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    Invoice Capture Center

    User's Guide

  • 8/19/2019 ICC 75 UsersGuide En



    Invoice Capture CenterUser's GuideRev.: V7.5 (2014-09-24)

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    Invoice Capture Center User's Guide Contents iii


    1  Introduction 1 

    2  Validating Documents 3 


    Overview ..................................................................................................................... 3 


    Fields ........................................................................................................................... 4 


    Starting Validation ...................................................................................................... 4 

    2.4  Opening an Application ............................................................................................... 5 


    Opening Documents .................................................................................................... 5 

    2.6  Field Mode .................................................................................................................. 5 

    2.7  Table Mode.................................................................................................................. 7 

    2.8  Capturing Table Rows Automatically ......................................................................... 8 


    Searching Vendors....................................................................................................... 9 


    Marking Invoices for Training .................................................................................... 9 


    Terminating Validation ............................................................................................. 10 


    Rejecting a Document ............................................................................................... 10 


    Correcting Documents Using the Mouse ................................................................... 11 


    Capturing Data Using Single Click Entry ................................................... 11 


    Capturing Adjacent Words Using the Mouse .............................................. 12 


    Capturing a Text Block Using the Mouse ................................................... 12 

    2.13.4  Capturing Arbitrary Words Using the Mouse ............................................. 13 

    2.14  Capturing Data Using the Keyboard ......................................................................... 14 

    2.15  Working with Table Fields ........................................................................................ 14 

    2.15.1  Adding Table Rows ..................................................................................... 14 

    2.15.2  Deleting Table Rows ................................................................................... 15 

    3  Configuring the Validation Client 17 


    Changing Layout of the Validation Window .......... ........... .......... .......... ........... ......... 17 


    Showing the Fields Above the Document ..................................................... 17 


    Arranging the Fields in Several Columns ..................................................... 17 

    3.1.3  Showing the Field Names Before or Above the Fields ................................. 17  

    3.1.4  Switching to Table Mode .............................................................................. 17 

    3.2  Changing User Interface Language ........................................................................... 18 

    3.3  Controlling Document Presentation .......................................................................... 18 


    Enlarging or Reducing the Document ........................................................... 18 


    Rotating the Document ................................................................................. 18 


    Adapting the Document to the Size of the Document View ......................... 18 


    Modifying Field Group Colorizing ............................................................................ 19 


    Advanced Options ..................................................................................................... 19 


    Deactivating the Polling Animation .............................................................. 19 


    Activating an Additional Key as TAB Key ........... .......... ........... .......... ......... 19 


    Activating "Click to Submit" in the Image View .......................................... 19 

    4  Keyboard Shortcuts 21 

    5  Index 25 

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    iv Contents Invoice Capture Center User's Guide

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    Invoice Capture Center User's Guide Introduction 1

    1 IntroductionInvoice Capture Center   is a product that extends Open Text Vendor Invoice Management by automatic extraction and

    manual validation of invoice data.

    Invoice Capture Center   comprises a Recognition Cluster and several Validation Clients. The Recognition Cluster

    consists of a Server and optionally additional Recognition Nodes. The Recognition Cluster gets recognition jobs from

    SAP, fetches the corresponding invoice images from the archive, performs data extraction, and returns its results to SAP.

    Depending on the configuration of Vendor Invoice Management, all or selected invoices then become available for

    validation at one of the Validation Clients:

    After installation, Invoice Capture Center will be customized for the needs of your company by creating and configuring

    applications. An application processes invoices of a specified recipient country with some fixed parameters, e.g. archive

    document types. Often several applications for different types of invoices will be needed. When the applications have

     been developed and tested, they will be transferred to the SAP Production System and become available for Validation


    When you start a Validation Client, you will have to log in to SAP first. When you have logged in successfully, the

    Validation Client will then check whether new applications or new versions of already existing applications are available

    and will download them, if necessary.

    You must then open a suitable application comprising archive document types you are authorized to work on. Your

    system administrator will tell you which applications you may use. If you open an application you are not authorized for,

    the Validation Client won’t get any invoices for correction.  If no invoices are available for you, the program window will indicate that the Validation Client is waiting for data. If

    your authorization comprises more than one application, you could switch to another application in this case.

