IBM Personal Computer


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  • 7/31/2019 IBM Personal Computer


    IBM Personal ComputerFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    "IBM PC" redirects here. For general IBM-like PCs, see IBM PC compatible.

    IBM PC (model 5150)

    IBM Personal Computer model 5150 with

    IBM CGAmonitor (model number 5153), IBM PC

    keyboard,IBM 5152 printer and paper stand.

    Type Personal computer

    Release date August 12, 1981; 30 years


    Discontinued April 2, 1987; 25 years ago

    Operating system IBM BASIC / PC-DOS 1.0


    UCSD p-System

    CPU Intel 8088@ 4.77 MHz

    Memory 16 kB ~ 256 kB

    Sound 1-channelPWM

    The IBM Personal Computer, commonly known as the IBM PC, is the original version and progenitor of

    the IBM PC compatiblehardwareplatform. It isIBMmodel number5150, and was introduced on August 12,,_Jugend-Computerschule_mit_IBM-PC.jpg
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    1981. It was created by a team of engineers and designers under the direction ofDon Estridge of the IBM Entry

    Systems Division in Boca Raton, Florida.

    Alongside "microcomputer" and "home computer", the term "personal computer" was already in use before

    1981. It was used as early as 1972 to characterizeXerox PARC'sAlto. However, because of the success of the

    IBM Personal Computer, the term PCcame to mean more specifically a microcomputer compatible with IBM's

    PC products.



    1 Origins

    2 IBM PC as standard

    3 Third-party distribution 4 Models

    o 4.1 PC

    o 4.2 XT

    o 4.3 XT/370

    o 4.4 PCjr

    o 4.5 Portable

    o 4.6 AT


    4.7 AT/370o 4.8 Convertible

    o 4.9 Next Generation IBM PS/2

    5 Technology

    o 5.1 Electronics

    o 5.2 Keyboard

    o 5.3 Character set

    o 5.4 Storage media

    5.4.1 Cassette tape 5.4.2 Floppy diskettes

    5.4.3 Fixed disks

    5.4.4 OS support

    o 5.5 Serial port addresses and

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    o 5.6 Original software

    6 Longevity

    7 Collectability

    8 See also 9 Notes

    10 References

    11 Further reading

    12 External links


    Desktop sized programmable calculators by Hewlett Packard had evolved into theHP 9830BASIC language

    computer by 1972, with IBM's releasing its ownIBM 5100 in 1975. It was a complete computer system

    programmable in BASICorAPL, with a small built-in CRT monitor, keyboard, and tape drive for data storage. It

    was also very expensive up to $20,000 USD. It was specifically designed for professional and scientific

    problem-solvers, not business users or hobbyists.[1] When the PC was introduced in 1981, it was originally

    designated as the IBM 5150, putting it in the "5100" series, though its architecture was not directly descended

    from the IBM 5100.

    The original line of PCs were part of an IBM strategy to get into the small personal computer market then

    dominated by theCommodore PET,Atari 8-bit family,Apple II, Tandy Corporation's TRS-80s, and

    variousCP/M machines.[2]

    New products at IBM typically required about four years for development. The company recognized that to

    compete with other personal computers it needed to develop its offering much more quickly.[3] Rather than

    going through the usual IBM design process, a special team was assembled with authorization to bypass

    normal company restrictions and get something to market rapidly. This project was given the code

    name Project Chess at the IBM Entry Systems Division in Boca Raton, Florida. The team consisted of twelve

    people directed byDon Estridgewith Chief Designer Lewis Eggebrecht.[4] They developed the PC in about a

    year. To achieve this they first decided to build the machine with "off-the-shelf" parts from a variety of

    different original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and countries. Previously IBM had always developed its

    own components. Secondly for scheduling and cost reasons, rather than developing unique IBM PC monitor

    and printer designs, project management decided to utilize an existing "off-the-shelf" IBM monitor developed

    earlier in IBM Japan as well as an existingEpsonprinter model. Consequently, the unique IBM PC industrial

    design elements were relegated to the system unit and keyboard.[5] They also decided on an openarchitecture,

    so that other manufacturers could produce and sell peripheral components and compatible software without,_Florida,_Florida
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    purchasing licenses. IBM also sold an IBM PC Technical Reference Manualthat included complete and fully

    accurate circuit schematics, a listing of theROMBIOSsource code, and other engineering and programming

    information.[6] IBM announced the PC on August 12, 1981. Six weeks later at COMDEX Fall, Tecmarhad 20

    PC products available for sale. These products included memory expansion, IEEE-488, data acquisition, and

    PC Expansion chassis[7][8][9][10].[11] Pricing for the IBM PC started at $1,565 for a bare-bones configuration

    without disk drives.[12]

