IceCube 79 Solar WIMP Searchmda65/talks/IC79wimp_brussels.pdf · 2010-10-12 · Matthias Danninger...


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IceCube 79 Solar WIMP Search

Matthias Danninger

Matthias Danninger September 20, 2010 Brussels Collaboration Meeting 2


● IC79-detector in analysis

● Status & Plans IC79 WIMPs

IC86 sens. study vs. IC79

processing L0/L1/L2

higher analysis levels

● IC79 Dark Matter prospects: summer conferences

how to present results

MODELS considered

• arise in extensions of the Standard Model• assumed to be stable: relics from the Big Bang• mass from few GeV to few TeV


• MSSM: lightest super-symmetric particle (LSP) neutralino,

χ01 = z1 1 B + z1 2 W3 + z1 3 H0

1+ z1 4 H02

simulation of “softest” and “hardest” case

hard: m(χ01) [35 GeV – 5 TeV] (τ+τ− / W+W-)

soft: m(χ01) [35 GeV – 5 TeV] (b b)

• Universal extra dimensions: Lightest Kaluza-Klein particle (LKP), B( 1 ) or γ ( 1 )

fixed branching ratios: m(γ ( 1 ) [250 GeV–3TeV]


Matthias Danninger September 20, 2010 Brussels Collaboration Meeting 3

IceCube 79-string detectorfiducial detector volume:

→ all inner strings (2-string veto) → 10 top-DOM veto layer

DeepCore detector volume: → standard definition

parameters & observables:→ HLC-pulses (+fits)

→ seededRTCut cleaned SLC+HLC-pulses (+fits)

115 expected days of data 97% uptime 111.5 days 62% of sens. study→ → →VolumeTrigger not running! 50% sensitivity loss for low masses at filter levelseveral improvements expected (already): filters, SLC & comb. Llh-recopreliminary analysis-framework is prepared ready to start→

Matthias Danninger September 20, 2010 Brussels Collaboration Meeting 4

IC79 WIMPs analysis plansIceCube-80 + DeepCore-6 sensitivity:

● final geometry & high QE PMTs included(string 79 & 80 @ original location)

● high statistics samples of corsika µ-background and atm backgroundν(incl. coincident 2 and 3 background)μ μ

● Current reconstruction-methods (IceCube-59) used

full analysis chain optimized (all simulation) (incl. multivariate cuts)

IC79 WIMPs starting point talk:

Matthias Danninger September 20, 2010 Brussels Collaboration Meeting 5

Low-level steps IC79 analysis →

General Points

HQE-DOM efficiency

more (new signal MC)

IC86 → IC79 retrigger

SMT4 trigger SMT3→

new analysis framework incl. SLC+HLC pulses

SLC+HLC llh-reco shows improvement for low multipl.-tracks

Matthias Danninger September 20, 2010 Brussels Collaboration Meeting 6

General Points

HQE-DOM efficiency

more (new signal MC)

IC86 → IC79 retrigger

SMT4 trigger SMT3→

new analysis framework incl. SLC+HLC pulses

SLC+HLC llh-reco shows improvement for low multipl.-tracks

IC79 - L0/L1SLC cleaning (fixed)

adjust event-TW ( L2) →-------------------------------optimized online filters (DC wimp events get filtered with 99.9% eff.)+ lowUP_2010

SLC+HLC llh-reco improves string-triggered signal filter-eff. & better background rejection

Low-level steps IC79 analysis →

Matthias Danninger September 20, 2010 Brussels Collaboration Meeting 7

General Points

HQE-DOM efficiency

more (new signal MC)

IC86 → IC79 retrigger

SMT4 trigger SMT3→

new analysis framework incl. SLC+HLC pulses

SLC+HLC llh-reco shows improvement for low multipl.-tracks

IC79 - L0/L1SLC cleaning (fixed)

adjust event-TW ( L2) →-------------------------------optimized online filters (DC wimp events get filtered with 99.9% eff.)+ lowUP_2010

SLC+HLC llh-reco improves string-triggered signal filter-eff. & better background rejection