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    Invoice Capture Center User's Guide Validating Documents 3

    2 Validating Documents

    2.1 OverviewWith Invoice Capture Center, recognition results can be checked and corrected easily:

    With this form you can check and capture image data conveniently and quickly. The form layout described below is the

    default layout. Arrangement and titles of the fields can be changed to suit individual requirements. In addition, the

    available fields depend on the country setting of the current application; in the above example, an application for US

    American invoices has been opened. This is why the following description is of a generalized nature.

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    4 Validating Documents Invoice Capture Center User's Guide

    2.2 FieldsWith the Validation Client of Invoice Capture Center, you check, correct, or enter field values. The Fields view shows a

    list of all fields that are available for the recipient country of the current application and possibly additional fields added

    during customizing.

    Some of the fields are optional. For an optional field, Invoice Capture Center doesn’t check whether it contains a value;

    Thus it can remain empty, e.g. if the respective field is not present on the current invoice.

    Other fields are mandatory. A mandatory field will indicate an error (a yellow icon with an exclamation mark) as long as

    no value has been captured.

    For some fields, e.g. for date and amount fields, the format of the value is checked. Such a field will indicate an error, if

    it contains an invalid value.

    When you try to submit the invoice, as long as there is at least one erroneous field, you will be asked for confirmation.

    2.3 Starting ValidationTo start Validation, click Validation in the Invoice Capture Center program group of the start menu, or double-click the

    ICC Validation shortcut on the desktop.

    The SAP Login dialog is shown. If you already worked with Validation, the login data of the last session will beshown:

    Select a system from the System drop-down list and enter user name and password.

    The Language field does not take effect with this release; you can leave this field empty.

    With a click on Check Login you can check whether the login data are valid for the specified SAP system.

    Note: If the System drop-down list is empty, the system has not been configured completely. Please inform yoursystem administrator.

    As soon as login has completed successfully, the available applications will be imported from the SAP system. A

     progress bar will be shown until importing has completed:

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    Invoice Capture Center User's Guide Validating Documents 5

    2.4 Opening an ApplicationWhen you have just logged in, the Validation window will be empty. Before you can edit documents, you must open an


    To open an application:

    1.  Click the Invoice Capture Center  button in the top left corner of the program window.

    2.  Select Open Application to show a list of all available applications. At each application, the number ofdocuments waiting for validation is shown.


    Click the respective application.

    2.5 Opening DocumentsTo open a document, click Open in the Validation group of the Application tab. Take notice that the Open command is followed by the number of waiting documents enclosed in parentheses.

    If you have just completed validation of a document you can click on Submit+Open instead. This will submit thecurrent document, and open the next document.

    While Validation tries do download a document from SAP, the program window will show Waiting for data.If no data are available, you may want to exit or to switch to another application. In this case click Stop on the programwindow. Afterwards click the Invoice Capture Center  button in the top left corner of the program window, and thenclick Close Application. Afterwards you can terminate the program or open another application.

    As soon as a document could be fetched from SAP, it will be shown in field mode layout.

    2.6 Field ModeWhen you open a document, the fields and the document image are shown in field mode layout:

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    6 Validating Documents Invoice Capture Center User's Guide

    The above example shows the default layout:


    The Fields view is shown on the left side arranging the fields in a single column.

      The Image view displaying the current page of the document is shown at the center.

      Thumbnails of all document pages are displayed at the right border.

    The View group of the Application tab permits to modify the layout. E.g. you can arrange the fields in a differentnumber of columns, or show the fields above the document image.

    All fields are always highlighted with a background color:

      Green: data are correct and do not require correction, or the field is optional.

      Red: data are incorrect and need to be corrected; an error message will appear at the bottom of the Fields view.

    Fields that need to be corrected show a yellow symbol with an exclamation mark. You must correct all these fields

     before you can submit the document.

    The vendor number is determined by searching data found on the invoice against a database. Sometimes several

    matching database records are found. A green plus sign ( ) preceding the field indicates that alternative results are

    available. In this case a click on the down-arrow at the field value opens a list showing the vendor number and the

    corresponding data, e.g. vendor address data, for all available results. Click the row that matches the invoice.

    The company code field, which is only present if the application is configured for automatic company code

    determination, may also present alternative results in the same way.