    At the time, Don Estridge and his team considered using theIBM 801 processor (an earlyRISCCPU) and its

    operating system that had been developed at the Thomas J. Watson Research Centerin Yorktown Heights,

    New York. The 801 processor was more than an order of magnitude more powerful than theIntel 8088, and the

    operating system more advanced than the DOS 1.0 operating system from Microsoft, which was finally

    selected. Ruling out an in-house solution made the teams job much easier and may have avoided a delay in

    the schedule, but the ultimate consequences of this decision for IBM were far-reaching. IBM had recently

    developed theDatamasterbusiness microcomputer, which used an Intel processor and peripheral ICs;

    familiarity with these chips and the availability of the Intel 8088 processor was a deciding factor in the choice of

    processor for the new product. Even the 62-pin expansion bus slots were designed to be similar to the

    Datamaster slots. Delays due to in-house development of the Datamaster software also influenced the design

    team to a fast-track development process for the PC, with publicly available technical information to encourage

    third-party developers.[13]

    Other manufacturers soon reverse engineered the BIOS to produce their own non-infringing functional

    copies. Columbia Data Products introduced the first IBM-PC compatible computer in June 1982. In November

    1982,Compaq Computer Corporation announced the Compaq Portable, the first portable IBM PC compatible.

    The first models were shipped in March 1983.

    Once the IBM PCbecame a commercial success, the product came back under the more usual tight IBM

    management control.[citation needed] IBM's tradition of "rationalizing" product lines, deliberately restricting the

    performance of lower-priced models in order to prevent them from "cannibalizing" profits from higher-priced

    models, worked against them.[citation needed]

    [edit]IBM PC as standard

    Main article: Influence of the IBM PC on the personal computer market

    The success of the IBM computer led other companies to develop IBM Compatibles, which in turn led to

    branding like diskettes being advertised as "IBM format". An IBM PC clone could be built with off-the-shelf

    parts, but the BIOS required some reverse-engineering. Companies like Phoenix Software

    Associates,American Megatrends,Award, and others achieved workable versions of the BIOS, allowing,_New_York,_New_York,_New_York,_New_York,_New_York
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    companies like DELL, Compaq, and HP to manufacture PCs that worked like IBM's product. The IBM PC

    became the industry standard.

    [edit]Third-party distribution

    ComputerLand and Sears Roebuck partnered with IBM from the beginning of development. IBM's head of

    sales and marketing, H.L. ('Sparky') Sparks, relied on these retail partners for important knowledge of the

    marketplace. Computerland and Sears became the main outlets for the new product. More than 190

    Computerland stores already existed, while Sears was in the process of creating a handful of in-store computer

    centers for sale of the new product. This guaranteed IBM widespread distribution across the U.S.

    Targeting the new PC at the home market, Sears Roebuck sales failed to live up to expectations. This

    unfavorable outcome revealed that the strategy of targeting the office market was the key to higher sales.

    [edit]ModelsIBM Personal Computer

    IBM 5150 PC

    The IBM PC line


    nameModel # Introduced CPU Features

    PC 5150 August 1981 8088 Floppy diskorcassette[14] system
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    XT 5160 March 1983 8088First IBM PC to come with an internal

    hard drive as standard.

    XT/370 5160/588October


    5160 with XT/370 Option Kit and 3277

    Emulation Adapter

    3270 PC 5271October


    With 3270 terminal emulation, 20

    Function Key Keyboard

    PCjr 4860November


    Floppy-based home computer, Infrared


    Portable 5155February

    19848088 Floppy-based portable

    AT 5170 August 1984 80286

    Faster Processor, Faster System Bus

    (6 MHz, later 8 MHz, vs 4.77 MHz),

    Jumperless Configuration, Real Time


    AT/370 5170/599October


    5170 with AT/370 Option Kit and 3277

    Emulation Adapter

    3270 AT 5281 June 1985[15] 80286 With 3270 terminal emulation

    Convertible 5140 April 1986 8088 Microfloppylaptop portable

    XT 286 5162 September


    80286 Slow hard disk, but zero wait

    state memory on the motherboard. This

    6 MHz machine was actually faster than

    the 8 MHz ATs (when using planar
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    memory) because of the zero wait states

    All IBM personal computers are software backwards-compatible with each other in general, but not every

    program will work in every machine. Some programs are time sensitive to a particular speed class. Older

    programs will not take advantage of newer higher-resolution and higher-color display standards, while some

    newer programs require newer display adapters. (Note that as the display adapter was an adapter card in all of

    these IBM models, newer display hardware could easily be, and often was, retrofitted to older models.) A few

    programs, typically very early ones, are written for and require a specific version of the IBM PC BIOS ROM.

