Iff Eden Rejects Separation OJ Church, Stqte...


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-L~ke, eb of 's 5US­I ~ em·

[~~~~ rcak· I'clry, ~, I


10,30 a.m.-Adopted Son. 9.00 p.m.-Room 25.

10.00 p.m.-Liberace. 11.00 p.m.-Pepsi Cola


Vol. 62. No. ~47 ------ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1955

(Pric. 5 cents)


nillaillt .1

Charles Hutton & Sons

Molotov Holds Up "A Dangerous' Decision On Tliree

The 'Public" Most Urgent Items By STANLEY.PRIDDLE

Magistrate O.'Neill Says

Dru:nken Drivi llg­

Situation' Co,nfronting GENEVA (Reuters)-'1be Big Four foreign minlltl'1'l

Tuesday night remained completely deadlocked on every issue only 24 hours before their conference winds up.

(NEA Telephoto) BUnOS WEDS FOR SIXTH TI~JE-Dlme s~ore ileiress Barbara Hullon married her sixth husband, German Lennis slar Baron Gatt· hieri ,'on Cramm, In a sccret ceremony in Versailles, France. The, Iff lholl'n abore at Cologne, Germany, four yean aso, 11 was the mond marrlase for "on Cramm.

Eden Rejects Separation OJ Church, Stqte

By RANAD MacLURKIN LONDON (Reuters)-Prime Minister Eden rejected

arguments in the House of Commons Tuesday that the Church of England's official link with the state should be severed.

Controversy In press and pulpit hJ~ raied around Ihis Issue Iince Princess Margaret renounced mar· riage to Group Captain Peter ruwnsend, bowing to Ihe church's .diet that divorced people should not remarry,

The prime minister. whose. own pril'ate, UCe 15 I dil'ol'ced man has h.tn ~rouJlht into Ihe ,discussion, lold the House of Commons that M rcpresentatinns .. lavoring dises· l~b!i3hmcnt'of th'c church had been frcei\'cd f\'om any responsible or represcntatil'e body.

Hr. recallcd that the Church of England and the Iree churches in Ihe last fell' years had each ap· pointed commissions to consider relations between church a'nd state, NOT FAVORED

"Both reports Indicate that sep· aration of the church and state at the present juncture would be to Ihe detriment of the church and the lIatlon," he said.

The Issue was raised by Labor left·"inger Stephen SwingIer. He urged the prime minister to set IIp III . Inquiry into "how far the rhurchls present status accords ~'ilh the Ideals and desires of the

Charged With Mu~d~r, Hangs Self In Jail

I ED~ONTON (CP) - Wilhelm

Sherman, 32·year-old Edmonlon carpenter 'charged with the murder oI his wife" hanged hlmsell In 'bis cell at Fort Saskatchewan jail ~horUy Ifter supper Monday IIlght.

majority of the English people," Since Princess' Margarct an·

nounced her decision, several newspapers, Including the ?Ibn· chesler Guardian and The Daily Express, ha\'e campaigned Irench· antl~· for disestablishment of the church. .

They ha "e argued that, as henel 01 both church and state, Ihe QueCn has to support contradieLory views, '111C' slatc Mcrees, for' in· stanct, Ihat It Is legal for a di· "orced person to marry again. This Is contrary La church teachln;:s,

Newspapers Rnd cierg)'mcn also have rai,cd Eden's personal posit· ion,He divorced his !irst wiCe and married the present Lady Eden In a registry office.

He could not marry In church, Yel, as' prime minister, It is he who appoints bishops and church leaders. '

The present concept of the "est· Bblis~erl Church of England" grew oot of Klng Henry VIII's 16th·eenl· ury row with the Pope, Henry wanled to change wives and 'the Pope would not grant him a dl· vorce. So Henry repudiated the Pope anel declared himself head ot R national church.

RCMP said Sherman fashioned I rope from bed sheets,

Sherman was charged with mur· der early last Saturday Ifler lice received a call to his home and foilnd his wile dead from a shotgun blast, He appeared In court Saturday and was remanded until next }o"riday for a menbl amlnaLion.

It Was reported Ihat Sherma had been de~pondellt and had fused 10 eal bls meals since taken 10 the jail.

Urges Police Ufficers Prepare A II Available Evidence Drunken driving constitutes

ODe of the most IIrlous .Uua· tlons cOllfroDllng the' public today, Magistrate Hugh O'Neill declared In Courl yesterday, as he urged that police of· !Ieen prepare all .nllable e\'ldence 'in prosecullons lor this offence.

the Topsail highway on October 3. Thcre was no dcfinite evidence produced b)' the police, he claim· ed, to sholV that Ihe defendant had bcen intoxicaled. "II's time this Court demanded morc accurate el'idencc," he said, statin~ 'thal the unsupported and contested word 01 a police officer was not grounds Cor cOn\'iction on sueh a char~e.

agreed that the police 'should en· dcavour to come to Court wilh all al'ailable cidcnee on hand. Per· sons arrcsled (or drunken driving should be given tests, "twenty tests If necessary," 50 that • compre· hensive picture of the case can be presented in Court.

They tailed in two sessionl Tues· day to makl lny headway 011 the said the four po'II'lri .hould ft. three problems before them-Eu· frain from the UII of armed lore. ropean 'security Ind German reo Rnd noled agreement on the lIep unification, disarmament and im· for cutting· armamenu, banning proving East.West contacl.3. . .tomic weapons. and utablilhinl

The defendant claimed that the' law ollicers had gh'en hIm no tesls lor sobriety, eIcept that at his own request he \\'~Iked a straight line on the highway as he was arrcsted. lie saill thc)' hnll relllSed to get a doclor to examine hilll, and In fnct cla:mcd t1Hit one 01 'the officers had lold him to go on his 1I'3Y, but the other Insisted on his arrest.

Soviet Fortign Minuler Molotov "eHective tontro1." sprang ~n llIh.hour surprise by JOCKEY FOR posmON putting forward nelV sURgestions on Behind Tuesday's disagreemenb ~ll three items, which the min· between Russia and the West about isters ha"e been discussing with· the conclusions of the eoruerence out success for three weeks. lay So\'iet anxiety' to record Jome

One proposal on improving East· achievement and the West'. desir, West contacts ,vas rcjected by the for a frank statement' on the dead-

lIc was trying I case in which Chesley Gorman of Upper Gullies was charged with dperaling his car while Intoxicated. RCMP con· stables Jacobs an~ Cooke had ar· rested the accused alter'he had been involved ln an accident on

Allorney Sam Hawkins, defence counsel, mo\'ed (or dismissal DC the charge on drunl;en driving.

~fagistrate O'Neill said, "It is lilY experience in such case!!' that 1\'l\ncs5es are rcluctant to gh'c damaging e\'idence .. It I! essential to depend on the honesty of the police." At the same time, the Magistrate

Western powers, a draft statement 1000k. . $150, Ind luspension of drlv· on disarmament was declared un· The two .Ides were JoekeylD, for

acceptable, while I draft statement the positions which ?iU be adopted selting out measures of agreement in the final communique.

Rejecting the motion for dismIssal, I\I~glstrate O'l'iell\ reduced the tharge against Gorman to one of "impaired" drl\'lng, and imposcd a fine Ilf

Ing license for one year.

and disagreement on European The draft Russian Itateme!lt Ml security and German reunlficaUon disarmament-pubUshed in contra·

Pearson Hopes For Peace In Mid-East

O'ITAWA (CP) - E~lernal ,i,f. fail's Minisler Pearson came home from his 21,.sO·milc, 45·day lour 01 Russia and Asia Tuesday with hopes. for ~ peac.ein .. tbe"MiMle' Ea~l.,., .... ,.

He tolet reporters on his An'il'al by RCAF plane from London that he bcl1el'es there is a "\,cry good chance lor a peace seWemcnt be· tween lsrael and Ule Arab states,

Hc said hc had been assured hy Premier Nasser' ol Egypt in Cairo last week that Eg)'pt wants a peaceful solution of the dlspule with Israel. .

He had also been assured In Cairo that arms shipments by Sov· let bloc countries to Egypt will not mean Egypt's enlistment In the Communist ranks.

Mr. Pearson also conferred In Cairo with Maj.·Gen. E. L. M. Burns of Ollawa, United Nations truce commissioner In Palestine, and saw Prime Minister Eden Monday ln London. 'Moshe Sharett, I~racii foreign minister, will come here In about two weeks to talk with Mr. Pearson.

The minister, who dropped in on a dozen countries, Including Russia for 10 days, said Mr. Eden has suggested certain conditions for a settlement between Israel and the Arab states.

The other Western nations migbt hulp. the tense, Middle East S1lU3' lion by ullylnl/to the SUPllo!'t of Britain In' Jts attempts to find a solution.

. See PEARSON, Pale ,

(NEA Telephoto) PRESIDENTS GET TOGETHER-President and I\!rs. Eisenhower (center) meet with Guatemalan Presl· dent and Mrs. Armas at Fitzsimons Hospital, Den ver. It was one of the rare occasions thaUhe head of another nation had called on a President of the' United States while the latter was hospitalized.


"Get Tough" Policy Stops - .

Argentine Strike' Threat :!:

A.rmed Show Of. Force Shakes Powerful Labour Fedel'ation

BUENOS AIRES (AP) _ PI·Ol'i. dead in its tratk~. I nni-la I ~ b 0 r. r s boyrot\t!l the sional president Pedro AramlJIIl'u's 'I' h e ClIllrd~l:alion's Pt'l'onista strike, "get lough" policy, with Argentine b()~sc.1 ratli~d IlllJlIs:tll(b ur \Iurk· .... u ~tUl()sllh~rt 0/ 111Isil1~:i! •• labur ~huuk Ihe fUllll(tatiulls oC the ~rs lUI' \\'al~ulIls in majul' lill'~I' \1,11,1 pl'el'all~lt ill 1I1'"lItuII'Ii /lilt· unce p(l\\,~I'lill <:eneral eonr.d~I'a. lIacl:ili~, ~las'\\'(JI'k~, l'uhhtl', til'e uus AI!'e' ~II(I "th.I' majili' dli.~. liull of I.abor 'I'uesday auO stullt).11 ~lId shue IlIallll(a~l1l1'irl~ induslries t'ulille tI'~lIsIJo)rlaliuli 1'"II.d ullil1' I Ihl'l'alcned CUlilltl'y,wide strike 11111 1.1I~ u( IhulI"llI(b ot )lIli·I'<"I·· lel'J'lIpl .. t. I'ulllie IIlitilin 1111,,·· _._._. _ ...... _ .. _ .. _. _. ___ .. _ .. _ .. _._, ____ ._... tiouell 1101'111 a Ill' , newspapel'S 1'011

tiUlleo tu pllblish ~lId silo I" .110 restauranls rem ained open.

will be considered today. venUon of the secrecy rule - at· FINAL MEETING tempted 10 paint I· much rosier

The ministers hold their tlnal picture of the situation than really meeting today, to draw up a com exists, Western quarters said. munique on the talks and make An asserUon In it that the two their final statements, The draft sides were "closer together" over Soviet proposal on European sec- important questions regarding the urity will be considered In connec· prohibition of atomic weapons and lion with the final communique. the need for control was anything

'TIle draft statement called on the but true, the sources said. four powers 10 note their points 01 NQthing can disguise the dead· agreement, particularly on Europ· lock of the foreign ministers on all can security. and those of di~agree· three lIems of the agenda. The ment, especially German unity. It final communique can't help but lI\'ged Ihey should continue final dampen the hopes raised at the erforl~ I.ler 10 find common heads of government conference ground beLween the two side~. here last July.· ,

The declar~tion on disarmamenl The only ke~ issue lell for dis· callfd on Britain. France. the cussion today 15 whether the lour

. United. Stales .and_Russia I,o.agree .foreign minislers s h 0 u! d metl \0 contintie' thii' seii-Cli'lor a di~·, altain n.ext year. It i~ behe\'e~ !h~

'Hmament tonvention takinJt 'intol West \\'111 propost that the declSlon account both Eastern and Western be J~!t to Ibe heads of govern· proposal!. The draft 3J;reement ment. .

Call FOl~ Early Meeting Of U. N.

By JACK BEST Canadian Press Staff Writer

UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (CP)-The United States Tuesday called for an early meeting of the UN Security Council to consider 18 applications for membership in the international organization.

The'move came as Canada pre· pared to Introduce a resolution in the General Assembly's' Bpecial political committee callin, {or Id· mission of the five Communist and 13 non·Communist IPplicants.

Nearly Iwu·thinla III the lIN'. 10 1110 III lIel's were rejllll'lcIl 10 bH. lille,t liJi hehirllt Ihe eUtl.lti~1l '"0,,111',. 1I.~1I11 Minl.lcr '1'.111 M~rl,u, "h~i'·llI.I' or «:.1111110'. liN licl~i~li(Ol1, ,.\,1 ~ 1o~11 olir'.,1 I" ""'~illll""I' iI.

Condemns Censoring Of Books

'j'iJrtON'ro (CPI - Dr. JoIAI'~lll 1.our, jlfuro •. ;ur ..t "hll ... iJjihl' .t llie iI/,il'crilly .ilt 'I'uli>lIlu, ':0111 'i·IIC.aD" uu ulle wlou 1'o.lIy 10,· heYel In tilt •• neliU "I lI"IIIi1~rkc1 . can cuuduue Ule actiuus ot tho

S~preme Court 'Defends "Witnesses' , ORDERS REBUFFED

At 2 meetinl ot tht .ponsors (;alholie Women's Leal/ue in Its d· held late this att~rDoon, it was fort" to "curtail the freedom of 3ltreed that Martin should meet expression." wilhin 24 hoors "with those can· Dr. Lonll joined othen, lIartie· ccrned" in the Securill' Council to uiarly Authors lind booksellers, l!! discUl! p~.ralld action. It \\'15' un· condemning Ute action of ths derstood that hi! main discussion! league in attempti!lg hi pet'!u!ds \\'ill be with U. S. d!1eglte!. boolo:seller! to return to d!3tribu·

• I

\ ,

Quebec Police Pay for Int'erference Religious

The confederation's top com· mand-who seized power, under ousted Diclator ,Iuan D, Peron­orderEd an' indefinite general strLlte to bEgin la.t midnight In a sholl' of torce agaill;t Aramburu's fledg· ling' gOl'ernment.

Bulr-at least At Ihe ouUet­their orders were rebuffed by I huge, majority of their member!.

The spon!ors will meet a,ain tot'! book! which t.i!e !eai\le eo!!·' this afternoon. !j~m l!!d!cent and improper fot' ","\'

The U. S, lAid It requ!3l!d the ehtldr!!! U:J read. . Sl!eurity !)Juncll meel:inJl in ae- About 1,1)00 sP!dally • ttl!.!!!!! . cordance with a resolutiOn passed le~gue membe~~, mosUy h()u!!- i

$2000 Damages FOJ· .B,·eakillg Vp Meeting Held In Home

BJ BERNARD DUFRESNE dined to rule on the Issue because CanldllD Pres. Staff Writer counsel for the officers said he did

OTl'AWA (CP)- Three Quebec not rely on the act for a defence, provincial pollee officers Tuesday The court ruled the acl afforded \\'ere ordered by' the Supreme no protection to lbe oItlcers and r,ourt of Canada to pay $2,000 So its constitutional valldiy could damaies for breaking up R rell· not be Involved In Lhe case. ~ious meeting in the home of 'fhis decision, handed down duro .:symler Chaput, a member of the Ing hearIng of the case last sprIng, Jehol'ah's Witnesses. In 'ellct reduccd the case simply

All nine jud~es' ~ald In' the un· to one 'oI a suit for damages. Animous decisIon the aclion was . Originally, :lIr. Chaput sought unlawful or illegal. One, 1oIr. Jus· $5,005 damages fl'om the officers, lice C. II: Locke, described it as but lost in Ihe lower courts. Till! I'riminal and '~aid police offlcen Supreme Court revcrsed this deci· J~dmond' nomain, Linden Young slon, lind ROiler Chartrand were liable OIlicers Romain, Young and 10 !IrosecuUon and imprisonment. Charlrand broke Up a Sunday alt·

The court, however, did not rule ,ernoon mceting In Mr. ChapUl's nn lhe consiituUonal validity of tho home in Chapteau, Que., Sept 4, quebec MagIstrate's Act which the 10411. They seized a bible and other quebec SUperior Court alidCoul1 rcligioul literature, dispersed the of Appeals found give tlie police' . gathering of about 35 persons and men I defenc. for their. actions. escorted a visiting eVllngelist, Rev,

The Quebtc courLs found thallbe Ah'in GoUllold 01 0\1811'11, to· ,an Ict KI\'e lhe ])OlIce· officers im· Oll:lwa ril'er lerry lor I'embroke. nlllnity from liabIlIty IC thry acted Onto In 200d fallh and on orders from NO STAn: REJ.lGJOS their ~11\)"rior... . Mr, .Justice Rohert TA9chr.r~All, lIF.CLtNP. RULINt. , ~ RomAri CAtholic from Queber

However, the Slh~r.m.' Court de· who wrote th. mam reasons for

the Supreme Court's Judgment, said the conduct of the three oHI· cers was highly reprehensible. Mr, Chaput had the ,right 10 convene the meeting at hll home. He added:

"In our country there Is 110 ~tate religion, All religloDs are On an equal footing, and Catholics as wcll as Protestants, Jews, and. olher adherents to I'arious reli· glous denominalions, enjoy the most 1I0mpiete liberty oC thought. The conscience of ~aeh Is a ·per· sonal mailer and Ule concern, of nobody else.

loll would be disLressing to think lIlat a majority might impose Its religious I'iews upon a minority, and il 1I'0uid also be a shocking error to. believe that one serves his country or his religion by, deny· Ing In one province, 10 a minority, Ihe same rights which one '.righlly claims fOl' oneself in another priv· lnce." :-

Mr. Justice Taschereau's rea· s[)ng were roncllrrell Intiy Chief (NEA 'l'elepboto) .rustice 1'~lri~k Ket·wlll.;Y al~o a .-KRED BY rOllRT ORDRR-The ·three repentent eK.·GI turncoats Homan Catholic, ami ~1~: JustIce lca,'e the liixth Arm), guardhouse at l'OI'! Baker, Calif:,'lfter being, J. W. Est~)', a Prnlestap,1. Ireed bv a Fede\'al COlll·t nrclcr,' The'three (left to rlght):otho Bell, . Mr .• 1usllce Gerald Fa.utcux alslI' .• ..... 10 b I~ a Catholic. The othcr;~udg!ls all ~:p.wls Grl!!~~ ~n~, William .COI\'IOI't •• lcU the i!larUl,ouse VOWlng c are ProLestants. _~ ._ goud Ammc.aJ1J from her. 011 o,u.. ._ __ ._ . .:... '_. ~i "

Aramburu's two·day·old go\·ern· ment claimed the strike is "fail­ing."

Government sources said the new revolutionary regime 15 serio ously . considering sUff penaltles­Including wholesale firings - of workers who stay out on strike.

The, government already has jailed some 20 confederation lea­ders in line wilh Its threal to ar· rest and prosecute bosses who in· cite striltcs.

Aramburu, who ousted Maj.·Gen. Eduardo Lonardi as provisional president two da)'s ago, charged the general strike was "purch' for personal or political moth'cs" and there/ore !1Iega].

WEATHER Del 511011', c,\al1ging to snow

nUl'l'ies this morning. Colder. lIigh today 31. -_ .. ,---

Nfld. Skies', WEDNESDAY,. November Illb., Sunrise •• .. • ... 7:06 I,m • Sunset:.. .. .. •• 4:24 p,m.

TIDES Hislh .. .. • 8:04 A.m. 11:42 p.m. Low ..... :::07 I.m. 2:37'p.m,

by the ISsembly last December \\1V~S, are vi.slting bc?0kswres i!; . asking thl! council to make "pD!. cen!l'al C!ntano checking dealers:. itive recommendations" on nell' slocks. WIth a U~ Of 300 books .. blacklisted by the National Orgall" members. ization Of Decent Literature in'"

Martin, acting IS spokesman for Chieago. . the sponsors, told a press confer· They are asking the dealers to ence there was a general feeling return the books in the list they at the meeting that Security Cou· find on di;pla~·. cil action should be based on I~SpmES FE,\R "something more recent" than "One can't help but feel sym· last year's resolution. pathy with the mO"ement," said.

Dr. Long. "Yet Ihose who are fam· . ASSE:\IBI,Y FIRST iliar with the hislory of censorship

IIe said the sponsors {elt that this was a "propitious moment for the assembly to assert itse!!."

Canada's delegation was under· stood to believe that the resolution would have II better chance of success in the Security Council iC it received. the assembly's blessing first.

Informed sources said that al· together 35 countries, in.eluding Britain, had lined up behind the Canadian proposal and they pre· dicted thaI at least !ive more would join )D to provide the Del!' tlilary two·thirds majoritt in III, 'Membly.

1n the SecuriQr Coullcil, • favor· :lole vott. by IfYP<n of the U lIIM!1"

,iera would be required.

. I

must be afraid 01 it." Ernest Hemingway. aulhor of the

novel "To Hare 'and Have Not," , one of lhe books OD the list, sald~. earlier in a telephone inten'iew: from Cuba he was "sorry" to'': hear', of th~ league's aclion. .'

"I ha,;e never written a porno.:. graphic book. I was simph' trying~" to tell a slory," Hemingway said.:"

Among other books blacklisted are: 'Mister Roberls," by Thomas Heggen; "Pride's Cas tIc," by Frank Yerby: "The Bishops Jac: gers," by 'nlorne Smith; "A HDus~: Ii Not a Home," bl Polly Adler;:' '''l1Ie IIV,n.year Itch," by Georgi:; Axelrod' ''The B la e k boar d:r Jungle ,: by. Radcliff Hall; .nd~! "Sexu~l Conduct of the Teen·agef," :: bY Shailer Lawton 'and 'Jules ;': Arehei. .,

• 'I" .,' . " .···1···· '. ,. .,


S II T ( - 1-· pany, and candy store. W.rtanls are issued tl) an In· p " F one of our young men, Mr. WIlIi~m FI h B k' ma owns aplta Ize Perhaps the greatest GUanders dlvldlJal, not the firm. 'l'tIey lapse raISe or Walsh, son of Mr .and Mrs. Henry as • ac· •

are the Iman towns. There are when he does or reUres; can be Walsh-to register at the Training few Canadian hamlets too .mall withdrawn if be goes bamkrupt or V . t" ISh I , , to boast a Royal Cafe _ often Is judged 'Indiscreet' in display. oca IOna C 00 School for tuition the past y~ar, "THE NEWFOUNDLANDER"

()' . Q. e e n T-I tie s no more than a soot·streaked cof· Ing the Royal Coat of Alrms. and the results 'of his examination . 'n US.' tee counter. The nation Is dotted Opposition to the unwiarranted In preparing great numbers of In the month of June past secured HY I with schools named' atter OM USe of the Queen's name has its our young men for different trades for .him a remarkably high record A eop~y o~· ,?r:!U;:wfoundland. J Queen Elizabeth 11 Is more than Coat of Arms, and the slollll, "By Queen; or another. Some lought embodiment in the persoll of J.P. and occupations in the service of of proficiency In the broad and d t d S

Canada's constitutional monarch. Appointment", to announce, "EUza permission through the Canadian Deschatellll, Montreal M.P., who the tenth province of Canada and captivating field of Radio and er", Volume 16, No. I, a e ep·.



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She', .. OUf mOlt exploitable com. beth U shops here". Cabinet. Others just carved the only a few months ago lulllied into thus paving the way for Its promis· Television. tember, 1009, has just come my mercial asset. But for every merchant author!- name over the door. the House of COJIlmons In Ottawa Ing future greatness the Vocation· lIIr Walsh dis la s outstandl way. It was entered according to

Thll was the opinion stated to- zed to lend his business added pres 'n July, 1155, the Queen pub- a maSllvB 16·volume petition can· III Training School at St. John's Is cvid;n e of g p Y ddt ng the Act of Legislature of New-clay by November Liberty maga. tlge by displaying the Royal Coat lished her flrll list of 463 war. talning 200,000' signatures protest· doln an exec tlonall valuable . c ea erness an e er· foundland In the year 1906 by zin., fOllowln, Its investigation In •. of Arms,· there are dozens of mer. rants •. Canadians names were few in, the Queen'. n am e on Mon. serv!e p Y mmation to acquire the goal of Pierce J. Brien, Father of Patrick to the manner In whieh the Queen's chants who hope to eash in on the but there were some. In past treal's new CNR hotel. . ' . . success in life. He spent his school A. Brien, formerl)' of the Depart· title ls exploited by "purvey~rs of Queen's t Itl e by Insinuation. years, up to 12 Canadian firms More recently, in. the face of Young men are qualified and -:days under the tuition of the ment of Marine and Fisheries, and everything from plekles to Can a- These are the tradesmen who pre- bave been lilted. " government frowns the CP~ back· fitted to take their places in the Sisters of Mercy nt Conception the late Fred C Brien of the dian currenc:y. fix the name of their establishment Mas s e y-Harris·Ferguson Ltd, ed down In its proposal to call different avenues of servIce and Harbour and passed his grade XI A dlt G )'. D 't t It

"Elilibeth 11'. Utle and Royal with the word 'roya!.' . in Toronto, supply the tractors that Its new crack trans-eonUnental employment and, being capable examination with highly creditable I u ~r t cn:ta s epar ~en. 'f Coat of Arms llires dOllars, sparks By parliamentary view of· the 'tl11 the Royal turf on the Queen's train "The Boyal Canadian". The and emclent "as their certificates results At the first pp tits an n ercs ng s~uven r ssue, 1 ~qu.bble.," the magazine reported Prime Minister, rigid rules sup- farm estates. The Hiram Walker train Is lmown simply as "The and dl lomas testlf.· the :lC uir' 0 or un y you w!l1, and has pictures of a new "A hindfull Of Canadians use It posedly ,overn use of the word, Distillery of Walkerville, Ontario, Canadian".' , . p ~,y • q . e hereafter he secured employment Executive Government, and the tetaUy, but the majority dodge the "royal". But a glance at any city has received royal approbation for Our eagerness to pin 'foyal' ncar m~~th t3tl~factOry d relmuneratlon at Goose Bay, Labrador, and In fir~t time, the Editorial states, an rules". directory proves otherwise. . its Cana.dlan Club Whisky since every possible cash register Is ex. wen t me, an IV th tht; a~. due time ammassed sufficient Executive native of the soil.

As explained by Liberty. there Toronto Icads Canadian cltle, the days at stralght·laced Que e n ceeded only one place 'on the globe. plication of a measure of thrift 15 moncy to defray by his own effort, In the Introductory note refer-Is a small elite using the .Queen's with 110 'ro)'al' listings. They In· Victoria, and was the only Cana· E\'cr since their forefathers shed ccrt:!in to secure for them "the the expense of his course at the cnce is made to the discovery of name leglUmately, In commerce b)' clude fish, pickles, and securities; dian distillery so honore~ In this a ·\,oyal yoke, dollar·wise republi· glorious privilege of bcing inde· Vocational Training School. We the Poles and the two !almant! royal permission. Thele are blue Montreal's secondillace 83 'royals summer's list. Montreal s Assoc· canS soulh of liS ha\'e been tack· pendent." bes eak him ' . c , riballd tradesmen who hold cove. include~ an Ink and shoe black lated Scrcen News holds a warr. Ing a roral label to business ven. It was the coveled ril'i1e ne of p OUr young eiUzen a Dr. Cook and Lieutenant Peary. ted Royal Warrants of Appoint. company. Halifax has only 12. nnl from Edward Vlll. when tures. Brooklyn, Bronx, and Man. . P ". very successful career In life and Quoting: "Both these gentlemen ment. The)' Are permitted 10 many legitimate. Vancou\'er'~ ~ Prince Of. Wales, for pictures of haUan telephone directories-just seven books - list more than may others benefit by his good are United States men, and to the ".dilereeUy" display the· Royal Include a 'royai' chapel, Ice rom. hl8 CanadlRn lour. three out of New York's Citr's 1,000. I example. United States the credit Is due,




: ' .' .;

. ;

,~--- ..... -.. , ........... ".

, Top 10 bOllom-ElJorlltio Srril/r, S,Jan J, rillr, Six/J.Spaia'

7l&J~' the Most Inspiring Motor Cars the World Has' Ever Seen l.


.... - .. M' ,- .:._ ..... _ ... _ ...... . ..

. ,. • "'0' "

...... ;, I .' f ." ..

, '.

YOU are looking at three of the most magnificent and inspiring uea­tions ever to issue from the drawing boarda of Cadillic'. designers and

engineer •• They Are thc Eldorado Seville and thc Sedan de Ville- two entirely new and exciting additions to Cadillit'. royal family of motor cars-and the inspiring new Series Sixty Special.

These spectacular new Cadillaes-in company with the other brillianr Cadillac models for 19S6-introduee a standArd of automotive excdlenc( that wiU find no counterpltt on the highwlrs of the world_

Where, for instance, could you find anything to match them for beaut\ and elegance? Their long, low, sweeping lines ••• their jewd-Iik'e grill~ and r~lr.fender designs ••• their brilliant and exciting new color combina· tions ••• their sparkling highlights of chrome and gold ••• all combine" tl create a beauty that js truly.unique.

Where could you find anything to equill them in luxury·? Inside arc fahrics of rare richness and pattern ••• appointmen~s that are beautiful


and regal almost beyond description ••• and features of comfort and con· venience that will delight even the most expt!rienced Cadillac owner.

.... nd where could you find anything to rival them in performance? There', a completely redesigned Cadillac engine developing 285 and 305 horsepower ••• an entirely new, controlled..coupling Hydra.Matic Drive _ •• advanced Cadillac Power Steering ••• and improved Cadillac Power Braking.

This extraordinary new Cadillac beauty .•. ,nd this brilliant new Cadillac :uxury ••• and this dynamic new Cadillac performance ••• have been intcr· Ire ted in four separate series and in nine indh-idual bo~y styles.

We sincerely urge you to stop in for a personal inspection and demonstra­ion at your earliest convenience.

. We know you will agree that, from ever)' standpoint, 'the~e are the most ifl,piring Cadillacs of all time. And that, of course, means that tlley are rhe most inspiring motor cars the world has ever seen!

·TH·E :·.H.lCI(MAN~. M'OTORS, LTD, , .

. •••• I ". . , .. , .. ~

WATER ST •.. I •• • I

no matter what claimant wins out. But to us, as Newfoundlanderl. we would rather Peary did It. WilY we say this is, though Peary, an American, representing his na. tion, was head and promoter of the expeditionary search, for years after Greely, he took none to captain and crew it but New. foundlanders." Do we forgct our own gallant Captain "Bob" Bart. lett?

"Trees" Is a beautiful contribu. tlon· by Avalonia. "Jeanne D'Arc" is a scholarly, factual discourse by the late John Fenelon. "An Irish Poetess," Ethna Carberry,. is han. dl~d with the talent of . the late Robert Gear MacDonald, himself a local poet of no mean ability, T. F. Vavasour sounds the warning note of these early stages of 'f.B., which Is now being combatted !o loyally. The well·known· Bud lravelled Sheriff Carter' has "The Scenery of the Rhine" in engross. ing form. Little we knew then that so many of us would tral·cl from ~lainz to Cologne as khaki. clad European tourists. "Thl Widow's Tax" Is the hu'morous re­flection of "The Night Watchman" by P. J. Kinsella,whlle the vcr. satile I. C. Morris visualizes the travelllng connections between Bell Island, Portugal Cove and Con. ception Bay, when the Ticklc.bal_ anced interesting publication worthy of our people and th~ 'fenth Province that was to be. How well come the words and names in poems selected by R. G. ~lacDon3ld - poems which r:(. press that longing lor a country of the heart-the Avalon of aur ureams: "Spring and summer go hand III

hand, and in the radiant weather,

Brown autumn lea\'cs and winter !DOW come lloating dOlYn to­gether."

Bacl{ Faure On Election

PARIS CP-Tilc French COII\.

Imunisl parry ~arcd the life of I Premier Edgar Faure's Hadieal I Socialist modl?ralc gO\'CI'l1l11cnt Saturday night by backillg his iJiIl f,·.. natiur.al elcctions Il('xt month. I The eal'ly elections bill nn which Faure lIad stal,cd the' life of his government, was pa;sctl by a VOle oC 285 to 247.

The . Communists supportcd Faure In the belief that early elections· will favor their party, The exact numbor of Commulllstr voting was cstimatcd at about 80.

lt was the second time in nin4 days that the assembly.'had passed the bllJ, despite fierce oppositiol7 from former premier Pierre "len des·France an:! his 5UPPOrtETS.

In thc earlier \'ote, the assembly approved the bill, 330 to 2lJ·a majority of 1!9.

F"a~re's batlle; to ensure tk,t elccllons arp. 11"!ld ncxt month il I not yet ol·er. The Cou ncil of till I RepubIJc uppcr house may t>lir be dissatisfied and send the bl!: back Cor a third reading. Elect Ions are not likely before nexl ~cbruary If Faure rails to gair. fmat approval of his bill by nelil Saturday. VOTES TWICE

The assembl~ voted on the bill twice because the counell amend. ed the bill eal'lIer last week. The senators want the present elector. al system·based on proportional representation-reformed to sin. gle·member c:mstltuencleson the British pattern.

Assembly depUties, In recon. sidering the bill, have agreed to drop the inter-party alliances which have bep.n a feature of pre. I'lous elections,

lIIendes·France, trying to make a political comrback, opposed 811

eady rote because he need! limp to strengthen 11is po~ition. Thp elections \\'oul.l normalJy be heIr! next spring.

The Communists. in "otinl( Cor the measure Saturday, declared they were "refusing confidence" in the government while simply plugging fc:r I:ariy elections.

Before lhe \'otc, Faure told a cabinet meeting he had no will to continue in of{jee· If kept there through the hl'lp of the Commu· nlsts. However. it seemed llleely that President Rene Coty would pennlt him to resign before he has been defeJlcd In a confidence vote. '

Many deputies admitted they voted for the government ·Satur. day only to delay a decision on the elections Is~ue until later this week. One DC ti'e reasons advanc. ed that a erlsl~ would be Inoppor. tune now. President Coty's wife died eal'ly Saturday and her fUll­eral is to be !>eld Thuesday.

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Woods Labour Board The seml·annual meetina of the Woods LHbour

tioard will .con\'ene at the Newfoundland' Hotel tomorroW. The managers of Bowater's and A.N.D. Company will be in at~endance.

• . The Third Page


., • J

Leaves For Denver,


. "

)lr. Charles Winsor, whose wj[e was killed when ... a United Airlines plane crashed lasst wcek, lea.ve. \~~ : here tomorrow for Denver where he will attend, , '; to business arising out of the tragedy. : : , .


New Appointment Co-operative" Store Managers Meet

Lieut~Governor .• t o~PresentWings

Ce~~niony At.Blicknwstel"s,Field Tonight' ,

His H'onour Colonel The Honourable· Sir Leonard C. Outerbddge, Kt'j C.B.E,., 'D.S.O:','LieutenC\nt ·Gov.enlor 'of Newfoundlang.; will present a number' 'of'.awards to· St. John's Air Cad~ts. on Wednesday' night' ·a.t 'Buckmaster~s Field. " ,. .

The parade will fall In at 7.15, of ·.the Senior Leaders Course to and await the arrival, of the Lieu· W02 B. Reddy 'of'508, Sgt. J. lIIac~ tenant Governor at eight o'clock. Gllllvray of 514 and Sgt. D: Portcr His Honour will be ireeted by the of 515 Kiwanis, Squad~on. "This Royal Salute; 'and then' proceed to course' was given dUring the·,suin. IDlIpect the Ca~ets •. ' mer to speclaUy: selected Cadets

. PRESENTS AWARDS to prepare' them' for seilior"posl· Following the, Inspection. His tions In their, Squadrmis; ,

Honour will present. the-followlng (4) Certlflca!es for cO!llpletioq awards: . . . , ' . of a Drlll ,and: Physical. TrainliJg

(1) Alr,'C~det Wings', to ,Sgt. J. Co~rs,e taken: during, t~e summer Madden of 1114 KIDlImen Squadron to SIt. J. Major of. 508, W.O?,. D. and'LAC J. B: Batten of 510 Lions Sirinott of 51~,'and 'F/Slt. P.

