ICOMTT2020 International Conference on Management...


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ICOMTT2020 – International Conference on

Management, Technology and Tourism

The ICOMTT2020 conference will take place on the 6 and 7 of February, 2020, at the School of Management

and Technology of the Polytechnic Institute of Santarém, Portugal.

Conference Programme

6th February • Thursday

9:00 – 9:30 Registration

9:30 – 10:30 Official opening of the Conference

Room M4 Conference Chair, Sandra Oliveira

President of the Polytechnic Institute of Santarém, José Mira Potes

President of the Polytechnic Institute of Beja, João Paulo Trindade

Director of School of Technology and Management of Beja, João Filipe Santos

Director of School of Management and Technology of Santarém, Vitor Costa

Director of the UIIPS - Polytechnic Institute of Santarém Research Unit, Maria Barbas

Coordinator of CIEQV - Life Quality Research Centre, José Rodrigues

Mayor of the City of Santarém, Ricardo Gonçalves (*)

Ombudsman of the Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Santarém, Herminio Martinho (*)

10:30 – 11:00 Keynote session 1: Aging in Contemporaneity and Senior Tourism

Room M4 Teresa Medeiros – University of Azores

Moderators: Susana Leal and Ana Rodrigues (*)

11:00 – 11:30 Coffee break and networking

11:30 – 13:00 Parallell Sessions 1

Moderators: Ricardo São João, Regina Ferreira, Carla Vivas, Ana Rodrigues (*)

13:00 – 14:30 Lunch

14:30 – 15:00

Room M4

Keynote session 2: Social Tourism and the senior market: theoretical reflections

and empirical insights

Joana Lima – University of Évora

Moderators: Marta Amaral and Cristina Santos (*)

15:00 – 16:30 Parallell Sessions 2

Moderators: Cláudio Barradas, Aldo Passarinho, João Nascimento, Cristina Santos (*)

17:00-19:00 Social Programme

20:00 Conference Dinner

(*) To confirm.

7th February • Friday

9:00 – 9:30 Registration

9:30 – 10:00 Keynote session 3: AI: Lets make it work for management

Room M4 Soumodip Sarkar – University of Évora

Moderators: João Nascimento and Cláudio Barradas (*)

10:00 – 10:30 Coffee Break and Networking

10:30 – 13:00 Parallell Sessions 3

Moderators: Marta Amaral, Ricardo São João, Ana Isabel Rodrigues (*)

13:00 – 14:30 Lunch

14:30 – 15:00 Keynote session 4: Super-Urban Existential Awareness in the Networked Society

Room M4 Piet Kommers - University of Twente

Moderators: Aldo Passarinho and Carla Vivas (*)

15:00 – 16:30 Volto Já Project Panel

Room M4 Commentators: Piet Kommers and Teresa Medeiros

Social Value Creation: The Example of the Volto Já Project

How to measure the impact of participation in the Volto Já Project on the seniors’ quality of life?

The role of social tourism in the satisfaction of elderly customers: The case of the Volto Já Project

Towards an Information System for Social Value Creation

A Framework for Developing Tourism Packages and Experiences in Senior Tourism

Communication Design and Market Analysis in Senior Tourism: Volto Já Project

Digital Communication Strategy for a Social Economy Project Support by Web Platform

16:30 – 16:45 Closing ceremony and best paper awards

Room M4 Sandra Oliveira, Susana Leal, Aldo Passarinho, Marta Amaral (*)

(*) To confirm.

Parallell Sessions 1 • 6th February 2020 • 11:30 – 13:00

Room M3

# Authors Oral comunication

12 Bruno Lobo, José Manso and Miguel Gonçalves The accountant profession’s history in Portugal, with special focus on

the 18th century

44 João Teodósio and Inês Lisboa Board gender diversity and Capital Structure: the case of Portuguese

listed firms

55 Luciana Gumide, João Romacho, Isabel Borges and

Carla Santos

Financial balance and profitability relationship in the SMEs – A

comparation between Portalegre and Portugal in the wine sector

56 Natália Costa, João Romacho, Cristina Dias and

Hermelinda Carlos

Financial literacy in portugal: Literature review and research proposal

63 Daniela Rodrigues and Maria Dâmaso Comparison of the level of disclosure of elements of statement of

financial position of the PSI-20 entities

Room M4

# Authors Oral comunication

20 César Ribeiro and Carlos Santos Pinho The Ethics of Tax Evasion: A study addressed to professors and

students of higher management and non-management courses

31 Ana Marta Aleixo, Susana Leal and Ulisses Azeiteiro The sustainable development in Portuguese higher education

institutions: An exploratory study of students' perceptions

37 Ana Pacheco, Ana Catarina Silva, Jorge Simões and

Ruben Loureiro

Importance of Innovation Networks: Case Study in Higher Education

Institutions (HEIs) in Portugal

42 Filipa Carvalho, Vasco Caseiro, Ruben Loureiro and

Jorge Simões

Environmental Sustainability: case study in retail companies (Médio


74 Catarina Carreira and Sérgio Rosa The cost of non-adhesion to non-invasive ventilation

Room M6

# Authors Oral comunication

46 Miguel Arriaga, Marta Rosa, Jessica Filipe, Francisco

Mata, Nicole Silva, Beatriz Raposo, Carlota Silva, Gisele

Câmara, Rita Horgan, Benvinda Santos and Andreia


Technology in the decade of healthy aging (2020-2030)