IC79 - L2Work in progresswith muon-wg,low-E & wimp-wg---------------------------------SLC-hitCleaningincl. best possible SLChits

NFE vs. oldFEX-check, effect on llh-reco

Which L2 track reco

Low Level AnalysisVery important

Low-level steps IC79 analysis →

Matthias Danninger September 20, 2010 Brussels Collaboration Meeting 8

high-level steps IC79 analysis→


L3 processing wimps?L2 good enough?If L3, muon-wg L3?---------------------------

LLHreco zenith angle [86° < < 120°] Θ

excl. single string events nstring > 1

z_travel > -30m

Matthias Danninger September 20, 2010 Brussels Collaboration Meeting 9


L3 processing wimps?L2 good enough?If L3, muon-wg L3?---------------------------

LLHreco zenith angle [86° < < 120°] Θ

excl. single string events nstring > 1

z_travel > -30m


selection of horizontal track-like events------------------------------

_av < 100m Sum all strings (Sum shortest distance track to string/nchan)

z_extern < 400m

high-level steps IC79 analysis→

Matthias Danninger September 20, 2010 Brussels Collaboration Meeting 10


L3 processing wimps?L2 good enough?If L3, muon-wg L3?---------------------------

LLHreco zenith angle [86° < < 120°] Θ

excl. single string events nstring > 1

z_travel > -30m


selection of horizontal track-like events------------------------------

_av < 100m Sum all strings (Sum shortest distance track to string/nchan)

z_extern < 400m

L5 (multivariate)

group low-E and high-E


determine best TMVA routine(s) 1-or-2 dim cut

IC79-data as Bg (train & test) more independent of MC→

high-level steps IC79 analysis→

Matthias Danninger September 20, 2010 Brussels Collaboration Meeting 11

more ideas

Some where around L4-L5

sample of selected high quality horizontal events(O~10 events)⁴---------------------------

improve ang. resolution with SLC+HLC hybrid-reco (5-6 min/event)

finest binning photo-rec, etc. (lot's to investigate here)

invert 10°-bin simulation strategy, only load tables needed

not to separate µ

Only test

Only test

Matthias Danninger September 20, 2010 Brussels Collaboration Meeting 12

final step ....→

Setting limits

Shape analysis seems like the way to go

Prospects for IC79 IC86 →

Matthias Danninger September 20, 2010 Brussels Collaboration Meeting 13

Prospects:WIMP-Model-independent Result

effective area for final event selection as function of Eν in the

range 20-1000 GeV, for νµ and anti-νµ from the

direction of the Sun.

The result is an average over the austral winter.

Blue curve optimized for low WIMP masses

Black curve optimized for high WIMP masses

IC22: Systematic effects are included at the 1 level, and statistical σuncertainty of the same level are shown with error bars.


Abbasi et al., Physical Review D81 (2010) 057101. (IC22 result)

Matthias Danninger September 20, 2010 Brussels Collaboration Meeting 14

Prospects:WIMP-Model-independent Result

effective area for final event selection as function of Eν in the

range 20-1000 GeV, for νµ and anti-νµ from the

direction of the Sun.

The result is an average over the austral winter.

Blue curve optimized for low WIMP masses

Black curve optimized for high WIMP masses

IC22: Systematic effects are included at the 1 level, and statistical σuncertainty of the same level are shown with error bars.


Abbasi et al., Physical Review D81 (2010) 057101. (IC22 result)

Matthias Danninger September 20, 2010 Brussels Collaboration Meeting 15

WIMP-Model-independent Result

The median angular error , Θ shown with the statistical uncertainty at the 1 level.σ


Hybrid (S. Lafebre)

Matthias Danninger September 20, 2010 Brussels Collaboration Meeting 16

Kaluza-Klein DM (LKP)Abbasi et al., Physical Review D81 (2010) 057101.

<E νμ

> = 53 GeV

Matthias Danninger September 20, 2010 Brussels Collaboration Meeting 17

Neutralino DM (LSP)Need to be updated+ incl. new limits(CDMS-2010, superK-2009, more?)

