ice cream



baskin robbins

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1. Acknowledgement………………………………………2

2. Objective………………………………………………...3

3. Introduction……………………………………………..5

4 Fundamental Business Building Database Tactics…………8


COMPANY’S SALES ……………………………….

6. Company History Baskin Robbins………………..

7. CRM strategy Baskin Robbins…………………………

8 .CRM Strategy Fast n’ Fresh

9. Bibliography ……………………………………………….



Did you know the cost to gain new customers is 7-10 times greater

than the cost of retaining existing customers? When you stop to

consider that the average business will lose nearly half its customers

within a five-year period, the need to leverage existing relationships to

gain new customers becomes a matter of survival.Customer

Relationship Management is the establishment, development,

maintenance and optimization of long-term mutually valuable

relationships between consumers and the organizations. Successful

customer relationship management focuses on understanding the needs

and desires of the customers and is achieved by placing these needs at

the heart of the business by integrating them with the organization's

strategy, people, technology and business processes.At the heart of a

perfect CRM strategy is the creation of mutual value for all the parties

involved in the business process. It is about creating a sustainable

competitive advantage by being the best at understanding,

communicating, and delivering, and developing existing customer

relationships in addition to creating and keeping new customers. So the

concept of product life cycle is giving way to the concept of customer

life cycle focusing on the development of products and services that

anticipate the future need of the existing customers and creating

additional services that extend existing customer relationships beyond



Tactically, it involves:

A. Compiling all sources of prospect and customer knowledge

B. Positively identifying all-important accounts

C. Developing an ideal customer profile by applying

firmographic attributes

D. Building a universe of all other companies similar to those


you do well

E. Acquiring the names of key players in the companies

of your universe

F. Generating responses (well qualified leads) from key

players at companies in your universe

Using this method, all of your new leads are from companies that

your sales force regards as important. And, all of those companies

are “pre-qualified” as those that look like your best customers.

Fundamental Business Building Processes

Any customer relationship begins with a cycle of contacts.

It starts with initial awareness and interest in a company’s

products or services, progresses through a personalised

sales process, and continues after the sale into an extended

period of customer service and support.


Organisationally, this contact cycle starts with marketing,

shifts to sales, and ends with customer service and

support. While these points of interaction can represent

different organisations within the company, to the

customer there is little or no distinction. All contacts,

from the initial requests for information to the latest

customer service inquiry, blend together in the customer’s

mind to create a single impression of the company.


The Business Building Marketing Cycle

Creating Awareness and Generating Demand — There are

essentially 3 levels in which marketing operates inside a business:

1. Reach potential customers and make them aware of the

company’s products and services, follow up with requested

information, and turn over qualified leads to the sales


2. Discover and report subtle shifts in customer

requirements, define new products and services to meet the

need, and position them to beat the competition.

3. Capture leads easily and consistently from any source,

whether it’s the call centre, a Web site, e-mail, trade shows,

or a referral.


The Business Building Management Cycle

Visibility Gives You the Big Picture:

• How effective is a new marketing campaign?• Which products and services are resulting in excessive support expense?• How satisfied are our customers?

Executives and management need meaningful data to differentiate those products and services that are working and those that need immediate attention. Customer management software must translate marketing, sales and customer service information into workable business transactions.

Additionally, management is concerned with the speed and ease-of deployment of the system and the cost of training associated with it. You cannot afford lengthy implementation cycles. Instead, they need software that is easy to set up and roll out, and readily customised to meet business needs.


Fundamental Business Building Database TacticsIf your current customers are happy with your products and services, they represent a key into the markets that will support building your business. The following database tactics outline a step-by-step method for using a centralised sales and marketing database to create market visibility, sales productivity and business momentum. Here’s how to get started:

1. Compile all sources of prospect and customer data into asingle repository. Minimally, this should include marketing leads and response records, sales person’s contact files and order/invoicing information from your accounting or billing system.These records must contain the company name and complete address, as they are the fields that will allow you to positively identify accounts. For contacts, you also should have a full first and last name and title along with the company name and address.2. Positively identify important accounts within your single centralised repository. Company names are notorious for having multiple versions and abbreviations. To assure that all record of your relationship with an account is kept in one place, a single unique identifier should be attached to each account and all references to that account should us that ID.3. Build a universe of accounts, similar to your important accounts, and obtain sales buy-in to these identified targets.

