Ibt Listening Comprehension (Lectures, classroom discussion and conversation)


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  • 8/10/2019 Ibt Listening Comprehension (Lectures, classroom discussion and conversation)



    SectionSection ContentContent TimeTime ScoreScore

    Listening 46 lectures

    (5 minutes)

    6 questions




    (3 minutes)

    5 questionseach


    minutes (in


    35 seconds to

    answer each



    2. Language Level

    More informal language than in Reading section

    based on speech samples from North American colleges and universities

    Easier than Reading section lectures: 8thgrade difficulty level

    conversations: 4thor 5thgrade difficulty level


    more difficult than conversations because of academic content

    3. Types of Listening Passage


  • 8/10/2019 Ibt Listening Comprehension (Lectures, classroom discussion and conversation)


  • 8/10/2019 Ibt Listening Comprehension (Lectures, classroom discussion and conversation)


    "onte't visual sets the scene%

    )isual appears #hen narrator introduces the conversation%

    6. Question Sets

    Each set

    t#o lectures and one conversation

    each set of passages has * +uestions


    , minutes to ans#er * +uestions

    Lecture +uestions are more difficult than conversation +uestions%

    four minutes for +uestions on each lecture and t#o minutes for

    the conversation +uestions

    -uestion order usually follo#s order of information in passage%

    7. ultiple C!oice Questions

    Most have four choices and one correct ans#er

    .ist: purpose for a conversation

    /nference: dra# conclusion from stated facts

    0etail: main supporting details

    may have t#o or three correct ans#ers

    if t#o correct ans#ers1 then four ans#er choices2 if three correct

    ans#ers1 then five ans#er choices%

    3rganiation: underlying organiation of lecture or relationships

    bet#een t#o parts

  • 8/10/2019 Ibt Listening Comprehension (Lectures, classroom discussion and conversation)


    ". #eplay Questions


    as! about spea!er6s feelings1

    opinion1 or certainty


    as! about meaning behind

    spea!er6s #ords

    /nclude headphone icon Listen again to portion of lecture

    or conversation%

    $. Co%%on &istractors

    "ommon distractors incorrect ans#ers9 in the Listening section:

    repeat #ords and phrases from passage1 but incorrectly ans#er the


    contain similar sounding #ords


  • 8/10/2019 Ibt Listening Comprehension (Lectures, classroom discussion and conversation)


    do not ans#er the +uestion

    are not mentioned in the passage

    contradict passage

    .ist -uestions

    /ncorrect ans#ers may be too broad or too narro#%

    '(. )elpful Tips

    "orrect ans#ers are usually restatements of information from the

    listening passage%

    .uess if you6re unsure of an ans#er

    Eliminate the definitely #rong ans#ers%

    "hoose the ans#er that is most consistent #ith the main idea%

    ''. ore )elpful Tips

    or! +uic!ly%

    ;ou only have 5 seconds to ans#er each +uestion%

    Maintain a balance bet#een speed and accuracy%

    /f time is running out1

    .uess the ans#ers to the remaining +uestions%

    ;ou do not lose points for incorrect ans#ers%


  • 8/10/2019 Ibt Listening Comprehension (Lectures, classroom discussion and conversation)



    % ' $3E7L iurpose -uestions

    % 2.3 $ype : 0etail -uestions

    4% 2.4 $ype 4: ?nderstanding the 7unction of hat /s &aid


    5% 2.5 $ype 5: ?nderstanding the &pea!er6s Attitude -uestions

    @% 2.6 $ype @: ?nderstanding 3rganiation -uestions

    *% 2.7 $ype *: "onnecting "ontent -uestions


  • 8/10/2019 Ibt Listening Comprehension (Lectures, classroom discussion and conversation)


    8% 2." $ype 8: Ma!ing /nferences -uestions

    % 3

  • 8/10/2019 Ibt Listening Comprehension (Lectures, classroom discussion and conversation)


    a student could re*uest an e/tension on a -ue -atenon

    academic content91 or a student could as1 for clarification a0out t!e content of

    a lectureacademic content9% Service encounters

    o /nteractions that ta!e place on a university ca%pusand have nonaca-e%ic content%

    o E'amples include in+uiring about a pay%ent for !ousing or registering for class%


    Lecturesin $3E7L i

  • 8/10/2019 Ibt Listening Comprehension (Lectures, classroom discussion and conversation)


    o )iruseso Medical techni+ueso >ublic healtho >hysiology of sensory organso

  • 8/10/2019 Ibt Listening Comprehension (Lectures, classroom discussion and conversation)


    TOEFL iBT Listening Questions

    Ans#er choices and correct ans#ers:

    Tra-itional %ultiplec!oice *uestions #ith 4 anser c!oicesand a singlecorrect anser% Most +uestions9 Multiple=choice +uestions #ith %ore t!an one anserfor e'ample1 t#o ans#ers

    out of four or more choices9 -uestions that re+uire you to put in or-er eventsor steps in a process -uestions that re+uire you to %atc! o0ects or te/t to categories in a ta0le

    &ome +uestions replaya part of the lecture or conversation% /n these replay +uestions1

    you #ill hear a part of the lecture or conversation again%

    ;ou #ill then be as!ed a multiple=choice +uestion about #hat you have Bust heard%

    $here are " types of *uestionsin the Listening section% $hese types are divided into

    categories as follo#s: asic Co%pre!ension-uestions

    o istContento istPurposeo &etail

    Prag%atic 8n-erstan-ing-uestionso ?nderstanding the 9unctionof hat /s &aido

    ?nderstanding the &pea!er6s ,ttitu-e Connecting :nfor%ation-uestions

    o ?nderstanding rgani;ationo Connecting Contento a1ing :nferences

    Type '< istContent Questions

    ?nderstanding the gistof a lecture or conversation means understanding

    the general topicor %ain i-ea%

    $he gistof the lecture or conversation may be e'pressed e/plicitly or i%plicitly%

    -uestions that test understanding the gist may re+uire you to generali;e or synt!esi;e

    infor%ationfrom #hat you hear%

    How to Recognize Gist-Content Questions

    hat problem does the man have hat are the spea!ers %ainly -iscussing


  • 8/10/2019 Ibt Listening Comprehension (Lectures, classroom discussion and conversation)


    hat is the %ain topicof the lecture hat is the lecture %ainly a0out hat aspect of F does the professor %ainly -iscuss

    Tips for Gist-Content Questions

    istContent+uestions as! about the overall contentof the listening passage%

    =li%inate c!oicesthat refer to only s%all portionsof the listening passage% 8se your notes% 0ecide #hat overall theme ties the details in your notes together%

    "hoose the ans#er that comes closest to describing this overall t!e%e%

    Note that for istContent+uestions the correct ans#er and the incorrect choices

    can sometimes be #orded %ore a0stractly%

    Type 2< istPurpose Questions

    &ome gist+uestions focus on the purposeof the conversationrather than on

    the content%

    $his type of +uestion #ill %ore li1ely occur it! conversations1 but ist

    Purpose+uestions may also occasionally be as!ed about lectures%

    How to Recognize Gist-Purpose Questions

    >!ydoes the student visit the professor >!ydoes the student visit the registrar6s office >!ydid the professor as! to see the student >!ydoes the professor e'plain F

    Tips for Gist-Purpose Questions

    Listen for the unifying t!e%eof the conversation%7or e'ample1 during a professor6s office !ours1 a student as!s the professor for

    help #ith a paper on glaciers%

    $heir conversation includes facts about glaciers1 but the unifying t!e%eof the

    conversation is that the student nee-s !elp riting !is paper%

    /n this conversation the spea!ers are not attempting to convey a main idea about

    glaciers% /n Service =ncounterconversations1 the student is often trying to solve

    a pro0le%%

    ?nderstanding !at t!e stu-ents pro0le% isand !o it ill 0e solve-#ill

    help you ans#er the istPurpose+uestion%

  • 8/10/2019 Ibt Listening Comprehension (Lectures, classroom discussion and conversation)