    The PO Number List field is a list box field. This field may contain several PO numbers and has a special behavior.Here again a plus sign indicates that several additional values are present while only the first one is shown. When the

    field is selected, all values are shown as a list box:

    In contrast to other fields, the PO Number List field field remains selected when you capture a value using the mouseor the keyboard. In addition, you can select and remove values. The tooltip shows the actual field value which is a

    comma-separated list. On the image, all values that were extracted automatically or have captured using the mouse will

     be highlighted. To switch to a different field, use the TAB key, or select a field using the mouse.

    All data fields are assigned to one of seven field groups. There is a Vendor Group, a Recipient Group, a Ship-To Group,

    and a Remit-To Group. All amount and tax rate fields are assigned to an Amount Group, all remaining header fields to a

    Standard Group, and all fields of the line items table are assigned to a Table Group.

    When a non-empty field is selected, the field value on the document is by default highlighted in light green color if the

    field state is OK; otherwise it is highlighted in light red color. If a table row is selected, it is by default highlighted inlight yellow color.

    The values of the other non-empty fields of the corresponding group are also highlighted in a color depending on the

    group. E.g. if you select an amount field, all field values of fields of the Amount Group become highlighted with the

    color defined for this group. This provides an overview of all field values of a group and makes it easier to check

    whether all fields were captured at the correct position.

    You can modify the color used for each field group and for selected fields using the ICC Options dialog box.

    If you click Submit or Submit+Open while there are still erroneous fields showing the yellow symbol with anexclamation mark, the Validation Client will ask for confirmation.

    The Image view displays the current page of the invoice. Image details can be inspected exactly and easily using thezoom function.

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    Invoice Capture Center User's Guide Validating Documents 7

    To correct the invoice line items, you should switch to Table mode using the F8 function key.

    2.7 Table ModeTo correct the invoice line items, you should switch to Table mode using the F8 function key. In this mode, the tablefield with its rows and columns is shown above the document page:

    You can capture data and navigate through the table cells in the same way as in Field mode.

    To insert a table row above or below a certain row, you can click on one of the green plus signs preceding the respectiverow. You can also select a row and use CTRL+N or CTRL+M to insert a row above or below the selected row, or usethe buttons in the Invoice Items group of the Application tab.

    If many table rows are missing or contain empty or erroneous cells, you can use TAC (Table Auto-Completion) to

    capture the whole table after capturing a single row manually.

    Take notice that application configuration determines whether the invoice items table is shown. It may never be shown, it

    may always be shown, or it may only be shown if the PO Number List field is not empty.

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    8 Validating Documents Invoice Capture Center User's Guide

    2.8 Capturing Table Rows AutomaticallyIf a table field is completely empty, if parts of a table are missing in the table field results, or if many table cells are

    empty or erroneous, you don't need to capture all affected cells manually. The Validation Client permits to capture the

    whole table automatically after you captured only a single row (TAC = Table Auto-Completion).

    Often table auto-completion will capture the whole table correctly. Therefore performing table auto-completion will

    often be much faster than correcting all errors manually.

    To capture table rows automatically:


    Click TAC initialize in the Invoice Items group. The command is now shown in red color indicating that youstarted the table auto-completion process.

    2.  Capture all cells of a single table row using the mouse.


    If the table contains rows with different structure, you can capture additional rows as needed.

    4.  Click TAC complete in the Invoice Items group. The Validation Client uses the captured rows to extract thewhole table and replaces the current contents of the table field with the found rows.


    While you initialize table auto-completion, you must capture all table cells with the mouse click (Single Click

    Entry). If you enter a value using the keyboard, the algorithm won't know the position of the value on the

    document and will thus be unable to find the respective table column.

    Typically you will capture the first row manually. If this row doesn't contain a value in one of the columns, the values of

    this column will be missing in all rows because the algorithm doesn't know where to find the column. In this case capture

    any table row that contains a value for all columns present on the invoice. Table auto-completion will search table rows

    upward and downward and will thus find all table rows.

    Sometimes table auto-completion won't detect the last part of a table if the table structure changes or if a table is

    continued on a following page.

    To complete the lower part of a table:


    Click TAC initialize in the Invoice Items group. The command is now shown in red color indicating that you

    started the table auto-completion process.


    Capture the first missing row using the mouse.

    3.  Click TAC downward in the Invoice Items group.

    The algorithm will then fill the following rows while the upper part of the table, which has already been captured,

    remains unmodified.