Once you have a firm description of the type of accounts in which your company thrives, the challenge is to find more of them. This can be accomplished in a number of


ways:• Ask your sales force to “nominate” attractive accounts within each of their territories, whether they have any traction with the account or not;• Seek third party sources of accounts and contact names such as professional association lists, trade show or conference attendee lists, or compiled databases; a professional list broker can help you with this and generally charges only the list owner a commission.

- 9 -



How CRM can help you increase revenue . Here are 10 direct ways in

which a well planned CRM implementation can do exactly that.

1. Increased salesperson follow-up effectiveness and organization!

An important attribute for a successful salesperson is the ability to

effectively follow-up on sales leads and opportunities in a timely manner.

Simply put…do what you say you’re going do. A good CRM system will

give the salesperson the ability to easily capture, manage , schedule, and

view tasks, appointments, emails, and notes in one centralized location. It

will also provide the ability to set reminder notifications so critical

activities and appointments don’t fall through the cracks. More often than

not, this capability alone can justify a business’s investment in CRM.

2. Increased efficiency of sales and marketing representatives!

Sales and marketing personnel spend a good deal of time meeting,

networking, calling, and communicating with prospects, existing clients,

partners, vendors and others. In the process they acquire an array of

disparate information and generate future activities, appointments, and

commitments. CRM will provide them with the ability to quickly access

account and opportunity activity history and share this information with

other team members. A good CRM system will also automate routine

activities such as trade show follow up communication, lead routing, sales

stage progression, quote creation, etc.

3. Use quota’s to benchmark sales s uccess!

- 10 -

Studies have shown that the use of sales goals and/or quotas both for the

organization and for individual salespeople has a significant positive

influence on sales performance. Goals and/or quotas help us to benchmark

expected levels of company and individual performance . Shortfalls in

meeting sales and marketing goals prompt us to rethink our strategy and

refocus our efforts to get us “back on track”. When gauged against

historical, external, and internal performance , goals and/or quotas become

powerful success tools. CRM can provide an enterprise with the ability to

easily manage and track goals and quotas in a many areas such as lead

generation, closed sales, quotes outstanding, contacts made, and more.

4. Accurately forecast sales pipeline

All too often sales managers come up on the end of the sales period and

find they have not met their planned sales commitments. Unfortunately,

very little can be done to remedy the situation at the time. CRM can

provide the sales management team with the ability to easily predict future

sales in a number of powerful ways such as revenue by month, by product,

by sales stage, by region, and by salesperson. This can provide valuable

insight into what working and what not, bottlenecks in the sales process,

poor performance, etc. If sales projections suggest company goals will not

be met, this can be identified well in advance and potentially remedied.



5. Replicate and institute proven sales methodologies throughout your

sales organization!

A good CRM solution will allow your organization to institute an

automated and proven sales process that replicates the practices used

by your top performers. Standardized and automated activity creation,

sales stage progression, and close probability forecasting will make it

easy for sales representatives to implement the process in their day to

day activities and will provide the organization with a consistent

method of tracking performance and forecasting the sales pipeline.

6. Build a database against you competitors and share across

your organization!

Every salesperson accumulates important competitive information on

just about every sales opportunity. Most of the time, this information

could be of value to other sales and marketing representatives in the

organization also if it was shared. Typically however, this competitive

insight is not shared except perhaps within the team and even then in a

poorly organized manner. CRM can provide the ability to capture this

competitive insight and make it generally available to all business

development members. Information such as competitive strategies,

SWOT analysis, win/loss history, pricing, and product information can

help give your company the competitive edge.

7. Identify product sales and competitive trends

CRM can make it easy to compare historical sales results with current

results and empower business managers with the information needed to

make changes based on marketplace trends and the competitive


environment. Declining win/loss ratios for a specific product line, for

example, may suggest new entrants to the marketplace, lower pricing,

or poor quality. The ability to capture why a sales opportunity was won

or lost can provide key insight into company strengths and weaknesses.

8. Effectively nurture prospective and existing customers !

Without CRM, nurturing prospective customers is typically quite

difficult because it requires the management and analysis of a wealth of

information such as product line interests, purchase history,

business/decision roll, etc. CRM can allow salespeople to easily capture

this information and execute automated campaigns that keep you in

front of a prospect so that when they are ready to buy they think of you


9. Analyze marketing and lead generation results!

Marketing dollars are limited and we want to spend them effectively so

that we can create the most value for our company. CRM makes it easy

to associate sales leads with the marketing activities that generated

them making it easy to identify what marketing activities are most

effective in helping your business grow.