" . Squadron. Both tliese 'Cadets: earn· Stapleton of'lH4 Squadrons. ed,thelr Whigs' during. the past (5) The Summer Camp Sports summer when ,they,'successfully Trophy to 508 Caribou·.Squadron (DailY News'Photo) 'Pro' m' 0':, ',' tl' on':' ,comPleted: the 'Flying, Training for the 'highest ~cores In sport~ at CO· OPERATIVE STORES MANAGERS-Monday morning store managers from eleven Co-operative Societies ii1 .. , Course gl\'en by the Department thls:yc'ar's Summer Camp held at Newfoundland met in the Board Room of the King George V Institute for a ten days course in management,

, ' ~fcI~~,nsport, . sponsored, by' 'the Gr~:~w~~~~~~ionirig 'Scroll ,~o accounting, buying, al}d selling. The classes are condudcd by Mr. F. H. Compton, directol' of co-operatives extei't-

F' J' ' "J ' · (2) The MacGiIIi\,ray Shicld to Pilot Officer D. ~Iadney; the firsL sion work. Men here for the classes are the following: S! anding left to right, Messrs. George Peters, Lourdes; J. or" Immy .' .a.nIe, S 508 Rotary ~quadron for altaln\ng 'Fllght Cadet to be commiss~oned Willi1!ms, Fouch Cove; W. Peddle, Hodge's Cove; C. Williams, Isle au yalenj Walter Little, Catalina. Seated, left

the, highest' .raUnlof any New· I!\ Newfoundland.' . • to right, C. Carter, Greenspondj .r. Sutton, Head Bay D'Espoir; Uriah Guy, Arnold's Cove; R. Condon, Calvert; foundland Squadron for the 19:14· After, ~he ,prescntalion" ~IS R . Heath Beaumont ' (Mr. Arthut Taylor of Cormack is absent from the picture). '

R. S. (Jimmy) James or St,'John's; Ney"foundland, has beel\ appointed Assistant Supervisor of CBC's Far~ and Fisheries Broadcasts Department, it has been announc­ed by Charles Jennings, Director of Programs ,for the CBC.

55 training year. Honour WIll address the assembled" . .

R:wc:M:"p:d'''L;~~teLittle Hope For Survivors )[r. James' responsibilities will , "

include (oncern for both radlD and entatlve. In 1939 he was apPOinted 1elel'isJon' with '~gard to farm to an Important post In the Land broadcast activities In the Atlantic Settlement Oillc! and ten years Coast provinces, Central Canada, later moved to the department's the Prairies and the Pacific Coast, InformatlonServlce which pOSition ~nd with regard to fisheries broad· he held until he joined the CBC castl on tbe' 'Atlantlc and Pacific In January, 1951, when he came to Couti. . the CBC as Farm and Flshedes

Missing Hunter~From III-Fated Schooner Flfteen.year.old. Arthur Burry not return on Mon,dly,nlght aearch " ,

and thlrteen.year;old ,Wilfred Le· partles'Wereo,rganl~ed· and 'Tues·

Drew who went utriy near Boyd's day an'RCMP'p!an\ and police dog "Codroy' "FIends ,Pol-Ice Cove on Tuesday were' yesterday were' brought 'Into the search. . sp~tted' by an ReMP alrcr~ft about About 2.30 "p.m. yesterday the "

Born In st. John's In 1914, Mr. 'Commentator for the Newfound· James received his education in land Region. '

. .

. Report· .• ·· .. NeWfliundland, England and final· Mr. James ,moved to "Toronto a b'at MacDonald College, the alrl· yelr ago to become Supervisor' of cultural faculty of Montreal's Me· Production, for the Farm Ind Fish· Gill University, from which' he erles Broadcast Departnient, with graduated In 193:1. particular r~ference to the "Farm

t miles from Boyd~. Cove. boy. were.' .Ighted. ,They had' a M W' k ' fire lit.: and later, ,when they ar· . ore rec age M

The two youths 'left t~elr home rived home"were found to be none' any .. ."

Larcenies at Boyd'a Cove' on Monday: to '0 the 'worse 'for their eold night In ' .

Upon lIl'aduatlon, he, joined the Forum'! and '''Summer' Fallow" Newfoundland Department of AIIl'I· broadcash. He held t~ls. position culture, IS an IlIl'lcultural' repres· until the present promotion: . , .

Co-op . Fieldmen· . . '. ,Attend '.Co·nferenee Eleven' men who are mana ling C. C. Janes, managing dlleetor of

lo~perative societies In uveral the co-operative union. ~arh of' Ne\vfoundland met at the' The' time table for the ten daYI KinK George Institute on Monday Intensive course Is full. for every mornln,' for In'lntensive ten day hour 01 the day, and lectures and courie, of lectures and dlscussloni discussions on 'book·keeping, man·

rabbit hunling., ,When' they ~Id the' country., .. According to a report received here from the Captain of the CNR motor vessel "Codroy" yesterday, it now appears that the ill-fated "Mabel and Dorothy" ran ashore at the northern tip of the Eastern Horse Island. There

U.S. Sailor Misses Nfld. Last In ~ '. His'Ship,

An American Ihlp has left the port of St. John'. without one of its. lallorl. - The USNF LST 287 left yester· day morning a ahort while Ifter authorities informed pollee that Sualz Avellno "I. II1isslng.

City pollee kept their eyes open for the m~n" on whom a descrip­tion was given,: blJt 'later yesterday afternoon he turned up "safe and sound", Americian officials told the pollee.

Car Registration OTTAWA (CPI-Tbere wert

10 ClU'1, truck. and motor • cycles for every 4% Clnadlana at the end of last year, the bureau of statistics iald Tues· day In a report on 1954 motor nhlcle registrations •

A ,record 3;644,589' vehIcles were registered to Canadian residents, Alberta leading with 10 for every 31 persons In that province Ind Newfoundland tralling with 10 lor every 116.

was no mention of survivors. Reporting to the Marine Super· ----------­

intendent of the Canadian National by Bacalhao Island, near Twit· Railways, captain Wheeler of the IIingate. A life jacket and cabin Cod roy &aId: L door were picked up at Jackson's

"Have located in II cove on the Arm, near Great Coney Arm. northern part of the Easter Horse There arc Iurther reports that Island most of the Mabel Dorothy weckagc Is also breaking up on wreckage. Wreck in several sec· the coast of Bacalhao Island, west tions Including bow section with of Fogo. chain 'and anchors complete, deck, Aircraft will pursue the search hull and masts, also part of a further today, weather permitting, dory." . to photograph and definitely

The stern section of the vessel identify the wreckage. Cloudy was sighted by the motor vessel weather Is expecLed to clear off ,Lillian Richards near Hooping Har· around noon permitting takeoff.

The hands of the cm have been Gcneral Post Oifice, Water Street. full during the past 10 days be· The attcmpt was discovered yester. cause of a series of city larccncies, day morning when' the manager inside sources confirmed last wcnt to open the doors. ' night. Nature of the thefts has not He found a padlock had, been becn disclosed, however, since the systematically removed, and ·that cm is' anxious not to "tip off" the the would·be thie\'es had been foil· culprits who have cngaged in ed by a yale lock which they ap­what amounts to petty larcencics. parenti~· had overlooked. The

Latest attempt at night robbcry manager called B policeman 'and was made 011 Cousins Dry Cleaning an investigation 1$ 'now, u'ndet rcceiving oflice, across from the I way.

Howard Society Fund Campaign

The society formed to air con· vict~ and cx·convists in bcttering themselves for the good of them· selves and of society in general, is

their contributions last ye~r ex­pressed a desire in helping the society keep up its good work.

,on the' work of running co- agement, the meaning of co­operative atores. ' .' operative.,' lets of legislature re­, Mr. F. H. Compton, director of. latlng to co-operatives, letter wrlt· co-operaUve extension :N0rk, II in Ing,. building reserv.es, interpreting charle of the course and he is' u· financlil statements, keeping down ,tsted:'by·Mr. W. G. Dawe, Ictlng ,expenses, buying and se11lng are reilstrar :of co.operatlves, and· Mr. hie1uded in that full time table. ,

It 'was not released IS to where the man had been, nor for whit reason he was missing.

Police Blotter' Only, one arrest, was mad'e by

city pollee last nlght-a man pick· ed up for drunkenness on the street. More remarkable stm Is the fact that there were' no col· IIslons on the city's snowy, slip· pery streets last night, according

bour on Friday last. This section later drilled ashore on Fogo COnnECTION going to stage its financial cam·

Exccutlve secretary Bill McCabe told the Dally, Newl In an . Inter­view yesterday that more details will follow· after the society', board of directors' meeting 'Friday, November 25.

Island. In the acknowledgement of sub· paign the end of the month.

OTHER "LOCAL' NEWS are better Ind betterel'ery year, he said. ' FIVE INCHES" Acci~ent ViCtim

.OF SNOW Still' Unc~nscious Hon. Mr. Chalker added that he

Is ."very, \'ery pleased" with the Interest' Newfoundlanders are tak· Ing in arh and leUers.

The only hope that some of the crew members may be alive Is the fact that the ship carried two dories and only one has been dis· covcred. It Is possible that they rowed ashore at some isolated spot and have not ~ecn able to report.

scriptions to the C. of E. Orphan· The John Howard Socicty-or· age published In our issue of ganizcd here about fi\'e years ago Monday, the subscribers of $10.00 -likely will campaign by letter, each wcre listcd as having con· sending less than 1.000 "requests

tr!hutcd $10_0._00_e_ac_h_. _____ f_or_su...:p:.,:p_or_t ... " ... t ... o=ci=ti=ze=n=s :::W=h=o==bY::::::::::==========~

TorblY Weather Office ad •. "lled at preis lime this mOfll'

III' that U Inches If 111011' had 'allen In the city II nee It lie.aD ,IIl0Wllli lfoUJId nine ' o'clock lasi alcht. ' Tbi. mid· Novelllber 1D0man 11'111 likely IIIla.ure'. Illchel b,. mid .. JIIornln,; when the sldel are expected to clear.

Offlcill" at the, weather ltatiOD .. td the measuremelltl are . especially accurate WheD It b· not cold aad windy II

wal the case lalt nlcht. They were . lIIade by a ruler, and 11141 .,. melllll' It dOWII In the colllaIner. '" • ,

The G~neral HospllP I reported last' night that 10-year,old Joseph Lilly, who. was hit by a ear near his home' In' Harbour Grace on Sunday, wal still in an unconscious condition.. ' , The young boy ran lrom a side .treet Into the path of a car driven by ?IIr: Walter .Butt 'of Carbonear. He was ksockeq unconscious and had to be rushed to St. Jolm's by ambulance.

"NelV Idea For Drama" '~Chalker

D ',' . " d F I At Cabinet' level nolV is what . . eman or the Minister of" Education 'last

U . d CI I· night called "a new Idea" with reo ; se ..... , ,01 llng spect to the training of Newfound· landers In 'the .. field of drama •.

I,' 'Hi'g' he' Hon. J. R. Chalker said he could ~' ,:., , r . not disclose what the ,inew Idea"

. For the put month more and was, when asked, by the News mi;:r~ .peo~le have::been calling lin about. faets concerning' the possible 'the SalviUon Army for overcoats, appoln~ment 'of a drama director locks,. boots, and rubbers, aeeord· 'Cor Newfoundland. '. ' Iilil to Mr •. Major;'Woodland when Such a dlree\or was recomm.end. -c~ntact.d by the' New. last niglit. ed: a number of times by drama .', ~hi, weti~e worker Said that,!he adjudicators and by drama·inter· deftllnd for, elothlnl 'and footwear,. ested people here. now Ii ·heavler than It was ·durln,:. The Education Minister said, 1111 ,7flr,· Ind ,al 'the' sealon pro- too, that copies of a publleatlon ,'.r~Hi~··It' will· become e nn embodying successful entries In behler." ' ,',' , ihe . Arts and Lellers I:ontest of , "A~yqne'hlYln"ihoes; boots, rub- 'this year, have been 'sent to 'cer­: bni'~nhlothelto donate are ·Isk. tain schools and artistic people on 'edto 'brIn. them to 12 Sprlnlldale' the mainland. ·He said the 19~6 Stre'~·';;':.,Siiva~ion !Army Heid;· 'Arts and Letters Gontest will open qull'ter .. ~or telephcint' 54;20. ' 'next sprinl. The works or. entrants

~ I.', • I .. ". "., ';0,

~ "

Rev. Dies

to police rcporls. , '

C F ~leanwhi1e, there Is mush specu· . anon , ~cey' ' lation as Lo what actually happen· ed the vessel. Some observers are Inclined to bclieve tliat there was

members were lost: Others are of I.n E 'n g I, . a, n d an explosion on.board and all crew I

the opinion that the hca~y seas Word came Irom England yes- which position he filled until raging at the time the schooner

Lerday of the death there ". No- 1937. During' those years. Doctor left Roddickton, combined, with vember 14th of the Rev, Nlchola~ Facey travelled extensl\'ely in lides, pulled her off course and Saunders Facey. England and throughout New. she failed to clear the Horse Is·

Canon Facey, as he was famll. foundland raising funds (or the lands. So far no evidence has been larly known in Newfoundland, was maintenance and extension o( the produced to support either theory. a son of the late' Roberl and College and recruiting young men The search by the Codroy and a Caroline Facey.' He was born at for the Ministry. Lancaster aircraft will be con· Trinity on ,July 17th. 1877. As a member of most of the tinued today with the hope that

Upon completion 01 hi, High Bo.ar~s and Standing Committees survivors will be located. School Education at Bishop Feild of the S~'nod, Including the' Exec. At Grand Bank last night the College, he entered St. Augus utive Committee, The Diocesan whole community was in mourning tine's College, Canterbul'Y, In Synod Education' Coinini~tee and as hope lor survival of Captain 1903 to train for the Ministry. He the Board 'of Directors of the Ralph and his crew, most of whom 'was made a Deacon in 1906 and Church of England College, he are residents of that town, waned. raised to the Prlesthood .. ·ln 1907. played a leading role in .211 AU social: and' public func~ions From 1906.1907 he was Curate to Diocesan affairs. In recognition were cancellcd as residents mourn· the Rector of Heart's Content, and of his', meritorious services, he was cd the loss of their fellow citizens. from 1907·1911 he served as, In, made a Canon of the Cathedral in ' LATEST 'cumhent of the Mission of t:ban~'e 1925. ' Air Search and Rescue Co· Islands. In" 19U' he retlil,iicd: to In'1937 he returned to England ordination Centre of Torbay reo England Lo'resume hIS studies' at to become' Vicar: of St. James the' 'ported' last night that· an 'RCAF, llurham University and ,at ~ tbe Less, :WestmlnSter, London, until Lancaster and USAF B29 from same time accepted a CUracy' at his' retlreme'nt in 1952. ' Harmon Field returned from a 15 Brnr.don, Durham. He did r.ot reo Hil Is survived by, his, widow, hours and 45 minutes search with turn tD Newfoundland until 1919 the former;Mlss Lepa"Repves of reports of'slglited wreckage In In the meantime he had been SI; L~wre'n'ce; two daughters: various places in White Bay and, awarded his B.A. by the University G'ertrude and Nora In EnglaJid; Notre Dame Bay. ' of Durham In 1912: M.A'. by the om; son .... Rolleri;- lii:Oltaw8j three . Th'e stern was washed ashore at Unlyerslty of Cambridge 1919, and brothers:· • .Tohri in' New York, th~ Fogo, RCAF said,' 'with other parts. LL.D; by Trinity Col\elle. Dublin Rev •. Hugh ,VI. 'af South River, of schooner wreckagc, presumably 1919, and from 1917 he hud been ciar~e's s'ea'ch. and ,William in that of the Mabel Dorothy, r~port· a Chaplain to the, Forces, , St .. John'~: i two sister,' Ella and ed; as scen at Wild Covc, White' ,

[n, '1919 he return~d to New, Bessie hi ,England, to aU: or whom Bay. ' foundland hi take up 'the duties deepest .simpalh~ Is extended. Considerable wr.cckage, includ· of Principal of Queen's College, .·May he:'re:st ,In peace. ing ~ deck house, was seen drifting'





• In his favourite club colors-Maple leafs, Canadi· ens, Red Wings, Bruins, Rangers, Black Hawks.


Special Purchase .75

, . J


. , .',

The Daily News. fbi UAIU NI::WS II a morning paper

eltabUshed In 1894, ano ,"ubliahed a' tbe f':ewl B'~ldln&, S5MlMl Uuckworlh Street,

. S1- John'l, Newfoundland, b)' Rubinson " Company, Limited,

rEMBER o~ rICE CANADlAN'PRSSS Th', Canadian Prest II exclullvdy en

tilled to tht ule lor rcpubti~alion 01 .. :1 newa dl~palcl>e~ in this paper credited to It or 10 The Ass!'ciated PI'/," or Reulcrs ud also the tOca: new. pUlllIshed therein

0\11 Press lervlce and feature artlrle. In

lhl. paper are cupyrlght and their repro duction II prohibited,

Authorized II second cia.. mall POI! OffiCI Department, Oltln,

• Member Audit Bureau of C~ulaUoDl

MIL., SUBSCRIPTION UTES: CaDada ..... , .... , .. , ,S 8,00 per anllum United Kingdom aDd .U

This seems to be a very minor chargr for such a serious crime and it is to bE hoped that the United States Attorney Gcnernl, Donald E, Kellev will succeed in persuading ColOl'ado leg~1 authoritics in relcasing Graham so that he cnn be taken in to custody by Fedcrll1 authorities and

, charged with premeditated murder, Any lesser charge would constitute 11

grave miscat'riage of jl!sliee, Through his actions Graham has killed 4:Jpersons and if cOlwictcd he should recci \'e the full penalty of the law,

.':t ... ··":". ~;; , ..... -"~-" ... "'" ...• ~ ... - .

Many Attend "Cove" Sunday',.

A large congl'egntion 11':15 prc, cnt In Holy lIo~ary Church, Por, lugal COI'C, Sunday, Octob~r 23rd, fur 1I1e obEerva/lcc of COI'O Sun, day.

P. ~1. D. F. 1955,CHAIN '

LINK NO. \0 - Supreme Grand Lodge Society of Unilcd Fishermen al the 112nd Annual Communica, tion, held at /{elligl'e\\'s, ,$10,00 .

-------At 11 a,IIl" Ill. ReI', ~lllnsignor I

H. A. Summcrs, Vical' General 01\ To The 'Editor the A1'rhdioccsr, 'repl'escnting Ilis \ . GI'ace thc Archbishop, who at that ----!-

lime was absent frum the prov, i This JlaJlrr docs 1I0t assume any Ince, cclebrated Solemn High )Ias~ resllUllsibiiity for the opillions of with Vcr)' Rev, Father ,I, L, Lacey, corrcsl1Dllllellts, 1',1' .. as deacon and Rev, Fath!'r D. 1'. :llorrlssey, sub deaCIII!, wilh Rev, Father C. P. Grcene as mastci DcaI' Sir:-l rcad your Editorial


of ceremonies. Rt, Rev, Monsignor of the first inst with much in, Once again book weck has rolleet· R, ~lcD: i\lurph)', D,P, Pastor of St trrest. Realizing it's not possible to

d 'b' d' I Patrick 5 and Rev, Father L. J cover such a comphehensive sur,

,around an ~I, rarlans an ,Educa t01:S Lawton were present in the sanct~. vcy as your matter contained, I

Book Week

across the Dommlon of Canada Will do their I nry. A uniformed Guard o[ Honor do feel as a practical road huilder best to stimulate good reading habits by from Archbishop 1I01l'Ic)" General cxtcnllingover many years that 1 both young nnd old, Assc,mbly Fourth Degree, Knight, should say, something ther~on ..

That is a most laudable effort and of Columhus w~s also present: The fundamental principles of . " . il '. At the conclUSIOn of the l'eadlOS road building, in, all its places one ~vhlch Will rccelve the. fu 1 support of of the gospel, Vcr), Rev. Father have held such a fascination for all serious minded people, In recent years' Lace)', parish priest, expressed re, one over the years, that I have

,. _ reading has been relegated to second plnce gret that His Grace the Archbishop found it hard to refuse thc o[~r . , ___ with radio nnd television now taking prior was unahle to be present, on he, of supervising such work any·

I WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1955 " h d' half of himself and his people he where. While I can fully appreciale

ForelllD Coun7ieJ ", S12,OO pu anDum

I . attentIOn m most omes,. We are not IS' extended n welcome to th Rt R ' )'our, inferred doubts of ever he, I puting the education value of either radio and ReI'. Falhers and fri~nd~ \V~:~ ing able to cape with road main· \ That VIOtal Second Best. or television but we do contend that they had dcspite thc inclemency of the lenance1 pl'~blems, as yon say are

I can never take the place of books either for wcathcr came to celebrate this unmate led m any other province. I

T\"o rccent events have sen'ed as a education or for entertainment, And that Imporlant dale In the hlsloric am fully eon\'inc~d th~t, 50 PCI' ~ , ' parish of POI'tugnl CUI'C, He then I cent of OUr cost III bUlldmg and , ; pointed and timely reminder that the ,'oters IS somethmg that all parents should bear asked the RI, ReI'. Vicar Gencral, I maintaining of our gravel roads, ; ! oC the United States select their vice presi- in mind for it is upon them that the re- to address Ihe congregallon. arc wasted, To explain full), my I ,dents in a rather casunl and sometimes sponsibility of cultivating good reading ,Monsignor Summcrs then read gruunds for malting this stale·

careless manner, habits evolves the prepared address of His Grace ment wuuld require more space , ' , . the Archbishop in which he re· than YOIl could allow, Having ob, Former Presidcnt Harry Truman's And while we are on the subJect II called' the happiness whirh his served frum early manhood has

,', memoirs just published, disclose the might bc well, to mention here that Book visit a year agu had given him, He caUse and effect of indifferent and peculiar manocuvering by which he wa~ Weck might be a good time to reopen the, urged the pe~plc to e\'er rememlm Impractical road construction and chosen for the Democratic vice-presidential campaign to rid the Nation's book storcs I that their parish church was dedl maintenance, Your questioning,

nOI,,'lllall'oll I'll 19,44, of thc trash' literature which i bcin' cated in honour of that bralltiful can wc I.eep uP. ~lUr roads? undcr ., rf d J

l s g f01'1II of pr,lycl', the 1101), Uusal'Y, the present puilllcal wasteful sys·

And Edward R, TlILtrl'ow, CBS Com- 0 ere fOl' sa c, and ahl,ed thrm til I'Vel' rrlllain tcm, NO. l1lentatOl', rccently revicwed in his pro- Somc attcmpt has becn made Lo clcan loyal to Ihl' pledge tal:cn at the I dnuhl sir, and I say it with, gl'am, j See it now", the whole liistor~' of up the bookstands, but a \'isit to any of the nos~r~' crllsad~, to rrc.itr ,Ihe Ollt prcjul!ice to an~'C1IJ(', ther,e. is

. the "icc-presidential office from its be- local stores will rcveal that thc attcmpt [anuly rosary c1ally. lie p:nd Irlbute ~ot enough money 1Il the BI'!I1sh , to n )'<'aloll5 pastor and de\'otcd Treasury to cope with the roarl ~innings in constitutional discussions to the has bcen ~'er~: feeblc. Scns?1ionul, and people and cllncluc!etl by illl'okin~ problem in this country undrr the

., present timc, pornographic htel'atme are stili available God's blessing on priest and prcscnt untrained pmonnel who What emerges is prctty plain. 1t was cven to children and unfortunately that is people, supervise most of our local road

the intent of the Founding Fathers that the t "pe of rcadin<1 the\' will select e\'eI'Y At the conclusion of lI1a~s, as the rcconstrllction, Sir YUII ask a

I I I ' 'd t tl'nlc." b· clergy were lcaving Ihe !'anttual') sensl.'ble qucstion, tha,t sllo,uld

, . " , the chuir sang a hymn in hunour receive more Ihan passlllg nollce, the Nation s IOU d se ect as vlce-IJreSI en the second best qualified man in the land, As long as thiS sItuation IS perJ1'ulted of Our B1essell Latly, Can \\'c afford tu build more and But unaer the system that has evolved Lo cxist, then so long will tholje who arc In the el'enlng the lIIen of the, mure local roads without a thought this is not now thc case, tr~,jng to instil good reading habits into the paris~! anti several g~lcsts (ron~ s~,1 to th; cust of upk,eepu Sir, my ans·

A recent survey revealed that men minds of the Nation, meet with frustration John s wcrc prcl'enl III the ~1?Jur' , weI' IS lVe can bUIld more and bet, , h ' ,Path school house for dmner tel' roads with the abundance of selected originally as vice-presidents have an~ very,btUe success in t ell' very war th- SCI'I'cd by the Ladles Association, sllit~ble inexpericnce could be kept ruled over the White House 21 ~o ,of the willIe endeavours, under the dil'ection of the school ullt of the mixture, As for upkeep, time since George Washington's day, In ' principal.. motor patrol faeilitatcd. by light the 50-odd years of the twentieth century, Seated at the table with Father farm tractor cquipped for light three vice-presidents' have been elevated Lacey lI'ere Pro.fessOl' ~ohn B, Ash· grading should cut down on llcavy ley, ~I.A. Specmi speaker for the cost maintenance.

to the presidency by the death of the White Strength ' For To-day, occasion, Mr, W. J. Ashley his Coming to potholes referred to ,House occupant. , father, and brother of a former so in your editorial, The

Yet nominees for this office arc chosen By EARL L. DOUGLASS parish priest, the late Father J. J. chief cause of this is flat roads in less time than it takes to select a candi- Ashley 1001.1911,' and se\'eral rain nnd traffic. Who has not members of the Knights of Colum, travelled over roads in all weath· date for a rural council, Most of the time "BLESSED ARE 'J'HE PEACEIUAKERS" bus, Guard of Honor, chairman for crs, and has not observed on the survey revcals, convention delegate:: "Blessed arc the peacemakers: for the~' slmli thc I'l'clIIgn was Mr, Austin Neary, any slight elevation in' the road merely gi\'e a half hearted voice vote en. be called the children of God." In his openin!! remarl(s tile or on a hill, the absence of pot· dorsemcnl to thc decision takcn by th(", • But. who arc these peacemak,ers: 'l'he, men chairman I'xtendl'd a cordinl wcl, holes. Where is the necessity for presidcntial nominec and a fcw advisers, III ,h~ hremlin ,cry out that all :he~ lVant IS to Cllme to nil present aOlI cx~rc"cd waters holdinl: flat local roaus, eSta~h5h pcaee III the \\'orld. IInler lI'a,s. always I best wishcs for a lI1os1 enJ~yable which tillle has prO\'cn 10 be a cusl·

The prcsidential choice can rightly talianij about peace. and so \I'ns ~lussolllll, Rut Cl'cnin;:. lIe thcn asl;cd I',athcr Iy mi,llIl:e. In 1939 I had the pri. insist that his running matc he in harmony \'Ihat kind of peace did thcy lVant! They wanted Lacey to allrlre~5 the l!athcrl~g, l'lIege to "upel'\'i~e 1'00111 cunstrllc, with his general \'iews, But some of thc the pe(lce which eom.os ,from lhe acceptance by the The lieI'. FaLlll'~' pl'cf~cerl hl~ ~"~ tion untlcr a mainland road build, othcl' considcrations thal ha\'e govel'11ed :I'hole '\\'orld of th~lr .. Ideas. T:e)' wc:r. del'ot~d' l11a!'i;~ h~' as,aulll~~, h:msclf, wltl~ . in;; en;!inccr of 35 )'cm's cxpcri, tl d " 1 1 t b 'LI 1,0 peace, bllt lhc~ \I ,I!'!tcd pc .. ce onl~ Oil tlmr 1 the ~enllmrnt5 eX\H es .. cll h~ th~ Il'nee He repeatedly s'lirl to me

Ie, eClslon (0 nu ,appeal' 0 e et Jel' i terms. cililil'llIan, l-Ie (~on~ratulfltcd all i )'011 'can'L hal'e' the rcn~I'l' 01 "on; ,;enOllS Ot' appropriate enough, And To liS, peace Rnd freedom alwj1y~ go togelher, II'ho had contrihuted to the 5I1CCr.~.; roar! 100 hi"h I rll" . I - "[1

tl I tl 1J 'L d S lib r I" It' I ~ . .aglccr III I

10Ug 1 Ie III c La es las cen orlun- There is peace in Russ a today-the police state which thiS allnua e\'en ~n.1o)'ci, him on Ihe I!rolilld of safe rlril" I ate in thal good men ha\'e so far been seC5 to that. There \l'as peace in Ihe world when He cxtenrlcd a \'cry specwl \\'el' in,:, yet I am sure there is a

eJected as '\,ice-prcsidcnts it was not be. ,lcsus was born, but IL was the peace of heavily com: to Profwor /I~hl~)'" II'h,u had happy medium whcrehy high main, , , , ', , armcd legions marcbing across the world, The fO kllH\I)' accepted IllS 11I\:lta\1i,m to tenanec costs can he aHeeled.

cause thc~, \\ c~e select~d In th~ ,£11 s~ place Bible speal;s about pence ~l1d say~ !hat It rxisls he J:llest speaker, He pa~d tnhute Sir, if ~parr. would permit I because oE thclr peculiar qualifIcations te among mcn oE good will, There can be no peace to the brilliant scholastIC I'ccord could mention m'lIlv in t t fill the office of President, ~o Ion:: as a man's'life Is in any sort of hondage. of the di~tingllished guest, who, hemallminroadc~II.stl.ucti~~O\~~t

Presidentinl possibilities find their If a man Is in bondage to his crcdltors, he has no salt! hac! recently rcturned fIO:~ arc ol'crlooked im'oll'ing costs pel'sonalities exposed to the public glal'£' peace, If a man Is In bondage to his nppetilc, he fu~ther studies at Il;c Grad .. un'd that could be Inrgely avoided.' It .,' . has no peace, Peace and freedom go together, and School of Arts and SCiences, 101 ' appears to me Sir we arc all too

Vlce-presld:ntal candidates at the most freedom must be seasoned wltb good will, ham ~nl\'ersity, ,Ne\~ York, It was much on the dolla~ sla~dard with are the subJect of a few hours run through Tho peacemakers are those Who' overcome evil he said in antiCIpatIOn of a most its serious demoralizing affects on in a hotel room, with good, who go out of th'eir way to reconcile worthwhile hour that he presentcd our manhood, '1'0 'me a~d I hope

There is now every evidence that that enemies, who build bridges of underslandinll be, ,Professor Ashier" l' many others this important utility . t I Bl d th k The subject hUc of the O( "ress h iI' system will be changed in future ele l' ween peop es. esse are e peacema ers. . " I " Th S 011 ( be hfted out of the sphere " . c IOns, was Our I,nlly of Fat ilia. r. of ulitical alto"ether 01' I' I PreSident Eisenhower has given new mean- spcaker said he had br,cll prompted YC'lr

P th' h b J . t e tie

i h

. , , . • 5 ell' ave ll't!lI 00 much ng to t e office of Vlce-presld£'nl. Instead to speal, !l,n this subJcct brcuuSc puliticnl intrigue bchind closed

of being a mere rubber stamp the vice. the pnri~h IS called after the conn, UOIlI'S, .d I . Wh 0 h Ar S 0 lrv In whirh our Ble~sed L:ldy :lP'

pres I ent las been taken mto full confid- '. at t ers e aylng . 1 t tI tim'e children I.ucia 11 you regarrl Yllur nexl eleclilln

f E' h d I pearci !l IC have 80 and so repla 1 I I

ence olsen ower an t Ie value of this and ,Jacinta das Snl'tos and Frail" , , cer. appea

11 d ' ' '. lh to honest men III el'el'Y walk of

was we emonstrated dUrin" the Presl- . cesco Marlo anrl agalll because e life t g I b II I I d

d t' t 'II I " , NOT FOR A CITY 'I I r' I d' led to the 0 I' r 1 III a goUi 'l'Ila s as,

en 5 rccell I ness, W len vice-presidcnt parIs I e II1I'C I IS (e IC,I soeiation and get nn insight 'into Nixon bee ailS [ E' 1 ' ' I' (Vancouver Sun) ~lost Holy· Rosar)" th . 'I I 't • 1., • e 0 IS en 10we~ s new po ICY Vancouver should avoid thealhirinl! alrpOl't In det~ii be dcmibcrl the eight C 1\ 10 epic ure past anrl pres, WliS ablc to Cill'I'y ~II the a~falrs of ~overn' !trap poised by Jo·ederal '1'ransport Minister ~Iarler, appnrilion~ of Ollr Lady, el'cr e~~. ~o~I\~~~~e nn honest effort to ment ;lI1d all the'· l11\'oh'e til a capablc lind, City cOllllcil should flatly reject all\' ]llan to honow pleading to sav her rosaI'y III reo 19h' 'I t I mO~r pcople call

ff" t' "II' . , ' f I' d t the Cll' rIg I S lUt to' me that sight

e IClen mallner, I' ecirral monry .to, bUI r new nlrpor:.laclhhc5. Ald· pal'atton or 5 II nn 0 ensure pre\·:1i1s. I,cL us eL heh; I crmcn Ehonlc\ IIISlst on sll'alght unromplicated pcare of the world. hard.pressed ron I ~ .. " ~,rti ~~r

A ShOcking Crime All of North America was 'shocked tc

learn of the confession by a convicted forgo erer named John Gilbert Graham that he had been responsible for the recent United Airlines crash which claimed the lives of 43 persons, one of them a Newfoundlander Mrs, Charles Windsor of St, John's,

The motive is said to be money, And to achieve this Graham engineercd lhe sabotage of the aircraft by placing a time bomb on board, To .make the cl'ime even more shocking he used his own mother as a means through which he was to collect a large sum of money in'air insurance, He succeeded in killing her and 42 olhers but the insut'ance policy was null and void because it had not been signed by Graham'~ mother, . ' '

Graham has now been arrested' ann is being held on what is known under United States laws as "Peacetime Sabot· a,lte", which carries on conviction 1\ penalty of $1()IOOO or 10 years in the penitentiary,

, '

nc~otiation5 for ottawa 10 talle O\'rr Its rightful For upwards o( an hOllr 1'1'11' e~opel'nti~n of' \heI\lS~~~.:;1 I e responsibility as hole operalor of this na!ional and re~sor Al'hlcy held th;- rapl, aI, Theil \\'e will hI" nmen!. internationnl airfield, tention of his mulience III whal was .,' a c more perman·

-:0:- described as a very edHying and encs Illth less cosl. ROOM FOR' !IIORE inspiring address. Thank )'ou for space {or these few comments.'

(Peterboroullh Examiner) Scntl'ment5 oi apprcciation were Y t I Tile growth or Canada's populatl' ~n ours ru )', through expressed by Father Lacey nnd JAMES SPARKES

nalural Increase and immigration, is a healthy wholeheartedly endorsed by the tblng, /IS ,the last decade has shown, In its wake gathering, have come prosperity and cultural enrichment. There have been more jnbs, new Ideas and fresh talentv In Ihe facr. of Ihls evidence, Rnd of Aus, tralla's ~uccess story, wnuld it not he advantageous to do as Australia is duing; promnte lllllnigralion as R stimulus In pl'osperily and social advancement, ralhe!' than make immigration wail,upon prosperity?

The U.S. Army organized and manned the first U.S, weather bureau as a branch of the Signal Corps.

--:0:--NI::W, PJ~AC.; RIVER ROAD

(Edmonton Journal) The formal openlDg of the new While Court.