    [citation needed] Most notably,BASICA which was dependent on the BIOS ROM had a sister program called GW-

    BASICwhich supported more functions and was 100% backwards compatible and could run independent from

    the BIOS ROM.

    [edit]PCThe CGA video card, with a suitable modulator, could use an NTSC televisionset or anRGBmonitor for

    display; IBM's RGB monitor was their display model 5153. The other option that was offered by IBM was

    anMDAand theirmonochrome display model 5151. It was possible to install both an MDA and a CGA card

    and use both monitors concurrently,[16]if supported by the application program. For example,AutoCAD,Lotus

    1-2-3and others allowed use of a CGA Monitor for graphics and a separatemonochrome monitorfor text

    menus. Some model 5150 PCs with CGA monitors and a printer port also included the MDA adapter by default,

    because IBM provided the MDA port and printer port on the same adapter card; it was in fact an MDA/printer

    port combo card.

    Although cassette tape was originally envisioned by IBM as a low-budget storage alternative, the most

    commonly used medium was the floppy disk. The 5150 was available with one or two 5-1/4" floppy drives, or

    without any drives or storage medium. In the latter case IBM intended a user to connect his own cassette

    recorder via the 5150's cassette socket. The cassette tape socket was the same as the keyboard socket and

    next to it. Ahard disk could not be installed into the 5150's system unit without changine to a higher-rated

    power supply. The "IBM 5161 Expansion Chassis" came with one 10 MB hard disk and allowed the installation

    of a second hard disk. [17]The system unit had five expansion slots, and the expansion unit had eight; however,

    one of the system unit's slots and one of the expansion unit's slots had to be occupied by the Extender Cardand Receiver Card, respectively, which were needed to connect the expansion unit to the system unit and

    make the expansion unit's other slots available, for a total of 11 slots. A working configuration required that

    some of the slots be occupied by display, disk, and I/O adapters, as none of these were built in to the 5150's

    motherboard; the only motherboard external connectors were the keyboard and cassette ports. The simple PC

    speaker sound hardware was also on-board. The original PC's maximum memory using IBM parts was 256 kB,

    64 kB on the motherboard and three 64 kB expansion cards. The processor was an Intel 8088running at
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    4.77 MHz (4/3 the standard NTSC color burst frequency of 3.579545 MHz). (In early units, the Intel 8088 used

    was a 1978 version, later were 1978/81/2 versions of the Intel chip; second-sourcedAMDs were used after

    1983)[citation needed]. Some owners replaced the 8088 with an NEC V20 for a slight increase in processing speed

    and support for real mode 80286 instructions. An Intel 8087co-processorcould also be added for hardware

    floating-point arithmetic. IBM sold the first IBM PCs in configurations with 16 or 64 kB ofRAMpreinstalled using

    either nine or thirty-six 16-kbitDRAMchips. (The ninth bit was used forparitychecking of memory.) After the

    IBM XT shipped, the IBM PC motherboard was configured more like the XTs motherboard with 8 narrower

    slots[dubiousdiscuss], as well as the same RAM configuration as the IBM XT. ( 64 kB in one bank, expandable to

    256kB by populating the other 3 banks ).

    Although the TV-compatible video board, cassette port andFederal Communications Commission Class B

    certification were all aimed at making it a home computer,[18] the original PC proved too expensive for the home

    market. At introduction, a PC with 64 kB of RAM and a single 5.25-inch floppy drive and monitor sold for US

    $3,005 ($ 7,682 in today's dollars), while the cheapest configuration (1565 US$) that had no floppy drives, only

    16 kB RAM, and no monitor (again, under the expectation that users would connect their existing TV sets and

    cassette recorders) proved too unattractive and low-spec, even for its time (cf. footnotes to the above IBM PC

    range table).[19][20] While the 5150 did not become a top selling home computer, its floppy-based configuration

    became an unexpectedly large success with businesses.


    Main article: IBM Personal Computer XT

    The "IBM Personal Computer XT", IBM's model 5160, was an enhanced machine that was designed for

    diskette and hard drive storage, introduced two years after the introduction of the "IBM Personal Computer". It

    had eight expansion slots and a 10 MB hard disk (later versions 20 MB). Unlike the model 5150 PC, the model

    5160 XT no longer had a cassette jack, but still contained the Cassette Basic interpreter in ROMs. The XT

    could take 256 kB of memory on the main board (using 64 kbit DRAM); later models were expandable to

    640 kB. (The BIOS ROM and adapter ROM and RAM space, including video RAM space [since the video

    hardware was always an adapter] filled the remaining 384 kB of the one megabyte address space of the 8088

