Saturday afternoon at •ome of the bnip. Rev. under Rosa. pee!** of

h a s H t a h a A, port er mod

Alfred I . iW h alew Goaveraear Avenue were marrw4 . JO at the _i liarlea Alexander the F irs t Preebyterlan Rut bet ford. porli The bride by her fa ther .

Mrs. A ostia Yon W allmen ich. of Lyndherst, was patron of honor and l .«e moine Bu rsa l*» . brother of the '«rtdogroom waa the best man

The bride ware a white ta il* draas »ver satin tight to the waist with a

th full

I a e rtv ofissrv

ul skirt and jacket « it i Her long tulle v^h was ihape. She carried a b0U0U*t ol

aad babieshape

J vh ite Colonia’ rea 11

The m a tro a ofe-honor w ore a p a l* »lue »atin tachet dreo» mad# on the « m e lineo a * t h f bride's gow n w ith tat to m atch . 9hd carried a l«>equet i ta itm in roaee and t..ri.-i me nota

A reception fo ft iw n l toe cerem ony at the hom e of è ie hei da fo i im m e d iate mem I «era of the hridai p a rt*

■ th e ir r e t n i f frem a short t r y

da ugh tor <«f A A. Heine of 1014 PsAsadeo Park , for-

l.ynuhumt. bacamo tho hride alter noon at I a'clach

„ ... Cullum. of Fa rt Loo, at the Matthewa' Lutheran Church o f

Lyndhurat. Rev G earte Mullet, pas tar of Um church, performed tho cere

iy. The bride waa gi*ea tn m ar by her father.I Catherine Wondraeek of

L.yadhurst. waa maid af honor and A rthu r Heine, toother of the beide, waa the hoat ma

M im Genov ko ve the bridegroom. s of Fo rt Lee. wei Kage ie Donovan and W illiam Parker af F a r t Lee ware the naher».

I The brida looked pretty in a white crepe dreaa with a lang tulle va il ana short veil covering her face She earned a bridal hoeqaet of rows and Hiltee of the valley.

The maid of honor waa dre«t»ed 'n tan roa* organs*. trimmed w ith.W oe She carried tnlmman raaea and Wua

Cuilam . aiater ef d Em ma Meschina

the hridamaidu

Rutherford.The bride is a graduate of I .y »d

fiurat M B m U Ê T D rehe “

delphiniumThe hridsaaiRida ware gowned alike

In baby olia* organ sa dreaaaa trim mod with tea roee. They ateo ra ined

of tabamen roaaa anti bineboouoeta of

oil" » mg

a te a bridegroom ia a gri i t u .M rH f d M * “H igh School.

ol low tag th* ceremony as held at the Tow City. Upon their retura

Jing tnp, Mr and Mrslam arili reside in Fo rt Lee


Named After IY.»ung fr ien d * f i the 1st* Lao A

W a ish , tow nahip te s collector, today

When yea have aheut fifteen min­utes in which to make “ that date” snd discover suddenly that you don't have a decent ahirt or pair of socka, in tact any of those essentials to a lauitieKs appearance oa hand . . . d»n'« dwpmpi ^>dmrt reaeh for your

.hone and call Ruth. 2-3826. the i dhurat Men’s Shop snd they will deliver it to you promptly.

You „ ir is that are about to grad­uate had better start thinking about that («rmanent snd manicure forgraduation n ight see Mtrabetla.Hair S ty lis t and one of the ftnMt

he can make an appointment to suit yoar convenience.• o e

W r wonder how many people know foremoet Broadway productione foremost Broadway, productions st box office prices at Levy’» pharmacy

no need to rush over to New York snd M eeibly suffer s dlsap- ¡»■■ntment because they ere all sold «at. l^ v y is right up to times on every bit of his stock alao.e o a

Thig i* for the lucky fallows who are fortunate to onm more than one iiiit. call up the Park Cleanera andiiHestigata their proposition for •'leaning more than one suit at a time It will^ amaze youf

William nettmirh ia

in handy . w . .home for spring and summer, eaaooahly prljgd• • •

Before w* sign o ff until n*xt week want to remind you of thoee

Wednesday night dancea which are held at ¿imraermann’tf Hall in Carl *tadt. They are sponsored by the Royal Cadets, one of the flaeat bands In this locality (take our word for It 'hey are a cron» between Wayne ard Clyde M cCoy). Admieaion is M r etag and She for couples. . . If .vo* like danqfau| to a good orchea t *. well, w e ll be eeein* you up there. Doa’t forget every Wedneaday '"g*»t. . __________

Rev. WilliamsSchedules Program

Regular worship servteee w ill be Hfld a t the Methodist Bpiscopsl r harch gt eleven o’clock on Sunday>oming and eight o’clock in the eve

n,ng with aermona by the pastor. Ilev. Donald E. W illiam s.

O i Monday evening there w ill be sn election ef three trustee» for

There » ill S beard meetii

gsmbling recentlysure from Recorder Joseph MeliHr Monday night in |M>lice court.

, .L . . . - — — The ineanrent, John DeFiore, t&. aluationa. She has objected several of 2 .» Ln faye tU Avenue, adiaitted he tmee because the children leap over did not beheve in our “ systam" snd he retsiiung wall. The board deckI- that neither of the major pa*ltm id te invaatigau. pleases him.

Miss Rosamond Twitchell. gym »Have your own beliefs,” Recorder nstructor. receded a contract for Meiillo aaid, "but remember, If you

f y! aL M r* Ru^* Burke* w if* «»e ia eociety yauVe got»f Edmund Burke, high achool pnn- to abide by some laws. Gambling isn tipsl, received another leave of ah- tolerated under our laws and if you j together » ith Jam *« Prendergaat. tor

jence for a yesr. have found in your own mind some mer commander «1 Harold RaiA discussion resulted over the re- f form of government which permits

quest of the Junior police for per- gambling forget it ss long ss our mission to go to New York early system holds sway." next month to visit Radio C ity under He then released De Fiore and alee the sponsorship .o f Csmmis*t*n*r I Mmes yeanger men with George M. Holden, ft was revealedby Superv isor Homer P. Shepherd . _ ______ _

Thoma* Giaaso. IS*, operator of barber shop at 764 Stuyveaant Aye aua. waa fined

Young Friends of Tax Collector Will, Raiw Funds For Athletic Trophy To Re


Mr W .U * • as a clam friend afoutlined plana' f a r a marnarmi , , w I J ■mark his memory. Four youths who mgaày fighi agama! «he ravage« af were cìom friends o1 the collector, infantile parai)»*« T M I W _ they

s r tn *

that five aubetitutea will be required for the teachers who will accompany the children.

Trustees Dominic S ousa a i d A r ­thur Mundy promptly- raised objec­tions.

“ It seems an unneceeaary al* pense," Mr. Souaa aaid. “ W hy not permit the principal of the schools to accompany the children, thua tak­ing no active teacher away.'*

Mr Mundy said continuation af the practice would raise the cost of sducstion and throw the junior pol­a r mown.,-.! • l hfawr

However, Mrs Mo defense of the outing sn argument it waa decided permiaaion to the junior poi he

three >-ounger men with whom he had been tbmwtng dice for amati ¡•urna of money with a warning.

Thomas Giaaao, IU, operator of a barber shop at 764 Stuyveaant A ve ­nue. was fined *27 when he pleaded It befoee hla thfVf friends f

Â'îîtÎvohÿ C * ? f r p S I Im itate' laspectoi : i n U i « s W ? ! . . I h, arrested Grasso Their activ ity point« te one

i**npger Poet. AmeneSn j.egion. aa their sdviser. w ill tshe ap a rollectioa throughoui the tewnshtp te proekto a memoriat that w ill be given fer *ome sort a f preAneney in aparts.

The boyt a ie Charles Coen, _Frank W illiam a, Jah n ia rr»g an (ilaaaon 1t » e s the last s evoived the origtnel plan it befoee ht* ih re* frienda foe <e

Ihn ich ia stacking up on and applisnoes which

iy for fixing up your sring snd summer, ell

Finee of $17 oat h were meted out te John Kuchta. of 31 Seidel Avenue and Jo h a Fig ier of 139 Myrtle A ve­nue, both of Delawanna. for steal­ing bottles of milk and acting In a disorderly manner. Patrolmen Robert Schreckenatein and Gerald Sparta ar rested the pair Sunday mom

Five dollar fines were I ] to Anthony Calabreee of

,y roee to the Aveaee, Newark, and Hipolyteand after an \ Haultecoenr. uf New Yerh. Both were

grant j arrested fer speeding.“ rger Daniels ar 1

of Yonkere/’ N-~Y.. drew flnes |7 each for the seme ofti

them . é Ê A É

charade t letica *oï the late <e( U rtar that made him one of l^mdhurat's moat beloved officiala AI «eye g a ports enthasiaat. he earn ed the


Il I« Blmorning

handed oatt tm 1 »

Berger Daniel» of 10 Witherspoon Utley and Rodney L. (.men

same spirit in his support of ama* tear »ports aa hr did the prof eeeioasl game*. Th# young hoys in bts neigh borhood could always loo I supply eqaipmeut with n played I-a ter, he or«Rock ne Athletic Club, one known of the towaehip’i

Local Órchcitr»

worked for the success of tho Reek noA. C. and in that »urk their friend ship grew

1 he statement a f the lr. teat Ions of the group dc*oe not s|wctf> what form the memorial w ill tako Future

■ r...» meetmga wtll decide that l^*elWHtie.W .Tter ^ of i J w i r ‘J ,h*

who hmmX haa*hsU team in Ijfndhara* r . u every year Another la awardmg ,al" Leo A Walah memorial medal to thr

ba«t athlete in th* high *rh*oi M i GleSaons state mem yalh>w» “ Our purpooe Is to raise funds

make uoaeiblr a memorial that < inti cm n thr memory of the la ir Ia Waiah ii. th* arngmriss « T i m *huret .-itisens f..r year» to »«mr For thoee who knee him he was the ep. tome of »incenty and rnmgrtty, tw | , Kara* trrlstic» ohich

IN FAVIER’S MINDLatsha In Charfe Of Office At Present,

With James Woods Moved Up For The Time Remf

No immediate action on the a|>pointment of a new tax collector is in view, it was declared to ­day to a representative of Tho Commercial Lead er by Finance Commissioner Louis M. FVivier. In view of the wide interest which has attended the activities of the office since the unfortunate

Twentieth Mark Observed Sun.By Reed Church

Special Kxerciaes At­tract 300 At Local

Churchn >*m suisse

The twentieth earn vernar y of the ‘ j M M V w l M m

at th* «'hatch, wore attsné*d by ever throe hundred

George Miller, entue. prwÉésd Fred Neahanaer. w ith M r» tftaa I s I

Ulm J a m e» H a rp e r L ttlsO , D D . s l the «hatch, gave th f

IV m m eSpek oftered use opening p raye i, eth are sn the program were Georgs M iller, who apohe an "Meipa Alaag l i e Way,** Jo n a Yen Ihslnen. taut euperlntoAdeat. wheoe top*e wee •‘lu ta re Aima of the Srheoi, * tla * eut e A Steeie, ftsrasag asms teat aa pe>.nwmient. »p»Ae of the progr** of tho srh««l and sape» tall y of Ut> woih «d the " I A M U s F of n

Mhè*M is* J e n n i* V s a d m

if i ie o d e a t o f th e im g m amaro Uepartmant.

t «h p — W ith* peeltton ala* yeara. thia • paper aaked Commu

m the matter eenma^alam ae

. J p I » mta diro» tip. see nd need far hsetg.

He tl

charge e | — shle ta flA m S'ooda. who had keen

l e r t e d »ith the weta« deaeri aient le aaw m tho tos o ff ko where he ha»

rghsg his dsthm Is Um>

th e root ef the pefdhnnei mma> »

Duo to tho fart Ifh a tie offUe ■•enro. they have I n s « 9 1 lass* # M fia w m ê M M ad A f ."Wally, Cnmmtsssono» Fsv«er aaid

” »ndhurel e go«em***nt was struck a mw»as West,** C—imtosua of F i n s f sah i “ whoa M r Walsh died Mme o n - « the Wen was ssOy tha** hstlamts wtth affa ire m the rftH » can jad f* | U we are tn s poeruea new where ha»*# saght land es mm serions errera I a a een« la .ed that we eaa dalap a SsTmtm d* tsma ls f | the uese Immg "

Season E n d s For Kble Class

Interesting Program On Laat Program Of

Loeel CSeh


Citiwns’ Unit Offers Bride-To-Re Of Howard Jankowski For l.untbador Is (iuent

l f i n r of HonorMrs. W illism laiethador. of 3*7

Lyndhurst Avenue enurtoined s i her home et e surpnoe shower Haturda>night In honor of M lm Catherine l<a-

Rues*, daanh ler of M ichael LaRueaoH ‘^ i o i " o ^ ’"the Toecaiaf ' Terrace whoso engageferee when vacancies on tne ioree| ^ her aoa Howard was romMU

*** ni1*® announcement No date haa boon setThe action was taken after it wa« f „ r the wedding The eg air was given

earned that Patrolman Stan ley * (tn M b* LeRnsso*s klfthdap annlvei Clesyneki. one o f the two Poliah American members of the force, has been retired on e pension because ef m nealth. The clab stated R feels a Poliah American reaidant ahould he appointed to the for«» if the Cle- ijrnaki vacancy b filled

Commissioner Holden has agreed to consider M r Jenkowsh. s apptlcaUen.