    Type 3< &etail Questions

    &etail+uestions re+uire you to understand and remember e/plicit -etails or factsfrom

    a lecture or conversation%

    $hese details are typically relate-1 -irectly or in-irectly1 to the gist of t!e te/t1 by

    providing ela0oration? e/a%ples1 or ot!er support%

    /n some cases #here there is a long -igressionthat is not clearly related to the main

    idea1 you may be as!ed about some -etails of t!e -igression%

    How to Recognize Detail Questions

    ,ccor-ing tothe professor1 !at isone #ay that F can affect ; >!at isF >!at resulte- fro%the invention of the F ,ccor-ing tothe professor1 !at isthe main problem #ith the F theory

    Tips for Detail Questions

    #efer to your notesas you ans#er% Remember1 you ill not0e as1e- a0out

    %inor points%

    ;our notes should contain the%aor -etails

    from the conversation or lecture% &o notc!oose an anser only 0ecause it contains so%e of t!e or-s that #ere

    used in the conversation or lecture%

    :ncorrect responses#ill often contain or-s an- p!rases fro% t!e listening

    passage% /f you are unsureof the correct response1 decide #hich one of the choices is %ost

    consistent it! t!e %ain i-eaof the conversation or lecture%

    Remember that ne ter%inologyis often tested in &etail+uestions%

    Prag%atic 8n-erstan-ing Questions

    Prag%atic 8n-erstan-ing+uestions test understanding of certain features of

    spo!en English that go beyond basic comprehension%

    .enerally spea!ing1 these types of +uestions test ho# #ell you understand

    the functionof an utterance or the stance? or attitu-e1 that the spea!er e'presses%

    /n most instances1 Prag%atic 8n-erstan-ing+uestions #ill test parts of the

    conversation or lecture #here a spea1ers purpose or attitu-eis note/presse-


    /n these cases1 !at is -irectly state-Gthe surface e/pressionGill not0e an e/act

    %atc!of the spea!er6s function or purpose%


  • 8/10/2019 Ibt Listening Comprehension (Lectures, classroom discussion and conversation)


    hat people say is often intended to be understood on a level that lies 0eyon- or

    0eneat! t!e surface e/pression%

    $o use an often=cited e'ample1 the sentence It sure is cold in herecan be

    understood literally as a state%ent of factabout the temperature of a room%

  • 8/10/2019 Ibt Listening Comprehension (Lectures, classroom discussion and conversation)


    How to Recognize Understanding the unction of

    !hat "s Said Questions

    hat does the professor i%ply#hen he says this: AreplayB hat can be inferre-from the professor6s response to the student AreplayB hat is the purposeof the #oman6s response AreplayB >!ydoes the student say t!is: AreplayB

    Tip for Understanding the unction of !hat "s

    Said Questions

    Remember that the functionof #hat is said %ay not%atc!#hat

    the spea!er -irectly states%

    Type 5< 8n-erstan-ing t!e Spea1ers ,ttitu-e Questions

    $he second type of Prag%atic 8n-erstan-ing+uestion tests #hether you

    understand a spea1ers attitu-e or opinion%

    ;ou may be as!ed a +uestion about the spea1ers feelings? li1es an- -isli1es1 or reasonfor an/iety or a%use%ent%

    Also included in this category are +uestions about a spea1ers -egree of certainty:

    /s the spea!er referencing a sourceor giving a personal opinion

    Are the facts presented generally accepte-or are they -ispute-

    How to Recognize Understanding the Spea#er$s

    %ttitude Questions

    hat can be inferre-about the student hat is the professor6s attitu-eto#ard F hat is the professor6s opinionof F hat can be inferre-about the student #hen she says this: AreplayB hat does the #oman %ean#hen she says this: AreplayB


  • 8/10/2019 Ibt Listening Comprehension (Lectures, classroom discussion and conversation)


    Tip for Understanding the Spea#er$s %ttitude


    Learn to pay attention to the spea1ers tone of voice%

    0oes the spea!er sound apologetic@ Confuse-@ =nt!usiastic@$he spea1ers tonecan help you ans#er this !ind of +uestion%

    Connecting :nfor%ation Questions

    Connecting :nfor%ation+uestions re+uire you to %a1e connectionsbet#een

    or among pieces of infor%ationin the te't%

    ;our ability to integrate infor%ationfrom different parts of the listening passage1

    to %a1e inferences1 to -ra conclusions1 to for% generali;ations1 and to %a1e

    pre-ictionsis tested%

    $o choose the right ans#er1 you #ill need to be able to i-entify an- e/plain

    relations!ips a%ong i-eas an- -etailsin a te't%

    $hese relations!ipsmay be e/plicit or i%plicit% $here are three types of "onnecting

    /nformation +uestions%

    Type 6< 8n-erstan-ing rgani;ation Questions

    /n 8n-erstan-ing rgani;ation+uestions you may be as!ed about

    the overall organi;ationof the listening passage1

    or you may be as!ed about the relations!ip 0eteen to portionsof the listening

    passage% Cere are ( e'amples: Co# does the professor organi;e t!e infor%ationthat she presents to the class

    o /n the order in #hich the events occurred Co# does the professor clarify t!e points !e %a1esabout Me'ico


  • 8/10/2019 Ibt Listening Comprehension (Lectures, classroom discussion and conversation)


    How to Recognize Understanding &rganization


    Co# does the professor organi;e t!e infor%ation a0out Co# is the -iscussion organi;e- hy does the professor -iscuss hy does the professor %ention

    Tips for Understanding &rganization Questions

    -uestions that as! about the overall organi;ationof the passage are more li!ely

    to be found after lecturesthan after conversations%

    #efer to your notesto ans#er these +uestions%

    /t %ay not !ave 0een apparent fro% t!e startthat the professor organied theinformation for e'ample9 c!ronologically1 or fro% least to %ost co%ple/1 or in

    some other #ay% Pay attention to t!e co%parisonsmade by the professor%

    hen the professor mentions something that is offtopic1 you should as!

    yourself !at point t!e professor is %a1ing%

    Type 7< Connecting Content Questions

    Connecting Content+uestions measure your understanding of the relations!ips a%ong

    i-easin a te't%

    $hese relationships may be e/plicitly state-1 or you may have to infer t!e% fro% t!e

    or-syou hear%

    $he +uestions may as! you to organi;e infor%ation in a -ifferent ayfrom the #ay it

    #as presented in the listening passage%

    ;ou might be as!ed to identify co%parisons1 cause an- effect1 or contra-iction an-

    agree%ent%;ou may also be as!ed to classify ite%s in categories1 i-entify a se*uence of events or

    steps in a process1 or specify relations!ipsamong obBects along some dimension%

    ;ou may have to pre-ict an outco%e1 -ra a logical conclusion1 e/trapolate

    so%e a--itional infor%ation1

    infer a causean-effect relations!ip1 or specify so%e particular se*uence of events%

    How to Recognize Connecting Content Questions

    hat is the li!ely outcome of doing procedure F before procedure ; hat can be inferred about F hat does the professor imply about F


  • 8/10/2019 Ibt Listening Comprehension (Lectures, classroom discussion and conversation)


    Tip for Connecting Content Questions

    -uestions that re+uire you to fill in a c!art or ta0leor put events in or-erfall

    into this category%

    As you listen to the lectures accompanying this study guide1 pay attention to t!e

    ay you for%at your notes%"learly identifying ter%sand their -efinitionsas #ell as stepsin a process #ill

    help you ans#er +uestions of this type% /n Connecting Content+uestions you #ill have to use information

    from %ore t!an one placein the listening passage%

    Type "< a1ing :nferences Questions

    $he final type of connecting infor%ation+uestion is a1ing :nferences+uestions%

    /n this !ind of +uestion you usually have to reac! a conclusionbased on facts presented in the listening passage%

    How to Recognize 'a#ing "nferences Questions

    hat does the professor i%ply a0out

    hat #ill the student pro0a0ly -o ne/t

    hat can 0e inferre- a0out

    hat does the professor i%ply !en !e says t!is< AreplayB

    Tip for 'a#ing "nferences Questions

    In some cases, answering this kind of question correctly means adding up details from the

    passage to reach a conclusion.

    In other cases, the professor may imply something withoutdirectly stating it.

    In most cases the answer you choose will use vocabulary notfound in the listening passage.

