Ideaerobics - AdSchool 2013



Ideaerobics is a series of brainstorming & idea generation exercises. This version was run at the AdSchool BIG (Big Ideas Generator) course in Sydney, 2013. For a full description of what Ideaerobics is, and how to run an Ideaerobics session, check out

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Fuck yeah.


Fuck yeah.


Ideaerobics is a series of short, sharp exercises designed to stretch those hard-to-reach idea muscles.

Ideaerobics is competitive.

Ideaerobics is about sharing and building ideas after each exercise.

Ideaerobics adds a third stimuli into the creative mix, besides the brief and our personal experience.

Ideaerobics Preparation

1. Get a basic brief. Objective, target audience, role of the brand. That’ll do.

2. Get some people. Split into groups of 3-4, with a mix of skills and styles in each group.

4. Get some exercise gear (optional). Sweatbands and legwarmers welcome.

5. Get some music. 5 x pop-length tracks, with a wide mix of genres.

3. Get 7 Ideaerobics exercises. 2 warm-ups and 5 exercises that look appropriate/fun.

Warm Up

Actual stretches people. Let’s get (slightly) physical.

1. Party Time!

What does it drink? Who does it talk to? How is it dressed? Is it a guy or girl? What kind of guys or girls does it like? Does it hide in the corner or is it the life of the party?

Your brand walks into a party.

2. Join a Cult

Your client wants you to start a cult for the brand. Describe the chants, rituals, uniforms, initiations, clubhouse and obscure rules.

3. Stream of Mash-Ups

Take one thing about the client’s brand and write down the 20 things that come to mind.

Take another thing about the client’s brand and write down another 20 things that come to mind.

Pick a word from each list and put them together to form the basis of an idea.

4. The Big Issue

Let’s find a way to solve the problem and save the world…all at the same time!

5. Target Audience Time Machine

Replace your target audience with someone polar opposite and come up with an idea that would be great for them!

Then make it work for the real audience.

6. Get Fired

If you presented these ideas, you’d be escorted from the building.

Now make them plausible.

7. Corporate Takeover

Your favourite celebrity just bought the client’s business and is the new CMO and CEO.

How would they solve the problem?
