Immanuel Family News


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Youth/ Family News



Immanuel Family News


Summer has arrived!

Upon awakening this morning, I looked out the window at the

freshly-cleaned swimming pool and thought about all the good

times we’ve enjoyed in that pool and those that are still ahead for

this summer and future summers. All of our kids, their friends, and

now our grandkids have enjoyed this pool and it has become a rite

of summer to spend time relaxing in the cool, fresh waters of the

swimming pool.

This morning, because the water temperature was warmer

than the air temperature, the pool actually seemed to be steaming

an invitation to me to take the plunge. Yesterday, after a long day

working in the yard and gardens that water felt wonderful! And this

morning, even though it looks inviting again, I am committed to

finishing the yard work from yesterday before enjoying the pool

once again.

And this situation makes me think about how summer offers

us each the chance to enjoy other parts of the beauty of God’s

creation. Here in central New York we spend lots of time huddled

against the cold weather of fall and winter and once summer arrives,

there is this general re-awakening to the wonders that God has

provided. The warm sunshine streams through our open windows,

the flowers spring forth from the ground in our gardens and grass

turns green once again. And, of course, the neighborhood ice cream

stand re-opens and tempts us with those same delectable treats!

And through all of this, God smiles as we enjoy the truly

beautiful world God has made! My prayer for you this summer is

that you take some time to pause and enjoy the magnificent gift of

Creation God has provided. Do something to be outside, plant a

garden, enjoy a local park, spend time cleaning up around the

neighborhood. The opportunities are endless. What can you find to

help you enjoy and celebrate the beautiful world around you? Just

look around and remember…. God has made all of this beautiful

world just for us. So enjoy and maybe, in some small way, you can

help to make it better for others?

I can’t wait to meet you in Church this summer!

Pastor Jack Keating

July/August 2016


July/Aug. 2016 page 2

Even though the kids are home for the summer,

things are heating up in our children/youth ministries.

Let’s start with our summer celebrations.

The SR HI Youth will be celebrating at the

Rosamond Gifford Zoo @ Burnet Park on Saturday,

July 9th. We will meet at the church at 9:30am and be

at the zoo right when the doors open. We will hang

out together for a few hours and then stop for lunch.

The cost of admission will be paid for; however, please

bring money for lunch.

The JR HI Youth will be celebrating at the

Demmerle’s with a pool party on Sunday, July 10th

from 1:00pm – 3pm. Please bring a snack to share

with the group and check your mailboxes for more


Also on July 10th, all youth in grades 6th – 12th are

welcome to join me for BE THE CHURCH Sunday

starting at 9:30am. We will be cleaning out the

youth/Sunday School rooms. Please check your

bulletin and emails for further details about this

missional Sunday.

On Sunday, July 17th, our Summer Sunday Schoolbegins. Summer Sunday School is open to all children

in grades Kindergarten through 5th grade. We will be

spending time with vegetables this summer (that’s

right, Veggie Tales!)

Vacation Bible School starts on Monday, August

1st and runs through Thursday, August 4th. Our theme

for the week is “LIVE FROM BETHLEHEM”! We will be

interviewing angels, shepherds, the three magi and we

are hoping to get a chance to talk with the Holy

Family. There will be songs, games, healthy snacks,

crafts, bible adventures and our own Imagination

Station. Cost is $10 per child; no more than $25 per

family. You may register at our website: We are still in need of a few

more adult volunteers. If you would like to be a part

of this fantabulous ministry, please contact me at 466-


Summer is a time for rest and rejuvenation and we

tend to get out of the structure of our daily lives. I

would like to encourage all of you to continue

worshiping together as often as you can this summer

as we welcome Pastor Jack and his wife, Becky, to our

family. I am very excited about the future of Immanuel

and can’t wait for you to meet them.


~Carol A. DoucetteChristian Education Coordinator

Dear Members and Friends of Immanuel Church,

Irene and I want to express our heartfelt thanks

and appreciation to all of you for your love, support,

and faithfulness during our interim ministry together

over the past 3 1/2 months. It has been an honor and

a privilege to serve you. We want to thank you also

for your cards, notes, gifts, and words of appreciation.

May God’s deepest blessings be upon you as you

move forward into your bright future.

~Russ and Irene Hall………………………………………………………………….

United Methodist WomenAs we gathered to present our fundraiser events last

year we really appreciated the support we realized

from Immanuel and from the community. The results

of these events have allowed us to present $330.00 to

each of these three different local agencies, Vera

House, Samaritan Center, and McMahon Ryan- Child

Advocacy Group.


