ICES Opportunity - Ireland


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ICES Educational Opportunity

Joshua Spencer EDUC 8144-1

Teacher Leadership: Trends, Issues, and Global Perspectives

Dr. Katherine Koss: Instructor


Educational Opportunity: A Study of the Culture, Customs, and Education

Briefly explain aspects that affect and influence education (culture, geography, etc.)

Explain and support impacts on learning, noting traits that apply to the culture in the study

Suggest resources that provide a better understanding of the Ireland culture

Invite colleagues questions, observations, and input

Submit a lesson/activities that promotes understanding and respect of the culture and differences

Background Information

U.S. relations with Ireland have long been based on common ancestral ties and shared values, and emigration has been a foundation of the U.S.-Irish relationship. Besides regular dialogue on political and economic issues, the U.S. and Irish Governments have official exchanges in areas such as medical research and education. With Ireland's membership in the European Union (EU), discussions of EU trade and economic policies as well as other aspects of EU policy have also become key elements in the U.S.-Irish relationship


Background Information Cont.

Economic and trade ties are an important to U.S.-Irish relations. U.S. exports to Ireland include electrical components and equipment, computers, pharmaceuticals, and livestock feed. Irish exports to the United States include alcoholic beverages, chemicals, electronic data processing equipment, electrical machinery, textiles and clothing, and glassware. U.S. firms account for over half of Ireland's total exports

U.S. investment has been particularly important to the growth and modernization of Irish industry, providing new technology, export capabilities, and employment opportunities. U.S. subsidiaries in Ireland employ roughly 100,000 people and span activities from manufacturing of high-tech electronics, computer products, medical supplies, and pharmaceuticals to retailing, banking, finance, and other services. In more recent years, Ireland has also become an important research and development center for U.S. firms in Europe .


Background Information Cont.

Education has always been important in Ireland

Prior to national system established in 1831, a vast network of schools already existed

Education is considered the most important aspect in the development of Irish Society

Many aspects of the administration of the Irish education system are centralized in the Department of Education and Science. The Department sets the general regulations for the recognition of schools, prescribes curricula, establishes regulations for the management, resourcing and staffing of schools, and negotiates teachers salary scales

Lesson Plan Objectives

Explain Why St. Patrick’s Day is celebrated around the world and it significance

Locate cities in the United States and in Ireland on a map

Research the history of Ireland and create a timeline containing major events

Compare the government of Ireland to the government of the United States

Demonstrate research skills by creating a student’s almanac focusing on Ireland

Demonstrate different writing techniques by making a travel brochure highlighting Ireland and writing a letter

Activity #1: St. Patrick’s Day

Explore St. Patrick and find out more about the customs by visiting web page “St. Patrick’s Festival” at

Create a biography of St. Patrick to include the following:

1. Who was St. Patrick?

2. What did he do that was significant in Ireland?

3. What were his major contributions to Ireland?

What American holidays do we celebrate that are a result of a famous person’s contributions? Can you list any?

Activity #2: Where in the World?

Look at a map of Ireland by going to the web page “Map of Ireland” at

Locate the following cities: Dublin, Belfast, Shannon

Compare distances between cities by visiting “How Far Is It?” at Find the distances between the Irish cities and the following U.S. cities: Chicago, Atlanta, Dallas, and New York. Create a mileage chart listing the distances

What other kind of information can you find about the Irish cities? Which is the closest to you home? Which is the farthest?

Activity #3 – History of Ireland

Students will read about Irish History by going to “Irish History – The Story of the Irish RaceIreland Earthlore” – Irish Cultural Explorations at: looking for the following:

1. From where did most of the first Irish settlers come from?

2. What was the Bronze Age?

3. What famous person arrived in 432 AD

4. Why did Irish history change forever in the 4th century?

5. When did the age of illumination end

6. What happened when the Vikings arrived and what impact is that having on Ireland still today?

7. What does England have to do with Ireland?

8. Who was Oliver Cromwell?

9. What was the darkest period in Irish history?

10. What conflict in still going on today?

Activity #3 continued

When students are finished with their research, the will create a timeline and mural in the classroom. It will include the highlights of Irish history as well as illustrations and pictures made or cut from magazines or newpaper

Activity #4: Politics and Power

Students will go the web pages “Facts about Ireland – The Irish State” at and “The CIA World Factbook” at

Students will find the following information about Ireland and create a page that gives this information in an organized manner:

1. After whom is the country of Ireland named?

2. What does the Irish flag look like and what do the

the colors mean?