ValleYl'iew highway was a liI'~at day In the annals of the Pence RIveI' country, FOI' the first time, the are~ has a reasonably sood road connection wltb central and southern Alberta, bypassing tbe priml, tive ami frequently impassable highway by Lesser Slave Loke which has caused so rnueh trouble In the post. 'fhe new route has been almost a gen, eraUon In coming-the first surveys were made In the Winter of 1928,27, 'fhe actual construc!lon ha5 takcn four years, which is 1I0t lIurprising when It is cnn~lrlered that tbe route ran for most or the way tbrou,h I completely unbroken w11derDeSl,

Mr, W, J. Ashley and !\Ir. A, E; Jackman, likewise brieflY addressed the galhertng, With a note of thnnk~ to the commiltre in charge of arran!:cnmnts and the ladies, the pluyin!! of Ihe Naiional Anthem I!oncluderl a most successful fUIll" tlon. '

~llJullt L~SSCII, lO,543·Ioot vol· canic peak in nOI·thcastcrn Cali, fOl'uia, was act !I'r. from Ma)" 1914, to ,Jllne, 1917,

Smith Corona



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THE DAILY NEWS,. WEDNESDAY, NOV. 16, 19~5 ,. ~~~~~~~~~~~--------------------------------------~--------~--------------------~-------------Social General


M.J.' Mercer ,Is •

Kiwanis Speaker The Kiwanis Club held their re,

j!ular weekly uillner meeting .In thc Canadian tegion Club Rooms lin Wednesday cI'cning Novcmbel' 9th" at 6,30. I'rcsldent Addison Bown occupier! thc chair and a lal'ge numbC«' \\ ere presl)nt. The following gue~ts wcre given 1\

hearty w'Clcome Cp!. Fred l\1ac· :'Ilullen R,C,l\I.P •• Blair Kennedy, Wesley Churchill, The (allowing were congratuiated on wedding ann!l'ersarles, Hubert Butler on the 11th. lind Capt, Martin Saun· dl)rs on the 13th.

expI'esslng his thanks for eun, gratulations ;\lId good wishes on his recent appulntment. In thl~ leller thc Lieut. Covernor elect, stated that GOldon Martin of till' Bell Island (~IJb, would 'be chair· man of Unde. Privileged Child, rens Work, fur Ol\'lslon No. 12 for the coming year. The gUl'st speaker at thIs me cling was M, J. I\lercer, clll'ector of customs nt St. John's, Mr. MNccr Is also , , I Presld~nt of the LIOns Club at I St, John'5 and gal'e a very Inter, , . estill!:: address on various phases of customs w 11'k. Ile was Introduc cd by Cyril Butler. and the votc , o( thanks was proposcd "by ,Gil lnkpcn.

Religious Corner "Nay in all these things we are

!fIorc tllan conquerors through Him lila! loved tiS". -'

-Romans, C!l.: 8, v,37.

. Personal

Another Plea For­Young People

Though the cause of evil pros· per, Yet the truth alone is strong, It lias octen been said, "that in beillg encouraged and guided

-James Russell Lowell. the future oC any country lies In In the true values and purpose Many pcople, if not most people the young people of today." Yet It of living.

arc finding it vcry very hard and is not enough r eru'ly to make this This is not the fault of our difficult 10 live in these days. It statement, thl'i'efore let us bring young people. lather the fault may not be so hard to exi~t phy. it down to the tel'el wherc it must lies wholy upon those In· posiUob sieally for the most oC us, but our be realized and put Into practise. where they are able to be a bene­problem is to be able to put con. In our world today we rely to fit. The parent~. the schools, tile tent into our lives which will help mueh upon material things, For leaders in our community, nume­to work out our dreams and hopes. example great industarics put for rous commullity organizations

Cnn we believe in the three vir, such statementf that the future quite numerou~ for such a com· lues of Failh, Hope and Love, as of such and such a community munlty In fa,:t. Every thing be­a means oC living in pcrfect har· is assured for the next five, len ing sel up for t.he adult night life, mony with each other, when ·the or firtecn yea(~ As far as matera· 1 yet what do nur young people whole wurld sccm~ to be filled! listie gain is ronccrncd, this may I hal'c, numerous snack bars and with the spirit 01 hate and disliltc? II be so. hut the greatcst wcalth !juke boz joinls. yet not even 10 Can we belicve in the final victory and security lies not in taking \much as a lib~~ry in acter words, of a God of rightcousnes, when all \from the world, but rather by nolhing worth while to do, noth· about us wc sec "truth forever on cOllllributillll to it. 'fhe ~rcatest I jng 10 look fu. II ard to in liCe: '. the scaffold, wrong (orcI'cl' on Ih':.l wealLlt and assured security of a I Fr.·oll1 these facts then we can thronc'!" Du any o( us dare to communil\', counlry or nalirm Iic~' ~ee quite cJeady that if ever WI!

SHOWN IN THE PICTURE is Mr. M, J. Mercer, President of the st. John's Lions stand fnr !ustice and Ir~ t,o, pro· in its YOU·lll. and the quicker we Ihope (0 have ;, wOl'lh while and . ' . • . , , . teet the rIghts oC the indIVIdual in this community wake up to succe5~ful cOlllmuily we mUlt

Club add~essmg the Bel! Island KiwaniS. Seated at h,IS right lS AddlslOn BOWI1 persons, when it ~eems hopeless" a this (acl nnd <tart to practise it. ! starl with th~ most important

A letter of thank~ 'from ~Ir Kerr. President o( the St. John's Thealcc Guild was read express· InG Ihanks to the club, [or hos· pltullty exten'led to the troupe and ml)mbers (If the .1unlor .Jam· lmree In OctolJer ~ letter was also r~nd from. the Lieut. Governor· clcct •• Tohn Brl'wn of Whltbourne

It was announced that the club, will celebrate lIs 5th annh'el'sary )'ear with a ladies idght In the Legion Hall on Wednesday Dec· emher 7th, l:artlculars will be announced Inlt'r,


] 955 PreSident, and at hiS left James G. Archibald. President-elect for 1956. I foregone· conclUSIOn that we WIll the quicker \\"1' shall hal'c salis· i things, and ~urcly 110 one not

r--------------------. _. ___ -. ' , ------ be defeated. factor result l:.eing made ilt the i even to cil'ic ['I gallizalions or In·

I I Many Ha Difficult as it may be, we can proper direction. ' dustrial set up. can deny, that the PPY an,d we must reveal I~ ?ur geneI" Our young pcople here torlay \YOUlh of the community are In·

P I I Th N· R allon, to the people lIVIng today, have been sadly neglected, ne· Ideed of prim~ry importance In eop e n e ews eturns , the wonderful resources and love glected not In being pampered or Ithe liCe of a cuuntry, Nation and

. ' of Almighty God, We .must try cuddled but rather neglectcd the world. . Mr. Gordon Brown of St. John's Hospital recently is doing hlcely to point oul, to make known, that ---' ----------:-------------

"Tears, Idle tears, 1 know not TOMATO PICKLES what they mean." said Lord Alfred (Relisb type)

arrived here Monday afternoon we are please 1 to report. the hard jobs are really great op· on a brief visit to 1\111', Bnd Mrs. Many happy returns of the day portunitics. God can take our A. V. Rees Bddal Avenue. to Mrs. Norman Parsons, who cele· weakness and translate it into His

Miss Dot Kp.lIy came to the Is· b d h rate er birthday on N(I\'cmber strength. Christian people must land Saturday afternoon on a 12, move forward with their message The ~Iemorial University hockey

A Glance Baclnvard

T. Well, we ha\'e just cried bue· 10 lbs green tomatoes kcts o( them, hut wc arc not as % heat white cabbage or caull· Mr. Melvin Hose crossed OVl)r

to St, John's Saturday. She reo turned home Ihe following after·

(tied In noon.

badly off as his lordship. We at flower least know what .they mean, or 5 Ibs onions rather what caused Ihem, We have ~;, pkg. pickling spices

brief visit to ~I'l parents,

Mr. Robert !\lore of the firm of Pri~e Watt:rhouse and Com, pany arrh'ed here flrom Montreal Monday after""on on oCficial bus· ine~s for his l'rm.

Happy birthday to Mr, George Skanes, who celebrated his birlh, day November 12.

(or this kind of a world inspired team \'Isited the Island on Salnr· by the Caith that "although the day night for ~n exhibition game OCTOBER-i94,1 scu[(old sways the future, behind with the Bell Islaml Juniors, The A nell' cable was installed on the the dim unknown, slands God with· local team walloped the visitors ScoLia Tramway hy the Mining in Ihe shadow, keeping watch ahove by an 11·2 score. Companr, the length of which was his own. . This was the first game in the 23,420 feel. 'l'he cable was 1 inch

just cut up green tomatoes. and 'muslin bag) ~lIced fil'e pounds of onions for lql. 1'lnegar pickles tomorrow. We looked up a :! Ibs. hrown sugar rouplc recipes. and couldn', quitc :llince tomaloes, onions and make up our minds which onc to cabbage. Combine In large pan, lise. To tcll the honest tl'uth. wc add hand Cui o[ salt and let stand liked the c~mhinalion oC ingred· o\'crnighl. In the morning strain, i~nts in the second recipe, hut and add I'inegar and sugar. Cook \I'('fe too Inzy to get out the min· until sort, Seal in sterilized jars. cer and mince Ihe Ingredients. -, Since. as the uld fellow used to 'iuu know, we didn't have the ~ay "laziness i~ not worth a darn slightest intention o( talking about unless it is lI'eli attended 10." we pickles in this column today-not decided to "attend" to It, and used until we chopped up the vege· the Ingredients from the second tahles for our own batch, But now recipe, but the method from the that we have, started, we might first. simply sliced up the 10- as well continue, If not with matoes and onions In layers, pickles, at least with something sprinkling salt between the layers. closely allied. This last recipe Is Howel'er, we hope nunc of you arc n suggestion for a very simple Bnd In such lackadaisical mood when tasty salad. yml start your pickling-and will CUCUlIlBER JELLY lise these recipes as they are In· 1 cup diced cucumber tended to be prepared. The second 1 tbsp. vinegar one I~ nially a relish, 2 cups boiling water

GREEN TO~IATO PICKI.F.S ~~ I~p, salt II Ibs grccn lomnlne~ 1 pkg, lemon jell)' powder. :1 lb~ onluns nemol'e seeds from cucumber Ii doz. apples and dice very fine. Dlsslove Jelly

]IZ Ibs sugar tloll'der In boiling water, add 1 tsp. II'hitr. Iwpprr I'incgar and salt. Chili unlil par· 1 qt \'inel:ar I tially set, (ahout the consistency 1 Isp. grollnrl gi"~rr o[ unbeaten egg white), then fold I lsI' all~pire 1 in the cucumber. pour Into R

Misses Diane, Shirley and Dap· hne l'iea!l'Y spent the weekend on the Island with thelt mother i\lrs. Sarah Neary. They wcre accom· panled by Mi&s Maureen Holden or st. John's.

Mrs. Willis .Jarvls returned frolll the Grace lIospllal Sunday. She was acclJITIpamcd from the city by her husband.

Mrs, B. J. Stoyles has returned home from h'J.pital and is now fceling much better. lIer many friends will 'Jr. pleased to learn,

Bell Island Netvs continued 011

Congratulations and besl wishes to Miss Lillian CarlJage wilu cele, brates her birthday, Nov. 17,

We may not be equal to this Bell Island arena this scason, AI· hard Langs lay 6 x 716 with herpp task, hul God is. With Him wc arc though the goal tal!y wa~ high core and cost somewhere in the able to accomplish all things. against the visitors, they were vicinity oC Sll,OOO. The work was

TODAY'S PRAYER much betler than Ihe score indi done in the record time of 13 A very happy birthday (0 ~li5S I 0 Almighty and Eternal God, catcs, The large number of Ians hours, under the direction of the

Lorraine Skanes, who celrbrate~ I grant unto us Thy strength and who attended the season's opener well knuwn cahle man, John Kent, her birthday Nol'. 17. wisdom that we may be able to enjoyed ii, who had wide e~;llerience in hanel·

live worthliy in this confused and The local Juniors are without ling rope of all kinds round Birthday greetings to Sonia prrplexer! generation. and th!s II'!, t,he ~Cl'\'ices oC some oC las( year': I square aud lIat. • ,

Brown who is two ~'Cal'S olrl today ask in nnd through the merIts of hne.up, due to thc lact that the) 1 --,,_.- -

Wednesday, Nov, 16. Greetings Thy Son Christ our Lord, I have passed the age limit. How'la nnmber of promising roungster. The following local Klw311ians Pane 13. "I . t I I . tl I b • from Mommie "nd Daddy. Amen. e\'er, t Ie (cam IS 5 rang ane la, 111 Ie cu.

atlendlld a KIwanis meeting at ___________ ~____ -----------.------------

J\Iessl's. Joe Basha,. Flrancls Gos· t''' . • [) . .. / . '*' / ~ Whilbourne on Saturday past. .. ;<'" ~ ~:i.~;:::: .g:~'i!:;::;, ",<loY, • 11 ,~6:'" 1~5~_ +~

Mr, .Calvln Pynn of Heinz Lim· Ited was bcreMonday in the In· terest of 11ls firm.

Mlr. Don Morgan a studcnt at Qucens Theloslcal College spent the weekend on (he Island with his parenls iIle, and 1\1\'5, Alberl III organ.

1\11'. anrl l\ln, Grralrl Parsons spent. ~ullrl;ly with friends In the Meiropolis,

Mr,l. Frrc\ Earle celebrated her hlrthday Monday. Congratulat· ions,

Slicp. lomatne~ and nnion~, layrt ~rlllarr. pan, and set until firm. 01 ~i\ch aitcrn;;teh', Sprinkle each Cul in ~qltarcs,' place a jellied la)'ef wilh 5311. Let stand O\·cr· qURre on a thick slice of tomato, Ili~ht in ~n earthenware vC~fiel. allli top with mA)'onnai6e, Simple, POUT "If brine in tlte mornin!!. luly Rnd attractive.

1\11', Bert Br~zil spent the week· Holy Trinity church at Col· end at Sp~nlara's Bay visiting his

chester in E~sex county, England, mother who Is presently very ill.

Thpn pare and chop up the apples, .... dd I'incgar and ~pice~, and cook in II large preserving kettle until ~oft. Seal in hot, sterilized jars.

Shoes noW take a lean line to mold your foot to a new, more graceful beauty . • • It's the fas!JjOIl and U's fabuloUS III our lIew

0I ... 01011R <HllI.S

(ur 1'~11 IIlld Whlt~r 1

Soft leaTher allil warm l'n\'· ors are blend~' to perfectinn in theje sheath rUm stylcs.


da tes from 1050.



are combination lasted to' prevent that rude experience of "heel sllpplna". See these GLAMOUR GIRLS to-day. They're obtainable In


$6 •. 50 to $7.95

Mr. George J,i1y of the teaching staff Waban a Anglican Academy spent the weekend with his par· ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Lily, at Harbour Grace. He was ac· companied by his wife.

Mr, Fred Earle travelled . city· wards MOllday morning.

Miss MBrgart't Corbelt, who Is wOO'klng In St. John's spent the weekend Ilere with her parents, Mr, and MI·s. f:dlVal'd Corbet.

Miss l-:mlly Snow spl'nt the \\'tlL'k"lIll un the Island I'bitinll fl'iend! and t'/'!ati\'e~.

MI~s :\linnie )\ellowny Silent the weekend 011 ti'''· Tsland wltll her parcnts i\lr, and l\lrs. Josiah Kello way.

Mr. and l\lr~, Jerry Whltc who lVere here on ;I holiday visit to Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Stoyles, re· turned to their home at Stephen· "lIle over thl! weekend, Mrs. White Is a slstet of Mrs. Stoyles

1\Irs. Martin Lawlor was are· cent business visitor to 5t. John's

Mrs. Timothy Snow Is spending a few daYs with friends in St. John's.

Messrs. Bob and Tom Murphy and John FI':!ming who are stu. dents at St, Bon's College spent the weekend on the Island vi,lt. lng their parents,

Dr. II. A. and .Mrs. Glovnnnettl returned from the locnl mainland Monday afternoon.

Mrs, .:vcrct' Bursey nnd IIltle daughter Lind:: crossed over to the Capltal, Mr.nday on a brief visit.

Mr. Laa'ry Harvey who under·

... n_O_\'_l~_,_16_,l_9 _________ ----------: went an operation at the Grace

I , .

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those-561 Oh-h-h


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NINETY-EIGHTS! -~~ ./j\ '.,'¥

Dh.h.h! What power! New Rocket T·3S01 What smoothnessl New Jetaway Hydra.Matic! What glamor! New 5tarfire Stylingl . You'll say "Oh.h.hl" for sure when you see Olds for '56!

. . eethem on ."OHI Day" 0.256'\

at your OLD.SM_OBIJ-_~ ~~.aler'sl . .. --- -.-~ .

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FROM ST. UWRENCE VISITING CITY Mr. Albert Simms of st. Lawr· IIlr. and Mrs. Calcb Meadus

ence', who spent a short· hollda)' al Lorcburn, Trinity Bay are at sprlngdale'ls noW spending a short present "!sltlng the city and are II hilt In St. John's before return·· the guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. G. in& to Ms. work at Sl. Lawrence. Meadus, 192 Hamilton Avenue.

5UPPEIt· MEETING This evening at 7.30 the Senior

clubs. the Board of Management and Commlitee members of the 's'WCA will. meet for a special supper mee~l.ng In honour of World Fellowship .. week. Mrs. It: Cramm, chairman of the Board wlU give a ,rep'ort on the. annual meeting of the' YWCA In Canada, which she attended at Toronto last week, and ~llss ~laraaret Hood will give a report of the findlflgs of Marl· time . the regional conference, "'hleh . she attended on the week· en'd of October 22nd at Moncton.

VETERANS IIlr. Benjamin Bradbery,' war ,·et·

eran from Bay Roberts, Is at pres­ent In the city on business' with the Department of Veterans Af· fairs.

DT~ Jordan· Answers

Scarf-Collar Wrap' (oat in Br~s~Cel~ry ..' DelicIOUS WIth


"r. Glen Batstone, business man (rom Corner Brook is at present in the city on a buslncss trip, and Is registered at the Brownsdale Hotrl •.

LEfT TUESDAY ~Ir. Wilfred Whitemarsh, 21

franklin A vcn'uc, leU here on Tur~day by'T.C.A. to "Islt Mon· trral, 'spend R while with her sis· Irr. !\\rs, Sexton, at Buf(alo, N,Y" and spend a hollda)' In Florida.

},ROM ST. PIt:RRt: .' ~Ir. G. Norgcau of SI. Plcrre Is at present "\sltlng the city on bus· Inm and Is reglstercd at the !'i£I\'foundland Hotel.

fRm( NEW HARBOUn ~Ir. ~1. Cranford, general deal.

fr at Nell' Harbour Is at prescnt "i~l1ing thc city on business.



lIIrs. Mark Vincent of Horwood' PUFFED KNEESI N PATIENT 15 at present receiving treatment at ARE CLUE TO POSSmlLiTY OF the General Hospital. 1IIr. Vincent RARE ALLERGY arrived In the city recently to visit .' '--his wife, and Is re::lstered at t~e To me, at least, the diagnosis Brownsdale Hotel. of an; unusual condition Is the .most.

Interesting p·arl. of medicine and one such problem Is brought up

FRO~I GRAND BANK )Ir. Eric Fox, of Grand Bank is

In the city on business.

ENGAGEMENT ~h·. and Mrs. Hubert Percy re·

ecnU)' announced the engagement of their daughter, Florence Daphne 10 ~Ir: Robert Francis )lorrl5, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sid· ney Morris.


in today's first leller. Q-Off and on for some two or

three years, my knees ('sometimes' only' one) will become slightly puf· fed and heav)·. I have thought I could trace tlils to eating such things as lce cream, milkshakes, or c hoe 0 I at e candy with rich cream fillings.' Does this sound plauslble?-Mrs. L. M.

SOlft Violet (olot fo'r Fall Chive Butter Sauce BY GAYNOR rtlADDOX

For a change, why. nl}t serve braised celery with chive butter sauce as a Thanksgiving dish. De· licious, really, and something dif· ferent.

Mrs. Andrew Duda, Jr., 01 Oviedo, Fla., wife of one of tlie biggest and most progressive veg· etable growers jn Florida, is rea1\y a superior cook. She gave us these two recipes to help our readers enjoy life a liltle more. nRAISED CELERY WITH CHIVE

BUTTER SAUCE (Yield: 6 servlng~)

Tcn'stalks celery, I';' inch boiling chicken broth in sauecpan, I,... tea· spoon salt, ~~ cup butter or mar· garine, 2 tablespoons chopped fresh chives, ~i teaspoon salt, 1·16 leaspoon ground black pepper.

Cut celery into pieces 4 inchcs . long. Place In a saucepan with If., inch boiling chicken broth and the I,lz teaspoon sail. Olver. Cook only until crisp tender, about 15 minutes. Dr a I n, If nccessar),. Melt butler or margarine and add chives, black p~ppcr and salt. Pour over celery. Serve hot as a vegetable.


(Yield: 6 ser\'lngs) Six· frcsh' unpeeled Anjou pears.

1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice, 6 tablespoons brOWn sugar, I", cup bullcr or margarine, cheese, crac kers.

A-I can only' guess .at the nat· ure of this condition but It does suggest the possibility of a rare and peculiar condition of the joints known as Intermittent hydrarthro· sis. Thestriklnll feature of ·thls condition Is that It comes and goes periodically and has a tendency to effect the knee joint. This com· Ing and' going Is usual1~' raUler regular, lasting fcur or fh'c da,l's and dlsapperalnll for 10 or 11. It~ cause cannot often be definitely determined though frequcnl1~' sus· plclon 15 Ihroll'n on some allergic condition Rnd it Is somr.tlmes liS' ~odatcd with hh·es. or course, III ere .re other po~slbilitles In ~(rs. ~('s case but it would also b. Interesting for her 10 eliminate all ronds containl1)~ chocolate to' Glowing color, luxurious wool rabric an I rt '11 tt k II I


"ASTRO.GUIDE" By Ceean For Wednesday, November 16

Present- For You and Yours •.• Don't give up just because things don't go right the first time today. Forget your failure and start at the begiooing again and things will work out. A lot depends on your altitude. The more cheerful you remain, the easier things are to accomplish. Aspects arc rather neutral, but pessimism is not warranted. Future ••• There is a boom in the stationery and writing sup· plies business. Last year people spent $549 million for items to keep the postman busy, and this year's total is c~pcctcd to e~cccd that.

P a~.t .. : This is the 66th birth· day of George S. Kaufman. A11 but one of his morc·than-40 plays were written in eoJlabora' tion with other playwrights; .

The Day- Under Your Sign ARIES 180,n M.rch 2110 Aplil201 LIBRA ISlpl. 2) I. Od. 221 Frj~nd, anl1 u50Cialfl ~'i1I 5;0 .Ionr Slit\.: to faclS and I1le truth as )lIU with )OU, idtl\ 'as long u ~ou meet 1.:nGW it wflerl makin, clu.crntions. Don', Ihem h,1[ wi, and 1(cn', nlfi!h. ",u impulsi,ely,

TAURUS IApril2tl. MIY 101 SCORPIO lOci. 2310 No •. 221 ~nk & IJiah moral Illlne. fJi§.trrrl ac· Uu,int" and urfer maners may ,..,t· li(Jn i. C111fd (Dr ill ~rs.onll matten ,enl ,(\'rrll problems. Ust ,our intui.

lif )OU '\I(luld l.\Oid hurtlnK [ll11ru. . lion rr('tlr, HtSuh, I'romisin,.

GEMINt IM.y 2 I 10 Junllt! .' SAGtnARIUS (No •• n to OIC. 2tl ~it (lUI with tilt purpoSf' 0 ml\;'ing Clolt )'our door and !trep to )'ouracU

Ilthi:l an outslanding day by corrrctin, no much U ponib1ri tho't around 10\1 blst imprrnivu )'OU hnt mJ~C'. aren't apt to be- CO"Optt11~YC.

:CANCER fJunl 2Z 10 July 121 CAPRICORN 101c. 22 t. J.n. ttl ,nC' Iurt whrn ~OIJ (ini,h a ltfojtd it Bdo'tr: )"OU 10k ),our temptr, count te I is rully. fini\htd. I.ravt nD 10010(' ends Itn", If that is.'t c-nougbt ID lOmC'Wbert dll1p;lins; to annoy )"Du. by )"our .. tU until )'ou coal art.

lEO puly 23 10 Aug. 221 AQUARtUS p.n. 20 to Fib. II)' Worcl~ spoktn in hasle- ann'l r~rt::ottrn Don's 1tt what you reld in th~ nefta .IS 5QOfi n Ibt),'rt uttered. Detter lhink plper I1rprrt.S tOU rt,ardinr: ),our future. krort )01.1 .peale:! Acctnt optimism in'tead.

VIRGO (Aug. 2) 10 S.pt. 221 PISCES (Fob. \9 to Milch 201 .• Hon'l trr to foist ),our per!.Onal opinions non', k &Q quick 10 Iotatf )'our ,.lew. 00 tontroW'tflial lubj«l. Ltt othcu de, at the upcn'lc ,01 ma"in~ Dthu. in II tide rCif themlC',Ins. cue. Be mort considrnte.

• e 19S5. Fi.ld Enlcrprild, t .....

Wash and cut unpeeled pears in I AID FOR RETARDED half lengthwise, leaving the stem ST. JOliN'S, Nfld. (CP) - Se~ atlached to' one of the halves of ond of its kind in SI. John's, a new each p~ar. Remol'e, cores ~nd 5cho~1 for retarde~ children '.I'll place III a 12x7x2·lOch bakmg formaily opened at the Presbyter. dish. Brush pears with lemon ian Hail herc. Funds were raised juice. Sprinkle each half with I" by public subseriplion. tablespoon brown su;:ar and dut with 1 tcaspoon buttcr or mar· desired, broil 4· inehcs from th' garine. Bake in a preheated hoi sourcc of heat 10 to 15 minute~ oven (423 degrees F.) 25 to 301 or until tcnder. Serve with chees. minutes or until tender. Or. if and crackers.

---------- .. - ........... ----~Ir. Hcrbert Higgins of Glol'er·

'town arrh'ed in the city on Sun· day and entered the General lIos· pital ior treatment ),csterda),.

)Ir. and Mrs. Leslie Yeo, Mrs, is bettcr known as the lovely lUI· nry Vernon, mO"cd to their home on Duckworth Street yesterday. ~Ir, and Mrs. Yeo arrived In Sl. John's last Frida~' by R.M.S. Nova Scotia, and have been guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Croshle, Rennie's 111111 Road ·dur· Ing the past few da)'s while tbelr home was being redecorated. Les· lie and 1IIIary receive a warm wclcume from the people of St. ,lohn's' who Ilavc enjoyed the many pla)'s they have brought here and taken pnrt In during the past ),cars the London Theatrc Company have heen established In SI. .Iohn's. They first came to St. John's with the Alexander The· atre Company just after World War n.

~ee ... hat would ha1>p~1) to the .' . I a so 51 1011e e ma e 1 5 trnuble with her knees If she docs coal b) Ar..1lur JablolV distinguished. Dralled scarf.collar tops a slim so. wrap coat III a shalle called legato ,·iolet.-By GAILE DUGAS, NEi\

Women's Editor. Q-T am 59.I·ear~ 01r1 anrt all or ----------------.-------­

~ ~lIrlt1c~ de"c'""cd' R terrific nain I-----------~

Playtex'~ introduces os BUSINESS

llr. Scott Yeats, who Is em· ployed at Corner Brook with Bo­.waters, is at present In st. John's on business.

ARRIVED SUNDAY. . ~Ir. Arthur Taylor or Cormack arrived In the city by the Clio 'press on Sunday and Is the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. WIl· lIam Taylor, Balllmore Street. lIIr. Taylor Is manager of the C()o()p·

.' eratlve store at Cormack, and Is here for a special. ten days course at the Department of Co·operatlves.

MOVED TO ST. JOHN'S Rev. Ind· Mrs. Frank Colton,

who were living In Montreal since Mr. Cottl/n's superannuation from the Ministry .of the United Church in 'Newfoundland ha"e recently moved to· SI. John~s'.and are now living In a' nat on Leslie Street. Their, son, Mr. Harry Cotton, who was living In Montreal has gone to ,lieU bland' for Youth work. . :- , . ','

. . CHRISTMAS CI\RDS . : ~rs; ·A.' C: Hunter, 'president of .The.Ohlld,~elfare Associallon has ·En~lsb·:Ohrlstmas cards and cal· imderi·Jeft'.ov,er, from the 'annual la\e.I~d wllt'be. glad to make ap· polntmept' by telephone for those w~o·YrIsh' to get their yearly.sup­ply •. AIl: profits' from these sales '0 to'tbe Chlld' ·Welfare Assocla·

WJo:I.COME WAGON The newly formed Welcome

Wagon Newcomers Club will meet In the Recreation Rooms of the YWCA Harvey Road on Friday evening.

FROM PENNSYLV,\NIA Captain and :IIrs, Donald Krause

and their five children recently moved to SI. John's from Pennsy· Ivanla, and are JIving at 85 Water· ford Bridge Roal. Captain Krause Is stationed at Pepperrall Air Force Base.

FRml HILLVIEW ~Ir. C. Cox, business man from

Hillview, Trinity Bay, arrived In the city during the last few' days on business for his firm.

NURSERY SCHOOL PARTY' Thursda)' was a very special. day

for the pupils of the Elizabeth Nursery school, when little p,lnsent Diamond, a pupil at the· school, celebrated his fourth' birthday ivlth, a party. The birthday· cake, which wa·s. made In the shape of a wooly lamb, was much adllllred, and later enjoyed, by 'these lucky pre.schoolers, who all aireed that the party was a huge success. '. PAB DANCE

in m~' che.l. 'rhe doctnrs .airl iI II'P' • hardp.nll\!l of th~ ~rterir.., bill ,lid "01 tel! me M~·thlng else. -'Irs. A .C.

A-Io" swlden T1~ITI .ucll ~. 11-· i ~rlhn~ m"ke. nn~ think Of r1i'li~III.! t,. 1\'lIh IlJe eoronarv arterlr- <111)·, "h'I"" . the hp,art mll.rle, Therr .Is; hnWp.\'er, Insnffi~tel1t Inform pl. 10 .. in the lett~r to 1>" ~nr" a~rl pll nnp r.an ~O\. I_ t1t~t Mrs. C. sh""11l mal-e evel'\' ... ffort In' havr a dip'" 1lO~1. Te"~h"rl so "I"~t ~1Jr. 11'111 know hoW this shOUld' be handled.

Beh,veen Us Women

Beautv Briefs 01

The colorcd emery boards ruay i nul be any more effective than i the ones We hal'e been using for I years, but they arc smart. For

By' RUm MILLETI I filing they arc kinder to the nails! than a steel file.

EACII OF US GMNS COURAGE --FRO~I TIlE COURAGE OF FO.r deep.pore cleaning there Is

'. OTIIElIS llothmg belter than a liquid clean· __ ser. IIIany women will find a ne\\"

The elderly and kindly neighborl comer that leaves the 'skin 50ft, who In the spring of this year clean and greaseiess, pleasant to

P.A.F.B. wilL iponsol'. I dance to slowly pushed a wheelbarrow Into use. be held' at tbe Crystal' Palace on Our yard loaded with flowers dug from his garden for ours is dead. The daily usc of a medium stiff

bristle nail brush not only keeps the nails clean, it keeps them free from painful hang nails.

Wednesday November 23. Johnny S~ Is the bed of petunias he help. Francis and his band will supply cd me plant. But he assured me the music. Tickets are now on when we set them out that they sale ind may be ha.d f~om memo would reseed themselves and bers of the committee. bloom again next year. Never cut cuticles, It eoarsens

, _ As I pulled up the dried stalks them. FROM· TRITON to~ay. and sea.ttered the seeds still -----------

Mr. C. WIlliams business man . elmglng to brIttle plants I thou::ht I and Its defeats with good cheer . . . of the man who had given them and 0 r . . . 1"

from .Triton Is at present visiting to me and ~[ the example of cOllr' al c n mumg JOY In lVmg are th It

' b I U • to al Who know them e e y: on us ness. ' age and hope he was to all who' H ft h . b

I . ow 0 en t e remem ranee of

CO.OPERATIVE IIIANAGERS Mr. '. William J. . Peddle of

Hodge's Cove, Mr. Uriah Guy of Arnold's Cove,' Mr. Ronald' Heath of 'Beaumont,' and Mr,' and Mrs. C. Peckford, who are In st.' John's for tbe special classes for man· agers . of' co·operatlv·estores In Newfoundiand -are i'reglstered at the' Brownsdale Hotel.


wa~ched h m work I~ h.ls garden. that kind of courage Is drawn upon . 'lhe last year of hl~ life .he was by olhers when they are in need III and feeble, but hiS vOice was of strength' \I'~rm and kindly and his ~yes For cour~ge, too, reseeds itsel!. tlllnkled w~en he made a little Each of us gains courag from the joke. and hiS talk was always of courage of others. e today or tomorrow, never of. the Like a plant that reseeds itself ~hst. P Of E I and lives again courage never real·

e ower xamp e Iy dies. Any day that he Was we1\ enough -------

to be out·of·doors found him work· Ing among the flowers he loved. Sometimes he had to work a few minutes and sit a few minutes in the shade, bIlt he didn't giVe up


a great new' girdle material

• • . figu re-sl i nl m i ng FABRICONt

. ~ "' The Advisory Conimlttee of The" 1,Iillver.slty ,W,omen's Club'

will, hold a C,hrlstmas musicale on and quit. .

What an example of courage he and all of those who meet old age

VERDUN, Que. (CP)-City coun· cil of this Montreal suburb has re· ceived a request from the mayor of Bougie in Algiers, suggesting that the two cities exchange' economic and administrative ideas.

, sa au liPli


. . • I ~ .' .

, I ! .

Monday, :December' 11th •.

. • As deligMful . to take as candy mints,

peppermint·f1avoured Phiflips' Tablets are made from one of the

lastest, mosl effective stomach SW!eI· eners known-and bring elmost instant relief from acid indigestion with irs ec· cDmpan~ing upsel stomach and heart­burn. Carry Ihe handy pocket tin with you·at all.limes f 30 tablets- 25c.

. Trade supplied by .

Coole,rl Split-resistant! Easy-on-and·ofr! 'II!.


Ima~ne a girdle tbat only weighs ounces oC "opcn.pore" 'FaLricoII

••• the ncw Playtex combination oC absorbent, downy-soCt cotton

and 8IIlootb latex. Gives you more Creedoni with control •••

plus coolness! Moves, gives, breathes with your body. Nary a bone,

ititch or Beam anywhere. Wasbes and drics in minutcs.

Petafpink ••• in Extra Small, Small, McdiulIl, Large, Extra Large.

'11.,. Tud. Mar. Onl;' 495 . .

':"G,ERALD. S·. DOYLE Knolt" et:erYlvllcre as tlte girrlle ill I.!IC SliM tulJe

~y1td in Nt!» l'ork and Mad. in Canada by Playltx LId •• •• Pl .. HTE,\: p.mK . •. Arnprior, Ontario\

". ·' .. '71~'1I .. IhIh:n!wlllClJI'TIII~ t ~ .i .' • ..... , '

Marshmallow " " . .

•• " f '

.SIDEWALKsUNDAE , I. "' .' '


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:s ,0 ,. If 'to

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te !If T. ~I

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ad h. ss­en leI kl­'h. re­n" er· ~. !ell on­.al­oil, Ib, be. md G.

ex. ,II')' DIU'

III :lot

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~I:; cal nt

his ('xt

loll' en.

bly 1-, hat

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!Jill tet lex! ~ir. lexi I

bllJ ltd. rhe lor·


tHE I?AIL~ NEWS, WEDNiSDAY, NOV. 16, 1955 -------------------~----------.--.--~---:.------------------------------.~ 5' 000 D 1· . t B P 0.." Wh" " " grain because of choked elevators. main govemment reply. He ai.. Mr. Howe has turned down the Coney Island once lI'as inhabil(,(!" . e lnquen oys ose ver eat . The Ilovcrnment is guaranteeing ready has said ·the government acce.Ptance, of other than dollar only by rabbits. Its name appeal'l. 1 • h · B I a percentage of the loans which considers guarantecd bank loans currencies. He argues tha.t some to be a curruptlun III 1I11' Dutcli' , T e ComIng att e have a $1,500 maximum and carry "the most satisfactory" method of of Canada's wheat marketing ~if. 1I'0rd for rallbi!, "konijn," "' ..