    CPU.) It was usually sold with a Monochrome Display Adapter(MDA) video card.[citation needed] The processor was

    a 4.77 MHzIntel 8088 and the expansion bus8-bit XT bus architecture(later called 8-bitIndustry Standard

    Architecture (ISA) by IBM's competitors). The XT's expansion slots were placed closer together[21]than with the

    original PC;[22]this rendered the XT's case and mainboard incompatible with the model 5150's case and

    mainboard. The slots themselves and the peripheral cards however were compatible, unless a rare card

    designed for the PC happened to use the extra width of the 5150's slots, in which case the card might require

    two slots in the XT. The XT's expansion slot mechanical design, including the slot spacing and the design of

    the case openings and expansion card retaining screws, was identical to the design that was later used in the
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    IBM PC AT and is still used as of 2011, though (since the phase-out of ISA slots) with different actual slot

    connectors andbus standards.


    The IBM Personal Computer XT/370 was an XT with three custom 8-bit cards: the processor card (370PC-P),

    contained a modifiedMotorola 68000chip, microcoded to execute System/370instructions, a second 68000 to

    handle bus arbitration and memory transfers, and a modified8087 to emulate the S/370 floating

    point instructions. The second card (370PC-M) connected to the first and contained 512 kB of memory. The

    third card (PC3277-EM), was a 3270 terminal emulator necessary to install the system software for the VM/PC

    software to run the processors. The computer booted into DOS, then ran the VM/PC Control Program.[23][24]


    Main article: IBM PCjr

    The IBM PCjr was IBM's first attempt to enter the market for relatively inexpensive educational and home-use

    personal computers. The PCjr, IBM model number 4860, retained the IBM PC's 8088 CPU and BIOS interface

    for compatibility, but its cost and differences in the PCjr's architecture, as well as other design and

    implementation decisions, eventually led the PCjr to be a commercial failure.


    Main article: IBM Portable Personal Computer

    The IBM Portable Personal Computer 5155 model 68 was an early portable computer developed by IBM after

    the success of Compaq's suitcase-size portable machine (the Compaq Portable). It was released in February,

    1984, and was eventually replaced by the IBM Convertible.

    The Portable was an XT motherboard, transplanted into a Compaq-style luggable case. The system featured

    256 kilobytes of memory (expandable to 512 kB), an added CGA card connected to an internal monochrome

    (amber) composite monitor, and one or two half-height 5.25" 360K floppy disk drives. Unlike the Compaq

    Portable, which used a dual-mode monitor and special display card, IBM used a stock CGA board and a

    composite monitor, which had lower resolution. It could however, display color if connected to an external

    monitor or television.

    [edit]ATMain article: IBM Personal Computer/AT

    The "IBM Personal Computer/AT" (model 5170), announced August 15, 1984, used anIntel 80286processor,

    originally running at 6 MHz. It had a 16-bit ISA bus and 20 MB hard drive. A faster model, running at 8 MHz and

    sporting a 30-megabyte hard disk [25] was introduced in 1986.[26]
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    The AT was designed to support multitasking; the new SysRq (System request key), little noted and often

    overlooked, is part of this design, as is the 80286 itself, the first Intel 16-bit processor with multitasking features

    (i.e. the 80286 protected mode). IBM made some attempt at marketing the AT as a multi-user machine, but it

    sold mainly as a faster PC for power users. For the most part, IBM PC/ATs were used as more powerful DOS

    (single-tasking) personal computers, in the literal sense of the PC name.

    Early PC/ATs were plagued with reliability problems, in part because of some software and hardware

    incompatibilities, but mostly related to the internal 20 MB hard disk, and High Density Floppy Disk Drive [27]

    While some people blamed IBM'shard disk controllercard and others blamed the hard disk

    manufacturerComputer Memories Inc. (CMI), the IBM controller card worked fine with other drives, including

    CMI's 33-MB model. The problems introduced doubt about the computer and, for a while, even about the 286

    architecture in general, but after IBM replaced the 20 MB CMI drives, the PC/AT proved reliable and became a

    lasting industry standard.

    IBM AT's Drive parameter table listed the CMI-33 as having 615 cylinders instead of the 640 the drive

    was designed with, as to make the size an even 30 MB. Those who re-used the drives mostly found

    that the 616th cylinder was bad due to it being used as a landing area.


    The "IBM Personal Computer AT/370 was an AT with two custom 16-bit cards, running almost the exact

    same setup as the XT/370.


    Main article: IBM PC Convertible

    The IBM PC Convertible, released April 3, 1986, was IBM's first laptop computer and was also the first IBM

    computer to utilize the 3.5" floppy disk which went on to become the standard. Like modern laptops, it

    featured power management and the ability to run from batteries. It was the follow-up to the IBM Portable

    and was model number 5140. The concept and the design of the body was made by the German industrial

    designer Richard Sapper.