The Poliak American Citisens' Club haa petitioned Public Safety Commiaeioner George H. Holden to appoint Eugene Jankoweki. former | high school athlete. U the polke

three year term. There will also b* H *ffic is l board meeting.

Next Friday evening. M ay 3th, theRergen

S 3Count;

- III r & Ep worth a meeting

T V Sunday School board held a "sting at tha church on Monday

« ' -tfing when «landing committeest r the yeer were announced. Chair-

men of thsss eommittooe are. M re ■'1 I’ y c ra ft, reading course. M re

4 * Krelie. teacher tn u ain g ; Mreeorge Sytvaeter. Bu ild ing fund.

R / Exler, teachers; N. T Chute.• pmeot; Mrs. Brelie. relief. Len-

nart sweaeen. youth council; Mre.■‘ssas. ararship; Mia« Rath Broils, dad to any on

• »entooe; Mrs N T Chat*, awards; | Oa Fnday. M a r—-- • 1Fraak lin S D avis, cards fo r Canaty Womeh*a O trlsM na. Tofoper

• Mrs. J M Vogel, refresh anco UiThe Bu ild ing fund commit , the

e d regs I

plane to fill vacancies exietHemediatoam en the asMss fare*.

Outlining Mr. Jankowski’s qaalifi it waa pointed out he ia

high echool graduate. He is *3 yearsild. In high school hs ployed on theootbeli end bamboli

Freak Bromirski. leader e f the rlah, aseertod the youth has the maa- >al and phyaical qualities for a policeman’» job

Institute HarmedT h . I l n C u M McK i x m )

u i T «Dm A I« 1 C » i w M .Km iwjr » o #i’> Chri.t *■> I

» Ill hoM IU tp rln « I4 M IM U « I » ■<U) May Itk . •* <*• !> »• It™» . S trm jfU ld . IM r « _

Morning eeoaion in etnrt at In Jg .harp. In d W M » m l .1 l U t

37VA huge watoriag eaa

and with long »treemen to be ahowering the gif to into a hug' container Games were oa joyed

G easts were; Mre, Roee Guidett Mre. Eugene Roea, Mrs. l-ary Porte Mr» I.ill tan LaRusso. M ia. F . J Coleman. M r. W illiam Lah*f.

Mrs. P. J Msthiewaen, Mrs A- J .Lanig. Mrs J eremiah Neill. Mrs W illiam MeUl. Miaaaa Vera Lew an daaki, lmey end Josephine Ht Petet Hwfothy l^hey, Irene and Anita W lM a s f, n tyu ta Bracco and Roe« Chaakaim a « ijm ttiu ra i

Mr* N J . Tafeto and Miea Neat riss Tsreis of Osons Psrk. L 1 . Miser» Rnssllnd aaà U lBan Pern gack of New York CM*. Miaeee Sal Iy, Genevieve aad Marts I4llle. Mias M ä V h « is e and Mrs 0 . D Peer bar ef Je teey Cky.

Mlee Gladys bavera and Mias Ag afte A nderses of Arlington and Mm

Abramson e f P Storaaa

- r i t it u » .

i 7 \ ™ •* <

M fem l menthm sa» am éi of Mm I wi«h Mrs fearhor Traiom g ase h e n n h irh prseldsni

i ins s f f M n i earp*M r» “

Not I h o r e t .H

io»ii«M iuf uf I ite riaa» hsr aaseeaaer San. m being M r* Gaerg* MUWr Mise Mn« Mrs

t gseo* M dloe, m «rnesant am m nm str r . M* and M ta . M sssld le a d a f i

H o t i i o « t -♦»„ were m atm nd M sa .IIpreoentod a tarne heaggsl e f Asm *]

. era m ms ass r y e l the lathe rs paeanls, il !>• end Mre. Jam ea A I n i h t

M re ' S •M rs A F rioe.

aj y * jm aeas D. M M m I la fM a p a M lH M M a n t Maa. »«and» Bea.h formerly af U j a » | T m QAmase, trsnanmr. È ra . B

whe wa* y mmet. waa hts* | L F le a song laadm« Mrw John Mas

rs MoiImmooI Bepnelds »a s m * sd a i ih g hsnmao* od «as f L e la ratn p dU aa i l s «■ a te i at éenee a t the elaoe «sostane A r

-John DemmoIfivaM ar* l É g É L M

M » " I t

A l Turk end J<meph h. humnr

hylveetor, «m eilet. Di sea. le nV 1rkor

V il ’a

ream mossagoe e f geesMam» | I K. J M sCm raa . M sién a la i a f <

MIL A I. M M- ia » » »W ie - I HMo4 Pro»Uyiora»o W.Utam J lo w » . I

(dant. J C W eihe«.

The LynAharst L edge of BU s . *«•» •rcupylsg their new, modern and io aut i fui home a t P e A aad f**s me avemmo, will elshra ls tho Upoa ig event with a hsaSswam Ung, rs» opt MW and datxe m the a#w g m l -otiaturdey evening. May tad

|M * P h a aa ln *i|gg lsm ^ fcÉ|i *>*>


^ B w ÏA I Im a iH R s a s t M s * than tantght TM m s . April SOU A Oe#et RsnHi of chowost m f*ela and ltd ».'» - 1

served » . aad thelots and Um s I foflsw ofs ef

rythm w ill h* favsM tf « life the aamkmm by the f w p p ntnga. rsa ild s isd by a ll d h have M

last o«*d ia the

Jeeeph Im îaardm of Avena* * B I t tho Harhanaart Hoe

rm etare ots

ahdity rn Mae ■ M * p p i m ss> »aa*

map harm ear dm m A a msal I h e

sta Mstoedey aeon

Blush! Blush!. M lm Uevwthv Lmmea of aide Arenas, latM mahi on« rmd to Am sino t »Mrhe e l I « U r ie l. Norib A drngtsp hr Re «weder Jeosgb M eaile |o tha toeel Towa Matt.

U was tho fleet ate* r teg» for •hs paaag so a pi» end M nas the h m m arrtaeo porfarased b* B e m m f MsAAa AR raasnra sd hlasAed. a d s d h i I it am me Am goenl AiMtowi Gee«? end Pe«re* ama Aisph»« orMhowski whe a i as nMaaoaos TW rnag lr ret

fön« »oaaoi m ise pears A hreaéinst a r

M rs Mesweu Moprogram ef the der t W «he i « I p an imledsd Mm th e r We « B re if e M r n fmmmt B H u o - , M sI I* . . U . M . , . . >.!

John A tmv*a*ae Mrs riva l CWgfasiaa. M m Joha Rotly M rs Rdge Mra Pvm Mrs Jo-><e»

apt end Meg H *0 and h « o t e n «a th» r*«spsn

I naM neaee aman ahast Im a swmh i ago a l the old • 4b berme and boynsd

, aay doafef I* tbs eary thing i m «

Mich Srhool l'nltSin*» on May 2

T k u F r Mta» tha A Ima Mm» ta . p ÉÉp a l Meg «h r vteit pm » B ia p H I taso M tiw RoTartmad • be»' the Bo* Mare* « A m as ..+• » o mnasa the sA amA aft ana a «tosh

Yhte *«eotedaa the » « i t «d «A* — *4*>a le* Ihm ■«>■» The »p«nmg

■ A I 4RmS3ES9p AfhMmMA» ¿ U m 9 F Mrs Aeanst I --- ---

Mark« HirthdayMr aad Mrs VMgn I* ReA* d

Idi Bsssad Avena» go»s g pasty s| MPm njMm lM M g AilRmsssn m aaftMmMsn ed l in wpplfta bs**AA|g

I t‘a*A

anticipating attending th* ; luncheon w ill pieaee eallm va!SM riag j t i l . f N jfield A cordial m » la tien Is os tea j and many frte^da for

toe wtUThe anm m l

a . im id m'•tailed plana

win h s y IM em o ria . 'Mem oria l C nRed

M » M t i u n (T l»frk « fw rr,«« . .nd‘ (le a k m i.* m iim . • « » - W m m * » O P ______

S a la r t i ) Ja n . » h I ha M .t iu JU l C t a K * ' «wi!! he uiMntBTMl U A n w *» • ''« • Mi Êitm d w o I* 1 3 « M »

t M r . • k n i t . n i i « . I ■»»• C I . U W

I a » u o r t m a n k » ' » « a iw t i a t 11■ ■ ■ — » assay maoas A «ani mg mas* m*

wish to lhaak ear mtoUvns , ehootra with <to»-e rythm s l Re Anger and satny friood« fer their hmdnsae I tin« t la d r eg « i R f c i j a a s f A s S*t *nd haaatifaJ dòrsi offerings «Hand* j A A. a hmg fob n A s i la lg * A l« rd s d 't * n h ear rosoni boreavoamnt O atlrm g h thadr adPoele la ptoaae

W e gie« wish u< »»«end sor thanks ; has «sad* them grant feowrttee a l te m I te the Base*Sn i A F Metter end W , the Rita theatre s f Lpndherat end p n p C. Crnlhto for their kind aad W fkm rt th» Ran Theatre of Bast B *MlArf i t

1 a r d u i Boord of Com ml »stonerà. F lo »r*.I iee Deal , C oitnd Cork eotoe*»m

Rutherford Lodge N ^ m rt

A M P BOM their earn h»o« a f friaed» «sa* m- i m rrym g

hdn» l-cneha« Dot— “ L n » » - ^

rt«eo«er rarrtoe att the • ■+*, amt snro to oeaer ihas «dmimak Mw r*m y— n J ms is yoar haart» e n a tfm ll* r—l rtag from «-^*«*«e A eaw npm > Jaam » aadK of the m tm a d s M ......... ig * la B h sa^w a eh* waoid ha*« v «»ahradhars* Imtgo ef K R , o d «eaant s im m sala pan**s «imaton m An»ha Mm

man**«od e o M t O Um*- a Usa l mp » „H - te» M ates Alto *»d

a*e. If f ami M«»M l % m i M«s W dSaei Re« Ip and Msn M a*» l i s im w i.» »d nasal am i H f s a i l la a O tto Usas


I tl •. H I M - _ J g e f U M S W I % asse»

S# ton Waem ea S s . V Aaaeag sotka «aea s geTf a m ’«maafmea

m sM aam osa hose m A » am o'* g o ti

. . « » . • «osa ry flg h M A w v tg a s t

* B « aamsh m er «gemei m i *A f ta dmtdsd mae asree d gnvt.

Sltghtly Damaged Kitchen» Tabi»» or Chairs . . .

Dinner U H .

The fu n d a m e n ts’Dansen AddressesW o m e n ’ s C l B b

saw this th in« coming. W e realized that we would be called upon for more and more relief and welfare w ort.

“ Today we are spending over |1,- 800,000 annually for welfare aid a mong over 5000 unfortunate people of our county. Thijrty per cent of our ' entire appropriation* are expended for this work. W e w ire not content to make this growing demand an added burden the taxpayers. W e began to economize in other depart- ; ments.

“ The success of %our efforts can only be measured by the facts. This year wfc are levVin«? a million dol­lars IfeSK In ta x e s than We did ip 1W2. Our bonded debt has dropped to $11,17K,000. The Bergen County tax rate has fallen to .57.

"N o, there is no rayitery about thit. There is only one answ er- conscientious endeavor, every day and every week and every year. I f government economies can he made in Bergen County, our contention is that they can be made also Fn the State and in the Nation.”

William Htfmich


A. MITGHEL & SONPhone. RUtM rfonl

M t Fourth Avenue, Lyndhuret. < nected with the Western Elec Kearny Works Operating B r* K-rm nnel department will be ch nan o f the Industrial Section of il id son County Safety Congress '** held W«>tln«eday, April 29th, at Hotel Plaxa, Jersey City.

Why Worry About Soiled Garments rt'ht n You Can Have Them (leaned FY>r Only . . .

BY . . . .

SAM FELDMAN «B X H W rr 1 I.K A 3K H H )

214 STUYVESANT AVE. LYNI We Also Call and DeliverPHONE RUTH. 2-4113

Only S Lett — Genuine Walnut Modern

Bed Room SuitesRegular $100 Quality

41 Pc. Whig Back Carved

LIVING ROOM * C QResularlv SI 5®. ^

JUNE BRIDESNo Matter When You Planned To Fur­nish Up—Do It Now and At This Sale

An Opportunity You Must Not Miss!


Regularly SIM

$259 — Compiete Ten Piece ^

Dining Room Suites J J QD uncan P h v tte or ModernePhytle or Moderne

Karpm 9oM Mahogany

Room Suite

DE LUXE — Decorator Type

Bed Room SuitesFènmrty Sold Up To JltlS

3 Pc. Genuine Friere

Living Room SuiteRtfatarty Sold Up To SITS

*88S Pc. — Reg. $43 — Sh t o m £ _

Maple Porch Suites 715Aulo Seat CaaMona and Backs




693*95 Moin Ave. n s A Tf*Opposite Erie Station » Ä W W Ä I V

DINETTESWe Have Received The RepMicementi al

Burnt Chairs or Tables and Otter

5 Pcs. SfcM OakRegularly $29.75 _____; ■ .. *10 -----------J Pc. In gray, white. Reg. »34.75

Hardwood Dinette

Hundreds of Odd Breakfast Pieces -M aple, Oak, Etc. Hutch & Welch Cabinets, Buffets, Chinas, Tables.

t l t .M M A S S IV E

Office Choirs . $1 ft $2

Bed Room ft DMnf Pieces $2 .------------------------------->k :-. i h r k k w a y

Folding Screens . . . $1.7S — -----A RT MODERN

I » Chib Chairs

Passaic's Largest Furniture Store

•l e v j . h a r p e r L r r m i , d . d * * v . j a m e s a . m i d . d d •

The twentieth anniversary of Reed Memorial United Presbyterian Church Sunday School was celebrated Sunday wilh services attended by 300 persohs. I t is now one of the lar »¡rest Sunday Schools in this section. Dr. Jam es Reed organized the churc h and Dr. Littell is the present pastor.