Sh k' C d· PhI' . an Interest rate of five per cent. meeting the needs of farmers who licultles Rre due to that practice .~ , O. C'. lng 'ana Ian ro em OTTAWA, (CP)-polltlcal battle Progressive Conservative leader have grain but cant deliver It. by the United States. He ;ermed n'oTrtlllle\\.c~lLsttelrento~~bY~, ~~:~:' lIi~.

lines alreadY are being drawn for Drew and CCF leader Coldwell It is thought probable that eith· such sales "a form of foreign aid what Is expected to be one of the both have indicated they will aim er Mr. Drew or Mr. Coldwell may, rather than a method of sale" and world's cfficial heat rccord-136~

Thelast )'ear In which an 0(. old boy and took him to Scamoro "We must keep him busy In biggest of parliamentary debates a strong attack at the plan as he· move at the opening that regular hoped Canada would never resort _dl!_g_re_e_s_F_B_h_re_n_h_el_t. ____ -:-:: ficial tally was made, more than Bluffs. They Ued him with a chaIn school and playground, ~ntil he Is in many many years-the govern· ing not good enough. Indicatlons business be put aside to discuss to them. ; '\ 5,000 Canadian boys were haUled draglled him through the w~ter old enough to make up his mind ment versus the oppo~ltlon on are both will argue that the the wheat questlon. This could

I th natlnn's courts to be char and up a Aliff' rolled him In tar the right way To keep him busy' The plight of prairie farmers nlo e. -" , • we have to ge't him into our 'organ'. wheat. wheat board. should have been hring the firs,t formal vote early arl'ses from the fact Canada holds

ged with varying dearees of juo,:en· paulin; then stuffed blm In a car I d ile delinquency. . t run k. Barely escapIng death Ized activity, That means b~lng The battle. will be jo ne when called on' .0 make, cash ad· In the season. . huge stocks 'of grain and sales Their acls of hoodlumlsm rang· from exhaust fumes, he was then ready to take the roughnecks Parliament opens Jan, 10. The tra· vances 10 the farmers Without bank The Progressive ConservatIVes Th t

.. .11 th ••• , "'" m.lld", throw, " • ,w.mp, wh'" ,.too. ",U.wlb, tho d,mhb",, " .. .,.; dill"". 'hro" ","h '"'''' ., •• on "t",.",,,,,- Th. CCF ,roh,hty will "'OW th'" "II ,,, m",m". '" ,'ow. .' , .. ," "indalislll to more serious acts Uves rescued hi. Each of the tor. clubs, play their kind of games, which members can discuss any terms five per cent too high an an all-out sales drive on world Is currently eshmated to hold al· of robbery with violence, Indect!nt ture trio was fined only $100, sl~,g their ~!nd as' stings,' , subject, will provide the opportun· interest rate. markets and the CCF likely will most 1,000,000,000 bushels 'of assa

lllt, and rape., Many of the country's socIal If he won t come to our recre~t· Ity. • HOWE TO REPLY demand that foreign currencies be h t ·h If from the 1955 har·

Thcse 5 hoc kin g facts were 8IIencies believe that the under. ion centres - and he won't - go t I 11k l' 11\ b t1 T d 111' i H d h t w ea ,on~ a

." . ,. , :!

, , brOUght to light in an arUcle by lying cause o( juvenile delinquency and play on his streets with him. Cen ra s,sue Ie> w e Ie ra e m ster owe, the man accepted for Cana Ian w ea. vest. Elevators ~nd other storage Frank Ralky printed in, the cur- among boys Is caused by lack of Take a lnohUe unit' with baseball government s plant to back bank who handles wheat marketing and These arguments have been heard . d '3 med with .01 ., .. ~ lJbort, m.,"'" P""'" ,ff"U .. "d ,old ..... ""pm .. , "",. 10'. hf. "'" '.rn, ,. P""" "'.m wh •• "" who "",U, " .. ""d tho t,,,,,, .. , d.h,t .. "' tho go> pm •• '" "''',. l m Rij~~C~dPHtofawn~~Andm~tPa~tlc,~~~y, an ~~~r~h~o~~~~~~~~~~~~C~~~h~h~t~c~a~n~'t~d~e~II~~~r~f~H~m~.~d~&~e~d~R~h~em~~~p~r~~~a~b~~~w~i~ll~m~a~k~e~t~~~e~rn~m~e~n~r~s~£~rn~~~p~~~lc~ie~s~.~~_~~~~~n~.~_~ ___ ~--~~--~~~~~-~ Ing sludy by Liberty Into the be· those cases when the parents, not -haviour pattern of Canada's youth. the chlldren, seem to be the delln·

In 1932, the last year lor which quent culprits. ligures are complete, 5,418 boys Noah Pitcher, executive seere· Ilere listed on court t:ockets as tary of the Big Brother 'Movement ~clinqucnts. Of these, 2,319 ans· In Ottawa, tries to untangle the Ilcred 'charlles of thieving, 1,411 broken lives of more than 100 boys nre accused of burglary, 110 of annually, aged six to 21, before iUlmOrollllJ, and 19 of Indcent as· they reach the courts. /,:1111. "Most of them", Liberty quotes Paren~; and lawmakers, equally Mr. Pitcher, "seem to be suffer­

baffled because these acts of via· Ing a state of emotional confusIon lenee and sub.normal behavior due ,to Inconsistent discipline." lcem, on the lurface, 50, eens~ Only 2 per cent of all the boys II'S5, are hard·pressed to slnlle out examined annually by the BIg an), one cause tor thll II.Yllc·acl1e Brothers eight Community Chest r:jectiO'l of locletY'1 laws. social workers wind up in ]uvenle

Here l~ just a han:!!ul of their court. What happens to the aw­ucapadl!l, as recenUy Itcorded on breaking boys there Is rarey publ· ~lllice bl illcrs across C~I ada. IIclzed in newspapers, This Is a

In Ed~IJnton, a l1·yt .. r.old boy ,'acuum Df Ignorance deplored by pleaded ,u!Jty to sma.hinl the experts, like Vancouver Deputy pss door of the Fawn Cafe In Minister Gordon W. Scott. order to steal $13 from the cash "Parents would gain Insight, if re;lster. newspapers described what goes

In Chatham, Ont., 22 ~oYS and ~ in juvenile courts", says Judge rour girls aged 14 and 15, were Emerson J. Heaney of Winnipeg's charged by Crown Attorney A. D. J u v en II e Court. "Names, no, Bell with conducUng I "Sorld af- But {or boys desposed to be delin· lair" of all.nleht pro m I 5 cui ty quent, a few grim facts and fig· drinking and vandalism. It be· ures might make them think, they ~~n when a prominent Tuppervllle had better not". Ont., farmer and his wife went But perhaps the most novel view away for the week·end. Their on combatting boy delinquency daughter, who sang In the church comes from Ben Solomon, aoclal choir, Invited to her home 29 teen· worker at the Columbia University agers from • hlghlchool dance In He says: \\'allaceburg, Ont. "Studying the causes of delln·

For two nights, the party Indul. quency Is the most fruitless enter­~cd In I baseball game with eelll ; prise In the world. There are romped a calf over the 'furniture: hundreds of causes. And the same cut the head off a chicken and cause that leads one child into <pattered its blood over the walts; delinquency will spur another to· r.ncouralled a trio of boyS to carry ward high goals and success. It's 14.year-old girls upstairs to the the Inner strenght of the child that, brdroom. In the final anal),sls, decided whet·

In Scarboroullh, Ont., three YOl1n· her be'li become delinquent. The ;:llcrs on a spree seized a 11·year· child chc 55S 'himself.


stage, Offstage and upstage: "The rcnsored movie version of "The Seven Year IItch", was more cent sorable than the play."

Hollywood', little Min Cen· lored-Sally Forrest-says it's 80

and feels she has a right to speak up because she has been toulnll houquets at the blue-pencil bo)'1 cver since "Son of Sin bad."

Her dance costumes In that film, the censors said, put the "sin" In Sihbad.

"And they were right", she laId me at a rehearsal for the Climax show on CBS·TV. "The htudio kept cutting off the cos· lume until there was hardly any r.o~tume at all, It was fantastic. I'm grateful to the cemors for Icavlnll me on the cutting·room floor."

But after seeing the film ''The Se\'en Vear lIeh," In which she starred for 10 months on Broad. wa~' In the Marilyn Monroe role, gorgeous Sally's blushing over what censorship can do at times.

"Honest," she told me," film censorship made things more crude than our play ever was. I went to laugh-like I did In the wings on Broadway when I wasn't on stage, Instead I crlnKed, I cringed because I was In the play. I knew the lines and I saw what happened,"


action to a plush New York apart· ment In "That Certain Feeling"; "I've always wanted a place like thls-everything in contrasting shades of money."

••• Not In the Script: It's a, movie .

comeback In "Bottom of the Bottle" for Margaret Lindsay after, alx years of TV emoting In New Vork. "I left Hollywood during the TV panic," sile says, "but I'm still amazed at all the empty alages at the Major studios.

"At one time Warner Bros. had me working In three pictures at the 5ame time, In those days you had 10 cry and beat on desks to get out of doing pictures." . " .

Alfred Hitchock's telefllm whim· sy on "Alfred Hitehock Presents" won't even bow to Christmas jingle bells. .

His just.flimed suspense show for the holidays is about a murder beneath a Christmas tree. Th~n Hitchcock, carrying a plasterer's hod, walks up to a fireplace and starts lealing It with mortar. Leer Ing at the camera he signs of the Ihow with:

"Let him ho·ho-ho· his way In· to THIS onel"

Manners Make Friends Final nomlnatlonl for the nat·

lanaI 'Audlence Awards, on which movle.goers will vote Nov. 17·27, put Jimmy Stewart and June Ally· son In the top spots· as likely win· ners. They were nominees on ali three exhibitor ballots during the past six months.

Or don't audiences agree with theater men? 'fhe publlc's voting In No\'ember will answer the ques· tion.

Just because she happens to live next door to you doesn't mean you should feel free to drop In for a visit at any hour of the day and stay as long as you like. A next· door neighbor should be trea ted with the same kind of can· slderatlon as Rny other friend. Visit only when you know It is can· venlent-for the neighbor.

And don't we a r out your weI· come by staying too long at I

time. •••

Fashion Tips One of the new fall hats is the

chignon cap. Worn on the back of the head It's smartest in velvet­and on the very young. --, The tuUp and the flute ilne tuned to the new' slim silhouette are charming, Look for them in sheer wool.

.." ...





• • • and our friendly Salesman MOSE FRAIZE, Stamps Lane

DON FISHER, 57 Golf Avenue, Dial 5707A

HARRY HANSFORD, 1 Duckworth St.




Insiders at Fox say It's a sure bet that Marth'n Monroe will re­turn to the lot for the just·around. the-comer film version of "Bu8 Stop." But there's It III nn green light flashing from her New Yorle slt.down stop, • • • ''Threshold of Space"-what an Ironic, title for John Hodlak's last film •••• Star· dust sprinkled on Pellgy Knudsen at Warner Broa" before Ihe be­cam. Mrs. Jim Jordan, Jr." and the mamA of two, Is sparkling again at Fox. Her performance on "Good Morning, Min Dove" Is the talk of the lot.


They Rre putting perfectly stun; nlng looking collars of white bea· vcr on tweed. Sometimes the col· lars are large with big revers, someUmes they are ties. '

Dial 2906F - 5550

Price You Want To Pay Hal Dickinson, one of the Mod·

emaires, arrived home to hear the new. that hll l~year-old Martha was becomln. a member of a won· derful cl\lb. "Fine," nld Hal, "what Is the'club?1I

''The Black Widow," beamed Martba: '

Ye Gad., thought Hal, wonder· ing what' kind of I mob Martha was mixed up with. "Just. what are' the-uh-alms and Ideal. of the Black Widows?" he Isked.'

"To take," replied Marlhll, "baskets to Drpbans at Chrlstma •• "

In the Script: Bob Hope" ra;

Some designeR are featuring \'a· ried hemlines for dresses,

For real formality, also eleeanee this leason, you'll wear a long IOWD.

. Household Hint Paint spots should be scraped off

a fabric and then It should be \fas· hed In bOt warm sud!!. If the paint stain has dried, soften it with oil or lard, then sponge with tur­pentine or banana 011 before wash· inl.

Limited DIAL 3015



t " ".,.;J

• I

, . .!


•••••••• - _ ••• _ ................ & P" .... .. • ,.d' ' •.• :, .: .• , ... l: .. "',:':,·~'~~;:':"'::·:·;~·;:;···:··::··<"!·~:·-"';" .. ''':; .••. " ':~"""'''~:''''''':'''~.;I''''''.~ .-.. --.-... ~ ....... -.-- .'-"""" .~ ... :-


;~. .. _ .... _-_.


.­j •


SHIP'PING' I Steamship . Movements , THE NFLD. GREAT LAKE! and New York).

an dFINA 'NCE Business Spotlight Canadian Press Staff Writer "We're hopeful thai if the first

GLACE BAY, N. S. (CP)-This two b3ats sho\v good result.s-~nd· troubled Cape Breton mining town we're confident they will-ihey'll looks to the fishing induslry to be followed by more. If it works give work to some of its jobless. out that way it'll give a big boost

STEAMSHIPS LTD. Fort Avalon due St. John's Nov. M. V. Dundee loading at Hamil. 17, salling again Nov. 19 (Corner

:Ion Nov_ 26, Toronto Nov. 28, Brook and New York). : Montreal Dee. I, for St. John's. Fort Hamilton leaving New York · }.I.V. Perth IDading . at Hamil· Nov. 30, Halifax Dec. 3, due st. · ton Nov. 28, Toronto Nov. 29, [or John's Dec. 5, salling Dec. 6 (Hall· . st. John's. fax);

}.I.V. Lunan loading at Montreal Fort Avalon leaving NelV York . Nov. 30, for St. John's. Dec. 1, St. John, N.B" Dec. 3,

FURNESS W,lRREN LINa Halifax Dec. 6, due SI. John's Dec. Nova Scotia due Boston Nov. 8, salling again Dec. 10 (Corner

· 17. Leaving Boston Nov. i8 and Brook and New York). · Halifax Nov. 22 due St •. John's Fort Hamilton Leaving Halifall

Nov. 24. Salling again same day Dec. 10; due St. J.ohn's Dec. 12, (or Liverpool. sailing Dec. 14 (Hallfax and·N.Y.)

Newfoundland leaVing LluelpoGI NFLt? CAN. STEAMSHIPS . Nov. 23, deu SL John'. Nu\ 29. Belle Isle 11 due St. Jo~n'5 Nov. · I.eavlnl for Halifax and Boston 17, sailing Nov. 18. NoY. 30, due Halifax Dec. 2 and . Bedford II due St. John's Nov. Buston Dec. II LUlln. BustOD 17, sailing again.Nov •. lB.

· Dec. 6 and 'Halifal! Dee. te, due Belle Isle 11 leal·lng. lIallCax 51. John'. Dec. 12. Sal1lni! for NOI·. 22, due St. John's Nov, 24,

· IJ~erpool, December 13. salllng NOI·. 25. Nova ScoUa leaving' Ll'erpoot Bedford 11 leal'lng Halifax Nov

Dec. 7.-' due St John's Ocr: 13. 22, due St. Jolll1's NOI'. 24, salling Leaving for Hallfax and Bo~toil Nov. 25. Dec. 14, due Hallfill Dec. l6 ar.d . Belle isle 11 leaving HnliIax N·ov. Boston Dec. 19. Lenlng IHI!lon 30, due. St. John's .Dec. 2, sail· Dec. 20, due Halifax Dee. 21. Sail· Ing again Dec. 3. . Ing from HaUbx lor LI~erpool Bedford leaving Halifax Nov. Dec. 24. 30, due ·51., John's Dec. 2, sailing

Newfoundland leaving LiverpQol again Dec. 3. Dec. 24, due SI. John's Dec. 30. Belle Isle II leaving Halifax Leal'ing for Ha!lfal and Boston Dec. 9, due· St. John's Dec. 12, Dec. 31, due Halifax Jan. 2 and salling again Dec. 13. Buston Jan. 5. Leaving Boston CL.ARKI STEAMrHIP CO. Jan. 6 and Ha1i£ax Jan. 10, due St. Nuvaport salling NOI'. 16 (Bay' John's Jan. 12. Salling again same Roberts). day [or Liverpool. Farra~dog leaving Montreal Nov.

Nova Scotia leaving ,Lh'erpool 16, due SI. John's Nov. 21. .. Jan. 7, due St. John's Jan. 13. Sbeldrake leaving Montreal Nov. Leaving lor Halifax and Boston 20, arrll'ing St. John's Nol'. 24. Jan. 14, due Halifax Jan. 16. and NOI'aport leadng l\[ontreal29, Boston Jan. 19. Leal'ing Boston dlle St. John's Dec. 5, lenvlng 'SL Jan. :!O and HallIax Jan. 24, due John's Dec. 7 (Bay Roberts): .

St. John's Jan. 26. Saillng for 'CONSTANTINE CANADIAN Ll"erpool Jan. 27. . SERVICES

FURNESS RED CROSS M.S. Teeswood leaving Montreal Fort lIamlllon due St. John's No,'. 18. Arrives St. J~hn's Nov.

Nol'. 17, salling Nov. 19 (Rallfax 23 •


R.~I.C, DOCKl' ARB Flretug a, and the two long lin·

ers Bamerang nnd tlamerf~,.t, ilso M.V. Parr Rnd Lady Anderson.


New York Mart At Record High

NEW YORK (AP)-The stock market headed toward a record high Tuesday, 'but Its dril'e was cut orr by profit·takIng. . .


!I' II

'. @14, DID~'T I TELL 'l\?t.) 2 -- IJt..\!

Ht\'K- k'AFF =

Base Metals Trading Strong

Spurred on by the Board of to the economic health of this Trade and helped by Cape Breton area." businessmen and the provincial The boats. costing close to' $:;0.­and federal governments, Glace 000 each, will be operaledby Cape Bay nOW has the makings of a Breton Fisheries Ltd., a company new fish dragger fleet. It could organiZed by a group of Cap, mean the start of n prospereus Breton businessmen headed by R • home industry. J. Logue, Sydney auto and indus-

TORONTO (CP) - Senior base metals finished ahead but below their best Df the day on the stoel: exchange Tuesday.

Consolidated Smelting notched a 1. gain to lead the group. Noranda ,added IA. Copper corp retracted 33 ccnts to $2.20 wll!' 230,000 shares traded. L),ndhurst lost 21 at $2.27, Temagaml Ule same amount at $1.99 and Consolidated Morrison·19 at H. Cassiar, East Sullivan and Eastern Smelting were 15·cent los­ers. Quebec Lithium was $L25 poorer. Coniagas advanced a smart 36 cents to $3.05. .

The town has aiways had its trial equipment distributor. T. J. fishermen. In summer their sword· Morris of Sydney is general man-fish boats almost filled the creek ager. e which would hardly be a harbor GOVERN~IENT HELP ,. at all except for the breakwater. The prol'ineial trade and Indu!-

Uralliumswere dull: Lorado dip· pcd to a year's low of $1.20 bcfore settling at $1.29, down 7, in active trading. Lake Cinch gained a dime. McIntyre added '1. and Sullivan droppcd 55 to $5.80 in the golds.

General Pete A, 30 cents lower at $4.50, headed western oils down. Other losses were limited to about 1j cents .. On the upside, Merrill Pete, at $10, was 25 cents ahead and Central Explorers, at $6.70, gained 20.

Index changes: Golds down .48 to 84.10, base metals up 1.46 to 213.28 and western oils down .98 (0 114.33.

United States Dollar Close

MON'rREAL (CP:-The U. S. .dollar closed Tucsday at par with Canadian funds, unchanged. It took 100 ecnts Canadian to buy $1 Am· erican. Pound sterling $2.80 5·16, unchanged.

Canadian Dollar

And U1ere have been the shore try department helped with 108113 . lishermen with their Cape Island· \ and enginecring adl·iee. Ottawa type boats, called "snappers" here. undertook a pro~ram of harbor.1m­COAL SLUMP .. provement inl'olving $60,000 worth

But coal, a business financed in of dredging and some breakwater St. Jamcs and Bay streets, has rebuilding. always been king. Now that coal Unusual feature of the plan I. is hard to sell many miners 'are provision for the dragge~ skipper. out of worl •. The Glace Bay area to buy their vessels from the com· emplo)mcnt office has about 1,000 pariy in 10 years or less. Morrll persons seeking jobs.. Nowe of Lunenburg, N. S. "ill b,

Initial aim ~f the "self - help" able to pay for the Barba~a Kath. scheme is a SIx-boat fleet of skip- leen out of earnings until he is sol' p~r.owned 60·foot draggers. They owner. The same applies to Capt. WI\) be able to go far e.nough to Cyril Rose of Halifax skipper of sea to find really good fishing and the Shirley and Linda: stay un~lI they have a full load. The captains were selected ari4!r'

The first, the Barbara J\athleen, the organizers intervieWed a Iar.c came in last we.e!c from the yards number of applicants. of A. F. T~cnault ant.1 So~s at They will bring their catches it ~leteghan RIver, N. S. She fIshed the local processing plant ot Jo, On the way and broug.ht 40,000 Lipkus and Sons, which could elll· pounds-a good catch. . ploy 75 persons or more full tilll' . Another, thc Shirley a.rld Lind~, it it could J(et the fish. Last sUI!!.; IS expected from. the bUilders thIS mer abollt 60 worked partUme. '!'hI week. She. too, \\'111 worl; ,her way. boats will carry six or se\'en me, BOOST TO ECONO~tY each.

"A ,reat deal hinges on the sue· cesS of these first two draggers." sa~'s Leo MacIntyre. U1e trade board's f ish c ri es dC\'elopment chairman.

AI\ women In New Franci II 1665 were required to learn api" ning and IluI·jng by Jntendl~ Jean Talon.

NEW YORK (CP)-The Cana dian dollar Was unchanged at par in terms of U. S. funds Tuesd~~·. Pound sterling unchanged at $2.80 5-16.

xCon Peu. ,0.1 no xDer·Led"c ",nol11~ .,-: •. ", :-.:[)uyex XF~t'~Q ,I'ed 1',1. xGe-n Pl'!t-xGen ret~ A -.:Ur S~~ ... t!1 G.-.t:!!' xGrld.1I xlll'h Cr ·,1 nome 011 :,UuJlk:-,'

3000 12 12 12 :i300 liD 10 )&1

1:00 170 163 170 5no ~4(J S~O ~1(J seQ :H: :nth :t~" 701 :!,O 2.3j :'::;:i

:B21 430 415 420 100 m '~9j 49l

1100 46.j 430 m st.iC 33'; ;t:J11 3P;) 400 8;0 8;0 ~;~.

900():':3 :!o,~:!] jan 170 m R70 :l~(J a:.:o ~I.j Rli !felen Gill wm take freight on

Tuesday. T. HALLET'f LTD,

~laxine Johnson, Johnson, mas· ter is taking freight lor Port Union, and Bonavista.

It managed to produce a mixed close with prices a mUe higher on average but with more losers than gainers In the list. .

The Associated Press. aver'age of 60 • stocks Was up .30 cents, at F18t semu y undid. diy novlSh

By'l1lE CANADIAN PRESS Canadian Wire ano Cable, A'


",lImky .·"t. \iIy·ChulIl ,1.1'0), 011 xLibe1'llJ I'~t. :;)[arl~,ld x~lert'ill ~"t t • x~lIdeon

I OO~ 30; 300 303 .000 B 712 7

%02.l 117 11 ~ ll~ 1701) 2.; :;0 2&.1

'300 ~3 40 4~ ~1"8 10na 9a; 10110

Supcrtrader is moored up In­definitel)'.

$180.20. . . Toronto


.Poul sun xF.o.1 Metlto x~: .. 1 Smell xl:ldcr xCldrclh ~Eldreh VT .. :1 Sol

GIO 6.0 6U HI .Xew 1"hurb \:~OD 9 ~~ 91 ,Xlb y,\lo ' Iq!o no 7::1 7:1'1 ,Xckel Rim

21:!l II> 60 61l> -"Nlps.ln, loCO SO . All M :\oranda new

lOO 77 77 77 .Xorgnld lono 10 111 111 ... ~or lcca

:ttl2-:! 16l llfi 1;;'0 ~~ormttal

Ag.10 2 23'.'. 2_ 5jOO 9 G\!I 6',i

218.iO 1~.' 111) 1:J :JO(J ::10 ~U :n ,::Ij .iH~ :13\1 ijJ~"

;'2l0 28 ~.; 2,1 ]:1,)00 lO~:: !lH 9~'

:U71.1 10\0 ;:n 7!!.i 77M ~O 11 ~!

.~11I1 ety xNat Prt .. .;.; Bristol xXe\\' D Dom

13010 79 7J i7 1:;1).) 3;,) 2n ::,,) :7.1<: 2)1 2,\1 :,1 2~1O ll3 113 m

f;UIl Z'::l 220 221 5j(l(l 56 5~ 54 J;,jOlJ,j'; 54 .i" 1130 :18 210 ~12 YOU ARE BOUND M. and S. John~on, Johnson,

master, Is ready 10 s,ll when weather Is' suitable. .,' , '.

. B1 n. cln •• li. rro ..

The rise was modi£1ed by the fact that the industrial component ~dvanced$pO but the ralls lost 10 cents while the uUliites' rem'ained

h d (x-Qlloted n rent., .O-d~ lot, ,dF.,·

::Eureka xEureka ",,'Il ralcanbrdice .Farado)· x}·"e.1 Tun,

::OICO uJ 10 :'0 'l'! Rantln . lj2,O ~8~1' =r~t ~7~, x~orpax.

3~OO :03 "21)r1 :!on x:'\tlduluml

4\783 j2 lB 49 .'lOO:}:;:! 3\ jt

.;.; Contlnent.1 x~ Contnenll'l .:-; Ga. t:xpl ' xN SUp,riOl' .S C Ols "O~all.

1:\OD ~1'; :.'%.; %:.; .00 IS') (70 4.0

3100 200 193 1:19 5300 9'.~ 8;~ 9!' l4I5Jlm 1:11"7 131.







BOWRING BROS. LTD. une ange • dividend, xrEx·rlJht., " .. -Ex,wlrrants,) General Moors for the fifth

stral~t lime topped the most ac- Ilock tive list but it· declined Tuesday

Philip Wa>'ne, Carter, master, 15 taking freight.

Genel'leve Holloway, Roger master, is taking freight· for Bon· al'lsta Bay porls.

A1'RE " SONS LTD. Norma Conrad, Blackmore, mas­

ter, is taking freight for northern ports.

Maggie Green, Delorey, master, lalled.

for the first time-oCf % R 52~. "Ae.~ UTln on 150,000 shares. It was selllng xAkllleh. ex-dividend $1. xAlba t:opl xAm Lorder

Chrysle!' gained 31. at 9B~~ as .Am Neph. th d

' Ii xAnleon e ay s second most aC ve Issue. An,la Hur In its initial appearance Tues· xAn. 1I0u)'a

day, Sears Roebuck "when Issued" ~~~::llIti stock, resulting from the three.for- xA.mn·nut one split, was in third place c1os· ~~~~!~~. Inll at 39~io. The old stock was up "AumlljUl 7!fa at 120. . ~~~rn'!bGnI

hI .. Brh Lo" CI .. e xFed Klr~ .:.:FrRncaeUr

MINES . xf'rob,her }'rob Debs

112S0 U\~ HIt 14'.. xF",bl.her "Is 1100 65 6~ M "G.lwln

:15537 43 42 43 Geen Mn .. 2333 15 14!1 14~' xGenova 1700 13 161 165 .Glanl Y It

2330 320 320 320 .Glenn Uran ~OO ml m~ m. "God', I.

:\500 Il7 142 H~ xGoldolo rlZOO 19 17\~ 10 .Golde .... 1 ;;000 45 42 42 xGold EaSI. :uoo Ull 15 13 x(lold Man

]0000 I!.' R xG F UrJlnlum 64068.0 3 3 "Goldhlll"k MOO I 15 15 xGoldora 700 23S ::35 233 "Gr.ndlno.

1000 Rli M' Bli xGronduc 2000 12 12 12 ,Gulch

!ZOOO 34 30 30 .Gull Le,d

'. Earl Keith and Eugene Roy, both {rom the Labrador, finished surveying and are moored up for the winter.

Canadian stocks were mixed. Hi- xBaJlmlC ram Walker was up 'l~, lnterna- ~::~rl.ld tional Nickel added ~;., McIntyre xBU\'Ut

r.oo ~ ~ 9 (;unnu • Hill) 151 1.10 150 Gunnlr wls

1000 21 ~I 2.\ xCi\\'lIhll . ,\, E. HICK~IAN CO., LTD. .no 251 ZlZ 211 .lIud nn"~ . M.V. Pay Off, Is moored up (or the scason.

and Distillers Seagram wcre' both ~::g:mi:r ahead ~~. Canadian PaciJic slipped .8 .. ;, Mel~11 I d n 'I' I d xB"~1

mno I~ 71 Rl 'lI.r·~llnrral! 10300 ~R )~ :Ill ,II ... ,.

~lO :"" • I~.I I~.\ .11 or 1 •• ~ •• .. , an ome" mes rema nc un· ,nolh Mlnn, changed. ~Blth A ,,\> M.V. 'Thomas ami Robert has

been successfully refioated and will eventually have lurther reo pairs.

Giant ~ellowknife idded 1·16 on ~~~~~: "I' the Amcflcan stock exchange while ~BuUtl" Lake Shore and Royalite Oil both ~:::~h~lftI

O.\{ DOCK remained unchanged. "Beveon Wh;it5toc~ did: ~:!~~~!t

S.S. Burieo, Flnback, David Watts, NebaUa Ind Bantlna.

Tue Mon .Blbl '12 615 xBlernll Advances

Declines Unchanged Total lssues

• .Bllek lilY . AT DOCK 521 368 Blue 1I0ck

265 233 ""Bobja .BonvUI. ~1. \'. ~rne!f.

8;\1~E, JOH~SO:"l & ro. Annetta i.ofc!la i~ discharging

will take !rcisht on Thursday for nUl·in.

1198 1216 xJ!Grdile "BOUleadUlt xBoymlr

Prcsident Bl'own I~ .• torm bound. Sid and Sam. Glo\'cr, ma~ter, is

"Iso storm bound. C.o\NADA PACKERS LTD.

The Invasion, Slade, master, .from Hr. Buffett Is walthill for )he wind to die down to sail for .Bay De Verde for a cargo offlsh for Hr. Buffett. . GOI'ernor Anderson salle'd:


~larkeis At A Glance

By THE CANADIAN PRESS Toronto: Industrials imp r 0 v.e

slightly; trading light. New York: Stocks, iOll'er; profit·

taking halts recovery. . Montrea): Industrials advance;

papers decline.

Dividends Thomas J. Hodder, Pickett, mas· ler, from Fogo Is taking freight

)or Fogo on Wednesday. :. C. Ind A. Brown Is discharging H 0 III n g e r Conwlldated Gobi ;' cargo of lumber, and after dIs- Mines Ltd .. 6 cents Dec. 29, record :cllarged will take freight lor~the Dec. 1. ::uaual northern ports at Steen PresIon East Dome Mines Lld., 'Lt I d 4 cents Jan. 16, ree rd Dec. 31. :: (., on Tues ay, Nov. 15. ''''' C d Llf A C :=. Norman BaL~tone, Collins, mas. >lIe ana a e ssurance o • ; $1 Jan. 3, recorrt Dec. 15. :::ter, from northern ports, Is dis· Eastern Theatres Ltd., $1 Dec. 2, :'(charglng a cargo of lumber. record Nov. 28. ~------------------------------------------------­'. . '.

~;. Furness, Withy & Company L'"1. LlnrpDOI II' Joba'. 801tOll Hlllll" 111 Jo .....

'- Ie ab. A tu ., ' te . ;:. IU J.u·, BOnOD "amlll Sl John"" LlverPODI ":!":>/Im'HlU:-':DLAT\))" Nov. :\ ~":-iO\'~ ScoUa" :\11\'. ~ Nov. 12 !\uv. 1R ~ov. 22 :\ov. 24 ;:'Newfoundland" Nov. 23 Nov. 30 Dec. 6 Dec. 10 Dec. 13 ;:;Ni\ova Scntls'" Dec. 7 Dec. 14 Dec. 20 Dec. 240


xBralo:n. xBrllund "Bueklu .. BrunlWlek xBntMur.1 xBroul 11 •• 1 xBrunslon xBruntmln • Buff.dlOn "Bull Cdn • Bulldo, "Bunker Hut "Cam .. n xCln S 011 "II xCdn A,tnra xC Milan xCan.M.1 xCorlboo "Cassar .CuUe .Cenl. PII xCent Dre .Chem n .. .~ue.klrk xChesltr\')11ft .Chbl·Klyroad ,C111b Elpl xChmo ",Chl'omlum xCoeh wm xColn Lake .Colomac xColdslream .Conl .... • Conllun,m oC Bell.keno ICon C Cad C Denllon xC Denl.on wll xC Fenimore xC DI.eovery I xC Fell B wta "C Halliwell . xCon lIoWl)' xC MorbenoT

Cun Rmfn IC ~lorrl.nn x(! i\lo~il~r ~C~Dn. . ~uu~ "Con NichOl xC NO"lhlal1d "Con Orlftc .C lied I'oplar "'l~ SannDrm xCon S.dbury :.C Tun.,ten xConwe!l1

::"NewfoundIAlld" Dcc. 24 Dec. at .Inn. fl ,Ian. HI ,Ian. 11 ;;"1\ol'aSeotia .Ian. 7 .Jan. 14 ,'All. 20 .Ian. 24 ,IAIl, 27 . :'''Newfoundland'' .1an. 2~ Feh. 1 Jo'ch. 7 Feb. 11 Fcb 14

xCopper I:llff xCoPJl()r COI')I x~puel·.M.n .Coule.

,~"Nol'a Seutia" Feb. 11 Fcb. 18 . Feb. 24 Feb. 2B iliaI'. ~ ;!:. . '. "(rol' LiI'crponl) _:,.' Persons ronlcmplalina passa" to Europe should 'make booklnp :'weU In advance. ~u Pillalel arrllnlp.d b, B.O.A,C. - K.L.M. - SCMMlnlvlln Air·

. ' lin .. - Pan Am.rlcan Alrwa)" - 'r.W.A. and conn\lCtlnl Air· ,'. Un .. ;l Consult Wlrelardlnl yaur travel problem ..

.. 4" . t· • .. .* ' , ••

xournOl' xCrowl'I"t "Crolnar . ,(·u"c.·o· xD'A.raloD xDe tour Brew" xDe .. Ham xD'EldoDl ~Delll Dom. "DI.dem

. .xQQ\lf.lda.


• .. .., .,.nvn'" , . xE Amphl

·IfIWfOIINDL.UiD HOtEL • . . PHON I ·5623 'IEul MalIn

",--' .......... .

~oo IIl1:!2 2:1 xUeadwoy lOOII M ~, .5 ,lfe.lh

:161" 135 U.1 123 n.llln,., 1M:!S1) :w ::':, xltOn1 Y K

43275 100 97 100 xlloyl. 2IJOt) L1 1m 13 /Iud R.y 31T7 50 t3 Jl) xlfulh.Pam 1"T 270 Zl7 27 .Insplrallon

4210 13 12'~ lJ Int Nekel 1000 10 10 10 Inl Nickel pr 1957 2'70 ~T !G7 xlnt n.nwlele 1300 110 I~O 140 xlron 110y

16300 225 230 %33 xJleobu. ' 18100 57 54 54 xJaek Walto

1000 1m 1I~ 1110 xJay. Expl ~ 9\~ 9 9 xleanett.