    You can use table auto-completion even on complex tables, e.g. on tables where in a single column the values consist of

    several lines. Often it will even work correctly if only a single of these lines has been captured.

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    Invoice Capture Center User's Guide Validating Documents 9

    2.9 Searching VendorsTo determine the vendor of an invoice, click Vendors in the Validation group. The Vendor Search dialog box opensand shows a list of all vendors that are available in SAP for the company code that is currently assigned to the invoice.

    Select the correct row and click OK, or double-click the respective row.If the list is long, you can use filters. The filter row is shown below the header row. To specify a filter, enter text at a

    column into the filter row, and then click Search. With a question mark you can specify that any character may appear

    at the respective position. With an asterisk you can specify that any string may appear. For example, if you enter f* as

    filter at the company column and click Search, the list will only show rows where the company starts with an F. If youspecify filters at two columns, the list will only show rows where the column values of both columns match the specified

    filter. If use of upper or lower case is important, enable the option Case sensitive.

    If you just used a filter and now need to see the complete vendor list, delete all filters and click Search.

    To reduce download time, as default only the first 100 rows matching specified filters are downloaded. If you need more

    rows, change the value of the option Maximum number or rows.

    If the vendor list is very long, you should work with filters because only rows that match the specified filters will be

    downloaded. If you use the company name or a part of the street name followed by an asterisk, you often will get just afew rows or sometimes even a single row with the correct vendor.

    To adjust a column width, go to the header row and drag the border line at the left or right border of the respective

    column with the mouse.

    As default, the dialog shows a few columns that should help you to determine the correct vendor, especially columns

    with address data. If you need other columns to be shown, click on the header row of the list with the right mouse button

    and on the appearing menu click the name of the column you want to add or remove.

    To sort the list according to a specific column, click the respective column header. A little arrow symbol will indicate

    that the list is now sorted according to the column. To switch between ascending and descending order, just click the

    column header again.

    2.10 Marking Invoices for TrainingOptionally, an application may use an adaptive method to find some field values. To be able to extract field values, these

    adaptive methods need suitable sample invoices that have be trained beforehand, and recognition rate can be increased

     by training suitable invoices repeatedly.

    If adaptive methods are used, Mark for training will be enabled in the Validation group of the Application tab. Ifyou click this command, the current invoice with its extraction results will be stored in VIM when you click Submit,and these data can later be used to perform training.

    In this case, ask your administrator in which situations you should click Mark for training before submitting aninvoice.

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    10 Validating Documents Invoice Capture Center User's Guide

    2.11 Terminating ValidationIf you want to terminate working, use Submit when you have finished validating the current document. The documentwill be submitted without opening a new document. You can then terminate Validation by clicking Exit on theapplication menu.

    If you have to terminate immediately and can’t completely validate the current document, click Cancel in theValidation group. The current document will then be closed. Changes you already made will be discarded, and thedocument will again be available for validation.

    2.12 Rejecting a DocumentIf you detect that the current document can’t be processed, e.g. because image quality is so bad that you can’t decipher

    the field values, or because some invalid document that is not an invoice or credit memo was scanned erroneously, click

    Reject in the Validation group.

    The Enter Reject Reason dialog opens where you can specify your problem. Open the Action required drop-downlist, and then click the respective reject reason:

      If the current document must be deleted because it is no invoice, select Mark for deletion.


    If image quality is so bad that you can’t read the required data, select Mark for rescan.  In all other cases, select Reject, and enter a description of the problem into the second field. A drop-down list

     permits to select a text that you entered previously.

    When you confirm the dialog, the document will be submitted together with an error code, and, in case you selected the

    Reject action, with the description you entered. The administrator can then take the appropriate action.

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    Invoice Capture Center User's Guide Validating Documents 11

    2.13 Correcting Documents Using the Mouse

    2.13.1 Capturing Data Using Single Click Entry

    With Invoice Capture Center, you can use Single Click Entry, the patented Open Text technology, to capture data veryfast and comfortably with the mouse. In most cases, you can capture a data field with a single mouse click.

    When the pointer hovers over the document image, it carries a tool tip showing the name of the currently selected field:

    If the field already contains a value, the current value is also shown. If the location of the value is known, the area is

    highlighted by colored background:

    As soon as the pointer hovers over text, the tool tip will show the recognition result that could now be captured. At the

    same time, the corresponding area on the document becomes highlighted in light-red color:

    A single mouse click will now capture the selected text and switch to the next erroneous field, i.e. the next field showing

    a yellow warning icon with an exclamation mark.