    4. Revolution of experience

    Environment own computer desktop, earphone, pencil, note!ook

    "oftware picture, video, sound, !lack!oard

    #rocedure $E%ER &'(E )*&+

    uestion types multiple choices-/4, 0/41, listen again, click on a ta!le

    2. Revolution of materials


  • 8/10/2019 Ibt Listening Comprehension (Lectures, classroom discussion and conversation)


    'rgani3ation take #*R * out/ intend to test listening capa!ility

    5ength and speed longer and slower

    ime for answering questions free and limited

    Roles in materials dialogue, monologue and discussion

    6. %iew of software


  • 8/10/2019 Ibt Listening Comprehension (Lectures, classroom discussion and conversation)


    Part ! "rac#ing Phonetic "onfusion

    . 7Reading (ethod8 in listening practice

    import a!ility -reading/listening1 and export a!ility -writing/speaking1

    two o!stacles of learning English #honetic confusion voca!ulary

    &ontent comprehension sentence and structure

    Reading logic in listening practice

    0. &onfusion I. "peed

    %'* standard and %'* special

    Romantic and rap

    "rac#ing$ FOLLO% T&E 'PEE( )*( MMT)TO*

    "tep 'ne read the text fluently"tep wo read and listen while speak out the text

    "tep hree 9ust listen and speak out the text

    :. &onfusion II. ;amiliar and unfamiliar


    ot, !ox, rock

  • 8/10/2019 Ibt Listening Comprehension (Lectures, classroom discussion and conversation)


    @dAB@9AC@dgA e.g. would you/ hand your/ did you

    @sAB@9AC@shA e.g. miss you/ this year

    @3AB@9AC@gA e.g. as usual/ !ecause you

    78 e.g. interview/ want to

    6. &onfusion %. #honetic Deakness

    #reposition e.g. stay at home/ do it for fun/ come from &hina/ go in the house/ a cup of coffee/

    the train to #aris

    #ronoun e.g. #hone us when you are free/ Ive lost my !ook

    &on9unction e.g. please give me some cream and sugar/ either om or #eter can come

    Examples Im afraid I run out of film.

    I can hardly turn around in it.

    I simply couldnt put it down.

    I toss and turn in !ed.

    F. &onfusion %I. Emphasis Emphasis on different parts of the sentence e.g. om likes to play soccer.

    Emphasis on did/was/do/is/cant

    Emphasis on if only/ su!9unctive mood if only I had a million dollars.

    G. &onfusion %II. one

    "omething 9ust hit the window. Dhat

    *nd I doH

    . &onfusion %III. *!!reviation

    E.g. sitcom/ prof./ chem la!

    J. &onfusion IK. $um!er

    7&omma "kill8 e.g. 0:4,26F,GJ

    . (aterials for intensive listening

    eaching materials of foreign pu!lisher 'fficial =uide,

  • 8/10/2019 Ibt Listening Comprehension (Lectures, classroom discussion and conversation)


    ;ollow the recordings and keep imitation

    he a!ility of predicting the meanings of the new words

    "chedule arrangement

    Part ! *ote Ta#ing in Listening 'ection

    . $ecessary illumination

    5ength of the lecture

    Incapa!ility of preMreading the questions



    0. (arks

    surpass, exceed

    less than

    equal to, the same as


    increase, promote, enhance, improve

    decrease, fall, worsen

    plus, add, !esides, moreover

    minus, deduct, except

    result in, lead to

    originate from, date !ack to correct, good, positive, affirmative

    N wrong, !ad, mistaken, negative

    outstanding, elite

    !ecause, owing to, thanks to, since, as

    therefore, consequently, as a result, so, hence

    total, amount

    O government

    :. *!!reviation

    a!le )5 #R)5 R")5

  • 8/10/2019 Ibt Listening Comprehension (Lectures, classroom discussion and conversation)


    'ample 'cript$*merican universities have !een offering classes online through computers for a

    num!er of years. $ow, some newly created colleges are offering academic degrees online. 'ne

    university offers !oth !achelors degrees and masters degrees. 'fficial say they try to provide

    students with a social experience as well as an educational one. ;or example, in some programs,

    groups of the same six students progress through all their classes together. hey communicate !y

    computer. *nother online school uses a pro!lemMsolving method of teaching. "tudents attempt tosolve real pro!lems in their classes online instead of reading information.

    "tudents who have taken online classes say they like them !ecause they do not have to travel to

    !uilding at a set time to listen to a professor. #rofessors say they have !etter communication with

    students through eMmail notes than they do in many traditional classes.

    Practice Blan#

    Part +! Principles of Listening

    . #rinciple I )eginning and Ending

    : Q 0( #rinciple

    0. #rinciple II #resent

    $ow, at present, today, nowadays

    :. #rinciple III Lncommon question

    4. #rinciple I% Example +ey Dords for example, take...for instance, take...as an example, for instance, say

    Relations !etween examples

  • 8/10/2019 Ibt Listening Comprehension (Lectures, classroom discussion and conversation)


    F. #rinciple %II &omparison

    &ompare to, similar, similarly, differently, more than, as....as, alike, unlike, superior to, inferior


    G. #rinciple %III Repetition

    . #rinciple IK &ausality

    )pparent causality$ !ecause, !ecause of, for, as, since, in that, !e due to, given, considering,

    as long as, if, when, while, so, so that, therefore, there!y, as a result, consequently,

    accordingly, thus, hence, sothat, soas to, then

    "onnotative causality$ lead to, cause, reflect, result in, give rise to, derive from, result from,

    portray, present, !espeak, require, suggest, on the !asis of, represent, !e !ased on, for the

    reason that, rely on, spring from, make, underlying

    J. #rinciple K &ontrast and ransition *pparent contrast although, though, even though, al!eit, despite, in spite of, however, !ut, yet,

    while, whereas, nevertheless, nonetheless, notwithstanding, whatever

    &onnotative contrast not!ut, instead, in contrast, on the contrary, far from, on the other

    hand, rather than, morethan, otherwise, unlike, not so muchas...

    "pecial words paradoxical, paradoxically, ironical, ironically, unexpected, unexpectedly,

    curious, curiously, surprise, surprisingly, unfortunate, unfortunately, pu33le, shock

    . #rinciple KI &apitali3ation

    $ame, address, proper noun, a!!reviation

    0. #rinciple KII 'pinion

    I think, I assume, to my knowledge, as far as I am concerned, according to my understanding

    :. #rinciple KIII "uggestion

    Dhy dont you do something, Dhy not, may!e, perhaps, pro!a!ly you should, I suppose you

    could, If I were you, I would do something, tell you what, you know what, guess what, if only

    Part +! nformal and formal scenes in BT

    . "cene I consultation of homework or pro9ect


    Sudgment of difficulty

    #ossi!ility of delay

  • 8/10/2019 Ibt Listening Comprehension (Lectures, classroom discussion and conversation)


    ( &e thin#s that some slides are /ust misplaced in the library!

    " >ello, istory lecture.

    # '.k. (arie, what artist have you chosen to discussH

    " (y presentation topic will !e on Emily &arr, the famous Dest &oast &anadian female

    painter? I also am inspired !y her sense of adventure. I find the fact that through her manypaintings she has documented a way of life that has all !ut disappeared for many coastal

    a!original communities interesting.

    # Dell, (arie, the painter Emily &arr sounds like a good choice. $o!ody in the class has

    picked her yet, and you sound really enthusiastic a!out her life and work. It should !e

    interesting. Remem!er, when planning your slides, the presentation should !e no longer than

    ten to fifteen minutes. #lease try and keep to this as we have ten presentations to run through

    that day.

    " hanks, ows it going on your reportH

    " 'h, great, mostlyLh, these are our office hours, rightH &an I have a moment of your


    # "ure, sure. Dhat did you want to talk a!outH

    " Dell, a!out my report. Is it accepta!le to su!mit it on diskH Im having a pro!lem.

    # Dell, I really would prefer it as a hard copy, printed. Dhats the pro!lemH

    " ;or some silly reason my printer stopped working. Im not very good with computer

    stuff. I dont know whats wrong with it. hats why I thought I could 9ust hand you a copy on


    # Dell, Im going to !e reading and marking this pro9ect on a wilderness retreat, in a

    ca!in where theres no electricity. Im afraid the disk wouldnt !e of much use out in the woods.