A Sailor, a Girl and Bottled Beer! Patterson ReturnsFrom Police School

Patrolm an John Patterson return­ed to duty from the New York Pol-

School where he took an eight_ in modem police

thods and was immediately assigned to plainclothes duty in the detective bureau by Chief Otto Bayer,

A t the same time two cameras were added to the bureaus equipment and plans were laid to estabfiah a re­cord bureau o f first rate efficiency.

Chief Bayer aaserted putting Patrolman Patterson in plain clothes w ill add to the effectiveness of the department. Patrolman Patterson ia MMerf i to ak*- <»r. .? t i l - rn o H « .take entire charge »if fingerprinting and photographing and w ill work with Sergeant <ieary

Patrolm an Patterson w ill be a t headquarters from » A. M. to 6 P. M. and w ill be called upon for spe­cial taalu.

F ollow th e o k ta r e

Aaiaur, am* inau]gM Ü M ta. O ne o f th e pictured above. Han

Handotpb gcott.1-tiI


•o*ne amusing repartee a« beer bottlea accumulate on the lltterrd table. From the number of b tr i bottlea, It certainly looks a a though someone had a lot to talk about. W ell, that's the way at satloi^ and maidens.

WE CALL A DELIVER----------- PHONE RUTH. 2-2«i«2


SAME DAV DRV CLEANINQ SERVICE We Alao Remodel, Repair and Reiine Your (i.rmert»

219 Stuyveaant Avenue Lynd hurst

_ " « ) I X P E A C E "

You will find an artnuaphere <ii peace in the crev duct oi our Funeral Home. Brace, sympathy, cour- tesy, and an honest regard for reuonahle prices are mum mending new friends here.


Phone Webster 5-457» Branch 4W PA LISA D E AVE.

R EED M EM O R IA L 0 ? ' C H U RC H



Price Slashes That WIN Empty Our Building Of




*OU»a«dl count on t. P . A.'a cohUIn T it Cmmimg T im er to tu rt their Jay witfa * untie. t P . i h u u inimitable and

coaaenting on the foible, and M i df A * day . i . o i winnowing from the ne*ra to M bio on which he cm dm i the light o f humor. Start jmrr day with t . P. A. Order frodi your Mwtdealer.


Kctalb (Tribune Harold H- KrugerDivorces Ris Wife

H A C K E N S A C K Advisory MoatorH . D n t a m t & u»pball reçi*w**ee*i*d « divorce decree fot Harold H lU u N r . o r *15 page «rema», Lyn< M . in an en*ont»etad action « » m i t I r » Augu.ta B Km ger. t a a r ì In Cfcan » 1 7 Court heee yeelen i»y Uve flftMl wa* be »ed on de»erUon, K rugar a l­leging that àie w ife left K m in Jene. »M3. They wer* merged w Rrooklya on A«|W< Üti. IM ». **d have no chiMraa. M>> K .u *e t iva» m 1912 S ilver atta»*. Ridgewood, U

I Mthe club house tonight. Fin«! a r ­rangements will be made for the oraroummi hri-elda»*. to be held on

■J unday morning at I he chib house fhe breakfast wj|| foil»»- communion which members o f the organisation will receive -In a body at 7:80 mnes at the Sacred Heart C atholic Chareh Sunday morning. Miss Susie Gatdel- u is chairman ,»f t f* oomfcittee ifi charge. * ,

Hafold G. Barri latnefe* Auxiliary tr'» Dsy progra* r.uS house. Tim c< adu*s: Mrs F l Olive Sylvester a ud Mrs. Emma H

Tb« annual M ]Uy 23 and conta •J* month.

o f the Col um bu*

T m u u r TW O . U IR L K Q I A S

hekl an wwnaely mtereeun* «e**"' at the Washington School an Fnday (•verung with Mia« lîllsaiioth Lisdsay. capiate In charge

«he tenderfoot girls studied Nat uns werk, while the second class girls worked on l>esd l«*«*n»»

Bach patml has bean working ons trvi»P S f e Those .•***• S S Î ^ f ? fur the troop or. F tid ay evening

The program of the evening was rlgeed W i t h the ».— i-ntghl sang

W a lle r koh lh*.». a n * f M i and M m W alter Knhifcei*. li»- ¥ »■<Park A m u r . I.> ndh»!»«. » in el. the Cfcnat M eafx iaJ Hi j» taa> O t » » h e r * he w d eew w t e» « *e « U o » (a t a » pend irIlia


N U R S E S da ugh tor.W M. J . B U R K E

307 wStuyveaant Ave.. Lyndhurst —M ra. Cai ina Sauer, re-elected preei- éu fi a i the Lyndhurst Book and

- I M » * B k ^ H M U i l a d recen tly at *luncheon meeting at the PauaTc V W . C. A arili U ke charge of the ftrst meeting to be held B a y II-

Other officers installed were r k * president. Mrs. George B Roch; treasurer. Mra. Worthington Holman; I «deration secretary. Mrs. Celine

Wheaton, recording secretary. Mi*s K ile Schrecke natale and delegate to the convanUen at Atlantic City, Mra.

M RS. K. D1EBO LD 320 Livingston Ave.. Lyndhurat

Phone Ruth. 2-2043 è

th e guests iarfïuded V t s FrankBets. Mrs. E a r l H ilts ? Mtes MarieBetyiett and Mi»s l^ uise Wvdra. af Ne» ark. Mrs. J«>hn f l^ ck U r and Mrs. Frank Kadpfc» m Irvington; M im leeone Rendina <it Kaet Orange and Mia» Eleanor l l i M % . a f Rath-

A A . B L U M E N T H A L 300 vStuyveeant Ava.. Lyndhurst

Phone Ruth. 2-632»M IS S C. E E A R N T

525 Prospect PI.. Lyndharst Phone Ruth 2 4456

m r s T b ! k r a b b e n h o f t117 Va lley Brook Ave., Lyndhurst

Phone Ruth. 2-1884-R

L. K L O P M A N 29Ö stuyvesant Ava., Lyndhurst

Phon» Ruth. 24198

B J K U B L A N T Z IC K m Ridge Road, Lyndhurst

JO H N P A F F 2'JA Stu> vesant A ’.e., Lyndhurst

F I— a Rath. H M I

T H O M A S T IT U S 428 Page Av»., Lyndhurst

Phon» Ruth t - I R M

JO H N Z. L O Z IE R 17 Ridg» Road, Lyndhurst

Phone Rath. 2 5806

G. B . S L A T T E R Y338 Rutherford Ave., Lyndhurst

Phone Rath. 2-3330


B U R KA t« .. Lyndhurit

I l k . 2-0400

i i b u - i N sut A v a .. Lyn d hu rs t K u th . 2-8000

D. U . KH A N C Y 310 Stuyveaant A w , Lyndharat v Phene Ruth. 1-lg T

~V . A . L A M B E R O 4 K Stuyv«ean f A *e „ fcyndherat

Phone Kuth. i ISM— —-IMO Stuyvea*nt Ave.. Lyndhon t

Phone Ruth. 2-dMM

tnrüDmSID R tdre Hoad. Lynd huM i l Ph ew « « tu 2 -lWW ______

u T l.7 » IU S H tK U i Valle# Broeh A w ., l.yndharat

’ P h o n e R u th , t -W M

S Ì » «M l P a s Avenu*. C j*d h u r.t

Pfone Ruth. l-d«M

S A M t'E L V 4 C H M S S.* n t e e Road. tyMh«r.t

Phot»- kuth K i« o

-'.i-IM i | - -U k e A M ., Lyndhnrat

PhM e Rath . »-T IM

JA C K SO N ¿ U B H 00 . i ffm fH m • A r e . X ya lh u ra t

PtaM f c * . ld«0* ____».Bert sL âma2*» Ridde Rdhd. Rm dhurat

Phone R u » , t-1712" "


M . i K i in u t

H A H K Ï K U \ « K tm R id o Reni .

»A G E TWg«

t s *. . go through life without facir.K temp«r«r>

financial stringency. At e m Ihee or ether al­most every one need* financial assistance. Home- Umes it is a* important to know he» to borrow money ss It w toheewbsw te saee.

ft yoe haye an iafmnr from **lery or wsgp vobr bun

Onb w ill hoîd

or your miMneee or coeuniwmris. you arc prob abb' entitled to s fcmn. ¥ee «hould not tscrilMT

ter lack of money in hsnd. ( all at s convenient bank tinted below. (,ct th»

information yoe need, end If yee decide ><>« want a loan put in an application then and thi rc

M w a l*r r a ^ n t U a iirh a te lhu«*aii C - r ^ a t : u .

R Ü I H L K F O R D N A T I O N A L B A N K^ ^ l l t A l l l t H I I I t » »


... . I— - i. .

H. K B U R B A N K 262 Stuyveaant Ave.. L*u4lwr«t

Ptene R u U t S » « . V

P K K 1 H K C A H V A Id H l h i? O etnvia P I . LyndRVM

Phone Ruth. i l W J

We t«rry Old* SCMSAFfT'S

T W H l f h n l Owe lit > k c I n M » I-!. PAGI A SMAW

Lunchca Ol AD Typm S m nl In TIM Mud Attrattive Vyleenow erm

PE LUXE SWEET SHOPJM noos se*u umim iau

puoMt strrn t e n

LEVY'S PHAHMACYov*r tot,uau >»Mcrt»s«M naw in Th m i » \mm

Snapshots .t a y d H w *> wad

Snapshots . . .t d w w d t o t» < * » • » r» fta h

ho. in

re g n iw a le , . . . .

Mut ve asm A »»*»> H n«» Ave«________ ft-"- H' "• '■ ■

V IN C E N T O M U H f 150 Kidco Rond. l .y n » u n t

Phone Ruth. M M

Don't Close Your Eyes T^Foct*!

^resh Killed ™ 0».

Fricasee Chickens

4 to & lb. average




A N D( C O N O M V

Don't Clasa Your Eyei To Facts!


t o m sPO kK

(Whole or HsM)

Kauerkreut 5c IJn

The M Butter I’rice 1« Tim*« H W IF T K I t H O O l iH m )


U t r rana £>r

r ò sShoulders

Spri1?Lamb1 9 fc

( orned


i r

Our Own

Sausoa» Meat

CaiU N S

*»rV Chops


v r *

Swiftsa n l « * d


( V t i c t

K o fLiver


* Del Mah» NMets .................. 12 0 1 eoa 1HAaricth . .Tasta T e is .................S caas 2SfMaxwel House C a ff» » ...............11» ffP V tJeBo . . Sh deicious Hovers . . . I pfc«9 171 MaaBar Mocoroni, Spogketti. Naodtes 3 ^ ttfSuasweet Frane Ja ic » ...................... Bat 170Stoley's Gloss Cab» Starch . . . . lg N *


i M M B O V O ......................Fr»»h CaW»riaa Paw • • • • Strlafkss Gr»»a Beans . .Cfkw apippak.................cMrmu BaaH • Cnrrats . New Patotaas M»d she Win» sop AppWs . . .


• I » ^ * -----jn o v v o tr i

If baa 2 1». 2 f c s 1 » <. l i b * 23«

3 lbs 19c 2^hun 13«


Toi RUM. M M S


SOFT BALL . . .The townrfilp’a recreation department w ill run oil a ten

team soft ball lee£ ie under the direction of James A. Breslin, head ol the department ol parks and playgrounds who an­nounced his plans last Friday night and again last night at the Town Hall before a group pushing the formation ol a league.

Teams represented at the first meeting were: B ill Gal­lagher's champion Athletics; Joe Brown’s All-Stars; W eber's Soda and Stationery Stars: Dante DePamphilis Assn. and Millburn Social Club. Other clubs expected are the Pollsh- Americans, Stuyvesant Pleasure Club, Summit Social Chib, Columbus Chib and last night, John Houghton, head ol the Athletic committee of the American Legion stated that he would attempt to field a team consisting of the veterans. It the American Legion fields a team It Is believed that the Holy Name, Elks, Firemen, Cops and other civic and fra­ternal organizations w ill organize teams.

Breslin stated a t the meeting that he is trying to se­cure a W PA grant to supply supervisors to «in the games and throw open a playground system lor the summer to the youngsters.

The department will supply the necessary equipment to start off the league and also included in Breslin’s brief out­line was the fact that if the soft ball idea goes over he w illnun a regular baseball tournament.

The S t M ichael’s Oval, Independent Field and a diamond in the center of the High School field have been considered as the sites for the games.

HIGH SCHOOL SPO RTS UNDER W A V . . . •A im .jj j. i , ¡Vi« ii/asst ihissr S L J t i ' i1 . ! ^ i ‘JU U M JU JC n I r f v iN r a C O W i i c u i i i 1**J *w ’ ^

weeks ago at Port Lee and the tennis team pry oft their lid on Monday of this week at Hackesack, the next lourdays see the running ol all sports together lor the lirst timethis Spring.