    If the current field already contains the correct result, select another field by clicking on it in the Fields view. Take care,not to click onto the document in this case because that would either capture a value, or delete the field value.

    If the text shown in the tool tip is not correct, capture it nevertheless, then select the respective field, correct the value

    using the keyboard, and use ENTER to switch to the next erroneous field.

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    12 Validating Documents Invoice Capture Center User's Guide

    In special cases, you will need additional methods:

      If only a part of the value is shown in the tool tip, you can mark adjacent words and capture the complete


      To capture a block of text consisting of several lines, you can use Zone-and-Capture to mark and capture a

    text block . 

      You can even mark and capture arbitrary words at different locations on the document using Multi-Selection.

    2.13.2 Capturing Adjacent Words Using the Mouse

    Sometimes you will have to capture text into a field whose parts are separated by some space. The tool tip will only

    show a part of the desired field value in this case. In the following example, an item description consists of several

    words. But the tool tip will only show the first word of the string that has to be captured:

    To capture adjacent strings, position the pointer over the first string, and hold the left mouse button pressed while you

    move the pointer over the strings that should be captured. The tool tip will show all the strings you touched with the


    Releasing the mouse button will now enter the value and switch to the next field.

    Tip: If you marked the wrong text by mistake, press ESC while you keep the mouse button pressed. This will

    remove the selection. When you now release the mouse button, the field value will not change and the field willstay selected.

    2.13.3 Capturing a Text Block Using the Mouse

    Sometimes you have to capture a complete block of text stretching across several lines. In the following example, an

    item description consists of two lines:

    In this case you can draw a rectangle around the text that shall be captured. Position the mouse above and to the left ofthe text block and draw a rectangle while you keep the left mouse button pressed. The text within the rectangle becomes

    marked and is shown in the tool tip:

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    Invoice Capture Center User's Guide Validating Documents 13

    Releasing the mouse button will now enter the value and switch to the next field.

    Tip: If you marked the wrong text by mistake, press ESC while you keep the mouse button pressed. This willremove the selection. When you now release the mouse button, the field value will not change and the field will

    stay selected.

    2.13.4 Capturing Arbitrary Words Using the Mouse

    Sometimes you may have to capture text that comes from different locations on the document. In the following example,

    we assume that only name and city should be captured for a field Recipient while street line and zip code should be


    In this case, use Multi-Selection: hold SHIFT down, point to the first string and click the mouse button. The stringappears in the tool tip and the mouse cursor changes to a plus symbol:

     Now hold SHIFT down, and click on all strings you want to add to the field value. In our example we would click on the

    words Care, Life, Insurance, New and York. The example would then look as follows:

    Releasing the mouse button will now enter the value and switch to the next field.

    Tip: If you marked the wrong text by mistake, press ESC while you keep the mouse button pressed. This will removethe selection. When you now release the mouse button, the field value will not change and the field will stay selected.

    Before you can again use this feature, you must release the SHIFT key temporarily.

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    14 Validating Documents Invoice Capture Center User's Guide

    2.14 Capturing Data Using the KeyboardWith Invoice Capture Center you can easily and comfortably capture data using the mouse, but it is also possible to use

    the keyboard.

    For normal text fields, just enter the field value and confirm with ENTER. This will switch to the next erroneous field.To switch to the next neighboring field, use TAB. To switch to the previous neighboring field, use SHIFT+TAB.

    All fields that are empty but mandatory, and all fields that have invalid contents, are in error state and are marked with a

    warning icon. If a field is in error state, it is also highlighted with red background color.

    For a combo box, you can navigate through the list of values with the UP and DOWN arrow keys.

    If the selected field is a check box field, you can mark or unmark it using the space-bar.

    When you leave the last field, the Submit button becomes selected so that you can submit the data using CTRL+S.

    2.15 Working with Table Fields

    To validate table fields - e.g. the invoice items table - comfortably, you should switch to table mode. In this mode, onlytable fields are displayed, and they will be shown above the document.

    To switch to table mode, use the F8 function key, or set Layout to Table in the View group of the Application tab.

    For a table field, a table header shows the names of all table columns. The table header may be followed by table rows.

    Each table row shows fields –  called table cells –  for all table columns.