76 Ana Rita Peixoto, Lara Fernandes, Mário Cardoso,

Vanessa Afonso

Impact of Social Discharges on the National Health System

84 Sónia Penas, Felisbela Gens, Ana Conceição, Goreti

Honório and Sandra Oliveira

The Value of Disease Prevention: Some Considerations

87 Mário Cardoso and Tiago Nascimento Healthier Architecture: a Contribute from Nursing

92 Raquel Gueifão Determinants of the healthcare private units’ choice in Portugal: an

exploratory study

Room M7

# Authors Oral comunication

8 Manuel Fernandes Food: how it influences cultural value creation and the development

of cultural innovation

16 Ana Cláudia Silva Tourist-literary visit: the museum houses of the writer José Régio

30 Andreia Costa, Belem Barbosa, Madalena Abreu Millennials perceptions, motivations and preferences on luxury

ecotourism: A qualitative study with Portuguese tourists

45 Júlio Reis and Maria Luísa Castro Golunteer: Financially sustainable nature upkeep

52 António Campos, Cristiane Santos and Claudete


Proposal to use Open Source technologies for tourism management

Parallell Sessions 2 • 6th February 2020 • 15:00 – 16:30

Room M3

# Authors Oral comunication

13 Vera Araújo, Jorge Simões, Sílvio Silva Entrepreneurship: a bibliographical study on their origin, types and

enhancing factors

15 Belem Barbosa, Sandra Filipe and Cláudia Amaral


An Exploratory Study on Digital Marketing Adoption by Industrial B2B


18 Sandra Filipe, Belem Barbosa and Claudia Amaral


Can Digital Marketing Leverage Internationalization of B2B

Companies? Taking Note of Managers’ Insights

61 João Candeias Entrepreneurial ecosystems: Assessing public sector interventions

62 Sandra Filipe Entrepreneurship initiatives of Portuguese enterprises: an exploratory

study on the obstacles' entrepreneurs face

Room M4

# Authors Oral comunication

24 Margarida Coelho, Teresa Coelho, Raúl Cordeiro,

António Casa Nova, Isabel Antón Solanas, Lucía

Sagarra, Valérie Vanceulebroeck, Shana Dehaes,

Indrani Kalkan and Nuran Kömürcü

How to promote Transcultural Nursing competences through

multicultural learning strategies – the TC-Nurse Erasmus+ project

27 Fernando Miguel Seabra, Joaquim Contreiras and Ana

Patrícia Duarte

Gender differences on labour issues in hotel industry in the Algarve,

Portugal: The perceptions of employees from two business groups

38 Ana Catarina Silva, Ana Pacheco, Ruben Loureiro and

Jorge Simões

Internal centralization of warehouses in the Health Sector and

influence on financial results: theoretical review

50 Hermelinda Trindade Carlos, João Romacho, Cristina

Dias and Fábio Duarte

Yoga and the level of satisfaction of its practitioners in a higher

education institution

54 Ana Catarina Neves, Carla Ferreira and Sandra Oliveira

The Urgency of Emergence Services: the frequent users of a medium

Portuguese hospital

Room M6

# Authors Oral comunication

26 Maria Cristina Faria Promoting Successful and Healthy Aging through the Website of

Proximity to the Community

36 Sandra Lozano and Maria Cristina Faria Flourishing and Meditation in Older People Regular Practitioners of


48 Jorge Rodrigues and Maria Amélia Marques Quality of life: “A Word of Comfort” volunteer project

67 Pedro Oliveira Territorial governance and sustainable development in peripherical

regions: economic and institutional challenges

68 Cláudia Cordeiro and Pedro Oliveira Youth's education for social entrepreneurship: outcomes and pitfalls

of an applied project

Room M7

# Authors Oral comunication

19 Felipe Silva, David Resende and Marlene Amorim A systematic review of the Industry 4.0 (I4.0) concepts and elements

applied in biopharmaceutical sector

34 Soraya Sedkaoui and Mounia Khelfaoui Industry 4.0 and Knowledge Management practices

80 Pedro Fonseca, Renato Costa, Álvaro Dias, Leandro

Pereira and Carlos Jerónimo

The impact of technology in distribution – predicting autonomous

vehicles acceptance and use

85 Pedro Neves Mata, Mário Nuno Mata and Jessica


Sentiment analysis: A literature review

Parallell Sessions 3 • 7th February 2020 • 10:30 – 13:00

Room M3

# Authors Oral comunication

58 Susana Leal, Paula Ruivo and Sónia M. A. Morgado A Systematic Literature Review of the Quality of Working Life and

Employee Outcomes