    &ould you get it printed !y one of your fellow students, or at the computer la!H Its a minimal


    " 'h my goodness, youre right. I feel a little ridiculous now that youve pointed that out.

    hanks for your time and Im sorry if I took too much of your time.

    E,ample 4$ )ir Pollution

    %hy does the man say this.) &e is afraid that the area that they haven3t covered might ma#e them change what

    they have already written!


  • 8/10/2019 Ibt Listening Comprehension (Lectures, classroom discussion and conversation)


    B &e is afraid that the area that they haven3t covered might re2uire them to change

    the pro/ect deadline!

    " &e hopes that there will be a limited number of topics they can deal with!

    ( &e hopes that the one area that they haven3t covered will be the main idea of the

    pro/ect so that they don3t have to care what they have done before!

    * *ll right, odd. I cant !elieve it. his pro9ect is almost finishedU) I couldnt have done it without you, &hristine. I know its !een a ton of work. Ill !e glad

    when were through.

    * heres 9ust one area we havent covered yet, and I think we should !e including it in

    our work.

    ) 'h, '.+. what is itH I hope we dont have to reMwrite anything.

    * 'h, no. its 9ust a!out the research data on the effects on air quality when !icycle use

    rises !y JV. I think this is important data to include in our pro9ect on 7air pollution and how it

    affects our quality of life8. Dho knowsH It may actually inspire more people to ride their !ikesU

    ) Toure right again, &hristine. hats important information to include in the pro9ect.

    Deve already gathered all the information, so lets input it today.

    * "ounds great, odd. 5ets do it now so well !e all set for uesdays presentation.

    ) Tou said it. *s soon as we get this complete, Im going to pump up my !icycle tires.

    0. "cene II consultation of course

    ime of course selection

    Reasons for course selection

    i, (artha. Dhats upH

    * Im trying to decide what course I should take this semester. Its the summer session so

    Im thinking may!e I should go easy on myself !ut

    ) )ut, youve already taken all your elective 7!ird courses8H

    * Tes, well, sort of. I still have a few history type courses I need, which means I could

    take one of those film studies courses, I like ;rench cinema of the 6Js. I could spend myDednesday summer nights in airMconditioned splendor, watching ruffaut Q =oddard. 'r I

    could spend my days in a lecture hall and la! studying molecular chemistry. Its a tough


  • 8/10/2019 Ibt Listening Comprehension (Lectures, classroom discussion and conversation)


    decision. I need !oth courses to graduate. Dhat course would you pick, )ruceH

    ) hats easy, (artha, I like to relax and en9oy my summer as much as possi!le, so Id

    choose the ;rench cinema. here are so many classic films from that era. It sounds like an

    interesting course, and usually the grading is pretty relaxed. I hear there are only one or two

    papers to write and no final exam. Tou cant say that a!out your chemistry course. "ave that

    course for the fall, when every!ody is studying hard.* hanks, )ruce. hats great advice. I think Ill sign up for the film studies program today.

    ) Toure welcome, (artha. >ey, dont forget to !ring your popcorn.

    E,ample 0$ Missed "lass

    -! %hat does the man want from the woman.

    ) To tell him about the final e,am!

    B To tell him about a missed class!

    " To tell him about her friends!

    ( To tell him about how to preserve forests!

    0! )ccording to the conversation5 which of the following is true.

    ) The man was also assigned to a group!

    B The woman did not ta#e notes from the class!

    " The woman3s group did not choose a topic in the previous class!

    ( From the ne,t %ednesday5 the class will s tart covering the chapter called

    'ustainable (evelopment!

    * >i, *lan.

    ) >i, Rachel. I did not feel good yesterday, and couldnt make it to class. )ecause I am

    not doing very well in this course, I am wondering what

  • 8/10/2019 Ibt Listening Comprehension (Lectures, classroom discussion and conversation)


    0! %hen can the man begin the summer course.

    ) 8une 9!

    B 8une -9!

    " )ugust -0!

    ( )ugust 0:!

    * =ood morning. Delcome to the 'pen 5earning Institute I am &hristina.) =ood morning. I have an enquiry a!out credit courses in your offMcampus study

    program. I will !e working in a remote community up north this summer, !ut I will have access

    to the Internet, so I was hoping to take a history course towards my degree.

    * istory 4J, which is a history of India.

    :. "cene III consultation of essay or thesis

    opic of thesis

    (aterial of thesis

  • 8/10/2019 Ibt Listening Comprehension (Lectures, classroom discussion and conversation)


    rather stupid mistake.

    # '.k. go on, *ndrew.

    " Dell, theres !een a terri!le mistake. he term paper I handed in was not my final

    edited version. he paper you marked was not the paper I had intended to su!mit. I cant really

    explain how this happened, perhaps I was overtired, stressed and rushing against the clock,

    !ut when I saw the mark on my paper, I quickly reali3ed what had happened. I must haveprinted an earlier draft at the last minute, thinking I was printing out the final paper.

  • 8/10/2019 Ibt Listening Comprehension (Lectures, classroom discussion and conversation)


    the vote soon after the end of Dorld Dar I.

    # It would !e good to !egin with a discussion of when women got the right to vote and

    how they use it.

    " he record of women in politics in all of those countries has !een similar. In none of

    them have women represented more than J percent of mem!ers of the national legislature.

    Domen in all those countries use their vote as often as men, !ut they do not necessarily havethe same response to different political parties. I think women often have a stronger social

    conscience and vote more li!erally.

    # Remem!er, it is not what you think. Tou must !ack up your opinions with facts. "upport

    for all your ideas is essential. I think you should check the statistics on what percentage of

    women hold political office in the national governments. Tou should 9ust include national

    governments, not local ones, unless you 9ust want to focus only on local governments. ;or

    example, in Russia women have constituted almost 2J percent of local councils, !ut they are

    less common in the senior power esta!lishment at the national level.

    " 'kay, I also plan to discuss the role of organi3ed womens rights.

    # hat is a good idea, !ut remem!ers this essay is only 2,JJJ words so you must keep

    your topic focused.

    " &ould I !ring you in a rough draft next weekH

    # I would prefer if you !rought an outline, !reaking down your main topics and su!topics.

    " 'kay, could I arrange to meet you during your office hours next DednesdayH

    # *ctually, I have students coming on Dednesday, !ut if you are free, I could meet with

    you for half an hour on ;riday morning at :J.

    " hat would !e great. $ormally, I have a la! that day !ut it is cancelled this week.

    # 'kay, I will see you then. It may !e a good idea to !ring some of your reference

    materials along." "ure, I will do that. hank you very much.

    # Toure welcome.

    4. "cene I% consultation of examination

    "uggestion of examination

    "core discussion

    Relative elements

    )urn the midnight oil

    E,ample -$ E,am 'chedule

    -! %hat is the conversation mainly about.

    ) &ow to use the faculty lounge!

    B &ow to avoid clashes with students!

    " &ow to e,am the scheduling computer!

    ( &ow to schedule the e,am!

    0! n the conversation5 what is (ean )cheson3s main /ob.

    ) Ta#ing care of the bulletin board!

    B "onsulting students!

    " 'cheduling the e,ams!

    ( 'inging the sheet in the faculty lounge!# >i, (a!el.

    " >i, Sohn.


  • 8/10/2019 Ibt Listening Comprehension (Lectures, classroom discussion and conversation)


    # &ould you please give me some information on the exam scheduleH

    " I would !e happy to. he dates for the first term are ey, "tanley. Is it true youre dropping (ath JH

    ) Dell, its either I drop math or Ill fail.

    * Toull failH

    ) Tes, my average is only :0.V. I failed the last three tests.* Dow, thats rough.

  • 8/10/2019 Ibt Listening Comprehension (Lectures, classroom discussion and conversation)


    ( &e will move out of town!

    & >i, welcome to the "cholarship and )ursary

  • 8/10/2019 Ibt Listening Comprehension (Lectures, classroom discussion and conversation)


    considered as a candidate for the mm. If I dont get 2V would you say there was no use applyingH

    & Dell, it certainly wouldnt !e likely that you would !e awarded this scholarship, !ut

    there is nothing preventing you from applying. here are generally a!out 4JJ applicants ayear.


