If You See: Brahma, dharma, and Moksha Think Of: Hinduism Think Of: Hinduism


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If You See: Neolithic RevolutionThink of: End of the last “Ice Age” People began to settle = Civilizations developed- Major river valleys - Huang He, the Indus, and the Nile civilizations

If You See: Brahma, dharma, and Moksha

Think Of: Hinduism

This is a picture of Hagia Sophia. If you were to see a picture like this – think of the Byzantine Empire &/or Russia (Cyrillic alphabet).

The economic wealth of Calicut, Mogadishu, and Venice in the 13th century was primarily dependent on their?

If you were to see a similar question like the one above… you should automatically ponder what do these three things have in common… THINK! Well?

They are grand coastal cities: coastal locations.

Follow the same pattern for similar lining of questions… If there’s a question asking what do these three/four things have in common, find out what you know about at least ONE of them…. More times than not, that will eventually lead you to the correct answer… please trust me on this.

If you see… Black DeathYou should automatically think of:

- Mass deaths A shortage of workers developed.

-This originated from European trading and traveling to the

east (China), where the Bubonic Plaque/Black Death began.

- While the plague led to the Death of over 1/3 of

Europe’s population, the Crusades, the trade and travel

that stemmed from it played a huge role in ending

feudalism (land based economic system).

If you see… The Prince, Niccolò Machiavelli

Think of the:

- The rise of prince’s/king’s political power.

- Wrote his work during the Renaissance era.

- Two most famous quotes:

+ “It’s better to be feared than to be loved.”

+ “The ends justifies the means.”

Why were Peter I (the Great) Catherine I (the Great) similar

Think in the sense that both:

- Pursued a policy of westernization and expansion.

- Sought after warm water ports (Since most of Russia is oft-cold/frozen, this was huge – for trade & trade = “life blood” of a given nation.

- Promoted the arts and sciences – anything that advance their nation.

What were the primary causes of WWI/The Great War?

Think of: M.A.I.N. Causes –





If you see The Real “Boxers”… think of: spheres of influence established in China by foreigners (Always carefully examine the information provided). Just remember: if you see the Boxer Rebellion, think of Chinese citizens being anti-western/anti-foreigner… China for Chinese.

The leaders in this 1936 cartoon are depicted as “spineless” because they? Wished to follow the policy of appeasement = avoid war at all cost.

Based on the information in this chart, which situation gave rise to Nazi power in Germany?

If you see: Which factor aided Russian troops in defeatingNapoleon’s armies and Soviet forces in defeatingHitler’s armies?

- Severe winters

+ tundra = frozen desert

- Scorched Earth Policy

- Though terrain/geography

Based on this cartoon by Leslie Gilbert Illingworth, what role did “Old Man Winter” play in the defense of Russia? (always pay close attention to political cartoon – Review everything).

Old Man Winter

What is the best title for this map?

Think of Japanese imperialism (for resources) – The Rape of Nanking (Human Rights violations)

What does this painting illustrates? What’s the message?Think of a land based economic/political system: Feudalism… Think of the Middle Ages/Medieval Era.

If you see… One way in which Toussaint L’Ouverture, Kwame Nkrumah, and Ho Chi Minh are similar is that each leader

Think of:

- Each fought to free their his country from

European control.

- Nationalism/Self-determination.

If you see The Nuremberg laws…

Think of:

- anti-Semitic (Against Jews) laws of 20th-

century Germany. - Rise of Nazism & Adolf Hitler. - These laws used Jews as scapegoats.

If you see… Karl Marx

Think of:

- Father of Communism

- He was born in Germany, but conducted most of his writing in


- Spoke about a Communist Revolution: Bourgeoisie (Rich/Upper Middle Classes) vs. Proletariat (Working Class/Poor)

- Conducted his work in the era of the industrial Revolution,

spoke out against mistreatment of workers – underpaid/

deplorable working conditions.

What’s the main point of this cartoon? While it’s not visible here, the political cartoon shows that the car’s bumper is titled, “corn powered” and the license plate reads “bio-fuel.” Through this cartoon, we learn that: using corn to make bio-fuels for automobiles will increase food shortages = increases famine/mass deaths.