+ add IC86 lifetime of 180d

Matthias Danninger September 20, 2010 Brussels Collaboration Meeting 18

Neutralino DM (LSP)Updated CDMS 2010 limit

New Super-K analysis (2009) 3109.6dSoft & hard limits

Antares 3y sensitivity not so interesting not shown→

MSSM scan:

Outdated SI-limits

Matthias Danninger September 20, 2010 Brussels Collaboration Meeting 19

Neutralino DM (LSP)Updated CDMS 2010 limit

New Super-K analysis (2009) 3109.6dSoft & hard limits

Antares 3y sensitivity not so interesting not shown→

MSSM scan:Currently non-excl. models

Outdated SI-limitsPre-limited DM content

Matthias Danninger September 20, 2010 Brussels Collaboration Meeting 20

Neutralino DM (LSP)Updated CDMS 2010 limit

New Super-K analysis (2009) 3109.6dSoft & hard limits

Antares 3y sensitivity not so interesting not shown→

MSSM scan:Currently non-excl. Models

Non-excl Models, even after 10 ³ improvement SI-limits⁻

Outdated SI-limitsPre-limited DM content

Matthias Danninger September 20, 2010 Brussels Collaboration Meeting 21

Neutralino DM (LSP)Updated CDMS 2010 limit

New Super-K analysis (2009) 3109.6dSoft & hard limits

Antares 3y sensitivity not so interesting not shown→

MSSM scan:Currently non-excl. Models

Non-excl Models, even after 10 ³ improvement SI-limits⁻

WMAP favored model Carlos MSSM scan

Outdated SI-limitsPre-limited DM content

Matthias Danninger September 20, 2010 Brussels Collaboration Meeting 22

Neutralino DM (LSP)Updated CDMS 2010 limit

New Super-K analysis (2009) 3109.6dSoft & hard limits

Antares 3y sensitivity not so interesting not shown→

MSSM scan:Currently non-excl. Models

Non-excl Models, even after 10 ³ improvement SI-limits⁻

WMAP favored model CMSSM scan (Darren)

Outdated SI-limitsPre-limited DM content

Matthias Danninger September 20, 2010 Brussels Collaboration Meeting 23

Neutralino DM (LSP)Updated CDMS 2010 limit

New Super-K analysis (2009) 3109.6dSoft & hard limits

Antares 3y sensitivity not so interesting not shown→

MSSM scan:Currently non-excl. Models

CMSSM scan (Darren)(/data/sim/IceCube/2007/generated/LE_deepcore/darkSUSY/cmssm)

WMAP favored model

Outdated SI-limitsPre-limited DM content

Matthias Danninger September 20, 2010 Brussels Collaboration Meeting 24

Even more plans for futureFrom prospects

Matthias Danninger September 20, 2010 Brussels Collaboration Meeting 25

AND MORE plans for futureFrom prospectsmSUGRA


Scan models→ fixed branching ratio→ simulate annihilation spectrum→ (check if equilibrium condition is met)

Convolute with effective neutrino area (livetime etc.)

Compare with number of observed events → limit (e.g. IC79)→ excluded yes/no

Possible to decide model by modelAnd plot various interesting MSSM spaces

J. Edsö + P. Scott (phenomenology side)

me (detector side)

Matthias Danninger September 20, 2010 Brussels Collaboration Meeting 26

Deep Core events

Thank You

Matthias Danninger September 20, 2010 Brussels Collaboration Meeting 27

Additional Slides

Matthias Danninger September 20, 2010 Brussels Collaboration Meeting 28

Additional Slides

Matthias Danninger September 20, 2010 Brussels Collaboration Meeting 29

Neutralino DM (LSP)

IceCube-22 & study: Only used data, when Sun is below the horizon

main syst. uncertainty:Photon propagation in the ice & absolute DOM efficiency (~20%)

relate muon flux and WIMP­nucleon cross­section:


Additional mass 35GeV

Matthias Danninger September 20, 2010 Brussels Collaboration Meeting 30

Additional Slides