  • 8/10/2019 Ibt Listening Comprehension (Lectures, classroom discussion and conversation)


    ( t allows students to rent a bicycle!

    * >ey, =eoff. >ave you !een to the new li!rary yetH

    ) 'h, hi, Sen. Tes, I went last week to check it out. I really like it.

    * Tes, I like it too. I like the study areas. here seem to !e a lot of room to 9ust spread out

    and focus on the !ooks. Its way !etter than the old li!rary where it seemed like we were all

    9ammed into one area. "ometimes it was even hard to find a spot to study !ecause it was socrowded, especially during exams. I even like the chairs at the new place, theyre super comfy.

    ) Toure right. he only !ad thing a!out it is that its pretty far away. It takes me a!out

    twenty minutes to get there !y !us. "o, I can see myself not going all the way downtown if Im

    in a pinch for time. Id pro!a!ly 9ust stay in residence and study there.

    * I was thinking that too. Its too !ad it takes so long to get there. I dont like !eing

    dependent on the !uses. >ave you tried riding your !ike thereH It might take a little longer !ut

    at least youre getting a !it of exercise.

    ) hats a good idea, Sen. (ay!e Ill try riding this week. I 9ust have to make sure Im

    good and rested. "ometimes, when Im over tired Im not too coordinated. +nowing me, Id

    have a load of !ooks in my !ackpack and get distracted !y something and crash my !ike.

    * >mm. Dell, youve 9ust got to keep an eye out for those potholes. 'h, wow. 5ook at the

    timeU Ive got to get to my next class. Ill see you around, =eoff.

    ) =ood talking to you, Sen. Ill !e seeing you.

    E,ample 0$ )t the Library

    -! %hat is the student3s problem.

    ) &e does not have his library card with him!

    B &e does not want to return the boo# right now!

    " &e does not li#e the system of putting boo#s on hold!

    ( &e does not want to pay the fine!0! %hat will the student be li#ely to do after the conversation.

    ) &e will pay the -!A: fine today!

    B &e will return the boo# after the e,am!

    " &e will pay the fine after the e,am!

    ( &e will try to find people who put the boo# on hold!

    " 'h, hi, this !ook is due today, and I am not quite finished with it. Is it possi!le to get it


    5 >mmm, ;rench *rt Q *rchitecture of the th &entury. Ill have to check to see if thats

    possi!le. &an I have the !ook and your li!rary card pleaseH

    " "ure, here you are. I 9ust need it for a few more days if possi!le.

    5 Dell, first off this !ook is week late, and not due today as you thought. It appears you

    have your dates mixed up. here are also a few requests for this !ook so it is now on hold for

    the next person. $ow theres a small fine on your card of W.4J for the overdue !ook, would

    you like to pay this todayH

    " Lmm, so if I pay the fine today, can I take this !ook out againH

    5 Tou wont !e a!le to take this !ook out again until all the other people who have placed

    holds on it have signed it out.

  • 8/10/2019 Ibt Listening Comprehension (Lectures, classroom discussion and conversation)


    would triple our fines and suspend your li!rary privileges. Its not fair to all the other students

    who are also trying to access li!rary material for study purpose. #erhaps you should think of

    the other people who also need this !ook to study. $ow are you going to pay your fine todayH

    " 'h, '.+. "orry.

    F. "cene %II campus life

    *sk the way

    i, Im (artin. >ave you 9ust moved into Room :2H

    ) >i, Im Sulia. Tes, I 9ust got here. $ice to meet you.

    * $ice to meet you. Dhere are you fromH

    ) Im from a small town near %ancouver, &anada. Dhat a!out youH Is that a "wedish

    accent I hearH

    * Im from "tockholm. Im impressed you knew my accent.

    ) (y grandparents are "wedish. *re there others here from "wedenH

    * $ot in this pod, we have 2 girls from %enice Italy, #ierre from #aris, and ony and Sohn

    from the L"*.

    ) hats quite an international group.

    * Tes, you are lucky to have gotten into the international graduate student dorm. I have

    made some excellent friends here. Dhat is your ma9orH

    ) 5aw.

    * $one of the others are law students. Im doing an ()* as are the *mericans.

    ) "o I have this !ooklet with the rules and regulations. It looks like there are a lot of them.

    * $ot really, there is an attempt to keep the place conductive to studying. he quiet policy

    is in effect from p.m until 6:Ja.m, !ut it is selfMpoliced. De have not had any pro!lems in

    this pod. Tou are not allowed to smoke or cook in the rooms.

    ) I wont do that. I was so em!arrassed yesterday. I plugged in my hair dryer and it is adifferent voltage than that of my country. I set off the fire alarm and the whole !uilding was



  • 8/10/2019 Ibt Listening Comprehension (Lectures, classroom discussion and conversation)


    * 'h, I heard a!out that. I was in the li!rary at the time. $o worries, that happens a lot at

    this time of year.

    ) "o do we all use the same kitchenH

    * Tes, and we generally all do our own cooking ,although sometimes on "unday night,

    we do a pot luck then have leftovers for a couple of days. Remem!er to clean the kitchen after

    every use. De have a special cleanMup day organi3ed !y the >ousing "ociety once every twoweeks.

    ) Dhat a!out hot waterH

    * Tou can use as much as you want. here are no meters. 'ccasionally, we run out of

    hot water if people take too long a shower, !ut that is not common. Tour room has its own

    washroom. 5aundry facilities are in the !asement. here is a policy of conserving energy, you

    should always turn out lights when you leave, including the lounge area.

    ) Dhat a!out heatH

    * It is centrally controlled and there is no airMconditioning. Tou are lucky your room faces

    north as the rooms on the west side get very hot this time of year.

    ) Is there a storage areaH

    * Tes, in the !asement. It is not permitted to put personal !elongings in the hallways,

    lounge or other community spaces. "uch items shall !e automatically removed !y the >ousing

    "ociety without prior notification. he storage room is free of charge.

    ) Dould my skis !e safe in the storage areaH

    * Everything in the storage room needs to have a name on it. If your skis are very

    valua!le you could ask, (aria, the housekeeper to put them in the dry room !ehind her

    >ousekeeping area.

    ) *re there vacuum cleanersH

    * Tes, we have one in the storage area of our kitchen. Its important to return it as soonas you finish using it. hat reminds me, I have locked myself out of my room doing vacuuming.

    ake extra care not to lose your key and always lock your door. Its a 2 minute walk to the

    >ousing "ociety to get another room key. It also costs W2

    ) *re there room checksH

    * Tou will !e informed !eforehand if officials are to enter your room for the purpose of

    periodic checks of fire prevention equipment, etc. *lso, if you ever hear the fire alarm, you

    must evacuate the !uilding.

    ) I cant think of anything else. Is there anything we havent coveredH

    * >mm. 'vernight visitors are not allowed in your room. here is a guest room on the

    first floor, !ut you have to arrange that with the >ousing *uthority well in advance. $o religious

    propaganda in the dorm. Tou cant remove furnishings from your room. ere comes ony, let me introduce you.

    G. "cene %III registration and application

    Registration date

  • 8/10/2019 Ibt Listening Comprehension (Lectures, classroom discussion and conversation)


    B &ow to enter the university!

    " &ow to register in courses and pay tuition!

    ( &ow to register and use a credit card!

    * >ello, are you +aren )eauchampH

    " Tes, I am. I am sorry Im late for my appointment !ut there was an incident on the

    !ridge and traffic was !acked up.* hats okay. I am Rodney &aldwell. >ow may I help youH

    " >ow are my registration date and time determinedH

    * ;ist year students are mailed a designated date and specific time with their admission

    letter. ;or continuing students the dates and time for registration are determined !y the

    average from the previous winter session and !y the year that the student is in. *re you a first

    year studentH

    " Tes, I am.

    * >ave you received your admission letterH

    " Tes, I have, !ut I also have some questions on how to pay for the courses. >ow do I

    pay if I dont use a credit cardH

    * 'ther options are, !y going to a !ank and paying the teller the amount on your course

    confirmation slip, or !y coming to the campus and paying inMperson at the "tudent "ervices

    )uilding on the third floor.