If You See: Great Wall of China

Think Of: Protect the Chinese from the nomadic tribes of northern and central Asia = the huns, tartars, Mongols, etc.

If You See: Renaissance

Think of: Rebirth of the Classical Age – time of the ancient Greeks & Romans.

Bring back the arts, sciences, literature, etc = Their Golden Age

End of the Middle/ Dark Ages = Death/Dangerous.

The Phoenicians

- “Carriers of civilization” = Cultural diffusion.

- Traded goods and spread ideas throughout the Mediterranean region = sea people.

- Phonics = alphabet

Carefully drawn calligraphy, Zen gardens, and the tea ceremony

Think Of: Early Japanese Culture/way of life.

Focused on traditionalism/impact of isolation, fear of Europe/foreign interaction.

If You See: Mansa Musa (originated from Mali)

Think Of: Famous Hajj (pilgrimage) to Mecca = holy land of all Muslims.

Trade and travel – crossing the Sahara/N. Africa.

Connected to Salt for Gold Trade.

If You See: Reformation

Think Of: Martin Luther & his 95 Theses

Printing Press – helped spread the word

Weakened the Catholic Church W/the start of several other Christian Churches.

Protesting the ills/wrongs of Catholic church.

If You See: Crusades

Think Of: Fight for the Holy Land (Palestine/M.E) – Christians vs. Muslims.

Cultural Diffusion – interest in each others’ cultures.

European interest in the Asian goods/products.

Encounter, Triangular Trade, Middle Passage, Encomienda, Columbian Exchange, etc.

Think Of: Slavery, Colonialism/Imperialism, exploitation, mass death of the natives and African populations/lands in the so-called, “New World.”

Zheng He (Chinese) & Ibn Battuta (N. Africa/Muslim)

Think Of: Trading/Traveling to many distance lands

Cultural diffusion

Advanced navigation systems.

Scientific Revolution or the Enlightenment

Think Of: Emphasis on the value of human reasoning

Break from the Middle/Dark Ages

Using science and logic to reach at everyday decisions.

If You See: Simón Bolívar

Think Of: The George Washington of Latin America

The Great Liberator – working/fighting for self-rule/independence from European colonialism/imperialism.

If You See: Industrial Revolution

Think Of: Factory production

Exploitation of workers – women & children

Vast pollution

Desire/need for an abundance of nat. resources.

If You See: Meiji Restoration

Think Of: Modernization/Industrialization of Japan

Last Samurai – remember that movie.

Break from the past/traditionalism – Tokugawa Shoguns.

Meiji Restoration = Westernization/Modernization of Japan

If You See: 1938 Munich Conference

Appeasement – one of the major causes of WWII.

Helped to make Germany/Nazis stronger

Impact of the Great Depression.

Mikhail Gorbachev, Glassnost, and Perestroika

Think Of: End of the Cold War – Early 1990s.

New freedoms – more democratic

Moving away from Communism.

If You See: Bolshevik Revolution

Think Of: Birth of Communism/Reds in Russia = U.S.S.R.

Got rid of all western/capitalist/democratic policies

The rise of Lenin (N.E.P) and then Stalin (failed 5-Year Plans).

If You See: Confucianism

Think Of: Filial Piety

Kids must honor/respect parents, elders, the dead, and gov’t authority.

The 5 relationships & Social Order

If You See: The Treaty of Versailles

Think Of: The “War Guilt Clause” – Blame Germany for causing the WWI – and played a major role in A. Hitler and Nazis’ rise to power.


Geographic characteristic shared by both Greece and Japan

Think Of: Archipelago – group, row, or chain of island

Irregular coastline = perfect for shipping/trading

Lacked arable land & natural resources – Conquest of other lands for what was lacking.

Martin Luther (95 Theses), John Calvin (new bible), and Henry VIII (6 wives/new religion =


Think Of: Protestant Reformation throughout Europe

Weakened the power/authority of the Catholic church

Creation of several different Christian sects.

