Identifying Animals › 2020 › 03 › identifyin… · Identifying Animals Today we will be......


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Identifying Animals

Today we will be...Finding out how to take care of animals.

I have always wanted a pet dog, but I am not sure how to look after one. Please will you help me find out what a dog

needs to be happy and healthy?

Dogs need their own bed where they can rest undisturbed. They need to be taken out for walks every day.

Dogs need to be groomed regularly. Long-haired dogs need to be brushed once a day. Short-haired dogs need

to be brushed twice a week.

Dogs need a healthy balanced diet. You should check the food packet to see how much your dog needs to eat each day. This helps to keep your dog at a healthy weight, not too fat and not too thin. They also need clean water to


Dogs are very social animals. They should not be left alone for long periods of time. When dogs are lonely they

become bored and often bark or damage things.

I didn’t realise it was so difficult to look after a dog properly! You have to remember to do so many things.

I have always wanted a pet corn snake, but I am not sure how to look after one. I wonder if

it will be easier to care for than a dog.

Snakes live in vivariums, which is a glass fronted tank. The tank must be kept warm. You need to check the

temperature regularly to make sure it is just right. Snakes need to exercise each day so they need plenty of vines,

plants and logs in their tank to explore.

Snakes shed their skin every three to four weeks when they are growing and every three to four months when

they are an adult. To help them do this they often spend lots of time in their water bowl to help remove their skin.

Snakes like to eat mice. Young snakes eat baby mice and adult snakes eat adult mice. Young snakes need to be fed

once or twice a week. Adults only need to be fed every ten days. Snakes drink a lot of water. They wash in their water


Snakes are not very sociable animals. They prefer to live

alone. When holding them you must be

careful not to frighten or hurt them.

I didn’t realise it was so difficult to look after a corn snake! Did you know they eat mice?

I definitely do not want a pet snake! I have always wanted a pet guinea pig, but I am not sure how to look after

one. I wonder if it will be easier to care for than a dog or a snake.

Guinea pigs need a large waterproof hutch and a safe place to exercise in. They like to run around in shady

grassy areas.

Short-haired guinea pigs do not need to be groomed. Long-haired guinea pigs should be groomed every day with a soft brush.

Guinea pigs need hay or grass all day and all night. They also need dry feed and fresh greens every day. Like dogs

and snakes, guinea pigs need clean water to drink each day.

Guinea pigs are very social animals. They get very lonely when they are not around other guinea pigs.

I didn’t realise it was so difficult to look after a guinea pig! Did you know they get lonely?

I am not allowed a pet. So I like to collect mini beasts. Is there anything I need to remember to look after them?

Mini beasts are living creatures. They need food, water and shelter just like other animals. You should always put an animal back where you found it, or it might not be able

to the find things it needs to survive.

Mini beasts are small and delicate. When holding them you must make sure you are gentle.

If you hold them too tight you can hurt them.


I would like to have a few small pets. I like grooming

animals. I live somewhere with grass and shade.

Which pet is best for each character?

I should have a guinea pig. Did you guess right?

I only want one pet. I don’t like grooming animals. I am good

at finding mice.

I should have a snake. Did you guess right?

I enjoy going for a walk every day. I like to play. I spend a lot

of time at home.

I should have a dog. Did you guess right?