    E,ample 0$ 1egistration (ate

    -! %hen should the man chec# with 'tudent 'ervices to ensure the change of

    registration date.

    ) %hen all of the senior students register in courses!

    B Twenty6four hours before the registration date!

    " 'even days before the designated registration date!( Twenty6four days before the registration date!

    0! %hat will happen if the man does not receive his financial aid.

    ) t will be simply impossible for him to register!

    B t may still be possible to register if he gets a letter from the university financial


    " &e will ma#e arrangements with the 1egistrar after registration!

    ( &e can still register but he will have to wait until the registration of senior

    students is over!

    " Dill my registration date changeH

    * ;or newly admitted students and undergraduates who are 9uniors or sophomores, the

    date could change as returning students at the senior level are given priority. Tou should check

    with "tudents "ervices one week prior to your registration date to ensure that there has !een

    no change.

    " "hould I pay attention to the timeH

    * Tes, it is !est to register on your date at the designated time. Tou cannot register !efore

    that date.

    " Dhat if I am una!le to register at that timeH

    * Tou can register after that time !ut the chances are you will have less of a chance

    getting into the courses that you want at the times that you want." Dhen do the fees have to !e paidH

    * ;ees must !e received within 04hours of registering.


  • 8/10/2019 Ibt Listening Comprehension (Lectures, classroom discussion and conversation)


    " If I havent received the financial aid I am expecting, is it possi!le for me to register


    * In special circumstances, a letter from the university financial officer or a sponsors

    authori3ation letter may !e considered. Lnder those conditions, arrangements must !e made

    with the Registrar prior to your onMline registration.

    . "cene IK transfer and school selection

    "chool reputation

    "i3e of class


    ualification of teacher

    5ocation of school

    op student or not


    J. "cene K plan for holiday plan for summer




    E,ample -$ 'ummer Brea#

    -! %hat is the main topic of the conversation.

    ) &ow to have fun in summer!

    B &ow to ma#e money during summer brea#!

    " &ow to #eep the family business during summer brea#!( Tentative plans for summer brea#!

    0! %hat is the woman3s main dilemma.

    ) Coing to taly vs! helping her mother!

    B Coing to *epal vs! /oining the )ir Force!

    " &aving fun vs! ma#ing money!

    ( (oing the family duty vs! improving her engineering s#ills!

    * >i, Dendy.

    ) >i, "ven.

    * 'nly two more weeks of classes, eight school days actually, then exams start.

    ) Tes, I will !e glad when exams are over. I get panicky and very stressed at exam time. I

    find myself eating constantly and I dont seem to find any time to exercise.

    * Exams dont !other me that much. his year most of the marks for my courses were

    !ased on assignments and research pro9ects. I only have two exams.

    ) Tou are lucky. I have five. I also need to get good marks, over GJ percent, or I wont !e

    a!le to keep my scholarship.

    * Dhat are you doing for summer !reakH

    ) I would like to Italy and work at a restaurant in ;lorence. (y uncle owns a restaurant

    speciali3ing in seafood and he offered me a 9o! for the summer. In Italy, there are lots of

    English speaking tourists, so he would like to have someone fluent in English. It would also !ean excellent opportunity for me to practice my Italian. I hope to !e a translator one day, so I

    need to !e fluent in several languages.


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    * hat would !e a wonderful summer.

    ) Tes, I know. I really want to go. he pro!lem is my father had a heart attack three

    weeks ago. >e is out of the hospital now and not in too much danger, !ut he cannot do much

    around the house. (y !rother is overseas with the *ir ;orce, so I am the only one to help my

    mother around the house. It is such a dilemma. I dont know what to do.

    * Tes, I could see that would !e a very difficult decision Tou are only young once,though, and a chance to go to ;lorence for the summer, sounds like the opportunity of a


    ) I am leaning towards going to Italy, !ut I 9ust feel so guilty. Dhat a!out you, "venH Dhat

    are your plans for the summerH

    * Dell, I have a dilemma, too. I would love to go to $epal and volunteer with an $=' that

    could use me to instruct local residents in engineering skills. It would !e a chance to share

    what I already know and I think it would !e really interesting to spend four months in $epal.

    >owever, I dont find out until next week whether or not I have !een accepted into the

    program. If I do get accepted, I wont !e making any money and I need money to return to

    university for my final year in "eptem!er.

    ) If you dont go to $epal, where would you workH

    * I dont know. I have had some interviews with some construction companies. here are

    a lot of new highMrises and hotel going up on the south side of the city. here were three

    companies that thought they would have a place for me to do manual la!or and the pay is

    good. $one of the three companies are unioni3ed, !ut they all pay union wages. I would prefer

    an office 9o! where I could use the engineering skills I have already acquired. I have applied to

    several companies for inside work, !ut only two ever responded to my applications and neither

    seemed very promising. It would look much !etter on my resume after I graduate, if I have

    work experience in my field. *lso, many engineering students get hired after they graduate !ythe company they worked for the previous summer.

    ) I can see your pro!lem. If I get the opportunity to go to $epal, I would pro!a!ly go.

    &ant you !orrow money from financial aid for your final yearH

    * #ro!a!ly, !ut I hate to start off with a lot of de!t. Engineering fees are rising !y J

    percent next year. It is not an inexpensive faculty to !e in.

    ) $o, !ut if you have the opportunity to go to an interesting 9o! in $epal, and !e of

    service ,I think that would !e wonderful.

    * Tou are pro!a!ly right. I appreciate your advice.

    . "cene KI interest and extracurricular activity activities


    lost weight


    E,ample -$ 'unday3s 1un

    -! %hat is the main topic of the conversation.

    ) 1unning and its danger!

    B Pregnancy and weight!

    " Marathon for charity!( &ow to collect money!

    0! %hat is the main reason for the woman to have gained a lot of weight.


  • 8/10/2019 Ibt Listening Comprehension (Lectures, classroom discussion and conversation)


    ) 'he had a baby!

    B 'he was diagnosed with cancer!

    " 'he ate a lot without doing any e,ercise!

    ( 'he could not go to a gym due to lac# of money!

    * >i, *lison.

    ) 'h, hi, Sulian. >ave you !een training hard for "undays run for a cure for !reastcancerH

    * Tou !et. I have !een running three times a week for over an hour each time. Its great. I

    cant !elieve Ive gotten to this point so quicklyU 'nly six months ago I would run for five

    minutes and almost collapse in exhaustion.

    ) I hear you. I decided to run in this marathon !ecause I needed a motivator to get myself

    !ack into shape. ey, Sulian what inspired you

    to want to run this weekendH

    * Dell, a !unch of my running !uddies thought it would !e a great idea. De all started

    running at the same time and when we heard that one of the guys mothers was diagnosed

    with cancer, we thought the marathon was something positive we could do as a group. It

    should !e a lot of fun, and Ive !een collecting lots of sponsors from school. "o Ill hopefully

    make tons of money for the cause.

    ) hats so cool, Sulian. >ey, Ive got to dash. Ill see you at the finish line on "unday.

    E,ample 0$ Losing %eight

    -! %hat is he man3s main idea about diets.) (iets are unnecessary but e,ercise and proper nutritional supplements are


    B *either the )t#ins (iet nor nutritional supplements are necessary!

    " E,ercise is really important and supplements and diets are not useful!

    ( Both the )t#ins (iet and e,ercise are important!

    0! %hat does the woman thin# about diets mainly.

    ) (ieting is an easier way to stay fit than e,ercising!

    B E,ercise and nutritional supplements are also important part when it comes to


    " (iets are necessary because they help you lose weight!

    ( (iets are better than e,ercise and supplements can be 2uite helpful!


  • 8/10/2019 Ibt Listening Comprehension (Lectures, classroom discussion and conversation)


    calories. If you exercise more, you lose weight. It is that simple.

    * Tes, you lose weight, !ut eating 9unk food and fast food like I have !een doing is also

    not good for the heart.

  • 8/10/2019 Ibt Listening Comprehension (Lectures, classroom discussion and conversation)


    appropriate supplies with you.

    " "ir, could you please go over the list of supplies that we should have on siteH

    # "ure. In your kit please have on hand a small note!ook for field notes and of course a

    pen, to write them with. *lso, a pick axe, some work gloves. *s a group we will have a larger

    kit that will contain instruments for measuring and cleaning.