This afternoon at Passaic Stadium the track team opens their long schedule with a meet with the always strong Passaic Hilltops.

Good results are expected of the Golden Bears which are only the skeleton ol last year’s great team which had Cary, Lageretfberg, Lippincott, Lewandowski, Peters and Robertson to count on lor points, but the replacements are coming around line and the locals possess a last relay quar­tet in Cono Monaco, Robert Swalnson, Ed Salvatore and Harvey Davies. In the iield events are B ill Sm ith, Mike Russo, Charley Castles, Harry Bennett, Jerry Sparta, B ill Sylvester and Paul Capaccio.

Mike Russo and Paul Capaccio are the co-captain* ol the team.


C L O S E W I NLocal Outfit Wins Be-

hind Wes Waltman’s Curves

B y JO H N W TH O K R YW esley Woltman, the bespectacled

hurler of the Lyndhurst Club, and Lou Frasano, ace nominee of the Newark Blue Sox, toiled nine innings Sunday afternoon at the Lyndhurst Sporta Center with surprisingly .pleas­ant reaulta. Before the ninth inning had elanSed, Woltman had aix atrike- outs. Tnrough eight innings Frazano had fanned twelve battera, and to­gether the two pitchera stated a strikoout battle. Sacrifice hit* in the fourth and double* by Pete A ra ta and Chip Chriat in the fifth chaaad home the nece»aary run* for the Lynd- hurst Club to win, 3 to 1.

It waa a sunny afternoon, ideal for baseball. I t wan a good game, too. Neither team «cored a run until the fourth when the boy« put their head* together at the start of the inning and decided the time waa ripe for strategical plays. So, afte r Pete A rata had looked over a fourth ball, Chriat and McNinch laid down some hunts, and Totn Coomber shot a?rounder to Gannon, who obligingly

urn bled the ball, permitting A ra ta to | cross the plate. That waa the be- 1 ginning of an absorbing drama which carried aH the fighting fbrce of the Lyndhurst Club.

Interesting to note was the fact that both pitchers kejjt their hitspretty well scattered, Club getting

;red, the Lyndhurst ything collectively,

making two and three hits in the fourth and fifth inninga, in sequence.

-Fra&MP wpj-kfiri. fign t fu lly, deliberately Woltm an would throw In a curve, cutting the inside corner o f the plate, and then Frazano would retaliate the next inning on a deceiving tosa that would break in­side from the outer comer. The Blue S^x made their first h it in the second when Woltm an was touched for a double by John M cNally, and one apiece in the fifth, seventh, eighth and ninth. Besides their five In two innings, the Dolanites cracked hita out in the sixth, seventh and eighth. Bu t a single and successive doubles in the fifth, did the most damage. Zaremba *ingled and when Frazano heaitated on the next pitch and »top­ped in the windup to see if Zaremba was on first, he committed a balk Zaremba wan gestured to second by Um pire Pete Karl. From second he was sacrificed to third by Ross A fter Woltm an rolled to Dtiay unassisted, Pete A rut a drove a sizzling double to

" H r ■B A W i "

. Seven Year* Ago Thia Week —Lyndhurst and Haabrouck Heights tangled to a 12 inning 1-1 tie at Hashruuck Height« in a game halted by darkness. B ill Gallagher now a ¡lawyer opposed Ben Oalinsi now an orchestra leader both giving up nine I hita. A llie Russo playing in right field for LyndBsrst rapped out three ■ingles in five trip* to the plate while Caeaar (luidetti, freshman flash at second base had a pair of singles. Joe Maniaci who last year captained the Fordham football tem played right field and fanne.l three time* and went hitleaa is Six trips to the plate.

Six Years Ago Thia Week— Lynd­hurst dropped a thrilling 2 to 1 ver­dict to U ie stats-wide powerful St Aloyaius School of Jersey City. Henry Petti pitched a two hit game that

The baseball team has been putting in some time under Al LaTronka and Paul Brown and the tlaws ol the opening deleat seem to be worked out as the Golden Bears take the Held tomorrow afternoon against St. M ary's ol Rutherford at Rutherford field.

The pitching assignment w ill go to either Captain Charley Castlw or Jack Boacben. Boscfaen pitched the opener and Hipped a good ball but was the victim of eight errors and was beat 8 to 2 by Fort Lee.

Behind Hie plate upholding the slants w ill be the steady Edgar Whitehurst. The Infield rounds out w ith Erank Rug- Kerio on first baae; either Johnny Russo or Ed Padoga on the keystone sack; Bobby W helan w ill be at the hot comer with Joe Pollto at shorttleld position.

fh a outfield w ill be Paul Capaccio in lelt, Jimmy Aselta in center and either Mike Russo or Bobby Ohlson in Hghtliekl.

For about the lirst time since the Lyndhurst-St. Mary'» rivalry started in 1931 has a local boy been missing Irom the Saint’s line-up when they opposed the locals as tfie Ruther­ford nine has only one local boy on the squad in Joe Cilennon who w ill probably see little or no action.

The game is sche<*Jled lor 3:30 o'clock.

center, which acored Zaremba. Christ . afternoon in a game played behind promptly knocked him in with a two- I Town H a ll but a stolen baae

I-.L4. the same llekl w ill be another local group of athletes performing, as the Lyndhurat tennis team w ill meet up against the strong Rutherford outfit at the newly builtRutherford Field COHW.

Coach Len Siderita ol the locals has the veteran trio of Ritter, W ilson and Nance along with Chapman and Walker to throw againat a vetaran Blue and W hite tennis outfit.

W ith little over thirty rtx hours rest the Golden Bear* track team take to the ttitherlord track on Saturday morning at 11 V M. against Pete Curdo’s St. Mary s outllt.

Curcio to being assisted by John Lippincott and Edgar Robertson, • pair <3 laat y t a 'i r t m m ,,,Hn ,4 " ^

The locals are very conlktenI and are taking the meet too easy and this column is looking lor a big up~-t especially In the quarter mile where lack Broderick Post Avenue lad of fifteen yean looks good to take over this race.

AM ERICAN LEO IO N B A SEB A LL . . .The American Legion, Barringer Post No.

Athletic Director John Houghton calls lor candidates this Monday evening at 8:15 o’clock at the High School diamond. AD boys who did not reach their neventeenth birthday by May SO, U S « are ellgbte lor play. . .

Houghton has secured the se rv ices of C h ip p y C hris t to help out ta the coaching and a veteran team Is expected to take the Held this year.

bagger to left, i’he plugging Bli Sox made their

lone run in the sixOi in the midst of a double play. W'hai should have been an Seay out was turned iato a free base for Frasano by Muhleiaen when he heaved hi* tap over Zaremba'* head. A* if thia wasn’t bad enouoh, Muhleiaen threw Gannon's ground** into tha dirt to first putting a second man on. But the day was saved for Woltman when Kane hit into a double play bringing home Frazano.

This was the *econd win of theRon for the Lyndhurst B. B. C.

Woltman and Wilson now have one victory each.

A l McNinch lifted a high pop fly in the seventh between abort and center field. Both Kane and Ryan pursued 'it. The ball was about to drop into Kane’* glove when Ryan docided at the last minute to take it, and bumped into Kane, knocking the ball out of his mitt.

The Lyndhurat Club executed two doable plays, the first in the sisth and the second in the seventh. The la tte r waa made after Duay had flied out to McNinch. Gaunt singled and M eNally »lapped one back at Pete Arata^which ne threw to Tom C a t t M r , who threw la iH im b a .

Ryan slammed a neat triple into left field in the ninth. I t wan a hieh fly which seemed to curve outside the foul line, but apparently didn’t he- cauae Umpire Karl called M fair. Ob­viously, It had remained' fa ir until it barf paaaed the flag boundary.

The Ki«'hard**.n Field Club, of C lif ton w ill form the opposition Sunday afternoon at the Sport* Center, 3:lfi

I .WT W bx score:


Acme Club Opens Season At Sports Center

The Acme Aaaociation, who h#ve the Sports Center aa their home field Sunday morning, w ill open their sea­son this Sunday morning at the lo­cal field Their opponents will be the Wooda Association of Hoboken, lastyears

.. ■ Mg«•very Sunday morning until Sep

The Arwtea are the strongest of the varioua amateur teams represent ing the young men of Lyndhurat. In it* second year of baae ball the team won twenty tw« games during its scheduled season and finished the sea­son by winning the town champion ship in a playoff with the Rockne A. C and the Simone All-Stare. The Association la composed maialy of High He bool and legion players of past years. Among the tepreaenta-

Uves of Lyndhurst .H ‘^h ^School sreluddyand

Ohlson.IK d ga r

Whitehurst “ Former I Region members G il Kteoak. Soupy

W illiam l^wandowski Henry Lageren berg,

p 1 Whitehurst Fo rS u n n a v wwta,--------J U U U i l j Guido, and Warren Hansrom, all ef /« ■ /^ a the »täte ttnaltst team of 1WM O U » rSports Center ^ a u Ö Ä & o w i

KÄ wrt-Äsr S I So f Ihr I * »Hmm B«llo. Krank IU m . I I , Kr»nk W .n u l . lln w .n t Ben.-«, and K r.nk Ualla«h«r, » II o f Uw.l bu>

A m ucU u w of Hoboki*n. lu t I hall >*'» ' T h l. » B J rumhm». to D ihIm b i Cwttity ckampa. T W ‘produ.r » jr»mc wfcich I . anrivallad * b.11 w ill h . pltchod at 10:V for battln« P « w . k W »m fancy and spectacular fieiding.

Lyndhurat Circle, t'ompaaiona of the I Fore«t <>f Ameru-a. inet Weslnea day night at the Columbus Club.

Mrs Frederick Bentiaien Post Avenue waa hi

o f 17*

. a»d

Mr. and Mrs. Ouaiav SfhlichUng a f IS Ridge h aw moved to tSeir new hume at 2X4 Orient W ay, Kuth*

P. Arata, ss . . . .ab. r.

. . t 2Chriat, r f ........ . .8 0McNinah. cf . . . . .8 0T. Coomber, 2b . . . 3 0W Arata, If . . . . . .3 0Muhleiaen. Hb . iam n h a , lb

4 0. .3 1

Roaa. c ............... s aWoltman, p 4 0

Totala ........... 28 3N K W A R K B L U E

ah. r.«lenii.»n, 2b . . . Kaae. ss ........Ryan, cf ........(¡aunt. If . . . Dttlhr, fb . . .Me Natty r rHoffman, rf M cPartian, 3b Fresano, p ..

Totals . S« (w v liy Innings

Blue Sox .............Lyndhurst Club ..

1 22 0X 2o r.02 11 100 70 0

0 2 0 0 ! 1 1 o fc 7 1 IS 0 0 0 0 1 1 6 24

I mixed with an error lost the game. Lyndhurst had three hits to their credit off Warlt Singler. Mike I)e- Denais, and Petti getting singles while Tom Cacney had a triple to his credit.

s fln flr ito n a :■tiong Bogota pine. DeFrino, Dorsch, Moore end Rusao toiled on the mound but to no avail, but a*ght errora by Lyndhurst ditl not help. Tony St. Peter led the local* at bat with a pair o f single*1.

Alao four year* back thia week the foaals avt-nfced that terrible 17-4 defeat by whipping Harrison High 8chool 5 to I with Ralph DeFrino pitching seven hit ball over a nine wining route aed B en d in g ten batters back to the bench on atrikeouts.

h ’* •Three »ear* Age thin Week -The

High School Fq ia lty heat the School’s Jan itor* 17 to 2 in a seven inning game. A l LaTreaica playing first bass made four hits out of flve trip s while pitcher Fred Tschuska rapped out s home run t>e*idde getting three for three. Fred Muhliesen secured there out of four at first baae for the Janitors, t'omialasioner tieorge Hol­den performed a t shortstop for the losers getting three walks and a sin­gle.

The sporta department of the Com mercial Leader recommends the fo l­lowing teams to local clubs in the 'Masa of the Acme Aaan. or Rockne A. C. Theae clubs have open dated on their schedule and are looking for i'amea.

R A N D O LPH A- A.—o f C lifto n - White to John Pucha, 91 Knapp Ave. Clifton for gemea away.

E A S T R C T H E ftFO R D A- A. —W rite to Christian Chri*ten*en, 54 Jordan avenue in Wellington or call Ruth. 2-6697-R between 6:80 and 7 o’clock. Games away.

D B L A W A N N A R I D G E L A W N C L U M — W rite to Edward Clements, 33 W illiam * S t. , ' Dele wanna or call him at Paasaic 2-9863, home and away.

C A R I.8 T A D T C U B S — W rite to C. S iri, 433 Union St., Carlstadt. Home snd away.

C L IF T O N A M E R IC A N S — Travel only, Communicate with John Swiss tack at 129 Center St. Clifton.

W A L L IN G T O N B .'B . C.— Requests for games write t<> Nick Stendar*ki at 217 Hayward place in Wellington', home or away.

IR IS H - A M E R IC A N S of Clifton— Send challenge* to Howard Kent, 443 Clifton Avenue in Clifton or call

kfe 2-3*94R,-between 5 and 7 o’ eloek.

(CORNER S H O P P E A. C.— W rite to Daneberg, 301 Main avenue in

Clifton for traveling games.0 * #

Holy Name OpensThe Lyndhurst Jun io r Holy Name

Society base be 11 teem will open ita seas«Mi on Saturday, May 2, at the Sporta Center. The game will be cal­led at 3 p.m.