    It utilized an Intel 80c88 CPU (a CMOS version of the Intel 8088) running at 4.77 MHz, 256 kB of RAM

    (expandable to 640 kB), dual 720 kB 3.5" floppy drives, and a monochrome CGA-compatible LCD screen

    at a price of $2,000. It weighed 13 pounds (5.8 kg) and featured a built-in carrying handle.

    The PC Convertible had expansion capabilities through a proprietary ISA bus-based port on the rear of the

    machine. Extension modules, including a small printer and a video output module, could be snapped into

    place. The machine could also take an internal modem, but there was no room for an internal hard disk.

    [edit]Next Generation IBM PS/2
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    TheIBM PS/2line was introduced in 1987. The Model 30 at the bottom end of the lineup was very similar

    to earlier models, it used an 8086 processor and an ISA bus. The Model 30 was not "IBM compatible" in

    that it did not have standard 5.25" drive bays, it came with a 3.5" floppy drive and optionally a 3.5" sized

    hard disk. Most models in the PS/2 line further departed from "IBM compatible" by replacing the ISA bus

    completely with Micro Channel Architecture.



    Original IBM Personal Computer motherboard, IBM 5150. It has five 8-bitIndustry

    Standard Architecture slots, and two DIN connectors for keyboard and cassette


    The main circuit board in an IBM PC is called themotherboard (IBM terminology calls it aplanar). This

    mainly carries theCPUandRAM, and it has abuswith slots for expansion cards. On the motherboard are

    also the ROM subsystem, DMA and IRQ controllers, coprocessor socket, sound (PC speaker, tone

    generation) circuitry, and keyboard interface. The original PC also adds to this the cassette interface.

    The bus used in the original PC became very popular, and it was subsequently named ISA. While it was

    popular, it was more commonly known as the PC-bus or XT-bus; the term ISA arose later when industry

    leaders chose to continue manufacturing machines based on the IBM PC AT architecture rather than

    license thePS/2 architecture and itsMCAbus from IBM. The XT-bus was then retroactively named 8-bit

    ISA orXT ISA, while the unqualified term ISA usually refers to the 16-bit AT-bus (as better defined in the

    ISA specifications.) The AT-bus is an extension of the PC-/XT-bus and is in use to this day in computers

    for industrial use, where its relatively low speed, 5 volt signals, and relatively simple, straightforward design

    (all by year 2011 standards) give it technical advantages (e.g. noise immunity for reliability).
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    Quadram Quadboard.

    A monitor and any floppy or hard disk drives are connected to the motherboard through cables connected

    to graphics adapter and disk controller cards, respectively, installed in expansion slots. Each expansion

    slot on the motherboard has a corresponding opening in the back of the computer case through which the

    card can expose connectors; a blank metal cover plate covers this case opening (to prevent dust and

    debris intrusion and control airflow) when no expansion card is installed. Memory expansion beyond the

    amount installable on the motherboard was also done with boards installed in expansion slots, and I/O

    devices such as parallel, serial, or network ports were likewise installed as individual expansion boards.

    For this reason, it was easy to fill the five expansion slots of the PC, or even the eight slots of the XT, even

    without installing any special hardware. Companies like Quadram and AST addressed this with their

    popular multi-I/O cards which combine several peripherals on one adapter card that uses only one slot;

    Quadram offered the QuadBoard and AST the SixPak.

    Intel 8086 and 8088-based PCs require expanded memory(EMS) boards to work with more than 640 kB

    of memory. (Though the 8088 can address onemegabyte of memory, the last 384 kB of that is used or

    reserved for the BIOS ROM, BASIC ROM, extension ROMs installed on adapter cards, and memory

    address space used by devices including display adapter RAM and even the 64 kB EMS page frame

    itself.) The original IBM PC AT used an Intel80286 processor which can access up to 16 MiB of memory

    (though standard DOSapplications cannot use more than one megabyte without using additional APIs.)

    Intel 80286-based computers running underOS/2 can work with the maximum memory.