    " Dill the class !e cancelled if the weather is poorH# $o, unfortunately not the dig must go on. #lease dress appropriately for the weather.

    It wouldnt hurt to pack a change of clothes in case of rain. Remem!er, we will !e outside for

    most of the day.

    " Dhat a!out foodH Is there any store near!y where we can gra! a lunchH

    # here is a small store not too far from the site. >owever, it may !e wise to pack a lunch

    and !ring extra water and snacks for the day. *lso, as a class we should organi3e car pools as

    some students may need transportation.

    " hats great. $ow theres nothing holding us !ack from a successful dig.

    0. "cene KII internship look for a 9o!


    make a decision

    conflict with study


    E,ample -$ 'tress between %or# and 'tudy

    -! %hat is the man3s main problem.

    ) &e has a sleeping disorder!

    B &e needs money but his part6time /ob does not pay enough!" &e finds it hard to balance between wor# and study!

    ( &e wants to ta#e time off from the wor# but the manager does not allow him to do


    0! %hat does the woman mainly suggest the man do at the end of the


    ) &e should ta#e some rest from sleepless nights!

    B &e should 2uit his part6time /ob for a while to study for the e,amination!

    " &e should wait for 0:years to learn how to en/oy wor#ing!

    ( &e should bite the bullet and study hard and wor#!

    * >i, "tuart. >ows school goingH

    ) 'h, hi, 5isa. "chool is really, really tough right now? exams are coming up in two weeks.

    * =ee3, "tuart, you sound stressed. Exams, yes, I used to dread this time of year. I used

    to cram the night !efore and hope I was studying the right stuff.

    ) hats the hard part of studying last minute? you run out of time, have to pick and

    choose areas of focus and guess what will !e on the exams. Its always a !it of a gam!le. o

    add more stress I have a partMtime 9o! on top of studyingU

    * &ant you take some time off from you 9o!, "tuartH

    ) $o, I need the money to help pay my !oard, I thought I was doing pretty well all term

    !alancing school and work ,!ut now Im finding its next to impossi!le finding the time to !othstudy and work. *fter coming home from my 9o! I have to hit the !ooks for a few hours every

    night, whether I have the energy or not. "ometimes I 9ust want to go to sleep Im so tiredU


  • 8/10/2019 Ibt Listening Comprehension (Lectures, classroom discussion and conversation)


    * Dell if its any consolation, "tuart, you know its not going to last forever, Its like you

    9ust have to find that extra energy to get through it all. )efore you know it, youve graduatedU

    wenty years from now you will look !ack on this time and remem!er all the fun you had.

    ) $o dou!t, thanks, 5isa. I know youre right. Ill pro!a!ly even look !ack on my menial

    9o! with fondness too.

    Part +! "rac#ing types of listening 2uestions

    '#ill Basic "omprehension

    . ype I =ist uestion

    Dhat is gist question requires the listener to understand critical vocabulary phrases or

    facts from several points in a text and to interpret to identify the #ey pointsof the text.

    uestions that test understanding the gist may require you to generali;e or synthesi;e

    informationin what you hear.

    >ow to recogni3e this question

    %hat are the students mainly discussing. ET'

    %hat is the main topic of the tal#. ET'

    Dhat is the lecture mainly a!outH

    Dhat is the talk mainly a!outH

    Dhat is the main purpose of the lectureH

    Dhat is the professor mainly discussingH

    Revelation of gist

    opic sentence today we are going to !e talking a!out/ Id like to !egin my lecture !y

    introducing/ lets focus on/ lets now take a look at uestion and answer how are companies typically structuredH ow can you understand itH Dhy does human !eing consider it importantH

    &onclude from the material

    #oints of correct answer

    history, view, development, !ackground information, growth, origin, features, characteristics,

    invention, creation, innovation, theory, view, talk a!out, evolution, era, trend, comparison,

    classification, etc.

    #oints of wrong answer

    oo general

    oo specific



    E,ample -$ The Colden )ge of )merican )griculture

    %hat are the main reasons that made the early 0:th century the golden age of

    )merican agriculture. ="lic# on 0 answers>

    ) The improvement of farming methods due to advanced technology!

    B The governmental involvement with pesticide control!

    " The introduction of newly6developed seeds!

    ( The increase of the female labor in farming!# De call the first two decades of the 0Jth century the golden age of *merican

    agriculture. Dhat were the factors that made the period the golden age of *merican


  • 8/10/2019 Ibt Listening Comprehension (Lectures, classroom discussion and conversation)


    agricultureH Dho can offer some reasonsH

    " $ew strains of crops, improved farming methods, and what a!out greater use of

    pesticides and fertili3ersH

    # *!solutely. echnical advances continued to improve productivity. he L.". owever, the good years of the early 0Jth century ended following Dorld Dar I. Dhat was

    happening thenH

    " (ay!e a lot of people, women especially, were moving from the farm to the cities.

    0. ype II ow to recogni3e this question

    %hat problem does the man have. ET'

    *ccording to the conversation, what are two ways in which !acteria cells get resistancegenesH

    Dhy does the professor talk a!out #latos description of societyH

    wo tips

    #ay attention to the order and sequence of details. ;or example the first, the other.

    #ay attention to the ad9ectives and other modifier of details.

    E,ample -$ Pluto

    -! %hen was Pluto officially declared to be found.

    ) The date when Percival Lowell was born!

    B On March -45 -@4:!

    " On May -5 -44:!

    ( On the birthday of +enetia Burney!

    0! %ho originally named the newly found planet as Pluto.

    ) Percival Lowell!

    B "lyde Tombaugh!

    " +!M! 'lipher!

    ( +enetia Burnye!

    # Dhere is #lutoH

    " #luto is in (ickeys doghouse.

    # %ery funny. I mean the planet, #luto." Its the last one, isnt itH he ninth one.

    # Right. *nd do you know how it got its nameH *nd no, it wasnt named after (ickeys


  • 8/10/2019 Ibt Listening Comprehension (Lectures, classroom discussion and conversation)


    dog. $o!odyH 'kay. mmmhe history of

    it is a little long, !ut here goes.

    In J2, #ercival 5owell started to search for the elusive ninth planet after opening the

    5owell '!servatory in G4 in ;lagstaff, *ri3ona. he '!servatory announced the discovery on

    #ercival 5owells !irthday, (arch :, :J. he honor of naming the newly discovered planet

    !elonged to 5owell '!servatory. &lyde om!augh, the first person to notice #luto images,urged the director, %.(."lipher to give it a name !efore someone else did. "uggestions came

    from all quarters &ronus, 'din, #ersephone, Ere!os, *tlas, #rometheus the list seemed to

    go on forever like the universe. 'ne young couple even wrote to om!augh asking him to

    name the planet after their new!orn childU

    >owever, an Myear old English girl named of %enetia )urney suggested #luto, a Roman

    god of the underworld, to her grandfather, who sent the suggestion to a professor of astronomy

    at 'xford. "lipher made the official announcement on (ay , :J and gave full credit to little

    %enetia. >e also suggested interlocking the letters # and 5 as the official sym!ol for #luto. $ot

    only do they stand for the first two letters of the planet, !ut theyre also the initials of #ercival


    '#ill Pragmatic Dnderstanding =listen again>

    :. ype III ;unction uestion

    Dhat is function question the question type often involves replaying a portion of the

    listening passage!

    >ow to recogni3e this question

    %hat does the professor imply when he says this$ =reply>

    Dhat can !e inferred from the professors response to the studentHDhat is the purpose of the womans responseH

    Dhy does the student say thisH


    ;unction of what is said may not match what the speaker directly states.

    6 functions in I)

    Explanation "imply put/ 5ets put in this way/ I think I should/ you mean

    &onclusion now to sum/ wrap up my speech

    "uggestion you should have done something !etter

    Inspiration come on, you are supposed to know this

    Emphasis please !ear in mind that/ Rhetorical question

    &orrecting mistake wait a minute/ I made a slip of tongue

    E,ample -$ %indows

    %hy does the professor say this.

    ) The professor thin#s that it is necessary to remind students of its spelling!