Garfield will be the attraction. This Garfield team is a new turner in tha Holy Name League.

The following members of the Thursdey Afternoon Knitting and sewing club were guesU yesterday" afternoon a t the home of Mrs. Niels lielaen of Packanack Lake: MrsHarry Jackson, Mrs. Arnold DeMaa- si, Mrs. Fred Bayer, Mrs Patrick Donohue, Mrs. Frank Steimle and Mras. Charles Grant.

Syl GoldbergOrganizes Club

000 001 000-1 000 180 00»— 3

Motor RacingOpens At I^anghorn

LA N U H O K N . PÄ .— rram th . 4 lrt track to spiwdway move the nations foremoat kmghta of the roaring read. Sunday. May 17. making their mau aural bow at Ralph A. Henkinaon'* Lang ho r tie mecva of eastern auto M m .

In launching hva sisth seeson as operator of the longhorn apeed plantation. Ifenkiaeon w ill feature the cream of America's racing tal ent lie already ha» made overtures W outstanding «eatern drivers never W fore ha>e raced in the eeat

Fve iy »HMv Hankmaens appear ancf on the acene in the role of pro­moter. I^aghoriie haa enjoyed in- creaaing i-pu lanty aa the east’s fevered rare coume. Lá .t m r . u i unpnndm ted crowd a t <1,634 •■>* teiun » iin«»ml tka a ia iu i l avaau here.

A Hebrew Atfkletic Club deaigned to attrect Jewiah young men to par- ticipete in athletics in e mutualf roup has l)een orjraniied in Lynd

urgt by Sylvester Goldberg, eminent lawyer of thM tPW Sh lp . Tks cafe w ill take part in all sports. Sale of raffle tickets will equip the teem with uniforms. i .

F ield positi«SM have not a* yet been deaighated. Louis tilllinsier and A rthur Tnerm gm are try ing for first base while *hoi1atlp and .second l«ae will be taken by Sherman Ring, Geo. R itter or Slogae Schweid. Bernard Berger and Marty Sheinberg will try oat for third la a t . Sidney S.h***i,J. former catcher in Rutherford High Srhool, wiM do the catching. Joel l<evy or l^iu Gillinaier «rill work on the mound. Milton Goldberg, *tudent at Franklin and Marshall college, probably will pitch when he returns.

In the outfieU, Goldberg has a wealth of material. Candidates are Ben Jacob«. Ju ltaa Mink. Louis Loev- *ky. Norman Berger and Joe l Levy.

Ten gamea constitute a tentative schedule. Some ot these will be play ed at Perahmg Field, Je rs e y City. Otfcei side field

Pershing Field. Je rsey t ’itv rs have tirnn ar ranged at Cliff-

■ide Park, Enfflahtown and a local

Tram* w i ah ing to play the HebrewClub should cemmuaicate with S y l­vester t;o ldber( a t 610 Velley Brook avenue, Lyndhurst. via phone or let­ter Cell Ruth. IM I1 I if e written request is not made

Tryouts For Legion Team Next MondayP leyers wishing to tryout ft»r

the Barringer Post. 139..American 1-egion junior baae ball team are asked to report at t:16 o’clock en

•Monday eventag» May 4 at the high arhooi field. John Houghton aaaiated by Om rle* Chriat w ill be in chasgs.

B o ja who did not reach their neventeenth UpUMftHr *March 31 ar» eligible to p*ay.

— a ó w s

A ' ÄT » t K fe x e e

w o o te a

\ c M A p io m /


Big DajrDfBike Racing

Sunday’s Mfeei Promises Much Eaeitement

At VeloMartin Journey, of Nutley »n,i

Mike De Fillipo, of Newark, are pected to be o U ts W ln g .contender« for the motorpacf^f cfampionahip 0f the United States this season. Jour- ney and Do. F illipo w ill ride ln ' twenty-five mils ma|9r-pace<| *vent a t the Nutley sawee# Sunday com. peting against F m a sa G«orgetti of IU ly , the Am ericsil aotor-paced

champion; O r a r d Debaets, of Bel­gium an<l Ewald W iasel, of Germanv

Wissel w ill be m aking, his initiai appearance back «rf the motoiV) . , and m any bile» fans are anxious to see how the Germ an ,star perfsrm» Ewald was alwaya_ a s U r in Undem paced evenU and M any bike fM l think he will be g n a t back of the motors, the fans would welcome see­ing Wissel make goud. because he is an exceptionally popular rider and a ll the fa n s like lu ia .

Debaets will be making his ffnt appearance o f the sftfson a t the Nut ley saucer Sunday., Fofr the last thrae year. h u b «n omof the outstanding contender* ft,r the motor-paced dtampionship ^ America and t iA Jaason, Debaeu thinks he has a cnance to beat out all the other star* and win thellU* ' l .‘, Cs j

The battle m i 1 'Bff-around bicycle championship of the United States will be continued Sunday with the running of a ten mile open and s four-sevenths mile handicap. Norman H ill, is the present, all-around cham pion and the lrvfrfctDa Ud , will be t hard man to lieat lo r the champion •hip this season, ’(he outstanding professional stars besides H ill who k a b / '» u u u l The North Jersey Pigeon Club held proieasionai stars d

o w T B M p * f V •sffi-tHr w n l i C T r a a a -* Delaware receally with the A l Tew rV “ **

loft o f l^radksrst copping first , ice.The club has several outstanding races scheduled for the comingmonths.

tn the race were 68 lofta consist­ing of 481 birds.1— A l Tewea . . . . . . . A ^2—P . Maaaucl . . . . . * .V* .8— J . Gudusky4— J . Gudusky tu-,5— Hoffman A Ziem . . . .6— 0 . Weiaa7— W . Kunle ................ 7.8— 0 . Weiss ...................9— Sonny L o f t ..................

10— Chicken ...................0 —0 . W eiss .....................12— Gaberler ............ .

Sunday wiH be: B ill ^ioneman. the American sprint champion, Cecil W alker, George Dempsey, Charley Ritter, Fred Spence, B il l Grimm. Dave Lands, Tom Saotta» Louis Cohen, Bob Silver, Fred Kugler, Ed- die Miller, George Shipman and Joe DeVito.

Amateur riders from North Jer­sey and New York w ill compete m a three-sevenths mile handicap and a miss and out open event. Ther* will also be a mile novice race, for rider* yet to acore a victory. The races Sunday w ill start a t 8 o’clock and with M ay here good weather is expected for the meet this Sun^y

fter the cold and rain o f the laat • wo weeks.

Barrels o f Fun From a Bottle *

Or a better title for thia picture of Uul Roach'S *aSM%ls probalilv wontd be« Mflk F r n f f the GU sBottle to the (Bask ftcnooner to the Tummy. Anyway.-Uaroi.i •Slim ’

r i ^ y C C **Hpan k y "

M<Tarlnud, Carl “ A lfalfa” BwltserI .I'I B illy “ Bu* k w h c u f ThomAS

1U to bè en joyltig themselvessipping their regular milk diet ihrongh straws from tbe commuoity gWaa. , . ■

S. I « LW Ik » M uri'

Mcfwe Dm psrfsc» motor «er—tfUp compare n with N n lio d»*■ MOST ttA U T ISU t TN IN a OM W N IS IS .

T>tcYimg e ear that would suit y* t o i time «Us thm biU. It 's all you could aak la styfU«

You a n 'i 4

Yam know tha <

impar (aOoa(no oál added), tm émtmmt mit t/ What o t te low prtoad car oflSrs m much’ s —jmw omm’t do AatfSm thmn m m— Mfm

» rtaww«*. G M 4 C«

DE M A SSI MOTOR CAR CO.Pork and Valley Brook Ave».. Lyndiurst. N. J.


i racrnai i g f m a

t m r i

{ I Right Out Of TK* Air~ e a " ■ P m m ■ 1 r- *m

Chicken Fried Steak is Truly

California DishC H IC K E N . D U 1 M U N G S P O U N D A T tO N O P * W IN N IN G D IN N E RP o r k

K im u Sm all Twwa F a lb Aad 8 w O f Suaay Ita ly Collaborate

T** K*ceMeat M ali

By W ilm a E . Deute Right on the comer of Francia and

Vermont Streets, in Loa Angelea, there ia a slam bang food emporium af the “ beanery** variety which ia famous for a single great diah — Chicken Fried Steak. I t is qwta likely that Tillie and Mack who dom­

in a te this spot procured their orig­inal recipe from the immigrant «ho reached Southern California oaf of the mountains of Kanaas. Whan T i l ­lie and Mack and the atoak recipe all came to California and got under way in their place of buaineaa, an adven­turing Italian came ia one day, ate the inexpensive steak with the ex­pensive mounding name, aort of ta m ­ed up his poae at it, and then, sud­denly, was seised by a tremendoua urge to develop an inspiration. And so, not many hours later, there waa developed a garlic sauce to go with the steak. Now. to and behold, the diah is no longer middle-weatem. Neither can it he aet down aa Ita l­ia«. I t ia truly Californian, devel­oped, aa it has been, through th« combined skill of the Kanaaa small

' town folks and the aon of 8unny : Italy. T ry thia in your akiltot when 1 the meal is to be economical and I exotic, both at once fell swoop (w hat­ever a fell swoop is).


PORK CUTS AND HOW TO USE THEM r F A N C Y M/itf-reohut thia is delicate. fried with vegetables

Solid meat, very little bone. Fresh steaks, roaata.Moatly fat, used for salt Smoked— Baking. broiling.

pork and larding. cooking in water.Cured and smoked, fat Fried, combined w ith other

streaked with lean. foods.Tender, lean meat. Boned A Broiled, pan boiled, aa aea

cured aa Canadian style soning.bacon. Roasts, chopa, crown mast

W ell flavored, largely lean Same aa ham. meat.Higher in lean lhan, any Same aa ham, excellent foipork cut, very little bone. alicing.

Lean and fat, good flavor. Roast, cooked in water, Lean, tender, no bone, Sold j braised.

alone or as part of loin. I Roast, braised, fried. One-tenth to one-third of 1 Frying, shortening,

carcaaa made into lard. |a are the specialtiea tails, ear* and snouts to cook with particular group of veg* U bles.

¿n r'jL .T ’z — t r -Zto bake; the tongue cooking process should be carefully i ; the head meat to regulated with directions carefully I cheeae— and there followed. There should be no undu» 1 who delight in the haste in the preparation of pork.

Decker a f 740 Roth- Miss Edna Broadwell of lb * * * • waa hostea* at her Road haa returned from a viait-with



O e t M - T U d S t f a — d

Fancy M ackerel . % 8« Codfish Steaks . »13«

Miu Rom «rmff.n. of 4M P»«» Ano» h»d *» fur.1 for «rjr.1 day* Miss Irene Lydlate a f N*wYork City, formerly of Lyndhurst.

Mr. and Mra. Eugene D. F irth of :t)l Travers Place entertained at their borné Saturday nicht at bridfe. Cueata were; Mr. and Mra. Knwtuiii S h a f of Bloemfield. MV and Mra. W . C. Collins and Dr. and Mrs Ernest McDede of Lyndhurat.

HuthhnaM, Mra. E lls Laurie, Mrs. Anna Gravagna. Mrs. W illiam H. Schulte, è ira . Anna Swenson, Mra. (i«H»rge Goode, Mrs. George Demer est and Mra. Albert BenUien, all of lyndhurat.

The life of a cookie ja r ia the apice cookie. I t may be a cnap, dry anappy tidbit which fa ir ly ting- lea one's mouth with ita spicy and poignant flavor. O r It a t f be a asel- tow, crumbly and munrhy, crunchy, creation. But whatever it be, the good spice rookie ia atill the life of the cookie Jar. Here are a few ex-

» Parent Teacher Aaao- II meet thia afternoon at Election and inatallation w ill be held.

Yon Will Make ^ Use of These Appliances

This Sum er

t w i t m p a v . A f W L a s . i s a a



£ h a r t IR E T A I

r mM. .. .1 I . M







Ham*Fat Back

Picnic Shoulder

Boston Butt

Spare Ribs Tenderloin

Then too, there are the specialtiea each with ita particular group of follower»: The brains, to fry or .«crambili the heart to braise; the liver to f r y or to bake; the tongue to cool or braiae; the head meat to make into head cheese—and there are manfr people who delight in the

Mrs. W illiam Decker o M 4 0 Rath- erford Avenue was hostess at her home Monday afternoon at luncheon

You w ill u m your « lad ite table appli- anceeoftenthissummer. They are«o convenient whan you want to «erre a meal on the porch or prepare an im prom ptu aupper. The G r ille t te Uxata two semdwichee at a time. It frm be used as a grill aa well, even aa a r ll" lv ,'MI maker. Price« from l l . l t cash up—with tray S4.10 up— le « cord and plug Electric toasler« ■all from S1 JS cash up. card and plug extra. Electric percolatot» are priced from 1195 ca*h. Carrying charge astro tf y o u buy on terms.

.......... * * n

M il 4 It* OVm

or• c ir


I «t*> W M o u M irt

OICI OSAOf O C .••a # n l i 4 i lb a w

boneleas Brtoket Chuck Steak or Roast Fancy Smoked Butts M Sunnyfleld Sliced bacon


S liced S pU ed H am

fptcUL« in 7w tin VtfttUêi

Fresh Peas F A N C Y SM M M # C I O » 2». 15*Fancy Carrots -"»‘ST0 2 *.9«Taxai Onions 'SS.'C 3». IO Florida New Potatoes 5 . 21« Yellow Bananas u«ei «a « 5« Florida Oranges lîîî' 29«


BUTTER. 33«lb ' as —Ca* ••a« Nb

« 29« » 19«

» 3 »

s a »

SPECIAL D e l f t o n t e VALUES!