    You can capture table cells and navigate within the rows and cells of a table in the same way as for normal fields of a


    You can also add, insert, or delete table rows as needed.

    Take notice that application configuration determines whether the invoice items table is shown. It may never be shown, it

    may always be shown, or it may only be shown if the PO Number List field is not empty.

    2.15.1 Adding Table Rows

    To append a row at the end of a table, do one of the following actions:

      click the plus sign preceding the table header, or

      click the plus sign preceding the last table row, or


    click Append row in the Invoice Items group of the Application tab.

    To insert a row above a selected table row, do one of the following actions:

      click the upper plus sign preceding the selected row,


    click Add row above in the Invoice Items group of the Application tab, or


    use CTRL+N.To insert a row below a selected table row, do one of the following actions:

      click the lower plus sign preceding the selected row,

      click Add row below in the Invoice Items group of the Application tab, or


    use CTRL+M.

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    Invoice Capture Center User's Guide Validating Documents 15

    2.15.2 Deleting Table Rows

    To delete a table row, do one of the following actions:

      click the red cross preceding the respective row, or


    select the row, and click Delete row in the Invoice Items group of the Application tab.

    To delete all rows of a table, do one of the following actions:

      click the red cross preceding the header row of the table, or


    click Delete all rows in the Invoice Items group of the Application tab.

    Before all rows of a table are deleted, a dialog will ask for confirmation.

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    Invoice Capture Center User's Guide Configuring the Validation Client 17

    3 Configuring the Validation Client

    3.1 Changing Layout of the Validation WindowIn default layout, the program window shows the Fields view on the left side, and the document image on the right side.Thumbnails of all document pages are always shown at the right border of the program window.

    As default, the fields are shown in a single column where the field names stand above the respective fields.

    Using the View group in the Application tab you can


    show the fields above the document, 


    arrange the fields in more than one column, 

      show the field names before the respective fields, or

      switch to table mode showing table fields above the document.

    3.1.1 Showing the Fields Above the Document

    In default layout, the fields are shown on the left side of the document. To show the fields above the document, use the

    F7 function key, or go to the View group of the Application tab and from Layout select Horizontal.

    To return to the default layout, click the F6 function key, or from Layout select Vertical.

    3.1.2 Arranging the Fields in Several Columns

    In the Fields view, the fields can be arranged in a single column or in several columns. To change the layout of theview, go to the View group of the Application tab and set Columns to the desired number of columns.

    3.1.3 Showing the Field Names Before or Above the Fields

    In default layout, the field names are shown above the respective fields in the Fields view. To change fieldrepresentation, go to the View group of the Application tab and set Field Names to Above or In Front, as desired.

    3.1.4 Switching to Table Mode

    In default layout, all fields are shown on the left side of the document. For validation of table fields, you can switch to

    table mode where only table fields are shown above the document.

    To switch to table mode, click the F8 function key, or go to the View group of the Application tab, and from Layout select Table.

    To return to a layout where all fields are shown, click the F6 function key to show all fields on the left side, or the F7 function key to show them above the document, or from Layout select Vertical or Horizontal, respectively.

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    18 Configuring the Validation Client Invoice Capture Center User's Guide

    3.2 Changing User Interface LanguageThe Validation Client of Invoice Capture Center supports several user interface languages. After Invoice Capture Center

    has been installed, the Validation user interface will be shown in the language of the operating system or in English if no

    suitable language could be found.

    To change the interface language:


    Open the application menu.


    Click ICC Options.

    3.  In the ICC Options dialog box, click the desired language in the User interface language list.

    3.3 Controlling Document PresentationThe Image view shows a toolbar below the document. You can use this toolbar to

      enlarge or reduce the document, 


    rotate the document, or


    adapt the document to the view. 

    3.3.1 Enlarging or Reducing the Document

    To enlarge or reduce the document, click Zoom-in or Zoom-out on the toolbar shown below the document.

    Alternatively you can use the mouse. To enlarge or reduce the document, turn the mouse wheel forwards or backwards

    while you hold the SHIFT key pressed.

    3.3.2 Rotating the Document

    If the document is not shown in upright position, you can rotate it as needed. To rotate the document, click Rotate left 

    or Rotate right on the toolbar shown below the document.