If You See: Marco Polo

Think of: Interest in Asian cultures increased

Later lead to colonialism/imperialism of Asia = resources, labor force, and rich/strategic land.

North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) 1994 or the European Union (EU) post WWII

Think Of: Trade unions

Interdependence – working together for economic and political unity - reduce trade barriers between member nations

Does away with many trade obstacles, i.e. tariffs.

Hungarian Revolution in 1956 and the Tiananmen Square

demonstrations in 1989?

Think Of: Repressive action was taken to end both protests.

Students/citizens protesting against Communist gov’ts stronghold/dictatorial rule.

Wanting more freedoms – western style of gov’t.

If You See: Laissez- faire economics

Think Of:

Free Markets/trade


Little to no gov’t interaction in business – May the “best” win.

America and Western/democratic nations.

If You See: Human Rights Violations

Jews – Holocaust/WWII and throughout history

Cambodians – Genocide of over 2 million people at the hands of Pol Pot.

Rwanda (1994) Hutus killed approximately 1 million Tutsi, while the U.S./U.N. absolutely nothing.

Nanking – Genocide and Gendercide by the Japanese.

Armenians – Genocide by the Turks

Iraq – Kurds were killed in great numbers by S. Hussein

If You See:

The fight in the Middle East for the Holy land/Palestine = Muslims vs. Jews. Non-stop blood baths year after after.

If You See: Silk Roads

Think Of: - Trade & Travel: Europe/Middle East to China/Asia (vice versa): Exchange of goods/products.

- Cultural Diffusion/New ideas.

Think Of:

European: Spanish & Portuguese rule

Colonialism in the Americas/Latin America

Who’s at the top? Peninsulares = Europeans from the Iberian Peninsula = Portugal & Spain.

Who’s at the bottom? Africans/Natives = slaves

If You See: Zionism

Homeland – for whom? The Jews.

Connected to the Balfour Declaration = agreement with the British gov’t for a homeland in Palestine.

Key in the creation of Israel.

If you want to understand the conflict in the Middle East, one needs to understand Zionism.

If You See: Karl Marx

A German political Philosopher – Spent most of his adult life in England; enjoyed more political freedoms there.

Wrote the Communist Manifesto alongside Frederick Engels

“Father” of modern Communism

Predicted a revolution of the proletariats vs. bourgeoisie would occur first in industrial Europe

Wrote during the Industrial Rev. = Mid. 1800s.

If You See: Chernobyl

Think Of: Major “man-made” disaster = destruction/mass deaths.

Nuclear explosion

Connect it to modern-day Japan – think back to what happened a few months ago.

If You See: Iran’s Ayatollah Khomeini and Afghanistan’s


Established an Islamic/theocratic state

Strict laws/customs.


Persepolis – You guys read it with Miyo – Hip, Hip Hooray for Miyo!

Reign of Terror during the French Revolution

Mass deaths

Used violent methods to eliminate their opponents

One year of chopping people’s heads off with a guillotine. I.e., Marie Antoinette & Louis XVI

Process of German unification/Nationalism

Bismarck was the “orchestrator”

“Blood & Iron” – his famous speech

The Panama Canal and Suez Canal

Shortened shipping routes between major bodies of water

Helped trade and travel

Save $$ & time.

Chronological Order

Roman Empire → Middle Ages → Crusades

Renaissance →European exploration of the Americas → Reformation

World War I →Treaty of Versailles → World War II →Korean War

If You See: Constantinople & Byzantine Empire

Think Of: Location made it the crossroads of Europe and Asia = Bosporus Sea – Helped to spread cultural diffusion.

Part of Eastern Rome – South of Russia.

Spread Christianity – Eastern Orthodoxy

Sepoy (Indian) or Boxer (Chinese)Rebellions

Think of: British/Western imperialism of Asia. The natives attempted to end the ruled, but failed in their attempts and only made matters worst.

Birth of the Industrial Revolution

Industrial Era

If You See: John Locke

Think of: Protect the natural rights of individuals. Speak about freedoms. Gov’t for and by the people.

If You See: Triple Alliance & the Triple Entente

Think of: One of the major causes of Great War/WWI. Helped to increased tensions between European countries.

