IGCSE Business Chp. Chp. 1 & 2 Keywords – Mission statement, objectives, profit maximization...


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IGCSE Business Chp. Chp. 1 & 2

Keywords – Mission statement, objectives, profit maximization

• Class : Y10

• Lesson Topic: Business and the Environment

• Scheme of Work: Business Objective

IGCSE Business Chp. Chp. 1 & 2

Keywords – Mission statement, objectives, profit maximization

Tell me three things...

about the topic we are studying.Or,

you learnt in the last lesson.


IGCSE Business Chp. Chp. 1 & 2

Keywords – Mission statement, objectives, profit maximization

Questions you would like to ask

Today we will begin studying ____________. What are the questions you would like answered.

IGCSE Business Chp. Chp. 1 & 2

Keywords – Mission statement, objectives, profit maximization

Noun Play

_________ is like (a) ________ because….

First blank is for the topic, concept etc.Second blank is for the random noun.

e.g. Communication is like driving because…

IGCSE Business Chp. Chp. 1 & 2

Keywords – Mission statement, objectives, profit maximization

Lesson Objectives P&DPlanning and


ALL (KNOWLEDGE) Describe a business main objective

MOST (ANALYSIS) • Analyse a business objective

• SOME (EVALUATION ) • Evaluate the usefulness of an objective

Higher thinking


IGCSE Business Chp. Chp. 1 & 2

Keywords – Mission statement, objectives, profit maximization

CONNECTIVES for AnalysisCONNECTIVES for ApplicationCONNECTIVES for Evaluation

COMPARINGEqually…As with…Like…In the same way…Similarly…Even so…Likewise…CAUSE & EFFECT

Consequently… Due to…As a result… Therefore..Because of… Because…

CONCLUDINGFirstly… After…Secondly… Before…Overall… I believe…Finally… I think …In conclusion… it depends…To conclude… short term…Meanwhile… Long term…

CONTRASTINGAlthough… Except…Moreover… If…However… Yet…Apart from… Unless…Despite… As long as…

EMPHASISINGMost importantly…Significantly…Notably…Especially…Above all…In particular…Indeed…

QUALIFYINGDespite… Yet…As long as… Unless…Apart from… If…Moreover… Except…However… Although…

ADDINGIn addition… And…Too… Also…Additionally… As well as…Furthermore…

ILLUSTRATINGFor instance… Such as…In the case of… So…For example…As revealed by…As illustrated by…

IGCSE Business Chp. Chp. 1 & 2

Keywords – Mission statement, objectives, profit maximization

What is a business objective?

IGCSE Business Chp. Chp. 1 & 2

Keywords – Mission statement, objectives, profit maximization

Private sector Objectives


IGCSE Business Chp. Chp. 1 & 2

Keywords – Mission statement, objectives, profit maximization

Private sector objectives • Survival

• Profit

• Growth

• Increase power (market share)

IGCSE Business Chp. Chp. 1 & 2

Keywords – Mission statement, objectives, profit maximization

S.M.A.R.T Objectives • Everybody makes objectives;

• Individuals, families and businesses.

• Your objective this year is a good grade!

IGCSE Business Chp. Chp. 1 & 2

Keywords – Mission statement, objectives, profit maximization

• Discuss with your partner how you would make these weights goals SMART?

IGCSE Business Chp. Chp. 1 & 2

Keywords – Mission statement, objectives, profit maximization

IGCSE Business Chp. Chp. 1 & 2

Keywords – Mission statement, objectives, profit maximization

Public sectorObjectives

IGCSE Business Chp. Chp. 1 & 2

Keywords – Mission statement, objectives, profit maximization

Public Sector objectives • Non profit

• More about;

• Quality of service • Improved satisfaction• Reduce costs

IGCSE Business Chp. Chp. 1 & 2

Keywords – Mission statement, objectives, profit maximization

IGCSE Business Chp. Chp. 1 & 2

Keywords – Mission statement, objectives, profit maximization

CONNECTIVES for AnalysisCONNECTIVES for ApplicationCONNECTIVES for Evaluation

COMPARINGEqually…As with…Like…In the same way…Similarly…Even so…Likewise…CAUSE & EFFECT

Consequently… Due to…As a result… Therefore..Because of… Because…

CONCLUDINGFirstly… After…Secondly… Before…Overall… I believe…Finally… I think …In conclusion… it depends…To conclude… short term…Meanwhile… Long term…

CONTRASTINGAlthough… Except…Moreover… If…However… Yet…Apart from… Unless…Despite… As long as…

EMPHASISINGMost importantly…Significantly…Notably…Especially…Above all…In particular…Indeed…

QUALIFYINGDespite… Yet…As long as… Unless…Apart from… If…Moreover… Except…However… Although…

ADDINGIn addition… And…Too… Also…Additionally… As well as…Furthermore…

ILLUSTRATINGFor instance… Such as…In the case of… So…For example…As revealed by…As illustrated by…

IGCSE Business Chp. Chp. 1 & 2

Keywords – Mission statement, objectives, profit maximization

Exam style questions A-A*

1. Discuss2. Evaluate

(8-12m) 8+ connectives & key words


1. Explain 2. Analyze

(5-7 m) 5+ connectives & key words


1. Identify 2. Define

(2-4m) 2 + connectives & key words

ATDApply to


IGCSE Business Chp. Chp. 1 & 2

Keywords – Mission statement, objectives, profit maximization

Lesson Objectives P&DPlanning and


ALL (KNOWLEDGE) Describe a business main activity

MOST (ANALYSIS) • Analyse a business activity or external factor

SOME (EVALUATION ) • Evaluate the usefulness of a stakeholder to a businesses success.

Higher thinking


IGCSE Business Chp. Chp. 1 & 2

Keywords – Mission statement, objectives, profit maximization

Questions you would like to aske.g.

Today we have been studying_______________.

Think of 1 questions to ask other people in the class about today’s lesson.


IGCSE Business Chp. Chp. 1 & 2

Keywords – Mission statement, objectives, profit maximization

Freeze Frame

Students have to produce a freeze-frame showing one aspect of their learning.

E.G. A communication method or a finance or a sector of the economy

IGCSE Business Chp. Chp. 1 & 2

Keywords – Mission statement, objectives, profit maximization

Spell a key word to your friend using sign language…

IGCSE Business Chp. Chp. 1 & 2

Keywords – Mission statement, objectives, profit maximization

Exam Question

Write an exam question based on your learning today. Then, swap books and answer someone else’s question.

Answer PLAN: Intro – define key wordExplain 1 advantage (BLT)Explain 1 disadvantage (BLT)Conclude – I think, however, it depends…

E.g. Discuss whether a bank loan is suitable for business startup .

Start with; Discuss or Evaluate whether or To what extent is _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (6m)

3+ connectives 3+ key words