500 36 36 36 xJ.Uleoo 22600 11 10 11 ..,oburk. 33~ 540 530 540 .Jolot 7000 179 170 ITO .lansmlth SSOO 41 31 381-\ Kerr Add

llO 11 11 11 xKeybGyeon 1000 a I 8 "Keymel 1450 182 114 177 xKolombo

53400 '1~.9 52 xltalemb. wI. 3$00 12 12 12 xKlrk Itud 3700 10 0 . D xKlrk Lak • 2.100 14Ii 11 . 14· xKlrk Town

12800 17 15 15 "Krl.tln • ~Ioo l2\~ 12 121. Labrldor T~OO:l'l 26 2. ,Lake Cinch 3700 60 G9 M xL Dulaull

1174~ 4n 38 )9!; .I,ake 1 .. 1. :100 tG\O 40'" IO\~ "L·O.u 5::73 27l 20 265 xl. Shor.

1500 71 61 6~ xLlmlqUo 595 U5 12.1 8;),\ xLa"olle

100 380 310 310 "Leitch 13511 R6 M· 8. xl.encour! 4IlOO 18\\ 17 17 xL L L,e IT50 UO 13.\' 13~ .Lame" 500 m n. m xLorado

10M 37 37 37 ,Lou"let ;;000 73 71. 71 .Lyndburst ~100 m 1M 108 .1.\"n. ~00 131 133 13 3 x~lle .... . BOO ~IO 2011 %00 xMacdonald 6273 B6 e B5 x)l.ell. . :1.}()() 14 13 )3 x.M:H:kena

12.100 I" B I xMacLcod 2100 ~6 61 52 .MadlCn 2~\1JO 3G! 29 305 .Malarllc 1000 63 63 63 xMane .. 1 Ur.n ITd:t.l 32 :IS .M.rcu.

1;00 121m Ill'. xM.rltlm. 1920 101. 995 10\\ .Morlt A .. II MCO '00 3110 '310 xMarin IU 170 lli1 170 .Molat.hewllI

1100 360' m :ISS xMlybrun 4400 m tl~ 7" Mdntyre

26305 118 36 :17 xMeKenzll 1300 4:m 410 410 "MeMarmIC 1$00 511 511 50 "MeWalt.r, :103 :17% 3_\\ 37110 %~lenlor neW

4.9sn 52 en 49 ~~I.fI"lII 31G9 80 80 80 .~Iel. Uro.

91DO 10 3~ lO x~lInd.mor 61t\t1 37'; 17 37 MlnlnC COI'P 133M 12 120 12n .M~IUl

Iqt:iO 17 t~)'4 Iii x~hllll·lln 7201 61 EO (il xXnnl:l Cree'''

10M I 1 I ~X.t t:.plor 'OS 49~ 480 4AS .~c, Labin.

unno 55 49\;' .l.\ x!\cW hl;er :1:11 5"~ 5tl) at:) s~ew Atl1Dna

40G. :!.II 21.\ 218 xXew !llli 250!139 ~I;G 10.1 221 x!\ew eal

:l-IZ 1m I~ 191.', .Sell' nelld 10nOO 12 IIA \1R ,New nll'hen lOOO IT 1.\ lfi x;'; }·orIUJI. 3m~ ~.\ In ~5 .~ Gold,'., l100n 35 3:\ 33 .N H.rrl .. nl 1731 1.'.\1. \I 14 xN lI1;lIrid,1 9300» 30 3110 "New Haleo 31100 91 II 93 xNew Jaeul., 500 60 60 60 .New JalO.

:1000 16" I I xN Kelore 9::00 1110 17 \a\~ xN La1lllerre

325 III. HIl lI\i :eN.wluad . 1611 31 3B 3A x!ll Mind Scali UOO 39 31 31 ,;.: Myl.lftlqu • non 103' Inl :101 x;':own0l1h' 4301U03, .. 101 101 .Se,. IInu~. UM "I,] lil/t ~!1 xNe\'I' Rn)'nn WD 132.' .21D 230 xN Senolor

1l'rOO ~2 3:1 32 xOba\lta 700 ~I 21 21 xO'Brlen .

7J66 7H 71.. iU xOl:a Rarc ~1et 3'83 460 410 41l xOgama

,lOOo om 931. 93\, .0·Leary 1320 60 50 CO ",Ontnltran5 3700 . 40 40 40 xOpem,ka

U>35 17\< 16 16;. .Oren.da 3000 14H 14'4 H~i xOsiskn

1000 25 610 ~! .Poe F..II 70121 137 125 131 .Pamo.r :.!15iO fi3 61 "62 xParama(]

:11)00 42 ~o 40 .Parbe. :!9IOO 30 'ZT 28 xp.rd,e 100 9 9 9 ,Paler Uranium j,~OO 3~5 350 3jr) "Pa~'mnst("r 4500 42 40 42 d'rk Crolv

31'\0/) 31 :7 ~R xionef"r ~350a 14 13 13!1 ,!'lIch·Ore 83600 34 ~2 •. ' I'lat<r

12';0 6;;5 6jO ';55 xPrc,ton 1103 10 1$0 Il5 xPronto Uran

ZOOO 111 ln~ l'j'I,: ~PrD:o' hit' ~ra:! 2ftl,::::0 21) xPurdy. !\Uca

3j\0 1m 121, 12!\ ,Quo ~~Ib 7ono 13 I~ 12 .11"0 (op 04jM 13 12H 1~'1 Que LI!h

,~·IIr.fI I~II 1~:! 1\:! :-\Q!1t' :\ti'O 1100 In'.. IA In "Q ~1~1.llur. ~~IJnn Hit 1,1 . '-.!tI(' 1\lt'kei

:;~~!)I) 12!1 11; llli tNf!'l1lonl :'JOI1' P;'~ RI~. :-.Bilillorf 90j 21)1,1 %O\~ :o~, I"'"

17000 12'" 12 12'.': ,nesenurl 30:.n B3~ 120 830 " .,·;.cP·'·

. 51~ 68" .7\i 671. .1lI. "Ih.b 1000:6 2 2 xRDche

1500 140 140 140 xRoekwn 1932 ROil BOI> BO\' .xnowan Con. l:!il 13) 133 13; ,R.pununl 53~0 130 120 124 xSan Ani 2100 ~o 310 :J.ln .Sond Rlv.r Ui5 3 36 36 ,Sheep Cr

!IOOIl 2.1 2.1 2.1 oSherrll1 IG2S 51 51 ~I xSlgm. 1112 31 31 34 .SlIaneo 4753 101~ 10 10 xSiI Miler 7500 16 15 15 .Slo,.n V Rol 1630 84 00 no .Stad.eona

14900 32 30 30 .5101'1'011 1395 IBIO 16'1i lBlO .Sleelov 3~0 12 12 12 Sleep Rock 1900 75 75 75 xSIUl'geon 1300 3BO 380 360 .Sud Coni

573 180 lao IBO .Sulllvan Ir58 37 ~7 17 .Surf Inlet 7800 42 41 42 ,Sylvanll. 6.\00 16 15'.. lSI> .Telll.gaml 4000 15 13 II "Tandem 830 16 151. LIl. xTeek·llu~h

6jon 310 333 33) Thom Lund A130 2,0 :17 :!l0 .1"I.r" 400<' 13 13 13 .Tolnhlll

500 ~ :29 29 ;-,;'r,nrh:t ,f,\:\ 490 tp.n -490 ~1ran!l RI!3 20& 310 llO llO ,t, ~I"II\. 30t) 1 , ; ,.u .. "b'!,:IOt

9jO 70 70 70 .Un 1:slell. . 11)('10 13~2 1:\'~ I·J~l xUn I\cno' :100 120 115 III .U Mnnl.u" .. iOQ{; 6~i" it xUJp l:i\n

53200 ao 120 1~'9 \'onlures )00:6 2 ~ xVleour

.,bl 2.4~ 22:1 227 x.Vlolanlar. l:'OO 7'.\ 7~' Hi Walle Am xrl ~3)0 zo, 200 200 ,We.don 1') r roo!U 1\3~. R5~, xWlllroY

6~",';a oil! 3:'i 3~1.2 xWest Ma1ar ;11110 47 43 43 xlVlIsey :OfoO 131 13~ 131' xWnlchedrr 2.'10 ~t)O 2,jj 2.U x\Vnldward 11 .. 0 187 IB7 137 xIVr Itarg

~99oo 3~ 28 30 ,Yk Bear lnon lOll 10 10 ,Yukeno 3900 2110 190 190 ,Zenn,.c 700 ~1~ 211!! 21\1, .Zulap. 51Ml 14 II 14 Curb 500 100 100 100 xBulola

7lUO 160 158 158 Gasp. copper :lS8 1710 771-\ 171. ,.plto

15oo:tl 37 37 23650 24 :!2 22

32no 40 3m 37 y" I~OO In:, \0'3 lon'l \'.\r.I11P. G~!I

11)7(111 ':.!B ::19 1~1 xAJnx 2U110 til :!O 21i x.<\lhcrlllont ""111

.a..;UO 3!l :\7 38. ~.\ IJ Clln" lOB.i 11~~ 201 :!t \ xAm I.Nluc

1 'i.e)1! ~~n 315 :l1~1 xAl\cllUr ,Wl;'i IGn 15~ 13:i 0'\1IIi:(0-.\11I Exp Ihr.GJ 17l 1,0 I. I xAngln rdn l\~UO i.i 12 75,' -xUnlley Sei ,\ :1~O 171 I:; lli:i ,xuatn

221J00::1 21)1'~ :'11\': x.Bl·!tnlta. ,li:!1f 68 nl n;"i c.:al ant! l.11 "~...5 "8 "'7 21 :d~ 011 I .. u\(j'l

:inoo liil Iii! 10.\ x~dn Ad 011 700 101 101 101 ,(;<1" "II ,,1

\2911 2L\;'i 1!11; l!h. C CnUler!(',- '. 317l 32 30 32 .c: D .. alt·, :t!J11 ~2 :!I !:.! ;\t:. Uecalta \;." II')QO ~a,-= 1R ~" ~(;dn Dc,'. I rtf

noD 9\. nl. 91'. GlO 70 65' 10

:'.10" 101 100 100 4)00 9', 9 9V.

.011 S.lect

7lOl1 30\0 2~ ~!-'a JOOn 4'.': 4'.': I!: 3489 980 960 SSO

IVIIlO 36 31 35'.; 1100 45 45 45

7600 16 14 14 2000 61 1 61

8000 9 9 9 300 17 16 16 4U4 80 7 80

7350 152 145 15~ 9900.4 33\, 33\; 1200 lIB m 115 ~t~ lBO 178 178

7100 16 13\:' 151'z ~90 10 39<1 39

:073 fi45 640 6~O 9.10 910 9Nl ~IO 900 ~l8 DB 238

5()OO 32 25~: 30 1100 1.4 14B JjO 3!1Ot1 3.10 310 310 :\1:0 l:nt l~H, 1-4 I.inn l~!J ll:i 11j ~;~:i Hj 13,; t 1:1

i.i:iU .Z':~ 212 :'":7 leu :a!,:A 2:i~' ;\300 1;,6 15" IjO 3~1J 183 17.\ lao

32:.011 17 W, 11 lIn1 41'" HI. 41'., 3100 08 91 91 mo IB 171m 3101 ~7 40' 43 (,00 JiI,\ 17 17

lWIO 10 R1. 91> 200 137 131 J37 ~IOO ll'" 14 141; 700 130 IJO 130

1~8;;o BIO 790 BI)() 11)() 520 520 520

~611lO:l ~2 24

Pac Pete .P.n 11' •• 1 .ralhllnder "Peace Rlrr.r ,P.ruv 011. xPelrol .Ponder xl'oplar OU, xScurry·R.lnbow "Secur :f·re. xSourtll xSpooner x~tlnwell ,,1" ... 5 c.l~lI'Y xTran!·Emp ",Trans Era "Trend Fete xTrlad 011 :c.\)n Ol!!: xWespac xWe.t nl'r~1II .We.1 ,\.hley "II' S~co xWllrich x.an Canuck

(;urh :iDalhousi.

Mont :0: ;; Comm Imp noyal 'foreDam

3080 33 321, 3m 13JO'9() AS 33

3r.o 975 9&1 !CO 17400 172 ISa lSA 41600:'90 273 ::7"

:moo 80 71 79 1000 40 40 40 1300!.!n7 2f~ %OJ

730 250 215 250 5M 25 :t3 25

4500 19 IB II 723 6~H, 601,\ 6:J~,t

1800 105 103 103 901l 175 171 171

!1800 ~6 33 33 3:.no m, 16 16 mo 600 ~81 590 :JO 119 \4j 147

1.84 2.\';" 2m 25';" .00 140 110 140 ~:oo 15 14~~ 14~t

4<l'J 102 10: 10~1 l:iiM :m!: sn~ .~8 .00g ~I %1 21

17 17


US em 17 47'.i &O:iil .18 ~S

390 I~ 131~1I ::01') !lor, ~all~ 5011

Il2 5m 58 .3 l2$ 441>" 4m


I: Bmv D M.,

643 30~ 30 30 1190 20", 2014 :n~ 1080 171> 171> 17% 200 1m 1~'h Ij~ 360 17V, 171. l7li 561» 100 99 99

~3~O 19'1.1 I~ 191>

D St'!~l Nor Star Simpsoni Walker. GOO 6910 6m m

2500 30 30 30 ,00 14 14 a

22300 16 a 14 . 12066 13\; 1m 13\\

16300 5 0 5 ano 17 16

871040 m 580 2.llon B'h BI.', 8'1.1

200 13l 134 131 BlOO 220 .~fi 199 2000 10 10 10 935::78 l75 27~

1o-too 196 116 163 21166 II> 2 •

:o:ro ~8 3 38 11"\() IOj 10:; 1(17)

10M 41 11 41 4ooo:! :'jl.4. :::)1., ~oo 670 £50 FO

1~:O(];oi3 <I:'i .5 .58 75 70 70

noo J3 31 ;~ "00 100 Ion 100 1~12n <11~. .0\: <101,':

29700 31 ~8 31 ~l 320 310 310

1110 15 1:i~, J5~t l~l)fI 38 3R 38 39~O 23 :!60 ~60

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Total sale, on TorontD Stock Exchanae, Nov. 13 3.817.000 share •.

Nmv York NEW YORK (AI') Clo,ln, Blocks:

Beth ~t .. 1 ........................... I;~\I '!Or, '\'arner ....................... i •• 43\, ~h~J l'!1d OhIo ........................ 5,H; con. Edison .......................... 11m E flutD .......................... 1~a3i. . Gcn~ral "':ledrlc ...................... 4,,'ii llt'ntra ~lotorJ .............. " .... ". ';:~i r:oDd,rear ............................. ,6:3 (It N()r RY ............................ 4:'. N.Y Centrol .......................... 15 n ,d •• l'orp . . . ..................... ,"" Standard Oil N .• !. .................... liS:; Utd AlrcrllI . . .................... ~" ":C!t Union Teleuapn ............... ::i Ile,\ln,hou,e .......................... lOll

~1 Onll'eaZ' :IOSTRCAL (CP) Clo;ln, .Ieek ~uole ..

A t\ .................................. 3fi~i A.be.lo, .............................. 11 Bathurst A .:u ...... ft .............. eo Bathurst B ••••••••••••••••••••• ee.e ••• 421.>2 Bell ................................. 50;i Brazil .. : .............................. 7 md~ Prod ............................ 43

150 515 515 515 C Cemonl ............................ 38 z15 303/. 30 30;, (! Cenl.~n 1 Pr ......................... 3M1

500 580 580 580 C Sleamshlp : ......................... 32 C Brew ....... ; ••• , •••••••••••••••• • 30 C 8 ... W Pr .......................... ~O'~ C' C~l .'.:. . •• e •••••••••••••••••••• :''3!;

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.t:!()O Z~.j -. '!.l.t.I '::s Int !\Ickel •.. .. .. .................. POI.'~' 4l~9 liZ &.1 66 Jnl !,\ielie Ipr ~100 .................... tl:i •

. :!.i PO lit! !1t1 In1 raper ........•••••. , ..•..•••...•. 1U Ji;:.' l:l~. 131': IJ~" Int Pete ..... _ ........................ :to '

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9100 55 5. 5l ~I. Ilome •• J 'rl 1000 'ZT' rI :1'1 ~Crln U .n,1 r, ne. '1.1 xCdn L r.te

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%OOltl ~ 11 ~3 xCenl Expl ~:: 11 ~ 11 ,Cenl Led:IC • R81il!il ~,!,! M xChamberlain ~310 22 20\\ 2Dli x~horler ,,11

1!1000 1\ 1!l~,~ 2n ~~:~~oPete 70110 I. m~ IlV. .1: hll,n' ,·t

f,t)rtn tlith Iii l'" ,r. l>raiL,·n .' . R4l~ 150 14 11 .1: F. .. , c .. "

noo 10 10 10 xCon hlr.1 lo\,.

300tl r.;0 G45 670 Ro)'allt................... ...... .. .... m • %!!OO 238 23U 233 Shwngn ........................ : ...... 67 1000 38 311 JJ Sh..-nKn pr 4 pe ..................... 51

1:1500 :lO;' l~lt t9:! Shwncn pr "',J pc pr ................. 55\j 100 lon ~OO 4PO Sle.1 .. ............... ........ 57

B3!0 10 37 H United Slee! .......................... 10m 3.lnn 1~ 17 I. Walkrr .............. : .............. G91i SHAW ST lHlO :\7. :1" 1;. r.n,dl,n . . • .g.o ~2 7A .:40 t·nn· PIP ............. " ... , .......... ~" •• n 162330 ll~:UJ %50.;.oJ Ford .................................. 150 . OV , ,


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1'I\'a 1m­'rth Iter

h pillo III


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;= ,­, ' ~:

ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND" WEDNESDAY, NOV. 16, 1955 ~--~----------------I~~

Finance' -.. ftn"ati~n Ltdo, ·,n,_a.:! to St. John's

, PEARSON Breaks Tavern

(Continued from page 1) WI"ndow And SAYS VISIT USEFUL 'Mr. Pearson described his visit

to'Russla and Asia as useful, ad, 'D" ' d1~g that he was glad III be home. ISappears

1 have not chenged my mind on Police rushed through Duck· FI Co II any Iundamentals but 1 have . Traders nance rpora on learned a lot." he sald. worth Street In their van yester.

known throughout Canada The RCAF C.S plane mode 57 day alternoon a(~er an unknown ''I' .. "l~rs''. was founded III landings dUring the tour and was man smashed a plate glass window

in 1920 by Canadlan~ behind schedule only once-:.at Ot. In the Cross Keys Tavern and ran. Canadian capital exclusively. tawa, said Wing Cmdr. Gordon "He ran up the street like a Ihat time the company has Miller, captain 01 the aircraft. Out demon," reported bartender Mar strll'en 10 combine sound I of Gander, Nfld., the plane ran Browne,"but I'll know him when

policies with ad"anced I Into a 15 • mlle·an·hour headwind I see him again." nurln,8 the past thirty and was nearly 2S minutes late Meanwhile, police have been

ycars Traaers has d,cveloped gc;tllnSpinto Uplands airport here. asking questions of bystanders In one office fledgling tD a .. r. carson looked fairly chip. . ,

I • per aIter his 15.hour trans.Atlantic an attempt, to ge~ I pin·pomtmg lar.e ,enterprise "Ith .more than crossing. No othcr cabinet min. description of the man. lilty,;IX branches from coa~t to Ister was on hand to greel him Cost of the broken window Is couto The ncwly opened office In but the diplomatic corps and sen. unknown. st, John·~. Nell'foundlaml, i! th~ lor officials of Mr. Pearson's I,· -------mo!t recent addltlan, Rnd Traders partment I\'cre out In force to give ' il noll' the only sales finance com· lIim a cheer. SIP' hI ' plnr with branches In all ten prov, His press conference In the air· 0 ,reS ro em inctS, Amts exceed $200,000,000, port lounge lasted only lour or five ° ° The Head Oifice Is located In Tor, minutes. Apparently anxious to get Tuna FIShIng

home for some rest, he had little onlo. or nothing to say about his visits A man who spent the whole

Traders Finance Corporation to Russia, India and Parklstan or summer tuna fishing In Conception LImited is engaged In the financ- abou~ the Colombo plan conference Bay said last night that now he

A at Smgapore. ' Ing of instalment sales of utomo- knows why tuna haven't been biles and Commercial Vehicles, Ap' caught here, and promises that plianw and Television, and Indus, "C dl 1° ht" next year he will catch the big Irial Equipment. Traders, with Its an e I!! silver·black beauties and thus open nelwork o( branches from Sl. S F FL d up a tourist tuna fishing industry John'~ to Vancouver, Is well equip- L et or ri, ' ay In Newfoundland. ped 10 service Instalment pur- Victor Andrews told the News chasers. Traders enjoys an excel, that tuna come Into the bay and lent reputation and does business Dress rehearsal critics lauded that he himself 'had hooked three in ,all, makes and with all manu· the prh'ate presentation o( the o( them this summer. "They got hcturef! of durable goods, The three act comedy "Candlelight" away," he said, "only because each lolume o[ business done constl· la$t evening., It 11'11\ be presented time my metal leader broke," tutr~ a significant segment o( the at Bishop Feild auditorium Friday A mlllionnalre tuna fishing ex-econom~;' 0,( our country. . and Saturday evenings, pert froin the United, States In·

Drected by Denys . Fefl'y who 1'11 .. ' people of Ncwfoundland also plays thc role of Princc Ru. formed Andrews that his leader

IIrkome, Traders and wish It cl'ery doH, the final rehearsal showed should have been I 14M.pound test, rather than it 114-pound test.

Allan Vannan as, the valet. JoseI, "Next year .I'll have the 140()' and Flo Patterson, as' MarIe, to

FRIEND OF POOR excellent advantage. pounder, and I'll' get the tuna," Ocla"ia Hill, Englishwoman who Heather McPherson relurns In Andrews vowed.


ointed, Mana.~er Magistrat~'s Court REVAMP . Three p~ople chm-ged with fail· FIN AN CIA L

Motor Boat Is Stolen From Waterfront

, '

" ,­' .. . :

ing to file income mx returns on STRUCTURE time were before the Magistrate's Court on Tuesday morning Ind LONDON (AP'-Shareholders of out port residents have been ask-each was fined $25. the Bowaler PaPer COJ1l. approved ed to keep a sharp eye out for .'

Alexander Tilley pleaded guilty Tuesday plans to revamp their motor boat stolen from a Battel'1 to two charges in the l\!agistrate's complicated (inancial structure into man who had had it berthed at Court, the first, havhig possession a simple capital holding, ~ith only Baird's wharf, st. John's, last': of alcoholic liquor in. bottles with two types of shares. , . , Saturday. ' ' defaced labels, and the second, The move affected th~ big British Someonc, it Is reported, took the having possession of' the liquor concern, on~y and n~t Its separate 26 foot long, green.hulled bOlt' while' J{e was' under interdiction compames In Ihl1' United States and 'h th d d bI I' id nal Canada. Wit e r~ an ,ue ns es," I from the Court. Chairman Sir Eric Bowater fore- no trace has been seen,of it IlnCI.

He ,pleaded guilty to bolh cast "my private opinion" the cor. The motor Wll, a five h.~. onl. : chargC3 and. was sentenced til poration would pay a ~ix·per·cent Fred Bush,' iiwner, bal reported three months In the penitentiary dividend on ill remodelled capital the matter to the P!lllce, and thl without the option of a fine.· ~ ,for the current year. entire waterfront hu been comb;

Mr. T. Williams was counsel for BOi,'ater said un~er the neW 5yS' ed but to no Ivall. ' :. the accused, Ind lIIr. John Ma· tem the corporation would have ";, honeyrepresenled the Crown. outstanding in Britain only £7,345" ." :;: , The police record of the accus. 000 in 5th -per· cent prefe~ence "Labrador" T '-nds