3. Look for information about land division and create a

pie chart that displays the information

4. How many provinces and countries make up Ireland?

5. Compare the governments of the United States and Ireland

using the following headings: Type of Government, Head of

Government, Office Term, Legislative Structure, Courts, Major Parties

Activity #5: Create A Child’s Almanac

Students will go to the web page “Facts about Ireland” at

Students will look at the following categories to find information they think is most important to include in the almanac: Land and People, Physical Feature/Climate, Wildlife, Environment, Religion, Educational System, Population, Language, History, The Irish State, National Day, Flag, Anthem, Emblem – Meaning, Culture, Literature, Art, Music, Folklore

Students can also used information from prior activities to include in this almanac

Students can design their almanac using the computer or pencils and constructions paper.

Activity #6: Taking a Virtual Tour

Students will visit the following websites to help gather information about Ireland:

“Quick VisIT Guide to Ireland” at

Virtual Tour of Ireland at

“An Interactive Travel Guide to the Best of Ireland at

“Virtual Tourist Guide to Ireland” at

After visiting the websites, students will make a list of places that the most intriguing to them, and then write a persuasive letter to encourage a friend to visit Ireland

Students will also create a travel guide for visitors to Ireland. It will contain key items that a traveler will need to know before visiting Ireland. Once the travel guide is created, it will be place in the school library for students and parents to view

Differentiation Strategies:

Activities can be designed to meet the needs of individual students

Activities allow students to work by themselves, in groups, work with a peer, use technology, practice research skills

Certain activities allow students to decide what should included (ex. brochure)

Students can be assessed during activities as well as looking at the final product

Teacher is more of a guide rather than feeding the information to the students

Acitivities can highlight a variety of learning styles

Differentiation Continued

Peer Grouping

Writing/Presentation Skills


Use of technology

Research Skills

Creativity/Artistic Abilities

Flexible Grouping

Aspects Affecting Education in Ireland

Ethnic Groups: Ireland is made up of 87.4% Irish. Currently, Ireland is experiencing an increase in immigrants, which it is not used to

Impact on Education: Ireland is increasing its support and funding for intercultural education. The increased number of immigrants, there is a gap between those who speak English at home and those who do not

Aspects Continued

Mathematics PISA Scores: Ranked 32 out of 65 countries participating

Impact on education: Focused on math, as well as science, initiatives since moving from an agricultural society to a technological and industrial society

Aspects Continued

Education Expenditures: 4.9% of GDP (2007)

Impact on Education: Students do not have to enter school until the age of six. Ireland is spending more time focusing on 3 40 4 year olds before they enter school; focusing on providing educational opportunities for all students in different parts of the country; started effort in 2007 to reduce class size by hiring teachers and focusing more on rural schools

Aspects Continued

Labor Force (By Occupation): Services 76%, Industry 19%, Agriculture 5%

Impact on education: Ireland is moving from a past history as an agricultural economy to one based on technology and industry; increased emphasis on math and science

Aspects Continued

Transportation: Airports 107th in the world; Railways 54th in the world; Roadways 46th in the world

Impact on Education: Ireland is increasing funding for transportation, especially in the rural parts of the country; This will provide greater access to educational opportunities for students not only to different parts of Ireland, but to parts of Europe as well

Aspects Continued

Educational System: Pre-School, Primary, Second Level (Middle and High School), Third Level (Technical/College/University)

Impacts on Education: Ireland views education as a central part to the economic, social, and cultural success to the development of Ireland; PISA Scores (Reading: 21st, Mathematics: 32nd, Science 20th); Developing a scientific approach to problem solving which emphasizes understanding and constructive thinking, encouraging children to explore, develop and apply scientific ideas and concepts through designing and making activities , and fostering children’s natural curiosity to develop independent inquiry and creative action

S.W.O.T. Analysis

Strengths: Strengths can be found in Ireland’s desire to educate their population and provide opportunities for all students to have access to a quality education.

Weaknesses: There are still parts of Ireland that are very rural, and getting those students to schools can be difficult. Continued funding to transportation services needed

Opportunities: spending time on 3 and 4 year olds so when students enter school at age 6 they are better prepared to handle academics

Threats: Increased immigration is something Ireland is not used to as they continue to move to a technological and industrial society from an agricultural society; Need support for intercultural education


A Brief Description of the Irish System – Department of Education (2012). Retrieved from

Central Intelligence Agency (2011). The world factbook: Ireland and United States. Retrieved from

Educational Research Center – Ireland (2012). Retrieved from

Ireland Education (2012). Retrieved from

Ireland Geography (2012). Retrieved from

Ireland People and Society (2012). Retrieved from

Program for International Student Assessment (2009). Retrieved from,2987,en_32252351_32235731_1_1_1_1_1,00.html

References Cont.

United States Department of State – United States Relations with Ireland (2012). Retrieved from