If You See: Berlin Conference

Think of: Conquest and division of the so-called, “Dark Continent” = Africa at the hands of Europeans. When? Industrial Rev. 1800s

Imperialism/colonialism – all in the name of resources, labor force and land

White Man’s Burden

Social Darwinists

Stronger groups have the right to rule and control weaker groups

Applying Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution to everyday life/society.

Major dispute between India and Pakistan

Muslims vs. Hindus

India vs. Pakistan – Nuclear threats against one another

Augusto Pinochet, Saddam Hussein, and Slobodan


Oppressive regimes

Autocratic rule

Mass deaths/purges/ethnic violence = genocide

Human Rights Violations

Toussaint L’Ouverture

Nationalism/Freedom from the French

The great Haitian liberator

Helped Haiti gained its independence

Haiti became the first “Black” nation in the western hemisphere.

F. W. de Klerk and Nelson Mandela received the Nobel Peace Prize for their work to end the

- Discriminatory policy of apartheid

- Fought for more democratic form of government in S. Africa.

- Shortly after this, Mandela became the first black South African


Mao Zedong

- Introduced Communism to Chinese.

- Helped write the “Little Red Book” = symbol of Comminism in China.

- He was the Chinese leader most closely associated with leading the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution.

If you see…Deng Xiaoping… Think of: Modernization, Westernization, growth of Capitalism within China… The cartoon focuses on the fact that economic freedom in China has not led to political reforms & freedom.

The statements below refer to changes in Afghanistan in the 1990’s.

• The Taliban controls the government.• Women must clothe themselves from head to toe.• Men are required to grow beards.• Girls are not allowed to attend school.

These changes in Afghanistan have resulted

Islamic fundamentalism

The Columbian Exchange = New World (The Americas) meets Old World (Europe). Focuses on Cultural diffusion.

The cartoon shows the League of Nations hopes to use boycotts to end war = the league is weak one of the primary causes of WWII.

Rejection of the czarist system in Russia/U.S.S.R.

Rejection of Christianity/Religion & Capitalism

Impact of the Bolshevik Revolution = Intro to Communism

Agricultural advancement of the Incas

Settled around Peru = mountainous area

Not good for crops/cultivation = limited space/arable

When you think of the Incas, think of Manhattan. Very small island, but millions reside there and many more visit/conduct business there.

How? Tall buildings = do a lot with very little

For the Incas =Terracing of mountains for farming

Louis XIV and Peter the Great

Absolute ruler = The monarch is all mighty/all powerful

Power corrupts… absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Used religion = Divine Right of Kings

“Do not question government authority” = Autocratic gov’t

Centralized gov’t

Pax Romana & Pax Mongolia

Pax = means peace in Latin

Political/social stability

Often leads to a Golden Age = the best of times.

Mauryan/Gupta Empires

Ancient Indian Empires

Development of math and science. Use of Sanskrit language and development of the concept of zero

The Pillars of Emperor Asoka of the Mauryan Empire

Water = life

All early civilizations developed close to/around major river systems/valleys/waterways.

Egypt = The Nile, Mesopotamia = Euphrates & Tigris, China = Huang/Yellow River, India= Indus & Ganges Rivers

Byzantine (Eastern Rome)

Introduced the Cyrillic alphabet, Orthodox Christianity, and domed architecture to Russian culture

Hagia Sophia = Great temple

Golden Age in Spain

Cervantes’ literary classic Don Quixote, the rule of Isabella and Ferdinand, and the art of El Greco


Frigid region

Seeking access to warm water ports.

Largest landmass in the world

Most of it barren/waste land

Tundra = frozen desert

Seventeenth-century scholars Galileo Galilei and René


Contradicted traditional medieval European beliefs

Went against the teachings of the Bible/church

Fell into lots of trouble with traditional authorities

Used scientific/enlightened thinking/logic/methods to come to a conclusion.

“The powder keg of Europe” prior to World War I

The Balkans Peninsula – west of Italy. Find Italy on a map (the old lady’s boot) and then look east for a peninsula (body of water on three sides of the land/region).