    B The professor thin#s that it is the most important term in the lecture!

    " The professor thin#s that students do not #now the term!

    ( The professor fells that it is necessary to use the board more often!

    # Dindows usually look like theyre all made of glass and wood.>owever? there is more to

    windows than meets the eye. hings that look like 7wood8 could !e aluminum, vinyl or someother composite material. *s people prefer things that are 7lowMmaintenance8, there has !een

    an explosion in materials that look like wood !eing used for frames? they dont need sanding


  • 8/10/2019 Ibt Listening Comprehension (Lectures, classroom discussion and conversation)


  • 8/10/2019 Ibt Listening Comprehension (Lectures, classroom discussion and conversation)


    %hy does the lecturer say this.

    ) To tell students that tattooing is not scary!

    B To suggest students not to get a tattoo!

    " To warn students to be aware of ris#s!

    ( To tell students that she was /o#ing!

    5 5ets look at this interesting piece of news. 'h, first, do any of you have a tattooH" Ive got an eagle on my !ack.

    5 *ny!ody elseH ...$oH 'kay.

  • 8/10/2019 Ibt Listening Comprehension (Lectures, classroom discussion and conversation)


    DhatU ow to recogni3e this question

    &ow is the information in the lecture organi;ed.

    &ow does the professor clarify the points he ma#es about Me,ico.

    4 structures of I) listening passage

    "imple structure #aratactic structure

    &ompare structure

    &ontrast structure

    &racking a!le LE"I'$"

    &ounterpart paratactic details and sym!olic characteristics

    rue or ;alse mentioned or not

    "ort order process and procedure

    E,ample -$ compound words

    "hoose the right form of each compound noun!

    "losed form &yphenated form Open form





    # 5ets look at a few things a!out English. Dhat is a compound wordH

    " wo chemicals mixed togetherH

    # %ery funny, !ut no.

    " wo words mixed together.

    # Dell, yes, in a manner of speaking. * compound word is made up of two or more wordsthat express a single idea. here are different ways that compound nouns can !e formed. De


  • 8/10/2019 Ibt Listening Comprehension (Lectures, classroom discussion and conversation)


    are going to concentrate here on the noun plus noun form. &an you come up with any



  • 8/10/2019 Ibt Listening Comprehension (Lectures, classroom discussion and conversation)


    -! %hat is the professor mainly discussing.

    *. Insects that feed on plants

    ). *nimals that feed on insects

    &. #lants that use insects to survive

    e is lecturing a!out something that the students will see the next day

    ). >e is preparing the students for an exam that is tomorrow.

    &. >e is explaining something that the students have 9ust seen.

    e is discussing something that the students will !e required to read.

    4! %hat does an insectivorous plant get from an insect.

    *. *ll of its nutrients

    ). &hlorophyll

    &. $itrogen

    ). It is found only in "outh *merica.

    &. It has movea!le parts

  • 8/10/2019 Ibt Listening Comprehension (Lectures, classroom discussion and conversation)


    *merica. $ow look at the drawing of the %enus flytrap on the screen. he %enus flytrap catches insects

    !y suddenly snapping the ends of one of its trap leaves around an insect.

    Tou can see in the diagram that a %enus flytrap has a num!er of trap leaves and that each trap leaf is

    divided into two parts. Inside the two parts of the trap leaf are three sensory !ristles, sensory !ristles

    which resem!le tiny hairs. Dhen an insect touches the !ristles inside a trap leaf, the two surfaces of the

    leaf shut instantaneously, and the insectZs trapped inside the parts of the leaf. he %enus flytrap thendischarges a digestive liquid into the leaf in order to assimilate the insect and o!tain the nitrogen the

    plant needs in order to survive.

    hatZs all for today on the %enus flytrap. I hope that from our discussion of the %enus flytrap youZve

    developed a clearer understanding of how this and other insectivorous plants function. TouZll need it for

    the trip tomorrow.

    P)'')CE 0

    -! %hat is the professor mainly discussing.

    *. he importance of function in the design of a !uilding

    ). * num!er of modern *merican architects and the important elements in their work

    &. Dhich of the three elements of architecture is the most importantH

    ). Dood

    &. &oncrete

  • 8/10/2019 Ibt Listening Comprehension (Lectures, classroom discussion and conversation)


    5isten to a lecture in a class on modern *merican architects.

    #rofessor =ood afternoon, class. oday, weZll continue our discussion of modern *merican architects.

    *s IZm sure you know, weZve almost finished this unit, and you know what that means? that means weZll

    !e having an exam next week on all the modern architects weZve covered in this unit. $ow, letZs review

    the three main elements that any architect must consider when designing a !uilding. ouse. Dright felt that !uildings should seem a natural part of their site, and you can

    see that the Ro!ie >ouse is. his is whatZs called a prairieMstyle home. DrightZs famous for his prairieM

    style homes. $otice the strong sense of hori3ontal line. Dright felt that low homes emphasi3ing

    hori3ontal lines !lended well with the, the midwestern prairies.

    #rofessor ;inally, dura!ility was also important to Dright, and his choice of !uilding materials was

    strongly influenced !y their dura!ility. Dright felt that concrete was highly dura!le yet flexi!le in its use

    for pu!lic !uildings. >e used it in a variety ofumways !oth structurally and decoratively. Dright was

    one of the first architects to use concrete for !uilding and helped populari3e its use.

    #rofessor Dell, thatZs all for today. IZve placed several !ooks on reserve in the li!rary. "ome of the

    !ooks contain pictures and diagrams of DrightZs work, and thereZs also an inMdepth andum

    informative !iography of Dright. he exam next weekZll cover the information in the text!ook and the

    lectures IZve given on Dright. he reserve material in the li!rary is optional, !ut you may want to spend

    some time with it in order to have the !est understanding possi!le of ;rank 5loyd Dright and his work.

    P)'')CE 4

    -! %hat does the professor mean when he says this$

    *. It is not something important.). he students should already know it

    &. It will !e explained later in the lecture.


  • 8/10/2019 Ibt Listening Comprehension (Lectures, classroom discussion and conversation)


    and made a huge success of it. In GG, "arahZs hus!and and their monthMold !a!y daughter died.

    )ecause "arahZs hus!and had !een heir to the Dinchester fortune, on his death, "arah inherited the

    fortune. he fortune notwithstanding, "arah was devastated !y the loss of her !eloved hus!and and


    In the aftermath of her loss, "arah was convinced !y a trusted advisor that the familyZs misfortune was

    due to the fact that the familyZs massive fortune had !een o!tained through the manufacture of

    weapons responsi!le for uncounta!le deaths. "arah !ecame convinced that the family was !einghaunted !y the ghosts of those victims of the Dinchester rifle. o thwart the ghosts that "arah !elieved

    were haunting her family, it seems that her plan was to !uild such a confusing house that the ghosts


  • 8/10/2019 Ibt Listening Comprehension (Lectures, classroom discussion and conversation)


    who were haunting it wouldnZt !e a!le to find their way through it. "arah dedicated the remainder of her

    life to adding onto the house in such a way as to make the ghosts get lost and disappear.

    his is the story of how the Dinchester >ouse came to !e the way it is. Dhether or not you !elieve in

    ghosts yourself, andwellnot everyone doesyou can see that "arah did. he world of architecture

    has one huge, very tangi!le, and eyeMcatching reminder of "arahZs !elief in ghosts.

    #*""*=E -! &ow is the information organi;ed in the lecture.

    *. )y contrasting various periods in *merican history

    ). )y classifying various types of colonies

    &. )y descri!ing developments leading to the *merican revolution

    ampshire, $ew Sersey, $ew Tork, $orth &arolina, "outh &arolina, and %irginia were all royal

    colonies, directly su!9ect to the +ing of England.

    he second type of *merican colony was a proprietary colony. * proprietary colony was under the


  • 8/10/2019 Ibt Listening Comprehension (Lectures, classroom discussion and conversation)


    control of an individual, the proprietor. he proprietor was given a grant to govern a colony !y the +ing

    of England. )y FF2, only three of the colonies remained proprietary colonies

  • 8/10/2019 Ibt Listening Comprehension (Lectures, classroom discussion and conversation)