ed, whicb was reid by Head Con. shares and £19,200,000 In ordinary,: ,JJa

~~~~:el~:se'c~~~~:t:: a~hdatIi!~~ l~S~ir::~e slo:mof ~~~ltalb:~~ Sick Seaman.' ' .. $100 each on two counts In May, ture In keeping with the magnl· En route to Halifax from I ftftl 1955, and his premises Interdicted tude and dignity of the business," month exploration trIp to .­for six months; I similar convlc· he said., Arctic, HMCS LabradOr yelterdat tion In July, and a fine of $500 ,He f?recast an Increase SD?n In put in at Stephenville to lind • and his premises Interdicted for the price of newsprint In Britain. , 1 111-" 'b serIOus y crew mem er. 2 years. Unconscious after in h a 11 ft •

A woman accused of selling al· poisonous fumes, ~ettr Officer :s. Alcoholic Liquors Act had her LIOttle Activity W. Robinson of Halifax wal take. coholic liquor, contrary to the . Immediately to Harmon Field from case, postponed until November On Waterfro:nt where he wal fiown by 1)Ifc111 at.. 22nd when one witness was un· ~I cran to hOlpltal at HaUfaL able to be present yesterday mom· President of the local LSPU said The Labrador Is dUI to arrive at·

MR. HAROLD M. FOOTE recently appointed Manager of ing. last'nlght Ihnt waterfront employ· HaUfn late today. ' the newly opened District Office of Traders Finance Cor· Two women from Paradise were ment is still spasmodic, and thlt I ' , }lOration Limited, in the Monroe Building in the city ofSt in the Magistrate's Court on Tues· there Is no sign of I change for CULTURED PEARLS day morning, one had the other the better. Japan annually produces up:, John's, Newfoundland. sued for defamation of characler. Leo Earle lIid earlier that un. 36,000 pou~ds Of culwred peam

The newly appointed lIIanager of ------------ The . plaintif(, giivng evidence less shipping is stepped up, his from special oyster beds. the 51. John's, Ncwfoundland, wish him every succcss In his new against the accused said Ihat she 2,000 men will have "a lean Christ· MORE 'WOMEN Branch of Tradcrs Finance Cor appointment.· had shouted out in the street and . i"1 b mas ••• at least t, won e as There were 1,232 women to eveI'1 Poratlon Limited, Mr. Harold 111, 1I1r Foote's wl'fe formerly IIlar, sal"d "You have ro' bbed and suck, Foote,

is a native of Newfoundland, ' . , d th blood of everybod" In the good as last year's ... • 1,000 men in cities Of Finland at garet Keeping, daughter of Cap\aln e e 'Asked how the union members the end of 1954. having been born In Grand Bank. Heber Keeping of Grand Bank, and place,~, A daughter·ln·la\v of the II (I b t th d I' i ------------: He Is a son of George Foote and a there are two children, Elaine, plalntiCf, who witnessed the argu. actua yet I ou 'd

e ec IOlle n the job said that$1t5 would be

d f th I t J h B F t work, Mr. Earle UI : "Rea y, I about the cost of putting the dam-

gran son 0 cae on, 00 e, three and George, one year. Mr, ment from an upstairs window, t t th tIt' t d

canno commen on a , s no aged pal'nt work In first class con-founder of J. B. Foole an Sons Uarold Foote and family will be told a similar story. Ma~islrate , of Grand Bank. I

'd I S J h ' d 5 for me to say.' dition, so he awarded the painter tak ng up resl ence n t. 0 n s, Mulcahy fined the accuse $ ,00

del'oted her life. to slum clearance a charming, but worldly role for Barney Williams, another tuna and tOll'n planrilng, died In 1912 at which she Is fast becoming known fishIng enthUsiast, said earlier that a~e 74., to local audiences. \IIary Hollett, the tuna come Into the bay In

malkng her debut with the Play. large droves .... "one In front, and Mr. Foole obtained his primary ers, Is an excellent addition to the the others streaming after him, education in Newfoundland. and group. trlangular·wlse.!', later attended Mount Allison Unl,

Newfoundland. . damages and cosl!. the balance of the $40. A painter was awarded $25 fol' TO TEACH DRIVING

work which he claimed cost $40 TORONTO CP-Plans to teach EARLY BIRDS more than he had been paid by Ontario's school children hilw to

Relieve Sufterinl Fast-EfflctlYely

'- with

Charles IIlardel enacts a' novel For two years now futile at· versity and Dalhousie University. role with the expected flneup.; tempts have been made In the bay He has recently been aUached to Bruce Feather and Doug Wheeler to catch tuna, but next year 11'111 the Regional Office of Traders In perform with competence. be different, according to VIc HaJl(ax, In the capacity of Zone

It Is • modern play with enough Andrews. Supervisor, and Is well qualified laughter to fill any evening. ------- lor the duties that he Is assuming

Players and Charles Hutton &, CHEAP SUBsTITUTE In his,nath'e province. Skim 'milk powder is an econom·

Sons are last as~urlng a full audl' leal SUbstitute for whole milk tor Many friends will be pleased to torium. drinking Ind cooking purposes.' learn of Mr. Foote's return and

SARNIA, Onto (CP)-Christm the owner of a house he had paint· drive are under way:, It was an, , decorations were strung on down· cd. The disagreement arose over nounced Wednesday. If you want I

town streets here, early in Nov· a paint job, which was badly dam good drivers," ~ald ~~ education I ember. aged by • storm o( rain, and the depatrment official. the time to ,

house owner caJlmed that the \lraln them is when they're' INAUGURAL BALL painter !hould finish the work be. young." The plan, part DC a year, ;

Dolly Madison presided at the I h' I [ t ' first inaugural ball in Washington fore receiving full pa~'ment. Mag· ong Ig m'ay,sa e y campau!n. in 1809, when James Madison be. '!strate Mulcah~', summing up the would afeel high schoob boy! and came presidrnt. case, said that expert el'idence on girls under 16,

• Announce the opening of . their



In: •

MO NROE BUILDING 359 Water St . St. John's, Newfo u·ndland


Dealers are cordiaUy invited to discuss Sales' Fiiia,llce Piltoblenls

Aulomobile-Appliances-Industrial MaC/finelY




P.o. BOX 577 TELEPHONE NO. 2872 •

.BranchesFrom ,Coast To Coast Buy Out Of Income

THE DAILY NEWS, WEDNESDAY, NOV. 16,19':;5 .. .-.- .....

N F Th L· b for class visits In the morning, and 'J. Pratt and IIh"S. Ted Russell, Mr. tcn an extreilicly I'cadable vol· 'Wiscollsin hUh lie found to his "1'110 Pl'isuner. Molier's SchOOl

ews. rom e'l rary parents 8Il'e urgently Invited to S. G. MeCuro), and IIIr. P. H. ume on all the imp()rLant aspccts isuf(:r:isc the se,cntly and content· l'or I{n'es", "lMh Bnds Meet" and come to the library during Book Hanley. Such ~ panel wllJ ensure of local governmcnt theory In I'ment he had lost. l'his' is a book "Me!!t A Body," The editor is J.

_, The big newl thil week that In the adult library there will Week, preferably with their child a lively. and Interesting discus· Canada. He lells ill you L.ocal about the counlry for urUall peo· C. 'frewin.

.10~ _____________________________ • ____________________________ __

City Commercial Bowling League

the .eventh annual observance of be a dlaplay of children's books ren as guides. slon of the subject, which should GDVernment the origin of the. pie, Since our own slum cle3d'ance Young Canada', Book Week takes for the benefit of parents and Two Interesi1ng radio pil'ogram' I Interest all lovers ot children. Inslitutlon, It~ ['1\'ganizat!on, ad· 1 1'hc Il'ish Which most of Us In· programme has recently been re-place November 111.November 22 others who like to give children mes have. been arranged tor thf'., NEW 80 OKS ministration ~r,d achlevement~. herlt from OUI rather Is a matter viewed and augmented it Is In· P W L Pit. Inclualv •• All .lcroSJ Canada libra. book! for Christmas gifts. These entertainment of adults. On Wed, Popularity III a precious gift, There are too. suggestions for: of !,l,'eat prld,.' to us. "The Trea· terestlng to rt!ad of the housing G. E. 011 •• •• 42 36 6 38 ries, Ichooll, societies, organlzat. recommended books are available nesday, November 16, Rev. Brot- md a,~ invaluable asset to find· the enlargemcnts of municipal! ~ury of Irish rolklore" by Pad· problems of uther countries. A Royal Stores .•. 48 31 17 31 10111 of mlny and various kinds, In the book ftores on Water her Clancy, Librarian at SI. BOI 19 It, says Grice Stuart Mutiey, functions.· Iralc Column 1;; just the book to vital yet shocking stOol'y is told of Marshalls .• •• 45 30 15 30 . . aventure's College will give I tal is the ability to talk. "How To , 'th I k f h f h Horwoods .. .. 45 29 16 29 .e Iharing In specIal activities Street. on Scho Is Libraries over CBI\ ,. ACt''' I M' One' man at leasl has left thr 'add fuel to au' Erin egos. It has e ac a omes or t e poor B I f Id for the eelebratloD of Book Week. ATTRACTIVE PROGRAMMES at 7'15 0p m This should be oiIN .. a~:v ~n • "Inb\'etrl,a 10tn t: IStS tense atmosphtrc of municipal :slx hundred and forty pages just of France. It i~ "Abbe Pierre and /~o~ I~ .... 44

28 28 14 28

SPECIAL DISPLAYS • ,. U ey con.r u on a e ar ' k d \ 'tll hu dr d f tori Ihe Rag Picker, of Emmaus" by oro........ 28 20 28 Attractive afternoon program. Interest to te~chers and all con. of speech. It explains how to lis and locnl city existence ror a re i pac e VI n e s a s es, B'S' • d I' I Mammys •••••• 39 26 13 26

In the BOYI .nd Girls' Library mes have been arranged for the ccrned with l'ducation, ten, how to gain poise, e,ven now turn ~~ thp, country My Life On I· ~olk songs, wit and humour. Rcad L~~~ ~~~\~~e ~~:~~ a~ov~~ Parkers •• •• •• 42 26 !6 26 there wllJ be ~pecial displays of children: stDl'Y hours, films, a On Frillay e\enlng at 7.15 alsl: I to launch yoursclf succc~sfully Earth by E,lward lIarl'ls l1eth, It and laugh. . is a French pncst who 'head Huh Sales .... 48 25 23 25 bool3; and the en trieR for the taik about Newfoundland by 1\11'. over CBN, thllre will be a panel ithrough social con' ersation liS a II'" tlse In prabe or rUlalliv· La~1 week w.' spoke of Enghsh II d f d t ~ a Can. Packers . 48 24 24 24 :!IIhort Story ,nd Book Re\'lew Michael lIar"lngton, B.A., and dl~(msslon 011 Chlldren's Readinll'l If It's Inrol'mntlo~ YOU rc~ull'r ing \\11'. lIeatl; left thr dty ill n 'aclurs. Today ~e tell you of an an °tl I CSPCI3 e dml~ll· to 1m· \ Gadclis ..... : 48 21 on 21 . I th hill • i-I' I dltl f I IPl'OVC Ie lOusUlg all Ivmg con-cnntpats n (' se 00 s wi be ,~torles with mU5lc. ~lcmbcrs oC :hr. panel arc: 1\11'. about your 'oCRI gOl'rll'n1l1rnt mood of h!lll'r',('s!' and ,I('fral III l','lr, I~ 1 e 01. 0 s~me popu nr IT I l' .',. ,A. Telephone .• 42 19 2~ 19 'en' "lew. 'I The schools \\'lI1 be arl'anliing ,J. G. Puson!, ChalrmRn, lIIrs. 1\1. Donald Cam.ron Rowat bas writ. :returll 10 his birthplace In thr ·pla)·s. "Plavs of Ihe Year" include III ':Ao

ns 11 J alll·o· 't G " b 'Dom. Dis!. ...• 48 19 29 19 I ,pp:e us on row. y' . .

___________ ~ ______________ ~--------------------~.-- '['d [' I ~ I' . ,~aIGloce~ .. ~ 192919 ". al a ~r OW c rcnc I, IS Cana·, B.A.S.O .•..•.• 42 Hi 27 15

Now Guaranteed



.. ','; :;.:: '" :'


.. : .. ~ .~:.', . . :' ' .


,ADELAIDE MOTORS LIMn-ED Corner New Gower and Adelaide

_ DIAL 3015



McKINLAY MOTORS, LTD. leMarchant Road

DIAL 3487

GEO. G. It. PARSONS, LTD. King's Road DIAL 2167

. , ~ . \ . ': " ::' .' '::~.. .' I

, ~ , , "





Drive Safely E1!ery Day!

. ,\t7


MORRIS' SERVICE STATION , Freshwater Road West

DIAL 6535L

SUBURBAN SERVICE S1 A TlON Cor. New Cove and Berteau Ave.

DIAL 7081

DIAL 7191 -7192


DIAL 6904


DIAL 7008



DIAL 5386

diana at Its lll~~t. It is the story I u.S.A.F. 1'orbay . 48 12 ~6 12 Of. Ihe h:e prolJlcms of a young ! r. F. Perlin ,. •. 45 II 34 I I WIdow with thl'ce small sons who Slead Lumber" 48 9 39 9 rclul'l1cd to tnc original crown .1 VERAGES OVER 200 grant given to her Ernpil;e Lo)·a· D, Fitzgerald. (G. E. Oil) .: 2~4 list ancestors by GCC'l'ge 111. AI· .T. Cowan. (G. E. Oil) .. .. 24R though shc harl In learn farming: II. Frcncll, (Gadens) .• •• •• 24~ while eal'nirig ~ I!\'lihood for her i I.. Goose, O[ammys) .. .. 24., boys and althuugh this particular! 11. I\'an)', (Brookfield) '. ,. ~44 farm was sunNing acutely ~rom ! D. OIellol'd. 1D0m. Dis!.) '. 2{J

neglect. 1111'S, frendl writes en·: F. Ryall. mamm),s) _. .. 2:1~ thusiasticaily of Canadian fruit.: E, Churchill, CHorwoods) .. 237 !:rowin!: ... e.;pccially the grow- 'H. Cowan. (G. E. Oil) ,. .. 2~j ing of a p~rrcrl )Iaclntosh apple. : .T. (io'le. (Stead Lumher) ~~~

FICTION ,r. ~lugforr1. (Marshalls) ~~~ Nell' Teslament figure5, are be· ,.T. Power. (;llar.::haI15) .. •• •• ?~2

coming Increasingly popular as: B. Kielley. (Joo Bros.) .• •• 232 heroes or the 110\'015 or modern! J. ~[odden, (Parkers) .. .. 232 writers. The deseiples and the I ~!rs. A. Fisher. fRo Stores) .• 2~~ story of Christ, are again teelew- i R. Lane, (Job Bros.) .. .. 22!l ed in "Slmon 'Peter Ih. Fisher.: R. Jeans, (Mammys) .. .. 22(1 man" by Kurt Freioerger .Dr.: H. Dawe, (Hor1l'oods) •• •• 22. Pciebel'gcl' is l'oth a scholar and; C. LeGro\\', (Job Bros.) .... 220 an ima"'inati\'c writcr Who has W_ r-iewell, !G. E, Oil) .... 211! o , long resided in Rome, the locael P. Oliver. (Mammys) .. .. 217 of his book. Hi~ writing is aecu. J. Burgess, (Brookfteld) .. 217 rate In historIcal data and his J. Ford, (Horwoods) .. .... 216 Peler is a livt'ly, passionate and K. Dutton, (Parkers) .. .... alii \,ery human charadet!'o G. Vaughn, (Hub Sales) •• 215

"The L.Iner" by Edauard Pele. E. Fitzgerald, (Parkers) .• •• 215 son Is the Frf'nch equivalent of G. Carbury, (Hub Sales) •. 214 "The Titanic." This is a vivid nar- J. Clarke, (U.S,A.F. Torba~') 21-1 rative of the drama on board a 11[, Parrell, (Royal Grocery) 214 .1 d 11 TI tl d n. Meaney. (B,A.S.O,).. 211 uoome ncr. le emo ons an G "'. b ('I h II ) 210

t . f d' "Iscom c, ~. aI's as.. -reac IOns 0 ~ab5engers. an crew M. Austin, (Royal stores) .. 211l are :old precls!!ly but wllh violent E. Butler, moyal Stores) •• 209 r.eallsm. Edouar.d P?ISSOn has the H. Oliver, (Ro~'al Grocery) •• ~09 hter~l'Y reputotJon 111 Francc that A Dawe. (Horwoods) .• •. 209 ~, enjoyed by.T('.scph,Co:lrad.,Thi.s T: Morrissey, (Can. Packers) 20R I~ :lJ.onsl~ur .Pe~~son 5 r1l'st pubh- G. Coopcr, (Royal Siorecs) ., 20H ea hon In En;(.15h. H ""an (Can. Packers) •. ?On

lI!~y we remilld you or "A \,:. ~un:, Cllarshalls) •• •• :!Ofi Many Splencoured Thing" by Han 'f Walsil (P£rkers) .• •• •• 204 SU)'jn, the love l'tol'yof a Chinese ~i. sumn;crs. mub Sales) .. 204 \I'.oman doctor and a British for· E. Moore, (Brookfield) •• .. 20~ elgn corresp~ndent. Since the T. Frizzell. (Royal Groc.) •. 20\ film prescntatio: has been so sue· O. Wills, ()larshalls) •. •. ZOO rcssful you may want to II'Cview D. Ryan, (U.S.A,F: Torha!') ZOO the plot. HIGHEST SINGLE

Now for our detective fiction. ItlditidulIl-Ellery Quen has opened a "8ur. H. French, (Gadens) .. .. 04%fi ~ao of Inv.esll"atlon." Each de· 1\1. Summers, (lIub Sale~) 397 aprtment brings 1\h'. Queen a Team-pecular and plaguy case. "The 1m· Parkers..........·· 1197 possible Crime" Is "Th. Three Great Eastern Oil .. .. .. 1187 Windows"; The Emhezzlement De HIGHEST THREE FRAMES p~lrtment presents the only bird Individual- -detective on record in "Th. Myna F. Ryall, (~[ammy5) •• ., 974 Birds." If you ~refer sllclde you'll L. Gosse, (Mammys) •• •• 932 read "A Questlon of Honour." Tcanr-

Grcat Eastern Oil •• •• ., 3128

FIl'\E COLLECTION lIIammys .. .. " .. " .. 3126

:\lO:-?rREAL (CP) - Nat han ECORDS Cummings. a Canadian who went HISTORIC R


10 Ihe United Stales and became a ST. 'PlOlIAS, .Ont. (Cr) - TIt· chain grocen' store magnate say' modelling a reSidence here, lIar·

Ilhat "coJieeiill" beautiftll ~rt j~; old Willis ~ound copies or ne\\~~: like laking dope-you get a bit i papers pubhshed n~arl~·. a centu~~ and you want a bit more," He has I ago. One of Ih~m \\ a.s 'Jlle tead.

I ~ fine pl'irate collection ol French· ~ weeki), pubhshed III Toronto In

Impressionist paintings. July, 1861. -----GRA~lT.: 1IIE~lORI.\I.

C,\R S,\BOTAGED I BAlE CO:lIEAU, Que. (CP)-A SE,P'l'.rLES, Que. (CP )-Prol'in·j monument in red granite will bp

cia I and municipal police launched! erected in a park hcre in memory a joint investigation aCter the car or tile late Col. Roberl McCormick, of a ,!uebee Liquor Commission publisher oC the Chicago Tribune police official had been damaged. and Counder of this newsprint town The incident followed police seiz- on the north shore of the St. Law-ures of illegal liquor supplies. renee.

BLIGHTED ROIUANCE An unhappy love alfair In her

youth is said to account for the sad tinge in poems by Christina Rosselli, who died in 1894.

FINA~CIAL SIDE Juno, the Roman goddess and

protectress of women, was also regarded as the guardian of fi­nances.

. (NEA Telephoto) IKE TAKES A WALK-President Eisenhower (left) takes a stroll I. FitzSimons Hospital, Denver, with President Carlos Castillo Armas of Guatemala. This Is lhe first photo DC 1111'. Eisenhower walking slne. his hear. attack: .


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Blit ,"OVMP"

or in the can be counted conference and

"l- don't the Vezina is the, best In

The chances erSj' who, may goaltender let night before, ing, that the coach is that for -his bo)·s.

But there's· ity,iliat the -anil- there a It.· -. "

The Vezina ticia!ly the· is the man games for est goals season Jacques diens, who 17

UJ.C.:-l T. Murphy lt~ 'Greene . I) •. Jardine T. :Efford •

C.N.R. J. W G. Flynn W. Englist 'ft. Nugent

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THE' ~AilY NEWS,WEDNESDAY; NOV; 16; 195.5· .. , . ..... , .. \ ....... ~ ...


. ' ... -"

Hohr: LEAGUE' . - . .... ' ..


RizES :TONITE . .... '

. John's. . Seolor Basketball League will honour its champions and .trophy winners tonight at the Old :.Colony ; Club .. 'with • dinner· dance:' anr! . n~n5entatlon' of prizes

,All ·.S.tan·dards Pla,n' ·t:e· .. ·, .. Bes··t·· to:~~fd:~t!~: ail.organlzed.lea: gues In: Ihe' city will be guests

. '" ' ..' along with Mayor Mews at Ihe .big

W . I I CIS····d function .. ' included are' football Bul . orse y s . o·se·· ',eeon ~~~~~~ar::::~e::est:~~sA~k';~~ phy;' hQckey p~esldent. Dec· Don

t'GVMP" FlJi~LDS .936" STOPS .". nelley and Gordon M. ,Stirling

37.~ SHOTS A .GAllfF; Football Mee~Ing ~fs~~~~~t1ng· .the Stadium. Com·.

By ED SllllON Phil Watson wcrc' to make' the S h dId 'F . Dr; David Baird, league presl· . . Canadian Prell' statf Writer "best In the' league" ~tatement C e u e or dent, wlIi be the chairman of the

~EW YORK (CP)-At one time about Worsley, he wouldn't appear F' 'd N' . h . . affair at which prizes won· In the or another, just about every coach to have much of a case. ' rl ay 19 t spring series w11l be . presented. In the National Hockey League Of course. he could argue that Awards' Include Most Valuable can be counled on lo call a press Worsley stopped 40. shots In rack· A very Important meeting of Player, donated by W. 1. Browne .. conference and say: .' Ing up his shutout at Toronto Nov. the executive and delegales of the Highest Scorer, donated b)' Ottn

"I don't carc If he never wins 5. No' other goalle In the league st. John's Football L"eague will lie Byrne, Rookie of the Year. donat· \,. Troph" m" goaltender has hand~ed more than 36 fOT a h Id A . d'b R . d Th tht cztna ,-, whitewash Inh. f "~,,~,, "r.~ded only e FRID Y NIGHT at B.OO p.m. e 'y oper an nIJlP~on.

Is~: ~~!~~~5 I~'~e I~h:~)~: report. 15 saves to blank Chicago Oct. In the office of the President In Championship, donated' by . Ben m \l'lIo rna)' have watched the Statistics compiled by 'rhe Cana· Reid Building! opposite Crosbie. nett Brewery. .. ,,;Ucndcr let In Ih'e goals the dian Press shOW that Worsley has Hotel. . .. . Prize ,donors· W. J. Browne, Olto

~ight before, wlli walk away Ia)" had 40 or more shots fired at him ,]t. Is "ery Important that 'ALL BYl,1le, and' a representath'e )1 in" that the nice thing about their six times In his 15 appearances teams arc represented as many Roper &: Thompson will be spr.· co~ch Is Ihat he always sUcks up this season. RoiUns has hit the matlers of Importance will be on eial guests of the league. pr his bo)'s, mark four times In 17 games. Saw· the agenda, principle 01 which Few remaining tickets for t~

. BRAND NEW-Piggyback field goal plocking ,is iritrod.uced into professional football at Los Angeles Memorial S!adlUm. The Rams' six-six-and-a-half Gene. Lipscomb holds Six-four Don Burroughs on his shoulders in a "ain a\tempt to block a field. go~1 by Georlle Blanda of the Chicago Bears, who won, 31-20.

Guards, Crusaders. Meat . .,

In Junior Hockey Tonig~'~ Guarciland Holy Cross meet to- strinlera 1I8lT1: Malmder,· KiuriCt

night in the third game of the Co!::ert and Jill' Turner wll1"pi:'~: junior hockey series at 8.00 at the vide forward punch. while they df Stadium. It will bc the fir~t game pend for goalteridlng on all:star' of the season for both teams. nelminder Chewle Robson.'

Coaches Ralph Colyer and A good game is expectcd. from Ewart Hillyard of the Gualds and two young teams .. Toe Byrne of Holy Cross promise Lineups are as follows: .': .... an exciting game from their spiro GUARDS - Goal: R.' Skirvllli ited junior &quads. (1), A. Andrews; defence: E,WlJl·

The Blue and White squad is sor (5), J. Munro (4), E. Rodgel'l packed with talent composed of (3). W. Lawrence (13); forwards: former high school and collegiate R. Chaulk '(7). n. Rows~ll. P2), stars with top lines from Prince H. Youden (6), C. Ivany (15);'. W. of Wales, Macpherson's high school Drover (9). H. Walters (10).' H. champs of last year, Ind Curtis Pike (8), E. Thls.tIe .(14),)t; Par· High. sons (2). W. England~ (11) ...

In the goal the Guards have HOLY CROSS..,. Goal: .. ~. Rob-solid protection in last season's son; defence:. F.· O'Keefe, B. senior netminder. Ron Skirving Hutchings. C.· Power,. L;. O'Neill: and Macpherson goalie Alec An· forwards: M. Colbert; B •. Turner, drews. B: Maunder, .P •. Ba~ron; H: Ayl.

Holy Cross too will depend on ward, B. Woods, G. Bre.Ji~.n,. II. some of the stars of last season's Casey. J. Fitipatrick.' ... : .' high school team which was run· Holy Cross numb~ were ~II.­ner.up In the standings. First available last night.,·. '. ; ":'::'.

G. E. on Drops C. Packer'. In 3 .. 1 Commercial'TUt

But there's also a 'good posslbll •. chuk and Lumley each have under- wlli be the arrangements for the big banquet and bail may, be had ill' that the coach Is not far wrong gone the ordeal once. Plante and presentation of prizes which have from. league vice president . T')p, ~and there are statistics to prove HalI have yet to face that many been here now for 'nearly a month.- Byrne· and basketeers Nels. Ash I drlvs In an e\·enln!!. . \hC \'edna Troph)" winner, of. On an average. Worsley handles This meeting had .been set for and Ed Manning, . 6ciaJi)' the. NHL's top netmlnder, 37.5 shols a nlj!ht compared to 34.1 last week, but. due to lack' of is the man who plays the most for Ro11ins, 30.7 for Sawchuk, 28.2 representation had to be cancel· games for the teain with the few· for Lumley. 26.3 for Plante and a led, and It Is now hoped tllat all elt goals scored against it. If the mere 2.'i.5 for Hall. , cOllcerned will govern themselves swon ended loda)' that would be Of the 563 sholsflred at "orsley accordingly and reserve FRIDAY

Mt. :,Cashel ~dges HolvC~oss' Jrs,

Mike Wooellore/ls Coach St. Bon's Senior Hockey

Great Easlern Oil broke up • tight 1.1 game with two goals In the last period last night at the Stadium to topple Canada Packers 3.1 In a Commercial Hockey Lea~ gue contest.

The Oilm took I 1'() lead In the first period when Duey Fitz· gerald scored at 13.00. The score remained until the 2.00 mark of the second period when Ed Vatch·

Percy Chaulk Idded the III.sur. arice marked for the 0l\era. Tih •• he (oasted In with J. Taylor', PUi at 9.10 to notch the third' d.E.O. goal to make' th •. :flnal lear. 1-1. John Greene Ind' Terry' Tr.lnor refereed the match.

Tonight'. lame. will featul'l Terr. Nov. Motorl' .nd . Mammy'. at 10.15. Great ·Eastern 011 telM members will officIate at the 'bu

.hcques Plante of Montreal Cana· this .~ea~on he has stopped 527 for " k dien!, who has allowed 28 goals in a "field In!! a\'eraJ(e" of .936. In night so that the y~ar 5 wor can Ii ~ames for a 1.53 average. other words, pla)'lng at his cur- be Unallzed. In 'Grammar' Hoop

. Twenty live year old Mike Woodford of Holyrood, former st. F. X., Dalhousie and Buchans star, was named lasi nlghl as coach of Ihe St. Bon's senior hockey team to replace veteran coach Jack Vinicombe who' has retired. Jim Vlnlcombe, team manager since 1942, was rc·ek!cted to 'fill the important post once more.

where he movtd to Buchans fOl the 1953 season. He' played with Dalhousie in 1954. er tipped. In the tying marker for office.

Canada Packers. -------~---. S.\\\·CHUK SECOND • rent rate of efflclencr, thp Ranger -:..------

Tcm .. Sawchuk of Boston BruIns netmlnder would make 936 ~aves i~ I ciose second with 1.60 goals on every 1,000 shots coming his Pit Soccer'Y outh

For Englan,d. In . Match Witb Spain

Mount Cashel :.nosed ·out ·the Crusaders 25·22 In. the' 'junior divl· slon ,of the Grammar. School Bas· ketball League seriesl'esterday ·In

Jim Vlnicombe began his man· agerlal career with St, Bon's teams in 1937 when he was property manager to the junior Ie am. Hc was junior manager In 1940 and look over the senior managerial reins in 1942 succeeding n. S, Furlong. Q.C. lie has hcen. senior manager ever 'l;ince and i5 5enior leam delcgate.

Wilbur Newell of Great Eutern : ' Oil poked in Ducy Fitzgerald'~; /,.------- -.,'. pass at 6.00 of the third period tn I \ . .J;

I ~ame 'against him In 15 starh. wal' . Iletroit's Glen Hali h well back TWo goalies oulrank him In this It 2.1% with New York's Lome department-but not by much. \\'or'le~ I distanl fo'urth at 2.40, Planle's al'erage h .942 and Sa\\" troil~o"by. Toronlo'~ Harr), Lumlc)' chuk's Is .940. Thc. oUler Ihree and Chica~o's Al Rollins who are aren'l el'cn close. The complele

an ,exciting encounter.

give the Oilers the lead at 2·1. I \ You'd, swear ,. --------1 t· r Big Eskimo Guard:: this·is.a'~ .~ I The fighting young . men o(

Moun·t· Cashel 'held I' four. point 16-12' cdge Rtthe :halfway . mark

tito at 2.71. . slatlstlc: The ,hutoub alack liP In about

thr lame order. Planle ha.~ livt, includlnl his last 111'0 starts. Saw· rhuk has four, Hall three, Rollins tll"O ~nd Lumley and· Wor!ley one

Sbot~ Slop~ G PeI.A\' Canadian' Press Sllfr Writer . of 'the game and' pulled out the Plante 447 421 28 .942 )'53 . L,ONDON ,(CP) - England's 1'lctOT), 'In the :final. quarter" alter

Mike' Woodford, now teaching at St. Bon's College, began his bocke)' career' in high SCllool play in Glace' Bay In 1945 and contino ued until 1947 when he moved 10 SI; Francis . Xavier Juniors 'for 194B. He' played with st. F. X. scnlors' from 1949 to' 1952 . from

Out Of Line For : { NEW SUIT!)i Winnipeg Ga~e ,"'-"'\~ --;-.. '

apitcr. So ·If Nelv York Ranger coach

Civil,· Servants BowlIDg League. V.I.c.:-t. . T. Murph, ••. ,.228 224 233 88!1 11. Greene ... ' .. 197 2112 206 853 b. Jardine .. .161 177 IS1" 519 T. Eflord .. ,,235 219 290 744

821 B72 910 2601 D£~'ENCE:-2 H. Connors •• • .157 153 213 523 L. Rose •• .., .229 227 1B7· 643 r. Rrewer·., •• 216 220 239 675 M. ~Iartln :~. • •• 173 278 287 738

773 878 926 2579

nOCKS No. 1:~' w. Hollow.y •• 192 1'111 221 594 ro, Rurley .. ..190 1116 188 !l34 r.. No~1 •• .. .136 IDB 215 1149 C. Clark' .. ,.237 217 230 684

755 752 854 2361 fiEN. HOSPITAL:-3 II. BuckinlhlM .262 196 267 725 R ..... ndrew~ .. .201 222 149 1172 t. Baker ..... 226'263 205 714 Dr. Murphy •• .240 217 258 715

· 929 918 879 2726

I.ABORATORY:-l Y r.. LeGrow •••• 259 215 2311 'il0 C; Rose . ,. .. .183 215 240 638 r. Fardy ..... J26 142 210 478 O. Wheeler .. .. 219 129 283 631

787 701 969 2457 C .. ':.R. ACCTS.:-2· . .J. Wadden .... 212 279 211 702 G. FI)'nn .. ..258 225 187 670 W. English .... 174 257 233 664 11. Nugent •• ,.189 192 182 Ii63

Sawchuk m 424 27 .940 1.60 strenglh·t h r 0 ug h·youlh soccer Holy Cross had fought back·' to Woo r.le"n. 563 527 ~6 .936 2.40 movement. \\'111 be te~led Nov •. 30 at tl- II,'· "ame' 20 20 :

• J cal'ernous' W e'm .bl ry stadium ~. ~ to • •• •

Rollins: S7D 533 ~fi .1126 2:71 against Spain In' the last Intern.. Blg.gun In the Mount Cashel at· Hall 433 397 36 .917 2.12 tional.of 19;;5" . . tack'lI'as F. Newman' with" ~2 Lumley •. ___ .s_O_~_4_oIG_~81 The axe 'fellon some.old timers, points while n. Purcell)~as big

Pe~:Wee·Ho.ckey Opeliing Saturday.-

Pee Wee Hockey 11'111, begin an· other season" this: week when Ihe l'oungsters, take hi the Ice on Sal· urday morning at 7.00 to play the first RIme of the 1955·56' season.

Registrations were completed yesterday with teams made up for the new campaign. There will be two g amC5 pla)'ed on Saturday from 7.00 to 9,M but openln~ teams have not yet been announe·

ini:ludhig.righl.wlngerStlnley Mat· scorer for' the C~usade~s ....... \lh 8. thrill'S. afler Wales . look Its fi~s.t decision over England hi ye.rs. Gre" at EaC!,' 't' e'rtJ's ~ and made' the .o.year-old maestro ~ and some ~ O!" his collealues look . .'

pr~t~s~I~~~bled.oUtf1; defe~ted the Hold ~,ig 'Lead I.n Republie' of : Ireland' 3:0,' well enough ,tei 'galn . the players a ClOt 'CO' mm"e' rCI-aI' chance for selection against Spain, .. y . . ,: . . ~. A 11·mlin. sqllad has been short- With just ,I few'games remain-listed. Intensive I tral~lng,.1ncludll1g Ing In their schtdule Great East­six practice 'games,·ls under way ern Onlias·takena·wide lead In 10 breed 'famllIarity and confidence. . . , .

11 may be. that Matthews, named ,the city Comme~lal . League



77 times for England, Is finished standings .and could sew up the Internationally, but • 22.year·old 1955 championship th!sweek; They forward named Johnny H8fnes alld hold I seven frame bulge on their a few olher' downy·checked st;fios nea'rest ril'als In ··the losf:depart­

'\ offer some consolation for the loss ment Rnd eleven frames on IU' of one of the world's greatest fot- ond place Ro)'al Stores. ball artists, 'Sparking the. G. E. Oilers are . Haynes. j Ful~am, ~o Impressed the league's top two. men In. the against Ireland with his 'PInpoint averages derby. Duey Fitzgerald' ~::SI~M~dlh:~m~~~~:~~!ur~~~; still leads 'the )oop with " 25~

St. John's .Scnlor Hockey Lea· was Impressed: . mark although' he dropp~d two gue secretary John M. Tobin last WAYNES IS "GENIUS" . points from hIs lofty 256 perch. night announced senior Ind' jun· "There Is a lenlus In him which John Cowan Is' s.econd with· 248 lor, practices as follows: does. what It mu~t and It demands compared to a 251 two weeks ago.

SUNDA Y . to be given free reign. Haynes, • • H . French of Gaden·I,· third In. 8,00 .:m.-SI. Bon's Ji',;' 1.1 he Is' ,i-Isely' guided, can and the' ,,'erage . standings with, 245,

10.00' a.m,-St. Pat's Jrs. should be ·the ng~re 'around whom retains his lead in the !Ingles race 11.00 a.m,-Holy Cross Jrs. ~~il~.~ngllSh .ttack ought t~ be with R 426. Parker's team. single 3.30 p.m.-Junior AlI·Stars. Training with Haynes tor the of 1~97 Is als~ Intact. Frank 5.00 p.m.-Holy Cross Srs year's ]nternatlonal Iinale _ there R)'all of Mammy s holds top three 6.00 p.m:-St. Bon's Srs. arc at least two big events at the frame with 974 whi~e th~ league 7.00 p.m.-St. Pat's Srs. end of the season-will be husky leading Great Eastern OIlers are

TUESDAY Duncan Ed w a: r d s •. Manchester top team three frame 'holders with

Parker. Holds With 100

Coach Woodford ~1Ir! managel' Vinicombe will be with the team ',.'hen they hold their first senior pracli~e on Sund~y.

I A,frican. Gian.t Lbs. Aldvantage

LONDON (APl-James J;' Par· Negotiations have already begun ker, Canadian heavyweight from {or Potgieter to make his Ameri­Barrie, Ont., Tuesday night fought can debut in Chicago against Rex Ewart Potgicter, the South African Layne, the fading Utah heavy· giant, to a 10·round draw 'jn Har· ·weight. . ringay Arena.' . PARKER RUSTY' . . Parker.·a big man who stands Parker, fighting {or only the si~ feet. five .Inchcs, was dwarfed fourth time in two years, over· by the seveMoot·tll'oSouth African cal\le a nine·inch each disadvan· who dances round' the ring' like a tage, swinging rights to the enorm· clumsy bear. .. OUS head bobbing above him. ]n 161l.POUND. "EDGE" the firth round he landed II dozen

A .roar of laughter welled up looping rights and Ihen moved in .from the full house of 12,000 fans willi straight lefts to' the mid·scc· when' referee' Charles' Davidsontion .. lifted· the arms of Parker and the This one was a big lest lor Pot· 325'h.pound goliath, gicter, il'ho had maulc[i ni ' z ilSee t

Parker looked like • welter· ended the distance. All of· Pottic's wcight be.}ide his huge. opponent, victims. however, were· obscure although the Canadian weighed 225 individuals. pounds. . . Parker. while no terror, WD~ the

.The Associated Press card· gave best the South African had met and Parker seven rounds to three {or went into the fight at his heaviest "Pottie." weight yel. .

While the' result Was something Parker's las outing was A draw of a roadblock to the hopes 01 the lI''uh Earl Walls of Toronto last South African 'giant, his backers March, It was Walls Who Pottie remained hopelul of moving him was to have met Tucsday night, on to bigger gatcs along the road . but his recent retirement brought travelled 20 years ago by Primo in Parker as a substitute. Carnera, the huge Italian 'who The plodding Pollie is 21. Parker eventually gained the heavyweight once ranked among the lop 10 in title In an American ring. the heavyweight division. is 27.