PEACHES JISSSSL 2 ,t 25«« m u IW B H WMO aw a s s S W S « I » w » n H M A « » « o lA ru M A T o m i»i

P E A R S r r i r . . SI6« ASPARAGUS TIPS " 2 1

a S A M O M O T H I S s

W m »« M U * llM . J« M 4 7u M #

Raisin Bread Garden Relish Red Chefries Com Flakes Grapefruit Juice Tomato Ju ke J ?Unaoda Biscuits n • c 2 9*

•no«io«31= 252 : 19.

White BreadBeechnut TOMATO JUKI . 4Ceylon Tea BiscuitsRajah undwkh sni*D. \ i’ 12« 1 21'Ritz Crackers N. B. C. • >4« 4|4 21«

Ovr Own S r.n .lB U N T ' S C O A T O f M M IC i w a M h 4 — U f i»




My-T-Flne Desserts 3 * * 14« S p a g e tt i 'fZZ.TZZT.T «s.- & Fancy Rice " t r r 2 9« Clapp’s uiTTOoot - JB S S t, 3 25*Sturdy Brooms «___ _ 29«Kirkman’s »»«« 2 35-Lux Flakes t e » A M D m le » » « » » !» « pkm 19«

Date b Nut Loaf * 15«Peanut Butter m » 15« Ï 29« Calif. Prunes 7?. 2 9« T.2. 13« Tomato Catsup ‘ 10*Sultana BeaniM .M ^ - I I 5« Ratah Cocoonut B* U 14* Woodbury's Soap 3 ..... 25«

JjsettW JPmU » j


t t aOMS AMS « 1 4 0 1 0 « !W I . « . •- , » I S

t I C H T O C L O C K M M ? ■«; 1 7 ' B I D C I S C U S Z S L ^ | » 4



Th# Commercial LadderPublished Every Thursdty by

TH E COMMERCIAL LEADER CO., I*c Vj Uto brook Avsaue

Telephone Rutherford 2-42ÜC-—4201

F re d S. B e r n e r .................-................... Editor

Ernest ]. Dabinett . . . . Seay, and Trea. William E. Kaem pf........................ Adv. Mgr.



it always an interesting study. It w ill be in­teresting, as tttls newspaper intends doing, to dig up the back- ground ot Lyndhurst'» naming. W hy was LynJhurst selected? Why above Klngslsnd? Why, above the hundreds ol interesting and Bore characteristic Indian-names with which this part ol the state

W e are indebted to our Leaderette author today lor some in­formation on Lord Lyndhurst, the first American bom chancellor and whose name Lyndhurst Township bears. W hile some stories claim Lyndhurat Is named after a famous English spy, the fact the towoakip was named alter Lord Lyndhurst is more leaaJMc-

W ho was he, An article in 'The Law Student" says he “was one of the most distinguished and learned judges who ever presided at Westminster Han."

According to the argiaoent, Lord Lyndhurst (Jotjp Singleton Copley, Jr .) was the son of a former painter who was born in Boston of Irish parents. In 1769 the lirst Copley married a de-

■ • tw id a r t t r f M n iy -ehiftfflv ir p a te c Ttj o r i w ' I I I » r FK fcrin r to set foot on the new land.

The Copleys had two children. The painter went to England alone to carve out a fortune: his family followed hi 1775. The boy, later to become Lord Lyndhurst, was three.

His father, apparently, became lamous without making money. It was Copley's sister, who had remained In America, who ed­ucated thf boy, making it possible tor him to becSme a barrister.

Continues the article:‘‘Copley Junior attended a private school kept, by the

lather of Sir W illiam Home, sometime Attorney General; then studied at Cambridge. When twenty-two he was nominally admitted a member ol the Honourable Society of Lincoln’sInn but did not study taw. , .

"Having obtained Irom Cambridge in 1795 a grant as a travelling bachelor, he re-visited his native land.

"Copley senior, had left his property in Boston, whichconsisted>of a 12-acre farm called "Beacon H ill,” in the handsof an agent. After 1776, the agent sold the property withoM authority and without accounting.

‘ Young Copley endeavored to either recover the land or get an accounting, but was unable to do more than obtain a sum ol several thousand dollars on his parents executing deeds which would remove any cloud on the title ol the vendees, who were strangers and had bought In good falfh.

W hile re-viaiting Boston, where he was warmly received by the socially elite, young Copley wrote a number ol letters home in pursuance ol his travelling scholarship, giving an interesting account ol his visit to the President and the condition ol the young Republic. London, he says, had 1,500,000 pop­ulation then and Boston 20,000. W riting Irom Boston: .'T h e better people are all aristocrats,” adding that hia father “ is too r a ii a Jacobin to live among them." —

“ As some men then devoted their lives to common law pleading aa I separate sort ol profession, without being either Attorneys or Barristers but something in between, young Cop­ley, after a year ol study in Mr. Tldds office, practised as a special pleader on his own account but without much success.

“ B y the time he was thirty-one, Copley was so dlscctir- aged that he thought ol entering the church: although ready lor call to tha Bar, he hadn't the money. His tattler's paintings were no longer selling and he waa unable to help.

Grease Paint AndF i n d in g th e JF ir © Make Believe L E A D E R E T T E S

A ' ; B y W . F R A N C O E U R

'T V Fireman’» Motto: Faithful to duty — True to irieodsnip.'The department held a b a .in e»

meetmf Vttem j, April 2«th »1 head- quarterm. A report of the 90th an nlver»»ry committee vra# made on the plans that are now beinff work- ed out. The committee waa instruc­ted to continue their good work, and from reports made It looks like a *ood time Is comfnf to the people e f Lyndhurat.

It has been a very busy week for the department, a number of brush ‘ ires has kept the boys busy. Then ¡unday morning at 8:30 A- M. the

boys were called out for a fire in the cellar of Jack'a Confectionerystore located on kid^e the good work of the Arefire waa . . .1 L ittle damage waa done.

the good work of the fire laddies, the kept confined to the cellar.

Sol Barbieri did not work Tui saying he had a day ofT.

U Bah —


way lor young Copley was lo borrow the the Bar. His brother-in-law (who lived in

later part ol Pemberton Suuare, Boston) n live thousand dollars, without security,

• The only wa ev Ujr call to VassaU House,

promptly loaned him and shortly altar receipt ol these funds Irom the United Stales, Copley waa called to the bar.

"A weary period ol trying ensued and Coplay's finances steadily went Irom bad to worse. His lather had been forced to borrow heavily Irom his son-ln-ls* in the United States and Copley had to help support him, the mother and hissister. In lad young Copley was so discouraged by Hi financial outlook that he reluctantly admitted to a London Solicitor, bead c l a large London law tlrm, that he intended to give up the Midland Circuit, but the Attorney strongly urged n il* to persist and ottered to loan him money without interest or even without the expectation ol re-payment.” -

“Copley was ol Counsel in the spectacular trial ol Queen Caroline. In 1824 he became A tty. Gen. Although he had never practised la a Court ol Equity, he became Master ol the Rolls in 1826, lor eight months; Lord Chancellor in 1827 with the title ol Load Lyndhurst. January 1828, Lord Lyndhurst helped Macaulay, then a struggling young Barrister, by making him a Commissioner ol Bankruptcy.

"Lord Lyndhurst remembered the solicitor who had en­couraged him to persevere ki the practise ol law, by obtain­ing a Government sinecure lor him and his taw partner.

"In support ol the b ill brought in 1829 to relieve the great congestion in Chancery, Lord Lyndhurst took occasion to warmly eulogize Lord Eldon, showing that the delays were due to the need ol assistants.

‘ In the change ol Government in 1830, Lyndhurst went out as Chancellor and shortly after accepted the lesaer office ol Lord Chief Baron ol the Exchequer Court which he held lor lour years, with conspicuous success. In later political changes. Lyndhurst waa again ottered the "marble chair,' Chancellor lour times, although

ill >long period». Iti»

attached, died in 1836 at thenot lor

mother, to whom he was great!; age of 91; his wile also died. He married again in 1837 to a daughter ol Louis Goldsmith.

"In 1839 Lord Lyndhurst met in London lor the lin t time In tarty years his staler whose husband had made possible with American money hia call lo the Engliah Bar.”

"In I860 Gladstone sent him the recently published States­men ol Am erica"; when returning the volume, Lyndhurst wrote “ The speech in the defense of me Freeman is refined, philo­sophical and eloquent, much beyond what I bad ascribed to either the statesmen or the lawyers of America. W e ahouil find H difficult. » not taipnsaibU , to rival II at «Sir bar.** In IM S lo rd Lyndhurat died in hia 92«d year “

under if Bob »-as jealous of the nek going out of headquarters with- it him Don't worry Bob, we will

having plenty more for the neat ■w weeks. • • •L ittle Patricia Thomaa, daughter

of Dick Thomaa of True* No. 1, has returned home from the Hackeiwack Hospital where she has been con­fined for the past six weeks.

Mr» Ralph Pavcro frfd m yle it

possible last Friday a real good repaât fofr'sll tha{ at’-

B y W

I How many of my readers remem- bere March anti April of 1932?

These were two very baa* months■ I'm. . I :*■ 1 - T k o a t e a f l l l i l i i **nicht to enjoy | for -The Little Theatre Guild.

‘ On the evèning of March 15th the*d the social of the Friday eve- two one act plays *t thenc|ub. A l a y « number of friends quarters In the Lyndhurst Theatrepresent and a ll taok j>art in the S a lt in g . -----

good time that was the offering of opening play of the eveningthe evening by thé depart ment. j WM entitled “ The Third Man,” a

-omedy translated from the Ger- Two of the bachelor members of j man and it was directed by year

the dep&rtmeat «ItWidtd a fa ir one ; correspondent.night last weak a t the upper part j The second one act P 'ay of the of the county, and had the pleasure ; evening waB entitled “ The Love Pir- o f meeting two very charming young | ate" which was directed by Clar- ladies, thev offered to take them for ^nce Sherwood.a ride, which waa accepted, while Those who took part ia “ The out touring they made for x ride Third M an* were Fred Krebs, Alice through Lyndhurat, « r iv in g st Lynd- Kroeger, Edith Hoeachke and Ruth u *s.__ ■—* - ~ » Westphal.

Those who took part in ‘The LoveP irate* were W. E . Francoeur. W a l­ter Rack»tuhl, T iny Frangipaae, acr- .. - —- * >ds and

Chaijcs Chaplin's “Modern Times" hits into high gear when he ceases lecturing aad starts comicking, sunztning at which he is most proficient.. . .Mr. Chaplin made a mistake., . Any economist can tell you what's wrung with the woffcl and anybpdy with tw o ryes can tell you the same thing “Modern Times” laboriously wcqp to great lengths to state* . . not everybody can skate li*e Chaplin, walk like Chaplin and put across a soi)g as Chaplin c a n . . .He ought tp stick to t One of the amusing things about the picture is the caption thjtt, Chaplin wrote the music for tfie piece.. .Than

hurst. One of these gallant fire lad- , dies said to his pal, aa long, I w ill be seeing you. Siam.

The Bergen County fire chiefs Shirley Russell, Eugenie Jaeolheld a business meeting last Tues day night, April 26th a t East Kuth erford. Chief PreRMttrfast attended and reports many things of interest were discussed.

Allan Pasch The big feature of this evening was

tkje applying of grease paint and m ike op to the characters of both playn by A llan Pasch, in the pre­sence of the audience, which was not

J'Jow with tfee arrival of nice onlv interesting but educational ather, we feel that a drill night In April 1032 “ The Love P>*ate

oe put into effect, we have a was presented at the Lyndhurst High of young; members who need School on tne George Washington

.rtiction, and who trould enjoy B i Centennial celebration program.■ Those mem bars of the Guild who

were not in these two plays' were hard at wdrk rehearsing


one evening each week to take outkXg a drill, withtheir trucks and

t*a thrffl that * _their eff iilent servlt offer {b<? townsftip.

get out of it they can

R | * D E R 3

wiTrmArthur F. U b k P l R V MacPowdl

“ I f you wish to aucceed in life, make perserverance your bosom friend, experience your wise coup- aalor, caution your elder brother, and hope your guMrdlan genius."— Jo!*ei>h Addison, bora M ay 1, 167*.

A R O V N D T H E W O k U J IN K L K V S N Y K A R S

In many waya, "Around the world h» Elevan Y Mn" < stokaa—*t.<X» Is

hooks on traTel, -TS . Odyaaey’,“ — 11 id* and '*• "«>

Ì lig u a .Ft is


to tickle your ribs ..fccro tfeea.alL ,

■ in* |Pok>1 Around

pulse, produced **DoWn Th r. A feg** (O ur Rope—f l . 00) o r the evo lution o f th<- Be

D O W N T H R O U G H T H E A G E S Spontaneity of emoUon, and depth

t inspiration produce the great lit- rature When an*.auUioir lives and

facto as he writes, beauty is the It Frank E. GaabelHn, with the | as the fourttalnhead of ini-

“ Down Through the I a story

— I - _ - ^BrxikW ith beautiful simplicity, Mr.