    3.3.3 Adapting the Document to the Size of the Document View

    To adapt the document to the size of the document view, use the toolbar shown below the document or the buttons in the

    Image group of the Application tab.

      To show the whole page, click Fit to window.

      To adapt presentation to the width of the document view, click Fit to width.


    To adapt presentation to the height of the document view, click Fit to height.

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    Invoice Capture Center User's Guide Configuring the Validation Client 19

    3.4 Modifying Field Group ColorizingTo modify field group colorizing, click ICC Options on the application menu to open the ICC Options dialog box andthen click Colorize Field Groups. The Colorize Field Groups dialog box opens.

    For each group, the dialog box shows a rectangle highlighted with the currently used color.For each group, the color used for highlighting is a lighter version of a dark base color. Below the colored rectangle of

    each group, a slider controls the color used for highlighting. If you move the slider to the left, the color becomes lighter

    until it becomes white if you move the slider to the left end. If you move the slider to the right, the color becomes darker

    until it equals the dark base color if you move the slider to the right end.

    To select a different base color for a group, click the respective rectangle. The Color  dialog box opens. In this dialog box you can select a color from a set of basic colors or specify your own color.

    A click on Restore Default on the Colorize Field Groups dialog box will reset all colors to their default values.

    3.5 Advanced Options

    3.5.1 Deactivating the Polling Animation

    In rare cases, the animation, which is shown while the Validation Client is waiting for an invoice, slows down response

    time on slow remote desktop connections. In this case, the animation can be stopped.

    To deactivate the polling animation:


    On the application menu click ICC Options.

    2.  In the ICC Options dialog box, select the Deactivate polling animation check box and then click OK.

    3.5.2 Activating an Additional Key as TAB Key

    If you prefer to use a function key that can be comfortably reached with the right hand to switch between fields, you can

    activate an arbitrary function key that will work in the same way as the TAB key.

    To activate an additional TAB key:


    On the application menu click ICC Options.


    In the ICC Options dialog box, select the Activate additional key as TAB key in Validation check box.


    Press the desired function key. Its name will then appear in the text box shown below the check box.


    Click OK to close the dialog box.

    3.5.3 Activating "Click to Submit" in the Image View

    To submit an invoice, you can either click Submit+Open below the field list or the respective command in the

    Validation group of the ribbon.

    If you want to be able to submit an invoice with a click in the image view after having captured the last field using the

    mouse, you can activate the Click to submit feature.

    To activate "Click to submit":

    1.  On the application menu click  ICC Options.

    2.  In the ICC Options dialog box, clear the Deactivate "Click to submit" in image view check box.

    3.  Click OK to close the dialog box.

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    Invoice Capture Center User's Guide Keyboard Shortcuts 21

    4 Keyboard ShortcutsTo make navigation fast and efficient, function keys and key combinations are available for many functions as described

    in the tables below.


    Key combination Description

    CTRL + P Open document

    CTRL + S Submit document


    Key combination Description

    TAB  Next field

    RETURN  Next erroneous field

    SHIFT + TAB Previous field

    SHIFT + RETURN Previous erroneous field

    …within a field 

    POS1 Move cursor to the start of the field

    END Move cursor to the end of the field

    RIGHT Move cursor one character to the right

    LEFT Move cursor one character to the left

    …within a table 

    TAB  Next element in the table

    RETURN  Next erroneous element in the table

    SHIFT + TAB Previous element in the table

    SHIFT + RETURN Previous erroneous element in the table

    DELETE Delete selection

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    22 Keyboard Shortcuts Invoice Capture Center User's Guide

    Edit Table

    Key combination Description

    CTRL + N Insert a row above the current row

    CTRL + W Insert a row below the current row

    CTRL + M Add row at the end of the table

    CTRL + D Delete the current row

    CTRL + T Delete all rows

    Image View

    These function keys do only work if the Image view has the keyboard focus. Click on the image, if necessary.

    Key combination Description

    CTRL + PLUS SIGN (num. keypad)

    Zoom in

    CTRL + MINUS SIGN (num. keypad) Zoom out

    CTRL + 3 (num. keypad) Fast scroll down

    CTRL + 9 (num. keypad) Fast scroll up

    CTRL + 7 (num. keypad) Go to top left corner

    CTRL + 1 (num. keypad) Go to bottom right corner


    Key combination Description

    F6 Switch to Vertical mode showing the fields to the left of the documentimage.