10. Share account and opportunity information throughout your

sales organization.

Dispersed multi-region sales teams often work (or would like to work)

on the same customer account but perhaps for a different division or

section of that account. The ability to easily share historical sales and

activity history with other sales account representatives can give your


business the ability leverage these relationships to open new doors and

create new sales opportunities.

Consider the value!

Consider the value of acquiring just a few of these capabilities within

your organization. Would these capabilities increase your sales and

marketing success by 10%, 20%, or even more? For most businesses,

even a modest 5% increase in revenue generation will return the

investment in a well planned CRM solution in 3 to 4 months. A 10%

increase typically results in a payback period of around 2 months. The

point is, the value in CRM is there. However, it is worth investing the

resources to roll out a CRM initiative strategically so this value can be

realized. This means planning and training.

If rolled out correctly, a good CRM system can help your business achieve

new levels of revenue growth.



We sell fun, not just ice cream."   — Irv Robbins, co-founder.

Nearly three-quarters of a century ago, two

brothers-in-law shared a dream to create an

innovative ice cream store that would be a

neighborhood gathering place for families.

Burton "Burt" Baskin andIrvine "Irv"

Robbins had a mutual love of old-fashioned

ice cream and the desire to provide customers

a variety of flavors made with ingredients of the highest quality in a fun,

inviting atmosphere.

As a teen, Irv worked in his father's ice cream store. During World War II,

Burt was a Lieutenant in the U.S. Navy and produced ice cream for his fellow

troops. When the war was over, the two entrepreneurs were eager to capitalize

on America's love of ice cream.

They started out in separate ventures at the advice of Irv’s father. In 1945, Irv

opened Snowbird Ice Cream in Glendale, California. His store featured 21

flavors and emphasized high-quality ice cream sold in a fun, personalized

atmosphere. A year later, Burt opened Burton's Ice Cream Shop in Pasadena,

CA. By 1948, theyhad six stores between them. This concept eventually grew

into Baskin-Robbins.


As the number of stores grew, Burt and Irv

recognized that to maintain the high

standards they set in the beginning, each

store would require a manager who had an

ownership interest in its overall operation.

Even though they didn't realize it at the time,

the two founders had pioneered the concept

of franchising in the ice cream industry.

In 1949, there were more than 40 stores in

Southern California when Burt and Irv

purchased their first dairy in Burbank. This

business decision allowed them to have

complete control over the production of their

ice cream, and the development of new

ingredients and flavors.

It wasn’t until 1953 that the ice cream chain dropped the separate identities of

Snowbird and Burton's and became Baskin-Robbins. A local advertising

agency, Carson/Roberts, advised a uniform identity and image under the name

Baskin-Robbins 31 Ice Cream. Their recommendations included the "31®"

logo to represent a flavor for every day of the month, Cherry (pink) and

Chocolate (brown) polka dots to be reminiscent of clowns, carnivals and fun

and lastly, the use of cartoons to bring their flavors alive with personality to

graphically highlight the name and delicious ingredients. With this over-

arching branding, Baskin-Robbins' iconic pink spoons were created with the

belief that people should be able to try any of their many flavors without cost.


In 1954, Baskin-Robbins put their product

on the line against their competitors at the

Los Angeles County Fair. That year they

won their first Gold Medal and set the

pattern for county and state fair

participation, earning Gold Medals for

Baskin-Robbins Ice Cream every year since

that first contest.

"Not everyone likes all our flavors, but each

flavor is someone's favorite."

   — Irv Robbins

Baskin-Robbins continued to expand, and by the mid-1960s, the company had

become an ice cream empire with more than 400 stores throughout the United

States. In the 1970s the chain went international, opening stores in Japan,

Saudi Arabia, Korea and Australia.