Caebeleia. traces step by step the development of the Bib le ; the an­cient Samaritan, G reek and Latin translations f r >m the IM iro u . tin- numerous KngHsh transcripU of Caedmon, Bede. W ycllf, Tyndele and that of the scholars ¡iHlgned to the task by K ing Jam e; I. When one learns o f the consecrated earn­estness and reveranc«- of these scribes, the awed fear they bad of committing errors, one < an not won-

< Stokea--|2.00) .. an unique book written by e*cep tV-nal author# Patience. Richard and John Abbe, the collaborators, w ith the ingenuou.« innocence of youth have given ns ms ton i shingly candid and keen observations on people, religion, politic« and ge <«gra(.hy I t sevm.s they h«vt> »yme- thing to »ay on every subject. Kach pag<- cffers a fresh --uiprnu- pathos, humor, imauinative descrip tam and »traight nsrration. It ih essentially a travelogue, but it (ro«-»i far beyrtnd many similar book» in that category.

The Odessey begins at the birth in n .Parts of Patience, the autaor of the : B i g G f U l l N O t C O book In her naive comments about „ C Athe people she meeU on her travels. F o r T e l e p h o n e t O .and they are legion, she spares no

not even her ism ily There

Apple lack" *h itb played at the School April 15 and 16 and snonsored by the M ayor’« Central

¡lief Committee with W . C. Ot>l- * . who was president.Taose who took part in ‘ Captain

Helen Higgins, Lois M. A. Fosbrooke, Applejack^ were Howard T. C o lto ,

-ilacgare.t “ Peg. LWdle, Nan Sherwood, ClemeMa Teemsa, Edwin Kohler Frederick Krebs, TeWfik Abbott, W . E . Ft»n- coeur, Clarence Sherwood, AJIan Pssch. Charles O Kees and Arthur

•‘Captain third engagbut the lea#t said ,Ution, the better. I t was not such a big financisl success. I didn't have the support that waa expected.

November 26, 1932 brourfit "The Cleanup,” the Guild’» aixth major preaentation to the High 8chool.

“ The Cleanup" was a fine comedy in which Clarence Sherwood outdid himaelf as “ Butch” McKenna, a

M r . . Sherwood's peijor-

It i 4y pledge Hiyis Wetngirtner, tjie Lake Äveuue artist, to know that he has become ¿ local celebntV-*-Ayears ago when his paintings tirst B^gan to attract

W H«. . „ .laptain Applejack’ P ‘* y ÿ . * 1 engagement at the High School the least said about this presan-

piece was of real Ipolitician.4Mlrta feait and I believe second to his por­trayal of M r. Findley in “ The Three

dar that o f all the printed works of man. the Bib le ia ihe greatest.

We often hear of ag b ‘'»t writer col- laborating with the author. A ll the writers of the Bible, all the trans­la t e s and interpreters were at the side of Mr. Gaebelein as he wrote “ Down Through the Age*/’

Foola.” Those who


took pa¡ Alìan P iasch,

“ The Nan

AnneM A

Fosbrooke, Clarence Sherwood, Ed ­win Kohler and Charles O. kees

Allan Pasch directed this presen­tation.

Betty Mullertt, J aboba, Grace Boil man, Lola

Miss Betty Sylvester, • daughter oi Mr. and Mra. W . J . Sy lve ite r of 315 W illow Avenue has returned from a trip to Washington where ahe went as a guest of the state American Legion. The trip was a g ift which

lake received^ia little cohesion to the tale aa ill to "o iely a recounting of the ad­ventures of the family. Ba t what adventurear More was packed in tho-e eleven yeter* than is found ia the average lifls. Nor did they a l­ways travel “ ala H its" with plenty ll> eat and wear- L ia ttn w i l

I for acquiring the mostThe New Jersey Bell Telephone n«>w members in a state contest.

Company reports a gain of 7,17H i'n i|« n :H ^ M Htelephones during months 14 1M> ■ ■

In the ■

I Pt ie first three emapared to s

gain In the same quarter last year ' of 2J 6 ( telephones The increase Is the largest for any firs t quarter since

A total of 17.632.544 toll message-P a l l « « , .a y . ia h ,r „wñ InlmitaHe !. * ***fre.hne»- "M .m raa'. feet got awol- ”

aayjn oae a h y br ^ o( dirtWlc. u ,J.p h «m g la t ¿auy good ones compared with the crtrrespon-

walking feet. W e were cauae you eoul ia Moscow.“

A fte r spending all their lives gadding about France, Germany, A u s tr i» Kim aia and England, living In hotel*, shacks and castles, as

Rnfm d a fo rtu m favored «Pape, the Abbes at last set sail

The children had De-forI to riots i■— ■ — la

mg ami muring, dictator** ahouting speeches fr«wn t«aleoniea. and even^ wher« soldiers with gun». In tne ■ lui.'ier v i l la g e h o \ » e \ .r . they h...i heko y e aw u l X nsd to friendly greet- intfs from stranger». Mailes and' coerteaiee Im ag ii# their astonish ment apon seeing New York Cor th* first tiBM. Patience again dictates, “ New York Va very crowded No one a *« ever singing or matditnk and tv w ro s i looked angry on the

M im a a f l l t M H I M I devreweiTv Depression to something that depresses yo«; then you- have no jok and you must take money from the Preaideat and that makes you bashful. No one said ‘Gruss Gett' to yea, or ‘Gut Morgan’ or 'Nabant' or ‘Heil H it le r ’ -

A t the end o f ohe t<eek she writ««. •Ricberd wants to sea tike gohi

Ion the king's Rome in Ckiaa John ny Manta to see the robber». I , , r*tience, « w l to see everything.'’

W e may have read other famous

dine three-month period last vear.During the first quarter of this

year as compared with the first quar­ter o f 1935, total telephone revenues

. increased |634,5ftti; total telephone*xptn»es increased H95,Kh:< and net tefaphon^ earrings were up $23H,-K

Met earnings for the ouarter were IM annual rate of :t.Tt par cent on ■ amoBnt invested In telephone

at the an the smplsnt, as for the

compared witk-t.31 per cent first quarter of laat year.

General ElectricB oV e a H 'L u n c e »

Are Oa Diaplay At :iooa V A L L E Y BK (K > K A VE.



Philip H. Harrison& Co.

T>latrlbutors for Northern N. J . ' C A L L R t 'T H . 2 1 §32

W ithtut, of course, stirnpg a nppk pf cxcitemcnt. . '-Blit lfstSunday the New VcA Hefald Tribjme ran in its rotogravure pectipn a reproduction of Wejngartner's latest picture in fhe pi- hibition of Indepsndfnt Artiats in New Yo rk .. . Pronto.. - great excitement!. . . k ’g just as well, perhaps, the picture waa not placed' oo the Trib's' art scction. It wculd never have been noticed.

• • • •

This department is starting a campaign, I want to know the origin of Lyndhurst's name. I've heard the original Lynd-

‘htrrst after -whom the .burg-ts named was a Bnttsh -spy. f t* Carmine Savino, Jr., the Passaic Herald News correspondent and embryo lawyer, comes forth with an article about one Lord Lyndhurst who, depones the article, “ was the first American bom Chancellor and while perhaps not exactly a legal reformer, he supported measures which were a precursor of more to /fol­low as the century fully opened." And, my friends, mark this: “ He was one of the most distinguished and learned judges wfco ever presided at Westminster Hall." 1 like to think tliat Lynd- hurst is named after him, that the name isn't so bad after all, and that, no doubt, the worst thing about Lyndhurst is some of the folk who have unfortunately chosen ¿ 0 inhabit. Alley-oop!

Dr<ip an egg into some orange juic-, add some gin, bitters, scotch and creme de cocoa, shake, spill into a glass ice and drink.. .Then write and tell me about it: I've always been in' tngued by odd mixtures but I ’ve never ha<J the nerve to try them . . .Thelma Kriyer, this newspaper's answer to the feminine charm question has two new suits, not one, the old plutocrat.. One's gray c w 'i hrown and did a t get sore when im- worthy suggested one was for each eye.. .Says her eyes are tne same .hue. Mown, both o f em ..., 1 . j . . . • • * *

George Becker, the Jersey Observer news hound, spent the last week-end in Washington. .D. C., to you brothers!.. . •r'j'e week-end of UJlapok*)zing with Richard Rendall, now of the A. P., but recently of tjhe Jersey Observer.. .W ell, Georgs came back a mighty tired boy, but he begs to report v.' ~andor of Kansas will not be the Republican presidential can iidate. .The Socialist's, maybe. .The Independent Voters, may- * . . . But not the Republican presidential card ...In the test

, ¿Washington saloons, Georee said, Landon's name wasn t T*ing I mentioned.. .W ho will the candidate be? George must hop back to Washington for another week-end to find that ou t...but he will! He will! „ -j. (

Classier than clas.y, they say, is Herb Hammer, the former high school kid, with a saxophone.. .Herb toots for Red Norvo

the Versa,ne dub. New York, and e«s '«ekly raves m ! Winchell's column and i«bcr gaieties.. .W ithitall, Herb stays ! a pleasant guy, fricivflfy to His cld friends! _______

/ti+ r*\ • ’■ u tk c T t ff z lu tv c n J

l J í . \ i u .a n <yf $ l ! “T k tn q i

t h e memory ol the last tribute to a loved one lingers for a long time. O u r beautiful and rever­en t service makes that memory « consoling one throughout the years that follow

LLINSfeM E M O R I A L r U N E R ü . H O AVE

Ph o n e R t t h a i o n l 2-71Mn RDthsrtarri 2-7M I

Quality MtafsChas, l e h a a y a rlondhurxt Market

52 Stuyveaant Ave.. lyndhurst, N. J.

m e a n n u r w A Va , r>r f ta M ,. ,

ö f lK w s d ^ ^

BRAKES REUNEDwith American BrcHiaMok






Jocobs »ros 41st Amiiversary Sale!

F Ç II| t P O S T E R

. 4 BED OUTFITFull Three Quarter

or Twin Sizes

4 eachpiece

Re«. $7 JO Vaia«Uberai Tanas

JA C Q iS IRO S. (EST. 1895)W • i l l H an fe» A yEi Hgrrfeyi

o ' I ', iC on i t t l i v r l

w a e

Will Be Honored With A Dinner FILM STAR SELECTS STUDEBAKER COUPERighi Oat OfThtAir



1‘H O N f IK T M . I-WT7I * _

Whr-e You Find Styl* Heauty and Economy

DRESSES . . . J j W l MILLINERY . . . $| M| H O SIERY AO*

A testimonial dinner to Dante De- ttirmM». terat ysatti whe wa« ad- uiued to the bar several months »- „ was planned laat n ifh t by a m at! oI his friends. Recorder Jos- mh Melillo waa appointed chairman ,r> on the committee are John E. 0/ ,he arrangement committee. Oth- Cwdetti. vice chairman; Ernest Vath,

», M i» VHIHaK, C. , Mi»« r,»*uwa#auRt**a. Mr» II Mta> Ellsaheik Und


■ n . WHHam < > * of *T« f a r * ram ie *• « h i.stea s at her k o n a laa i , h i at brtdc* Gnaasa • » M ra !Vd « tu rn i. Mrs I -mia Hwarart. va. (Knr B»ne>ue M ra l r * m IM y . fa. H m * O M » H a M r» W illia m a w « « «Cd M r* W illiam t o * l af rnXhursl and M ra D a a ea a M cA l

SILK UNDERWKARVi Popular l*rk*a


n r. *Q LA )T N O T tH ^

Uftrgr \ I>.apt#r > u r t f r w r t j U d a t ah« t « n.\eve, iui\ in« three .i«le«atra ■nd one aU te o fW tr.

I V ravm nan e ip riM eed dea^ •jrm- patA>- on ln«i nin* of the death of W »Ilium StadtlaiuSer‘1 WNfthr. ,

I ). (u !* \ i-M M im * a e ieiu tian to the T o ta w e c h a u le r w H M L

Chew Mein FreeAt Younit’s Mat t

ed a t Young 's B a r and Grill la .KM S tu yvesan t a ienue Sa tu rd a y h l* M . K o r patrona tha foad w ill I » fnsa. So « . I l t h . » « a ie by BUI O l la n aad hi- M l Hop Boy*, as r ia say a sw tìi» ha-Kl aa h«s invaded these p ra r in rU

it'» « e tie r... it •••fi

FO R D V-8 T K D C K B S d U * % ? iU d j



G IN G E R R O G ER * aad F R E D A ST \ IR E

“The Perfect Gentleman”

*ed.. TOurt. M i *7

M LADY T o n « N T S ”AN N H A R D IN G aad


“Seven Key* To Batdpate”

G E N E R A Y M O N D aad « ‘ K l.M tE T t A M .A H A N

Every T ta r-d er N tt»I " <N ER W A B B - T a THe Lad»«

-.Bat. M ay M

3> a r k a n c e l ”l " KERH - M A BTH

“WMapertng Smith Speak«”» « • ¡ I O 'B R IE N aad


JU v K j t n m a n t n b«U IT BK TM« »CITI

m i r a b e l l aBEAUTY SALON '

- m rrw Y V ESA N T a v e ., M m t RutH. * (W it


C la s s i f ie d

Advertisement9 W e cannot guarantee the insertion of any ad*

vertUement in theae columns unleaa same is paid ^ foi in advance. Rates for classified advertising mmm sre as loilows: one insertion $.60, two consecu

live insertions $.76, three consecutive insertions $-90; four conaecutive insertions $1.00. Lim it five lines, average six words to a line.