6.3D-Guards Ju, United back. fOTward John At yeo a 3128, two points .head of Mam· G.r,O.:-2 7.3D-Felld Srs. of Bristol City and half·back .~on my's 3126. St. Bon's Practice. Commercial i. Crocker., •• 102 168 311 ,1181 • WEDNESDAY Clayton of. Blackburn, all 23 or un· -------

833 053 813 2590

D. Whittle •• .197 237 246 680 Ii OO-V 11 I T I I J der' PLYWOOD STRONG B Ii L ,1. R)'an ;. .. .188 328 248 764 . oca ana ra nng rs. Either Ron Baynham of Luton d' I h k OUT Ilg eaO'ue D. Meadus .... 267216215 698 THURSDAY Town or Reg M'atthewsof Coven- OTrAWA CP_Production an 5t. Bon's Jim or oc ey team n ... I t-

. 7114 949102. 2723 S.3D-Felld' J~. try will be ,in goal,. fullback will shipment of plywood and .veneers wili hold a practice on Thursday TONIGHT'S GAMES FINANCE:-l . 7,3D-Guardli SII. be chosen from'Jeff Hali 01 Blrm. In Canada continued above last morning at the Stadium at 7.00. A SECTION A ~. ~~~fa~h;::' j~~~~ ~~~ m' ··B--. -T-h-or-n-e-.-,-. -,,-2-24-22-8-154--6-06 Ingham and 'Jim Langley of Brlgh· year's levels curing September, full attendance of team members 7.00-EI·enlng '.\'elegram vs. Stcer~ G. BearliS .. ' ... 179 193 278 6110 J. Appleby' .... 221 230 167 618 ton. and there ·are halfback Joe the .bureau of statistiCl! reported Is requested. Ltd.' . J. Ralph '.. , •. 2112 328 187 767 .'" 893 870 595 2358 ]:ennedy ,of. W~st Bromwich Albion Wednesday. In·' the first nine Ptt~!: News vs. Electric util·

".' , 8558729232650 MENTAL HOIPITAL:-:I and forwards.Be~f~rd Jezzard of months.ofthirvenr, output of ply· 8.15-Basc Ordnance vs. E. F. . , • l. Shea ,. ', •. 215 163 158 .536 erFulham. Bill Per~y of Blaclcpool .wood· rose to 842,OB5,000 square PIONEER ROUTE Barn,s.

C.N.R, DIST. STORES:-:I G. Griffin .. ..182 187 161 536 and To:nmy Ta~lor of Manchester f t f 666404 olJo Y r'e r. ,U. N: Foundry VB. Imperial P. Mackey .. ' •• 157190 188. T"Shea ...... 185259137 581 Uniled. . . ee rom , , a ea a. A. stage coach service between Oil. R. Kennedy' ... 170 243 252 W, Hart .. ; .. 319 184 23'1 740 Then there are seasoned vet. lier. Shlpmel1ts Inareased to 852,· 'Montreal and Kingston opened in 9,30-Nfld. Coal Co. vs. S. Leyilz, M. Reddy .. ' .. 244 176 215· 901 7D3 693 21187 ans like Wolverhampton's Bill 780,000 square· feet from 678,· 1816, extended' a year laler to Royal Stores vs. Nfld. Light

EmroNToN (ep)-Hllsky Jim' ,. (The Bird) Quondamatteo, a Cana· dian mainstay In Ihe Edmonton Eskimo line for six years, will nol likely see action tonight when Es­kimos meet Winnipeg Blue Bomb· er~ in the second game of the Western Interprovincial Football Union final.

The 26·year·old. 220·pound guard was taken to hospital Tuesda)' with a back ailment, possibly a recurrence of a previous injury.

Quondamatteo. frequent picked as a league all·slar since he came to Eskimos from Montreal Alouet· les, has had twinges of pain in his back Ulrough most of the current season. But he didn't lell club ph)'sicians about his trouble until just prior to the Eskimo trip to Winnipeg for thc first game of the best.of.three final last Frida),.

The chunky'lineman sat that one out While his teammales whipped Bombers 29·6 but on his return here his back condition became lI'orse. F"AIRLY HEALTHY

Olherwise, Eskimos are fa irl)' healthy; Assistant coach nay Pro· chaska 33id Tuesday the only other serious injur), - a bruised knee suffered by linebacker Ted! Tull), during a practice - is "re·l sponding to treatment." and Tully: is expected to play.

The weather office revised Mon· day's prediction slightly. The lore· cast now is for slightiy·above·zero temperature, little wind and lilUe or no snow. Bclow·zero readings had been expected.

The Blue Bombers !lew to Ed· monton Tuesday and were reported healthy for their do·or·die game. I

The Eskimos also worked out Tuesday night at frozen Clarke Stadium. where the fil!ld i~ de· scribed by Prochaska as "solid as a rock' but clear of snolV and Ice.

Both clubs have been trying to .figure out what foctwear to use, since cleats dont dig 'in to the frozen field.

"Sneakers are a bout the only thing we can use unless its track shoes with spikes, coach Frank Ivh said. "and that would be 11-le"gal. "

That'. because I depend upon

SanitoR. DIY (LEIII""

Tbc mOle JOG ~ ... Salliloae Drr Cleeaia,. ... 1II0t. you'll mam! aC ...

· d!ofOllshaetJ."NOcoelr-­every trace oC clin'cIi~ppMt· but ',bat (resh·(rota-ch ... 1OfI .

· . look Ind fHI is ~Hdalte : Ibrou,;b deaaing atclt ~ . iDS' Beu~ drapc. too. -loager-Iunag ptess. N ......

• a Irace of dry denia, odor. Pboac u. 104l.,. .

DIAL , I J. Peddle .. • •• 297 260 245 802 MECHANICS:-1 . Wright, long captain 'and centre 784,000 ... , • York (Toronto) & Power.

.. ,... B68 8S9 900 2637 C. Wilson ••• ,283192.191 .. 6f!6 half wi g Tom FI of P' __ ...;,.;".. _______ :..-_~_.....:._. ---- SECTION B TREASURY,ll:-l J. O'Dea .... 183 166 175 11201 ton,'fullba~k Roger :;::e 01 rI:~: -~ 7.00-A. E. Hickman vs. Browning G. O·Mar •. · ..... 180 210 153 543 P. Hfcnes .. • .. 163 186 168 517 h 'Iarve'"

4 ""9 c ester United, half·back Jimmy • ,. 1. ldlit"·:. ..2!13 1 4 172 uu C, R chardson .,190 240 255 685 T N 'fotors vs C A Hub· L. Whitten .. ,2. 219 229 676 819 784 789 2392 Dickinson of' Portsmouth and for- ley .• " ...

At the stadium. workmen have been putting tops on the players dugouts and just before game time hot forced'·alr healer's will be in· stalled.

5 _1_~ ·5' 'I B. O'Neill "." ,,237 200 as 5BO ENGINEERS:~ ward Dennis Wilshaw 01 Wolver- 8.l5-Dom. Machinery vs. Royal

B9B 773 697 2358 H. Goudie .,' •. 171 131 205 507 hampton. . Garalle. . H. Vey... •• .141 180 147 468 England has • feW scores to I. F. Pcrlin 1'5. Avalon Tele·

S.S:A;:':"'r' . . .'. K. Marlin ",' .130 189 194 . 513 settle .wlLh· 'Spain-and some pro. phone. H, Hillyard ., •• 222 176 184 5B2 B, Crorker'" .248 181 156 5BII grns to make to give reassurance 9.3D-Read, Son, Watson .I: Leith U, WUUa\1ls ,. .222 151 174 547, ...., 1190 681 702 2013 of Its team building campaign. . . vs. Cousins Ltd. T. Petten'·· ... < .. 226 119306 611t. C.P.O.:-J· " L tiE IdS I' E. Heale),·' •• :, .• 197 194 185 ,!l76 W. Rossiter ..••• 213 133 148 494' as spr ng, ng an and ap n ACCUSI:S REGIME

, . . .: 867 640 849 2358 A. Bradbrook ••. 200 169 324 .893 tied 1-1 In Spain. but England lost TREltSUR,/:No. 1:':"2' E •. Kennedy ~ .. 143 176 188 ,007 1.(J against her In the 1950 world B. Mirch·: .... 230 279 '101 610 E.Hall ..... 150 222 233, 605 cup and .-3 In 1929. Th only vic­M. Dlvls.: .. : •• ,218 133 li3 1124 706 700 893 2299 tory came In 1931-:-a whoping 7-1.

··t~·~·-.~·-·-,-:-~· · .. ,. CO PlACS/"«J NAII.~! " . . ",' ,

4. To loin the ~~Y · f. .' i •• lh. Sp.cial .:

.. .' I -

""1 NAVAL RECRUITING'OFFICIR ... 1 .. h.re In.: . . • . . . . ,.. . "1' .. ~ .' CARBCNEAR·' .... .,: ·:November 18 and~19·. ,1. . at the Post Office , I . - . , ''liN .1It .111' ,lie "''''''uniH •• 1ft

C .. an'.· Navy. TIt".', _ {l. fa,n, ftOW o,.r/~ '0 yo~ r~ ,It. leN' .

nOI'10,17 ./

lCAL-:Cletll'ge Blanda of the Chicago Bcar5 di~cu;~e5 angle for kickin, with IelJow quarterback Ed Brown:

ANGUSVILLE, Man. CP-l\!an· Itoba CCF leaner Lloyd Stinson says the province's Libera·Pro· gresslve Conservative govern· mcnt has shown "lack of vision, delayed action. and coldblooded indifference tl) hardship and sui· fefl'lng" Iii deallng with Manitoba

BLANKETS 50n~; F eildian Practice FLUFFY, LIKE NEWI

__ M.U.. . Ihr -G,. iciidian junior hockey leam will Mi'oIf:·' '" :i:.

hold a practice tonight at 7.00 at I Ihe college gymnasium. All play· ers are requested to attend and bring along their uniforms.'

flooding. lie told a party meeting here that hte Ilovernment has giv· en no leader5hip on flood control. beginning with the 1950 Red river flood.

--I]I-() --


JItWrOlINDLua'S 'JON[U .... :u .. 'us.

,. (

. ;' I' I': I" ', . .

I' , i ! ~ ! : ' , -. • , ' .. j .' I

i ,

.. '-

" .. 1 : . , j i , .

:1 !'

'1' ; . , ' '1 '\ 'j". ' '.

I'~ "1 '. I; . ," . I ~ .:


.. f .



hili story today in "Pete Kelly',

PARAMOUNT ~ • .. I' .....J fact that your rrrand here Is frau·

~.~ Mu :i"il.er""'1 d,'''', ",,"~ m,,,,. A ,"m, " is drawing. Such a thing i1 Ver. boten. I shot him with my revolv .. er. In the head. It is my duty. I pull his body into the bushes. Commander Hellmuth is vel')' servere that I have fired a shot. I do not know untH last nllht I had not killer! him."

·.Shows To See Blues" the new Jack Webb melD­

with music which opens Ito~l1ol'lrow at thp Capitol Theatre:

plays P~te Kelly and the film, In ClnemaScope and W8l1"

--III> ,. .,' ;, ________. --...... ~ short not only against the a11les

•: fJIit: :l1,IIai:ti- but your own government. Fol·

.Il\: _~ .M~ low?" I :!fI'r.,. ' •. ,....~:!·jV'"'c;rtl-")f/?/' .. " .. ~., ,:IiifJff.. 'OM;, -Ilr. ,Pf1II.· ~'I "Murder? I do' not know what

~"'..:77; i~ l\. ... ... . It Is you mean?"

NOlO Playing

===========:-;:==========:!. nerColor, also ~tars Janet Leigh, WAL T DISNEY'S •. ' .C· .... "· ;.;.Iii, .... ,".; ~IA' 't"" 100 "" ..... I'».,~ .. ........ . " ..... "Don't be Ingenuous with me."

CORNWALL 'To-morr010


CAPITOL To-morrow


Edmond O'Brien, Peggy Lee, "LADY AND THE TR,AMP" Andy Devine, Lee Marvin, and xxx

Fitzgerald. 'VI lit -t-' I ssl "fC I There was the lI'emote. clang of IC\I'e er'] ure sea cS," . d "I ' Kelly, and' his Big 7 jazz com· d W It Dl I H II WIllCC. ,I~ve no grapling

are playing In a speakeasy concd~rne, U t' sntley fSI Of Yt' cqnipment! T'hnt is an cngineer· woo s nnswer u Ie ve· 00 -.

15 runb y a guy named h II f • b . k IIlg project. It might take days. Rick, but really owned by the s e 0 grea. 00 5.~. Weeks! I have no time." He wav· racketeell's who sell Rick his pro. From James Barnc to .Iulcs cel his m·ms. '''It would be Impos· Ilbl I hi k . P t ' Vernc, In cartoon animatilln and illl I id I t tl '" I t on IV s ey. e e s got a In live action the Disney magic sell avo ( e ec on.

p!ayed by Janet Leigh, and. hns bcen spar~ ed by the cndur. Splash. The clock 'S turned back 28 Is dalWaYl'lt bUStY' looking for Ing fm'cII'lIes Qf ma:lY g[!neratlons He groaned. 'Alre you just go·

In "The Naked Jungle,". which years to the lime of the roaring an exc men. "s Whll diS Ing to stand here and let that opens tomorrow at the Cornwall 20's .•• and the blazIng 3B's, when Pete's got 'other kind of trouble now e an t Ie even manIac throw that gold away?" Dwarfs," "CjnelC\l'eJla," "Peter Theatre, Paramount takes you in· jazz was the marching· ·ong of The mob .lants a pleee of his Splash. • Pan," "Plnocchlo," "Bambi," to the dangerous depths of the the good,tlmers and the two.ilm. band. And he'~ got a singer, who Lynch spoke with the air of a "Treasure Island' "Robin Hood" lavage 5qutb American jungle. CU'S and there was nothing 'you sings well, but drinks beUer. All I patient man who had now lost F th .. rt d wild f th Id'( t It I b k these troubles r.dd up to thO e story and, most recenlly. "ZO,OOO Lea· all patience. ar up e un: .. a e soc cou n ge W I a uc, a gun gues Under· thl! Sea." onlmous Rio Ne8ll'a, a thousand or a kiss. Ami this was the time Pete Kelly and his blues. So It comes as nclVs when Dis. "Of course \'e arc! What else miles from civilization, there Is 10f Pete Kelly, a Kansas City jazz As the story unfolds,' Jack ney departs £rllm such a success. do yuu suggc~t? l\light I also in· a cocoa plantat!on tha was torn by man, who bll!w a cOl'nel, first, repors. movle.goers will be quire, sir, for wilat reason yuu ful tradition. His latcst Pl'odue· bare bands. (ram the relentless because he lov(!d to pillY ami In. treated to an authentic glmpse w·c IlCcping tne yacht on its pres· "'cr.growl", y'llderness. cldentaJly, hc:ause they p~yed of life In the ZO·s. Ella Fitzgerald lion, "Lady and the Tramp," aelu· ent cuursc'! l'hcrc's no further

aUy represents a double depar. .Thls Is the ~cene of "The Naked him, too. Pete saw R lot or hvlng Is there to sing the blues and the pUJ'pose to be ~crvcrl by going in.

Jungle." Thlll!hll'Bcters are Char· In the torrid 2(:'5 and he's telling tunes of thE' times While Pete ture. The story is an original one, If this Vogcl n.1511't already come lton Heston as the brooding, for. Kelly's Big 7 introduces a new now in book !ol'm, hy the promill' to the end o[ his 19 chests, he bidding plantation owner and E). stop lls furious, constantly mov- hit, "Pete Kelly's Blues." Webb ent newspapC'f executive. Ward will have d01l1;' long before any·

b '11g ollslaugll! Greene, and the film is the first eanor Parker, the charming ea· I. reports that the same air of aut. one eRn reach him. E\'idently he . h In "The Na"ed JUllgle" the I . I feature·length carloon .ever to be uty from New Orleans w 0 comes ~ lent1c ty whlp.h marked his form· eal1l'ied them nil to the parall'lt

to the hel11l't of the savage jungle i\larabunta Is seen with all of its er productions will be evllent In made In ClnemaScopc and color before he threw the first one is a mall.order bride. 'I'he roman. terrifying impact. Never before "Pete Kelly's Blues." The cars, by Technlcolor It will reach' the down." tic story unfolded Is /I thing DC has the screen of(etred such a clothes, e\en the cigarettes nation's theaters via Buena Vista "Xou are right," Sand mut· iheer beauty: but. lurking In the sight. Filmed 10 Tr.chnicolor, the matches pre said to be of relense. tered. shadows Is th\' lerrifylng tI~eat vh'ld sequence.' are made to be 'Ile'nume 1927 origin. All In all, it has been a sllmu· He gestured toward Carey. The o[ the dreaded I\Iarabunta. e\'en more spectacular. Intermln· Probably the most intriguing lating exparlp.nce, according to eaplain went Into the wheelhouse

. ~Irabunta-the silent scoUrage gled through the rash of. hlgh+ facet of "Pete Kelly's Blues," Disney. The f.rcsh ~tory and the ThC\l'e was the remole calng of that Innlhllat:!b everything in Its powered ~pln~·chllling suspense the viewpoint of the movie, Wtlddel·s;recn dtlunenrslons gavle the the engine rl)om lelegraph and path, that spre&ds teru'or when It is the love stl;'JY between CharI· Is the man Who plays the suo s crea V~ orce a c lance the Vittoria b~gan slowly to back Is merely ment!oned. What Is th~ ton and Ele~nor Parker. How of Kelly The Warner Bros. to experiment on two levels 51· water. ' l\larabullta. It Is the ghastliest they manage teo come togcther marks the first time In more multalleOu~IY and rcsulted. in chal "Surely, Sand, you must have farce ever known to man and it Is after a bad beginning and how than five years that Webb has lenges whIch were met with en· realized for s~me time It was In· a real thing. No men from l\Iars, they grow to 'Io\'\! one another, portrayed anything but a cop thuslasm. gcnuous of y.lU to imagine you Ill' electronlcal machination of a being brought. close together "Kelly has been my dream' for "'Fl'ce~01l1' would be the key could succcssfully mal~e off with mad sclcntlst. No, the l\Iarabunla through the ominous Ihreat of the slxtecn years" Webb r v al d word in dlscusslllg the advantages that gold? Even if this had not I~ a real tiling It walks 011 bll. i\larabunta, makes for an Intrlgu. "All throu~h 'my ehlldhoo~ ~ e . of this sjtuntlnn," Disney staled happened?" lIon5 of legs IInc' no bullet call ling talc. ; 'a fan of the jazz greats of ~I~: "We wl'Il'e free to de:elop the "So? And who would have ·pre·

twentlcs. I promolscd myse!C a story as we saw fIt, WIIlCII Is not ventcel me?" long time ago that I was going the case when you work on.a •. ] would," F3id Lynch sharply. 10 do a llauthentic story of the classic. Then ~ au must adhe.1 e W c found we were all listening

flgtm'e against the .ky had disap- Lieutenant Braun was shot peared. through the tace last night. In

The performance of the small the lower chamber of the Portal hours oC the morning was reo FoUil'. It Interrupted him In apr!· pated. vate effort to hEcure the treasure

In order, as we came to them, for ·hlmself. Your friend Vogel, we knocked at lIIrs. Wyndam's by the way, has thrown your doar, at Lily's, at Dr. Lund's, at precious chest~ Into the sea."

There was a silence.

ITo Be Continued)

SPREADING INSURANCE About 27 per cent of insurance

pollcies sold in the United Statel in 1954 were for children under 15

Paul Souhnni·s. at Reg Dibble's. There was a long silence while All were prcs~llt. :\Iear !tared at the flood. At last ,~~~~~~~====,

For all alike Lynch had the he looked up. "What is It that , same message To stay where you want of me?" they were. Under no circum. Lynch was brisk-and loud. stances to open their doors to "First, your name and rank. anyone and at precisely 11 Braun's ,I believe I know." o'clock'to make their way' to the "Ober·Lleutenant Horst Haller, lounge on the deck below. He Unterseeboot 976. Commandcr I

would see to It. Lynch said, that Hellmuth." at Ihat hour both corridors and "Now Voge!." the stairway would be closely • • • guarded by members of the "APRIL 29, 1945 .. ,'. The wCJrds i crew. came -slowly and with hesilation

Lyneh smirked. "In question. but they did not stop. "We SUr' ing a group like this; sW'phlse Is faced-" he vaguely pointed. ''In· of the first importance. Unfor. side the slip II was. It was 10 tunately so much time has elaps· o'clock at night lind dark. Six cd we can no 111Ilgcr hope for that men with Commander Hellmuth Second best Is to create suspense. and myself were chosen. Karl Let 'em stew II bit. Tonight the Vogel his name is, with the rating second best wlll have to do." of quarterm~ster, was chosen

• • • their leador because he was very HE had put off Meer's cabin strong.

nntll last. Lynch took the key "The plan Wa! Commander out o£ his pot·ket, unlocked the Hellmuth's. He had had service door and unceremoniously mall'ch· In ·thls place In 1915." IIIeer's ed in. voice droned on.

Siegfried Meer was sitting on "These men, they were to carry the edge on his rumpled bed, the cases up. 'fhey were insbruct· wearing his dark blue robe and ed that in this they should have holding his touseled head in his no Interest and they mllst remem· hands. bel' nothing. w~ did not wear unl·

"Overdid B bit last night. huh?" form." Meer sta.rted to shake his head. "Go on.' _

then thought better of it. "I did "At three hnurs we arc finish· not think so." 'ed. We slart down the path. I

"Tell liS about Voge!. All about I see that Vogel is not with us. I him, mind." go back. I see he had a papC\l' in

"Ncin!" hand and with a pencil on It "Ah," said Lynch, "but you will

Gifts & Greetinge for You - through


from Your FriendJ, BUlinell Neighbora

and Civic anel .... i.1 W.If .... lA.elenal

0,. thw QI.'Clu/orc .i,. ChBllgo .:>i residonee

Arrival. of ~eWIolGJIlCl" tit CilJ


Supervising Host"'·'


music and life of that most ex. rigidly 10 the ~equences concelv, attentively - to nothing. The clUng era oC contemporary his. cd by the auth!'.r \!o'hlch are famll· splashes had reased. 'J'he galnt

" iar by your adulence. IIel'e as the I give you my word you will. tion groupings and setting. It Shall I tell you why? 'At the mom· made us reea.\ilimc many of our ent you are under sllspleion to'r work habits. We were able, of murder. That murder. was com· course, to do more in our back· mllted on Hlltlan 5011. Il you grounds and ,ettlngs because we don't coope;ralr. with mj! fully I had IlI!1'ge canvas on which to IShalJ lurn you over to the Haitian work." . authorities. Qu!te apart from the

, The General Sherman, big tree

In Sequoia National Park, Calif., is 11!1 feel In circumference and 273 feet in height.

characters came to life and the scenes took shape, we were able to aller, embellish, eliminate and change to Imvro\'e thc ma~erlal. Visually, ClncmaScope gave us the opportunity - indeed the necessity-to p.xperlment with ac·

.tam". S!-EANOR


.......... GIOIIGIr'L ' ........... TIIOHH .. 'N

......., ~ ,"IUP VOltD"" oM 1WI.wJ .... DOVG.LL • ...... _ .. '111_

. A~MMW1I1'rtmJJC


TIMES OF SHOWS, E\'t:NING snows: 7.15 :- 9.15







Special Added Attraction




-----~--------------------------.~-----LAST TIMES TO·DA Y

"WINCHESTER '73'" - Also "BAIT"

• • -. Programmes On The Air Today • • . ~ CBN

WEDNESDAY, NO\'ember 18th.

7.30-Slgn On. CBC New •• 7.35-Top of the Morning. a.OO-CBC News and Weather. S.l5-Muslcal Clock. 9.00-lIIornlng Devotion •• U5-Program Preview. 9.30-Melody Scrapbook.

lO.OO-Know Your Newfoundland. 10.10-Hlt of the Da),. 10.I5-Irls Power. 10.25-CBC News. 10.SO-Trlple Treasure. lO.45-BBC Variety. IU5-School Broadcasts. 1l.45-Sacred Heart Programme. 12.0O:-Announcer's Choice. 12.15-D1nner Bell Breakdown. 12.30-Farm Broadcast. 12.45-Aunt Lucy. 1.00-Mld Day Serenad •. 1.15-Laura LImited. l.SO-CBC News and Weather. 1.45-Doyle Bulletin. 2.00-Your Good Neighbour. 2.15-Words and lI1uslc •• 2.30-School Broadcas1. 2.45-The Happy Gant. 3.15-lI1usleal Programme. 3.SO-Trans Canada Malinee. 4.30-CBC News. 4.35-Timely 'runes. 4.45-Vhlldren's Story. 5.l5-Muslc of the West. 5.30-Flsherles Broadcast. 5.45-Kindergorten of the Air. 6.00-Intermczzo. 6.25-Program Preview.

,6.30-Supper Guest. 6.45-Muslcal Programme. 7.00-CBC News and Weather. 7.15-Curtaln Calls. 7.S0-Tops Today. 7.45-Doyle Bulletin. 8.15-A NewCoundland Siory. a.30-Rawhlde. B.45-Introduction to Wednesday

Night. 9.OD-Openlng of the Vienna

Slate, Opera Fidelia'. U.OD-CBC National New!, News

• Roundup and Midweek Re· view.

12.00-Closc Down.

VOCM WEDNE~DAY, November 10th.

7.00-Breakfast Club, News .• a.30-Hit of the Day. B.aS-News. a.40-:-Name the Newfoundlander. 9.00-A Date with Denys. US-No Lullaby for Llza. 9.30-A Date \YlIh Denys. 9.45-Burlons of Danner SI.

10.OO-News. lO.05-A Date with Dell~·s. I

IO.30-Adopted Son. 11.00-Cluh 5110 and News, 12.15-Bank of . Happiness. 12.30-News. 12.3S-Muslcal Menu. •

CJON"· TV Tonight WEDNESDAY, NO\'elllber 161h.

II.OO-Klds Show.

7.30-Ayre's • Baine Johnston·

5.30-1I0\\'l1y Dood,.. G.OO-Brookfleld Ranch Timf. 6.3B-Bowrlng's·Hlckman's Show.

'7.80-lnl1\a Beers Show.

12.45-Fishermen's Forecast. I2,50-Musleal ~lenu. 1.30-Ncws. 1.45-Tunes for Today. 2.00-Matinee.

Steers', Early Show. 8.00-l'lck O'Beck. !I.OO-Cross Canada. !I.30-Jackle Rae.

10.00 Drama. lO.30-Forum. lI.OO-News.

2,55-Newl. S.OO-Dollars on Parade. 3.55-News. 4.00-Newfoundland Parade. 4,55-News.

TV Actress An'swer to Previous Puzzl81 I

ACROSS 8 Siray , 1 Video aclress, 9 Narrow inle\

_ Williams 10 Presenl month

N COilA ,0 "LIt-IiiIBI.

** 16 I.

'1 She appears (ab.) r.o; : 15 I~


110 IN I 16 Ip

. In a TV _ 11 Maple genus 13 Unwilling 12 Not as much

, 19 One (Fr,) 14 King s son 21 Obstetric J5 Sow anew bandage 16 Expunges 22 Conducted 1'1 Consume 23 Electrical unit 31 Concludes 45 Simpleton 18 Weaj'Jon 24 Hinders 35 Spring (ab,) 47 Nollon 20 Troops (ab.) 25 EssentiAl 37 Early English 48 Sweet •. 21 Combined being (ab.) secretion ! hnrmonlo)lsly 26 Japanese 38 More enraged 49 Gaelic :25 Weird outcasts 39 Foreign a~enl51 Sesame ,28 Pith 27 Rave 42 Lamprey- 52 First woman ::12 Remain erect 29 Fiddling catcher 54 Compass point ,33 Gull·llke bird emperor 43 Wheys of milk 55 Pewter coin of :~~ ~i~llcal n 30 Ship's retinue 44 Presage Thailand Am. 36 Venerates 40 BOW6 41 Harvesters

j43 Turf

. . '

46 Coloring subslance

,47 Island (F 50She-hns -

I nn Ihe


: tcleviiion . screen 53 Conduclor 56Llve over 37 Compound

elhers SBHorn liD Tape nnew

DOWN 1 Female ho I. Eye layer 5 POllse 4"Anger


5 Pecl' Gynt 's' mother

6 Shelf L!::~~~:I:" .. -

IZ .~ I~

" 15


1Z5 lb 117 .


YI 13b

, ~I I~) II~ I~~ I~ 150 1




I~ 1& 17 18 I~ 110 III 11'1 ,

lib ,

I~ ~ !7J[


1% IS , :l'I W

~I~ »

~ I· lill

!~ 1J6 :~ <?'0 'II IIjfl 5Z 153 5~ 55





I~? -;


S.OO-Junlor Jamboree. 5,3D-Aunt Anna's Storyllmt. 5.45-Golden Time. 6.00-News and W~ather. G.Z5-Lost·and Found. 6.45-NclVs. 7.00-The Barrelman . 7.30-Rendezvous With Records. a.OO-Canada At Work. S.30-Penthouse Party. 9.00-Room 25. 9.30-Come A Calling. 9.45-News. .

10.DO-Llberac •• lO.45-News. 1l.OO-Sportscast. ll.l5-Club 590 and News. l.OO-News In a Minute and


C'JON WEDNESDAY. November 16th.

7.00-Wake up and Live, New •. 7.15-Strength for the Day. 7.30-News, Bob Lewil Show. 9.05-Final Year. 9,45-Women's New •.

lO.OO-News, Parade oC 11115. 1O.15-What'5 on my ]'lind? 10.3D-Who Am I? lO.45-.loan Blanchard Show. 10.50-Parade of Hits. 1l.00-News, Tennessee Trnle

Show. -IU5-Bill Ring Show. 11.30-Imprisoned Heart. 10.45-My other Love. l2.0B-News and Bob Lewis Show. 1.01-Frank Parker Show. 1.15-News. l.30-Behind the Scene •. I.S5-Sports Parade. 1.40-Bar/lain Hour. 1.45-i\lantovani Melodln Z.OO-News and Perry Mason. Z.l5-Road of Life. 2.30-Malince. 3.0()"':'News and Housewh'cs Club. 4.00-Ncws and Spot the Star. 4.15-Ranch Party. 4.30-Fun Parade .. 5.00-News and Record Shop. 6.00-News and Bulletin Board. 6.15-Sports Parade. 6.25-News. 6.30-Hospll;ility Time. 6.45-Johnny Napoleon. 7.OD-Newt and COUrtship and

Marriage. 7.l5-Program Report 7.30-News. 7.45-The Right to Happlnell. B.OO-News, Spotlight on Stars. B.I5-Echoes from Yesterday. S.3D-Eddle Cantor. . 9.15-Ha11 '0£ Fantasy. 9,45-Dosco News.

10.OO-News, Through the Sport, Parade.

·10.16-Strlckly Prlvat,. ,11.00-Newl. 11.01-National News. I1.15-Sports Pnrall~.. . I 1.:111-1 W~s a .Collllllunisl for tll~'



12.00-News, Honseparly. 12.55-Pl'ayrl',

I.OO-Queen and Sign Uff •


"~.,..~ ... ",,, .... Also-UP,~TO.THE.MINUTE NEWS




)IATINEES-ADULTS ............ 1I0e CHILDREN, ..... , ....... U.




New Rolel Same Greatne •• '


. A MARK VII LTD. _, ... _lit • JACJ( W£1I8 • _ .. 1.........uttI • PIllIon,,' WAlHIIIoIIIIII - ,




EVENING-ADULTS .............. 750 CHILDREN .............. S5a ,

MATINEES-ADULTS ............ 50c CHILDREN .............. Z5e


.. i I' i I. I


J .1 " " 'I, ., j I



Pr!\'alc ('a~

Eos:on Un ness Adm !::\'erelt H

Private l cd his bask assigned 10 Fort B

Rev. Guest U. C.

Sunday at Ihe Unil ing sen'iel minister. I

In Ihe

were ReI'.


We rxt ~Ir~. E~t IIp.ath 0.[

Clarke. home in "cmher 1 in her \J4 i~ one of Ing eel in Sep


F .. n. .....


s r .. ~.

I s. ~ t. J


,I I


-This Page Is Presented

With. the Compliments Of

The Great Eastern, Oil Company ,Limited .

-Bell Island News

Wedding Anniversaries

I J aco~y On Bridge· PLAY SINGALs OPPOSING 5101

Mr. Rnd Mrs, Walter Squire, Main Street, Bell Island, celrbrated By OSW~LO JACOBY I~e 17th anni.versary oC their wed· IN some bridge hands the right (continued from page 5)

local Lad In U.S. Armv

St Micbael's Fair Condudes .

St, Michael's Fair concluded lIon day night, There was a big cruwd In attendance and brisk business was done on the various wheels,

dmg ,on ~rmlstice ~ay, No.ve~bcr 'I play brings you success while the 11. '\\ e jom with their many friends wrong play dooms you to fallure. In extendlnll congratulations and, In other han"s, however, the best wishes for many more years. right play ,merely gives you R

of wedded happiness. good chance !or success. In to· , Ii -The following clippIng from an American newspaper was reeeh'cd rrrrnt1)·: '

"WlTH FA!lIED OUTFIT" Prirate Edgar S. Case of 16

Ilakt'r Street, Saugus, has arrived at Fort ViI', N .• T., and has been ~"i~ned :0 Company I of the 3tqth In[antry Regiment or the l.cOler! Fighting 69th Infantry DI· l'ili[,n Cor eight weeks of basic \I :lining.

The drawing took place for the special prizes, and the numbers are as follows:- Plano, 1388; Tele· vision set 4264, Washer, 6813. Dur· Ing the Fair, a set of China dishes was awarded as a door prize.

day's hand the right play Is even Mr, and Mrs. Edward Shaw .arp more subtle, for It merely makes

receiving the congratulations of matters difficult for an opponent. all their friends on the attalnmenl We!t opens the five of hearts, of the 17th annIversary of their and South wln~ with the nine. wedding which they celebrated on S uth Ie ds a' d t th N 15th' 0 a, .,pa e 0 e queen,

ov. . • _ . and East wins with the ace. East returns the Cour of hearh, and West plaY'll low In order to keep an entJry to hl~ Ionl! heart suit,

The ~oldier is the husband of ~lr;. Eunice C. Case, the former I:unicc Duckwcll of Sausus, and I, Ihe son of ~Ir. and ~Irs, George II, t'a~c of Bcll Islaml, Newround· 1.lnd,

The winners being as tollows: lfonday, November 7th, Hal But· ler, Tuesday, Mrs. John King; Wednesday, Unclaimed, No. 405; Thursday, Unclaimed 709; Friday Mrs. Fred O'Neill: Saturday, Matt Fitzpatrick, Monday, November 14th, Unclaimed 2355.

Dalhousie Drive For Funds

South now rashes the three top diamonds, hoping for a 3·3 break, ~Vest . must discatd on the third diamond, of course, and this Is where we see what kind of player

Hr£orr. enlering thc service, r'l'Ilatc e,lle was !:rmhwtcd from I)o;:on Unh·crsit)· College DC Busl· nc,s Adminlslration. lie attended i::l'crctt High Schoo!."

I'dl'ate Case has since complet·. ed hi, basic training and has been a,~igned to the In[antry School at Fort Benning. Georgia.

Rev. F. E. Vipond Guest Preacher· E C. Church

In addition there was a special door prize alVarded at thc end of the Fair, consisting of an electric rangette. This was won by Phil FItzgerald.

As we nrc ab(lut 10 go 10 press word has reached Us that the win· ncr of the T.V, aet Is Gus Stoyles.

Ladies Bowling League

The ladles of our tilree sections have had a ,'ery enjoyable week'. bowling. _

Sundny was Missionary Sunday Sec!lon A-Hlihest Ilmlle-V. al the United Church and the morn· Doherty 225, in~ 5ervlcc was conducted by the Section B - Highest Single-III. ~linislcr, Rev. F. G. Weir. Nolan 250,

In the el'enlnll the guest· preach- Section C - Highest Single - J. rl' was Rev. F. E. Vlponrl. B.A., Osmond 258. ~.:~.. pastor of . Gower Street Congratulations June. To you I.llIted Church. Ills ~ermon was goes the weekly prize of 1 pair I imcly and Inspiring and apprcc!· O)'lons, ~le~1 I'ery much by the congre· There was a slight error In our ~:IllOn. The services for the day Section B lineup, 11 should have \lere largely attended. rearl: ,HC\'. Vipond returned to the Sweetpeas-No IIUllcr, D. Bagden,

clly Monda),. B. Kavanaugh, E. Coombs, J, But· ler.

Ralnhow-lIf. PRr50n~, ·R. 'Rees, I. Chalk, A. Bick(orri, E. necs, C, Rex.

- West Is, Faced with higher cosls and In· When the hand was actuallY

creasing demands, Dalhousie Un I· 1 d W t 111 C vel'slty is embarking on 11 cam. p aye, es was a ~ ar 0 so-paign 10 raise $3,500,000, accord. clety but, ala~, no bridge playl'll'. ing to an announcement by Bri. He threw II lImall spade, on thl' gadler H. V. D, L31ng, C.B.E., Vice th.eory that he coul~ never win a Chairman of the UniVersity Board trick with any of hiS spades but of Governors, Brigadier Laing, might. need, thp clubs or hearts. who Is chaIrman o[ the campaign, It wa~n t hard for South to said that this ispart of a nation· wide effort which launched In Tor· onto last year land will be coduct· ed within the next Cew months throughout Canada and the UnUed States,

Somewhat 1m than half of the objective, he said, Is required for buildings, Including a new build· ing for the Faculty of Dentistry, a residence for men, and a Science Building. The remainder is requlr. ed for scholarships and bursariel and to meet operating expenses,

These needs, laid Brigadier Laing, han become urgent and Dalhousie .has ,no .alternatlve but to b'y to met them, Dalhousie, he pointed nut, Is one of the few universaritles in Canada which Is not state endowed and thus must

WEST ",432

NORTH .Q1 .J7 .84 4 AJ 109642


• A 10 6 ~ 2 .63 (oQ73

... A I08~

.843 • J 1092 (oK!'>

SOUTH (D) ",KJ911 .KQ9 .AKQH 48

Both sides vul. South Well NorUa la' I'. "PlisS 24 ' PaSS 2 ... Poss 3 ... Pass 3 N.T. Pass pilSs PolS.

Opening lead-Y ~

depend for Its existence upon the . generosity of Its friends and well guess exactly why West threw a wishers. spade, Hence he got t~ dummy

Sympathy ~~xlended

We rxlrnd rlrrpcNI ~~'mpalhr~' I" 'lr~. t:~thCl' No~e\l'orthj' (Ill Ihe 'l~alh o[ her sisler, ~lr5. nachel ClarKe, . who pa~sed away at her hOlllc in Monlreal, on Monday, No· lember 14, The deceascd iady was in her 94th year, Mrs, Noseworthy i~ one of our oldest residents, ho\,· Ing celebrated her 90lh birthday in September past.

We Arc slad 10 lI'elcome back B. n~r~, D. Kal'anaugh, 1I1yrlle Peg, Alice. Helen, Edith anrl Mabel:

Dalhousie, he said, Is a free, un. with the ace "f clubll and return· feltered IInlverslty, I1~ doors are ed the leven of spades, East play· open to all denominAtions equally. ed .low, and 'South flnes!tcd the Through the years its slandard has nl::e of spadeJ. The finess! sue· heen rccognlzen internationally as cecded, of COUl'SC, and South took high, R Dalhousie degree com. his nine tricks with great relief. ml\nd~ respect everywhere, Rnd the It was true that West didn't rl'cord nf Dalholl!lans In the polio need the spade. It wa~ equally tical, professional, ~dentlfic, Rnrl true that he couldn't afford to bUsiness life oC Canada Is nut. dlsc8l'd the spade without givIng standing. declarer valuable Information.

People In Hospital From Bell Island

AT THE GRACE Mr, John Pearcey, over oper·

ation, feellng rlne. ~Iasler Reg Atlam~, receiving

treatment to his arm, feeling fine