One of the major causes of the Great War/WWI.

Too Many: cultures/religions, races, etc., = constant fight for nationalism/self-determination.

Causes of WWII

Masters, apprentices, and journeymen

Guild system of Europe in the Middle Ages

Form of a union

Training people to be professionals in a time where schools/organized education was all but none existent.

Shows the importance of Constantinople

Twelve Tables

Ancient Roman Laws & Customs

Helped to govern the citizens of Rome.

If You See: Five Year Plan

Think of: Joseph Stalin’s plan for Russia’s economic growth.

All but the first one failed.

Led to mass starvation – famine = mass deaths.

Focused on economic progress/growth (especially in terms of industry).

If You See: Mohandas Gandhi

Think of: India’s leader in the movement for independence from Great Britain

Method: Civil Disobedience – non-violence.

British trained lawyer – he was brilliant.

Wanted India to remain united as one nation where Hindus & Muslims worked together as one.

Civil disobedience: Boycott all British Products

If You See: The United Nations

Think of: Created after WWII.

Resolve conflicts between nations peacefully.

Prevent another World War or another major conflict. But what happened to: Rwanda? Vietnam?

Relates to the failures/ineffectiveness of the U.N. since its creation in stopping Genocide/Human Rights Violations.

Think in terms of:

- Mali & Songhai

(Northwest Africa)

- Mansa Musa of Mali


Think of: The Scientific Revolution

Think of:

- Spanish rule in Latin America

- Enslavement of the nations

- European (Spanish) conquest

of the so-called “New World”.

One similarity in the actions of Benito Mussolini and Saddam Hussein (and similar dictatorships/totalitarian forms of governments):

Think of:

- Denied individual rights – ill-treatment of citizens.

- Police states = “Big Brother”

- Dictatorship

Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)

Think of: Establish production quotas to control the price of oil.

Several oil producing nations united to control the distribution of oil production across the globe.

If You See: Korean or Vietnam Wars

Think of: Impact of the Cold War.

Proxy warfare

Post- WWII – 1950s – 70s.

If You See: Truman Doctrine or Marshall Plan

Think of: Working to prevent the so-called, “Domino Effect.”

Strengthen the alliances that had won the war

Containment policies

Fidel Castro in Cuba & the Sandinistas in Nicaragua

Think of: Communism/followed Marxist principles in Latin American nations throughout the Cold War.

World War II left many European nations weak and vulnerable

Think Of: Major turning point– why/how? Many African and Asian colonies united (nationalism) in order to fight for their independence.

Many gained independence during the 1950s – 70s.

Great Leap Forward & Four Modernizations (China)

Think of: Increase farm & factory output.

Growth of industry

If You See: Green Revolution

Think of: Green = increase plants/food/production using new methodologies, technologies, science, farming, etc. in poor nations/regions across the globe.

Helped to increase agricultural production based on technological advancements.

Was intended on curtailing/slowing down the growth of famine/world hunger, etc.

In many ways, one can easily argue that while the scientists meant well, long term, this “revolution” created more problems than it did indeed solve. Today, the so-called Green Revolution has helped to create monstrosities like G.M. or Genetically Modified food, which studies have shown have led to health problems, etc. A good documentary to watch on said subject is, Food, Inc.

Impact of the Green Revolution

If You See: Magna Carta, English of Rights, Glorious Revolution, Habeus Corpus, Petition of Rights, etc. (all connected to England/Britain)

Think of: Limited the power of the monarchy

More power to Parliament/the people = more democratic form of government. Away from absolute rule.

The purpose of both the Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan was to

Think of:

- Think of post-WWII era – war torn Europe.

- This was the focus on the US’ new foreign policy of

Containment: Prevent the spread of communism.

- Cold War Era: Capitalism vs. Communism.

- The U.S doled out (gave) several BILLION $$/aid to various

European nations in the hope of stopping the spread of


If you see the term, Imperialism

Think of:

• Treaty of Nanjing gives control of Hong Kong to Great Britain.

European conquest of Africa, Asia, & Latin America for Resources to feed the machine – The Industrial Revolution.