4 rooms, hath, garage .......... $28.6 rooms, bath, garage .............$18.

A. S T EN H K K (i SO R EN SO N _ Stuyvesant Ave., Lyndhurst

Phone ftuth. 2*20174-23-tf

One hundred and f if ty attended the oint card partv givaen by the Span- sh A trier ican W ar Veteran» and the Ladiee' Auxiliary at the ColumbusTnrtr ib b I. m » * - .* 1?- » t -gins an J Frank Koehler were in



T U R E . Old Furniture brought bark to Its original color. J . I ’. Groenendyke. Ph *ne iu th . 2-4166.

W M . H E L L M IC H — W e carry a full line of i ’ainto, Varnishes, Wall papers, housefurnishing». window «hades—all reasonably priced.

227 S T U Y V E S A N T A V E .Kuth. 2-0251


»•'OR R E N T — A ll improved mode, home, six rooms, tiled bath, shower. Modernistic kitchen, hardwood floors. Rent f40. plus water. A p art­ments 2-3-4-6-0 rooms $20. upward 6-6 room houses with garage $36. Qp. Nicholson Co., 147 Stuyvesant Ave., Lyndhurst. Phone Ruth. 2-


2636 or 2-1020.


F O R R E N T —3 sunny rooms and bath, in private fcctw W octrid ty, telephone, oil burner "heat suppheo day and night. Rent $30. Ruther­ford 2-0821M. 616 Park Pl., Lynd­hurst. 4-30-4ti-c

F 'JR S A L E — Profit nreeding ‘ »n e r- lp ^ o D~v,x „ .iea. Female canaries Guaranteed F 9 ? , ? a**“ /Breeders. $1.60 Double Breeding Ruth. 2 6938 Lyndhurst.•■fa. $2.26; Golden n ig h t in g a le ! :-----------------choppers, $6.96; Feed mother and FO R R E N T — Nice furnished room;Tetm g our egg yntk and E wletmck

G E A R Y ’S P E T SH O P 433 Broad St., Newark

Near D. L. A W. Station■______________________________ 1-29-tf

FO R S A L E Upright Piano, in good condition. $10.00; 636 Ten Eyck Ave,, Lyndhurst.

4 16-4ti I*

with or without board. 321 Forest Ave., Lyndhurst.


F O R S A L E —Copeland 6 cu. ft ’ rigetator, $46.00. Porcelain aíra, 5 cu. ft $66.00; others very

FO R R E N T —§ room house and gar­age. 118 Post avenue, Lyndhurst.

lti-pFO R R E N T — 6 rooms and garage.

screened porch, second floor of two . faintly house, steam heat, Kenipton

470 Rutherford Ave.4-9-16-p.

I SUNDAY DINNERL- S u ft isk io *t

■ r A N N H A C K

H E L P tV A N TED»____a .reaaonable. Wilson Refrigerator ' W A N T E D — Woman (white) to work ;

6971. | as housekeeper. Sleep out. 121 Fern |Ave., Lyndhurat. Ruth. 2-1139M.

M AT Irst brings Child Haalth Day aad ramiada as that eliildrea plasty of milk, fmita and raga-

piamantad by and mast, I braad snd s modest amount

Spacial ist. Kuth 2-1006- !

F O B S A L E - 4 Piece Reed Sunparloi i W A N T ED - Young man stenographerSutte. Must he seen to Vie appre rielad. R e a d a b le . Ruth. 2-7912J-

4-23-4U c

and typiat. Alao to aasiat in office Work. Apply in writing. United , Cork Company, Grant A ve „ Lynd ­hurst, N. J . 4-30-lti-c

FO R S A L E Bar and G rill in Lynd- —...hurst, can be bought very reason*Wy, new fixtures. Low rent. Apply ! W A N T ED — H O M E W O R K E R S ON Box 40, Commercial Leader DO I L D R E S S E S . 60» Lake Ave.,

e . V . >. ■ 4-29-2ti-p | Lyndhurst. 4-30-4ti-p


G IR L 19 wishes to take care of chll* * dren eveninga. W rite Box 20, Com- ! mereiai leader Co.


_ FO R R E N T

H O U S E S$ rooms, hath, garage6 rooms, bath ..........6 rooms, bath (floor) ..


r-.-.J S,e»*y of milk, fm ita aad vaga* taklaa aupplamantad by are* and maat, rarea laasdk * *af aweata.

On tHa «baia, tha aaaaan aad mar­sala made it fa irly aaay to buy or bava milk, rhaeaa, buttar. e*fa. fruita and »egatablae. Fraah flati. howavar, ia a tettar «alua tkia waak than moat maat cata aad II is Juat aa gnod ia tha diat. l i eaokad aad aarvad diffarantly ona doaa nat gat tirad af flah any more than of maat. Chuek of baef and veal ara parhapa tha haat maat valtia

Aaparagua. spinaci». green baana, paaa, unioni, rarrots and baata ara p lantifal. Banana« ara meipanaiva and when ripa ara sa eieellent food for children

tiara ara thraa manua plannad far diffarent budget lavala.

Le a Ceat DiaaerVaal Psttiaa Craamad Potatoaa

Sta« ad 1 ornato»»Braad snd Buttar

Baaana Batty TaaarCaffaa Milk

Madiam Ceat D iaaerFricaaaaa af Chickas Boilad Rica

Green Pea»Braad snd Buttar

Baaana Craam Caka Tea er Ceffaa Milk

Very »p en a i D iaaer Ceaaemma Julienne

Roaat Lamb «ritk Glasad Bananaa New P"lato«» treamed Spiaack

Ramai sa Prenrh Dreaaiag Ralla and Battar

Riaaappla Bavarlaa Ceffee m ik


Foreat and Styvesant Avea.¡lev. FrankUn G. F a bar, rector

Rertory Teleph n<$61 L ir ia fu tos Ave. Rotn. 8-140?J

Services fo# the Third Sunday after Eaa ter. M ay 3. IBM . /

7:30 a.m. Holy CommunioiK 9:46 a-m. Church School.11:00 am . Holy Communion and

Spirit, the kingdom of heaven,— i the reign and rule of univeraaJ har- 1 mony, which cannot be loat nor re- ! main forever unaeen.“ (p 208).


8:00 pan. Evening Prayer and Ad- dreas.

Monday— Adviaary Board H p.m.Wednesday--Bl. M ary 's Guild 8

p.m.Thursday -Young People’s Fellow ­

ship 8 p.m.* pmC O M IN G E V E N T S

M«*«.day, Juno 1 —Card party under the auspicea of Church School O f­ficers aad Teaehera, Parish Hall 8

The Church with a cordial welcome to all.


Sm Q*ôrm r M utl»r. J,5 T r « ,.r . P I ■ C rM k m i. N . J .

y *m i S rM k A n w a T fa ra r, P I

Home AvenueR EV . H U B E R T A

RutherfordW R IG H T

C H R IS T IA N S C IE N C E C H U RC H MProbation A fter Death will

be the subject of tha Leaaon Sermon in all Chuscbes of Christ. Seiantiat, on Sunday, April SB.

The Goldaa Text ia “ Blesaod beÄ God aad Father of our Lord

aa Obliai, which according to his abundant merry hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection c f Jesus Christ from the dead” ( I Peter 1:8).

Among the citations which com pria* the Leaaon-Sermon la the f a l ­lowing from the Bilde: "And they

k ahlne as the

92 Orient W ay. Rutherford Morning Worship 11 A.M. Sunday School to A.M.



Stuyvesant Avenue, near Valle> Brook R e v J . r a e . M U ttO l.. l> I)..

Paata*¿.46 A.M. Sunday School

11:00 A.M. Morning Wora.up.7:00 P.M Young Peoples Christian

Unioa.i :00 I’ M Intermediate \ oung

Peoplea Society


Comer S.ay^eaant and Tent lee AveaRee. Donald E W illiams. I'astor Taraonage, S07 r ?"t ih e Avenue Phone: Rutherford 2-761B-J


Lad Call lor O y ilcn•

We Fry and Deliver •

Visit 01V Clam bar — deli- clou» clam», tl»h »andwich- ca and other wa lood d«l- Icaclca.



tóVafc*hnfhUM M »rhnghtneea a f t h e f i r m a m e n t . . mi they that turn at aay t o r i g h t e o u s neas aa the stars forever a n d e v e r . Many sh a ll h e purified, a n d m a d e w h i t e , and tr ied ; b u t t h e wicked shall do wickedly; and n o n e .»f the wicked shall M i e r a U a d : b u t the wiae shall unde retond” (Daniel 12:1. 10).

t s s a e a H s r m * a a l e o I n c l u d e a t h e folio « u f i>aaaage f r o m the

la RotharfeM, N J.ic M m au sro N T ia u r c o l n a v rb

B e o aw b a / M e S fo 4 4 e e O l s r a l . T t»e n . a t . ,r f h r t . t M .l« aHat in Noaloai. Maaa

i a u e d a j r a e b e o l a t S I S A. I t Hunday M>rvlc«> at I t % .es ..-d p m .

W .daarta r Kveeiea Meet.»« » I I r m. Ilaatftag Vtoem in »!*«• |t|v«'i t^ a tra NiilMtag eeeo dally it u'tlech te 4 o rte»a eaea^t Nuadar and Uaal hniMa va an-l no Xaurada? a« «alai frem : ss U I .ea n'eaeek-

Chriaüan (Science tñnhuok, enee aad BeaBh Scriptures’* by M _ .“ Let aa teem of the real

with Roy to the“ * «* Eddy:M ary Baker

and prepare for the reign of

< HR IS T I AN S C IE N C E R EA D IN G ROOM - F R E E to the PobMe

I I Sylvaa St Ru th erfe«* N. J.4 utherifed Aaaroved IJteestare

C H R IST «AN S4 IR N C B May be Read. Itorrowed ee Pvrchaeed

In M ath eefM i N . I F IR S T C lV U td O f 4c H R i r r t f m r r m

PARAMOUNT Cleaners & Dyers

C A U RUTH. Z-438«


I tees of the club w ill take charre , | the affa ir. of

W illiam Anderson of 30 Park Are nue waa host at hie home laat week to the members of the Bachelor c lu b Members present were: Law re, Meyer, Robert Blake, Robert Gnf John Lippincott, John Keenan, Lom'J Steinnack and Edward WaJker



312 VALLEY BROOK AVE. Saturday Nite, May 2ndRJusic by Will CuUen and His

Bell Top Orchestra

KINGSLAND AVE. and RIDGE ROAD, LYNDHURSTPhone RUtherford 2-4450.. . 4451


Lyndhurst Supply ia one of the finest food markets tn the Country and the beat maiket to do your shopping for you not only findquality but YO U S A V E M O N EY A S W E L L .

SpecialsAprijJWh to J £ a y 6t h l n c l u s i v e ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^


_ _ c ___ • • a a a aR O Y A L A N N E — Y A N K E E


Grocery DepartmentRED DEVIL CLEANSER . can USUPER SU D S Ig pkg 15*OCTAGON CH IPS . . Ig pkg 15*A R M A H A M M ER

W ASHING SODA . . . . pkg S* . . Ig can 15« . . Ig can 23*YANKEE "

FRUIT COCKTAIL . . Ig can 23* IC O T S...............Ig can 11«


H E S ................ Ig can 15*UUY|GRAPEFRUIT HEARTS 2 ... 25«L IB B Y 'S

PINT APPLE JU IC E . . 2 cans 23«C RO SS * BLAC K W E L L

MARMALADE . . . . lb iar 19«CRO SS « B L A C K W E L L

SO U PS.......................2 for 25«G I M P B B T 8 B IIT T ER S C O T T H

DESSERT..................... pkg 10«« .K R H ta n i a r L IB B Y 'S


CO O KIES................... 2 lbs 25«

Meat DepartmentThursday, Friday & Saturday


SHOULDER V EA L lb 14«BREAST V EA L . Ib id«LEGS VEAL .................. lb 23«RUMPS V EA L ............... lb 23*PRIME RIB RO A ST lb 25«

Fruits and VegetablesThursday, Friday & Saturday


FRESH PEA S. ----------2 lbs 19«L A R liK B U N C H )K R S K \

ASPARAGUS . . . orig bun 25«JU IC Y 8 U N K IS T *

O RAN G ES................... das 29«BAN AN AS.................4 lbs 19«RHUBARB ••• 3 for 10«

3 for 19c Sm. 9c —Lg. 21c — Lg. 18c

W INES AND LIQUORS* « “ 5®” • • • • • • .P t 98c— qL 1.92Old D rum ...p t 99c qt. 1.95S e t ? River pl w c - a t . 1.95Wilkins Family p t 9 8 c -q t 1.95W ilson ........ Pt 1J27—q t 2.4»5 Y E A R S O LD - T A T T L E RScotch Whipkey ................ ' 2 49» Y E A R OU>Glen Forres ........ ........ ........ t y i

CALIFORNIA WINES^ * * and B fa-44 gal. 89c gaL 1.7» ^ Winea_................. gal. U 9

Popular Brards BEERB<K lt' B E E R . . B O T T L E S « T A N S

<>inger Ale . . , lg. bottles 3 for 25cp,° * on Bottle,


SirloinSteak . . . lb 27«


Monday Only Fresh Choppedn C»n V*flopped

Mackerat-Croakers 11 10« Beef . . . h> 17c

i h . i o n « f l i r l n c W e '^ r - r -e f«U Um «