AT 'rHE ORTHOPAEDIC, Roddy Day, feetlng fine.

AT THE SANATORIUM Lillian Kent, feeling !lne.

Good luek and good bowling.

Luncheon For F air Workers

There will be • luncheon at 6 p.m. Thursday, November 24th, In St. Mlchael'a Hall tor all those who assisted at the Fair, ThIs will be followed by a loclal,

Bell Island Bowling Club

Opening piny In Joy IIInnu· !acturlng Trophy, Monday, Novem· ber 14: •

"I hclleve," he 8ald, "that el'ery. A good play!!'! In the West sut one will Igree that this standard would discard a low club Instead and condition mllst he malntillned of the low spade. It was dollars to and thst Dalhousie would be fail. doughnuts that East had the king Ing In its duly ever to admit of of clubs 5lnc~ otherwise South any slackening or weakening o[ would have bId more aggressive· this st!lDdard, even though laced ly a~d would have starled the with the competlt1os of state-sup. clubs much earlier. Hence West ported unlversltlel throughout could spare ont) club quIte safely. Canada," Wlthollt the encouragement on

Dalhousie's primary role, laid a spade dlsclIi1'd from West, South Brlgadler Laing, I! to furnish a might not risk the spa~e flnesse. centre of education and cullure In He might cash the klnll and jack the Atlantic Provinces and so to of spades In the hope of dropping educate our youth that they can one; losing a finesse will pro1>­make a more valuable conlrlbulion ably lead to a three· trick set to the religious, political, 'and !Co- Hence many R declarer will risk nomlcal welfare of these provinces, the flnesse If West dIscards a

"The need Is urgent," he saId. spade but will otllcrwise not take "We bespeak the generous assist· tl1ls chance, ance of our frlend8."


Bonnell 13 Lyons 10 Dickey 14

Kenncd~' 18

P. Mlllphy 12 B. Murphy B

Godin B Arcillbald 4

I.DYAUST SEmEIU! N~w Brunswick \vas created a

separate province In 1784 arter n big Influx of United Empire Loyal· IS,ts.

OTTAWA, (CP)-First of a S9,· 000,000 order for 12 CF·lOO Jet simulators is scheduled for de· livery to the RCAF next August, It was learned Wednesday. The simulators, which provide train· Ing for CF·lOO crews on the ground, cost more than the planes themsClvcs but are ot course, con· slderably cheaper to operate, Cost of a CF·loo plane now 15 down to $500,000, ,


sale! rose 12.7 per. cent In Sep­tember to $196,733,000 compared with $17Ui44,OOO In Ute corres· pondlng month last year, the bureau of statistic! reported Wed· . nesday •. This brought total sales for the January.September period to $1,844,000 or 6.3 per cent above the $1,520,291,000' In the corres· pondlng 1954 period,

EARI.Y EXPI,ORER First overland journey from the

St. Lawrence to IIUllsoll bay \I'U~ made in 167\·2 by the Jesuit f'uther Albunel.

E.O\RLY SCIIOOLS . (N~;A Telephoto) BI,AZE 1':NII.\N(lERS 1l0~lES-"lrr.£lghler~ nllJl'e In to.fiJ;ht flames as a roaring brush lire muves ,to within 400 feet of a block of home. at Sunlalld, Calif, Two Southern California tires have destroyed

New Brunswick law in 1802 pro" vide!! £10 yearly for each parish which stal'led a school. more than 1,000 acres of land. • ,


3 z W --01: a.:w "-t!) t!)t!)

-0 :t: ... <0

Q ... z>­<III: w 11)110 w ... >. lllllO u w CII: u.

13 _

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:!A Z8 18 ~II ~II ~ ~4 ~l

19 19 19 1:5 12 It. I

!M !411 t4:1 !45 !44 !41 ~'llt

!37 ~'7 :34 :3:. 32 ~ 32 :29 ~9 2A 27 :20 :18 :17 :17 :111 ~16

15 15 14 14 14 11 10 10 09 09 09 08 oil IlfI 011 04 04 [)3

n' 10 10

Ell 17

17 ~1



A. Ie

'1 11'. II 'J! J.

,4 ID


.. - . . : . ,

~ . . . :; '. . , : I " THE DAILY NEWS, WEDNESDAY, NOV. 16,'1955 .

!f:~g~~.-:..-~~~"~' :.:~ ... ~~ ... ~~~~--~---~~~~===~ .... - '--, . ,', ." .. ,\' ,t .. ' USED"C:AR' ,

'," "

.: ....... '

, ,


Niagara 4·Door Automatic Transmission, RadiO, Heater, Clglir Lighter, etc. 9000 mlles. Exce:lent· condition.


1953 PONTIAC' 4 Door

Heatetr anrl: Radio ••.. 1150.00

1953 VANGUARD Van Very good condition. Low mile·

. age t • I • I •• , •••• I •• I •••• 650.00

1954 CHEVROLET Pickup % Ton'

New C'ondltlnl! ......... 1250,00

, .- · .. ·CNEi\" Telephoto) .JlOCK T.AltES A WIF~Actor Rock Hudson. 29, and his bride Phyllis

. . , Gates, 26, prepare to cut their wedding cake at Santa Barbara, Callf I

'ollol"lng their elopment from Uollywood.

. ., .. ' '. (NEA Telephoto) 1:RAT'S ··AU.....:After p03ing ·for pictures wIth Gualamalan President . Mrs: Annas at FItzsimons Hospital Denycr, I'reshlent Eisenhower

. . .. .'.. , .. . ~o phologr~phers that he Is returning to his room. .!

Egg·Sbor.tage Is Ended': . .

The egg shcirtige in' Newfound, land no longer 'exists due to thc arrIval of sblps from the' MarI­times, the. Federal po.u)try.lnspec· tor here •. told the NEWS last night, adding,' however. that the demand for local egRs' Is (ar out of proportion .to Ihe supply.

(NEA 'l'elephoto) RECEPTION AT RUSSI.\N E~IMSSY-Sol'ict Ambassac10r anc1 Mrs Georgi Zaroubin (ri!lh~) greet israel Ambassador and Mrs. Abba Eban at the Russlnn Embassy reception in Washinglon celebrating thc 3Btlr annil'ersary of Ihe Bolshel'ik Rcvolution. An embass~' spokesman said all U.S. Cabinet members were among the 1,000 invitcd guests, but they. declined to a man.


Iildin's exports of tCa dminG tatutorv _ otIce )9~4·55 were "'alued at $30i.000,000. . -

Ernest' Robin said that this ,;reat demand has' been and I.s Inducing more: and more New· foundland poultrymen to Increase 'heir holdings. The .poultry . popu· latlon In Newfoundland \6 rising annually, he said.

NOR Til ERN FISH --'l'lle Arctic ehal', or Bud;:on buy In thr. matter DC Ihe Will and

Ralm.on of ~orther~ ~lanitoha 11'81·1 I':~:ate oC Florence. n~chel Reid, er;:, Is a bl~ relatll'c DC the brock latc or Grand Falls in the trout specics. l'rovince of I'\ewfoundland,

There Is a ~sllght shortage of medium sized Grade A eggs,: Mr. Robin said, explaining that this time of the year bens.wblch ha,'c been laylilg(or some time' are producing large. eggs....;..Grade A large, therefore, are comparatlve·

TRIPLE TOWlmS' widow, deceased.. . The central tOll'er of the three, A 1.1. persons ciaunmg 10 he

towe'rs of Lincoln cathec1ral ill Eng· I' crc~r.ors of or who hal'e an~' land' was eom!lletcd about 130;. ,claIms of' demands upon or affect· . . -. --- "-'-'-"-- 'j in!: the eslate of Florence Rachcl

I Reid. latc of Grand Falls afore· . U N WAN TED H A I R I said. widow, deceased,arc hercby

(NEA Telephoto) BELD IN.,POISON DEATHS-Emphatleally llenylng,the charge, ,Mrs Mary. Falcon Is held on suspicion of murder In the polson deaths of twp:l'oun~ brothersln·Ncw Orleans. Mrs. Falcon Is accused of feeding the p,oison to WlUlam Baughman, Jr., 7. arul his brothel, Lawrencc, 6. .ft~r·,.lelledlY .quarrellng with the boys' mother and vowing 10 "gel l\'en". ' ' . '. : .' .

Iy plentiful. . . , . PrICes of eggs across Canada -

IncludIng Newfoundland - are steady" the. federal poultry Inspec· tor said, but dealers aren't buylni', In large 'quantltles, for ~ear, pas· slbly. of an egg price slump.

The. cost of 'eggs last summer was comparatively. high, sInce the demand. was greater than the supply.


. He~i~gway's;New Book .Is. Banned, .

,.: , ., ; '. . . .' eNEA Telcp~ht~). CAUlIN~i'~TlIf!iIR! lBALLOTs..-oandlda~es ·formayor of 'Phllideipbll ~~~;;~~~~:!~tc;u!e,fi!}tePubli~in,.and. RIchardson DlIwortb,De,mo-' tI In:Phlladelphla. NaUonallnterest .wai focused,

.UII~reltd~.OtI bec:aU!i.e . oi President Elsenhower's backing ,of ' Lon I' . . ~ ". . :' .

TORONTO eCP)'- Novelist Er­nest Hemingway said Monday night he IS sorry to ·hear 'hls novel, "To Have' and ",Have Not,". has been bl:ick1lsted bY.'aCatbollc lay or· ganlzation. ..•. ' .

. In a' telep\lone . Interview from Cuba, the ,Nobel, arid Pulitzer prize ' winner saId:' ,~'r have never··,vrll· le.ri a pornograllhle 'book,"'.. '

Hemingway. was • asked to com­ment on the BcUon, of the OntarlD Cathollc Wome!!' •. ~ague', whIch has:started's 'two~yjeek :campalgn to· periuade ',booksellers to return objectionable.'bOoks ,to 'dlstrlb~tors.

The Jeagulfs':obser:v~rs, eheck the ' dealeh stock wllh la, lis!'o!, 30Q books blaekllsted';bythe National Organlaatlon; Of Decent .Llte.ratlJr~, . of" Chlealo. ., , .' . '." '. , .' ""hamsorry 'the: league ,has

taken tbls' attltudei"· ~ald·Heminl· way.:·!IIdontt·beUeve·.fsliould com·

. ment on theIr action; ,'lut you. can ~.o...;.~"';';"'-"::------":"'--:"'-""""-'-'\--=-::---,-.-. say.I' was :,lmplyJ trying wtell a

:'" " . .' """:.~ .. storY.~"'··'" :' ~, :"." ~ ... ~~aNi'rilCiIL r'I".""''''D.·· . . '. SAINT. JOHN, N.B. ~P~Two .:. . '.' ,.' .

CP~_CltV. 'polld' saJnt'John"¥ouths, James' I.;oil'don, .. FAMOUS: SINGER· .C· .

.. ';".IO.;.,~,.;.; "'I .. .;i,it:·;.,,;··. ·r' ... ·· with 2Oj' and' Georgt"Mvfvor;'i8, Were ·Jottn·,Coates,. the: ,reat ,English b '· . '.. , tenor"who dled:in.1941, began his

w .d~ l~nt~nced. t?· '"r'" ~emr,. ~ .~, ~.enl. In I .., h I b j:o'ncemed;.lt . .was tentlary. Mond",... '\ ., .. ,;:.... . ~. p~:c •. r~er., as· .1: c. I> r- oy.

~~::b~I'lllt~ W.ii.lnesday,·· .Th.e ·two'pleJued·gu!11.y to Steal· :" ': FAMOUS;'CEILING : it use In. a big' of potatoes from' a IUV' . Tli~ eiols~.ers "f GlQueester Cath·

resol't .. "hen. er'm'rket NIlII·'l2.' , .. ,.., edrsl;IIIEn~land.wernoofed , ... lth. ............ ':prevent ani " • : . .' , . delicate . fan vaultlng-' about' the .. ,--~,.L~. ~omnilislon', . .,'..,. .: ;,: .' year. 1351; '. 01 :-' .:. • '.

• '.''''/~)..'~ I·... •

GUARANTEED OR I~ONEV REFUNDED i requested to send particulars o Een •• t:on,,1 dl"omv [thereof in writing duly attestl'c,

Inlroduced lor. tt. I ' th .1' S I' . f 1!1't1 tim. In Canad.~ " 'I' 10 e Unuerslgned 0 1~ltors or

o New d e p II • I ° rl . 'he Executor of the WIll of the cream ror the mo~t I" •

stuhborn unwonld! said deceased on or before the o ~;I:;.nl"d: aUtI ! 24th day of November A,D. 1955.

.. I".,m.nl tho haIr! I after which date thr said Execulor -.. lieu not a;row b;lck. 'I' . . , h Ilmpl, '~I,"col:on 1\ will procced to distribute'thc said

nnd :i minutes later I .•.. on u;;ly unwan:.d c~late having regard only 10 the •. h R I, dlsaPP""" I' f' h' h h th h II I ' '"iiilllillll~/' Uoed In ho,pltal, I e alms 0 IV IC e cn s a laIC

• all .0'" t:1IfOP·. notice. LES PRODUITS Da~ed at SI. John's this :':41h day

, ESTELLE DE GRENELLE of October A.D. 1955. • 1111Flon' •• " 51 •• Room 12, /tIon, ... I" .' FA. 1525 I 1IIERCER & MlI'FLIN, I ..... , • bolll. of d,pllal..,. ",om 10' Soildtors for Executor. ~llith I inrlu4" -. mont, nrdtr of $!.D3 I • ,Iu. , .. I .... ta'. paid' or ( I C.O.D., Address. ......... ta,.. '1365 Duckworth Street,

NSJ-200 I st. John's. ! oct26,nov2,9,116



700.00 1953' HILLMAN 4-Door

750.00 1951 PONTIAC 4-Door

700.00 1953 FORD 4·Door 1953 AUSTIN A70 1952 HILLMAN

950.00 400.00 425.00

Adelaide Motors Limited.

New Gower at Allelald. DIAL 3015


Public Notice Applications Are Inviled fOI

appoin~ment 10 the E5tabllshe~ and Pensionable post of Officer Grade III (female), in the Out· , patient Department, of the Gen, eral Hospital. The salary will com· menee at $2100 on the salary scale $Z100-100·2700 •.

2. The duties of this post include the responsihility for the proper maintenance of Out·Patient ac· counts; 'patients' charts, Index cards and records of patients' visils. and. the supeM'ision of the clerical staff.

3. Applications In writing, slat· ing age, educational qualifications, experience, etc., should be address· cd to tbe' Civil Service Commis· sion of Newfoundland, Newfound· land Savings Bank Building. Duck· worth Street, SC John's. so as to reach the Commission on or be· fore the 21st day of NOI'cmber 1955.

CJlAIR~IAN . , Ch'jJ Service Commission.


Newfoundland Services




'I'rain "The Caribou" leaving I St. John's 5 p.m. tomorrow Thurs· day w11l make connection for un· dermentlohed . services.

At Lewisport!! with M.V. Cod· roy for Green Day Servicc.

At . Corner Brook with S.S. Northern Rangetr for points to St. John's.


ship Routes" is now accepted DAILY at Old Railway Freight Shed-'

Placentia Bay Services. Green Bay Service. Notre Dame Bay Service. LewispOll'tc·Corner Brook Ser·

vice ••. Acceptance of Freight for St.

John's.Corner .Brook"Servlce for . forwarding via Corner Brook and

S.S. Northern Ranger and St. John's.Lcwlspurte' ~ervicc . for forwarding via Lcwlsporte' and S.S. Glencoe wl\l also be at Old Railway Freight Shed and will be advertised •

FREIGHT SOUTH 'COAST . SERVICE-S.S.BAR HAVEN In order. for t1reight to be for·

warded oil this trip S.S. Dar Haven South Coast Service . freight must Ill': at Dock Coastal Shed by .Noon Saturday, Nov .. 19th.

FR'EIGHT ST. JOHN'S­, LEWISPOItTF SERVICE Freight. foil'. regular points' 51.

D$il:~lliule' : Instituted' GaEATBAI\B01l. ,': - m~TOJtIC(~WEJt···J .. · arDor,. .rorlltablt' last Ail;.' ',. The South African port. pf) Dur· . Tlte White· towei" of' the ·Tower

'driver. ,ban lies on a land·locked tidal. bay,(\i·IJ,,j1l~n; ~1t11 .l~~·.:fo,Ur\t.~~~e\!!

John's-Lewlsporte ,Service per S.S. Glencoe" accepted Dock Coastal Shed Friday. Nov. 18th. .

.9 a,m. to 5 p.m. and Saturday," " ,., . Nov. 19th, 9 <I.m. to ·Noon ...

::'Jer~'a Nova 'Motors, cANADWf· ... with 'a magnltlcCllt:',~arlio~. -; ~\\'al' • built' 'nearly 800 :years· ago.· ____ ::.:. .. _..;. . .,:.., "j.( .• '.~':' -,.f:," ... 'FAMOUS VESSELl i ." G"EAT'COI,LECTJON,. ,

ftir . The Mayflower .,\vhlch : carrIed.' The llbr.irvot, tile: 'Brltish' Mus· t~3:~~J~~rr.~~~~~. ~,OIO,aOO:-. :p,illrlrris to Massachusetts! Iq': 1820 .~\lm ·.-t ·Ltlfldon· r.O~t~ln"~earlv .• " Ii ·"I.,.r:'."r.'eeDt;··',· was a vessel of about ' ISO tons. 000,000 vo!tlmeS·from·aU·counlrles.

:~~1""~1~1."':.'.:.'~.'~,.',:\:/·"·~;' : ",' .~' >.:.::: ........ ::~ ~:;.:,:,:, ,', I


• '.' ,~~~'.~ .••• ,I •• ,.~:: .. : .. ,,~;: ,:._(:.~:; ,,\' :.

. : :: .. :'. : '.' LlMiYED . . RATIONAL

See them on display at


Office and Showroom: • TOPSAIL ROAD 'PHONE 4902A

Office, Showroom and Factory: HARBOUR GRACE 'PHONE 265



Only in use three-four months; English make; fully equipped. Could be lived in by couple all year Irou·nd.

For further information apply BOX 44 cI 0 DAILY NEWS




Hig hest Efficiency

Of Any Unit In Canada!










'Phone for FREE ESTIMATE on a complete

installation in' your home.



,~ .

~I' . ~. .


~' \ ~, J'It. I· .38 'I' 31 5- 30 828 ,. 28 t 28 ! 211 S 211 r 211 I 24 7, 21 I 10 ~ 19 t 19 r 15 I 12 I 11 .. , .

2!14 2411

, 24:0; 245 244 241 2:1" 237 2.17 234 233

. 232 23! 232 229 221 2211 227 220 218 217 21'1 218 :1l8 21S 21S 214 214 214 211 210 210 209 ~09 2011 20ft 20il :QR 2011 204 204 203

: 201' i 200 i 200

428 397

It7 r87

I i74 ,932



Re· Har· ie\\'~· Itu;y :adtr ~o In

I-A I be nory tick. bune lown AW·

and 1110 ~ fl·


., .

~~E~DA~IL~YN~EW~S,~W~E~DN~E_SD_A~Y,~N~O~V.~1~6,~'9~S~5 ____________ ~ ________ ~ ________________________________ --------------------~----------~15'




Clerk Stenographers ............ at $2579.20 pia Clerk Stenographers ... ; ........ at $2204.80' pia Clerk Typists ............... , ........ at $2204.80 pia Clerk Typists ........................ at $1830.80 pia

40 hours basic work week. Periodic' pay Increas.s. 'Annual and Sick Bent:.fits.

Int.rested applicantl are requested to

apply in person to .

Crystal Palace TO-NIGHT



Broadway's newest Sing· ing Comedians.

Two shows nightly.

Dancing to the music of Johnny Lawrence, one of

Montreal's outstanding Orchestras.

For reservations call 7240 or Toll Operafor after 5 p.m.




BINGO!, BINGO! 30 Games SOc-Attractive Cash Prizes-1 st Game B.30

NIGHTLY DOOR PRIZE $25.00 . Tickets purchosed during the week ellgible for the "SHELF'S" Super Special Simpson-Sears 21" T.V. Radlo-Phono Comblna· tion. Tickets 6 10r 25c. Drawing closing night, Saturday, November 19th. lIIonday nl,Ws winner-Mrs. T. Nolan; last nl,llt·s No. 52462


CITY CLUB The quarterly general meet. ,

ing will be held on TO-DAY i (Wednesday) November 16th, , 1955, at 5 p.m. ' 1

, . ,


I. . , "

Junior ',l · .,




To-Night, .Wed., at 8 o'clock Reserve ........... 75c General ............ 5Oc


j I • " .. • !: , ., .~

-' THE CENTRAL RECRUITING AGENCY, Building 221 (Main Gate) Pepperrel 'Air Force

. Base, Dial 89 Ext. 6006


nOI'15.16 By Order ! R. C. KNIGHT, Secretary j~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;~;;~~~;;;;;;;;;;;~ ;~;;

~: :,;~ 'Longshoremen's Protective Union WANTED

COMPETENT STENO'GRAPHER Grad. XI graduate with exp.rience.


BOX 5 car. DAILY NEWS 1\0\'16.11


(on tne premises) No. 190 DUCKWORTH STREET

(opposlt. Gosllntl Mlmorlal Library) ,

Today, We~nesday .t 12 o'clock n'I"


ATTENTION PARENTS AND FRIENDS: The presentation of Wings and Awards will be

held TO·NIGHT at the Drill Hall, Buckmaster's Field, at 7.45 p.m.

Parents and Friends eire cordially invited to attend.

Freenold land and superior =================== dwelling. belor.glng to estate of Mrs. T. M. Mitchell (deceased).

Basem(,nt. contains waiting foam and surg£\l'Y.

First floo:-den, kitchen and pantry. '

Second floor-living room and dining room. .

Tnlrd floor-three bed-¢'ooms and bath·room. :WANTED. · · LODGE ST. ANDREW, No. 1139

S.C., A.F. & A.M. \

. CLERK • TYPIST (Femal.) ,',f

Apply stating age, education and qualifications to

lOX 500

c! 0 Th. Daily News aDY111,M


STENOGRAPHER With knowl.dge of Shorthand for. Law OHice. Experience preferred but not ISlIntial.· Apply In wrltlngltating salary expect.d to

P.O. BOX 787, ST. JOHN'S


Four whHI drive with pow.r winch and snow plow.

SUBURBAN SERVICE Corner New Cov. and Berteau Avenue

DIAL 7081

Tender For Northern Labrador Codfish

. 'nI. following Native caught and cured Northern Labrador Codfish of 1954 and 1955 productiOn!

390 quintals' Standard Ordinary C~r. 920 quintals No. 2 Ordinary Cur. 159 quintals No. 1 and 2 Ordinary CUrl

(1954 production) 2056 quintals Saltbulk

This is stored at the fish premises of J. W. Hiscock Sons, Ltd., Brlgus, and can b. inspected there. The Ordinary Cure was weighed and culled out, except for the 159 quintals of 1954 production, the Saltbulk WCIIS only weighed, riot culled. . '

The Tend,r should be on the following baslsl-

(a) PrIce per quIntal for the Ordinary Cure, as per the above ~rades at Hiscock's store,

(b) Price per quintal for Soltbulk at. Hiscock's store; (c) Delivery must be taken within. one month after the

Tender has be.n awarded and will be 'paid for Cash on Delivery; .

(d) Seller. reserve the right to ask Ihe Newfoundland ' FIsh6rles Board to decide on quality in case of disput., and their deci.lon to be final.

Tenders. will close at Noon on' November 30th and should be acklr,».d tOI


c/o H. B. Clyde Lake, Ltd., 175 Water Street, St. John's, Newfoundland.

Fourth no or-four bed·rooms and batn·room.

This Is one of the best built homes In the City Has 011 fur· nace. Il'adlato~ throughout. Is In close pro:dmlty to business churches. SCll00ls and theatres. TI1ls Is an Ideal location for pro· fesslonal man. This dwelling could be converted Into offices or apart·



Masonic Temple

B.OO p.m. $2.50 Double

ments. Immediate possession. For per·

mission to Inspect-Dial 2006.



The Lions want to know

THE LIDSTONE SISTERS MODERN DRAPERY have moved from 10 Charlton St. to 46 COOKSTOWN ROAD. Get your Christmas order in early for Drapes, Chesterfield Covers, Bedspreads and Eiderdowns. Measurements and Estimates FREE. We Guarantee your Covers and Drapes will fit even after dry cleaning.

DO yOU WANT We will make the necessary adujstments.

A "CADDY" For Perfect Work and Satisfaction call:


THE LIDSTONE SISTERS MODERN DRAPERY 46 Cookstown Road or Dial 6757A or 4754



To Rent iOiiErfio-uealcdllnd furnish·

ed 4·room apartment In central locaJlty. Rent $125 per month. Telephone 4673. nov18,17

Musical Instruments

GIBSON GUITAR~ - HOlner •• Button Slop Accordeons and

Harmonicas. Rlcnmond Saxo­phones. Boosey Clarlnels.­Cnarles Hutton & Sons. P.O. feb3,eod.U.

Overcome Loss of Manhood, Male Weakness or Prostate Gland Trouble with our ex­clusive New Treatments. Vital Energy and Virility restored. 7 cbllars, half" dollars. Send your local Bank Draft Address: ACTIVITIES, (ONC) KINGSWAY, --------­

Dilhi 9, Indl •• Barber Shop nov16,weds,tf

THI CENTRAL SARBER 11I-----~--.. SHOP-Fast efficient Ban!· II tary service. All modern

equipment. five barbers. The least possible waltlng. 24 New Gower Str~t. opp. Adelaide Motors Ltd. my4.1m


DR. C. D. K£AIf



Assistant Head Nurses

Insurance ASK FOR MY BROAD all·

purpose Insurance. Fire in· surance premiums noW less tnan ever. Your property is wortlt protecting, W. E. Cald· well. Insurance Agent, 'Phone 2465. Address Temple Butl,d. Ing Duckworth St .. St. John s.

iNsUiiA'NCE..:lowrlnl Broth· er Limited Insurance Depart· ment-Fkre. i\utomoblle. Mar­Ine and all Calualty Unes. Telepbone 313L

Contaet STAN FOWLIR, Re­nouf bulldlng, fDr Fire Auto­mobile and Plate Glan Insur· ance. Claims promptly settl· ed. 'Phone 51131-P.O. Box 63.. ' .

FURNISS WITHY tNIUR· . ANCB Department oCferina dep-endable insuranee-Auto­mobl1l~ Fire, I!ur&lary, Plate GlaY, Tourlat Bagpge., TraJllportation. Travel Accl·


WANTED-Old firearms, p1stols and revolvers, Fllntlock or percu5~lon r.ap shoulder arms -Fllnllo'ck 'J:Jly. Kindly ~ive full particulars. condition, makers name and any other markings. Quote price In first letter. F. G. KennedY, Char· lottetown, n.R. No.1. P.E.I. oct22,wed,sat.tf

Taxi HICKEY'S TAXI leaving Tel"

rencevllle Wednesdays, st. John's on Thursdays. Connect· Inll witn mall boat. Contact Mr. Hickey at Terrenceville or dial 4210·F 81 st. John·s. lep7.1m

Venetian Blinds

ONLY COMPLETE BLIND Service. Manufacture. Laun· dry Repair Work gua.ranteed. ' One day service. Free quota· tlons. Kearneys Limited. Manufacturers. 454 Water st.


take no lime to weep. Just can Edward Carberry the famous Chimney Sweep. Hall Sloves, Furnaces, Otl Stoves and Ranges cleaned the elee- . trlcal way also Carpels and Chestcrilelds, Dryc\eaned. Phone 4438-F. nov16.18,21

SKATES, SCISSORS, KNIVES, Saws. sharpened by.preclslon macnlnery. Open evenings. P. J. Hagerty. 53 Casey st.

ALL WOOL MATTR1:SSES Ire picked.' re-coY1!red: springs day beds rewired; lnner 8prtng mattresses recondition· ed. Write. Phone 3B91. wire H. J. Keats. 16 Mount· Royal Avenue.'

, dent. Llabllily. . Pnon. 20'13.

Assistant Head Nurses are re- ROBERT DAWI & SON, F1r' qulred Immedl&tely at the Gander and Automobile Insu.ran~.

GET THE FACTS! WrIt. Intlr. •• national Correspondence

Schools. Canadian Ltd,. 209 Argyle St .. Sydney. N.S. Hospital, Gander. Be safe, be sure, Insure. Tele-

Salary commences at $2200,00 per pnone 2882, P.O. Box as f will h $460 00 Is d~ Royal Bank Chambers. st.

annUm rom c . ~ John's. duetlble for board and lodgings. --------­Uniforms and laundry services Dre CONTACT A. E. HICKMAN provided. . ~~io~:~ 4\~~~ftl;c.: A~~.~

APpUcations statin" age and 984. for your Insurance .... quallflca!lons eould be forwarded qulrements. to the Director of Mme., NIl~lniD ~"':'EP~E-N"'D~A"";BL';"I-F-IR-&-IN~S-'U~R'-Services, Dep.MmeDt of Hellith "NCE-Don't risk your valu-St. 1obn'... abies to "save" II few dollal'll.

I,EONARD MILLER, M.D., Our falr·rate, reliable polley

CASH PAID FOR CHILDREN'S coats. footwear, bedclothes, comiCl! •• Jockel books. unwant·

. ed goods of all kinds. John D. Snow. 9 New Gower St. octIO.lmtn.



Music by liThe Rhythm Kings".

Cover SOc



Apply to the

Two-Way Stores Golf and St. Clare Avenue


TO·NIGHT Cochrane Street Church

Men's Service Club

Proudly Presents

The Greatest Motion Picture of Our Time


The Man'VVho Changed the World Forever.

See This Wonderful Story Nightly B p.m.



Admission 50c nov15,16

TO LET A COTTAGE at Topsail Pond, with modern' conveniences. Semi-furnished.

Apply to thIS

Two-Way Stores Tel. Nos. 5194, 5195


CA,RD PARTY 5t. Thomas' Heme and

School Associatlon


THURSDAY. November 17th

It 0.15 p.m,

Admlsslon SOc


SPECIAL SEDAN New tires, new battery, new seat covers. Excellent ,ondi­tion. Privately owned and driven. A bargain at $1850. cash.

'PHONE 2745, or write . P.O. BOX 116



Th. low .. ' or any t.nd.r will not necessarily b. accepted Deput)' Mlnlater of HeaitIL . ~~~~,l~~~dl:r Jrf~e~t.lo~: novI6,21,eod L~cey. P.O. Box 5OfI. repl,U

DRIVE WITH TIlE SUN BE· HIND YOU. Protect your property. Insure with the oldest Compony in ~hc \Vorld. W. F. Coldwell, Insurance Agent. Phone' 2465. Temple Bldg., Duckworth St., St.

John's. septlO,mon&thursU GET RESUJ.TS

nov16,~8,21 . I

, ;.~

'IMPORTANT NOTICE MORTALITY CERTIFICATES ar, now b~tng· renewed for the year 1956.

Members are asked to kindly have .thelr Certificates renewed not later than December 31st, 1955 •



LEO A. EARLE, C/lOirman Mor/alify BeneFit Board


Secretary Morfality Benefit Board










DIAL 590

nov9~16,23 ,.

CLOTHES make the man if CHAFE , makes the clothes

, .. .' ·

WM.~ L •. CHAFE, Tailor New address: 4 HOLDSWORTH ST.

'. '

. \

.. , .... -.0-,':j. ..

~ .. ,

I '.

I' . .' ,

, I

' . . ' .

. , i' .

•• : '; '.

, , •.

~r ..




,_, •.•...••• , ',. :' "." '.' .......... , .. '.' .. ,' .. t'.

. ,

A' Perfect . Combination-RCA . e~~pment at . CJON

. RCA.TV' in your home-t!

.. p.eak perfor~ance. dramatic styling·· ...



lase $7.95 Extra Here is the world's most dependable television • • • with amazingly life-like' new "DEEP IMAGE" ••• at prices' that bring TV within reach of almost every budget. These. superb new RCA Victor models offer TV's clearest, steadies, picture.

DEVUN ,f? $299.95 ;:

Don't misl "VICTORY AT SEA" Every Thursday from 7:00 to 7:30 p,m.







Mat.:hing BasI;

$14.95 Extra

,,'0.' .. , 'THE

...... IIUD.OK I

I .' The Queen's Cre:ss , . i lawrence Schoonover .. 4.50 :

Silver Leopard . i .. F; V~n Wyck Mason ... .4.75\' Chronicle of The Calypson, . Clipper i

John Jennings ......... : .. 4.50 Band. of .Angels i

Robert Penn Warren .. 3.95 i Slow Dies The'Thunder

Helen Topping Miller .... 3.95 The Cashier

Cobrielle Roy .............. 3.95 . Jan

Stella Morton .............. 2.25 : 79 Park Ave~ue I

. Harold RobbinS ......... :3.95 : Auntie Mame . I . Patrick Dennis ............. .4.00 I

Blade of Honor . John J. Pugh ................ 4.5D

The Angry Hills leon M. Uris ................ 3.75

The Case of The Nervous Accomrlice

Erie Stanley Gardener .. 3.00 The World of Bemelmans

lugwig Bemelmans ...... 5.75

'V jJ.'!II~. THE BOOKSELLERS 'Phone 3791 • 4425

The Potomac nil'er Valley above Washington, D.C., Is rich In Indian remains.

THE DAILY NEWS;'WEDNESDAY, NOV. 16, 195~ . .~. ~

" F,OR . ,QUIC.K ·.TU'RN-, '. . ".'. .

~'. oJ,·, • OVER , ,

. Stock. quality goods and we. recommend St~ Martin's Pure , , English:J~m5 - Strawberry, ,Ilaspberry, Apric~t. Plum, SWill

, . Cherry ,and Black Currant.' .' ,'.' ,..... . . .

. GILT EDGE First Grade Canadian CREAMERY BUTTER (1' Ib~ Slabs)

" '. ".

, .'

BLACK'. DIAMOND CHEESE,::: ... ~: ... : ... :.':: ... :.:·; ..... ,.· 5 lb ... ~oundl BLACK DIAMOND CHEESE ....... : ... : ... :.:; ... : ......... %, lb. Wedges BLACK' WATCH CHEESE: ....... :: .. : .............. :: ... ! ....... Y2 lb. Wedge.

GRADE A LARGE .EGGS (guaranteed Fresh. Slacks) .



Canadians Want Bigger And Faster Boats

the best ever for Canadian bOdt 1953, they bought $1,295,628 wortll builders Is based on these factors: of Canada's boat.s. This figurl rost "The growth of the five.day we~k to $1,626,806 last year ~nd had al· in Industry more leisure, the lure ready reached $1,430,098 by th, of Canada's waterways escape to end of July this year. the country and the rise in wag'!. U.S. I\JART SOUGHT and salaries which means money The U.S. market i5 the most

OTTAWA, (CP)-Canadians are to ~pend." . altraetil'c to Canadian exporlm. taking to the I\·ater. not like duc\;r "The only restrictil'e inCl.uence Last year spending on boats, en· by in boats, the bigger and faster appears to be a possible shortage gincs and fuel in the U.S. I\'A~ the beller. ol berthing facilitics." 5235,500,000; the lorecast for 19S~

Canada'! 225 boat buildcrs ex· Bureau of ~talislics {i;;:ures o.n I is 'i285,OOO,OOO. . ... pect thil new marine intcrcst of the gross liclhng value of Canada s lone acute problem laclni the Canadians to bring in 1956 theiL' boat industr~ uP. to 1953, late~t Canaelian industry, ~ays Mr, Jones best salcs ycar yet: So great h~s year for which ilgu.res are a\'all .. , i~ a shorta.ge of skilled cnll!men. become the demand for buals, able, sholl' the grO\\'Ing demand. especially motorboats, that' bUII!j. In 1946, the \'aille was $4,906,259. !


17 011 IN BUS MORE H"MIS IUlLT nine months by provinces: New· There are as many as 750,000 ----------ERZURUlII, Turkey AP-A bus OTTAWA CP-Canadlan home loundland, up' 33 to 843; Prince tiny air cells in an ordinary bottle Don't forget the Ladies:

ers are applying the same tech. In 1953, it had almost doubled to i niqucs to production as the auto· $8,463,531. : mobile Industry _ annual style The Industry in 1953 employed changcs, easy credit terms and 1,508 persons! their salaries and even two.tone effects. wages reaehmg $3,545,079. Mate·

"This advanced styling is suff!. rials used in actual construction oj' cient In Itself to encourage a large, the boats that year cost $3,243,· number of bUyers to replace thm 68B.

KINC COLE present boat with a sleek new There also is evidence that U,S, COFFEE, .. ' plunged down a precIpIce DD builders finished new bwelllngll Edward Island, down 54 to 66; cork. . College Aid Sale which open!

7,igana mountain 'l'lwsday killing In the 'flrth nine months of the Nova Scotia, up 335 to 1,764; New • _________ .. this afternoon. Ii passengers and serlousl)' in .. year 26 per c~nt faster than a Brunswick, up 608 to 1,452. Que- BIRTHS JUJ'lng 33 othrrl. ~ar tarlier. Completions for the bee, up 6,150 to 23,664, IN MEMORIAM


craft, I'e ports P. Grant Jones of. boat buyers are showing more in· I the trade department's com. terest in the Canadian output. In

BUCKINGHAM - To Robert F. . -;;;======;;;==;;;;;;;;==== __ --=, d 111 't B k' I t modlties branch. There also is A ..

" (NEA Telephoto) CONGRATULATED' BY FIRST LADy-At Fl!zsslmons H05pital, Denver, Mr5.· Dwight D. Eisen· hower congratulates PIc. Albert T. Belnu of Woree5ter, Mass., on his painting of World War I medieat. offICer Lt. 'Wllllam T. Fltuimon.. The arti~: presented the paInting to tbe b05pltal which II named after Lt. Fitulmon ••


~; 100 000 ft .~, '.' .

~x8 B.;Grade Ced'ar Clapboard and

~x8 C-Grade Cedar Clapboard . , . ., QUOTING VERY lOW PRICES . E~ .~ .. , (Sorry no 6" C-Grqde) r. ';;I'1~l ,; : ",i

'. A. full lin. of'






In loving memory of our darling . son, Gerald,

who passed peacefully away on November 16. 1938.

an arguerl e. uc mg lam, a growing used boat business, the Grace Hospital, on November '''riting b t d'tl 1511 d ht

., a ou a commo I es I, a aug cr. b h I th t d d FRENCH-To Dr. ami lIfrs. ran~ survcy n c ra e ep~lt.

George P. French, at the Grace ~ent ~ lortnlg,~ltI>· pUblica.IIo.n Hospital on November 15th a Foreign Trade, he says It IS son. ' • estimated that Canadian water-

DOMINION RUBBER It God had made this world

so faIr Where sin and death abound, How beau:iful beyond com·

pnre, ' Will paradise be round.

Gone but not forgotten ..

(Inserted by his parents Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Penney Wabana, Neltiuundland),

HUTCIIENS-;-BOil"n to 1-.!,r'. and I ways are the summer playground TIll'S, C. Hutucns, 53 "Ilhams of more than 100,000 onboard mo . St. (nee Flor~nce Lcster), a son, t b t d 011 November 15th, at St. Clare', or oa s an 600,0~O outboards and :Mel'cy Hospital. other craft, including canoes, row·

boats and sailboats. DEATJI HIGHEST PER CAPITA

ROSENBERG-Passed peaccfully That's equivalent 10 a boat {or away artc~ n brief iIIncss. Sara, every 22 Canadians, I higher per beloyed Wife of Laz Rosenberg, capita boat ownership sa"s ~!r leavmg 10 mourn also four sons, '. J "

:iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii= Sidney In England: Gerald in Cor· Jones, than in the Umted Stales, ner Brook: Ronnie in Bos!on, Mass.. where the number of pril'ately-and Dr. Horace In St. John's; and owned boats Is estimated It 5.


PENNY In 101'lnl! memory of my



who died

November 16th, 1938

Deep in our hea!l'ts you are fondiy remembered,

Swect m~morics cling around your lIame,

frue heal ts that loved you with affection,

Alwa~'s will IOI'e you in death' just the saml!.

-Inseortect by his Sisler Elsie (Mrs. Cyril Barrell),

seven grandchlldren: Funeral took 250000 or one lor every 30 '. place from Lawrence funeral par. ' , per lor November Hi. sons ..

.---.----.. ----- His prediction that 1956 will be



$2.98 lip

----_ ... _._-World Fellowship is nol

: just one of those empty : phases that you 'hear people i using these days, It is some· thing that is being aehie\'{~d by millions of Y.W.C.A members All over the globe You, too, can join in spread· ing the idea of Christian Fel· lowship throughout the world by joining with your local Y.W.C.A. in this year'fi celebration of World Fellow· ship Week-November 13·19


WATER ST. a01'16,17



A dr ... e •• IShoe dllig •• d 10 ~11h .... snugly, warm hea\l'y wacl fI.ece 1M­in;. bellows 10.;_, for odd.~ pr .. ftc.lion". neat zipper dO$inl. her4. wea,ing .oles, shiny R.islo. .

YOUTH'S, Sizes 11·13 ... ~ ... " ..... "tJ·n.

BOYS' . Sizes I·S .............. ".80

1I1EN'S SIzes 6-11