- The White Man’s Burden - The 3Cs - Spread of Christianity, Commerce and Conquest.

• French government sets up a protectorate in Cambodia.

• Italian forces occupy Ethiopia.

If you see… Maximilien Robespierre and the Jacobins

Think of:

- The French Revolution

- Instituting the Reign of Terror= mass

killing of well over 10,000 people.

- The Guillotine.

If you see… Thomas Malthus, who was truly worried about the rate of increase for human populations in relation to the rate of increase for food production was a problem. Malthus believed that

Think of:

- Population is growing too fast, and can’t keep up

with food production.

- Actually believed that wars, famines, natural

disasters, etc., are great things in slowing down the

rapid rate of population growth.

- Famine and war were natural checks on population


If you see… Turkish leader Kemal Atatürk

Think of:

- Modernization/Westernization of Turkey

- Secular (non-religious/non-Islamic) form of gov’t.

- Post-WWI Era (1920s onward).

If you see… Russian Revolution (1917) aka Bolshevik Revolution – Rise of Communism in Russia

Think of:

- An incompetent government

(led by the CZAR)

- Massacres on Bloody Sunday

- High costs of World War I

Countries in the dark color were once part of the former republics of the Soviet Union

Think of… the Neolithic Revolution

Think of… the history of Apartheid = Extreme form of racism in South Africa.

Learn to read between the lines:What’s the answer? Think of: Oppression.

If You See: Any question dealing with “Golden Age”

Think of: Best of times for a particular nation or empire.

Great economy, literary period, arts, science/math, etc.

If You See: Mercantilism

Think of: Economic system – age of Exploration and beyond (W. European nations).

Colonies were created to benefit the “Mother Country.” Colonies MUST serve.

All wealth and power for the “Mother Country.”


If You See: Pol Pot

Think of: The “Adolf Hitler” of Cambodia (my words) = mass deaths. Over 2 million were brutally murdered.

Often associated/connected to the Vietnam War.


If You See: Iron Curtain (taken from a speech)

Given by Winston Churchill – Prime Minister of Great Britain

Think of: Cold War affairs

A political/hypothetic wall created by the Soviets to separate Europe post-WWII.

Created a world of twos: Western democracy/capitalist vs. Eastern/Communist.

If you see Stalin’s Five-Year Plan

Think of:

- In the early 1930s, millions of

Ukrainians died as a result of

forced famine.

- Genocide/Ethnic purge (mass


If You See: Nelson Mandela

Think of: Apartheid in S. Africa = ultra racial discrimination/segregation at the hand of the whites = Afrikaans (Dutch settlers) and the British descendants.

Arrested/then imprisoned for 27 years

Worked to make S. Africa more democratic

First black president of S. Africa.




Interpret the slide: Explains why France failed to join the Allies in the Iraqi War (2003)

The Mongols = conquered vast lands

The Rome Empire



Proliferation of military weapons could destroy the world.

Pre-Columbian Era = shows that the natives had created magnificent things/structures (pyramids) prior to Europeans “discovering” the region.

Cold War: NATO vs. Warsaw

Pre-Age of Exploration: Pre-Columbus/Pre-“Discovery” of the New World = Trade conducted mainly around the Mediterranean Sea.

During the Age of Exploration = Europeans traveling across the globe. Europeans were “hungry” for exotic things/goods. The map also shows that the Chinese under the Ming Dynasty with “Junk” ships trekked to different parts of the globe, too.

Large/Vast Empire - By the 1500s, the Ottoman Empire controlled parts of the Middle East, North Africa, and eastern Europe – Muslim/Islamic

Speaks volumes to Human Rights violations in China even in today’s modern “free” world = The Chinese gov’t is infringing on or abridging citizens’ civil liberties/basic human rights.

Impact of AIDS = The bleak situations that plague sub-

Saharan Africa

Monsoons = Wind (connects to trade, travel & weather pattern throughout the Indian


1990s: Capitalist or Communist – Many decisions to make = End of the Cold War/Fall

of the USSR (Early 1990s)

E.U.& its growth: Think of economic unity/end trade barriers, etc.