64 Pedro Espírito Santo, Alexandra Teixeira, Patrícia


Quality of life and affective image as an antecedent of word of mouth

by the citizen

65 Pedro Espírito Santo, Joana Monteiro, Patrícia


Awareness and Loyalty on Travel Agencies

66 Pedro Espírito Santo, Jorge Ferreira, Patrícia Cardoso

Intention to use Skin Care products by men

82 Sónia Duarte Vieira The effects of communication on customer loyalty to the local

housing sector: A case study

Room M4

# Authors Oral comunication

39 Ana Margarida Ramos, Rúben Loureiro and Célio


Logistic Optimization Process in Hemodialysis Clinic

72 Paula Silva and Susana Leal The humble and transformational leadership styles as antecedents of

emotional intelligence skills in health sector employees

81 Mafalda Frazão and Susana Leal The influence of engagement and well-being at work on the

performance of healthcare professionals

88 Alzira Ferreira, J. Neves Silva, Sandra Oliveira and S.

Reis Nunes

Schizophrenia management in home treatment: The case of the local

health unit of Guarda

94 Sofia Ferreirinha, Sandra Oliveira and Graça Teixeira Creating value in health institutions through a different approach to

the wasteful management of resources

Room M6

# Authors Oral comunication

9 José Amorim The non-habitual resident tax regime in Portugal: a tax incentive for

economic development

21 Cristina Sá and Helena Alves The relation between information asymmetry, disclosure policy and

corporate tax planning

23 Maria Basílio and Carlos Borralho Financial distress in municipalities

83 António Lourenço, Mário Mata and Tiago Arsénio Comparison of static models in optimization of the determinants of

the Portuguese SME capital structure

91 Ana Rita Santos and Miguel Gonçalves Jornal de Contabilidade of the Portuguese Association of Accounting

Technicians (APOTEC): a bibliometric analysis of the literature on

ethics, deontology and accounting profession (2010-2019)


# Posters Authors

28 COM_VIDA (WITH_LIFE) Active Aging, Health

Promotion and Wellness

João Cascalheira, Renata Veríssimo, Maria Cristina Faria and José

Pereirinha Ramalho

33 Portuguese people profile: a quantitative study about

apartment choices

Maria Zulmira Nascimento Cunha, José Magano

43 A Technological Overview on Intervention Projects in

Ageing Population

Miguel Arriaga, Jessica Filipe, Francisco Mata, Nicole Chaves da

Silva, Beatriz Raposo, Marta Rosa, Carlota Ribeiro da Silva, Gisele

Câmara, Rita Horgan, Benvinda Santos and Andreia Costa

47 Startups Photostat: When numbers matter Cristina Dias, Maria Isabel Borges, Maria José Varadinov, Carla

Santos, João Romacho and Hermelinda Carlos

49 Preventing misinformation in data visualization Carla Santos, Cristina Dias, Maria Borges and João Romacho

51 Market Analysis - A Classroom Experience Hermelinda Trindade Carlos, João Romacho and Cristina Dias

59 The impact of transformational leadership on

employees’ affective commitment, stress and


Neuza Ribeiro, Daniel Gomes, Ana Patrícia Duarte, Ana Suzete

Semedo and Inês Medina

69 Refood: One example of social value creation in the

Social Economy sector

Fábia Rogério, Cristiana Cordeiro and Susana Leal

71 Location strategies of a Portuguese company of

production and commercialization of beer and soft


Eliana Sousa, Mariana Anjos and Susana Leal

75 Passion, motivation and subjective well-being in

adapted sport

Anabela Vitorino, Filipe Rodrigues, Diogo Monteiro, Teresa Bento and

Luis Cid

89 Forecasting demand for dairy products: a practical


Anastasiya Kovalevka, Francisco Santos, Gonçalo Melo and Joana


90 Technology transfer and knowledge sharing, from

interface entities to industry, as an incentive for

innovation and development (Observ.Tech Project)

Vânia Pacheco and Nuno Araújo

93 Clinical governance, leadership and health care quality:

A scoping review

Regina Ferreira, José Amendoeira and Mário Silva


Polytechnic Institute of Santarém

Santarém School of Management and Technology

Building M

Complexo Andaluz, Apartado 295

2001-904 Santarém


Instituto Politécnico de Santarém

Escola Superior de Gestão e Tecnologia de


Edifício M

Complexo Andaluz, Apartado 295

2001-904 Santarém


More information on the conference website: http://icomtt2020.ipsantarem.pt/