    F7 Switch to Horizontal mode showing the fields above the documentimage.

    F8 Switch to Table mode.

    F9 Open the Vendor Search dialog box.

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    Invoice Capture Center User's Guide Keyboard Shortcuts 23

    Windows Shortcuts

    Key combination Description

    CTRL+C Copy.

    CTRL+X Cut.

    CTRL+V Paste.

    DELETE Delete.

    CTRL+RIGHT ARROW Move the insertion point to the beginning of the next word.

    CTRL+LEFT ARROW Move the insertion point to the beginning of the previous word.

    CTRL+A Select all.

    ALT+F4 Close the active item.

    ALT+SPACEBAR Opens the shortcut menu for the active window.

    SHIFT+F10 Display the shortcut menu for the selected item.

    ALT Display the letters of available commands in the ribbon.

    CTRL+TAB Move forward through tabs.

    CTRL+SHIFT+TAB Move backward through tabs.TAB Move forward through options.

    SHIFT+TAB Move backward through options.

    SPACEBAR Select or clear the check box if the active option is a check box.

    END Display the bottom of the active window.

    HOME Display the top of the active window.

    Accessibility - Invoice Capture Center Menu:

    Key combination Description

    ALT, F, O, …  Opens the Invoice Capture Center menu. To open an application, then press the respective character. Ask system administrator which lettersare assigned to the available applications.

    ALT, F, C Closes the current application.

    ALT, F, A Opens the Info dialog box showing version and copyrightinformation.

    ALT, F, T Opens the ICC Options dialog where you can specify the userinterface language.

    ALT, F, B Terminates the program.

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    24 Keyboard Shortcuts Invoice Capture Center User's Guide

    Accessibility – Application Tab:

    Key combination Description

    ALT, A, O Opens the next document.

    ALT, A, U Submits the current document.

    ALT, A, B, 1 Submits the current document and opens the next document.

    ALT, A, N Cancels the current document.

    ALT, A, D Adds a row above the current row in table mode.

    ALT, A, L Deletes the current row in table mode.

    ALT, A, W Adds a row below the current row in table mode.

    ALT, A, B, 2 Adds a row to the end of the table in table mode.

    ALT, A, B, 3 Deletes all rows in table mode.

    ALT, A, F Adapts the document image so that the complete page is shown.

    ALT, A, I Adapts the document image to the width of the Image view.

    ALT, A, H Adapts the document image to the height of the Image view.

    ALT, A, Z Zoom in.

    ALT, A, B, 4 Zoom out.

    ALT, A, B, 5 Rotate image left.

    ALT, A, G Rotate image right.

    ALT, A, : Activates the Layout option. Use the UP or DOWN key to select thedesired value and confirm with ENTER.

    ALT, A, C, 2 Activates the Columns option. Use the UP or DOWN key toincrease or decrease the number of columns and confirm withENTER.

    ALT, A, C, 3 Activates the Field names option. Use the UP or DOWN key toselect the desired value and confirm with ENTER.

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    5 Index

    Activating "Click to Submit" in the Image View 19

    Activating an Additional Key as TAB Key 19

    Adapting the Document to the Size of the Document

    View 18

    Adding Table Rows 14

    Advanced Options 19

    Arranging the Fields in Several Columns 17

    Capturing a Text Block Using the Mouse 12

    Capturing Adjacent Words Using the Mouse 12

    Capturing Arbitrary Words Using the Mouse 13

    Capturing Data Using Single Click Entry 11

    Capturing Data Using the Keyboard 14

    Capturing Table Rows Automatically 8

    Changing Layout of the Validation Window 17

    Changing User Interface Language 18

    Controlling Document Presentation 18

    Correcting Documents Using the Mouse 11

    Deactivating the Polling Animation 19

    Deleting Table Rows 15

    Enlarging or Reducing the Document 18

    Field Mode 5

    Fields 4

    Marking Invoices for Training 9

    Modifying Field Group Colorizing 19

    Opening an Application 5

    Opening Documents 5

    Overview 3

    Rejecting a Document 10

    Rotating the Document 18

    Searching Vendors 9Showing the Field Names Before or Above the Fields


    Showing the Fields Above the Document 17

    Starting Validation 4

    Switching to Table Mode 17

    Table Mode 7

    Terminating Validation 10

    Working with Table Fields 14