    The original system chips were one Intel 8259programmable interrupt controller (PIC) (at I/O

    address 0x20), oneIntel 8237 direct memory access (DMA) controller (at I/O address 0x00),and aIntel

    8253programmable interval timer (PIT) (at I/O address 0x40). The PIT provides the 18.2 Hz clock ticks,

    dynamic memory refresh timing, and can be used for speaker output;[28]one DMA channel is used to

    perform the memory refresh. Math co-processor8087 at 0xF0. The IBM PC AT added a second, slave

    8259 PIC (at I/O address 0xA0), a second 8237 DMA controller for 16-bit DMA (at I/O address 0xC0), a

    DMA address register (implemented with a 74LS612 IC) (at I/O address 0x80),[29]and

    a Motorola MC146818 Real-time clock (RTC) withNonvolatile memory(NVRAM) used for system

    configuration (replacing the DIP switches and jumpers used for this purpose in PC and PC-XT models (at

    I/O address 0x70).[30] On expansion cards, the Intel 8255programmable peripheral interface (PPI) (at I/O
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    addresses 0x378 is used for parallel I/O controls the printer,[31] and the 8250 universal asynchronous

    receiver/transmitter (UART) (at I/O address0x3F8 or 0x3E8) controls the serial communication at the

    (pseudo-)[32] RS-232 port.


    The original keyboard for the IBM 5150

    The original 1981 IBM PC's keyboard at the time was an extremely reliable and high quality electronic

    keyboard originally developed in North Carolina for the Datamastersystem.[33] Each key was rated to be

    reliable to over 100 million keystrokes. For the IBM PC, a separate keyboard housing was designed with a

    novel usability feature that allowed users to adjust the keyboard angle for personal comfort. Compared

    with the keyboards of other small computers at the time, the IBM PC keyboard was far superior and played

    a significant role in establishing a high quality impression. For example, the industrial design of the

    keyboard, together with the system unit, was recognized with a major design award.[5]Byte magazine in

    the fall of 1981 went so far as to state that the keyboard was 50% of the reason to buy an IBM PC. The

    importance of the keyboard was definitely established when the 1983IBM PCjrflopped, in very large part

    for having a much different and mediocreChiclet keyboardthat made a poor impression on customers.

    Oddly enough, the same thing almost happened to the original IBM PC when in early 1981 management

    seriously considered substituting a cheaper and lower quality keyboard. This mistake was narrowly

    avoided on the advice of one of the original development engineers.

    However, the original 1981 IBM PC 84-keykeyboardwas criticized by typists for its non-standard

    placement of the Return and left Shift keys, and because it did not have separate cursor and numeric

    pads that were popular on the pre-PCDECVT100 series video terminals. In 1982, Key Tronicintroduced

    the now standard 101-key PC keyboard. In 1984, IBM corrected the Return and left Shift keys on its AT

    keyboard, but shortened the 'backspace' key, making it harder to reach. In 1986, IBM changed to the 101

    key enhanced keyboard, which added the separate cursor and numeric key pads, relocated all the function

    keys and the Ctrl keys, and the Esc key was also relocated to the opposite side of the keyboard.
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    Another criticism of the original keyboard was the relatively loud "clack" sound each key made when

    pressed. Since typewriter users were accustomed to keeping their eyes on the hardcopy they were typing

    from and had come to rely on the mechanical sound that was made as each character was typed onto the

    paper to ensure that they had pressed the key hard enough (and only once), the PC keyboard electronic

    "clack" feature was intended to provide that same reassurance. However, it proved to be very noisy and

    annoying, especially if many PCs were in use in the same room, and later keyboards were significantly


    The IBM PC keyboard is very robust and flexible. The low-level interface for each key is the same: each

    key sends a signal when it is pressed and another signal when it is released. An integrated microcontroller

    in the keyboard scans the keyboard and encodes a "scan code" and "release code" for each key as it is

    pressed and released separately. Any key can be used as a shift key, and a large number of keys can be

    held down simultaneously and separately sensed. The controller in the keyboard handles typematic

    operation, issuing periodic repeat scan codes for a depressed key and then a single release code when

    the key is finally released.

    An "IBM PC compatible" may have a keyboard that does not recognize every key combination a true IBM

    PC does, such as shifted cursor keys. In addition, the "compatible" vendors sometimes used proprietary

    keyboard interfaces, preventing the keyboard from being replaced.

    Although the PC/XT and AT used the same style of keyboard connector, the low-level protocol for reading

    the keyboard was different between these two series. The AT keyboard uses a bidirectional interface

    which allows the computer to send commands to the keyboard. An AT keyboard could not be used in an

    XT, nor the reverse. Third-party keyboard manufacturers provided a switch on some of their keyboards to

    select either the AT-style or XT-style protocol for the keyboard.

    See also:Keyboard layout

    [edit]Character set

    The original IBM PC used the 7-bitASCII alphabet as its basis, but extended it to 8 bits with nonstandard

    character codes. This character set was not suitable for some international applications, and soon a

    veritable cottage industry emerged providing variants of the original character set in various national

    variants. In IBM tradition, these variants were calledcode pages. These codings are now obsolete, havingbeen replaced by more systematic and standardized forms of character coding, such as ISO 8859-

    1,Windows-1251 and Unicode. The original character set is known ascode page 437.