On May 15, 2016 our congregation welcomed the

following into our family of faith:

Arlene Jones

Beverly Blakeslee

David Blakeslee

David Stevens

Darlene Stevens

Jamie Lee Stevens

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Mark your calendar! Our annual church picnic will

be Sunday, July 17 following worship. Hamburgers,

hot dogs and drinks will be provided. Please bring a

dish to share. We will have an opportunity to “Meet

and Greet” Pastor Jack and his wife, Becky. Please

sign up in the Narthex so we have enough

hamburgers and hot dogs!

Mark your calendars for Nov 8, this is the date for the

Election Day turkey dinner. All help is always


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The church office will be closed on Fridays, July 1

through September 2.


July/August 2016 page 3

Mini Golf Tournament is Saturday, August 6! Registration forms are included and can be turned

in to Shelley Dawson Smith or in to the church

office. There is still time to make donations.

Contact Shelley Dawson Smith at 487-1290.

August Disaster Recovery Mission Trip The next Immanuel mission trip is scheduled for the

week of August 15-19, 2016 in South Carolina.

Contact Mike Block at 468-2185.

Shoe Ministry Immanuel has recently started a

shoe ministry and your help is needed. We are

collecting shoes and gently used sneakers that will

be delivered to "Ralph the Shoe Guy" who owns

Discount Shoe Repair in downtown Syracuse.

Ralph refurbishes the shoes which may involve some

polish or replacing the laces or putting on new soles

and then he gives the shoes to the Rescue

Mission. Ralph started this ministry 5 years ago and

it has grown from a few hundred shoes to 12,325

pairs last year! Ralph donates his time and supplies

however he will accept cash to help defray the cost

of the supplies. So let's help Ralph and the Rescue

Mission reach 15,000 pairs of shoes this year! The

donation box is in the Narthex across from the

church office. Any questions ask Shelley Dawson

Smith 727-0671.

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

3M Fund update The 2013-2016 3M Fund is coming to a close on

6/30/16. The pledges for this 3 year fund totaled

$196,434.00 and as of 6/13/16 only $141,102.98 has

been collected resulting in a shortfall of

$38,756.52. As you may know the monies from this

fund are primarily used to pay the church's

mortgage but also used for maintenance of our

building and for mission projects. Please prayerfully

consider your 3M pledge.

If you have any questions about your pledge or

are unsure of the amount of your pledge please call

Shelley Dawson Smith at 487-1290.

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + +

It’s not too late to turn in your pledges for the 2016-

19 3M Fund!

Mission News

Some of you will remember the Ukas, a Muslim

refuge family from Kosovo that Immanuel

sponsored when they left their war-torn country

with only the clothes on their backs and were lucky

enough to be chosen to come to America. Being

their “Sponsor” meant that we completely furnished

and set up an apartment for this family of 7, paid

the first month’s rent, stocked a huge pantry and

refrigerator and provided food for 3 weeks. We met

them at the airport when they arrived in Syracuse,

provided them with clothing and shoes, and helped

transport them to appointments, etc. under the

direction of the Refuge Resettlement Agency.

In May, 1999, when a small group from Immanuel’s

Global Mission team met them at the airport, the 16

year old son, Arber, was the only one in the family

who understood or spoke very limited English.

Today Arber has graduated from Keuka College

majoring in Biochemistry. His sister, Arta, graduated

from Cazenovia College majoring in Education.

Delvina, Anduena, and Gresa (the youngest who was

8 at the time) have all graduated from RIT majoring

in Biomedical Engineering. The entire family have

adjusted very well and are living successful lives.

They love America and are thankful for the

opportunities they have had, and especially to

Immanuel for giving them a new start in life.

Today both Delvina and Arta are happily married

and raising two young sons each. I still hear from

the girls occasionally and just recently received a

note from Delvina part of which I would like to share

with all of you. She wrote:

“After we last spoke, I found my way to meet some

very nice people in Ohio, and we have been

attending the United Methodist church here in our

town. My kids absolutely love the kids programs and

Matt and I love being part of such a wonderful

congregation. Recently we have been talking about

sponsoring a refugee family and it has been quite

the journey hoping to give back the way I was given.

We are just starting the process, but I thought you

would enjoy hearing all this news.. Just wanted to

send you our love.. Hugs Delvina”

~Judy Turton

Pastor Pastor Jack Keating

Phone (315) 487-1171



Worship 9:30 am Sundays (Summer)

Sunday School During worship

Handicapped accessible

Please join us!

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Our Mission

“To make disciples of Jesus Christ

for the transformation of the world.”

July/August 2016We wish to be good stewards of both financial and environmentalresources. If you no longer wish to receive this newsletter, pleaseemail us at and request removal.