The franchise model created by Burt and Irv decades ago is still used by

Baskin-Robbins today. We are 100% franchised, with each owner holding a

stake in the business' success, while product development and merchandising

are handled at Baskin-Robbins headquarters. This hands-on, small business

approach allows franchisees the ability to create a strong presence in local

communities all over the world. Through this franchise business model, we

continue to provide innovative, high-quality ice cream treats to more than 150

million customers worldwide. And as a result, Baskin-Robbins has grown to


become the world's largest chain of ice cream specialty stores, with more than

2,800 locations throughout the United States and 5,800 around the globe.






more than



fun and


ice cream flavors. Our original top-selling

flavors like Mint Chocolate Chip and

Pralines 'n Cream continue to delight

millions worldwide. Still, we continue to

consistently introduce new, exciting flavor

combinations, as well as ice cream industry-

leading innovations such as hand-packed ice

cream quarts, a unique flavor ribbon

technique, the use of traditional dessert

ingredients and the introduction of mousse-

textured ice creams. From our introduction


of signature ice cream cakes and the

growing line of beverages, including our

signature Cappuccino Blast®, our

commitment to creating new and exciting

products is unsurpassed in the industry. It’s

all part of our mission to make the Baskin-

Robbins neighborhood a tasty, fun place for

our customers.

CRM STRATEGY ADOPT BY BASKIN ROBBINSBringing customer intimacy together with a product innovation business

model is Baskin robbins objective; but underneath that vision are a number of

strategic goals.


promotions to personalize product offerings to individual customers .

Integrated marketing efforts can then ripple out into multiple areas to generate

productivity, .“With our integrated marketing efforts, we have already

demonstrated the ability to create leads, sell new promotions, launch new

products and drive distribution with new tools such as the call center, e-mail

and Web sites.”


The second objective is to create a workforce culture based on customer

service using a “single source of information.”This must also go hand in hand

with 360-degree views of individual customers. “When a customer calls


you, you immediately pull up on your screen every relevant piece of

information about the relationship your company has with this treasured

person and his organization. During the interaction, you are able to cite order

history, new product purchases and demographic information to fully address

the unmet needs this customer has, and you do it in real time,


Give joy to family and friends or say ‘thanks’ with Baskin-Robbins gift

certificates! They make a great gift and are a fun way to show you care. So,

buy some now and let them enjoy their favorite ice cream treats whenever

they want. Now available online!


Presenting the Baskin Robbins Gift certificate, a beautifully packaged,

reasonably priced gift that will be a surefire hit with anyone!

What makes the Baskin Robbins Gift certificate the ideal gift for loved ones?

The Gift Certificate entitles the young and young at heart to a great treat at

any outlet.

Unbeatable choices of redemption locations, redeemable at all the 300 plus

cafes in 61 plus cities across the country

Amazing variety of flavours, beverages and Sundae that cater to a wide range

of tastes.



Spider man 3

The summer of 2007 witnessed an innovative tie-

up of Baskin Robbins with Spiderman 3 movie.

Baskin Robbins promoted Spiderman 3 by means

of a creative promotion. This not only added

visibility but also enhanced customer

interactivity with the brand. The highlight of the promotion was the co-

branded TVC which was aired on key kiddy channels. The promotion

extended to creating three new trendy flavours keeping in tune with the

characters of the movie- Web Slinger, Sand Storm, and Green Gobbler. The

elements of the promotion included poster, POP, standee, cup design, bags, t-


shirts, tags, shelf talker and a Spiderman 3 comic free with every single scoop

of ice cream

The panchavi pass campaign

Baskin Robbins successfully captured the attention of

the kids by entering into a tie-up with ‘Paanchvi Pass’,

a popular reality show telecast in 2008 by Star Plus

and hosted by Shahrukh Khan. A special Paanchvi

Pass flavour was created to make it appealing to the customers and add

excitement to the entire campaign. A gift was assured to any customer who

walked into the store and purchased a Panchvi Paas flavour and 3 lucky draw

winners got a chance to meet the biggest Bollywood star, Shahrukh Khan.

The promotion helped Star Plus take its message to niche audience across the

country. The activity provided tremendous on ground visibility for Star Plus

and Baskin Robbins in terms of wall visuals, tent cards, danglers, posters, t-

shirts, cups, shelf talkers and a quiz book. Besides, it got good publicity and

generated enthusiasm among the kids.

The Drona campaign

Baskin Robbins has become an attractive partner for

Production Houses to promote movies better among

its target audience-the youth. This is done by means of

appealing visuals and colorful displays like banners,

posters, standees etc. Drona, a magical adventure movie based on the warrior

‘Drona’ tied up with Baskin Robbins to promote the movie among the


teenagers. Visual displays for the promotion of the movie using Baskin

Robbins as a brand included posters, standees, bags, shelf-talker, drop box

and banner. Cappuccino Nibs was named the Drona flavour, also known as

the flavour of magic to get the touch and feel of the movie.