    [edit]Storage media

    [edit]Cassette tape
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    Main article: IBM cassette tape

    As mentioned above, IBM equipped the model 5150 with a cassette port for connecting acassette drive,

    and originally intended compact cassettes to become the 5150's most common storage medium. However,

    adoption of the floppy- and monitor-less configuration was low; few (if any) IBM PCs left the factory without

    a floppy disk drive installed. Also, DOS was not available on cassette tape, only on floppy disks (hence

    "Disk Operating System"). 5150s with just external cassette recorders for storage could only use the built-

    in ROM BASIC as their operating system. As DOS saw increasing adoption, the incompatibility of DOS

    programs with PCs that used only cassettes for storage made this configuration even less attractive. The

    ROM BIOS supported cassette operations.

    Interestingly, the IBM PC cassette interfaceencodes data using a frequency modulation with a variable

    data rate. Either a one or a zero is represented by a single cycle of a square wave, but the square wave

    frequencies differ by a factor of two, with ones having the lower frequency. Therefore, the bit periods for

    zeros and ones also differ by a factor of two, with the unusual effect that a data stream with more zeros

    than ones will use less tape (and time) than an equal-length (in bits) data stream containing more ones

    than zeros, or equal numbers of each.

    [edit]Floppy diskettes

    Tandon 5.25-inch Diskette Drive with a partially inserted double-density diskette

    containing DOS 1.1.

    Most or all 5150 PCs had one or two 5.25-inchfloppy disk drives. These were eithersingle-sided double-

    density(SSDD) or double-sided double-density (DSDD) drives. The IBM PC never used single density

    floppy drives. The drives and disks were commonly referred to by capacity, such as "160KB floppy disk" or

    "360KB floppy drive". DSDD drives were backwards compatible; they could read and write SSDD floppies.

    The same type of physical diskette media could be used for both drives, but a disk formated for double-

    sided use could not be read on a single-sided drive.,_Double_Density,_Double_Density,_Double_Density,_Double_Density,_Double_Density
  • 7/31/2019 IBM Personal Computer


    The disks were Modified Frequency Modulation(MFM) coded in 512-byte sectors, and were soft-sectored.

    [34]They contained 40 tracks per side at the 48 track per inch (TPI) density,[35]and initially were formatted to

    contain eight sectors per track. This meant that SSDD disks initially had a formatted capacity of 160 kB,

    [36]operating system was later updated to allow formatting the disks with nine sectors per track. This

    yielded a formatted capacity of 180 kB with SSDD disks while DSDD disks had a capacity of 320 kB.

    [37]However, the DOS /drives,[38] and 360 kB with DSDD disks/drives.[39] Theunformattedcapacity of the

    floppy disks was advertised as "250KB" for SSDD and "500KB" for DSDD ("KB" ambiguously referring to

    either 1000 or 1024 bytes; essentially the same for rounded-off values), however these "raw" 250/500 kB

    were not the same thing as the usable formatted capacity; under DOS, the maximum capacity for SSDD

    and DSDD disks was 180 kB and 360 kB, respectively. Regardless of type, thefile systemof all floppy

    disks (under DOS) wasFAT12.

    While the SSDD drives initially were the only floppy drives available for the model 5150 PC, IBM later

    switched to DSDD drives, and the majority of 5150 PCs sold eventually shipped with one or two DSDD

    drives. The 5150's successor, the model 5160 IBM XT, never shipped with SSDD drives; it generally had

    one double-sided 360 kB drive (next to its internalhard disk). While it was technically possible

    to retrofit more advanced floppy drives such as the high-density drive (released in 1984) into the original

    IBM PC, this was not an option offered by IBM for the 5150 model, and the move to high-density 5.25-inch

    floppies in particular was notoriously fraught with disk compatibility problems.

    IBM's original floppy disk controller card also included an external 37-pin D-shell connector. This allowed

    users to connect additional external floppy drives by third party vendors. IBM themselves did not offer

    external floppy drives.[40]

    [edit]Fixed disks

    20MB Seagate ST-225 with a controller card by Western Digital

    The 5150 could not itself power hard drives without retrofitting a stronger power supply, but IBM later

    offered the 5161 Expansion Unit, which not only provided more expansion slots, but also included a 10 MB
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    (later 20 MB) hard drive powered by the 5161's own separate 130-watt power supply. The IBM 5161

    Expansion Unit was released in early 1983.

    A hard drive was a rare and expensive feature in early IBM PCs. A floppy drive was standard and given

    the name "drive A:"; a second floppy drive, if present, was designated B:. The first (boot) hard disk drive

    was given the name C:; further drives, if present, were given the letters following.