The Drona promotion gives kids across the country a chance to meet

Abhishek Bachchan through a lucky draw.

The lovestorey 2050 campaign

The movie was unique in the sense that for the

first time introduced the time machine concept

in the Indian film industry and therefore, there

was a big hype around the movie. Baskin Robbins built on this hype and

therefore associated itself with Love Story 2050. The publicity for the movie

was done using posters, standees, banners and shelf talkers. The flavour was

called the 2050 Flavor with a tagline-The taste of the future is here. The

promotion offered a chance to the lucky draw winners to meet the debutant

actor Harmen Baweja and Priyanka Chopra and a chance to win a Boo (a

character from the movie) with every 2050 flavor.


Company profile :- Fast ‘n Fresh

Name of the company :- Fast ‘n Fresh





WEBSITE :- WWW. FastnFresh. COM

VISION STATEMENTIn five years, Fast ‘n Fresh Ice Cream will be established in METRO

AND SEMI METRO CITIES, and expansion plans will be developed for

company owned and franchise locations in other CITIES.


VISION TRIGGERThe main vision trigger will be the catchy slogan: “Fast ‘n Fresh - -

good for you!” The vision trigger will emphasize the premium quality of its

products as well as representing that everything about the business will be

good for its customers. This will include fast service, inviting décor, healthy,

premium quality foods, and a selection broad enough to meet the needs of

individual customers.

BUSINESS OBJECTIVESFast ‘n Fresh Ice Cream will have these business objectives during its first

three years of operation:

1. Cash break-even by the end of its first year of operations.

2. Cash reserves before taxes of $20,000 by the end of its second

year of operations.

3. Cash reserves before taxes of $40,000 by the end of its third year

of operations.





• Reduction in costs through automation and use of electronic

media :-The costs associated with offline orders include travel

expenses, time lost in the office and employee pay. Online ordering

can give customers the dairy products with lower prices. They can

order any dairy products they want with the click of mouse.

• Faster response:-Time to receive responses through internet

is one to three days, where you will get maximum responses on day

one itself, while ordering through telephone or email and paying for


the products and communicating face to face would take minimum 7

to 12 days to generate any responses.

• Use customer data to provide customized value

added service :-Company can keep track of customers and the

products that are sold well to be used for proactive decision making.

• Global reach :-No matter where the company is or whom it

needs to reach, targeted marketing pave the way.

• Interactive :-company can innovatively initiate campaigns

using graphics, videos, music, quiz, game or whatever that will be of

interest to their prospect, to grab his attention and interest


• Offers free delivery

Company can offer free deliveries if customers order over a certain

amount. So, not only customers would have to pay for the oil to drive to the

store, they don’t even have to pay the delivery costs for the items they order.


Rural Melas

Since INDIA is a country with most of its population still living in rural areas,

COMPANY decided to reach those potential consumers with a different

approach and they arranged different rural side Melas in which they can easily

state their point and make the potential customers a loyal customer.

Free Sampling

To promote and let the people who have not yet tested the product compnies

use the technique called free sampling. And have done free sampling to


make sure that people are aware of the product and also to get the feed back

out of the customers to make sure if there are any lags in the product.

Chain Store Promotions

Another 1 2 1 way of CRM technique tha tFAST N FRESH have adopted to

create effective touch point with their customer is by putting their brand in all

the chain store in Pakistan in this way people can have access easily to the

product and they do not have to look for the product.


FAST N FRESH have worked their way in the customers heart by knowing

them in every way. They try to promote their products and make sure that

their product is available in carnivals and all special events that are taking


Fun Fair

One way to have direct contact with the customer is to promote different fun

fair all over the country. This way existing customer and new customer both

are easily targeted.

Value AdditionBanners

An effective way to add customer value towards the product is to display

banners and bill boards all over the city so that customer are aware of their

brand and make them feel proud about their brand.

T.V Commercials


T.V commercials are very effective and excellent way to promote the product

and also to increase the value of customers. Its easy way to reach the

customers mind and create a positive image towards a brand


Posters are cheap and easy to display way to reach into customers mind and

create a positive view of the brand and also to increase the value a customer

holds towords the product and engro food have worked hard to gain this


Increasing value of customer base We pair our extensive behavioral knowledge and our leadership in activating brands

with impact to deliver bottom-line results. From that foundation, we craft a truly media-

neutral strategy,


1 :-WWW.BR31.COM






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