    The first IBM PC model with an internal non-removable hard disk was IBM's model 5160, the XT. As other

    IBM-compatible PCs started to appear, hard disks with larger storage capacities also became available.

    Space permitting, these could be installed into either the IBM PC's Expansion Unit, intoPSU-upgraded PCs

    or into XTs. Adding a third-party hard disk sometimes required plugging in a new controller board, because

    some of these hard drives were not compatible with the existing disk controller. Some third party hard

    disks for IBM PCs were sold as kits including a controller card and replacement power supply, and some

    were integrated with their controller into a single expansion card, commonly called a "Hard Card".

    After floppy disks became obsolete in the early 2000s, the letters A and B became unused. But for 25

    years, virtually all DOS-based PC software assumed the program installation drive was C, so the primary

    HDD continues to be "the C drive" even today. Other operating system families (e.g. Unix) are not bound

    to these designations.

    [edit]OS support

    The IBM PC's ROM BASIC and BIOS supported cassette tape storage. DOS itself did not support cassette

    tape storage. PC-DOS version 1.00 supported only 160 kB SSDD floppies, but version 1.1, which was

    released nine months after the PC's introduction, supported 160 kB SSDD and 320 kB DSDD floppies.Support for the slightly larger nine sector per track 180 kB and 360 kB formats arrived 10 months later in

    March 1983. In addition to PC-DOS, buyers could choose eitherCP/M-86 orUCSD p-System as operating

    systems, as well as some flavors of SysV Unix. Due to their higher prices, they never became very popular

    and PC-DOS (IBM-DOS) or MS-DOS came to be the dominant operating system.

    [edit]Serial port addresses and interrupts

    Theserial port is an8250or a derivative (such as the 16450 or16550), mapped to eight consecutive IO

    addresses and one interrupt request line.


    PortIRQ Base port address [Hex]

    COM1 IRQ4 3F8
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    COM2 IRQ3 2F8

    COM3 IRQ4 3E8

    COM4 IRQ3 2E8

    Only COM1: and COM2: addresses were defined by the original PC. Attempts to share IRQ 3 and IRQ4 to

    use additional ports require special measures in hardware and software, since shared IRQs were not

    defined in the original PC design. The serial ports could be used for a modem, a printer, or a mouseor

    other pointing device plugged into a serial port.

    [edit]Original softwareAll IBM PCs include a relatively small ( 8 kB ) piece of software stored in ROM 8 kB forpower-on self-

    test(POST) and basic input/output system (BIOS) functions plus 32 kB BASICin ROM (Cassette BASIC).

    The IBM PC-ROM was stored on the motherboard in five 8 kB ROM DIP chip packages installed in

    sockets. (A sixth empty socket was provided for a customer's own custom ROM, and some vendors resold

    special-purpose PC units with specialized custom ROMs.) The ROM BASIC interpreter was the default

    user interface if no DOSboot diskwas present. Microsoft's Disk Basic, BASIC.COM and Microsoft's

    Advanced BASICA.COM was distributed on System software floppy disks and needed the Cassette ROMs

    to run properly. A Compiler was available to speed up interpreted BASIC. Later when the PCjr was

    developed, another version of BASIC called Cartridge Basic, which came on an expansion cartridge was

    available, but only for that machine.


    Many IBM PCs have remained in service long after their technology became largely obsolete. In June

    2006, IBM PC and XT models were still in use at the majority of U.S. National Weather Service upper-air

    observing sites, used to process data as it is returned from the ascending radiosonde, attached to

    a weather balloon, although they have been slowly phased out. Factors that have contributed to the 5150PC's longevity are its flexible modular design, its open technical standard (making information needed to

    adapt, modify, and repair it readily available), use of few special nonstandard parts, and rugged high-

    standard IBM manufacturing, which provided for exceptional long-term reliability and durability. Many

    newer PCs, by contrast, use proprietary parts and PCs themselves become obsolete quickly. According

    to Moore's Lawthe power of a microprocessor doubles every 18 months and it becomes easier to simply

    dispose of the PC than to upgrade or repair it.'s_law's_law's_law
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    The slot specifications are still used in current PCs as well as the limitation of having 4 active partitions on

    a hard disk. Many systems still come with PS/2 style Keyboard and mouse connectors, and power supply

    connectors are based on later standards.

    [edit]CollectabilityThe IBM model 5150 Personal Computer has become a collectable among vintage computer collectors,

    due to the system being the first true PC as we know them today. Today these systems can fetch

    anywhere from $100 to $4500, depending on cosmetic and operational condition.[citation needed] The IBM model

    5150 has proven to be very reliable and most systems, despite their age of 25 years or more, still function

    as they did when new.[citation needed]
